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5a. Heaven & Earth Alchemy: Marry Form and Formless, Open Central Sun Portal to Pure Love Qi
TUITION is only $550. (before discounts)! Tax deductible 501c3DISCOUNTS listed at healingtaousa.com/healing-tao-retreats/tuition-discounts
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or call Zachary at (864) 419-4502
Week 5: July 19 – 24, 2019 (Fri-Wed)
The Congress of Heaven and Earth, or simply Heaven and Earth Alchemy.
8. The Congress of Heaven and Earth, or simply Heaven and Earth Alchemy. This formula has never been taught by Mantak Chia, who never received it. I had to develop it through decades of neidangong (inner alchemy) meditation. I was aided by Tao Immortals in the process. Adepts of high integrity at this level of practice may find immortal guidance to be much more accessible.
This practice explores the origins of human love and how it serves to integrate the 3 Treasures/Originals of the Tao. We couple the Early Heaven or formless Self with the Later Heaven (Earth) physical Self. The Self here identifies itself here with two dimensions that co-exist and co-create: the ‘formless form’ of our being and the ‘substantial form’ of our becoming.
These two polar dimensions of our greater Self engage in cosmic sex. They couple in order to re-open the portal to their Original state, or ‘Pre-Self’. This pre-state or Primordial Heaven is called hundun, the primal chaos-unity or unconditional love state that preceded the ‘big bang’ of the cosmic egg cracking open.
The Three Pure Ones or Three Originals (san yuan) of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind are gathered in the three body cauldrons as Original Jing, Original Qi, and Original Shen. This three-tone harmonic chord is resonated with the fundamental or original tone of time and space. Consciousness then stabilizes in the axial center where our true multi-dimensional nature can now be embodied. A continuum between divine Pure Love, Unconditional Soul Love and the myriad forms of Personal Conditional Love is consciously crystallized and stabilized.
This practice creates a tonal double vortex spinning faster than the speed of light within the “apparent void” of space. This opens up fully the Music of the Spheres, the cosmic subtle bodies in harmonic play. Into this symphony is fused our inner sage’s immortal presence, the quintessence of humankind meditating on unconditional love in the center of a cosmic torus (spiritual black hole). We must enter this primordial sound portal to complete our journey of Return to the Origin.
Enjoy a Super High Energy Healing Retreat!
Welcome to our fabulous summer retreats!
Are you ready to learn a natural path to radiant health? Want to relax in a sunny mountain setting, while you have fun learning powerful Tao subtle energy healing, movement and meditation arts?
Curious to learn the science of inner sexual alchemy, and self-generate a feeling of “whole-body bliss”? Want to feel your body move gracefully in a Tai Chi form? Seeking a career in energetic bodywork? Interested in taking charge of both your worldly and spiritual destiny?
If you answer “YES!” to any question, our summer retreats are right for you. Whether a beginner who wants guidance from top masters or a professional seeking to refine your skills and gain certification, at our summer retreats you will receive the best possible training at the lowest possible price. The Healing Tao USA retreat program was described by one student as “the most fun, the most grounded, the most effective, and the most advanced energy body work on Planet Earth”.
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