Fri. Sept. 6 – Sun. 22, 2024
Cultivate “Qi of Tao Immortals”
17-Day Spiritual Adventure-of-a-Lifetime!
led by Michael Winn
22 Trips to China. visited 100+ countries.
Led 45+ Sacred & Adventure Travel Tours
• Cultivate “Qi of the Immortals” on TWO of China’s most sacred Taoist mountains.
• Practice Primordial Tai Chi & shamanic Big Dipper 7-Star-Step Qigong in NINE of China’s most powerful Taoist temples.
• Receive Lao Tzu’s immortal Tao Te Ching Transmission at Hangu Pass (500 b.c.). His Qi, and loving guidance on Return to Origin, still radiates into our Present Moment. I feel it’s the highest spiritual frequency Human Qi in all China!
• Trip climax: Sept. 21 Fall Equinox White Dragon of the West Qigong Ceremony in the inner courtyard of City God Taoist Temple. We will “harvest” and concentrate Qi gathered over the entire trip. We will empower our soul’s Highest Worldly Destiny (ming).
• My Promise: it will be the most amazing trip of your life! Each trip is a unique & wonderful dream. Some folks have taken 4 Dream Trips!
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the places and moments that take our breath away.” — an Enlightened Traveler
Note: The next Dream Trip will be in 2-3 years. Plan your “spiritual adventures” accordingly.
I’m exploring the idea of a Pan-Asia Taoist Tour to Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam with add-on to Mt. Changbai, root Healing Tao sacred mountain, a volcano-lake half in North Korea. These countries all have vibrant Taoist communities and unique natural beauty.
Table of Contents – 2024 Trip
A. How are “Dream Trips” Different?
B. Top 7 Trip Highlights 2024
Flower Mountain – Mt. Hua – 2 Videos
Mt. Azure Truth – Mt. Qing cheng.
Feel Lao Tzu’s Tao Transmission – Hangu Pass.
Legend of YanXi, Guardian of the Pass
Primordial Tai Chi atop the Great Wall of China!
“Hug a Panda” – Panda Research Center
Terra Cotta Warriors – 206 B.C.
Qigong in NINE powerful Taoist Temples
C. NINE Top Taoist Temples
1. Temple Culture in China
2. How to Capture Qi Hidden in Tao Temples
3. Wandering Taoist: One Cloud
Top 9 Taoist Temples on 2024 Trip
Temple of Heaven, Beijing.
White Cloud Temple – Beijing
Green Goat Temple – Chengdu
Celestial Cave Temple – Mt. Qing
City God Temple, Xian
Eight Immortals Temple – Xian
Jade Spring Temple – base Mt. Hua
Temple of 9 Goddesses – Qinkeping, Mt. Hua,
Secret Immortals Pavilion – top peak of Mt. Hua
D. China Dream Trip Team
1. Michael Winn, Trip Leader
2. Christopher Kazepis, Assistant Trip Leader.
3. Diana Li, Chengdu-Xian Guide
4. Lily Li – Beijing Guide
5, Virginia Chan, Trip Travel Agent (Los Angeles)
6. Trip Co-Star & Co-Dreamers (You + Friends)
E. Praise for Dream Trips (Sample)
F. Trip Mission
1. Our Spiritual Mission
2. The Premier Taoist Travel Trip
3. China Made Easy and FUN
4. Why Primordial Tai Chi in China is More Powerful!
5. Links to Primordial Tai Chi articles & videos
6. Shamanic Big Dipper Star Stepping – 2500 years old!
7. Required Reading: “DREAM TRIPPERS” Book
8. Great Photos (previous Dream Trips)
G. Daily Schedule + Plan YOUR Flights
H. Dream Trip Cost & Registration
1. LAND Cost from Los Angeles
2. LAND discounts
3. Single Room Supplement
4. AIR Cost from Los Angeles
5. TOTAL Ex-Los Angeles LAND + AIR
6. Save on Connecting Flights To LAX
7. Cost from BEIJING
8. Reserve Your Spot: $600. Deposit
9. Pay LAX Air by June 1 to Lock-in Discount
10. Five Ways to Signup & Pay Deposit
11. Extended Payment Plans
12. NOT Included in Land Cost
13. Tipping Pool
14. Balance Due Dates
June 1 & July 1, 2024
15. Trip is Tax Deductible 501c3
16. Cancellation Policy
17. Low-Cost Travel Insurance – Please Buy!
18. Money Back Guarantee
I. Cave Life on Mt. Hua: Is it for me?
• How I First Fell in Love with Hua Shan
J. More TESTIMONIALS from Dream Trippers
Question: How did the China Trip change your life?
END Table of Contents
A. How are “Dream Trips” Different?
Dream Tripper in deep meditative trance at Lao Tzu’s Ascension site.
China Dream Trip is for folks who believe life is a spiritual adventure.
• This trip will super-charge the Path of sincere Cultivators of the Way.
• It’s for souls who hunger for the riches of ancient wisdom, who love off-the-beaten path beauty in faraway lands.
• It’s not an ordinary tourist or educational tour. It requires the discipline of a simple daily group Qigong practice. When a powerful group focuses powerful Qi in a powerful place, magic happens.
• It attracts souls who love a dynamic spiritual process, inside and out, at the same time.
• NO PRIOR Qigong or Tai Chi experience required. Trip suitable for anyone with an Open Heart and two Walking Legs.
• Everyone will receive high level Qi training in China. You’ll absorb what YOU are ready for.
It’s easy to make friends in China – the people are very warm-hearted.
• The hallmark of Dream Trips is they compress 6 weeks of painfully slow ordinary tourist travel in China into 2.5 action-packed weeks focused on Tao power spots. Everything is planned down to the minute, and executed by a skilled team after nine months of planning and work.
• This Journey to the Middle Kingdom is designed to be a life-changing experience. Group support is part of that richness. Want to have “serious spiritual fun” with a fabulous group of souls?
If you seek a lightening bolt of fresh energy to unfold your highest destiny in this Year of the Dragon, this is the trip for you.
B. Top 7 Trip Highlights 2024
1. Mt. Hua, Flower Mountain. Sacred Peak of the West.
Flower Mountain is China’s “Taoist Yosimite” with temples perched on the edge of dramatic cliffs. Its South Peak summit is 7,087 feet, the highest peak of all China’s Five Sacred Tao Mountains.
We spend 4 days living in its incredible, immortal, True Yang Qi Field.
Most tourists run up and down Mt. Hua in one day using cable cars. Staying in a temple, monastery and/or a cave on Huashan for four days has been hugely popular and led to many powerful spiritual experiences. Some felt contact with the Tao immortals and dragon spirits who still like to visit here as their “earthly home”.
The fabulous temple-caves where we co-dream with immortal beings are not open to the general public or tourists. For those who don’t want to “rough it” fasting in a cave, you can sleep and eat in a comfortable monastery and meditate during the day in a very special Kwan Yin Temple-Cave that is open to just to our group.
Mt. Hua’s famous “boardwalk” is not for the faint of heart. Crossing its sheer 3000 ft. cliff below your feet is totally optional!
photo: Assistant Trip Leader Christopher Kazepis teaches “Explore Empty Space” Dare Devil Qigong on the boardwalk to some adrenaline-junkie Dream Trippers. There is a sheer 3000 ft. drop off below.
The boardwalk leads to an adepts cave and a tree growing out sideways from the cliff. I (Michael Winn) walked out 20 feet on its horizontal trunk to meditate over empty space below.
I have a deep 25-year relationship with Mt. Hua. The mountain itself is an Awakened Being. I spent a week in a cave with no food or water, yet was so filled with Qi I never felt hungry or thirsty.
In 1998 I pioneered Western Taoists staying in its caves. In 2012 I got married on its summit, a few feet from a sheer 3000 foot cliff – a cosmic lover’s leap.
I made many pilgrimages to Flower Mtn. to ask its help in finding a Tao-Goddess in human form to consciously conceive a baby Tao Immortal. Prayers were answered. 🙂
Dream trippers stay in monasteries or caves used by ancient Tao adepts to dream their Way to immortality. This mountain takes us deep into the Metal – Gold Element at the root of inner alchemy. It nourishes our ability to crystallize our personal pearl, the inner gold Elixir of our soul.
Two Mt. Hua Videos
1. A dramatic aerial drone video of Mt. Hua (12 min.) – watch at least a few minutes for a taste of its cliffs and precariously perched temples:
2. 14 min Clips from 2012 Dream Trip. It offers a glimpse into the diverse experiences of our 4 days on Mt. Hua.
The video scenes:
a. Toning and Star Stepping Qigong in Jade Spring Temple at base of Mt. Hua.
b. Loud, fun dances by local Chinese at the plaza in front of Jade Spring Temple, jarring but energizing.
c. Serene stillness of my wedding ceremony on Immortals Secret Pavilionm highest peak on Mt. Hua. The group Primordial Qigong, not shown here.
d. Flute-playing by Dream Tripper, being video-taped by an excited Taoist monk.
e. Michael Winn interviews Taoist Hermit Master Stone-of-Perfection, guardian of Pole Star caves and temple.
2. Mt. Azure Truth (Qing cheng shan).
Mt. Azure Truth is considered the birthplace of Celestial Masters Taoist sect in 142 c.e. Zhang Daoling had a visioin of Lao Tzu that inspired him to create a religious order. Today Mt. Qing has 11 temples on peaks up to 3600 feet, with a gentle, dreamy, soft forested Yin Qi.
The first temple on Mt. Qing was built in 265 c.e. in Jin Dynasty. Inside the temple was a 5-story bronze statue of Lao Tzu riding an ox (= symbol of planet earth). Ox-riding symbolizes his ability to effortlessly navigate life on Earth.
Earthquak destroyed Ox statue in 2008. It was replaced with statue of Lao Tzu in meditation. Lao Tzu Tower offers breathtaking views as it sits atop the highest peak of Azure Truth Mtn.
3. Receive Lao Tzu’s Immortal Tao Transmission at Hangu Pass.
Giant 50 ft. statue of Lao Tzu guards entrance to Hangu Pass.
Attuning to Lao Tzu’s immortal transmission, taking it deep into your spiritual heart – is one of the greatest blessings any Tao adept could hope to receive this lifetime. 
The large Hangu complex build by the atheist Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is evidence they admit the tremendous spiritual influence of Lao Tzu on China.
