daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
First of all, I read in your personal log, that you are a Healing Dao instructor. So, if this is still true, your previous statements about your beliefs are contradicting to the system, where Healing Love practices are IMHO an integral part.
If that is not the case (that you are an instructor), claiming that semen retention as Mantak Chia…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx, Steven I have already got the CD’s and DVD’s of Micheal Winn’s courses and he amazed of how insightful he is about the nature of sex from a Daoist pespective…
P.S.: Please, stop apologizing for why you are not practicing the Healing Love cause you make all of us, that are practicing it, feel bizzare for praciting it, because it feels…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx, Steven I have already got the CD’s and DVD’s of Micheal Winn’s courses and he amazed of how insightful he is about the nature of sex from a Daoist pespective…
P.S.: Please, stop apologizing for why you are not practicing the Healing Love cause you make all of us, that are practicing it, feel bizzare for praciting it, because it feels…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx, Steven I have already got the CD’s and DVD’s of Micheal Winn’s courses and he amazed of how insightful he is about the nature of sex from a Daoist pespective…
P.S.: Please, stop apologizing for why you are not practicing the Healing Love cause you make all of us, that are practicing it, feel bizzare for praciting it, because it feels…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx, Steven I have already got the CD’s and DVD’s of Micheal Winn’s courses and he amazed of how insightful he is about the nature of sex from a Daoist pespective…
P.S.: Please, stop apologizing for why you are not practicing the Healing Love cause you make all of us, that are practicing it, feel bizzare for praciting it, because it feels…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic In search for the big 'O'… in the forum Practice 12 years, 7 months ago
Was I too forward with the matter? Hmm, well I thought an open conversation about the issue would clarify things about the different kinds of orgasm that exist in the Daoist tradition. So, I hoped that we could share some infos about it. Anyway, I would like to apologize to anyone I offented for coming to forward about the topic, I know sex is a…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx Steve for your patience in answering my questions…:)
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx Steven, yes it is true that the terminology is confusing. I am curently working with a Healing Dao instructor, and by discussing certain things with different Healing Dao instructors I got different answers and things got little bit confusing. By the way what is the wind-down period?
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Thnx Zoose. This is pretty much what I have been doing. I would go a little closer to ejaculation and then draw the energy up my spine and say ‘Woo… This is much better than ejaculating’. In my opinion though it is not a bad thing not to ejaculate, as long as you practice drawing your jing chi away from you genitals. So, I realize now that Power…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Sorry, just read it again, and yes you had an energetic orgasm not an ejaculatory one, it is morning here and I just got up to run some errants and at the meantime I took a peak to the forum. So, sorry for rushing ahaid…:)
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
May I assume Steven that you started ejaculating again, hehe. Sorry I didn’t want to cross the line that to drew when you stated above that you ‘don’t do the Healing Love techniques for personal reasons’…:)
Anyways, thank you for the clarification and yes I agree with you that the book has many controversional infos and from my own…[Read more]
daofulfilment replied to the topic What is the difference between Powel Lock and the Big Draw? in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Sorry, but had to post this, I only posted once, not three times… and again sorry…