digdug replied to the topic Can Enlightenment Be Achieved in One Week? (Sent recently to elist) in the forum Philosophy 17 years, 11 months ago
this is a really big issue of darkness and unconsious versus light and superosncious and cycles in between..
why call it enlughtnement if it involves both?
but DANGER–> who said endarkenment would work?
can you substantiate that endarkenment is survivable, with all it’s pyschosexual animal impulses?
perhaps enlightenment should be…[Read more]
digdug replied to the topic Jesus' Tomb Found in Israel, Filmmakers Claim in the forum General 17 years, 12 months ago
just try.. try reading it… it will take all of about a week
then move on with your life..
digdug replied to the topic Jesus' Tomb Found in Israel, Filmmakers Claim in the forum General 17 years, 12 months ago
Perhaps if Christians actually read their Bibles, noted various issues, focused on the principle “Love is the Law”, and left the santa clause stuff for the children..
A prophet king who tells you love is the law..
digdug replied to the topic I am off to Istanbul in the forum General 18 years ago
digdug replied to the topic I am off to Istanbul in the forum General 18 years ago
digdug replied to the topic anyone want to help set up "true-tao.iran"? it's a plane ticket away : ) (n/t) in the forum General 18 years ago
http://iranpix.com/it’s like a bad joke with him in a revolutionary war…[Read more]
digdug replied to the topic Tom Kenyon, Sound and Immunity in the forum General 18 years ago
digdug replied to the topic Is America a wasteland of Addicts & are most Earthlings not "Awake"- What does it mean? in the forum General 18 years ago
digdug replied to the topic Is America a wasteland of Addicts & are most Earthlings not "Awake"- What does it mean? in the forum General 18 years ago
humans are on a “sleepy” wavelength
that is more like being drunk and less like LSD..some taoist yogas take you “through” the astral
unconscious and it seems difficult to reconcile the twofew people experience a point of pute true “awareness’
where life is as “real as it gets”
they lived their whole lives in…[
digdug replied to the topic Is the TAO based upon the premise of Transmigration, how seriously do you take it? in the forum General 18 years ago
digdug replied to the topic Follow-up to Intelligence's Question Re: Evolution II in the forum Philosophy 18 years ago
I mean, reading through, sure there may be intermediate details like carbon vs whatever life forms, but as far as a spirit or soul goes, what else would it be?
This posting describes a type of spiritual ecstacy that is pinultimate? what else would go beyond it?
is this not nirvana/heaven/bhakti?
digdug replied to the topic Question: Does anyone else think Inner Space and Outer Space are the same thing? in the forum General 18 years ago
As someone who has been trying these taoist formulas.. each step of the way “back” to the bardo or void is being triggered by attuning to the interstellar intergalactic energy fields.. until it seems like at some point you aligh with some sort of primordial consciousness substratum..
so is what this guy says in the audio track schitzo or a…[Read more]
digdug replied to the topic Study on Calories Exercise & Weight Loss: What about Chi and Metabolism in the forum General 18 years ago
the layering of the “heart” center within the water center via the daimo (I think it is called).. the channel between the heart and kidneys.. seems like maybe some people just run deeper and hotter as fire in water there..like the “hidden heat” of the “dark” aspect of the sun
for instance it seems like some diabetics may be all washed up.. with…[Read more]
digdug replied to the topic Question: Does anyone else think Inner Space and Outer Space are the same thing? in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
Is Inner Space as Outer Space the secret of Salvation?
As in are we talking about some kind of interplanetary mental field working with light bodies like some hyperdimensional computer code?
digdug replied to the topic Terence McKenna on "Spirit as a Field of Deployed Energy" in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
As in, does anyone think deep inner mental space and deep extraterrestrial outer space ARE THE SAME THING?
as in, we go through outer space when we die while connecting into an outer space overmind within our souls?
digdug replied to the topic Terence McKenna on "Spirit as a Field of Deployed Energy" in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
suggestive of pattern passed through egg-seed cycles as a liquid light envelope revolving into forms..
where is the pattern held during transition?
McKenna suggests the species is essentially prepared to molt it’s seed passage cycle apparently by attuning itself to a precursory light passage cycle
McKenna Under the Teaching…[Read more]
digdug replied to the topic Terence McKenna on "Spirit as a Field of Deployed Energy" in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
digdug replied to the topic Terence McKenna on "Spirit as a Field of Deployed Energy" in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
digdug replied to the topic History of God: Original Religion's Egalitarianism Hijacked by Men (article) in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 1 month ago
According to Tantra, Reality is pure consciousness (chit), which is considered to be identical with both being (sat) and bliss (ananda). In Tantra, this being-consciousness-bliss or Satchidananda is called Shiva-Shakti, a hyphenated word conveying the inseparable nature of Shiva, the Absolute, and Shakti, the power of creation. In Tantra, any…[Read more]
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