Chinese neo-Marxists portray Lao Tzu as “politically correct” due to his anti-imperial ideas and his support for the common person. In fact, Lao Tzu was more an anarchist, promoting freedom of Being and authentic action (wu wei).
But Dream Trippers are not at Hangu Pass to visit temples or statues. There is an amazing Qi Field at Hangu Pass, whose 2500 year long duration is testimony to Lao Tzu’s high spiritual achievement.
The 2016 Dream Trippers did a Primordial Tai Chi ceremony here that left many feeling “spiritually drunk”, barely able to walk straight! Ordinary human soul Qi disperses quickly after death.
Why is Lao Tzu’s Qi at Hangu Pass different?
Hangu Pass is infused with Over Soul Qi, in Chinese called da shen (“Great Spirit), which is immortal. It is deathless and thus does not disperse.
Legend of Pass Guardian YinXi
Lao Tzu served as s royal archivist, with access to the imperial library with China’s recorded folk and Taoist wisdom of many centuries.
General YinXi, Guardian of the Pass, saw a purple cloud above Lao Tzu riding his Ox as an omen. He challenged the “Ancient Child” (lit. “lao tzu)” to write down his wisdom.
Lao Tzu stayed several months to write the 81 verses of his Tao Te Ching (Scripture of the Natural Way and its Inner Power).
Scholars debate the exact transmission date of the Tao Te Ching. My Inner Sage says it was in 525 b.c.
This transmission was like a spiritual atomic bomb, a planetary “wake-up” moment. It inspired hundreds of different schools of Tao in the next 2500 years. The Tao Te Ching has inspired more than 800 commentaries. It is the second most translated spiritual text (after the Bible) in the world.
Previously, only nobles and their priests in China had access to the top Ruler God (Shang Di) of this cosmos.
Lao Tzu taught that everyone can directly “Return to Origin” without worshiping any God or giving your power to a priest. The “Natural God” (Tao) is within each of us. We all spontaneously “Self-arise from Origin” (ziran) and can consciously choose to return to it within the core of our Being.
His message: a neutral Qi Field called The Great Oneness (taiyi) rules this cosmos, and everyone has equal access to its divine love and grace.
General YinXi achieved immortality for insisting that Lao Tzu record his timeless wisdom. Adherents of the YinXi Path recite this hymn daily:
The Tao and its virtue are pure and lofty,
The path of the clouds lies in crystalizing the Elixir.
Only the Master beyond the Nine-Heavens
Truly knows the wondrous mystery of All.
Mind purified, he embodies the self-arising of Nature.
Hair white, yet face shining youthfully,
On his sleeve, Heaven and Earth trigrams.
Yin and Yang copulate to birth a true Immortal.
Prof. Livia Kohn article on Legend of General YinXi & Hangu Pass.
4. Do Primordial Tai Chi atop the Great Wall of China!
Dream Trippers use Primordial Tai Chi to absorb Qi of the dragon (ley) line that infuses the serpent-like path of the the Great Wall. We store his powerful Qi into the Pearl in the core of our personal Energy Body.
Primordial Tai Chi (wuji gong) is the perfect form to “capture the Dragon Qi” which winds 4,000 miles across China’s northern border.
Chang San Feng, famous 13th century alchemist who first transmitted the Primordial form, claims he was taught the form by a ‘Fire Dragon“.
Visiting China in the 2024 Year of the Yang Wood Dragon will super-charge the entire Dream Trip and our dragon-infused practice of Primordial Tai Chi.
My Feb. 2024 Tao News explains how deeply dragons are embedded in China’s collective psyche, it’s culture and genetics.
Are Dragons Real Beings? YES! Do Chinese Descend from Dragons?
5. “Hug a Panda” at world famous Panda Research Center
The Panda Research Center in Chengdu is heart-warming chance to see these gentle bears close up, and possibly feed them. They also have a ward for new born panda, super-cute!
Michael Winn holds a rare Red Panda in his arms.
6. Terra Cotta Warriors: 2300-yr old mausoleum
2300 year-old army of individually sculpted soldiers covers 10 football fields in three giant pits – China’s most famous site (more visitors than the Great Wall).
An estimated 700,000. workers built the total site of 30 square miles. Figures include warriors, chariots, horses, generals, musicians, other court figures. Estimates are the “afterlife” Army includes 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots piulledd by 520 horses, and 150 cavalry horses,
Emperor Qin (died 209 b.c) wanted to make sure he had an army ready to defend China’s first “empire” after his death. The Army faces East, towards to many small kingdoms he conquered. He began building the mausoleum at age 13, when he took the throne.
He also built the first section of the Great Wall, created standard measurements and language, and was brutal in suppressing local kings who opposed him.
7. Qigong in NINE Taoist Temples
We do Big Dipper 7 Star-Steppimg Qigong, Primordial Tai Chi (wuji gong), and other forms. You will build up an “internal library” of Taoist Qi from absorbing and resonating with these major temples.
C. Qigong in NINE powerful Taoist Temples
1. Temple Culture in China
Cauldron with Pearl in front of Taoist temple. Pearl is alchemy symbol for the Elixir of Life spontaneously arising as the crystallization of our soul.
There are 38,000. Taoist & Buddhist temples in China. Their function is very different from western churches. Chinese don’t formally “join” a sect or temple, or limit themselves by believing in only one religion.
They are very practical, and visit temple based on what they seek in the moment. Many visit temples as a place to find peace and quiet, or let go of their anxiety.
Chinese don’t seek psycho-therapy or individual counseling, because it labels you as an outcast, as “not fitting into group harmony”. Their therapy is to go on a temple.
2. Capture Qi Hidden in Tao Temples
The cauldron (ding) is an alchemical symbol of mixing the three streams of Qi – yang, yin, & yuan – represented by the cauldron’s three legs.
I am not a follower of Temple (religious lineage) Taoism. It is a cultural construct, with many Gods, statues, priests in uniform.
Most Tao temples are run by the Complete Perfection Order (Quanzhen). I consider them 25% Taoist in their core beliefs.
The other 75% is Buddhist monastic rules of sexual celibacy & vegetarian diet, Confucian beliefs in patriarchal hierarchy.
The monks and nuns are not sovereign. The state – the atheist Communist Party – owns the temples, appoints the abbots, and controls the priest certifications. Novitates pledge allegiance to the State, not to Lao Tzu.
Westerners are NOT allowed to join any state-controlled temple sect.
I personally, and all Healing Tao USA adepts, are Wandering Taoists. We follow the free-flowing lineage of Lao Tzu (Laozi) and Chuang Tzu (Zhuangzi). Lao Tzu preceded religious temple Taoism by 700 years.
They follow Nature as their teacher, their own body as the temple of the Tao. They are sovereign beings, who never bowed to the emperor or social-religious doctrines or power structures.
But temple Taoists serve a valuable function. Wandering Taoists are hard to find, hidden in a population of 1.5 billion people.
About 750 million Chinese are considered “folk Taoists”, similar to Wandering Taoists, but mixed with local temples and a mish-mash of spiritual beliefs, similar to western New Agers.
But Taoist temples hold a spiritual value. They are “cultural placeholders” in China for Taoist ideals and practices. They have accumulated powerful Qi over their many centuries.
The monks and nuns that maintain Tao temples freely admit their pantheon of Gods are really just energy patterns of Qi. The Qi is given form as statues to satisfy human need for the spiritual-made-tangible.
The popularity of all religion is based on . tangible deities-in-human-form. They.serve as a go-between an impersonal, formless Heaven, and tangible Earth.
3. Healing Tao’s Wandering Taoist: One Cloud
Lao Tzu dances in ecstasy: Elixir-Pearl from Origin
China Dream Trippers visit these temples to witness and capture the ancient Qi stored within them. We do our own practices to gather the lovely local Qi into our inner “pearl” or “Qi ball”. using Primordial Tai Chi and Big Dipper 7-Star Stepping Qigong.
Many Dream Trippers had powerful meditations in these temples. If you have trained in qigong and inner alchemy, your skill will be stronger in “eating” this lovely ancient temple Qi.
Healing Tao was born because a city-dwelling Taoist was not satisfied with the teachings at Taoist temples in the 1920s. An honest Temple priest told him, “We do not know the high level neidan gong (inner alchemy). You must go find a Wandering Taoist in the mountains”.
He went to “China’s Siberia” and found a teacher named White Cloud on Mt. Changbai, an active volanic crater filled with a deep lake. He took on a Taoist name, One Cloud, and received the 7 Inner Alchemy Formulas. After many years as a hermit, he became a breatharian.
The first of the nine formulas very long, so I divided it into three, making a new total of “9 Formulas of Immortality“. They werehanded down, adept-to-adept, for 1000 years.
This history illustrates a key point: there are TWO types of Taoist lineages.
One is a lineage of Taoist METHODS, like the formulas handed down by One Cloud.
The other is a lineage of INSTITUTIONS, religious sects with ordinations of monks and nuns, like Quanzhen (Complete Perfection) or Zhengyi (Celestial Masters).
NINE Taoist Temples: 2024
Dream Tripper meditating in a Taoist Temple
1. Temple of Heaven, Beijing.
Michael Winn, wearing a smiling sun-moon T-shirt,“holds up” the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, on a China Dream Trip.
This 14th cen. architectural marvel has three round tiers, looks like a ancient spaceship ready to take off. The emperor had to pray here twice a year, so many powerful Tao ceremonies were performed over the centuries.
We will capture that precious Qi field, hovering 15 feet above the ground and the bustle of tourists, with Primordial Tai Chi ceremony.
The Temple of Heaven is a 14th century spaceship for launching Energy Bodies. I plan to build a replica in North Carolina for a retreat center! Our first day in Gejing will involve training in Primordial Tai Chi in Temple of Heaven park,
2. White Cloud Temple, Beijing
Headquarter of Taoist Complete Perfection sect since the 12th century. Beautiful, serene, abundant Qi which we willabsorb into our Pearl.
3. Green Goat Temple, Chengdu
Famous for many magical feats performed by Taoists adepts. Built during Tang Dynasty (8th cen c.e.). In the Palace of 3 Pure Ones is a bronze statue of a goat said to grant abundance to all who touch it (it’s well polished!).
