Taoist Dream Practice
Dear Dreamers of the Natural Way, ?Once upon a time, Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly, a butterfly fluttering about, enjoying itself. It did not know that it was Chuang Tzu. Suddenly he awoke with a start and he was Chuang Tzu again. But he did not know whether he was Chuang Tzu …
Silent Tantra, or Spontaneous 2-Person Alchemy
Note: John Mann hosted Healing Tao Retreats at Big Indian, N.Y. in the 80’s and 90’s, and experimented with various tantric and alchemical practices. This method, based on two people sitting opposite and gazing into each other’s eyes, is designed to allow the subtle bodies of each person to spontaneously re-balance and dissolve held patterns …
Lao Tzu: LET GO of Struggle. But HOW?
Do you feel held back in life by “invisible forces”? The ordinary mind struggles blindly, reaching for happiness that seems elusive, just beyond our grasp. Align with Tao mind, and you feel guided moment to moment. =============================== HealingTaoRetreats.com …
Taoist Dream Practice & Inner Alchemy
note: Juan Li is a Senior Healing Tao instructor who illustrated all of the early books by Mantak Chia. He was my first teacher of Taoist Dream Practice in the 1990’s. A fuller biography follows this article. His website: http://www.ichingdao.org Playing With the Clouds: The Foundations of Taoist Dream Practices by Juan Li The beginnings …
On the Taoist “Pure Water Method” vs. “Water & Fire” Method of Alchemy
I have often been asked to comment on the difference between the “Taoist Water Method” promoted by B.K. Frantzis and the “Water and Fire Method” (Kan and Li) of alchemy taught in the Healing Tao, originally transmitted by Mantak Chia. Kumar has published two books on his Taoist water meditation method in his Relax Into …
Story of Mantak Chia Meeting Taoist Adept One Cloud
Taoist Master Mantak Chia is a major pioneer in awakening the West into the Way of the Tao over the last 20 years. He is co-author of over ten books on qigong and its inner meditative aspect, neigong. He is the first to openly initiate westerners into the secret methods of Taoist inner alchemy, the …
The Dream of Life
How do I know that the love of life is not a delusion? How do I know that he who is afraid of death is not like a man who left his home as a youth and forgot to return? Lady Li was the daughter of the border warden of Ai. When she was first …
Inner Smile, the Secret to Being Simple and True
In April 1999, a dozen Senior Instructors and old time US students from the 1980’s were waiting in Masahiro Ouchi’s New York office to meet with Master Chia, who was delayed by half a day. This was the core group that had launched the Healing Tao and supported it in its uncertain early days. There …
On Immortality, the Body, & Wuji
Question has been asked: according to Tao alchemy principles, is the physical body immortal? The issue can be simplified. Jing , chi, shen (body substance, energy, and intelligence/spirit) are all one, and all disappear together into and emerge out of the Wuji, the Supreme Unknown. Ther wuji is NOT a true void, more a womb …
Are Dragons Real Beings? YES! Do Chinese Descend from Dragons?
