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March 1, 2020 at 8:10 pm #59778
Michael Winn
KeymasterScientists are looking at this core issue as OUTSIDERS.
The INSIDE perspective I cover in my Heaven & Earth Alchemy course, sometimes in Star Alchemy.
The anti-matter is a BOUNDARY around this cosmos, it does not saturate it. It is designed to contain the experiment of Spirit incarnating into Matter, to sotp it from spreading to other universes, as it is inherently dangerous. – Michael Winn
July 14, 2019 at 3:16 pm #58864Michael Winn
KeymasterBrilliant. Important to see how flexible the universe is. And more important, understand that no one HAS EVER SEEN AN ATOM, these are all mathematical projections, extrapolations from measureable energetic effects. In short, it is all Qi.
February 6, 2019 at 1:41 pm #58236Michael Winn
I believe Taoist alchemy has its roots in Lemuria (pacific island cultures), and Egypt its roots in Atlantis. The two cultures of internal alchemy are similar in principle, different in method. Lemuria is older than Atlantis, and refers to the Garden of Eden.
Howdy, please keep your posts to what is releveant in that thread. I appreicate your nethusaism, but it is over the top! – thanks, Michael
December 18, 2018 at 11:18 am #57061Michael Winn
KeymasterAugust 18, 2018 at 4:51 pm #52835Michael Winn
KeymasterThis book is not yet published – just my advance review of it. Actually, my students have much more advanced methods than described here, this is not a practice manual. But it has great research on all the major Taoist texts on alchemy for good background.
April 25, 2018 at 2:49 pm #51979Michael Winn
KeymasterThanks for these science posts, I enjoy monitoring science cosmology.
But we have to keep all this in perspective: the Standard Model and particles only describes 4% of the known cosmos. No particles in Dark Energy/Matter, which I believe is parallel to Taoist Pre-Natal Qi and Jing.
Alchemy is the path to experience the “light within the formless Qi field”.
March 23, 2018 at 4:49 pm #51818Michael Winn
KeymasterBrilliant talk – essential followup on this topic, how the microbes in a human being control our destiny.
March 7, 2018 at 3:02 pm #51757Michael Winn
KeymasterThis is interesting study – it could explain how Qi flow as meridian activity is happening even in a resting state. But on a deeper level, we have to remember that what brain waves and MRI are measuring is perhaps only the tip 10 percent of our full consciousness. Scientists cannot yet measure subtle flows of Qi happening in higher dimensions of our body-mind.
December 14, 2017 at 12:18 am #51500Michael Winn
KeymasterThe fact that this accomplished Tai Chi master committed suicide suggests to me that his bodily skills far exceeded his spiritual skills, and he could not unite them. Essentially, his shen attacked his excess of jing in order to liberate him from being trapped in that excess, an excess of earthly power that he had failed ot match and integrate with cosmic spiritual power.
September 13, 2017 at 11:05 pm #51192Michael Winn
KeymasterYour observations are spot on.
But there’s more.
Castaneda’s recapitulation is very, very slow, as it is set in real time, just run in reverse.
Mr. G’s reconciliation is essentially alchemical, but again limited to event by event.
In Taoist alchemy, one dissolves the pattern wherever it appears within the layers of your Energy Body, and at higher levels, across the entire Time-Space-Beings matrix, by focusing on its “elemental structure” (pre-natal Qi) rather than its “situational structure” (post-natal Qi).
This is the very purpose of yin-yang and five-phase theory — to allow adepts to work with the underlying energetic structure and shift that, rather than wrestling with the surface manifest situation.
You start this process in Fusion of the 5 Elements to dissolve emotional structures, then move to deeper structures in the levels of Kan & Li (Water & Fire) alchemy.
Hope this helps.
March 16, 2017 at 10:21 pm #1355Michael Winn
Keymasterreply again
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
December 25, 2016 at 12:17 am #47558Michael Winn
KeymasterJames has refused to allow me to use the current software that runs the forum.
So I’m forced to move it to a new format.
We should have a new forum up at the time we transfer on Dec. 31.
We haven’t yet looked at the issue of transferring all logins.