This is a very lovely, serene Celestial Cave Monastery where we will hang for two days of qigong and meditation and great food cooked by monks and nuns. It is deeply relaxing and energizing, deep spiritual chill, the yin opposite to Huashan’s yang.
4. Celestial Cave Temple-Monastery – Mt. Qing
We will stay in this lovely temple-monastery for two night, with lots of time to meditate in its isolated serenity that can only be reached by hikers.
A fabulous place for Primordial Tai Chi and Star Stepping shamanic qigong to capture the soft, deep yin feminine Qi of Mt. Azure Truth’s sacred Taoist preserve.
The food here must be carried up by porters, and thus costs more than food in city restaurants. It’s lovingly prepared by monks and nuns and is very delicious vegetarian cuisine.
Vegetarian diet, sexual celibacy, and the notion of a monastery are all Buddhist traits introduced into the temple Taoist sects many centuries after Taoism had consolidated its philosophy around the writings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. None of these Buddhist traits were practiced by earlier Taoists, and are not part of modern Wandering Taoism nor Chinese Folk Taoism.
5. Eight Immortals Temple, Xian
Incense is burned to send a “smoke signal“ to the Gods that someone down on Earth is asking Heaven for a favor.
In Xian, the ancient capital of China for 1500 years, 8 Immortals was the largest and most powerful temple.
The 8 immortals are human cultural symbols of the I Ching 8 Trigrams (cosmic winds). They embody super-powers to fight evil and aid the needy.
Most religions deify celestial beings. Taoism focuses on elevating human beings to celestial level. The 8 Immortals are all ordinary humans struggling to resolve human issues.
We will capture the fabulous Qi with our own ceremony.
A flea market across the street has fascinating antiques from ancient times, often found by farmers in their fields.
6. City Gods Temple, Xian
We will stay four nights in Xian at the West Capitol Hotel. I chose this 4-star hotel because the City God Temple is directly behind it, visible from many hotel room windows.
We use the temple courtyard to practice our qigong.
The City God Temple was considered one of the most powerful in Xian during its 1500 years as China’s capital.
7. Jade Spring Temple, base of Mt. Hua
Group of Dream Trippers beside giant bronze statue of famed Taoist Sage Chen Tuan. In the distant skyline is the tip of West Peak, which we will ascend.
Jade Spring Temple was built around 1000 ce to honor Tao adept Chen Yuan (871 – 989). He was famous for sleeping for months on end while in deep alchemical meditation.He was traveling in his Energy Body to various spiritual realms.
Chen won Mt. Hua for the Taoists by beating the Emperor at chess. We’ll do Primordial Tai and Star Stepping Qigong here as the entry gate to Mt. Hua. It’s only 9,576 steps to the top peak….about six hours, if you are fit.
Most will opt to take Asia”s longest cable car to a point about 3/4 the way up Mt. Hua, and hike the last portion only.
8. Temple of 9 Goddesses, Mt. Hua, Qing keping Monastery
Many Dream Trippers will opt to stay in the divine Qi field of this monastery as the base of the Mt. Hua massif. This is the favorite “vacaation spot” for the monks and nuns who work on Mt. Hua.
It has delicious food, and easy hiking nearby up the valley below Mt. Hua’s stupendous West Peak. Trippers can also h ike up (45 min.) steep climb to Poe Star Temple and caves where some will opt to live and fast in for two days.
9. Secret Immortals Pavilion, highest peak of Mt. Hua.
I chose to get married at this hidden pavilion on a Dream Trip. It’s off the path, so well hidden no tourist can find it.
At 7500 ft. elevation, it overlooks a 3000 ft. cliff drop off with spectacular views and sacred Qi of the many immortals who achieved themselves on Mt. Hua.
We’ll do Primordial ceremony here, and sleep in nearby Golden Temple. This is where Heaven and Earth meet in the heart of a Cultivator of the Way (Tao).
D. China Dream Trip Team
1. Michael Winn – Trip leader
This will be Michael’s 23rd trip to China. His leadership and seasoned team assures you will have a safe, fun, and profound experience that few travelers to China enjoy.
He’s been to over 100 countries. He’s an an ex-war correspondent in Africa turned spiritual guide. He’s led over 45 adventure & sacred tour groups on five continents.
Michael founded Healing Tao USA, wrote Mantak Chia’s first 7 books. Mantak came on the 2010 Dream Trip. He is past President of National Qigong Association. He created 10 Tao home-study courses on Qigong and Tao Inner Alchemy, is a prolific writer on decoding Taoism for Westerners.
Winn Short Bio
Winn Long Bio
2. Christopher Kazepis – Assistant Leader
Christopher has done three Dream Trips, two as Assistant Trip Leader. He’s led many groups and traveled to 30 countries, confirming his status as a Wandering Taoist. (His website: Wandering
He’s a Licensed Acupuncturist and Healing Tao Instructor since 2014,. He is current President of the Healing Tao Instructor Association (HTIA), During his global wandering, his heart remains centered on teaching Taoist Internal Alchemy and qigong.

3. Diana Li – Guide, Chengdu-Xian-Mt. Hua
Diana Li isnative to Xian.She knows its people and culture intimately. She has a wonderful loving heart and is committed to serving the Dream Trippers. She was guide for the 2014, 2016, and 2019 trips.
She says it changed her life. She is now interested in Taoism. She overcame her fear to hiking atop Mt. Hua’s steep cliffs. She will also be our guide in Chengdu and Mt. Azure Truth.
She recently had a second child, beautifully named “Dawn of Fresh Jade”.
Photo Coming
4. Lily Li – Guide, Beijing
Lily Li in Beijing is a wonderful and knowledgeable guide from previous Dream Trips. Everyone enjoys her marvelous sense of humor about city life in China and her gift of explaining to westerners what to look for that’s different about Chinese thinking.
She will be with the group only in Beijing. She is a longtime qigong practitiner.
5. Virginia Chan – Trip Travel Agent (Los Angeles)
Virginia has been handling my Dream Trips for 20 years. She speaks Chinese, is based in Los Angeles, and can handle your connecting flights and visa. You will get her full attention, one-on-one. Reliable, fast response.
626 861 7879 mobile
To expedite Visa, mail passport + photo + visa application to:
Virginia Chan c/o Cathay Tours
500 Walnut Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91007
Visa documents and her prices will be sent after you register for trip.
Note: Always use trackable overnight service for passports.
6. Trip Co-Star & Co-Dreamers (You + Friends)
At our favorite Dumping Restaurant in Xian
Everyone who comes on this trip is a star!
What is a key factor that makes Dream Trips so different from jaded tourist trips?
They attract a fabulous group of spiritual adventurers who ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in creating the magic.
Not mere curiosity seekers, but fascinating folks who are excited about following in the footsteps of Taoist Immortals and doing powerful Qigong ceremonies in China’s highest spiritual energy spots. There is no requirement that you have previous experience with tai chi or qigong. Just arrive with an open and curious mind, and willingness to play.
Our daily group practice super-charges our Qi Field – and the spiritual FUN!
I often hear “the incredible people I met on the trip and grew to love were as important as China itself”. This is a trip where you make lifetime friends. Or might find your soul mate. One Tripper married one of my guides! Two others moved to China to live.
E. Praise for Dream Trips (sample)
Many Dream Trippers say the incredible community of spiritual co-adventurers was half the value of the trip, with China’s treasures being the other half!
Dream Trips attract amazing people from interesting and diverse backgrounds and spiritual paths. One trip had people from nine countries.
Tao encourages everyone to follow their own “Way”, but it sure is nice to have friends to share it with.
(a short sample; more testimonials below)
Unforgettable, Extraordinary Experiences with Crazy Fun Bunch!
“I am still unpacking the chi from my unforgettable experiences doing qigong in China’s sacred mountains. This trip gave me continuous ecstasy, amazing landscapes, superb food and powerful sacred temples and monasteries.
All with a crazy fun bunch of warm-hearted western adepts accompanied by a premium group of Tao immortals! Thank you all for such an extraordinary experience!” – Aurelio, Mexico City
The Qi in China was Simply Mind-blowing!
“The Qi (chi) I experienced in China was simply mind blowing! I got a transmission from being in those mountains that has totally opened up new levels of my inner vision.” – Mark, Fla.
“Thanks seems extremely insufficient to express my gratitude to you for making this trip to China possible – but, anyway, please accept my sincere gratitude. It was the most powerful experience of my life and continues to have a palpable moment-to-moment effect upon me.“ — Very Happy Camper
I Stripped Naked atop Mt. Hua…felt Dragons Breathing on me!
I spent three days at the group’s “secret spot” atop Mt. Hua. During Primordial Chi Gung I saw the clouds mystically rise like angels and dragons and daggers. I could sense the clouds as the dragons breath.
I stripped naked once, and laid down on the rocks, My spine aligned with the spine of the granite mountain.
Now that I am home, I am feeling my spine aligning with the mountains. I rode a cloud dragon up a spiral towards heaven, taming my wild mind as the wind washed through me, playful & euphoric.
I thought: THE IMMORTALS ARE THE MOUNTAINS. I saw them through the eyes of the dragon, a bat, and a butterfly. I feel altered forever. I still ride the dragon now that I am home. – Dragon Girl, California
Wow! We Were Total Beginners…
“I can’t begin to tell you how much we enjoyed the trip and what a profound effect it had on us. It inspired us to do a strong daily practice!” – Couple with minimal previous qigong experience
Gateway to What my Soul was Seeking!
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have been the gateway to what my soul was seeking for. This China trip is a milestone in my life, a profound spiritual development. Each time I think about you and the group my heart beats faster and a big unstoppable smile takes over!
The outer trip was set up perfectly, to make our inner spiritual trip go perfectly! From start of the trip to the end, it was like yin and yang making love… it was so beautiful! Poetic…simply magnificent!”
– 2nd gen Chinese man, living in Toronto, this was his first visit to China
F. China Dream Trip Mission
The Three Pure Ones: symbols of Heaven, Earth & Humanity trinity.
1. Our Spiritual Mission:
To experience the spiritual essence of China, and deepen our grounding in the Tao, the Natural Way of our Cosmos.
We do Cosmological Qigong forms like Primordial Tai Chi and Star-Stepping Qigong in China’s most sacred and beautiful landscapes and temples. We connect to its ancestral Qi (chi). We meet with Taoists in their own element.
