Medical and Spiritual Qigong (Chi Kung)
fyi…I am on my wifes computer just noticed it’s her userid!
Hi everyone,
Verse I: Repair the Alchemical Laboratory:
I view laboratory, as setting up a vehicle for transformation, so that great change can take place: 3 energy centers, MCO Orbit, 5 Shen, Pakua’s,etc utilizing a typical fusion model for reference. Which is interesting last year I learned a alchemy practice similar to Fusion, from a Buddhist(oh god here we go with the Buddhist stuff, esoteric buddhist though!) which utilized three different Pearl color transformations such as golden light, 5 color pearl, violet light pearl, pakua’s or vortex, 5 shen, Soul dialoging to all major systems.
The esoteric buddhist practice was in the same spirit as most Dao alchemy practices, they call it Xiou Lien, meaning spiritual purification. I utilize these practices as processes each day is unique and take for instance tonight I practiced deep smiling awareness for 1:30 and went very deeply with that process.
I see reparing as restoration of the Jing Qi Shen, from modern lifestyle point of view such as maybe stress, senses etc. Sometimes we need to repair by just being present to create the space also. What I find great about these alchemical practices no matter what version you do is that it gives you flexibility to restore your sacred space, creating a unique for you. More tomorrow or next day.
I am glad their is interest & we all can communicate on this subject and have a constructive conversation; it’s a breath of fresh air (Qi). Thanks to everyone so far for participating looking forward to sharing ideas, thoughts. It has been a deep passion inside that we could utilize this great space in cyber heaven to help each other understand, ponder & utilize in this form of consciousness & discuss alchemy thoughts. Be back tomorrow thnx.. SnowLion