Qi Flows Naturally Newsletter – Nov. 2, 2023
by Michael Winn
TO RECEIVE NEWSLETTER, see homepage of HealingTaoUSA.com
. HealingTaoRetreats.com
828 808 8100. Geoffrey, Office Manager
FEEL FREE to Reply — I love hearing from you!
Email: info.HealingTaoUSA@earthlink.net
Cross the bridge from
personal life to Eternal Life
— one Primordial Tai Chi ceremony at a time.
This sacred movement form, aka wuji gong
and Primordial Qigong, is a direct Way
to grow whole-body, enlightened Self-Love.
Is this for real?
Or just a New Age sales pitch?
No, this is very “Old Age”.
It’s an 850-year old lineage form from
Mt. Wudang, created by Chang San Feng,
a famous 13th centuryTao alchemist.
He claims a Fire Dragon taught it to him.
He also created what many believe was the first
13-movement martial Tai Chi form,
for monks to defend against bandits,
without harming them.
The martial Tai Chi form was made pubic.
The spiritual Tai Chi form was kept secret
for 830+ years.
Wuji gong was taught only to lineage initiates,
until my teacher, Zhu Hui, a Qigong doctor
(not a monk) released it.
It was my karma to attend Zhu Hui’s
first class teaching Primordial in the USA.
Zhu’s teacher, Li Tong, was a Chang Sanfeng
Taoist lineage monk. Li Tong dedicated
six full months to train Zhu in Primordial.
Li Tong died at age 106. He told Zhu,
“Please share this treasure with the world”.
Like Tao, the Qi from Primordial
Form is Always Changing
Its taken me 20 years to partially answer
this question.
It’s a deep mystery.
Every time I do this form, the Qi changes.
new revelations arise.
No other form I’ve learned does this.
Most qigong forms produce a predictable effect.
Feedback from hundreds of my students
is that most share my experience.
It’s magical, for rank beginners
or advanced adepts.
It is designed to guide the adept into wuji,
the Supreme Un-Knowable Mystery.
But how can we know the UN-knowable?
Wuji is the cosmic womb, birthing ALL –
including God, Goddess, or any lesser deities.
It’s a Primal God-head without a deity.
There can never be a “final” HOW answer,
as wuji is impenetrable. Somehow, from
Chaos it generates Great Oneness (taiyi).
This cracks open Yin-Yang and the 5 Phases,
which in turn births Nature (Creation).
What’s Hidden Inside Primordial Tai Chi?
1.Tao cosmology (wuji, taiyi, Yin-Yang, 5 phases)
2. sacred geometry (Vesica Piscis & Torus)
2. feng shui (directional dragon / ley lines),
3. medical qigong (8 Extra Vessels)
4. Tao numerology (number of moves is critical)
5. I Ching symbology
6. modern scalar wave theory (= pre-natal Qi)
7. sound healing (tone to 7 directions)
8. martial Tai Chi movement principles
9. Chinese calendar cycles & astrology
10. alchemy (couple polarity into Yuan Qi)
11. quicken Worldly + Spiritual Destiny
13. embrace ALL the above, rolled into One = Self-Love
This is just a partial list!
There are a multitude of ways to focus its power,
to speed up the manifestation of our
Highest Destiny (ming).
The Tao is very, very deep.
Self-Love is the Most Important Benefit

Primordial Tai Chi is a way to link our loving
personal heart to the loving heart of the Cosmos.
The Heart of our Cosmos is our
Original Self.
It loves ALL of its Creation,
including our local-body self.
When we align our heart with “central sun”,
we deepen our love for ALL we co-create
with the Qi field,
i.e. our core process of Self-creation.
Our Self-Love is the foundation
of all other kinds of Love.
Like the individuated UN-conditional Love
of our sou, or the many Conditional Loves
of our personality’s 12 organ spirits.
This spiritual Self-Love cultivated by Primordial
includes, but goes far beyond the “psychological
self-love” that ego-therapy treats.
Spiritual Self-Love is multi-dimensional.
It brings a feeling of deep peace to our soul.
When I want to “love” (merge with)
a sacred site, or the power of the sea,
the wind, a mountain or waterfall,
OR capture a sacred moment in time
like Equinox or Solstice — Primordial
is my “”go to” ceremonial form.
I’ve done it all over the world in my travels
to 110 countries. It’s the most efficient way to
“capture” the sacred energy of any local Space
or Time.
My partner and I did the form together before
consciously conceiving our son Emerald. I am
certain it opened a wide highway from Source
into his soul and embryo. At age 9 he has the
metaphysical maturity of a 30 year old.
If couples do it facing each otherm
it creates a lovely figure-8 spiral. It adds
harmony, builds a mutual feeling of love.
Is There a Simple Way to Embody
ALL this Primordial Power?

