Feb. 20, 2009
Note: 1. I’m told my last email got tagged as spam on some servers because WHITELIST: For the future, please”whitelist” ChiFlowsNaturally@HealingDao.com by adding it to your address book. You can also view all past newsletters (minus the great photos) on Tao News Archives: www.healingdao.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 2. A number of readers have asked if the nano-wheel motor investment (see Year of Yellow Empress Ox letter www.healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=89) Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Dear Lovers of Alchemical Transmutation, I sure wish I had this book when I discovered the Way of Tao inner So at the time it was extremely difficult to get a perspective That lack of information in 1980 didn’t reduce my excitement at Consider this new Internal Alchemy book a Internal alchemy (neidan gong, lit. “inner elixir skill”) has been I feel inner alchemy is undergoing a renaissance at the present time My chapter excerpt (below) describes my first encounter with a Taoist If you are considering exploring this path, or generally want Available in Livia Kohn’s Preface below is a succinct summary of the 12 book chapters. I’ve also abridged my 30 page chapter, Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West, I’ve also included a bibliography of what I consider the best books
? Order Info + Free $25. Book Offer; “Myth & Meaning In Early Taoism” now available!
Order Info + Free $25. Book Offer; “Myth & Meaning In Early Taoism” now available!
You can order this “must have” Internal Alchemy book in the “Top Taoism Books” on my website: www.healingtaousa.com/tpp/blk7.html is the product page. Internal Alchemy 256 pages. $29.95 ORDER NOW www.healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/prod_order.pl?add=BLK7 is the shopping cart itself. Consider buying at the same time any of the other titles in Top Daoist Body Cultivation I also consider a “must have” for any Tao library. Another really good book I’ve just added is N.J. Girardot’s Myth and Meaning in Early Daoism: The Theme of Chaos (Hundun). Myth and Meaning came out in 1983 but has A third title to consider is James Miller’s Way of Highest Clarity: Nature, Vision and Revelation in Medieval China. It is not yet posted to the site but I have stock. 260 pp $29.95 The Way of Highest Clarity was a Daoist religious movement that The “Esoteric Biography of Perfected Purple Yang” documents the life HOW TO GET A FREE $25 BOOK: Here’s the deal: I sell seven of Prof. Livia Kohn’s books on my website. If you order ANY one of those seven titles (excluding Internal Alchemy), I will ship you a FREE copy of Health and Long Life: The Chinese Way by Livia Kohn and Stephan Jackowicz. She overprinted, and thus I am able to make this generous offer. The titles would all make great gifts, see website: www.healingtaousa.com/toptaoismbooks.html 1. Daoist Body Cultivation 2. Daoism and Chinese Culture 3. Women In Daoism 4. Divine Traces of the Daoist Sisterhood 5. Cosmos and Community: 6. The Way of Highest Clarity – not yet on the website, must be 7. Myth and Meaning In Early Daoism – NEW, now on site. Since Jan in my fulfillment office has no way of knowing if you are Preface to Internal Alchemy Book
This book brings together the leading scholars in the field. It gives Other chapters focus on the emergence of spirit through the top of PREFACE by Livia Kohn & Robin Wang “?..The goal of internal alchemy is to identify, control, modify, and Neidan can inspire and guide theory and practice in rapidly Read entire preface (3 pages). Click on: www.healingdao.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=91
What’s Inside this book? Table of Contents
Internal Alchemy: Self, Society, and the Quest for Immortality Livia Kohn and Robin Wang, Editors TABLE of CONTENTS 1. Modes of Mutation: Restructuring the Energy Body -Livia Kohn 2. Internal Landscapes – Sara Neswald 3. Neidan History and Early Lineages – Guangbao Zhang 4. Southern School: Cultivating Mind and Inner Nature – Xichen Lu 5. Neidan Methods for Opening the Gate of Heaven – Stephen Eskildsen 6. Summoning the Thunder Generals & Internal Alchemy – Shinyi Chao 7. Numinous Father and Holy Mother: Duo-Cultivation Practice – Xun Liu 8. Female Alchemy: An Introduction – Elena Valussi 9. To Become a Female Daoist Master: Kundao in Training – Robin Wang 10. Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West – Michael Winn 11. Kundalini and the Complete Maturation of the Spiritual Body – Stuart Sovatsky 12. Western Parallels: The Esoteric Teachings of Hermeticism – Althea Northage-Orr
Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (Michael Winn chapter )
Lao Tzu, ceramic, overlooks Heavenly Mountain Retreat center. Winn collection. note: (…) denotes where original text has been cut. Original text is twice as long as this excerpt. Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (abridged chapter) by Michael Winn The Dao is very great, for it offers human beings 3,600 pathways. In 1980, I was introduced to Mantak Chia in his tiny office in New I looked at him skeptically. I was into Kundalini yoga, at the time I took the bait, and signed up for the first class ever offered to Within two years I was practicing One Cloud’s second formula, Thus began a lifelong journey in which I became an adept, teacher, One: how is Daoist internal alchemy tied to Chinese culture and
Western Growth of Alchemy
In 2008, Its biggest presence was the thousand Healing Tao instructors Mantak Oriental healing schools have proliferated. Many are aware Daoist Chinese alchemical literature is fascinating but maddeningly
The Process of Alchemical Transmutation
Daoist alchemy seeks to reconcile the Neidan seeks to achieve this return consciously, by embracing the Neidan serves to speed the completion of both personal worldly This elixir or pearl is a vessel for the highest authentic essence of In One Cloud’s Seven Alchemy formulas, the first popular neidan The inner sage may achieve different levels of immortality ? human, These levels may be understood as metaphors for the evolution of Daoist rebirth is a long, gradual process, in which the adept moves This is the full return to original being, a merger with the
Language Questions about Alchemy
One of the most bewildering aspects facing Adepts may guide qi using external body or breath movement, shape it Internal alchemy uses intermediary symbols, but they are neither The assumption of Daoists is that nature can talk back to you. When In Daoist alchemy, the silent language of qi is an embodied Daoist Culture: Is it Unique to China?
This issue of language raises the question Cultures in the East and West have different root notions of The legendary Zhang Sanfeng refused to serve the emperor and Goris contends the many eleventh-century Song dynasty Daoist The sole attempt to introduce a uniformed Heavenly Masters lineage in Other Westerners have recently taken ordination in Heavenly Masters The Great Work of all alchemy, East and West, traditionally focuses An example of this, well known in the Healing Tao community, was a Efforts to transplant the other major uniformed Daoist school, the Chen Yunxiang, a Daoist priest in Ft. Collins, Colorado, offers Chen hopes to build a Quanzhen temple in the Rocky Mountains Louis Komjathy, an American scholar of Daoism, was also initiated The lay Taoist Wang Liping (profiled in Cleary’s Opening the Dragon’s
Are Immortals Real?
Tao Immortal, silk painting. Winn collection. Beyond language issues, the question of archetypal differences in One woman reported an internal experience of a Chinese man In March 1981, a few months after meeting Mantak Strangely, I did not feel sick?only that my body was
Years later I investigated my amazing experience with the help of a At the time of my experience, I had absolutely no belief in The point of sharing this story is not to convince anyone that my It took me another twenty years of practice to realize that I had The immortal showed me that when humans merge with Dao, they are
Daoist Alchemy Moves West
