Forum Replies Created
December 6, 2010 at 2:25 am #35946
ParticipantIt’s difficult for me to give any honest before and after personal benefits from coconut oil because I have never tried to isolate it’s consumption for testing. I started consuming coconut oil on a consistent basis around the same time that I quit eating grains and potatoes and I started including raw meats and raw eggs and raw dairy on a regular basis. That was eight years ago.
What I noticed from this diet change in general, is that I completely stopped getting colds and flu. My energy improved radically. My complexion improved significantly. I was starting to get that greyish hue (in winter) associated with aging. People started remarking that my complexion was ruddier (in the winter time) and that I looked significantly younger.
Regarding parasites, I think that this is one of those topics which is riddled with false and/or misleading information. The idea that one should avoid parasites and bacteria arduously is one of those ideas that “everyone knows”, but is actually quite debatable if not patently false.
The idea that the male orgasm always occurs simultaneously with ejaculation also falls into that same category. It is something that is so “true for everyone” that no one examines it or even questions it at all. It is supposedly self-evident.
The researcher whom I have primarily relied upon for my own initial conclusions re: the safety of eating raw animal products (prior to my own trials and excellent results) is Aajonus Vonderplanitz. His interesting story is summarized here.
His thoughts on parasites can be found here: source of information about safely eating raw animal products is the Weston Price Foundation:
December 5, 2010 at 7:23 am #35940ChiFiend
ParticipantIt’s too bad that your body cannot process oils. Virgin coconut oil is so amazing. If you have never tried it, you might try it a little at a time with meat or cheese or some other proteins or fats. Start with just a teaspoon at a time. This is the one oil that your body just might be able to digest very easily. The other thing to be mindful of is that coconut oil is VERY cleansing. For that reason, it would be wise to persist a bit with it. At first it might appear that your body is rejecting the oil, whereas, in actual fact, you may be experiencing a cleansing reaction.
I, myself, had some cleansing reactions to coconut oil at various junctures, as I increased the amount that I was consuming. Now 3 or 4 ounces digests perfectly as long as I combine it with proteins and other fats and “chew” it up with my food.
What interests me the most about meat consumption is how little you need to eat to give the body complete satisfaction. That is, if the meat is uncooked and unprocessed and if the meat comes from healthy animals. When you cook food at temperatures above 110 degrees, you obviously lose a lot of nutrients.
Two or three times a week I eat steak tartare made from healthy grass-fed cattle, and smothered with my own homemade shallot chutney. My body just about orgasms when I eat it. π Of course, being a retention freak, orgasms are not hard to come by these days [pardon the silly pun].
I usually only need to eat about a quarter pound or less along with some swiss gruyere cheese made from raw milk and a few ounces of virgin organic coconut oil. I call it my spicy cheeseburger, giving a whole new meaning to the term “quarter pounder”. After a meal like that, my body is completely satisfied, except for oxygen, liquids [and sex], for the next 6 or 7 hours.
December 4, 2010 at 11:59 pm #36041ChiFiend
ParticipantThanks. It doesn’t look like there is any way to leave a private message through this system, however. Are you on skype by any chance?
December 3, 2010 at 2:07 am #36035ChiFiend
ParticipantReally? Wow! That’s so great! It doesn’t surprise me that you have had such miraculous benefits. I am totally addicted to it already.
Nice to hear from someone who has been practicing this. Do you mind if I PM or e-mail you? I’d like to compare notes with you.
December 1, 2010 at 6:40 pm #36031ChiFiend
ParticipantFor about 2 months or so now, I have been doing this peak 8 cardio, recommended by Dr. Mercola on his website and I love it.
According to Mercola, “Peak fitness exercises, … can actually cause your growth hormone to increase naturally, without any of the expense or side effects [from injecting HGH].”
I absolutely love this approach to exercising. It’s so exhilharating and fun. It’s what we used to do when I was a kid.
I loved to play football and I was a receiver. That’s what a receiver does;
he sprints really fast down the field to catch a pass, then he jogs back to the huddle, recovering for a minute or two in the process. Then he sprints down the field again over and over again. We used to play football for hours practically every day. When we didn’t have enough kids for a game, my friend and I would play catch and it was the same thing.I would run out for a pass and he would throw it to me then I would jog back and we just kept that going. I was like a happy little dog chasing after a stick and then bringing it back, over and over again. My health improved immensely after I started learning to play football.
