Forum Replies Created
September 13, 2011 at 2:46 pm #35822
ParticipantThe solar disk (i have spent time in lake titticaca 3 times)is a mandala (highly focussed interaction, dance, and purposed energy) of very great beings, not something that exists independently, and the etheric structure of it is deeply imprinted in the lake. This mandala is somewhat unique in how its power reaches into the outer manifestation and has a very great directing influence of the spirits who work within the earth. One of the unique things about the energy charged around and in the lake, is that it has never been totally withdrawn but remains active within a relative outer awareness.
At the time of lemuria, there were relatively larger schools of adepts and people who worked in a deep resonance together through a common awareness in the earth, and for some as the literal breaths of movement through our planet. As this support was withdrawn over a period of time to make way for a different kind of consiousness and its experience – many of those involved found it very difficult; and in a dualistic fashion went into all sorts of behaviors, not being able to hold the previous experience in their own being (without that wonderful support of consiousness kept very alive by its adepts.)
I would not say that the general consiousness of people on this earth is in a higher state at all, rather, in the way of the mother, it was giving everything its due, and again is in a time of shifting.
Those who gain greater self definition in that process benefit into their mastery, yet the love felt by those in those schools is something that is never forgotten and it is a strong calling of the soul, again creating a greater atmosphere for that experience, and once again what has become the status quo shifts for that experience.
One by one, we come into the oneness thorugh self definition. Peru is a wonderful place to experience, thank you for sharing yours.
March 4, 2007 at 5:30 pm #21479Virochana
ParticipantWater as a primary element of awakening the kundalini has always been part of the central inner wisdom.
Kundalini is the nectar substance whereby our spirit embodies. As such any of the elemental qualities can be used to start the process. Because we are talking of embodiment and simultaneously the flowing quality of spirit, combined with long meditation needing a seducing quality to hold the practitioner; water becomes a natural.
While this might be different to some teachings, the heart is a natural place for this spirit water integration, provided it is from a very deep place that ends up providing a cosmic blueprint of the process.
Then in the back of the head (and the head as a whole), there is a place where the subtle energies merge into a barely physical-etheral substance that then can have a chance of further play into the body through cultivation.
Fire is freedom and the seeing, but water is its vehicle. However, this is just your prefered starting point, the two are simultaneous, otherwise nothing goes anywhere for long.
A proper depth results in the cool leading the fire, not the other way around, unless your practice is simply to transcend the physical as quickly as possible. The initial sensation of coolness leading can be from the bottom up, top down, or other ways – it depends on how you are cultivating it. Working with the water element in depth and gaining its wisdom takes consderably longer to gain results than a visualization of fire, but when successful, you are one with it all and there is no doubt. You get there first in a very subtle way beyond the elements, then you progress by unfolding from that point of purity, otherwise its just our endless play.
I believe the reason that you will not see so many written doctrines using the water element as an emphasized starting point is because it cannot be put into a formula so easily and is a very intimate affair. In the naga realms these practices are very sacred and treasured, and as such there is a strong lineage behind them, but it is an entirely different construct than you would see for example in most teachings or accepted social norms.Virochana
March 4, 2007 at 4:44 am #21361Virochana
ParticipantTry this and see if it works for you (it has for me).
First make sure your energy is up and inwardly radiant.
Then go into a very polluted environment, say a smoggy city, noise, a bad party, everything or almost anything.
In a grounded way, let go of the breath, no thoughts, let go of trying to buffer yourself, and feel a kind of inner poetry with it. Bad smells become just energy, noise becomes many voices singing, and inwardly feel that divinity. Be sure you are outside (not in a building, your energy msut be larger than the confines of a room). Do this while moving (keep the poetry), not sitting still with eyes closed. Keep the core deep in the body (stay present and a pressence inside of you).Do not overdue it, but see if you can carry that breathless-kind-of-state through such a situation. Even if you end up not feeling so well, you will be able to throw if off quicker with your practices, and you might gain some practical experience with something inside that is beyond all this.
While this is a much different and perhaps more impersonal scenario than you mentioned (about absorbing peoples negativity), their is a carry over.
March 4, 2007 at 4:20 am #20140Virochana
ParticipantMy suggestion is to pay attention to any knowingness you have with that light.
I have noticed that their are several kinds of blue light.
1) As a kind of energy light; that is you are observing a quality of energy
This kind of light is enhanced through your subtle vitality and grounding – far out, just keep doing your practice, but do not read too much into it other than inspiration.3) As an inner portal. Great to explore if you have the ability (by first stabalizing and then centering within it – inwardly very awake, not asleep), but do not take it as end all (it will seem like it is).
3) As another being
Is what it is4) As your own spirit essence
(saying this for future) This type of light occurence is rarely understood for what it is and is at first glance very simular to #1 above. The knowing sense of it as a very deep part of yourself, and the viewing of the light is not so much a viewing of the light but rather like a reflection or effect upon your being that is perceived (the color is not necessarily blue). If you understand the difference, then far out. This requires an understanding this is behind personality. Otherwise it is like a brief hello and then dissapears. You can not grasp at it.