LOVE DRAGONS. My six year old son says “I love Love!”. He tells me there is a Love Dragon hidden inside Everything and Everyone, even inside “bad people”. No surprise here. He was consciously conceived with our intent to call in a soul able to remember the Pure Love radiating from Origin. Many humans forget their Origin, making it easy to drown in struggle and suffering.
My son tells me “even the Virus has love hidden inside it, we just can’t see it”. Simple universal truth from the mouth of a child….but can we adults dissolve our FEAR to really embrace the truth of LOVE at work within NATURE?
You might find my old essay useful: How Qigong Strengthens Love.
I pose SEVEN QUESTIONS on why a coherent and loving Personal Energy Body is our best protection from-taking on false FEAR beliefs about COVID-19. I share my Taoist view why LOVE Qi” is the foundation of a long healthy life. Here a couple of good quotes to help keep perspective on love
“Only LOVE is going to heal this Covid mess. Not repressing or expelling urges born from our wounded, fragmented, spiritually malnourished, poorly educated selves.
This disease (lack of love) suffered by our human collective is worse than the current virus. It has a much higher murder rate due to our lack of love for planet, nature and animals, children and people in general.
That is not news to any of us and THAT should have been what shut us down and made us stop and rethink our paradigm/narrative – looooong ago. But it didn’t. So here we are. We can make this work in our favor if we don’t go back to the old (ab)normal.”
– Catherine Zola Allen
“The universal field is the force, rather than germs or genes, that finally determines whether we are healthy or ill. It must be tapped in order to heal. We are attached and engaged, indivisible from our world, and our only fundamental truth is our relationship with it. As Einstein once succinctly put it, “The field is the only reality”. — Lynn Taggart, The Field, 2001
(“Field Theory as cause of Disease is a key topic below. Quantum cosmology does not support “Germ Theory”)
This is an uplifting view of love during a pandemic.
Death is Revelation of Love amidst Pandemic 10 min.
Dr. Zachary Bush – MD
SEVEN QUESTIONS I raise, answered below:
1. Is a tiny virus the actual CAUSE of illness and death? or is FEAR weakening our immune system and the true underlying cause of illness?
2. Are humans “victims” of Nature, or “co-creators ” with Nature and its virome?
3. Do people UN-consciously CHOOSE to die, or are they killed by germs or viruses against their will?
4. Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory vs. Taoist Qi Field Theory: what’s the difference?
5. Is this pandemic the trigger for a global AWAKENING & REBIRTH? Is true “herd immunity” achieved only by an energetic “herd love-in”?
6. Why Coherent Energy (Qi Field) = our experience of LOVE?
7. HOW Inner alchemy + Qigong have 100% erased my fear of death. I haven’t wasted one second worrying about COVID-19. Why I dropped so-called “health insurance” 40 years ago – and enjoy radiant good health at age 68. Why does my son get the flu every season, and I don’t?
Michael Winn Summer 2020
“Loving Energy Science”
Everyone can own the Power of the Tao (“natural Way”) with the ancient and practical Taoist “Loving Energy Science”. It combines Qigong movement with inner alchemy Meditation.
Live Tao Retreats
Are the LIVE retreats in my home in Asheville NC SAFE?
Don’t let FEAR of viruses stop you from learning to manage your personal virome, or from pursuing radiant health and spiritual evolution. There are 70 confirmed Covid cases in Asheville N.C. – only 3 people out of every million test positive. You probably couldn’t “catch covid” if you tried.
Use standard caution traveling. If you are not at special health risk, relaxed social interaction may be the best way to serve society by building HERD IMMUNITY.
The high-frequency Qi — 24 years of Qi Cultivation in my home — will support adepts to repel or absorb any viruses that are not in harmony with their highest destiny. It is probably the safest place you can be on the planet.
If you don’t BELIEVE my retreats are safe, please do NOT come. Instead, BUY my low-cost home study course and train at home. Eventually you gain the energetic skill and confidence to emerge from Lock Down.
Or call (864) 419-4502 – Zachary Fant, Retreat Registrar
• All deposits 100% refundable If COVID govt. restrictions force cancellation.
The Cauldron” – retreat space in my living room
• in Asheville, N.C. at Michael Winn’s home.
• Small, intimate, friendly, FUN, healthy groups.
Starts Fri. June 19
It’s Time to Get Back in the FLOW of LIFE (Qi)
An unsolicited testimonial from an acupuncturist who took a 2019 retreat:
Dear Michael,
No words can describe how much my life has improved since I met you – first by audio/video, and then personally at summer retreat at your home last summer. What I love the most is that my life feels smooth and well coordinated with people, events, weather, or anything else.