We explore both ancient and modern cultures of China’s people. We feast on local cuisines at sumptuous banquets. We explore its most famous cultural sites (Great Wall, Terra Cotta Warriors).
We go off the beaten path to find the hidden Taoist spiritual secrets — before they disappear in China’s mad modern rush to forget its rich ancient history.
My personal Mission is to create the finest Dream Trip I would give to myself, if I could only visit China once. I hope you receive this journey as a precious gift.
— Michael Winn
2. Premier Taoist Travel Trip
The 2024 trip upholds the Dream Trip’s pioneer status as the only one to offer a genuine”Tao immersion”, with cave and monastery experience on Mt. Hua shan and Mt. Qing cheng.
Dream Trips keep the door open between Western and Chinese Taoists. They deepen the ground of our personal practice. We engage directly with the sacred Qi radiating from the heart of sacred Taoist Mountains.
We daily practice ancient lineage Primordial Tai Chi (850 years) & Big Dipper Qigong (2000 years+). These connect us to powerful Qi currents flowing in sacred sites.
If your heart feels drawn to China’s spiritual mystery, I advise you to trust your soul’s guidance. Trust the Tao will supply the time and resources to GO.
3. It’s China Made Easy & Fun
Traveling on your own in China is a hassle. You have to hire translators, and you’ll only see one third as much as I’ve been able to pack into this Cream Trip. Even if you are a “travel snob” like me, who never takes group tours, you will love this one. The people are FUN!
We climb on some of China’s most powerful sacred mountains. We keep the hiking easy, using cable cars to first get to the spectacular walking areas.
Yes, there are stretches of steep stairs – but who cares when the view is what really takes your breath away? Our group qigong practice will give you incredible energy to handle those stairs and our packed travel schedule.
Walking on sacred mountains evokes the energy of pilgrimmage: each step deepens our holy connection to the earth.
4. Primordial Tai ChI in China is More Powerful!
Dream Trippers do Primordial Tai Chi everywhere we go in China. Its design captures the Qi from any venue: temples, parks, the Great Wall, remote sacred mountain tops.
Primordial Tai Chi is the energetic glue that binds and harmonizes our travel group. It fuels our exploration of China by putting us into “continuous transformation mode”. It also deepens our living link to a long lineage of Chinese wuji gong adepts going back 850 years to Chang San Feng in the 13th century.
The Dream Trips allow Westerners to feel Tao cosmology on actual Chinese earth. I’ve found it to be very different from “earth” elsewhere. Sacred mountains where Taoists have been meditating for centuries are more conscious than mountains elsewhere.
Primordial Tai Chi is a powerful spiritual tool for grounding deep into China’s energetic reality. Planet earth’s Energy Body holds the charge locally within its memory from its interactions with Taoists, and we re-awaken it with each ceremony.
We practice in China’s most powerful temples, sacred mountains, and caves. The Qi in these power spots has already been cultivated by Taoist adepts for thousands of years. In particular the Earth Qi is special in a Taoist sacred mountain, and it helps us build a strong inner earth in our personal Energy Body.
The sacred mountains are “Awake”, i.e. Self-conscious. The Qi we “eat” is thus more refined than Qi in other parts of the world, like the cities where most people live. This special Earth Qi will support each of us.
When you come home, you will feel super-grounded. Your foundation will be stronger and you’ll feel ready to create your deepest Life Path.
Anyone, including total newbies, can learn the gracefully simple 850 year old lineage form, Mantak Chia learned this form on the 2010 Dream Trip, and loved it so much he adopted it into the Universal Healing Tao certification system.
• Attendees on this trip may opt to get certified to teach the form. I’ll send you a Certificate after the trip is over, at your request.
It’s an amazing form that combines medical qigong, inner alchemy, feng shui, cosmic I Ching patterns, and tai chi’s graceful movements.
• You get a free DVD of the form in advance, when you put trip deposit down. This form is something that you’ll take home with you from China, a lifetime treasure.
• Even as we visit the “must-see” cultural highlights of China, we constantly focus on using Qigong & Tai Chi to absorb the Qi of China into our personal Energy Body.
• When you get back home, China is deeply rooted in your bones and vital organs. That’s why many people report dreaming for YEARS about their Dream Trip!
5. Links: Primordial Tai Chi Articles & Videos
1. Read the introduction to my forthcoming book: Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Self-Love. (PDF download)
2. View 8 min. video of Primordial Tai Chi Form
3. Tao News: How Does Primordial Tai Chi Grow Self-Love?
6. Shamanic Big Dipper 7-Star Stepping Qigong
We train in the rare and ancient shamanic Big Dipper 7-Star Stepping Qigong. There is no video or DVD, it’s not on the internet. I teach it only to 7th Formula Star Alchemy adepts and Dream Trippers.
This is the oldest qigong form I’ve uncovered, amongst hundreds I’ve reviewed. It was transmitted to me from a lineage holder of Nu Xian Pai, “Path of the Female Immortals”. It’s a Wandering Taoist lineage that I met through my extensive network of qigong teachers in China.
It is a perfect complement to Primordial. Primordial turns counter-clockwise in left-turning spirals – the direction of dissolving old realities.
There are 64 I Ching hexagrams, and the form has a total of 64 corner turns + cardinal direction gathrings. Our DNA helix has 64 codons on it. 64 is the total number of all potential changes.
Star Stepping turns clockwise in 28 right-turning squares – the direction of manifestation. There are 28 Lunar Mansions that “step down” personal destiny Qi from the Pole Star.
Performed in sequence, the two forms fit like your hand slipping comfortably into a cosmic glove. You can do them in any sequence, Primordial then STar, or v.v.
The Star Stepping form functions like a “brain gym”. The opposing arm and leg movements feel like a ancient Taoist esoteric square dance.
It aligns with Taoist inner alchemy method of absorbing purple Qi from the Pole Star. This shamanic qigong generates a very special and powerful Qi field. It was used in ancient times to build a protective field around one’s community, or by soldiers before going into battle.
Taoists believe the Pole Star & 7 Big Dipper star Beings control a human Worldly Destiny (ming).
Are YOU ready to take higher causal control of your destiny?
7. Suggested Reading (Book):
Dream Trippers:
Global Daoism and the Predicament
of Modern Spirituality
by David Palmer and Elijah Siegler
Amazon: Used PB $18. Kindle $30.
Once you pay $600. Land Deposit, I will send you a digital Dream Trioppers eBook for FREE.
David Palmer is the author of the highly acclaimed Qigong Fever. It’s about how suppressed Chinese spirituality after the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) exploded into a national qigong craze, filling stadiums.
My Dream Trips – offered over 25 years – have become famous enough to merit a serious and deep examination of their impact by two top scholars of Taoism. Academics use pinyin, i.e. Daoism.
Read Dream Trippers even if you don’t go to China. It has inside story on what really happens inside Taoist temples!
The authors spent 12 years writing this book! It is a masterpiece that requires several readings to fully absorb. It’s a virtual encyclopedia of “lived Taoist lore”, ancient and modern, focused on Mt. Hua. The mountain itself a main character in the book.
The authors came on portions of four Dream Trips and interviewed Chinese Taoists and Dream Trippers to document their inter-cultural dialogue.
Dream Trippers is about how Western “Wandering Taoists” & qigong enthusiasts who meet Chinese “Temple Taoists” on Mt. Hua. It documents how they relate on these Dream Trips, and clarifies the different cultural approaches to cultivating Tao.
The short summary: Chinese Taoists felt acknowledged and empowered by these trips, even as they recognized Western Wandering Taoists to be on a very different path from Chinese monastic Taoists.
For Dream Trippers, it will be valuable before going to China to also read my book review (watch my newsletter). I have a 80 page draft, in process of editing it down. Working title: Are You an Authentic or a Fake Taoist? Temple lineages vs. Wandering Taoists.
Dream Trippers is not a “puff piece’. It presents points of view that are sharply critical of me personally. But I like a good debate that lets the reader decide who they agree with.
Elijah Siegler wrote a chapter “The Healing Tao as Post-modern Movement“ (PDF) in David Palmer and Liu Xun’s book Daoism in the 20th century: Between Eternity and Modernity.(PDF)
His ideas on Healing Tao USA as being “ultra-modern” in applying ancient Tao principles are further elucidated in Dream Trippers.
No masterpiece is perfect. Dream Trippers has two major FLAWS (plus two minor ones).
Dream Trippers: Two Major Flaws
1. The first six chapter falsely assume “Daoism” means religious Temple Daoism. This is a common academic bias, as they make their living writing about what has accessible records. The Wandering Taoists are largely hidden in the sea of a large population.
It is not until the 7th final chapter they admit Dream Trippers are mostly interested in Wandering Taoist path, which 750 million Chinese peasants follow, vs. 20,000 uniformed Quanzhen temple monks and nuns..
2. The authors refer to the Taoism of the Dream Trippers as “self-invented”, typical of Western New Agers. They ignore the fact Primordial Tai Chi (aka wuji gong) that we practice daily is an 850 year-old lineage form from sacred Mt. Wudang.
They are unaware that Star Stepping Qigong, from the Path of the Female Immortals, likely dates back 2500 years. Healing Tao USA adopted One Cloud’s Inner Alchemy Formulas, which date back 1000+ years to the Song Dynasty “Qi science” revival around 1000 c.c.
Dream Trippers may follow the Wandering Taoist Chuang Tzu (300 b.c.) “free and easy flowing Way”, i.e. are highly individiualistic and dislike outside authority, but the methods of self-cultivation are NOT self-invented.
When Chinese Taoists witness Dream Trip[ers doing Primordial Tai Chi, and other qigong, we are reminding them of what many modern Chinese Taoists have lost.
Two Minor Flaws
1. The first chapter is heavily weighted with academic theory, and may lose some readers. Hang in, the juicy details on real life Taoism in China await you.
2. Authors devote an entire chapter 6 to Louis Komjathy, who is a “Tao Fundamentalist”. I did not know this even existed – I think he is one-of-a-kind. He hates Western Taoists. He’s written a number of books on Quanzhen (Complete Perfection Taoism) claiming Western Wandering Taoists are all fake, and are destroying “true religious Daoism”.
Komjathy accuses me and Prof. Livia Kohn, a renowned scholar and editor/author of 43 books, of causing “the death of Daoism”. Ironically, the Mt. Hua Temple Taoist leaders refuse to let Komjathy join their sect.