1. Download PDF Article by Michael Winn Are Dragons Real Beings? YES! 2. download PDF: Dragon Year 2024 Tao Events
Daoist Alchemy as a Deep Language for Communicating with Nature
Click here for PDF version of this article
On Taoist Internal Alchemy
Following is the complete text of an interview with Michael Winn published in The Empty VesselEmpty Vessel: Many people are currently familiar with Taoist practices such as taiji quan, qigong and Chinese medicine. But there is a whole other aspect of Taoist cultivation, Taoist spiritual work, which is often referred to as internal alchemy. …
Looking for Taoists in China, Mortal and Immortal
Had I discovered a favorite meditation spot of the Immortals (“shien”) said to inhabit Ht. Hua Shan, or “Flower Mountain”, the most famous sacred Taoist mountain in China? I was sitting on the gnarled branches of a centuries old pine tree. This tree, for some strange reason, grew sideways about forty feet out from the …
Healing Tao goes Breatharian
Note by Michael Winn: I was not totally surprised when Eve called me shortly after taking the Greatest Kan and Li 1999 summer retreat at Big Indian to tell me she had stopped eating and was a little concerned. That retreat had been a virtual meltdown experience for everyone present. I felt I was witnessing …
Clearing the Confusion Over Fusion
Since Mantak Chia?s book on Fusion of the Five Elements was published 15 years ago, there has been a lot of confusion over the Healing Tao practice of Fusion.. There were a lot of practices in the book that were NOT part of the original fusion practice, but bits of higher Kan & Li alchemy …
State of the Universe Address
It?s Chinese New Year, the second new moon after the Winter Solstice, Year of the Water Horse. It begins early Tuesday morning (EST), Feb. 12, 2002. My physical body is only a tiny speck in the universe, how can it grasp what is really going on within these vast cosmic cycles of the earth, moon, …
Taoist Alchemy & Breatharians
Taoist monk views the West Peak of Huashan. Why would anyone in their right mind choose to spend 5 days in a cold mountain cave without food or water? Short answer: Because the cave was on Mt. Huashan, the most famous Taoist sacred mountain in China. The long answer: I was curious to investigate the …
Becoming The Immortal Child
Note: The link between the Egyptian concept of immortality as an Eternal Child and the Daoist cultivation of the Immortal Child is made very clear in the following passage. The notion that the “gods” are a collective within this Immortal Child is also strikingly similar. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is obviously not a …
On Alchemy, Iraq, and the Metal Element
Note: posted befoe the Iraq Invasion in 2003: Dear Lovers of Inner Peace, Spiritual people are often at a loss as to how to respond to political events. This essay is about looking beneath the surface, as that is where spiritual focus can leverage itself most powerfully, not in outer struggle. Both inner work and …
Magic Numbers, Planetary Tones and the Daoist Energy Body as Musical Instrument
Click here for PDF version of this article
Fusion of 5 Elements: Cultivate Original Feeling of Self-Love, Transform Negative Emotions
Note: This is a spliced-together transcript taken from introductory talks given at 2001 and 2003 Fusion 1 workshops. I am always amazed at how the same basic methods can generate such varied yet effective results in different people, due to each of us having a unique 5-element constitution. [br]Audio courses may differ in their focus …
Can Qigong Qi (Chi) Emission Inhibit Cancer Cells?
Note: Kevin Chen has been a lead scientist in investigating qigong heaing from a western scientific perspective, and has a newsletter called Qi Dao that regularly publishes the latest research. I have seen research in China from my friend and scientist Feng Lida that showed conclusively that Qi (chi) emission changed the genetic structure of …
Is “Chi” Real? Yes, Beyond Any Doubt
Everyone discovers qigong in their own way. When I first began experimenting with it twenty years ago, there wasn’t a lot of support or explanation for the idea of “chi” (the pinyin “qi” had not yet become popular). Chi kung was mostly taught by martial artists, who often had a rather limited idea of chi …
Medicine in Crisis
This is a seminal piece that reveals shocking news to most Americans: that Traditional Chinese Medicine is NOT traditional, but a Maoist creation of the 1950’s. TCM is today distinguished from Classical Chinese Medicine, which would include the type of chi kung and alchemical healing taught by the Healing Tao community. TCM was carefully disemboweled …
