Who is Michael Winn?

Michael Winn “embraces” the Temple of Heaven, used by the Chinese Emperor for sacred Taoist ceremonies since
the 14th century. The chi from those ceremonies is still vibrating, for those able to tune in.
Winn captures his Monkey Mind, takes it to China for further training. On his T-shirt: character for
“Tao”, the Way. Base of Mt. Qingcheng, sacred Tao mountain..
The Short Official Story
Decades teaching subtle energy methods internationally, from tantric kundalini yoga to tai chi, qigong, and inner alchemy meditation. Studied with top spiritual teachers from many different traditions.
Founder & past President, National Qigong Association (NQA). NQA is umbrella for many different qigong and tai chi schools, independent teachers, energy healers, & practitioners of Qi arts in the U.S.
Founder and Director of Healing Tao USA and and Healing Tao University summer retreat program (now in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mtns, in Asheville). The largest Tao arts program in the West..
Writer/editor of Mantak Chia’s first seven books that established his fame. Best known as co-author of the revolutionary Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, edited Healing Love: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy. Author of many other qigong articles & book chapters (see “long bio” below).
Founder of Healing Tao Instructors Association (HTIA) and its Chairman for 9 years. It set standards for certification & ethics. One of the original Senior Instructors that launched the Healing Tao, which globally has certified over 1000 instructors and brought esoteric Tao teachings to millions of people. (Abroad Healing Tao is known as Universal Healing Tao). Healing Tao USA is independently owned and operated by Winn.
Author of ten Tao home study DVD-CD courses that integrate high level medical-spiritual qigong and inner alchemy meditation. It’s a progressive training of Loving Energy Science that gives practical methods for achieving what Lao Tzu calls Return to Origin (= Source in new age speak).
On the editorial board of the Journal of Daoist Studies (JDS). Has presented papers at numerous international conferences of Daoist scholars (posted to the Articles page).
Pioneered taking Western Taoists into caves on Flower Mountain (Huashan) in China to meditate. Has led twenty China Dream Trips to develop relations between Western and Chinese Taoists in their sacred mountains and temples. These trips are the subject of fantastic book called Dream Trippers: Global Daoism and the Predicament of Modern Spirituality by David Palmer and Elijah Siegler (U. of Chicago, 2018). The best book on modern Taoism East & West.
Michael Winn
The Long Deep Personal Story
My internal rules, honored in all Live and Home study courses:
TEACH ONLY WHAT IS SIMPLE AND TRUE. In the books I wrote for Mantak Chia, some practices seem mentally complicated. I wanted to simplify them, but did not have final editorial control. Also, in the 80’s many Westerners wanted EXPLANATIONs, they were not yet in their bodies.
STAY BODY-CENTRIC. In the decades since I wrote those books, my practice and teaching has evolved towards the simple and body-centric, staying grounded. I introduced the idea of one body movement practice to match every meditative practice. My Home Study courses were retaped many times, each time refining the practices to their simplest essence.
CULTIVATE WU WEI. I rigorously avoid the excess mental complexity present in some books. I never use power point or fixed scripts when teaching, as it reduces wuwei (spontaenous self-realization).
NO SECRETS. Give students whatever they are ready to digest. The time for secrets is past. Many excellent Chinese teachers have unfortunately not yet realized this! The people I want to reach don’t have the time or inclination to play this game of follow the leader, begging for secrets drops of wisdom. I pour them on you, hoping you can absorb any part of them, and become your own leader.
NO GURU OR MASTER TRIPS. Hierarchies of Ego Authority bore me and stifle creative Qi flow. Spiritual Transmission can occur without developing co-dependent teacher/student relationships. I’m not interested in followers clinging to my shirt tail. The Life Force (holy spirit, prana, Qi, divine breath) whatevevr you name it) is the One True Teacher, I am simply a guide to help you develop a direct relationship with the Life Force. We are all brothers and sisters on the continuous two-way journey between Source and Creation.
TEACH ONLY FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Means no bullshit about level of personal attainment. I test every method thoroughly to make sure it works and is safe.
HAVE FUN!!! Playing with the Qi field is meant to be fun. While refining the elixir, laughter is the best medicine. If you don’t get the Cosmic Joke, it may get you.
PRODUCT WARNING: Consumers of live workshops and Tao Home Study Courses may become a “Chi-aholic” and may be exposed to the epidemic “Mad Dao Disease” that has widely infected many students.
For decades I’ve explored many esoteric systems (also called Mystery Schools) to find the most effective methods of improving health and refining spiritual awareness. Principle schools (besides various Taoist lineages) include: Hindu White Tantra (kundalini yoga), Kriya yoga, Dzogchen (Bon), Christian mysticism, Zen, Sufi whirling, Tibetan Buddhist vajrayana tantra, and Atlantean inner alchemy (Original, pre-Egyptian Kabballah).