The reality is the Chinese govt. bans the ordination of foreigners – these sects are for local Chinese only. The atheist CCP wants tight control over religious groups.
Komjathy sulks at this rejection, then stomps off to the USA, vowing to never return to China. Surprising, after his fervently proclaimed devotion to the Quanzhen sect.
Sadly, his desperation drove him to put up a website fraudulently proclaiming himself to be an ORDAINED Taoist priest – exactly what was denied him in China.
The reality is his “initiation” to become an un-official Quanzhen novitiate consisted of an ex-Quanzhen monk staring into his eyes for two minutes in a tea house. He’d make a great soap opera star!
Even with these flaws, the book will greatly advance your knowledge of Taoism/Daoism, whether you come on a Dream Trip or not. Just don’t take the attacks on Western Wandering Taoists seriously.
8. Fabulous Photos
– Previous China Dream Trips
My Dream Trip Guide embraces her Monkey Mind. There are monkeys on Mt. Qing.
Photos below show the incredible richness of life in China that we are imemrsed in.
G. Daily Schedule
• Plan Your Connecting Flights
Sept. 6 – 22, 2024
Xian Moslem Bazaar – unique gifts galore!
This is a “thumbnail” daily schedule. Trippers will get a very detailed schedule with exact times for every event, where to be. Allows group to move like clockwork, eliminates confusion.
Day 1: Fri. Sept 6
9 pm “Air China” #984 check-in Terminal 2. Depart 11:25 pm. (NOT Taiwan “China Air” in main terminal).
Make sure YOUR connecting flight allows time to transfer to Terminal 2.
Group Primordial Tai Chi before boarding.
It will reduce jet lag.
Day 2: Sat. Sept 7
Lose 24 hours cross International Dateline.
(Ex-Beijing Trippers – plan to arrive Sept. 7 in China).
Day 3: Sun. Sept 8
5:30 am arrive Beijing. 7:30 am Breakfast at hotel, meet Ex-Beijing group.
Primordial Tai Chi Training. Mingle with locals in park.
Tour Temple of Heaven complex, meditate on South Altar of Heaven, flat round marble platform with 9 rings.
Afternoon free, rest.
Dinner: famous Peking Duck restaurant!
Day 4: Mon. Sept 9
White Cloud Taoist Temple. Group Primordial. Free time to explore Temple & meditate. Headquarters of Chinese Temple Taoism.
Primordial Tai Chi on Great Wall of China.
Dinner- Yunnan ethnic food, folk dancing
Day 5: Tues. Sept 10
Fly to Chengdu. Vegetarian lunch cooked by monks/nuns in famous Green Goat Temple. Group tai chi.
Panda Research Center
Optional: Sichuan Opera-comedy-folk music
Stay in charming traditional Courtyard Hotel.
Day 6-7: Wed./Thur Sept 11-12
Hike + chairlift to mtn top. Lunch in Shangqing Temple.
Visit Lao Tzu Temple – group tai chi.
Hike downhill to Celestial Cave Temple & Monastery
Stay 2 nights.
Delicious meals cooked by nuns.
Daily Training in Shamanic Big Dipper Star-Stepping Qigong.
Serene, peaceful meditation vibe.
Relax in tea house, open air deck, forest views.
Short hikes into forest or meditate in Temple-Cave.
Day 8: Fri. Sept 13
Primordial & Star Stepping group practice.
Easy hike down Mt. Qing, visit small temples & shops
Bullet Train to Xian (3 hrs).
Dinner at famous dumpling restaurant
Enter Inner City walled gate.
Check in 4-Star hotel.
Day 9: Sat. Sept 14
Qigong in City Gods Temple behind hotel.
Half-day Xian tour: 8 Immortals Temple, antiques flea market, Jade Museum
Afternoon Free to explore Xian, which is a giant open museum with 1500 years history. Hike or bike ride atop City Wall.
5 min. walk to Muslim Night Bazaar, fabulous food, curios, & gifts
Day 10: Sun Sept 15
China’s #1 Tourist Attraction: Terra Cotta Warriors.
Four football fields filled with exquisite Afterlife Army from 210 b.c.
(see “Top Highlights” section for full description..
Visit Silk Factory (buy at wholesale). i love sleeping on silk – it holds Qi.
Group Qigong in Jade Spring Temple, base of Mt. Hua
Hotel in Huashan Village.
Day 11: Mon Sept 16
Bus 2 hrs. to Hangu Pass.
Site of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching transmission.
(see Top Highlights section).
Spend entire day in Qigong Ceremonies & meditation on Lao Tzu.
Attune to Over Soul Qi (“Great Spirit”) that overshadowed Lao Tzu.
Bus to Huashan Village. Dinner outdoor café.
Dance with locals on Jade Spring Temple Plaza.
Day 12 Tues. Sept 17
Most will take Asia’s highest cable car part way up. Then hike 2 hours, with spectacular views, to top. The hardy few will hike 6 hours to the top – a truly deep initiation into Mt. Hua’s deep earth Qi.
Hikers enjoy lunch on their own, many vendors.
Group Tai Chi, Immortals Secret Pavilion, at sunset. Stunning views from edge of 3000 ft. cliff.
Taoist nun serves us hearty dinner.
Sleep in Golden Temple, monk-style, on rope beds.
Day 13-14: Wed-Thur Sept 18-19
Wed: View spectacular sunrise & qigong atop East, West or South Peak.
Morning Free, explore upper Huashan.
Daredevils will “walk the plank” of the Board walk.
Lunch on your own.
Hike down 2-3 hours to Qing keping Monastery.
Cavers will be guided up 1.5 hrs steep hike to Pole Star area.
Thurs: Qing keeping is favorite “vacation spot” of Mt. Hua Taoists.
Nuns cook delicious food, serene vibe, easy hiking up valley, Kuan Yin Temple-Cave open for meditation or one-night sleepovers by Trippers.
Cavers fast and commune withi spirits of ancient Tao Immortals and dragons.
Day 15: Fri. Sept 20
Hike down 3 hours to bottom Mt. Hua hotel.
Shower and lunch.
Bus to Xian (2+ hrs). Check-in 4-Star hotel.
Guide can arrange foot massagein your room.
Feels great after 4 days hiking on Mt. Hua.
Tang Dynasty Dance Show (Your expense).
Fabulous swirling silk costumes, song & dance.
Dinner: Moslem Quarter dinner, camel meat & veg. dumplings.
Day 16: Sat. Sept 21
Morning Equinox Ceremony in City Gods temple behind hotel.
Fall Equinox is about “letting go” of Resistance and blockages to our Way, i.e. being who we truly are and fulfilling our highest destiny.
Full day FREE. Explore Xian, shop, meditate, sleep.
Shop Muslim Quarter or South Street craft arcade.
Sightseeing – by taxi or hotel van offering local city tour.
Bike or hike atop massive City wall, visit County Museum (best in China).
Lunch on your own.
Final Group Dinner – Hotpot restaurant.
Day 17: Sun. Sept. 22
Entire Group flies Air China 1232. Depart Xian 8:30 am, arrive Beijing 11 am.
LAX GROUP departs Beijing on Air China 987 at 2 pm, arrives LAX 11 am PST same day (gain 24 hours crossing Intl Date Line).
• Plan your connecting flight NOW from LAX home. Allow 2.5 hours for customs, baggage claim, and transfer to other LAX terminals. Check with our travel agent Virginia Chan for discount add-on airfares.
Allow 2.5 hours for connection in Beijing to your flight. Beijing’s Capital airport is huge. You may have to collect baggage & re-check in, go through security, get to your gate.
You may NOT be able to check your bags through in Xian to your international flight from Beijing to home. Your Xian-Beijng flight is on a separately purchased air ticket.
The Air China counter agent in Xian may not be able to access your electronic flight record, usually a requirement for transferring baggage.
ASK YOURSELF, upon arriving back home:
Is my cauldron (inner earth) deep enough to hold ALL the Qi in China?
H. Dream Trip Cost & Registration
Dream Tripper does Tai Chi at entry gate to a temple.
1. LAND Cost from Los Angeles
LAND cost 17 -day trip ex-Los Angles: $5490.
• See Extended Payment option below for half of Land cost ($2745.)
LAND Includes:
All airport transfers in China, all hotels (with free wi-fi), monastery room rentals, meals in itinerary (only a few exceptions), all private buses, bullet train, all cable car & chairlift tickets, all park, temple, Panda Center, Great Wall, Terra Cotta, Sichuan Opera, & Mountain Entry fees.
Local guides-translators salary & land costs, baggage porters on two sacred mountains, daily Qi training by Trip Leaders & their Land and Air travel costs.
(See “Not Included” section below).
2. LAND Discounts
1. Returning Dream Tripper, $100. discount.
2. Michael Winn students, $100 discount. (“student “= recently attended LIVE workshop or retreat, or bought $300.+ of home study courses, in the last 3 years,i.e. from 2021 or later)
3. Healing Tao Instructor, $100. discount (dues paid). Also applies to UHT instructors outside USA.
$200. max combined discount per person.
3. AIR Cost from Los Angeles
Group package air cost from LAX: $2,198.
• This discounted, low airfare is only guaranteed if $2,198. is paid by June 1, 2024. It requires a minimum group of 15 travelers (easily achieved, already have 12 tentative sign-ups). After June 1, 2024, airfare subject to change.
• Airfare package includes round trip from/to Los Angeles – Beijing, plus all flights INSIDE China.
• Currently Air China allows: Day pack + Rolling-carry on + one 50 kg. Checked Bag free.
• This airfare is a big $950. discount! Online price of all flights is currently about $3,150.
Note: Airfares have been swinging wildly. In Feb. 2024 it cost $3300. for LAX- PEK round trip only (no flights inside China). This price instability is because China was shut down for 3 pandemic years.
In 2019 there were 900 million visitors to China. in 2023 there were 9 million. Thus, chaos in China travel sector. It took me TWO months to get a group price from Air China – should have been 2 days.
4. Total LAND + AIR Ex-Los Angeles
2024 Total : $7,680. (before Land discounts)
• Land + Air cost of 2019 Dream Trip – FIVE years ago – was $6,990. The $690. increase is less than inflation rate in China over last 5 years. Yet private bus rental has jumped 30%!