Qigong Therapy as Alternative/Complementary Medicine
Introduction (Origins and History) Qigong (or “chi kung”, pronounced chee kung) literally means “skill in managing the Breath of Life”. It’s an ancient healing art utilizing meditation, movement exercises, self-massage, and special healing techniques to regulate internal functions of the human body. Qigong is a Branche of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) along with acupuncture & …
Qigong Therapy and TCM
Medicine in the west is undergoing a sea change, as millions of people begin to explore energetic based approaches to healing. Acupuncture has been in the vanguard of this revolution, but acupuncture itself is about to undergo “a second revolution” of its own as it begins to integrate the wave of powerful qigong healing technologies …
Healing Cancer with Chi Kung Therapy
Medicine in the west is undergoing a millennial sea change. Millions of people are exploring energetic healing. Doctors dismiss most of these New Age therapies as placebo effect or unscientific. I believe the most effective method of healing chronic disease to emerge will not be New Age, but rather an 5,000 year old method from …
DNA Tricked By Inactivity Causes Major Health Problems
Dear Lovers of Chi Flow: Scientists are finally waking up to the fact that physical movement affects the unfolding of the genetic code, and thus can prevent a wide range of chronic illness. More significant is the evidence on how INACTIVITY triggers a DNA reaction that causes the chronic diseases and obesity in the first …
Multifaceted Health Benefits of Medical Qigong
Ed. Note: These two surveys of medical qigong (chi kung) research by Kenneth M. Sancier, Ph.D., et al. provide an excellent glimpse of the powerful effects of qigong practice in healing a wide variety of chronic illnesses and dramatically extending lifespan. In Dr. Sancier?s second article, Anti-Aging Benefits of Qigong, he cites three separate long-term …
The Gentle, Easy Way to Pack Your Iron Shirt
“Can you maintain undivided concentration until your chi is as supple as a baby’s?” – Tao Te Ching Of all the chi cultivation methods taught in the Healing Tao, the Iron Shirt packing technique is the one most often abused — with potentially dangerous side effects. At summer retreats, nothing pains me more than to …
The Living Universe: Where Are We? Who Are We? Where Are We Going? by Duane Elgin (Bk Review)
Note: Duane Elgin is global systems thinker and futurist. His cosmology of a Living Univeree and advocacy of living simply and sustainably while developing a deep and rich inner spiritual life is very Taoist in its essence, although Elgin does not identify himself as a Taoist or scholar of Taoism. – Michael Winn A Journey …
Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (Book Chapter)
Note: This is a longer (35 pg) pre-pub draft of a shorter version published as Michael Winn’s chapter in the book Internal Alchemy: Self, Society, and the Quest for Immortality, ed. Livia Kohn & Robin Wang (Three Pines Press, 2008). It mixes personal experience with historical and theoretical overview of Daoist /Taoist inner alchemy …
What is the “Meaning of LIfe” for a Taoist?
L: Neutral center of this Yin-Yang symbol holds a key to the Tao deep “meaning of life”. R: Plasma spiral of galaxy mirrors Yin-Yang symbol. Both express flow of Nature as two equal polar forces spiraling around a neutral third center – the same principle as DNA double helix. Two …
Quest for the Golden Elixir: Neidan Lineage Transmission in China
Note: This has fascinating and colorful details on the transmission of Golden Elixir teachings in medieval China. It also reveals the Chinese cultural obsession with lineage as proof of authenticity. This is mostly focused on “horizontal transmission” in linear time between historical figures, rather than vertical transmission from Tao, star beings, or immortals to humans. …
3000 Years of Taoist History, Cosmology, & Practice: an Overview
Note: This long article is mandatory reading for anyone seriously pursuing a Taoist path. Fabrizio Pregadio is undoubtedly one of best scholars of Taoism and internal alchemy on the planet. His goldenelixir.com site offers many important neidan texts to be downloaded or in book form. This lengthy overview is a draft article from Academia.edu, written …
Daoist Images of Body and Landscape in Song Dynasty