I have never been happier in my daily life than I am now. I feel I am in control of my health, business and relationships..
THANK YOU for what you are doing for me and so many others. I want to express my gratitude and affirm your noble work – no need to reply. I hope to see you again this summer. Sincerely, Anthony P.
BOOK NOW — save your spot with $150. deposit:
small intimate groups in my home.
Week 1: June 19 – 24, 2020 (Fri-Wed)
1a. Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1- 4
— Sunday June 21 Summer Solstice NOON ceremony (open to public).
— Wudang Orbit, Inner Smile, Healing Sounds, 5 Animals, internal Qi Breathing, rooting, bone beating, heal ancestors, deep grounding. Instructor Certification course.
Week 2: June 26 – July 1, 2020 (Fri-Wed)
2a. Healing Love: Taoist Sexual Secrets
Michael Winn & Jem Minor, L.Ac, MAOM
— Capture & circulate sexual energy for vibrant health, creativity, & a multi-orgasmic life. Break-out sessions for men and women.
Week 3: July 3 – 8, 2020 (Fri-Wed)
3a. Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li):
— Learn to have inner “soul sex”, to heal Male-Female soul split
Week 4: July 10- 15, 2020 (Fri-Wed)
4a. Sun-Moon-Earth Alchemy (Greater Kan & Li):
— Heal Ancestral Bloodline trapped in low astral, merge with Mother Earth’s Energy Body.
Zachary Fant, Retreat Registrar
(864) 419-4502 OR
Weekly Tuition only $550. – an incredible value!
Discounts for multiple retreats, Jr/Sr., foreigner, instructor
Book your own housing (Air B&B) & meals. Geo-locate: 19 Merrills Ridge Rd, Asheville NC 28803. Earlier you book, lower the price.
Plan to arrive Friday afternoon in Asheville, Retreat starts 7 pm Friday . Ends Wed. noon
Fly into Asheville (AVL), Chaarlotte (CLT), or Greenville (GSP).
Dear Lovers of Truth & Natural Health,
Let’s review the age-old dance between LOVE and FEAR as it is being played out today.
Imagine this ICEBERG is your UN-conscious
Fear – frozen water element in Chinese medicine and my “Taoist Depth Psychology”.
Think of your unconscious as a frozen iceberg, with 90% of its volume hidden in the cold dark deeps.
Humans have so much fear it prevents us from occupying 99% of our body. Earth is governed by Fear – note the crown (North Pole) and root-perineum (South Pole) are covered with ICE.
We fear COVID 19 because its modus operandi appears HIDDEN to us. There are CURRENTLY worse pandemics of infectious disease on the planet TB and PNEUMONIA kill 3-5 MILLION people every year, and are transmitted the same way as corona viruses. But they didn’t cause a global lockdown, even though TEN TIMES MORE DEADLY.
Why don’t we have mass media covering the death of every TB case, and demand everyone wear masks to prevent the spread of pneumonia?
Thse “Why?” questions are too big to answer here, saving for next newsletter.
The point is Fear is Irrational. it’s really FEAR of the UNKNOWN, the irrationality of Nature, fear of vampire bat virus sucking our life force. It’s not a “rational” survival fear of death driving this pandemic.
Weak physical immune system is actually a spiritual crisis of Humankind not accepting and loving their bodies.
1. Is a tiny virus the actual CAUSE of illness and death? or is FEAR weakening our immune system and the true underlying cause of illness?
A: There are plenty of science studies to show that long term stress and anxiety are primary factors in a variety of chronic illness. Cortisol and other stress hormones weaken the immune system. The cost of long term lockdown, social distancing,and mask-wearing (which offends Western individualistic values) may take decades to calculate.
When your FEAR something, your fear acts as a MAGNET and attracts whatever you fear. This is in fact evolutionary, it forces you to deal with your fears so you can overcome them by LOVING THEM. This returns us to a NORMAL STATE OF LOVE and HARMONY.
From Taoist view, fear is a CONTRACTION of one’s pesonal Energy Body, meaning it chokes the flow of Qi in the meridians. This starves the organs of Qi and brings out underlying weaknesses. I believe the main reason Qigong is so effective against a wide range of chronic illness is because the slow circular movements pump the lymphatic system, which is the linch pin of our immune system. Lymph needs movement to pump and recycle the dead bacteria and viruses out of the body and into the heart, where they are “burned up”. and eventually excreted.