• I work hard to keep this super-high quality trip affordable, with financing option. China is no longer 3rd world, it’s economy is now 2nd world.
• When weighing the cost, know that a life-changing spiritual Qi training and the experience in China’s sacred mountains and temples is Price-less!
The best insurance you will “get your money’s worth” are the 22 trips I’ve made to China, and my 25 otehr group tours I organized around the world.
• My perfectionist desire (Virgo sun) is to deliver an incredible, life-changing spiritual adventure.
Read the testimonials (two sections).
• The only reason I do the huge 9 months work to organize each trip is because I personally love the people who come and feel their and my own deep spiritual advancement on each trip.
5. Save on Connecting Flights To LAX
Save money by getting a single fare from/to your home airport that connects to group LAX-PEK fare.
Low-cost round trip add-on fares to/from LAX from domestic US cities may be available. See Daily Schedule (section above) for exact Air China flight numbers and times to link.
Contact Virginia Chan, our group travel agent in Los Angles. Her contact info is on Dream Team profile.
6. Cost from BEIJING
Total LAND + AIR cost from BEIJING: $6440.
Calculation: $5490. LAND + $950. AIR inside China before any LAND discounts (see above).
• Ex-Beijing cost includes ALL flights INSIDE China, on the same Air China flights as ex-LAX group.
• NOTE: AIR cost ($950.) could increase if you join Dream Trip at late date.
• Ex-Beijing Trippers must also buy air ticket from your home to Beijing (round trip).
• Plan to meet the LAX group at 7:30 am Sunday Sept. 8, 2024 at our Beijing hotel. You should book this extra hotel night of Sat. Sept 7. I will help you book it at lowest rate.
• Ex-Beijing Option may work for folks who live in Europe or Asia, anyone who wants to arrive early or stay late, or use airline miles to fly to Beijing.
7. Single Room Supplement
17-Day Land Single Room Supplement: $895.
• Book this early; single rooms may not be available last minute at all hotels.
• Does not include 5 monastery/cave nights on Mt. Hua & Mt. Qing.
8. SAVE Your Spot: $600. deposit
• $600. LAND Deposit is subject to my confirmation, in case of over subscription. If over subscribed, 100% of your deposit will be returned.
• You must fill out the Registration Form, sent to you upon your request.
• Please read Cancellation Policy below before making deposit. It’s OK to pay $600. first, then fill out form.
• $600. Deposit paid after May 1, 2024 does not have refund option. See Balance Due Dates section.
• Credit cards (Visa or MC) ARE accepted for $600. deposit, with no card fee charged except Amex.
• 5% Surcharge on all American Express card payments, including $600. deposit.
• For balance of Land and Air costs, please pay with physical checks, Zelle (to Healing Tao USA), Paypal, cash hand-delivery, or bank-wired funds. No Venmo or credit cards.
• If you absolutely need to finance the trip balance with credit cards, a 4% surcharge on MC/VISA/Discover will be added. The trip is not priced to cover credit card fees. Those airline miles you earn cost me!
• See Extend Payment Option below.
• WHAT you get after $600. deposit:
1) FREE 2-hour Primordial Tai Chi training video download.
Note: If you already know Primordial, you may ask for a substitute video download of any of my other videos.
2) What to Pack (based on years of experience)
3) How to Prevent Jet Lag on long flight to China
4) FREE Dream Trippers eBook (see Required Reading section)
5) List of all Dream Trippers with short bio
6) Sacred Daily Timetable for you to print out and use in China
7) Hiking Map of Mt. Hua
9) Rooming List (to help find others in hotel)
10. How to Get a Visa to China (need PP valid til Feb. 2025)
11. Legal Terms of Agreement on China Trip to be signed.
12. Emergency Contact List: tel. of guides, hotels in case you get separated, or family wants to track you ASAP.
These documents are delivered over time, not all at once.
9. Pay LAX Air to Lock-in Discount
To lock-in LAX group AIR: pay $2,198. by June 1, 2024. This will prevent air fare increase. After June 1, please ask my office mgr for any price change.
10. Five Ways to Signup & Pay Deposit
Calligraphy at Jade Spring Temple, base of Mt. Hua
A. MAKE A $600. (six hundred dollar) DEPOSIT to reserve a space on the trip,
B. Pay a separate $2,198. deposit if you want to LOCK-IN your low group airfare price. This does not cover any land costs. Due by June 1 to protect air discount.
C. After you pay the above two deposits (total 2,798), LAND balance due (ex-LAX): $4842.
• ALERT: This trip could fill up quickly.
Best to act immediately and pay $600. deposit if you feel it is your destiny to go to China on this Dream Trip.
Extended payment option allows you to finance up to $2,730.
• See Balance Due Dates section.
• Read Cancellation Policy (at end) before placing deposit.
(friends & family) $600. to:
or by Zelle to Chase JPM Bank: Healing Tao USA (account name).
Call office manager Geoffrey Bernard at (828) 808-8100. Give your credit card info.
Safely leave your name and credit card on our answering machine (+ leave a call back number).
Email credit card information to: Put the exp. date and CBC code in a second email for greater security.
5. Snail Mail a CHECK.
a. Email for address to mail check to.
To confirm “check is in the mail”, please CALL Geoffrey mgr. and/or EMAIL (see above).
If you call, leave voice message with your name and phone number: “Please hold a space – I confirm I have mailed a $600. deposit check on XYZ date”.
OR email that message, so we can be on lookout for your check.
If you want to get a tax-write off, make any physical check out to “Dao Alchemy Research Institute, Inc.” (501c3 non profit, dba Healing Tao USA).
Check should be post-marked within 24 hours of message/email to hold your booking date.
If you choose phone or mail to pay deposit, please confirm you have paid or left message to pay by ALSO sending an email to
This allows me (Michael) to monitor all signups.
11. Extended Payment Plan
Extended payment can be arranged for those who need it. Extensions are funded by my non-profit as part of its mission to keep our spiritual services affordable.
If you feel you are truly supposed to be on this trip, the Healing Tao USA team will help you find a way to go.
• But it’s YOU who must first dream that you are going on this Dream Trip.
Healing Tao USA’s mission to support the evolution of everyone, not just the rich. Our workshops and retreats typically cost one-third the price of most others.
We have the resources to fund 50% of ex-LAX Land cost of $5460.
• Maximum Funding amount: $2,730.
You may choose to fund a lower amount (and reduce interest charge).
• Loan Agreement is not legally enforceable outside the USA. Extension plans for anyone outside the USA are available only to students I now well.
• If you sign an Extended Payment Agreement, the first payment is due on August 1, 2024. If you sign up later than Aug. 1, first payment is due immediately.
No matter how late you sign up, August 1 and Sept. 1 extended payments will be due before LAX departure. Please note the AIR cost is not being financed.
Two Extended Pay Options
• 6-Month Extension Plan:
a. Pay SIX equal monthly installments of $455. each.
($455. x 6 payments = $2730.
b. At end of month seven, pay one-time flat 6% fee of $164.
($2730. x 6% = 164.)
12-Month Extension Plan
a. Pay TWELVE equal monthly installments of $228. each.
($228. x 12 payments = $2,736.
b. At end of month thirteen, pay one-time flat 12% fee of $328.
($2730. x 12% = $328.)
These are examples of maximum loan amounts. It could be for any amount.
12. Balance Due Dates
if you have paid ONLY the $600. deposit:
1) A second payment of $1500. is due by midnight June 1, 2024.
• If you pay the $2,198. AIR by June 1 to lock in group discount, then you do NOT need to also pay this $1500.
2) Full balance LAND + AIR is due by midnight July 1, 2024 (2 months+ before depart LAX).
a. Ex-LAX Example:
Pd. $600. Land + $2,198. Air by June 1.
Balance Due July 1: $7640. – 2,798. = $4,842. due. Plus $100. Tip Pool + $895. Single Supplement (0ption).
b. Ex-Beijing Example:
Pd. $600. Land + $1500. by June 1 (=$2100).
Balance Due July 1: $6440. – 2,100. = $4,340. due. Plus $100. Tip Pool + $895. Single Supplement (option).
The total balance due July 1 could vary widely, depending on many factors.
See Extended Payment Plans if you cannot meet this schedule.
Please pay sooner if possible. I must pre-pay airlines, hotels and bus companies in China.
13. Trip is Tax Deductible 501c
Healing Tao USA is the dba (“doing business as”) for Dao Alchemy Research Institute, Inc. It is an IRS approved 501c3 religious non-profit since 2001. Donations to it are TAX EXEMPT.
• US citizens may claim at least 40%+ of total trip cost as tax deductible. This could offer up to $800. in tax savings, if approved by your tax accountant.
• Contact me for ways to make a large donation and get 100% tax-exemption, with $1500. in tax savings for someone in 25% tax bracket.
14. NOT INCLUDED in Land Costs
a. Visa fee, travel insurance, your flight to LAX or PEK (Beijing).
b. Fuel surcharges from LAX (unlikely). Major currency re-valuation (RMB going up vs. USD) that causes significant price changes before trip begins (very unlikely, China’s currency is challenged).
c. Lunch meal not covered on two hiking days on Mt. Hua and one free day in Xian. Any alcohol drinks at meals (you can order & pay separately). Private bottled water outside of glass/small bottle of soda or water per person served at meals.
d. Private taxis you engage. Private porters you hire. Phone calls from hotel phones or items from hotel refrige, or room service charges. Hotels often give one free bottle of water per day. You do NOT want to drink the tap water.
15. Tipping Pool
It’s a huge and confusing hassle for everyone to separately tip the dozens of bus drivers, guides, hotel porters who unload bus, mountain baggage porters. We simplify by asking everyone in advance to put $100. into a tip pool to cover the entire trip. Averages $5. per day.
You never have to worry about tipping anyone, for the entire trip!
IF you engage a guide privately for personal service, or ask hotel porter to take your bags to your room, you should tip them. The trip leaders will take care of all tipping for everything else, from this pool.
To be fair to everyone, this fee is mandatory, but listed separately from Land Costs. It cannot be financed.
16. Cancellation Policy
Note: Low cost travel insurance is available to all trip members to cover cancellation costs. The insurance costs much LESS than the cancellation fees. (see section below for details).