Note: This is a brilliant and highly readable survey of religion in China and its relation to art. It has a great summary of major scholar’s theories about Taoism’s development in China that is alone worth reading (even if you are not focused on art history). Also includes long sections on Chan (Zen) Buddhism at …
Souls of China by Ian Johnson ( book review)
The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao by Ian Johnson (Pantheon, 455 pp). Book review by Michael Winn, published in Chi Flows Naturally newsletter, Sept. 2017 Abstract: This fabulous new book takes you inside the experience of ordinary Chinese folk as they seek to re-grow their spirituality after the challenges of …
Quanzhen Daoism and Dragon Gate: History of Monasteries, Lineages, and Ordinations
ON QUANZHEN DAOISM AND THE LONGMEN LINEAGE: AN INSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF MONASTERIES, LINEAGES, AND ORDINATIONS A Thesis Submitted to the Department Linguistics and Religious Studies University of Saskatchewan By YUE WANG i. Copyright Yue Wang, June, 2017. Shared under non-profit statute. ii. ABSTRACT This thesis examines Quanzhen Daoism, and the Longmen lineage in particular, …
History of Quanzhen (Complete Perfection Order)
History of Quanzhen 全真 Completion of Authenticity; Complete Reality; Complete Perfection Entry in Encyclopedia of Taoism, written by Vincent GOOSSAERT (gen. editor Fabrizio Pregadio, Routledge 2006). Also appears on Pregadio’s site, GoldenElixir.com. Quanzhen is today the main o cial branch of Taoism in continental China. This status is not primarily due to its doctrines, for …
Morning & Evening Services: Taoist Complete Perfection Order
Sung-Hae Kim Sogang University, Seoul, Korea 玄門日誦早晩功課經 Morning and Evening Services of the Quanzhen Order Introduction During the summer of 2001 I directed a research tour of Daoist monasteries with nine graduate students. The first monastery that we visited was White Cloud Monastery (Baiyunguan, 白雲觀) in Beijing, China, the center of the Order of Complete …
Levels of Qigong Practice for Attaining Immortality
IMMORTALITY The focal point of Daoist worldview (Menschenbild) is the attainment of immortality or transcendence, which can be understood on three levels that are also applicable to Qigong practice today. These levels are: harmony with nature, perfection of nature, and transcendence of nature. First, it is an ideal of immortals not to meddle with the …
The Idea of Immortality in Chinese Thought
taichi@beqezint.net Immortality is an age-old dream of human beings. Ancient and modern people, East and West, confront the same dilemma — the absurdity of death and the loss of personal ego. For most of us, it is an unsettling thought that we will grow old, become infirm, and eventually die. Western traditions have dealt with …
Attaining Sagehood & Immortality in Daoism
Transcending the Human World and Attaining the Heavenly World Here we concentrate on the practical and humanistic aspects of the ideal of a sage (shengren) in Daoism, which reveal its paradoxicality or bi-directionality. The analysis is based of some stories from Zhuangzi, ideas from Laozi and teaching of Quanzhen school masters of the 20th century …
Women in Daoism, Buddhism, & Confucianism
http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Writings/Women.htm Joseph A. Adler, Department of Religious Studies, Kenyon College ASIANetwork Annual Meeting Whittier, California April 23, 2005 Teaching the history of Chinese religions in a gender-balanced way involves a rather large number of variables. First, of course, there is the fact that one must deal with at least three religious traditions: Confucianism, Daoism, and …
Daoist Alchemy in the West:
http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeVI/Dao.htm#_edn93 Daoism, as the primary indigenous religion of China, is a highly esoteric tradition. Constructed of many different strands, over several thousand years, Daoism has a complex history of integrating various techniques of meditation, spirit communication, consciousness projection, bodily movements, medicine, and ?internal alchemy? with a profound transpersonal philosophy of nature and a metaphysics of …
Imagination & Inner Alchemy
Note: this 124 page thesis, though it may seem lengthy, is a short way to get an excellent education in the principles and process of western internal alchemy. The writer is never pedantic, has done deep reserach on alchemy, and packs as much into some footnotes as some would an essay. A main point for …
The Subtle Body Ecstasy of Daoist Inner Alchemy
