Tao News Archive
Royal Jelly: World’s #1 Longevity Superfood
Essay on Royal Jelly as #1 Longevity Super Food below • The Queen Bee Story is Amazing. She eats Royal Jelly only, lives 40x longer than other bees! • Buy most potent grade in bulk, 25 cents a day! Save hundreds of dollars vs. Amazon price. ———————————— Scroll Down: • Plan Now: 5 Fabulous Tao …
VIDEO Double Vortex Method Raises Soul Vibe, Meet Loved Ones in Heaven!
Don’t miss this Video! Amazing feedback from 1st send. Stories of meeting loved ones who died, deep healing & spiritual awakening: • “Thank you Super Galactic Angel Friend!! My Heart has more space… I feel a new openness and joy!” • “Watching your video triggered an infusion of light. I felt my kundalini …
5 Days in a Hurricane Cave: Asheville’s Water Dragon
Essay on Water Dragons, climate change, benefits of cave life (ancient & modern Taoists), how elemental beings shape our life. I used hurricane Helene’s super-natural force to crack open the mystery of the deeply hidden human ability to focus wuji’s Original Will in the physical plane. After the essay are revised work shop dates, replacing …
Are Dragons Real Beings? YES! Do Chinese descend from Dragons? The Answer will Amaze You!
To download PDF of this article AND spring-summer Tao Events in Asheville: Are Dragons Real Beings? YES! Do Chinese Descend from Dragons? ———- Jade dragon ornament, Warring States (403–221 b.c.).
Can TAO be Defined? FIVE Fabulous Summer Retreats
May 25 – 26, 2024: Sat/Sun, $144. Psychic Alchemy • Open Macro Orbit: 8 Extraordinary Vessels = Soul in harmony with Cosmos. Pre-Req: Micro-Cosmic Orbit. Register: info.HealingTaoUSA@earthlink.net • 5 Summer Retreats – see below ——— ] ———————————- Dear Lovers of Living in an Enlightened NOW, a super-healthy body, in Unity with the Great Beyond: I …
9 Cosmic Spirals: Beyond-the-Body MACRO-Orbit
————————————- If you missed last Qi Flows Naturally: I got a huge response from readers. It touched the heart-strings of many navigating the tricky “sex-soulmate maze”. This very esoteric essay is now a PDF, download it from Tao Articles: Tao of Finding a SOUL MATE I love hearing from you! Just hit “reply” to email. …
Tao of Finding a SOUL MATE
Soul Mates is a hot topic, Where do Souls come from? What’s their purpose? Why mate with other souls? It’s my best essay on this topic. Lengthy, for serious Soul explorers. [br] I LOVE hearing from you! Just hit REPLY (to emailed newsletter), or if reading on website: winn999@earthlink.net Welcome to share your feelings. I …
2 Tiger Videos: Leap into Destiny! + 50% Off Sale
Alert! Fusion 1 EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY Mar. 5-6. Still has space. LIVE is best to transform Deep Feelings! [br] [br] Part 1 Video Yang (Male) Black Water Year of the Tiger 2022 Astrology – Cosmology – Inner Alchemy – Sexology Webinar with Michael Winn Part 1 is first 60 minutes of a …
Emerald “Love Poem for my Love Dragon” + Tiger Year 2022 Talk
“Love Dragons” drawing by Emerald Winn [br] Love Poem for my Pink Love Dragon by Emerald Winn Written at age 7. He read it at Winter Solstice Dragon Ceremony 2021 —————– Hot mist rises from my my Love Dragon’s nose. It is …
What a 7-Year Old Taoist Asks for Xmas?