That one tiny virus can overthrow the entire human virome with 360 TRILLION viruses and 240 TRILLION bacteria and 80 TRILLION human cells seems highly improbable. It’s like believing that a single bird can land on the iceberg (picture above) and cause it to split in two and sink.
More likely is the possibility that a virus can act as a trigger for a cascade of pre-exisitng “cracks” or “fissures” in a human immune system that then uses the viral opportunity to re-balance the chronic underlying tension in an already diseased body. If that leads to death of an organism, Nature accepts that impartially.
In short, don’t give the tiny COVID 19 virus more power than your personal virome and biome.
Don’t take my word for it: It’s also the view of Dr. Shiva, running for US Senate against Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. He has four degrees from MIT, including a PhD in Biological Engineering.
Dr. Shiva says “natural herd immunity” is the best solution, not vaccines, which are always too little and too late. He’s also opposed to the “medical fascism” of forcing people to take vaccines to feed greedy Big Pharma when natural immunity is cheaper, faster, and far superior.
2. Are humans “victims” of Nature, or “co-creators ” with Nature and its virome?
A: Since humans generate five times as many viruses (360 Trillion+) as they have human cells, it’s clear we are in a deep symbiotic relationship. Viruses cannot live without support from creatures. Scientists researching the history of viruses on planet earth concluded viral pandemics are responsible for at least 30% of the major evolutionary leaps by humans. Hopefully, we are in the midst of such a leap.
Viruses are impersonal fragments of Nature that impartially serve our evolution. Viruses are our friends, as is ALL of Nature – they are part of our Greater Body of Oneness. Studies by scientists show that viruses are far more influential in shaping the human genome than weather, diet, predators, other external factors.
My Taoist view is that we are 100% embedded in Nature, and Nature is 100% embedded in us (micro– macro-cosmic theory). The best we can do is harmonize the Qi flow between our body and the body of Nature.
Political rhetoric on running a WAR against the COVID-19 virus is pure folly. It is doomed to failure, as you cannot win a war against against an essential aspect of Mother Nature without badly wounding or even killing off its child Humankind, totally dependent on its mother. Humans are not qualified to “re-tool” Nature’s inner workings. It’s adapt or die.
Loving our Mother Earth is a good idea environmentally, and loving our own body is equally essential if we want to live in harmony with the viral kingdom. The “WAR” model is outdated Darwinian thinking that we can over power viruses with a war chest of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. The viruses are smarter than us, quicker to change strategy than we can imagine. They will win in the end, until we love them as part of our life and adapt our immune system naturally to them.
We are better off mobilizing our national resources to run a LOVE CRUSADE to help the elderly and vulnerable portion of our population. We can improve body health, exercise, diet, reduce or get rid of processed food and factory farming and environmental toxins that overwhelm our immune system. This virus is doing us a service by showing us our weaknesses.
When someone dies from COVID-19, they are SERVING the organic life-and-death cycle. They are reminding the “living” (on this side of the veil) to get our act together, that time is limited before we too will die. The larger cosmic cycle of Change wait for no one. Change NOW voluntarily, or get kicked in the butt later with forced Change.
See my newsletter on why Taoist cosmology is NOT Darwinian – this virus is not a struggle for the “fittest virus” or the “fittest human”.
3. Do people UN-consciously CHOOSE to die, or are they killed by germs or viruses against their will?
A: My spiritual view is that everyone chooses their death. The personality (head-centric) is often the last part of us to get the news, because it’s been avoiding listening to the body for a whole lifetime. At the moment of death, all denial is dissolved and fed to the worms or burned up by cremation.
Death is liberation, There’s no need to cry for those who died. The sadness is really about the loneliness of the living. I have lived the death of both parents, a spouse of 25 years, and one of my best friends. I found death to be a great teacher – main lesson is stay detached and love the whole process. Some day it will be our turn to Return to Origin. Tao Inner Alchemists return while still alive, so there is no surprise.
4. Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory vs. Taoist Qi Field Theory: what’s the difference?
A. Germ Theory dates back to 1822. It’s old science, like Newtonian physics, a mechanistic explanation of causality. But it fits in well with the neo-Darwinian model of struggle and domination, political ideas about Might makes Right, so many modern people still believe it. I call Germ Theory a “half-truth”.
The other half of the truth of Germ Theory is Terrain Theory. It holds that germs can only trigger disease if the physical terrain (body tissue, blood, etc.) is already weak or diseased. This view is supported by COVID-19 death statistics, with mostly the elderly and those with underlying illness getting seriously ill.