The Subtle Body Ecstasy of Daoist Inner Alchemy LIVIA KOHN MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE Descriptions of personal mystical experiences in the Daoist tradition are hard to find. Authors typically refrain from becoming too personal, and the overall tendency in the literature is to express the experiences of the mystic in generalized instructions and the listing of warning …
Daoism and the Origins of Qigong
Daoism and the Origins of Qigong LIVIA KOHN Qigong or ?Qi Exercises? describes a group of practices highly popular in China and increasingly well known the West. They involve slow, gentle body movements, breathing exercises, self-massages, and the mental circulation of qi, with the aim to open the body?s inner channels, provide a free flow …
Daoist Neidan: Lineage and Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts
Daoist Neidan: Lineage and Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts By Michael Winn October, 2002. I’m sipping tea with Chen Yuming, vice abbot of Mt. Hua. We’re in Qingkeping monastery; above us sheer granite cliff rises up three thousand feet to West Peak. It’s my fourth visit in four years to this sacred …
ONLINE DIRECTORY Michael Winn articles, book chapter excerpts, conference papers
Daoist Alchemy as a Deep Language for Communicating with Nature Paper presented at Vashon Island conference of Daoist Scholars & Adepts, 2001. Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West Book chapter excerpt, Internal Alchemy: Self, Society, and the Quest for Immortality (Three Pines, 2009). Daoist Methods of Dissolving the Heart-Mind Journal of Daoist Studies 2009 (vol. …
Internal Alchemy ( book preface)
Editors? Preface by Livia Kohn and Robin Wang Internal alchemy (neidan) is the culmination of several millennia of Daoist cultivation and transformation practices?physical, meditative, and alchemical. It combines numerous techniques and intricate philosophical concepts into a complex system, geared to allow adepts to refine accessible, tangible body energy into highly spiritual forms while awakening and …
Daoist Methods of Dissolving the Heart-Mind
I smash up my limbs and body, drive out perception and intellect, cast off form, do away with understanding, and make myself identical with the Great Thoroughfare. — Zhuangzi Inner Chapters 6 In the Daoist tradition, there are medical, martial, and spiritual ap-proaches to dealing with imbalances arising in the heart-mind (xin). The Chinese notion …
What is Taoism?
Dr. Jampa Mackenzie Stewart, Senior Healing Tao Instructor, Austin Texas www.HealingTaoInstitute.com FOUNDATIONS OF TAOIST PRACTICE When you try to define Taoism, you immediately run into trouble. The great Taoist philosopher and author of the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, begins his first chapter with the warning words, The Tao that can be described is not …
8 Branches of Tao Healing Arts
8 Branches of Tao Healing Arts By Jeff Nagel According to the ancient “Keepers of the Knowledge” from the Taoist Tradition, the evolutionary roots of Chinese Wholistic Medicine came into being at least 8,000 years ago through the first two of the 8 Branches of the Tao Healing Arts. Over the centuries the …
Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (excerpt)
Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (abridged chapter) by Michael Winn The Dao is very great, for it offers human beings 3,600 pathways. Each pathway has 10,000 methods to help us become who we truly are. — Daoist saying In 1980, I was introduced to Mantak Chia in his tiny office in New York’s Chinatown. …
A History of Early Daoist Visualization
TOWARDS A HISTORY OF EARLY DAOIST VISUALIZATION Louis Komjathy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies University of San Diego note: the Chinese characters in this article were not properly read by this site’s software and appear as gibberish. Our apologies to Louis’ excellent scholarship. We may approach the history of Daoist meditation (and …
China Gets Religion!
China Gets Religion! DECEMBER 22, 2011 by Ian Johnson Books reviewed: The Religious Question in Modern China by Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer University of Chicago Press, 464 pp., $40.00 Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule by Fenggang Yang Oxford University Press, 245 pp., $99.00; $24.95 (paper) God Is Red: The …
Dao de Jing & YIN XI: The Guardian of the Pass
YIN XI: THE MASTER AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SCRIPTURE by Livia Kohn, publisher, Three Pines Press. NOTE: [This study is part of a longer work on the hagiography and myth of Laozi, both in history and in comparative analysis. I am indebted to K. M. Schipper for the most fortuitous translation of @I{wenshi} …