December 1, 2010 at 5:16 am #35934ChiFiend
ParticipantYes, I agree. Consuming oils every day is very helpful.
In my opinion, virgin organic coconut oil is one of the best oils to consume because it is composed primarily of medium-chain triglycerides, which are so much easier for the human body to digest.
I consume between 2 to 5 ounces of coconut oil every day. It digests best when I eat it with proteins and other fats.
November 25, 2010 at 6:36 pm #35930ChiFiend
ParticipantThanks for posting this, Michael. It makes so much sense.
I have been off of grains, cooked and/or processed foods and all pasteurized dairy products for eight years now and my health has improved immensely. Previously, I had frequent colds and flu, but I completely stopped getting sick when I changed my diet.
Another indicator that shows that I am on a much better diet than I was is that I no longer have any desire for that mid-afternoon snack. Prior to the change, I used to eat a big lunch — typically a salad followed by cooked food, including rice or potatoes. I would get quite full but by mid-afternoon I was hungry again.
Now I eat less than half the amount of food that I used to eat at lunchtime and I don’t get hungry until suppertime (6 pm or so). The food I am eating now is so much more nourishing that I feel very satisfied for a much longer time.
These days, many people are malnourished but don’t even realize it. And that’s one of the main causes of obesity. Never getting satisfied, people just keep eating and eating and eating — all the wrong things.
Also, I never have any interest in eating any junk food (deep-fried foods, sugary treats, etc.) People usually eat junk food because there is something in it that the body is demanding — often fats. Human bodies need to consume a great deal more fat than many people realize. If one is proactive and seeks out good fats from healthy sources, the interest in junk foods drops dramatically.
I used to love kettle chips and I ate Haagen Dazs ice cream every day until I started adding a lot more healthy raw fats to my diet. Since then I have completely lost interest in kettle chips and Haagen Dazs or any other junk foods. The best part is that I never have to resist any junk foods. I just have no interest because my body is completely satisfied.
October 2, 2010 at 1:28 am #35452ChiFiend
ParticipantThis really is a good interview. It makes a lot of sense.
What surprises me is that it was written by a psychiatrist.
August 12, 2010 at 12:16 am #34838ChiFiend
ParticipantOkay, well I now feel that I have posited sufficient dots out there. Anyone who chooses to should be able to connect them without too much effort.
In the meantime, as Steven says, it’s best not to get too caught up in trying to prove or disprove these various complex issues. One’s time would be better spent performing Taoist practices.
Thanks for the stimulating conversation.
August 11, 2010 at 1:17 am #34834ChiFiend
ParticipantOnce again you shoot the messenger because you don’t like the message.
I am not a hateful or fearful or evil person. Thank you very much.
By the way, you are starting to sound like Bush, Jr. with that axis of evil stuff.
At one of my most recent contracts in the USA, there were many nice people that I worked with. My very best friend there was a young openly “gay” man. Every day we took our breaks together and shared our most personal thoughts on a regular basis. I did not care what other people thought of our special relationship. He was a great friend. Even he knew that there was a psychological component to his “sexual preference”. He talked about issues with his father which he felt may have pre-disposed him to being homosexual.
A family member of mine (rest in peace) was homosexual. He had outrageous feelings of total rejection from his father that dated back to his infancy. His brother, who had always felt totally secure about their father’s love, is heterosexual.
As a youth I had a homosexual acquaintance who confided in me about his extremely anxious relationship with his father and how he felt that had something to do with his homosexuality.
A lesbian associate whom I worked with used to go on incessantly about how screwed up her relationship with her mother was.
The shrinks had some understanding of this before the bankster/media campaign to bestow normalcy on the subject of homosexuality went into high gear. The Amer. Psychological Ass. and the Amer. Psychiatric Ass. both forfeited their integrity on the subject as soon as the banksters cracked their media whip.
In general, the integrity of both Asses was already very low — for instance, lobotomies were still a commonly accepted practice back in those days. And nowadays it’s even worse, the way that they are dishing out their dangerous psychotropic drugs (which in some cases amount to chemical lobotomies) as if they were M&Ms.
It’s one thing to say that everyone should be compassionate, etc. That, however, does not change the truth. You are not doing homosexuals any favors by encouraging them in their aberrant behavior. Try tough love instead.
Try telling them what they need to hear rather than just being politically correct or just telling them what they think they want to hear.