The westward move of organized Daoism was Neidan is based on the early Daoist premise that emptiness is not In this sense Daoist alchemy follows the philosophical view of Laozi The Secret of the Golden Flower (Wilhelm 1962; Cleary 1992), Daoist internal alchemy thus did not arrive into a vacuum in the West. The Forge and the Crucible These Western schools, with the exception of Gurdjieff’s Sufi-like Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality (Lu 1970), a But publication of the text signaled to Mantak Chia, who arrived in The translation of texts such Cleary’s Understanding Reality (1987), The Book of Balance and Harmony (1989), and Opening the Dragon Gate (1996), as well as Kohn’s The Taoist Experience (1993), and Bertschinger’s The Secret of Everlasting Life (1994) further fueled an appetite for Western teachers of internal alchemy. Robinet’s Taoist Meditation (1993) and Taoism: Growth of a Religion Robinet, one of Europe’s great Daoist scholars, notes amongst the ?.Translations of neidan texts by Eva Wong such as Cultivating Stillness (1992) and Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality (1998) gave Westerners a good understanding of neidan principles. Her Harmonizing Yin and Yang: The Dragon-Tiger Classic
One Cloud’s Alchemy: Why It Succeeded in the West
Mantak Chia was the first Chinese teacher Chia received his system, the Seven Alchemy formulas, from One Cloud, One Cloud’s formulas resonate with writings attributed to L? Dongbin, Mantak Chia became the first Chinese teacher to overcome linguistic 1. Healing Tao identified sexual energy up front as the key Those hoping for quick sexual thrills soon learned they had years …(other 4 reasons edited out)?.. Daoism is not a missionary religion?.Many Chinese adepts seem too This custom, combined with strict secrecy, may ultimately Western Adaptation of One Cloud’s Formulas
Alchemical symbol of Water and Fire. Healing Tao USA t-shirt design. Each human has a unique nature, physically and spiritually. This Key insights from my background in Kundalini and kriya yoga, Chia originally insisted One Cloud’s higher formulas be learned Some Daoists consider a sudden empty mind to be a “yin ghost”, if What follows is a brief discussion of the major Healing Tao Foundation Practice: Inner Smile One Cloud’s internal alchemy begins and ends with a wuwei or spontaneous practice, the Inner Smile?. The Inner Smile, I believe, is an evolution of “sitting in One empties the conditional mind so it does not interfere with the Inner heart smiling is a simple and practical method of cultivating For Westerners, the Inner Smile’s heart-centeredness and Formula 1: Orbit and Fusion of 5 Elements This formula opens the Microcosmic Orbit, harmonizes the five Westerners had to make major shifts in the Fusion practices to adapt The intent was to control the bodily flow of qi to transform This became an opportunity to integrate Daoist five-organ theory and It was a shift from qigong to shengong (skill with spirit). This westernized Daoist neidan fills in the huge gaps in Jung’s It clarifies the energetic foundation of the blossoming body-centered Kan & Li Formulas 2, 3, and 4: Originally titled “Lesser, Greater, and Greatest Enlightenment of The second Lesser Formula marks the critical shift from postnatal The third Greater Formula progresses to internal coupling sun The secret in each Formula is coupling the “true yang” hidden Star Alchemy Formula 5 Originally called “Sealing of the Five Senses,” I renamed this The living qi-field’s triune nature holds the matrix of space, Formula 6 Congress of Heaven and Earth The adept internalizes the act of cosmic sexual intercourse Formula 7 Union of Man and Dao One Cloud did not claim to master it or teach this formula?.
Conclusion on Inner Alchemy
?Daoist alchemy views both personal life Rather it serves to stimulate human creativity in alchemically Bibliography – My Pick of Top Alchemy Books & Sources
Bibliography Ames, Roger, and Lau, D.C. 1998. Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source. New York: Ballantine. Bertschinger, Richard. 1994. The Secret of Everlasting Life. London: Element Books. Cleary, Thomas. 1987. Understanding Reality: A Taoist Alchemical _____. 1989. The Book of Balance and Harmony: Chung He Chi. San Francisco: North Point Press. _____. 1992. The Secret of the Golden Flower: The Classic Chi-nese Book of Life. San Francisco: Harper. _____. 1996. Opening the Dragon Gate: The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard. Tokyo: Tuttle. Despeux, Catherine. 1979. Zhao Bichen: Trait’e d’alchimie et de physiologie tao?ste. Paris: Guy Tr?daniel. Eliade, Mircea. 