Medical and Spiritual Qigong (Chi Kung)
The current is there already, you just have to feel it.
If you are not a very tactile person, as some people are, you may have to do with being certain, or visualize, that the current is there. If it wasn’t, you would collapse.
Standing qigong is recommended.
All yoga is recommended, especially kriya yoga.
Push-ups is especially recommended.
Be always sure that your grounding is secure.
There’s a technique in the book “Chi Nei Tsang – Healing from Within”, called “Nine Turns and the Sleeping Loop”. It has helped me in times when stress has overruled the desire to sleep.
Basically it moves the attention into the body and away from the chattering mind.
Thank you so much for your answer 🙂
Bodyflow could be the 21. century tendon-changing classic.