Total Beginners Get Strong Results
“I learned this beautiful Primordial formfrom you 16 years ago, right after the Inner Smile.This form helped me learn all of One Cloud’sformulas from you.–I am so grateful for the 6 live retreats I attended,hope to attend more.–Primordial works as advertised.It deepened my feeling of Self-love, effortlessly.I practice everyday. Thank you!!”– L. Sewell, AZ
One Cloud’s 9 Inner Alchemy Formulas for Immortality
Martial Tai Chi vs. Spiritual Tai Chi:
— What’s the Difference?
Zhu Hui –
A Humble Healer & Warrior –
with a Vision to Spread Wuji Gong

Just Amazing! Totally in a Class of its Own
“I have practiced Chen style taiji, 24, 42 and 4\
8 style standardized forms, two different styles
of bagua zhang. I found Tai Chi for Enlightenment
form is the most completing and satisfying form
I have ever encountered and totally in a class of its own.
I look forward to, and love to practice it!
“Physically it is also a great form for free hip
movement, that is the basis of initiating full body
movement in most internal styles. I like your
analysis of martial styles that are lacking spiritual basis.
“My Fu style bagua I like for its animal
twisting, coiling and stretching movements,
but the guy who created it, Fu Zhen Song
was apparently quite a vicious dude.
“For meditation, it is just amazing, and has
brought me intuitive guidance in areas I would
have never imagined. It creates a deep sense
of balance and harmony within my body and even
my environment that I feel throughout the day.”
— Chris D., Vancouver BC
Martial Artists Borrow Alchemy Theory
– but Not Methods
“The ultimate method of cultivation is called
‘The way of inverse movement’.
This method turns Qian (Heaven-Creative
trigram) and Kun (Earth-Receptive trigram),
revolving the Qi in reverse until the Post-heaven
Qi functions return to the Pre-heaven state….
This Qi is called Tai Ji.”
– Sun Lutang, Study of Taijiquan. Ch. 1, “Study of Wuji”.
Sun Lutang is quoting basic Tao inner alchemy theory,
using I Ching symbolism. “Tai JI” means “Great Polarity”,
i.e. Pole of Original Yin-Yang.
But “inverse movement’ is NOT taught to Tai Chi students.
Why? Because:
1) taiji quan teachers don’t know the practical
alchemy methods to shift post-natal Qi to pre-natal.
2) Martial forms are NOT designed to “invert movement”.
3) Martial forms DO lay a foundation for inner alchemy.
Harmonizing post-natal Yin-Yang Qi is a huge task,
well-served by martial forms.
4. It is not likely that Sun Lutang knew higher level alchemy,
i.e. how to shift from pre-natal Tai Ji to non-polar Yuan Qi
(Original Breath of taiyi, Great Oneness).
Cultivating pre-natal Tai Ji is only
the first HALF of the inner alchemy journey
of Lao Tzu’s “Return to Origin”.
For most martial artists, wuji is a distant abstraction.
It’s a placeholder in their abbreviated Tao cosmology:
wuji – taiji – bagua – wu xing.
Stage one, wuji, is a “vague nothingness” causal to
their taiji quan form. Linked to stillness or wrongly
defined by Chan Buddhist notions of Emptiness.
In Tao, no place in our Cosmos is “empty” of Qi.
Wuji itself is not directly knowable,
but it’s effects on us can be cultivated.
These effects are built into wuji gong,
lit. “skill at entering the Supreme Mystery”.
The form automatically accumulates neutral
force – Yuan Qi – in our core channel.
Compressed Yuan Qi is the gateway to wuji.
Primordial delivers it, even if you’ve never
heard the theory.
But you might NOT recognize Yuan Qi….
most are stuck in left-right brain drama.
That’s why it helps to read about the Primordial Form…..
My #1 Bamboo Scroll book cover:
Primordial Tai Chi
& Tao Inner Alchemy
Way of Enlightened Whole-Body Self-Love
Loving Energy Science
Heart-Mind <–> Soul <–> Pure Love Qi

Bamboo Scroll # 1
by Michael Winn
Why write a book about a movement form,
powered by an invisible neutral Breath?
isn’t that a bit too mental?
1. In China: “Follow the teacher. Don’t ask questions.
Compress Sexual Elixir into a Pearl –
the Deep Secret of Inner Alchemy