Taoist Qi Field Theory incorporates and integrates Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. Qi theory is multi-dimensional, so it has a meta-physic that super-cedes the other theories of physical causality of disease.
Qi Field Theory bridges materialist science and deity religion with an energetic science. Causality is distributed smoothly along a continuum of consciousness (a trinity called Jing-Qi-Shen, or Substance – Suble Breath – Spirit) that drives Creation as process. Disease is the result of false Yin (stagnation) or false Yang Qi (inflammation).
TCM is one application of this theory, and was successfully used in China to treat COVID-19 patients by removing the energetic level of inflammation (not attacking any “germ/virus”). After removing the excess heat and draining fluid with herbs and acupuncture, patients were given Qigong forms to re-build their health – also a purely “energetic” medical intervention.
Even mainstream doctors are waking up to the potential of “energy medicine” as the medicine of the future. But in the frenzy of fear and mass media hysteria suupported by Big Pharma-Big Govt-Bill Gates-Big Tech, all discussion of anything other than a vaccine has been suppressed.
The FDA, ie. Big Pharma in Big Govt uniform, has sent out 150 letters to doctors and naturopaths warning them NOT to advertise any use of Vitamins or alternative treatments of COVID-19. The FBI raided a doctor’s clinic in Detroit for using intravenous Vitamin C to treat front line COVID workers. WHO asked FB to ake down the page of a MD who was quoting studies in China of Vit. C being used successfully.
A wave of MEDICAL FASCISM is building. FEAR is being used to suppress any medical treatment outside of Germ Theory, because that is the one most profitable to Big Pharma. Bill Gates is openly pushing for an Orwellian digital dictatorship with forced tracking of every citizen, mandatory vaccines and loss of civil rights by refusniks.
5. Is this pandemic the trigger for a global AWAKENING & REBIRTH? Is true “herd immunity” achieved only by an energetic “herd love-in”?
AI personally have had amazing spiritual breakthroughs during the lock down period. I believe Nature is challenging us to choose FEAR or LOVE. Politicians and mass media have been dishing up Fear Porn at high volume, so many are feeling trapped within that.
This same battle is happening in higher dimensions (the War in Heaven) between light and dark forces. As Above, so Below. I believe the Planetary Being (Chinese Pangu or Western Gaia or Sophia) is undergoing a 26,000 year cycle of rebirth that has resulted in the creation of an higher (faster) vibrating copy of Earth called v.4.0 by some visionaries.
It is very confusing because BOTH versions of Earth are present at the same time in the same space. This is done to allow all Beings the freedom to choose which reality they will continue evolving in. Essentially this is a choice between a dense Earth driven by FEAR and a lighter astral Earth shaped by LOVE. Eventually the two Earths will separate and have different destinies.
There is no judgement on anyone’s choice. This is simply how a free-will cosmos evolves, allowing Beings to experience the consequenees of its choices. I believe COVID-19 pandemic is being used to accelerate this re-birthing process.
6. Why Coherent Energy (Qi Field) = our experience of LOVE?
Coherence just means that our personal Energy Body Yin-Yang Qi pattern are able to harmonize a wide range of frequencies (thoughts, feelings, perceptions, ancestral & karmic patterns) within our micro-cosmic reality. This brings us into deeper harmonic resonance (gan ying) with the large field of Nature and its wide range of macro=cosmic realities.
Micro-cosmos and Macro-cosmos are both processes generated from a Proto-cosmos, what Taoists call The Great Oneness (taiyi). This is a realm of pure Yuan Qi (Original Breath). Our soul individuates from this Oneness Field in order to enter the Yin-Yang process of creation/Nature. So everyone has a memory of it, best described in human terms as Pure Love (religious term is divine love).
It is a lack of coherence in our personal Energy Body that allows the shadow part of our Self to accept malicious viruses into our physical cells and to reproduce them, with a range of symptoms (mild flu to death) resulting. Nothing can happen on the chemical – biological – DNA level without it existing first on the deeper energetic level. This is all clearly mapped out in Taoist cosmology and inner alchemy methods, designed to heal from within the split personality patterns that result in disease and social disharmony.
7. HOW Inner alchemy + Qigong have 100% erased my fear of death. I haven’t wasted one second worrying about COVID-19. Why I dropped so-called “health insurance” 40 years ago – and enjoy radiant good health at age 68. Why does my son get the flu every season, and I don’t?
The root of good health is TRUST. Do you trust your body? I had a kundalini awakening 40 years ago, and discovered I was not just a physical body, but a series of subtle bodies. I decided to TRUST all my BODIES and trust my spiritual practice focused on EMBODIMENT rather than transcendence.