Only the truth will set them free. The term gay when applied to homosexual males is one of the biggest misnomers of all time. These are, by and large, deeply troubled individuals. Drug and alcohol abuse and promiscuity are rampant and many of them have shortened life spans.
Getting back to the subject of feminism, there is a best-seller (now out of print, but not hard to find in used book stores or try Amazon) that you should read called, “The Power of Sexual Surrender” (1969), by Marie N. Robinson M.D. Dr. Robinson was a psychiatrist who helped a lot of women with frigidity problems back in the 50’s and 60’s.
She explains how she and other psychiatrists of that time period treated women who manifested one of the types of frigidity. They had a pretty standard procedure which they followed and they were routinely getting very good results.
In brief, after defusing the neurosis as much as possible through psychoanalysis, they found that they almost always had to debunk the effect of feminism on these women. Almost one for one, they found that these women had been significantly adversely affected by feminist ideas which they had subscribed to, and which were not very heart centered, to say the least.
Their minds and consequently their hearts had been poisoned against men and all things masculine, setting them up for unfulfilled sex lives with their husbands. So, in the long run, even the women also suffer from the unintended consequences of subscribing to the hateful feminist ideology. From that perspective, doesn’t that make feminism itself misogynistic? Perhaps not, since it is harming the men and the women equally.
Of course, nowadays a psychiatrist would just tell a frigid woman that she is depressed and give her a prescription for some pills. They would not dare to say a word against feminism, being the sacred cow that it is, for fear of being driven out of business or even losing their license. So, millions of women have to suffer with frigidity or worse because they are confused, having been lied to by the media, the politicians, their teachers, their textbooks and even their shrinks.
It’s not heart-centered to subscribe to ideologies which are going to lead to misery on such a broad scale. The result has been frigidity just for openers, not to mention many, many dysfunctional and/or broken families.
I know that you are a very compassionate man, but misdirected compassion often does not reap its intended results. Compassion directed by the truth is far more likely to be fruitful.
August 9, 2010 at 9:35 am #34828ChiFiend
ParticipantI realize that I am pissing on something which is a sacred cow for many people. I fully support that all people should have equal rights under the law, regardless of race, color, creed, gender or neurotic type (homosexual or whatever). The problem with the feminist movement is that it used the subject of rights as a cozy buzzword in order to rally every one behind the movement.
Granted, the movement accomplished more equality under the law for women, but at the cost of tremendous weakening of the core of western society. The real agenda was to turn the women against the men and destroy the family unit and that is what they are accomplishing. Look at the communist manifesto. The family unit always was one of the key targets in order to undermine and subdue any society.
The bankster cartel opened up both barrels. They used key media/CIA people like Gloria Steinem, and they used activists (from communist front groups) like Betty Friedan.
>> I stand by my previous comments about him
>> being a misogynistic homophobe (in my opinion).Whenever someone states a viewpoint which is not politically correct, they immediately get vilified with the current psychobabble-onian put downs (homophobic, yadayada).
Don’t shoot the messenger. Dr. Makow is making some very good points.
In fact, the dots are there and I am sure that anyone who is open-minded and can think logically on the subject can see the dots and connect them.
>> . . . to take actions in everyday life that increase
>> people’s self-empowerment, compassion, and
>> connection to their heart, . . .I certainly can’t argue with that. Sounds like a great approach to living. π
August 9, 2010 at 8:02 am #34764ChiFiend
ParticipantSpeaking of weird sex lives of animals, here’s an interesting article . . . .
July 23, 2010 at 9:42 pm #34799ChiFiend
ParticipantThis is a very interesting question for me.
Since starting to practice with healing love techniques (HLT), my viewpoints about sex have changed dramatically. I personally try to avoid one night stands anymore.
My whole perspective is very different now because the goal of sex is so profoundly altered. Before HLT, I wanted to ejaculate at least every week or so. If I did not, I would get seriously uncomfortable to say the least. At the same time, I did not like to masturbate. I always felt it was a waste and a little bit shameful. It felt wrong not to share the experience with someone.
Even then I did not seek out one night stands because I felt that they were not very satisfying. Like you, I did not want to try to lie to or trick women either. Many times I went with prostitutes. Sometimes that was a lot of fun, but I always knew that it was still just a poor substitute for a real intimate relationship.
Since I started exploring long-term retention practice (Jan 2010), I have completely lost interest in going with any pros. I no longer have the weekly or bi-monthly issue of needing to ejaculate. Therefore it is pointless to go with a pro.