When I asked my 7 year son Emerald what he wanted for Xmas, I already had a long list of toys he’d given to his mother. But which toys were more desirable – the robot that could dance, or the saber-wand with flashing lights and noisy bleeps? …
Primordial Tai Chi: Awaken Self-Love (book excerpt). 12 Unique Benefits
[br] [br] Michael Winn doing Primordial Tai Chi atop Golden Peak on Mt. Wudang in 2005, where this “spiritual tai chi” form was invented by Chang Sanfeng in the 13th century. This previously secret lineage form is also known as wuji gong, “Skill at Entering the Supreme Mystery”. • See the list of …
Emerald’s Tao Poem + Super Charge Your Orbit
[br] [br] Poem recited live at White Dragon Fall Equinox Ceremony, Sept. 21, 2021: [br] The Beauty of Yin & Yang by Emerald Winn, age 7 [br] Day and night, Black and white, Yin and Yang are not a fright. Under water, in the air, Yin and Yang are every where. …
Michael Winn Fall Events + NQA Conf. Sept. 17-19
The Way Yang spirals out, Yin spirals in. All returns to center, Yuan still Origin. Rinse Good and Evil Qi in the ocean of Pure Love. Repeat. Flow…Harmony…Peace. September 2021 Virtual Event [br] September 17, 18, 19 – on zoom 1. National Qigong Association 25th Annual Conference • …
Kundalini, Soul Sex & the Quest for Spiritual Orgasm
Kundalini is often symbolized as a Serpent Rising around 7 chakras. For Taoists this could be seen as alchemy process of activating a spiral of Dragon Qi to accelerate Change. In Tao numerology, 7 is the Number of Humanity. Highlights 1.New video “How I awakened my Kundalini” using a Tantric breathing method. 2. A …
Grow PSYCHIC ABILITY by Expanding Your Energy Body
Where does our brain get its psychic powers from? According to Tao inner alchemy, the majority of brain information comes from “gut intuition”, i.e. the 12 internal organ and bowel spirits. The brain is classified as a “Curious Organ” with special functions to interpret and manage the Five Element and Yin-Yang Qi flow …
The “Meaning of Life” for a Taoist?
L: Neutral center of this Yin-Yang symbol holds a key to the Tao deep “meaning of life”. R: Plasma spiral of galaxy mirrors Yin-Yang symbol. Both express flow of Nature as two equal polar forces spiraling around a neutral third center – the same principle as DNA double helix. …
NEW Winn Videos: Dissolve Fear of Death + OX Year 50% OFF Sale
Lao Tzu is traditionally portrayed riding an Ox, facing backwards. He TRUSTS the Ox to spontaneously (wu wei) guide him where he needs to go. Ox here is a symbol of the Earth element, our core essence. Ox assists our soul to embody its unique worldly destiny. Every human …
FREE Qigong & Energy Arts Congress: Winn Keynote 8:30 pm THIS FRIDAY
SIGN UP HERE Kick off the New Year by putting some extra Qi in your tank! 20th Annual Qigong – Tai Chi – TCM – Energy Healers World Congress. Dates Jan. 1 to Jan. 8, 2021. Its FREE,. This is an amazing gathering of Qi practitioners,30 presenters on Qigong, Tai Chi, Taoism, Energy Healing, Asian …
Solstice: Re-birth Love from Fear and Chaos
WINTER SOLSTICE is a recurring celebration of Humanity’s power to rebirth itself. by harmonizing with Natural cycles and an abundance of Original Breath (Yuan Qi). We live in a realm of False Darkness characterized by a War on Nature, media- inflated FEAR, corruption in medicine, science, and politics, censorship, loss of individual freedom, and …
NEW VIDEO: Ground Body, Sex, Feelings, Spirit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPh1wz0D2EM 23 min VIDEO: over views all aspects of GROUNDING. Interview covers 1. why LACK of grounding isso pervasive in head-cenric Age of Information 2. Difference between PHYSICAL grounding and SPIRITUAL grounding. 3. Why men and women need different kinds of SEXUAL and EMOTIONAL grounding 4. How the INNER SMILE can be used to …
How would Lao Tzu Vote?
Sad State of DIS-harmony in U.S. politics. False Yin + False Yang = Poor Qi flow, weak worldly destiny. ————– Is There a “Tao of Voting”? Two ways to answer this question. 1. Historically. How did Taoist sages in China vote? Lao tzu, Chuang tzu, Chang Sanfeng? 2. What is most “authentic” or “high integrity” …
Inner Smile: Self-Love is Secret to Super Immunity
Is this dolphin radiating an Inner Smile to its fellow mammal, a smiling little girl? Tao cosmology accepts everything is alive, that Great Oneness (taiyi) is radiating its Original Breath (yuan qi), which humans feel as Pure Love, into all natural bodies. But are YOU in touch with this smiling power flowing from Source into …
Science: Natural Immunity is Best; “Case-demic” is Fake News
: Does Earth wobble cause Equinoxes? VIDEO: New Theory on Precession of Equinoxes – 26,000. year zodiac cycle Spectacular visuals! Is it worth 20 minutes of your time to more fully embrace our Cosmos? • New theory replaces “earth wobble” theory as cause of precession, Vast star spirals centered around the Pleides and Arcturus …
LOVE Qi vs. FEAR: Covid as Spiritual Awakening? LIVE Tao Retreats
LOVE DRAGONS. My six year old son says “I love Love!”. He tells me there is a Love Dragon hidden inside Everything and Everyone, even inside “bad people”. No surprise here. He was consciously conceived with our intent to call in a soul able to remember the Pure Love radiating from Origin. Many humans forget …
Taoist Sexual Mastery: Interview. LIVE Retreats, DISCOUNTS.
