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4a. Planetary Alchemy (Greatest Kan & Li): Living Astrology – Merge Sage into Inner Sun
TUITION is only $550. (before discounts)! Tax deductible 501c3DISCOUNTS listed at healingtaousa.com/healing-tao-retreats/tuition-discounts
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CONTACT Registrar to reserve your space with $150. deposit.
or call Zachary at (864) 419-4502
July 12 – 17, 2019 (Fri 7 pm – Wed noon)
Greatest Enlightenment of Kan and Li, also called Planet and Soul Alchemy.
This is One Cloud’s third Kan & Li (Water & Fire) formula. It uses planetary polarities to cultivate a more refined ling, The ling is roughly equivalent to the western notion of ‘soul’, but viewed as an evolutionary process. Your responsibility as a human being is to ‘grow’ your soul, not to ‘save’ it.
The alchemy process begins with a cosmic Fusion of the Five Elements. It horizontally integrates in the middle cauldron of the heart our personal self, the 5 vital organ body spirit-essences, with the 5 planetary forces of the Solar system Self. This is ‘living astrology’, in which cosmic forces are interiorized inside the body. The planets are evolving storehouses for the collective archetypal soul forces of humanity. We can experience them directly through planetary tones (music of the spheres), and download their vibration to more deeply divinize our own vital organ spirits.
For example: we directly experience and make friends with the planetary spirit of Saturn, ruler of the ‘Higher Earth’ element. It teaches us how to hold the core unity of living matter and balance planetary and stellar forces of manifestation. Successful practice removes all fear of death and dissolves deep karmic patterns of resistance and struggle that plague humanity.
In effect, we are completing Humanity’s collective natal chart. This process allows us to clearly receive and transmit our soul’s inner ‘solar logos’ or Way of knowing. The planets ground a deep opening of our inner heart, so we can become a vessel to receive the Spirit of the Sun. The hidden yin nature of the Sun (Yin within the Yang) and the hidden yang nature of the Spirit of Earth (Yang within the Yin) are vertically coupled internally to mature the heart of our Inner Sage.
A variety of custom qigong forms will be used to enhance our meditative process.
Enjoy a Super High Energy Healing Retreat!
Welcome to our fabulous summer retreats!
Are you ready to learn a natural path to radiant health? Want to relax in a sunny mountain setting, while you have fun learning powerful Tao subtle energy healing, movement and meditation arts?
Curious to learn the science of inner sexual alchemy, and self-generate a feeling of “whole-body bliss”? Want to feel your body move gracefully in a Tai Chi form? Seeking a career in energetic bodywork? Interested in taking charge of both your worldly and spiritual destiny?
If you answer “YES!” to any question, our summer retreats are right for you. Whether a beginner who wants guidance from top masters or a professional seeking to refine your skills and gain certification, at our summer retreats you will receive the best possible training at the lowest possible price. The Healing Tao USA retreat program was described by one student as “the most fun, the most grounded, the most effective, and the most advanced energy body work on Planet Earth”.
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