Medical and Spiritual Qigong (Chi Kung)
Thanks, I appreciate that you find the time to come in and help, especially with a question that is probably considered a newbie question. I’ve been working on IronShirt 1 so intensively for quite a while, so it is a breath of fresh air being at a point when I can consider my options for what to do next. I’ll look into your qigong fundumentals courses too.
Thank you Mathew and Michael
Thanks, that makes sense.
My only concern from that is physical injury could come about from being unable to issue the power from the fusions correctly without having all three IronShirt techniques to issue the power through.. But.. Unfortunatly, since I have not learned very far into the system, I don’t know for myself the all potential problems that may arise. I know Chia’s basic layout has IronShirt123 before fusion123. It sounds like you have experience that dictates a different order, and I certainly don’t want problems from emotional instability.
You have given me alot to think about! Thank you.
Thanks Matt, I’ll keep that in mind. I actually never even considered that all the fusions should be done before IS3. I bet IS3 is really tough.
Now I’m thinking more like this-
IronShirt 1 + Fusion 1
IronShirt 2 + Fusion 2
Fusion 3 + IronShirt 3
Maybe not though, I still have a year to go before I need to be sure about it.
Anyone else?