rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
lastly, though, i do not feel the fact that such assumptions are generally false discounts what i was saying previously, that the PUA tactics don’t seem to address the soul level, and the relationships between biological and soul level. i admit i have a lot to learn about these connections. the PUA material seems to be pretty accurate in terms…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
i do value you pointing out those self-deceptions.
they developed in me largely out of confusion about how to puruse what i’ve experienced sprititually while at the same time living out my sexual desires. i do realize they are false, but i’m still in the process of undoing them. 🙂 -
rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
i appreciate your reply. i haven’t just ignored the informations you’ve presented, and i don’t necessarily hold those assumptions as strongly as you might think. but it has been a challenge to find some integration between the spiritual and the biological, without negating either. what you’re saying here is helpful to me as it aids…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
thanks for your post.
i agree with what you’ve said.
and i’ve glimpsed it myself, this sanctification of the physical.
that’s one reason i had to chime in to say there’s so much more to the male-female story than this biological DNA saga. that’s just one layer that we’re interfacing with. but our origins go far beyond it as well… i myself…[Read more] -
rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
to employ the notion of subtle bodies —
what level is the attraction taking place on?
obviously, the ideal would be a harmonization of connenction on all layers.
but how can this happen in the mode of approach advocated by “the pickup game”??
it is completely fixated upon only a certain shell (at the probable expense of the others). -
rainwater replied to the topic Why do Women Lose Sex Drive within Long Term Relationships? Science study. in the forum General 18 years, 1 month ago
regarding “the game”….
while i can see the accuracy of the analysis, i would say it only applies to people who are living predominately on a certain level (even if that’s a majority of humans).
my question is this:
are there both men and women who tire of this “game” and instead seek connections on deeper levels (levels which become…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic Any Info on Michael Morgan? in the forum General 18 years, 3 months ago
i really dig your essay.
i am curious what you would think of this website:
the primary author there suggests that they way gnosticism is typically described by scholars, etc. is in fact disinformation, largely based in the writings of their opponets (the church). he links gnosticism to pre-christian…[Read more] -
rainwater replied to the topic Request feedback on new Healing Tao Mission statement in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 3 months ago
i do feel like the points in themselves, in their essential meaning, are quite wonderful and important in what they emphasize.
rainwater replied to the topic Request feedback on new Healing Tao Mission statement in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 3 months ago
i personally find it pretty attractive and accessible, but i could see how it’s language may not be so helpful for someone just getting into these things. perhaps you could simplify each point to its essential meaning which, by using some more general wording, everyone could relate to in their own way. then in other materials where you explain…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic DAOISM INTENSIVE: Retreat with Livia Kohn in the forum General 18 years, 4 months ago
is there a website for this?
somewhere with information about registration, etc.?thanks 🙂
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
smiling back, my friend!
this forum is full of great contributions.
thanks for your thoughtful response.
-c -
rainwater replied to the topic Is Individual Free Will a Prison? More on Mahayana, Alchemy in the forum Practice 18 years, 5 months ago
it seems both michael and fajin/max are making valid points within the domains of experinece each are addressing. the impediment lies in whether the points about one’s own chosen domain of experience actually address the paradigm offered by the other person. i think the point michael is making in a way comes down to how buddhist language does…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
“If we are fixed on what is “true” at an early age we are resisting the process of learning/unlearning and thus put a cap on our growth. Humility, respect and flexibility are sometimes difficult to come by when our personality has been structured to protect itself for reasons of insecurity.”
very good words for me to hear as a 20 yr. old…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic On Eating Meat, beliefs in Karma, and nature of true self. in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
p.s. somehow the quote i was responding to got cut out of my post — it was this:
“That is not a pre-natal vs. post-natal distinction as you suggest – it is a distinction that arises within the post-natal.”
rainwater replied to the topic On Eating Meat, beliefs in Karma, and nature of true self. in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
it seems that is quite like what was i was trying to say in my posts below, that the rejection of fear as false could only arise out of the post-natal consciousness, whereas the the “true” expression of pre-natal IS those “innocent feelings” of the life into which it flows, which are only made “false” by a post-natal reactionary…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
thank you, alexander.
your perspective seems much more holistic than the one you are responding to — at least from the standpoint of a living human being. and that is exactly what seems so strange to me about this “false self” language, that it seems based upon a kind of erroneous projection outside of the living, human experience. erroneous…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
and it is precisely because there is no contradiction, the differentiations freely arise.
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
>>We are having this conversation because you made a post and I replied. Not more, not less. There is a more intellectual answer, but I prefer to keep things as simple as they really are.<<
what i meant, is how could we be having this conversation if not for the reality that the root is NOT more primary than the blossom (nor is the blossom more…[Read more]
rainwater replied to the topic questions about taoist alchemy cosmological terms in the forum Philosophy 18 years, 5 months ago
thank you for your reply, fajin. i have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind.
>>When we understand the root, we understand all of the origin’s blossomings. Ego are emotions, intellect, feelings are by-products of having been born and when we return to becoming like an infant, this ego sinks back into the yuan shen. One sees the world…[Read more]