It may take some additional time to figure out how to make the millions of previous posts searchable. But that is definitely my plan.
If anyone has suggestions for a particular forum software, let me know. Best to email me at
Racing to re-birth by Jan. 1. James wants to retire, is terminating the old site then – this move is by ultimatum!
MichaelSeptember 25, 2016 at 2:14 am #47244Michael Winn
KeymasterA Sunni Muslim Addresses the Question: Is “Radical Islam” the Problem or is “Islam” the Problem?
This is ultimately about a PEW survey of muslim attitudes towards violence worldwide. It makes Trump look more alarmist than racist. Contrary to my own previous stated beliefs based on my travel, the number of “radical” beliefs by Fundamentalist Muslims is in the hundreds of millions. Women and non-believers are the primary targets of their violent beliefs. – m
September 23, 2016 at 3:17 pm #47234Michael Winn
KeymasterNote: Bill Bonner (largest financial newsletter publisher in the world) writes from France, parsing the Hillary-Trump divide abroad:
A Different Candidate?
I would vote for Trump.
The remark last came from an unlikely source.
The French press treats Trump like a clown or a con artist. Until last night, we had not encountered a single Frenchman with a favorable view of the Republican candidate.
We usually sink in our chair when the conversation turns to U.S. politics.
Are you voting for Hillary? they ask, assuming the answer is surely yes.
No, we say.
Then we get a look of deep suspicion. You mean you are voting for Trump?
Not either, we reply.
Then we have some explaining to do.
I dont want to encourage them, we begin. The conversation generally goes downhill from there.
But last night, it was our companion who had some explaining to do not so much to us, but to our other open-mouthed guests:
Trump is a guy who has made a career in the real world. He knows something about how an economy actually works. Yes, of course, he appears vulgar and ignorant. But thats because he understands how the press actually works.
He has built a public persona to capture media attention. It was the only way an outsider like him could win the nomination. In private, he is a very different person. He is thoughtful and intelligent. At least, that is what I read.
Hillary is just like [French president] François Hollande and almost the entire political class of Europe. They are professionals at one thing only: getting in office and holding on to power.
They have no idea how the real world works. Theyve never had a job. Or a business. Or any real contact with the world most of us live in. So, they inevitably make a mess of whatever project they are involved in.
From one failed project to another one unfulfilled promise to another one one disaster to another.
Trump is different. He might actually succeed.
Another WorldPoliticians are different from the rest of us.
We have to create wealth (even if it is as humble as digging a ditch) to survive.
For most people, work is not a hobby. We are not dilettantes who can shuffle from one loss-making, flibbertigibbet enthusiasm to the next.
We have to do something that other people are willing to pay us for. We have to succeed to pay the bills. Failure is not an easy option. Our lives depend on it.
Politicians and their cronies live in another world.
What? QE didnt work, you say? What? The War on Drugs hasnt reduced drug use? The War on Poverty hasnt reduced poverty? The War on Terror has created MORE terrorists?
You dont say really?
Well, well just spend more (of your) money on them!
What? Our budget is half a trillion in the red?
Well just borrow more money; besides, it will stimulate the economy.
The Parasitocracy doesnt create wealth. Instead, it lives on the wealth of others. And lives well!
Federal Advantage
The Washington, DC, area now has the highest house prices in the nation.
USA Today puts it as the third richest city, after San Francisco and San Jose.
The median two-bedroom apartment in DC now rents for $3,100, according to MoneyWatch. Thats $500 a month more than in LA.
But inside the Beltway they can afford those rents. Federal employees earn 78% more than similar workers in the private sector. Breitbart:
According to a study of data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, conducted by the Cato Institute, compensation for federal workers is 78% higher on average than compensation for private sector employees.
Federal civilian workers had an average wage of $84,153 in 2014, compared to an average in the private sector of $56,350, according to the Cato review.
The federal advantage in overall compensation (wages plus benefits) is even greater. Federal compensation averaged $119,934 in 2014, which was 78% higher than the private-sector average of $67,246.
In other words, taking is better paid than making. People who work for the feds earn more than those who add real wealth.
Party of War
But it is not the threat to his purse that draws another unlikely endorsement of the New York real estate developer.