China: Short HIstory -Why it survived 2000 years when Roman Empire Failed
Note: This article is not about any specific Taoist topic, but I feel it valuable for understanding the historical-cultural background in which Taoism flourished. Emperors of various dynasties often sought religious approval of Taoist and/or Buddhists to affirm their title as Son of Heaven, and thus cement their power. The mainstream Taoist and Buddhst sects …
Meanings of Ming (Worldly Destiny) and Xing (Original Human Nature) in Daoist Internal Alchemy
Note: Pregadio is perhaps the top scholar working in the Taoist (Daoist) neidan tradition. His website is http://www.goldenelixir.com/ and has many valuable translations of neidan books and a newsletter, all highly recommended for serious meditators. – Michael Winn 《道教研究學報:宗教、歷史與社會》第六期(2014) Daoism: Religion, History and Society, No. 6 (2014), 157-218 Meanings of Ming (Worldly Destiny) and …
Daoism beyond Modernity: “Healing Tao” as Postmodern Movement
Note: This should be required reading for Heaing Tao students, as it places their path in a larger context than just Chinese Daoism or Western Taoism. You know you’ve been around for a few decades when the scholars finally start writing about you….:) – Michael Winn Daoism beyond Modernity The “Healing Tao” as Postmodern Movement …
Table of Contents: Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy in 7 Bamboo Scrolls
Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy Way of Enlightened Whole-Body Self-Love An Inner Alchemy Transmission in 7 Bamboo Scrolls Loving Energy Science Transmutes Heart-Mind <–> Soul <–> Pure Love Qi Bamboo Scroll # 1 Tao Cosmology & Sacred Movement: How an 800-Year Lineage Qi Gong Grows Radiant Health and Love from Origin …
Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy: Way of Enlightened Whole-Body Self-Love
Michael Winn INTRODUCTION to Bamboo Scroll #1: Awaken Self-Love with Sacred Movement (about 45 pages text, 45 illustrations) UPDATED Feb 2022, with full chapter Table of Contents to Bamboo Scroll #1 at the end. Click here for PDF version of this article 1 Primordial B-1 c Intro.WINN.Feb.2022 ————————————————- Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy …
The Doctrine of the “Mysterious Female” in Taoism
This essay on the feminine nature of Taoism is by a Russian professor who has penetrated to a very deep philosophical perception of the Tao. My own perception, based on alchemical practice, supports this view. It is one reason why Taoist teachings are so very important at this junction in global history. The feminine has …
A “New” Method of Tossing I Ching Hexagrams
Note: For a review by Michael Winn of Stephen Karcher’s Total I Ching, see the Amazon.com book reviews. This version of the I Ching is the most suitable for Healing Tao adepts, combining the ancient shamanic Jou I Ching with the later Confucian I Ching. A New Method of Tossing I Ching Hexagrams by Stuart …
Book Review: Cosmic Way I Ching
I was once an avid fan of Carol Anthony in my early years of I Ching interpretation. And, as a long time Daoist cultivator, I was very excited to order the Cosmic Way interpretation of the I Ching, with its pre-advertised denuding the text of Confucian ideas and exploration of its true underlying Daoist ideas. …
I CHING on LAW (Original Shen) and Unfoldment of CHI
There is an old Chinese text written by Wang Fu-chih that neatly summarizes the Shen-Chi-Jing principles of Taoist alchemy, only using the language of the I Ching on Law-Energy-Number: “Between Heaven and Earth there exists nothing but law and energy. The energy carries the law and the law regulates the energy. Law does not manifest …
Why “Hard Science” is Based on Faith
note: I’m posting this piece, as it highlights what I perceive as the need for a spiritual science to bridge the gap between religion and hard science. I accept Davies premise that physics is based on faith when you examine its bedrock beliefs. I believe eventually Taoist practices will play an important part in developing …
Evolution Depends on Memory Held in Fields of Morphic Resonance
Note: The idea of a “field” is at the root of Taoist energetic science – the yin,yang, and yuan principles of the Life Force being the governing field that guides all manifestation and holds all memory. I find Sheldrake’s attempt to integrate field theory with modern genetic discoveries and Darwinian ideas on evolution to be …
Are Science and Religion Compatible?