Master Chia says that you should make sure that you truly love someone before having sex with her. He explains this very thoroughly in the book, co-authored by Michael Winn, “Taoist Secrets of Love; Cultivating Male Sexual Energy”, in Chapter 12, “Commonly Asked Questions . . .”; Question #13 “If the goal is to build up one’s sexual energy, what’s the harm of sleeping with a lot of different women (or men) to increase your ching chi?”
In answering the question, Master Chia talks about the bonding that occurs between lovers and explains, “This practice accelerates this union,…”.
Even back in 1997, before learning any of this Taoist stuff, I had an intense sexual experience with a hot young woman which left me eager for more, but for her it was just a one night stand. I remember being very disappointed that I did not get to see her again. Now with HLT, this type of event is magnified by orders of magnitude.
And this is a lesson that I learned the hard way before I read the above-cited book. I had already read “The MO Man”, but I had not read the Chia/Winn book which had been written 15 years earlier. I described my experience in detail in my history which I shared in my first post on this forum (click the link at the bottom of this post).
In brief, I had multi-orgasmic sex several times per day for about 17 days with a woman who had a lot of karmic baggage. In those days, I did not practice retention on an ongoing basis. However, I only ejaculated at the end of each day and was ready for more the next morning.
The bond that was built up between us was massive, even after only a few days. It is what I think people generally identify as being “in love”. Leaving her after 17 days was excruciatingly painful for both of us and the psychic connection exists to this day and probably will never die. She still calls me from time to time — generally after I have been thinking about her more intently than usual.
Just last year, I had a similar experience with a girl I met when I was in Laos. I made love with her for a few hours, pausing to rest a number of times, of course. This was very intense multi-orgasmic sex with a complete stranger. She was loving every minute of it, just as I was. Finally, I ejaculated.
I was on a vacation trip with some friends and we proceeded on the next day, as planned, but not before a heart-wrenching departure from this girl. After a couple of days, I left my friends and went back to see the girl. Again we had intense multi-orgasmic sex for hours. We agreed that she would go back home with me. It didn’t work out because she had prior commitments — caring for her little sister who was afraid of me and did not want to go.
So, anyways, playing with one night stands is literally like playing with fire. I suggest that you read the answer (in the Chia/Winn book) to the question a few times carefully. If after that, you still want to experiment with one night stands or “casual sex”, just be careful. Be very selective and definitely don’t persist beyond the one night stand with a partner who, how shall we say — has a lot of issues.
July 18, 2010 at 6:45 am #34680ChiFiend
ParticipantFirst of all, let me say that I am happy that you, Steven, are not worried and it is not my intention to make people worry about anything.
My goal is only to expose the global conspiracy to the light of day for, given sufficient exposure, it will wilt and shrivel up and blow away with the wind. What I may be hearing from you, Steven, is that you would prefer (blue pill) not to hear any more about this. While I certainly have no intention of imposing my views on anyone, I will offer further clarification on my allegations for the sake of those who would like to know more (red pill).
In 2008 I retired after a 25-year career in software engineering. In that business, data and logic is the name of the game. I can assure you that what I presented in my last post was based on data and logic and not paranoia.
Having said that, I can certainly see why someone might think that what I presented was paranoia. After all, I was expecting people to connect the dots, but I had not posited enough dots yet. G. Edward Griffin makes a very strong case for the bottom layer of dots. Who wants to argue with Dr. Quigley about whether there is a global conspiracy or not?
But then I basically asked everyone to take my word for it and make the quantum leap from bankster cartel conspiracy to a usurped feminist movement. The truth is that there is a lot of evidence to support my allegations. If I were to attempt to present all of the references and points which support my conclusions, this post would be far too lengthy. Besides, I’m just way too lazy to do that. π
I will, however, throw out a few of the references which I relied upon and if anyone is not fully satisfied, I can present more in my next post.
The CIA Connection
What good story would be complete without a CIA connection? Since its inception in the 1940’s, the CIA has been utilized as one of the key operations and enforcement arms of the global bankster conspiracy.
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
William Colby
(1920-1996) former Director of the CIA
Source: Derailing Democracy: The America the Media DonΒt Want You to See (2000), by Dave McGowanThe link at the bottom of this message will provide the connection between the CIA (arm of the bankster cartel) with the directing of the feminist movement.