Site recently upgraded for easy smart phone navigation. New Interview with Michael Winn on Tao Sexology and Healing Love, based on 40 years practical experience. Conducted by one of my students for his mostly male students. Also has useful information for women, with discussion of how semen retention impacts male-female sexual relations. This in-depth, one …
World Tai Chi – Qigong Summit FREE THIS SAT. Top Presenters
Sat April 25: VIRTUAL SUMMIT: World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT – Michael Winn talk 11:40 PDT / 2:40 pm EDT – Panel: Michael Winn, Roger Jahnke, Bill Douglas, Effie Chow FREE: Register HERE (on www.qigongmasters.com) Dear Lovers of Natural Health, I don’t usually do these mass online …
COVID-19: Natural Cures. 50% OFF Sale. FREE Grounding Video
Site recently upgraded for easy smart phone navigation. On my first trip to sacred Taoist Mt. Wudang in 2005, I studied 8 Immortals Sword form with sword master Chen Bing in his school next to Purple Cloud Temple. METAL swords have long held mystical status in Taoist lore for their protective and magical power. …
Is Tao of Corona-Virus Darwinian Survival of Fittest?
Electron microcope: Yellow are invading Corona Virus, the pink are healthy human cells. In China, yellow was the color of Imperial Power…pink is considered by many to be the color of Un-conditional Love. Is this a power vs. love struggle? Read essay on Darwin & Tao Cosmoloogy. [br] Some readers had trouble viewing my recent …
Tao of Corona-Virus, in Golden Rat Year
Corona-Virus image: healthy cell (left) disintegrates as virus penetrates and takes control. This is Nature exploring the relationship between Order and Chaos. This is not about evil Qi. Viruses are one of Planet Earth’s most highly evolved and intelligent organisms, and are part of Humankind’s process of self-exploration. Why now? We are entering a …
Black Dragon Solstice & 2020 Spring-Summer Events
Winter Solstice opens the portal for us to reach inside the Dark Heart of the Sun that is truly the “mother of all Light”. Taoist inner alchemy develops the skill to penetrate and make conscious what is hidden. – image by Brian Barth Anyone can feel the deep, silent power of the Inner Darkness at …
How to Feel Qi Flow Deeply + 35% OFF Courses
Yin-Yang Qi flow is an experience, not a concept. Fish don’t THINK about Qi; the two Coy here are energetically in a flowing dance. They FEEL the soft spiral of water and the magnetic presence of their dance partner. We can deepen our feeling of Qi flow with qigong & meditation.\ Get Out of Your …
Have You Met White Dragon of the West?
Dragon spiraling inside a bagua (octagon). The 8 corners symbolize 8 cosmic “breaths” of Qi, which are stepped down into the seasons as 8 nodal points: 2 Equinoxes, 2 Solstices and 4 midpoints. The “Breath of Autumn Equinox” is when the White Dragon of the West descends its spiraling Qi into the earth. It’s the …
Qigong: Can We Live Multi-Dimensionally?
Share: \ FREE EVENT: Summer Solstice: High Noon (12 pm), Friday June 21 RED FIRE DRAGON CEREMONY led by Michael Winn + Crystal Bowl Concert by Malana. [br] Wear Red clothing. Prepare your INTENT: What you want to radiate to the world. [br] What your soul need to fully flower its highest …
Qi is Love. How Qigong Strengthens Love
Share: \ The TAO of LOVE: there are 3 heavens, each is ruled by a different frequency of Qi. These 3 types of Qi parallel Western values of love: [br] 1, Primordial (Original) Qi = Divine Love (cosmic, impersonal) [br] 2. Pre-natal Qi = Unconditional Love (soul as spark of the Divine) [br] 3. …
Five Fabulous Tao Retreats – low cost!