Note: This is a marvelous conversation amongst seminal physicists of the 20th century, when religion was still a discussable topic. Objective vs. subjective, free will, ethics vs. science are all debated in a lively and readable manner. I post this because it gives an excellent framework for viewing the underlying values of Harmony and Balance …
Reality is a Novel
Note: Taoists have traditionally written about alternate realities or “islands” that can only be visited by Immortals who know the secret of traversing space & time. Their underlying principle of causation, the chi field/Life Force, is both physical and metaphysical. This essay gives us a modern metaphor for for understanding the possibility of multiple realities …
Bio-Mimickry, the Ultimate Taoist Science
Note: If you are looking for cutting edge scientific research ideas, Nature may be your best resource. These Bioneer folks are putting out a big database of the design talents of 1.5 million species…..studying Nature, learning from Nature, and imitating Nature, it feels like a very Taoist kind of science to me…. Michael From the …
Daoist Qi Science vs. Western Science
Photo: body of a 160-year old Taoist sits in lotus meditation position, unchanged from the moment of death ten years ago. Local officials claim his age is well documented. No preservatives. Anyang, China. The following essay was presented at an international conference of 1000 Daoists gathered in the Peoples Great Hall in Tianamen Square, …
Researchers find sense of “Self” in the Right Brain
This study on the right brain frontal lobe as dominant in forming our personality is curiously matched by ancient Chinese theory that the right half of the body is the yin side, i.e. the more contracted personal side. It also underscores that the traditional strength of western ego, in the left brain language center, is …
Bioenergetics and Biocommunication
On Quantum Coherence, from conclusion of this article by Mae-Wan Ho: “An intuitive way to understand quantum coherence is to think of the ‘I’ that each and every one of us experience of our own being. We know that our body is a multiplicity of organs and tissues, composed of many billions of cells and …
Gaia and the Evolution of Coherence
Mae-Wan Ho is the author of The Rainbow and The Worm: The Physics of Organisms. Her ideas on the universe as an intelligent, coherent quantum organism match closely the ideas of ancient Taoists. She once again offers an energetic explanation in the language of modern physics on what is clearly described in Taoist alchemy texts. …
The Biology of Free Will
Bioelectrodynamics Laboratory, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, U.K. Journal of Consciousness Studies 3, 231-244, 1996. Abstract I. Introduction * The new organicism II. The organism frees itself from the `laws’ of physics III. The organism is free from mechanical determinism * The polychromatic organism * The organism is a free sentient being …
Organism and Psyche in a Participatory Universe
The Evolutionary Outrider. The Impact of the Human Agent on Evolution, Essays in Honour of Ervin Laszlo (D. Loye, ed.), pp. 49-65, Praeger, 1998. * Abstract * Organism – the universal archetype * The irrepressible tendency towards the whole * Organic space-time versus mechanical space and time * Organism versus mechanism * A theory of …
Acupuncture, Liquid Crystallinity, and Coherent Energy
A medical physicist in the United States, Cho Zang-Hee, who pioneered the proton emission tomography (pet) scanner, had his curiosity aroused 6 years ago, when he injured his back and found almost instant relief with acupuncture treatment. So he started carrying out experiments with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) on the usual human guinea-pigs – …
The Biology of Globalization
Note: Elisabet Sahtouris, like Mae Wan Ho, fits my ideal of the spiritually awakened and politically involved scientist. Sahtouris is a biologist who spent 13 years on a small Greek Island contemplating the connections between small cell systems to human organisms to planetary ecosystems to human economic systems as a map of evolution. This mirrors …
The Tao of Free Energy Devices
Note: The main message of Taoist alchemy is that there is infinite and virtuous free energy (“chi field”) available to all of creation to assist in the unfolding of our personal essence and destiny. It is inevitable that this free energy inherent in our own nature should be reflected in modern technological society as free …
Tao of Finding a SOUL MATE
Tao of Finding a SOUL MATE By Michael Winn Originally published in April 2022 Qi Flows Naturally newsletter Download PDF Tao of Finding a SOUL MATE
Sexual Qigong: Deep Secret of Completing our Sexual Identity
Note: This is a spontaneous talk given in the Swiss Alps in 2003 on the DEEP SECRETS OF SEXUAL IDENTITY . It covers Taoist cosmology, sexual identity, and the spiritual “fall” that occurred through the splitting of the original human being into male and female sexes. How the loss of yuan chi (Qi) that resulted …
Non-Ejaculatory Male Orgasm
This is a book chapter in Secrets of the Sex Masters, ed. Carl Frankel, available on Amazon. DOWNLOAD page for PDF: Winn.Sex.chap.Non-Ejaculatory Male Orgasm
Transforming Sexual Energy with Water-and-Fire Alchemy
This is a book chapter by Michael Winn in Daoist Body Cultivation, editor Livia Kohn. If one abstains from intercourse, the spirit has no opportunity for expansiveness. Yin and yang are blocked and cut off from one another. — Sunü jing (Simple Woman’s Classic; Wile 1992, 7) winn.sex.chapter.kohn.book It coffers a detailed overview of …
Soul Sex: Hidden Driver behind Romantic Love?