This evolved from kundalini yoga in the late 1970’s to Taoist alchemy and qigong. I was a free-lance journalist and photographer, travelling nine months of the year in Third World counties with little or no medical care. This forced me to seek a “portable self-care” system for my health.
My father was a heart surgeon who went to Harvard Med School. He had seven children, but wouldn’t give us an aspirin. “Go to bed and rest, you will feel better. He did give us vaccines. My grandfather was a chest doctor who was a Brigadier General in the US Army. The largest army hospital on the east coast is named after him, Winn Army General Hospital in Savannah Georgia. I worked in a hospital as a teen. I am not opposed to allopathic medicine, it is fantastic for certain conditions. But as I advanced in my skill level, the self-practice of Energy Medicine became my “health insurance”, based on TRUST in the integrity of all my bodies.
This is why I am not worried about COVID-19, even though I am supposed to be (at age 68) in the “vulnernable” population. I KNOW my cells will not choose to replicate the COVID-19 virus (which my guidance tells is a nasty human engineered virus).
The reason I don’t get the flu from my 6 year old son is because I have built up a deep reservoir of Yuan Qi (Original Breath, neutral force) in my bodies from the practice of inner alchemy. This functions as an “energetic stem cell reservoir” that quickly adapts my physical body to any condition. I thus have a very effective multi-dimensional immune system. My child has many un-programmed “naive” T-cells and has yet to build up a library of natural immune responses by getting sick.
As mentioned above, the human body has 360 TRILLION VIRUSES and 200+ TRILLION BACTERIA that it sustains in each moment to manage our unique immune system. Trust them, love them, empower them energetically – and you will BE SAFE with Tao-gifted natural immunity.
Please don’t cower in mass media-induced fear. Don’t wait for an untested new flu vaccine to save you next year – likely less effective and inferior to NATURAL IMMUNITY. Qi flow directly enlivens and empowers your immune system!
Age-old Taoist wisdom is being adopted by cutting edge modern medicine. The hot new concept in biology is the “information field”. This posits that very thing in life is ultimately energy and information. This is really just a re-discovery of Taoist Qi Field Theory. A human body is constituted by and survives solely as an energy field. As Nobel Laureate Carlo Rubbia stated, ‘matter is less than a billionth part of the manifest cosmos. The rest is pure energy phenomena of interaction, information fields and resonance.’
For an objective overview of vaccines, vitamins, and natural vs. induced immunity, read this science reporter survey of research on corona viruses.
Loving your Inner and Outer Health,
Michael Winn
“The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away.
Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.”
— Taoist Sage, 200 B.C

Michael Winn has 40 years international teaching experience in Tao medical, martial, & spiritual arts. He was a founder and two-term President, National Qigong Association; is founder of Healing Tao University, the largest Tao arts summer program in the West, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. He is president of the non-profit Dao Alchemy Research Institute, was founder and 9 years Chairman of the Healing Tao Instructor’s Association, and co-founder of the Council of 9 of the Universal Healing Tao (abroad).
He has taught internationally on five continents and was invited to teach at Omega’s Super Qi Summits. He regularly speaks at international conferences of Taoist/Daoist scholars and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Daoist Studies.
Winn has authored ten Tao home study video-audio courses, written dozens of articles, book chapters, and presented papers at numerous international Daoist/Taoist scholar conferences. He is co-author or the actual writer of Mantak Chia first 7 books, including the classic Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy. His ebooks include Way of the Inner Smile, Five Animals Qigong, and Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Self-Love (forthcoming in 5-volume ebook “Bamboo Scrolls”.
Winn lives in a simple log home in the mountains near Asheville, N.C. His 6-year son gives him daily lessons in wu wei (Tao of spontaneous action).
Winn has a private qigong & shengong therapy practice (live session or phone).
Get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the Inner Smile, with 25 fabulous photos of the world’s most spiritual smiles:
Previous newsletters on COVID-19:
February 1.
Tao of Corona-Virus in a Golden Rat Year. Viruses are highly intelligent expression of Nature – land evolve faster than humans. Step back from a global pandemic of FEAR and assess what is truly being evoked: an evolutionary shift, a cleansing that clears the path for a new zodiac cycle. CHANGE begins with your Personal Energy Body.
March 2.
Deep Tao cosmology frees us from struggle against nature/viruses, accept the larger meta-picture.
April 3.
Invaluable information on natural prevention and treatment of COVID-19