I that I feel a subtle and steady spiritual pressure from these Tao Immortals. This is what is compelling me to share this valuable Tai Chi for Enlightenment video with you. In short, my primary motive is not to hustle a buck out of your wallet. I have enough money, and would be quite content to practice quietly by myself at home. This form is really spreading by itself, like wild flowers. Like me, everyone falls in love with the magical energies and gracious spirit embedded in the form. I urge you to pass on your copy of the video after you have learned the form. Seed some wildflowers of your own.
I have come to realize that nobody gains Enlightenment by individual effort. No man is an island. We have to help each other on this journey through life. I operate on the principle that your Enlightenment contributes to my Enlightenment, and vice versa. It has to – we all come from the same field of Being, called Original Spirit by the Taoists. Someday, I envision huge spontaneous gatherings of people doing this form as expressions of our communal spiritual solidarity.
Note about my wallet: All profits from this website goes to an IRS approved 501c3 nonprofit foundation whose mission is to further the Taoist spiritual “chi arts and sciences” that allow us to systematically cultivate Enlightenment. You can legally get a partial tax deduction for your purchase! Thanks in advance if you decide to donate more than the cost of the video – it’s 100% tax deductible.
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