I took many teachings with the Dalai Lama before he was famous, including his Kalachakra initiation, and trained with top Dzogchen masters. I worked closely with Paramhamsa Hariharananda for years to edit his Bhagavad Gita in the Light of Kriya Yoga, (My long introduction was stolen and listed as being written by his successor). I received private initiations into the seven higher kriyas. I did a book on Atlantean alchemy (illustrated by Juan Li), my interviews with an Atlantean immortal. Its working title is Shape Power: Ask the Life Force to Create a Reality You Truly Need.
It parallels my Taoist work, but I’ve delayed publication until I finish other book projects. If you can’t wait, I’ve integrated the Atlantean “fire & water” alchemy methods into my higher “water & fire” Tao alchemy retreats. They are mirror teachings.I have tested — always on myself — some 60 different qigong (chi kung) and Taoist (Daoist) meditation systems. I sought out dozens of different masters in Asia and the West, often only to get one superb movement or tiny but valuable insight.
Master T.K. Shih (Swimming Dragon) lived in my NYC apartment for two years. I edited BK Frantis’ first book, Opening the Energy Gates of the Body and studied his excellent neigong and bagua zhang form. He was exhausted by travel, about to quit teaching workshops. I taught him to organize long retreats where students came to him. He has since thrived and written many books.
I studied Southern Wu style tai chi with Grand Master Ed Yu in NY Chinatown (also Mantak Chia’s tai chi teacher), and Northern Wu Tai Chi style with David Dolbear, National Gold Medat champion. This northern wu tai chi style was infused with alchemical energetics by a Taoist master, and remains my favorite daily practice, along with Chang San Feng’s wuji gong, aka Primordial Tai Chi for Whole-Body Enlightened Self-Love that I learned from Zhu Hui. I helped bring my friend Zhongxian Wu over from China to USA. He has done great work on shamanic qigong, the I Ching and Chimese astrology.
Michael Winn on capstone Great Pyramid, sunrise Spring Equinox, part of my travels to 110 countreis.
I went to Egypt nine times, and discovered that one of my “home” spots on the planet was the capstone of the Great Pyramid. I will reveal the mystery of what happened to the missing capstone in my Shape Power book…:). I spent a night alone inside the Great Pyramid, half in the lower pit and half in the King’s chamber. I sold the story to three different magazines, but in the end none published it. They were spooked by the Great Pyramid curses!
I spent spent nine years training in the Western internal alchemy methods taught by an Atlantean scientist-priest named Yokar, who claimed to have lived on earth for 2300 years. I took a powerful series of initiations in the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Pan’s cave in Delphi (Greece), and a pyramid-of-ice island in Finland north of the Arctic Circle (closest land to North Pole), assisted by Saami shamans. (Read an account in Michel E. Morgan’s The Emerald Covenant).
All these schools shaped my spiritual development and are integrated into my broad framework of a Loving Energy Science. But I always return to my roots in the Tao because of its natural simplicity and practicality. So I use One Cloud’s Seven Alchemical Formulas for Immortality as the core structure into which I integrate methods and refinements from other traditions.
[br][br]My mission this lifetime is to integrate Taoist internal alchemy (neidangong), qigong, shengong, shamanism,
depth psychology, and Western alchemical paths. I’ve fused their essence and methods so their transformational
power become accessible to all who are ready to travel on the highest and quickest path of energetic healing.
This is the Way of cultivating both the personal and holy body of Nature, the Divine Feminine, whose cycle is
currently ascendant on planet Earth. It is equally accessible to both men and women.
I traveled to China many times, to be in the presence of its holy mountains and sacred places, and to study medical qigong in top Beijing hospitals with the World Academic Medical Qigong Society. Each year I invite top masters to teach at Healing Tao University, now in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, partly in order
to trade secrets with them. I’ve been on the organizing committee for the National Qigong Annual Conference since its inception in 1997, giving me exposure to the top qigong teachers in the U.S. and a chance to absorb their favorite methods.
Cultivating one’s chi (qi) is a life long process. But there is no need for everyone to repeat my long journey. Better to start off equipped with the valuable tools offered in my courses, distilled from decades of testing. I only teach what I myself practice. I hope you will use those tools to go to a new, higher, and unknown level that is perfect for you alone.
Winn’s current and forthcoming books-in-progress:
Way of the Inner Smile: Tao Path to Inner Peace (ebook available on home page for download)
Five Animals Play (available)
Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy:
Way of Whole-Body Enlightened Self-Love
(may become 7 Bamboo Scrolls. READ the 45 page Introduction)
Shape Power – Ask the Life Force to Create a Reality You Truly Need: A Short History of Atlantis’ Spiritual Technology