The Rockefeller Connection
The following is a URL for an interview with Aaron Russo, producer of the movie “America, Freedom to Fascism” and previously, “Trading Places” with Eddie Murphy and also “The Rose” with Bette Middler. In this interview Aaron explains how he became friends with Nicholas Rockefeller and that amongst other things Rockefeller bragged that his family had bankrolled the women’s liberation movement in order to destroy the family.
The Communist Connection
Finally, here is a URL for an article which explains the communist roots of Betty Friedan, “the founder of modern feminism”.
July 12, 2010 at 5:18 am #34664ChiFiend
ParticipantI can see why anyone might not be able to relate to Dr. Makow’s article which I posted.
My bad. Dr. Makow’s articles should not be read out of context. Dr. Makow (and I, myself also, in fact) is outside of the matrix. As the movie by that name depicts, we are living in a fabricated reality. To understand that, one must take a step back and discover why any entity or group would attempt to fabricate a reality for the populace.
The fact of the matter is that there is a cartel led by a handful of international banking families — Schiff, Warburg, Rockefeller, Morgan and (at the head) Rothschild are a few of the names. This cartel for more than a century has been pursuing a goal to usurp more and more of the power and resources of planet earth until, ultimately they plan to bring all of earth under one totalitarian central government which they, of course, would completely control.
Long ago, the cartel gained control of the major media and the educational system in order to be able to fabricate a reality for the masses of people which would allow them to carry on, undetected, with their business of dominating the world.
Right about now, I know that probably more than half of the readers of this post are dismissively and with a sneer, thinking to themselves, oh this guy is into “conspiracy theories”. Be that as it may, the existence of this conspiracy is not theoretical. It has been thoroughly documented by one of the establishment’s own fair-haired wunderkind, the esteemed professor Carrol Quigley of Georgetown University.
In his scholarly tome, “Tragedy and Hope”, Dr. Quigley describes in detail the workings of the conspiracy. Dr. Quigley is essentially an apologist for this megalomaniacal, sociopathic cartel. His only objection to the conspiracy would appear to be the fact that they wish to remain hidden.
I have attached a link to a presentation done by G. Edward Griffin, which cites and summarizes much of Quigley’s work. The rest of what I have to say here will probably make more sense if you listen to the Griffin presentation a couple of times before reading further.
So, the cartel and the conspiracy are documented, but only the broad brush strokes and some of the details are documented by Quigley. That, of course, leaves the door wide open for others to speculate about the details of the conspiracy. Some of those theories are pretty bizarre and wacky. This is what has given the very idea of a global conspiracy a bad name. Some of the wackiest of these theories are probably posed by agents of the cartel, itself, in order to foster derision for anyone who dares to speak the word “conspiracy”.
This is the way that they like to operate — finance both sides of every war, control both ends of every discussion, frame every debate, etc. In the U.S.A., today, we have a choice between a Democrat who is controlled by the cartel and a Republican who is also controlled by the cartel. In other words, no choice at all except to continue marching towards the “new world order” — code word for their Orwellian dream (nightmare for us) in which they are the masters and everyone else left standing are their slaves.
The feminism movement and the militant homosexual movement were usurped by the international banking cartel many decades ago. Ever noticed that the feminist movement and the militant homosexual movement are joined at the hip. For example, the most vocal feminists are often also lesbians. None of this is to say that no good has come from the women’s movement, but when one takes a step back and looks at the big picture and especially the hidden agenda, it is pretty horrifying.
The cartel recognized long ago that in order to accomplish their ultimate goal, they would have to break down society and through the media, get people to question the existing institutions — primarily the family and national sovereignty — the very core of any society.
Another of their favorite ploys is to create chaos to such an extent that people would throw up their hands in dismay and demand that the government must do something. “Take away our freedoms, control everyone’s lives — do whatever you have to do to stop this madness.”
Feminism and the militant homosexual movement have been steered by this hidden hand towards an agenda of destroying the family unit and with it, western culture and particularly the middle class, from within.
Their depraved logic is that if you can emasculate the men and de-feminize the women, you will have a populace that is confused and weakened and therefore easier to manipulate.
This campaign follows their favorite maneuver — divide and conquer. For more than a century they have been pitting blacks against whites, gays against straights, men against women, etc.
In any case, this is the point where, I feel like Morpheus offering Neo the red pill or the blue pill. hehe
If anyone wants to be steered to more information on the subject, let me know.