1962. The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Feinstein, David, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig. 2005. The Promise of Energy Psychology. New York: Penguin. Goris, Rene. 2009. How Clouds Become Dragons: A Study of China’s Cultural Sciences. Forthcoming. Hansen, Chad. 1992. A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought. New York: Oxford University Press. Hauck, Dennis W. 1999. The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy of Personal Transformation. New York: Penguin. Jarrett, Lonny. 2000. Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine. Stockbridge, Mass.: Spirit Path Press. Johnson, Jerry A. 2008. “Introduction to Daoist Mysticism: Qi.” Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness 18.1. Johnson, Mark. 2009. Life is Divine Play: My Life and Training with Enlightened Masters. Bloomington, Ind.: Universe Books. Kohn, Livia. 1987. Seven Steps to the Tao: Sima Chengzhen’s Zuowanglun. St. Augustin: Monumenta Serica Serica Mono-graph. _____. 1993. The Taoist Experience: An Anthology. Albany: State University of New York Press. Komjathy, Louis. 2003. Handbooks for Daoist Practice, Seattle: Wandering Cloud Press. _____. 2007. Cultivating Perfection: Mysticism and Self-Transformation in Quanzhen Daoism. Leiden: E. Brill. Lu, Kuan-y?. 1970. Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality. Lon-don: Rider. Moeller, Hans-Georg. 2004. Daoism Explained. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court Publishing. Mori, Yuria. 2002. “Identity and Lineage: The Taiyi jinhua zong-zhi Ni, Hua-ching. 1992. Internal Alchemy: The Natural Way to Im-mortality. Malibu: Shrine of the Eternal Breath of Tao. Phillips, Scott P. 2008. “Portrait of an American Daoist: Charles Belyea/Liu Ming.” Journal of Daoist Studies 1:161-76. Rinaldini, Michael. 2008. “How I Became a Daoist Priest.” Journal of Daoist Studies 1:181-87. Robinet, Isabelle. 1993. Taoist Meditation: the Mao-Shan Tradi-tion _____. 1997. Taoism: Growth of a Religion. Translated by Phyllis Brooks. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Schipper, Kristofer M. 1994. The Taoist Body. Translated by Karen C. Duval. Berkeley: University of California Press. Schlain, Leonard 1998. The Alphabet versus the Goddess: The Con-flict between Word and Image. New York: Penguin. Towler, Solala. 2007. The Empty Vessel: Journal of Contemporary Daoism. Eugene, Oreg.: Abode of the Eternal Tao. Wilhelm, Richard. 1962 [1929]. The Secret of the Golden Flower. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World. Winn, Michael. 2002 “The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm: Daoist and _____. 2003 “Magic Numbers, Planetary Tones and the Daoist Energy _____. 2008. “Daoist Neidan: Lineage and Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts.” Journal of Daoist Studies 1:195-99. _____. 2009a. Shape Power – Ask the Life Force to Create a Re-ality _____. 2009b. Taoist Microcosmic Orbit: Advanced Methods of Circulating the Golden Elixir. Asheville: Healing Tao Press. _____. 2010. Tao Inner Alchemy: Sexually Couple Male Water and Female _____, and Chia, Mantak 1984. Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivat-ing Male Sexual Energy. New York: Aurora Press. Wong, Eva. 1992. Cultivating Stillness: A Taoist Manual for Transforming Body and Mind. Boston: Shambhala. _____. 1997. Harmonizing Yin and Yang: the Dragon-Tiger Clas-sic. Boston: Shambhala. _____. 2000. The Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality: The Zhong-L? Tradition. Boston: Shambhala. Young, Allen. 1984. National Clearinghouse for Healing Effects of Taoist Meditation. New York: Private Publication.
Closing & Contact Info
Events to keep in mind: Sexual Vitality Qigong and Deep Healing Qigong workshops in Rio, Brazil: Feb. 27-29. hit reply. Fusion of 5 Elements 1 in Asheville, N.C.: March 28 – 29. hit reply. Inner Smile & Primordial Qigong at NYC Open Center April 3&4 call: 212-219-2527 Summer retreats are coming! Time to start planning ahead. Tina Zhang teaches Women’s Qigong, Heavenly Mountain retreat.
May your alchemical cauldron never crack, Michael Winn ox ox ox ox ox ox ox “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit www.HealingTaoUSA.com, www.HealingDao.com to Visit www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish Newsletter powered by www.ListPilot.com
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