From a 2009 Qi Flows Naturally newsletter> The question that few ask: is full sexual completion achievable, through either a romantic sexual love relationship OR an internal spiritual practice? Another way to ask: is it possible to embody an integrated male-female state (divine androgyny) while still living in a male or female sexed physical body? …
Transforming Sexual Energy with Water-and-Fire Alchemy
Chapter 6. Michael Winn: Transforming Sexual Energy with Water-and-Fire Alchemy My contribution to this volume is a 30 page chapter on transforming sexual energy that I consider the most comprehensive essay on the topic I’ve yet written. I’ve excepted it below, including my personal experience of “soul sex” or the “valley orgasm”, or what Lao …
The Sacred Art of Relationship
The Sacred Art of Relationship by Estaryia Sacred Sexuality is one of the most potent experiences we can have as human beings. To experience Divine Union in all its power and beauty is to participate in the dance of creation. The physical aspect of this sacred dance comes so naturally; we sometimes need to be …
The Sex Principle
The Sex Principle Book One, Chapter VIII, The Universal One Sir Oliver Lodge points out that man has long been familiar with force and motion, but that some third intangible, undiscovered force is recognizably necessary to complete a logical universe. Force and motion infer that the third undiscovered force is existent somewhere back of or …
Sexual Alchemy: Female Blue Water Snake Year 2013
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jem welcomes the Year of the Blue Female Water Snake, infused with Fire of the Sun before it goes “into the Earth” for the night. At the boundary of the great Waters of change, she embodies Snake: ready to shed the skin of …
My Spirisexual Self
Perhaps it would be helpful if such a word existed as Spirisexual. That way, perhaps we would be less likely to separate sexuality and spirituality. Our culture and even our spiritual pathways can lead us to believe they are separate. Deep within me from a young age, I felt very strongly that they were one. …
The Tao of Cultivating Sexual Energy (book chapter)
Sexuality is a universal way for people to quickly access their chi flow. The ancient Taoists developed many different methods to tap the enormous power of sexual energy in order to direct it towards creating better physical health, a greater sense of vitaliity and zest for life, and to refine the sexual impulse into a …
Happiness, Sexuality and Love
Interview with Marco Bizzozero,, former Director National Theatre of Italy. Famous in Europe as a clown, actor, mime artist, and the first high wire artist ever to perform at La Scalia (Milan Opera), Marco is currently Director, Flower of the Tao Center in Milan, Italy, where he teaches Taoist internal alchemy, tai chi, and chi …
The Forces of Love, Eros and Sex
Note: Here is an interesting lecture on the relationship between the three forces of Love, Eros, and Sex. If you substitute the Taoist concepts of Shen (Spirit) for Love, Chi for Eros (the flowing yin-yang pulsation of the chi field is inherently orgasmic), and Jing (sexual essence) for Sex Force, the talk becomes relevant to …
The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm
By abstaining from intercourse, the spirit has no opportunity for expansiveness, yin and yang are blocked and cut off from one another. – Classic of Su Nu (Wile,1992, 7)Sexual love can be one of the most powerful human experiences. Over the past two thousand years, certain Daoist and Tantric cultures sought to tap the power …
Spirituality, Sex Energy, and Relating
Star Wars made popular the phrase “May the Force be with you!” as a futuristic mythic blessing that was easily accepted as having some universal truth today. What does it mean to have the Force be with you? What would it mean if the Force was against you? Other than the All-Pervading Energy substitute for …