metaperl replied to the topic Coca-Cola Exploring Chinese Medicine for Beneficial Nutrients in the forum General 16 years, 11 months ago
There has always been Ginseng Cola in the healthfood stores, which I like quite a bit.
Maybe they should just get the gov’t to legalize cocaine and they can go back to putting that in Coke.
metaperl replied to the topic "The horror. The horror." in the forum Philosophy 16 years, 11 months ago
What’s in store for 2012? Ascension? Calamity?
metaperl replied to the topic raw food, killing sentient beings in the forum General 17 years ago
> Yes, but death by natural causes is very different from being shoved into a
> slaughterhouse and killed without anesthesia.Actually a friend of mine said that the animal chose to die that way… if we all create our own reality, then it basically had an urge for that to happen.
Which of course makes me wonder if the Africans had an…[Read more]
metaperl replied to the topic raw food, killing sentient beings in the forum General 17 years ago
> You can have compassion and still eat Meat. The Dalai Lama eats meat, for example.
I define compassion based on consideration for the other being. I dont care what office you have or what title or what robe or what funny name you have. If you do something un-compassionate, then you have done it.
So, just because he eats meat does not…[Read more]
metaperl replied to the topic raw food, killing sentient beings in the forum General 17 years ago
great answer. thank you.
metaperl replied to the topic psychic powers in the forum Practice 17 years ago
spongebob, take a different perspective on my question.
Let’s say you were shopping for a martial arts instructor. You might see how many trophies he has won at respectable tournaments.
Or if you were looking for a dance instructor, you might do similar research.
Here, I am assessing this Healing Tao system. The system makes…[Read more]