Adam Walinsky, lifelong Democrat and former speechwriter for Robert Kennedy, tells us why he, too, is voting for Trump:
Todays Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments.
We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries.
Generals and admirals announce our national policies. Theater commanders are our principal ambassadors. Our first answer to trouble or opposition of any kind seems always to be a military movement or action.
Walinsky believes Trump will take his foot off the gas slowing down the war machine:
Trump marks himself as a man of singular political courage, willing to defy the hysteria of the Washington war hawks, the establishment and the mainstream media who daily describe him as virtually anti-American for daring to voice ideas and opinions at variance with their one-note devotion to war.
Trump: shrewd businessman who will buck the Establishment?
Or jackass shyster without a clue or a prayer?
You decide!
Bill Bonner
September 23, 2016 at 10:50 am #47232Michael Winn
KeymasterNote: here’s a post that offers a counter-view to Steven’s rosy views of Hillary. Just so we don’t fall into the popular media propsaganda trap….Mish Shedlock is a popular blogger who is NOT for Trump:
Most Dangerous Person On the Planet Today: Hillary Clinton
23 Sep 2016
On Monday, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of giving aid and comfort to Islamic terrorists, and that terrorists use his rhetoric to recruit fighters.
On fighting terrorism, she chastised Trump I Know How to Do This.
Im the only candidate in this race whos been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield. I have sat at that table in the Situation Room, said Clinton.
Heres my counterclaim: Hillary Clinton not only sponsors terrorism, she is a terrorist.
I sent this as an Op-Ed to the New York Times. Rejected as expected.
Irony of the Year
The irony of the day, week, month and year is Hillarys statement I Know How to Do This.
Hillary supported Bushs inane war in Iraq.
Hillary supported Bushs inane war in Afghanistan.
Hillary was the mastermind of US failed strategy in Libya.
Hillary is the single person most responsible for Benghazi.
Hillary supports president Obamas drone policy.
There has never been a war Hillary did not support.The most surefire way to make a terrorist out of a non-terrorist is to kill an innocent child or bomb an innocent persons home. Doing so is sure to radicalize friends and family.
String of US Terrorism
There is nothing more un-American or unconstitutional than bombing other countries indiscriminately with no declaration of war, and with little or no regard to the lives of innocent victims.
Hillary Clinton supported those policies as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton, like George Bush, like Dick Cheney, and like president Obama are all guilty of terrorism.
If you disagree, please put yourself in the shoes of a mother whose 4-year old daughter was accidentally killed by a US drone. Envision your neighbors house accidentally blown to smithereens by drones.
Is it not terrorism because its an accident? What practical difference does it make?
In the eyes of the families of innocent victims, no words better describe such actions than US terrorism. I guarantee that is precisely how you would feel if it was your son or daughter killed, or it was your house blown up.
On April 23, 2015 the New York Times reported Drone Strikes Reveal Uncomfortable Truth: U.S. Is Often Unsure About Who Will Die.
Mr. Obama and his top aides have repeatedly promised greater openness about the drone program but have never really delivered on it, said the Times, quoting Rachel Stohl, of the Stimson Center, a Washington research institute.
On October 20, 2015, the Huffington Post reported Nearly 90 Percent Of People Killed In Recent Drone Strikes Were Not The Target.
U.S. drone strikes have killed scores of civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, said the article, emphasis mine.
US Policy Radicalizes Terrorists
How many terrorists did the US radicalize in the process?
How many innocent civilians died? How much compensation did the US pay? Sorry, thats classified information.
Given US drone policy, its a wonder there has not been more terrorists incidents in the US. One surefire way to have more incidents in the US is to accept Obamas plan to take in 65,000 Syrian refugees.
Hillary Promises More of the Same
Hillarys refugee policies would ensure we would have more terrorist attacks in the US.
Globally, her statements prove she will continue the disastrous, counterproductive, and illegal policies of the Bush and Obama administration.
Logically speaking, Hillary Clinton is the biggest threat to world peace and the most dangerous person on the planet.
Thats what I will take with me to the election booth on November 8. What about you?
Mike Mish Shedlock
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