For 2019 trip, insurance cost was about $200. depending on your age, trip length, dollar amount of coverage you request, including AIR costs of connecting flights.
• You are strongly urged to obtain cancellation insurance. If you do NOT obtain it, you must sign a legal waiver that you understand the potential
• If trip is cancelled by Healing Tao USA for reasons beyond Trip Organizer’s control (epidemic, war, etc.), you will receive 100% refund on land costs and whatever can be recovered from airline.
• There is no cancellation fee up to midnight May 1, 2024.
You can put down a $600. deposit while you figure things out until May 1.
FEES FOR CANCELLATION initiated by trip member are as follows:
1. If you cancel between May 1 to midnight June 1, 2024: $1000. cancel fee on land costs. If you paid more than $1,000., all extra funds, including whatever can be recovered from airline ,will be refunded to you. If you have paid less than $1,00o. at time of cancellation, you still owe the balance.
2. If you cancel between midnight June 1, 2024 and midnight July 1, 2024: $2500. cancel fee on land and group air. If you have paid more than $2500. by tcancel date, any funds that can be recovered from airline will be refunded to you in addition to land and air funds above $2500.
3. If you cancel after midnight July 1, 2024: the FULL trip cost is owed and forfeited. NO REFUND after July 1. That is only two months before departure.
NO REFUND on land or air, regardless of reason. Which is why it is essential you get travel insurance.
4. NO refunds for termination of travel AFTER trip begins. Even if a member must involuntarily cancel for physical health reasons AFTER the trip within China has begun, and does not use a portion of their services, NO refunds will be made.
It is simply too difficult to get refunds in China, and not worth the time and trouble. No refunds are made for unused excursions, entry fees, missed meals or unused training during the trip.
5. If Healing Tao USA is forced to cancel the trip for reasons beyond its control BEFORE it begins for any reason, its liability is limited to return 100% of all recoverable deposits paid by members toward the LAND costs and whatever can be recovered from airlines.
6. Once the trip begins, Healing Tao USA cannot take responsibility for acts of God, terrorism, war, health emergency, etc (full legal disclaimer to this effect must be signed by all trip members).
7. We will supply you with a reliable and inexpensive travel insurance option (or you can choose your own). Check the terms and conditions of the issuer of your travel insurance policy as they are defined in the policy’s cancellation clause, which outlines your coverage, its limitations and exclusions.
• Usually a written medical excuse from doctor or proven death in family are accepted.
I hope to hear from you soon – that you’re committed, and don’t subconsciously plan to ever cancel. You want to go on and complete this spiritual adventure of a lifetime!
17. Travel Insurance – Please Buy!
The travel insurance company I recommend is Travelex, a spinoff from Omaha of Nebraska. I have had a number of forced cancellatioins over the eyars, and Travelex has always paid.
More information on this once you sign up.
18. Money Back Guarantee
Sample of a billion dollar refund send to one Dream Tripper. He in fact was quite happy, he just didn’t believe me when I told him the Chinese are printing US dollar bills – in very large denominations.
These bills are actually used in Chinese ceremonies. They light them on fire and their smoke rises to heaven, alerting the God of Abundance to send down more money, ASAP.
My official Money Back Guarantee:
On returning home, you will be a very different person!
Tao is about Change. Change is unstoppable.
If you can stop the Tao, and stop yourself from changing. you are beyond immortal and don’t need any money from me.
So my guarantee is backed by the Tao.
My job is to make sure that you change for the BETTER, that you more deeply LOVE yourself and your life.
You are welcome to file lawsuit against the Tao if you feel your life’s changes are not fair.
I will present your petition to the The Three Pure Ones, at no charge.
I. Cave Life on Mt. Hua: Is it for me?
Barry Spendlove from Wales came on three Dream Trips. Here, in in mouth of a Mt. Hua cave, he plays his flute.
A. QUESTION many ask about the Cave Option on Mt. Hua::
Shall I stay in a monastery next to a cave that I can meditate in daily, OR do a steep 2-hour climb to camp in a cave and fast for two days?
B. ANSWER for most people:
• You’ll be much happier staying in the comfort of the monastery with delicious hot meals cooked by Taoist nuns, and meditating in the nearby cave-temple to Kuan Yin.
• The cave next to the monastery has two beds for dream practice (power naps by day, or 2 people to spend the night).
Kuan Yin Cave next to Qing keping Monastery has a door on it that keeps it warmer. With monastery option, you don’t need to schlep a sleeping bag/backpack, but may still need warm clothes for cool night temperatures on Mt. Hua.
• My article on my WEEK spent in a Mt. Hua cave, with NO food or water. Plus I had to climb 200 feet up a sheer cliff to get to the cave. It may help you weigh the physical challenges vs. the spiritual benefits.
“Taoist Alchemy & Breatharians” originally published in Qi Journal:
• For people who have already developed a serious meditation or dream practice, it MAY be suitable to spend two nights fasting in caves on Hua shan.
1. To sleep in the caves requires bringing special camping gear (sleeping bag, pad, extra warm clothes).
2. It is a hassle to schlep this extra stuff in a backpack across China for just a few nights in a cave. You really have to deeply DESIRE this experience to go through the extra hassle. (Some cave adepts just give away their gear to monks, to avoid schlepping it home).
3. Cave requires extra 2 hours hiking up a steep mountain opposite Huashan’s West peak.
4. The caves can be cold even when its hot outside. You must deal with chill factor, best to bring a hat, gloves, warm jacket if you want to sit in stillness for long period in a stone-cave refrige.
5. You are not given any food (you can bring your own if you are not comfortable fasting, but cannot eat it in front of your cavemate).
In sum, it is a physical hardship to live in a cold, hard cave.
• When you sign up for the trip (pay the $600. deposit), let us know if you feel strongly called to cave life. There are limited cave spaces, you will likely have a “cave-mate”.
We have to figure out a complex cave schedule to satisfy everyone. Please notify me if you wish to stay for ONE or TWO NIGHTS in a cave. Those staying one night may be able to share sleeping bag/gear with someone else (you can request we try and match you with someone).
• Priority for reserving caves will be given to:
1) Kan & Li inner alchemy students
2) date when firm deposit is made
3) general virtue and commitment to meditation,
4) willingness to explore bigu (fasting on food while feasting on Qi) in the cave.
How I First Fell in Love with Mt. Hua
Master Stone-of-Perfection and Michael Winn at mouth of Pole Star Cave-Temple. I met Stone on my first trip up Mt. Hua in 1998.
I met him before he left the Quanzhen Order to become a hermit in the remote Pole Star cave-temple.
Master Stone recently moved down the mountain into Hua shan Village, I suspect to find a wife.
See 14 min. You tube video. I interview Master Stone, last 5 minutes:
(same video is posted in Mt. Hua section above)
I first climbed Mt. Hua in 1998 – 26 years ago.
While I visit, on a rotating basis, other sacred Tao Mountains on my Dream Trips, they always include Mt. Hua. I’ve visited it about 20 times.
But my desire to visit Mt. Hua began six years before, in 1992. This excerpt from Dream Trippers book describes it well:
“What attracted Winn to Huashan was not the abundant literary references to the sacred mountain. It was the accounts of an old friend, Juan Li (1946–). He was, like Winn, an early student of Mantak Chia, as well as the illustrator of Chia’s book covers and posters.
“Juan Li went on a pilgrimage around China, didn’t speak any Chinese, didn’t have a guidebook. He got a list of sacred mountains and just bumbled his way around China. He spent months taking pictures.
“I saw his pictures of Huashan and immediately fell in love with it. “I’ve got to go there!” I promised myself.
“Juan climbed the mountain like a pilgrimage. Each step was an initiation into the mountain. You were getting the qi of the mountain into your bones and meridians by climbing it.
“By the time you actually climbed it, you had it inside you.. That was a lovely teaching and an inspiration to me.”
J. More TESTIMONIALS from Dream Trippers
Smiling face of a street food vendor, offering delicious local delicacies
Thanks for showing the Way to capture the deep chi from China!
I have the most beautiful memories from China….so many great moments, what an incredible trip. I’ve been reading The Power of Now. I can say that if I’ve ever have been in the NOW, in peace, in deep connection with nature, it was the magical Chi of China that got me there. Those moments and memories makes all my daily hassles worth it.
Thank you for showing the Way to capture this deep chi from China! Thank you for bringing me there …
I Love you Michael. You’ve created with God ‘s and Lao Tzu’s help a great life which I was so fortunate to share for a few weeks. Know that you are in my living room at least couple of days a week…. at least on your inspiring qigong videos! – P.V., Florida
I loved the everyday authentic encounters!
“This was my 2nd Dream Trip. I didn’t want to leave China (maybe next time I won’t). The rhythm of travel and the energy of China, the succession of encounters that keeps us on our toes, reminds me that it’s fun, that life is play,
I don’t need to take myself so seriously. I feel acutely in the present moment as the road unfolds the energies of the earth and its sacred places.
Sometimes it’s going by so fast we don’t have time to realize how “amazing” it is. Later, after falling into the routine of home, things come back that make me stop and appreciate it all over again, but with a new perspective.
Or as Proust says, that this returning memory is the experience coming to its full maturity and really felt for the first time; it becomes more real when you remember it. There seems to be a lot more packed into that Dream Trip than I could comprehend as it whizzed by each new day.
Our experiences reverberate into our subsequent lives. My qigong and meditation practice has gained traction and substance. Something is happening and I feel changed.
My orbit is deeper and more solid-feeling. I fall into qi-pulsations spontaneously at unexpected times, like standing in the grocery checkout line, or on the subway.
I think “shopping qi” is a legitimate thing. I’m glad you pointed it out to us as a powerful spiritual practice to circulate energy between our cultures. As with internal alchemy, a strong center is recommended.
I think I learned to become more free with myself by practicing “money-flow gongfu”. Even going on the trip was already a first step in that training.
I really love the everyday authentic encounters on the trip, the moments that are not scripted. Just the pulse of life happening and the wonder of it is the air to be enjoyed, the delight of change, feeling welcomed into that flow of Chinese life.
There was something pretty great about our dinner with guides-in-training in Kunming, exchanging cross-cultural views about hot broth and weather.
The girls were adorable, they gave us name cards with special notes written for the occasion: “I love you.” “I miss you.” “Have happy life.” And then, some of them really broke down with sobbing goodbyes. One was gripping my shirt, weeping, not wanting me to leave.