Primordial Tai Chi gather’s local and cosmic Qi
and stores in our “inner pearl”, progressively
built up by the form’s 8 cycles.
Like a physical pearl, the form accumulates Qi
layer upon Qi layer. These breathe and connect
to each other, linking our experience of our
Greater Self in multiple dimensions.
A physical pearl is not a “dead”object. If it
dries up, the layers will crack and peel.
We must keep our Pearl juicy and radiant.
— DOWNLOAD FREE my Introduction to Bamboo Scroll #1
(35 text pages + 45 illustrations):
Choose between two Audio-Video Home Study downloads.
Weekend workshop goes far beyond the Video,
which only shows outer movements.
2. Advanced Training + Effortless Body Super-Learning (4 Audio):
Click on link for full details.
Note: my site is being worked on.
If cart doesn’t work, contact
(828) 808 – 8100 Geoffrey Bernard
Fall 2023
Michael Winn Tao Events
email: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net
(828) 808 – 8100 Geoffrey Bernard, registrar
Nov. 11 – 12, 2023, Sat/Sun. 9 am – 6 pm

Primordial Tai Chi for Enlightened Self-Love
aka Wuji Gong, Primordial Qigong
- Super easy to learn & all ages, 8 to 80!
2. uickly delivers an amazing feeling of energy
3. wakens deep peace of true inner Self
4. Develops a more powerful spiritual presence
5. Great health benefits for heart disease,
high blood pressure, arthritis, migraine, fatigue
6. Resolve emotional and spiritual crisis
This is the single most powerful and magical form
I have found during many decades of practice and 21 trips to China.
• Doubles as Certification Training (Certificate no extra cost).
For adepts who practiced extensively from DVD.
• Feldenkrais super-learning included: exercises lying on ground.
• Location:
Michael Winn’s Qi-infused home in Asheville, atop a Blue Ridge mountain.
• Cost: $195. Space is Limited, sign up early!
Can’t attend the LIVE Training?
Get the Audio-Video Home Study download
2. Advanced Training + Effortless Body Super-Learning (4 Audio):
Dec. 9 – 10, 2023 Sat/Sun. 9 am – 6 pm

Yin-Yang theory posits the Pulsing Breath of Life flows within everything.
Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4
Taoist Internal Qi Breathing (3 methods), Bone Breathing and Rooting.
Heal a wide range of chronic illness. Dissolves deep Ancestral issues.
Super grounding standing practice (aka Iron Shirt Qigong).
Location: Michael Winn’s home in Asheville, atop Blue Ridge Mountain.
Cost: $144. Price based on Sacred Number, unchanged for 25 years!\
Full Course Description or to order download
• FREE EVENT: Dec. 23, 2023. Sat. 7:15 – 11 pm+
Winter Solstice Black Dragon Ceremony
+ Crystal Bowl Sound Alchemy
RSVP: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net
Location: Michael Winn home in Asheville, N.C.
RSVP required – hit reply (if newsletter), or info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net
Tap into the power of the Dark Winter Sun.
True Darkness is the power to birth the Light anew,
from the depths of the dark cosmic womb, the eternal
mystery of creation.
Arrive by 7:15 pm.
(20 minutes from downtown Asheville).
7:30 – 8:10 Crystal Bowl Sound Alchemy. Concert
open only to those staying for at least one meditation.
8:20 – 8:50 Winter Solstice Black Dragon ceremony.
Color creates resonance with Water Element & Black Dragon of the North
Arrive with a Clear Intent!
What do you want to REBIRTH?
Prepare a short affirmation to focus your INTENT.
This powerful Solstice Ceremony is to rebirth our
authentic personal self and highest destiny.
Two silent sitting meditations in total darkness on the
cycle of rebirth of the light that regulates our life.
It is not necessary to stay for both sittings.
All are welcome to stay later to celebrate the True New Year.
The sitting times approximate (chairs available):
1st sitting: 9 pm – 10 pm
2nd sitting: 10:10 – 11:15 pm
Light refreshments afterwards – please bring something (no alcohol).
This event is very popular, so RSVP early to:
Driving directions will be sent with confirmed reservation.
Can’t Attend a LIVE course?
• Download DVDs: https://healingtaousa.com/downloadable-dvds/
• Download AUDIO:https://healingtaousa.com/downloadable-audio/
• Access these links under PRODUCT MENU on my homepage.
If you don’t see what you seek, contact Ofc. Mgr:
For all PRODUCT (DVD/audio) questions
email: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net
(828) 808 – 8100 Geoffrey Bernard, office mgr