It was a shock. I felt unprepared, unsure how to respond, and also moved by the intensity and openness of this feeling in them. Java also cried saying goodbye at the end of her guiding us. Maybe it’s surprising because I don’t expect Chinese people to be emotionally expressive.
Similarly, in Dali, at a bistro, there was a gorgeous young woman who’d decided to get up and dance with herself. There was music, soft lighting, her dancing was very slow, and as sensuous as I’ve seen anyone anywhere dance. Mesmerizing undulating hips. She’ll have no problem opening qi flow in the orbit. This was erotic and not vulgar.
And this was a young woman in China, in public! Quite the surprise, and even to this day I think of her from time to time. Feeling the magic of her movements, and the self-possessed power in her eyes.”
-Brian B., NYC
Your China Dream Trip taught me to HAVE FUN!
“I arrived in China, but my soul was still asleep. I woke up in Weibaoshan’s Jade Emperor temple! The Journey became a blissful, incredible, moment-to-moment experience of great love and compassion.
I actually met the Jade Emperor when I prayed to him alone, and gave myself up completely. It was the first time I ever prayed in a Taoist temple. I became transparent and was not afraid to let God, or Original Spirit or whatever people call it see me… all my good, all my bad. In total openness I truly saw my self…
But then some crazy stirrings happened in the lower tan tian. Rumbling, earthquake… explosion in my head. Feeling pressure.. mouth open wide, eyes shut tight, indescribable feelings in whole body… then boom!! It expressed through me as great laughter,
I laughed like never before, my whole body was shaking in laughter, my lungs gasping for breath, my eyes tearing like crazy from laughter… Then crying…like never before crying and crying.. Then dancing and spinning like never before..
I was being guided by some very strong invisible force. Chi? Spirits? I’m not sure what but I felt it hold me in key points on my body as it moved me effortlessly. I was just there watching my body dance in wonder!
Then the strong force made me run outside and dance and sing before everyone I met. I loved everyone and everything!!! Life felt incredible! so fun!!! so amazing!!!!!
I was flying, jumping, doing flips, spinning, and running all over Weibanshan mountain expressing my joy, love and compassion to all! I believe I was taken over by my own spirit. There was nothing that could make it unhappy, I could be slapped in the face, or beat up and I would still be in love and happy!
I was drunk with life! I remember running, hugging and kissing everyone from the group. Some were happy and touched, and some thought I went crazy! Some thought I was possessed – but to me it didn’t matter! I saw and felt so much love and beauty in everyone, I loved everyone so much and wanted to be one with all.
When I got back home, I did primordial chi kung with the intention to connect all the power spots in China, to help bring change, inspiration and new life to Toronto. It was very very gray, dark, lifeless.
During the form, the sun broke through the clouds and shined a bit. When I finished the whole sky was blue with beautiful white clouds, birds were flying and chirping, insects were buzzing, and life seemed to have arrived.. It was just such a wonderful feeling and reponse from nature…
Your China Dream Trip taught me to HAVE FUN in life! Enjoy, relax, be with the flow, be open.. be in the middle.. between and beyond yin and yang…
Also, I really miss the food in China…you picked great restaurants! The food back here is so tasteless and lifeless! I might have to move to China just because the food there was so great, so rich in life and flavour!
The food, the people, the group, and the experiences in the China trip has made me feel and be younger, more loving and compassionate.. So many incredible positive things have resulted, the list is endless. Thank you so much!
– Teddy C, Toronto (Chinese nationality, 1st time in China)
“How did the China Trip change your life?”
Towers on Xian city wall, still intact after 1500 years.
I asked Dream Trippers the question: How did the China Trip change your life?
Note that two Dream Trip members moved to China as a result of the trip! Another one married one of my best guides. (There is still another very pretty one looking for a husband…).
As you can tell from these letters, this trip is not for simple tourists. It’s for people open to accelerated transformation – my definition of inner alchemy. – Michael Winn
I got a much stronger Chi field, Meditation grew much deeper
How did China change me? That is too difficult a question, My practices, I seem to have acquired a much stronger Chi field.
Meditations have a lot more depth and in some meditations what were just words or thoughts are now strong physical/energetic/spiritual feelings, experiences.
I have a much deeper understanding/connection with my subtle bodies.
Same with Qigong my arms are moving through a much denser chi field. I find myself experiencing a much deeper experience of Tai Chi. I find it easier and easier to connect with the energies of the cave and various monasteries.
I have had some great experiences connecting with Lao Tzu’s ascension site then taking it into the cave.
I have been working on converting my garage to a practice place. My father pointed out that I was sawing timber in straight lines and hammering nails without bending them (and without hitting my thumb).
This Is most unusual and my father noticed right away. Was it worth it? Absolutely undeniably yes. A great group of people. I look forward to the next trip.
– Tripped Out Dream Tripper
Your China Dream trip changed my life….. I filed for divorce
Your China Dream trip changed my life. One experience in particular comes to mind. On our first day on Mt. Huashan, I crawled out on a rock ledge and sat there drinking in the beauty of the incredible vista before my eyes. I was looking down on the tops of clouds.
I didn’t have anything particular in mind, just a little rest and a few moments of solitude to drink in the beauty before me.
I easily settled into meditating and immediately began to feel so light. Quite spontaneously, fears, the existence of which I had never fully acknowledged, surfaced and were released down into the emptiness in front of me along with more than a few tears.
In that moment, on that ledge up above the clouds, I knew I was no longer able to settle for less than living my life fully. ..
Days after returning from China, I filed for divorce, something I had been trying to do for years. It was a peaceful parting. Thank you so very much for all you did to make that trip an incredible experience for everyone involved. You did a fabulous job!
– Wowie from Maui
The places you chose were powerful and spectacular!
Just writing to thank you for organizing the trip to China. I had an amazing time! I met a lot of fun and interesting people, ate a lot of great food, and the places you chose were powerful and spectacular.
Thanks to you my entire life is about to undergo a huge change. I will be moving to Chengdu in Sichuan province in January, and living in China for at least a year to learn the language at Sichuan University.
After that, who knows, the possibilities are endless! Thank you Michael, I hope to meet you again. I hope your life has changed for the better as radically as mine. (Note: this young Australian did move back to China and married my Chinese tour guide!)
China was extraordinary…still swirling in the Richness
China was an extraordinary trip for me! I am still swirling in the experience and richness of it all! My world feels much bigger and at the same time, the exquisite sameness of all people is resonating throughout my being. I will try to get some words down to describe some of it before too long, but meanwhile wanted to thank you! – Jonathan G.
Everyone on the trip was an inspiration for me
I do think about the group often. I don’t take it lightly. Our time together was important to me. Being a novice at these practices. I wish I had consulted with you more on your experience. Our time together was short but intense.
There wasn’t a person on the trip that wasn’t an inspiration for me. But I do feel lucky with my roommate, as he was my greatest inspiration. Nothing bothered this guy, and I found myself doing meditation on that. What kind of attitude would a person need to have this positive way of looking at things, events, life? Thanks!
My shaman says I am “more myself”
Here are my life changes after China:
immediately after the trip I began to realize that the JUDGMENTS I have are just my judgments. I can now feel the separation they create. And now know that its not the way things and people really are my main Tango dancing partner told me I was DANCING better because I am softer and more relaxed!
Several friends are saying that my VOICE on the phone has become softer, slower, somehow changed.
My shaman says I am “more myself” – whatever she means by this. I can feel what these feedbacks are referring to and I’m happy about it. – Lucy J.
I Met God Atop Mt. Huashan
After successfully reaching the Peaks of Mt Huashan, I felt re-empowered, that Life was not over for me at my age….. that I could still do more with my life. The connections I felt during primordial qigong allowed me to feel my goal of connection to God (within) is possible. Primordial is extremely powerful
…. not just arm waving. I made new friends, and plan to visit them. I have really come to appreciate the Chinese people and their lifestyle. I love Temple of Heaven park and all the people there, just hanging out. – Divinely Grateful
Most Special was Bonding with Others…I’m a loner at heart
The most special part of the trip was bonding with others and sharing laughs in our group. Christina and I bonded immediately as if we had known each other our whole lives.
We stayed awake each night sharing our experiences of the day and talking about everybody. We giggled like little school girls and wondered how Michael paired us up so perfectly…???
I am a loner at heart, but I so enjoyed my time with everyone. I grew to love many of you. Memories spent together still pop into my head out of nowhere, and I and miss everyone. Michael,
I told you that Huashan was difficult for me, but I knew one day I would be grateful. When I returned, I had lost 10 pounds and got my high school wash-board belly back! – B.G. San Francisco
My Friends sense a profound change in me…. I’m positive an Immortal is present
Things were definitely rocky the first couple weeks after the trip. I was physically in Los Angeles, but I was mentally and spiritually back in China.
I still float off to the caves, the various peaks at Huashan and other places whenever time and situations allow. My wife will often ask me where I am if I’m being quiet, and the reply is always the same – China.
All my computer desktop pictures are China pics. Amazingly, I find little pieces of everyone I met in China here at home, reflections of you all.
One of the people I train with could be Russell’s little brother, another reminds me of our lovely guide Cherry. I try to bring Teddy’s excitement on Weibaoshan to all the Tai Chi classes that I teach.
The few lessons I received from the monks have served me well and my own Tai Chi is really rocking lately. Like many I think I’m still digesting it all and lessons I didn’t understand or even realize were happening now surface when I least expect it.
The spiritual awakening I experienced doing tsunami relief work in Sri Lanka was really kicked into overdrive in China.
I came back from China a much calmer, more well balanced person. Situations that might have resulted in arguments or just general negativity now bring on compassion. And if I am brought to the darkness of anger I’m immediately embarrassed and sorry.
I’ve had a couple moments where I’m positive an immortal is present. Words of encouragement from people I’ve never met from out of the blue or just a simple look in the eyes of a passing stranger. I know, that sounds nuts.
But the overwhelming rush of emotion in these situations and the sense of peace that consumes me after it’s passed are very powerful.
My friends have sensed profound change in me as well but I realize I’m very much a work in progress. I’m already on the list for the next China trip as is another Tai Chi student from my school. I’m still getting used to the new me, but I like the changes so far. – A Taoist Changling, N.Y.C.