Tao is a Way of Life. It helps us navigate complex Yin-Yang pathways. It’s a uniquely simple, whole-body natural philosophy, It’s a path of salvation that directly connects us to immortal Source, Its a daily energetic science to cultivate health and harmony. Tao evolved over thousands of years of practical testing. Tao is so …
Link Your Personal and Cosmic Energy Body
Stonehenge Equinox Ceremony. My Taoist inner alchemy retreat group did Primordial Tai Chi to re-aweken the sleeping stones and activate the Qi from ancient ceremonies performed here. Spring 2019 Tao Events Register for spring 2019 workshops: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net call (864) 419-4502 Zachary Fant, office manager —————————— FREE EVENT TONIGHT: Wed. …
Emotional Alchemy: Original Feeling of Self-Love + Year of Pig 35% off!
China Dream Trip May 10-28. Mt. Changbai (option to June 1) is root sacred mountain of the Healing Tao. Wandering Taoist One Cloud attained breatharian state here. He was well supported by its powerful alchemical Kan & Li (Water & Fire) Qi field. Heavenly Lake sits atop China’s most active volcano, generating a field …
Winter Solstice: Surrender to True Darkness
2500 years ago Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching was the first to name an unknowable darkness: wuji. In Tao cosmology, wuji is what mysteriously gives birth to the first light of this Cosmos. This primordial drama is micro-cosmically played out within our solar system every Winter Solstice. Some Taoists identify a dark watery …
Bone Breathing to Heal & Talk To Ancestors
Our ancestors invisibly circle, embrace and shape our lives and destiny. We get tremendous power and skills from them. We also get endless problems and challenges that either overwhelm us or force us to grow. Taoists have many methods for managing Ancestral Qi to prevent chronic illness, and use them as a tap …
Spiritual vs. Martial Tai Chi: Is there a difference?
TESTk Spiritual Tai Chi is designed to help you cross the bridge between the personal and the cosmic. Read the 50 page introduction (45 illustrations)to my forthcoming book Primordial Tai Chi: The Way of Enlightened Self-Love. https://healingtaousa.com/articles/primordial-tai-chi-book-one-introduction/ —————————————————————— ALERT – Major Technology Upgrade! You can now DOWNLOAD my DVDs and Audio courses. Download DVDs: …
Are You a FAKE or AUTHENTIC Taoist?
Are You a FAKE or AUTHENTIC Taoist? Book review: Dream Trippers Why Louis Komjathy’s Fundamentalist Daoism Will Fail in the West Dream Trippers: Global Daoism and the Predicament of Modern Spirituality by David Palmer and Elijah Siegler, Univ. Chicago Press, 2017 This 50 page essay will be published in late Oct. or early Nov. 2018 …
Loving the Tao of Now – New Blog!
Dear Lover of the Authentic Way (Tao), [br] Tao is about Change. I’ve made 3 changes. [br] 1. I moved this newsletter to a new service. It’s fancy, I’m still figuring it out. It links to fb with a simple click. All the buttons work (including un-subscribe at the bottom). Deep thanks to Steven …
Archive – China Dream Trip 2016
China Dream Trip August 2016 Return to Root of Tao in Sacred MountainsLed by Michael Winn Mt. Changbai is the “crown chakra” of China’s sacred mountain landscape. Revered for thousands of years, it embodies the energy of Taoist Water & Fire Alchemy. The deep pure waters of Heavenly Lake rest atop the most active volcano …
China Dream Trip 2019: Beauty of the South, Power of Flower Mountain
HealingTaoRetreats.com • HealingTaoUsa.com • 864-419-4502 September 2018 China Dream Trip May 10-28, 2019: Beauty of the South, Power of Flower Mountain 5-Day Mt. Changbai Option May 28-June 1 I love the adventure and change that travel brings to one’s life. Tao is about change, inner and outer. As a Wandering Taoist, I …
Tao of Self-Love & 5 Amazing Retreats
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 May 21, 2018 There are many levels and kinds of love in this world: personal, divine, platonic, romantic, parental, conditional, unconditional, etc. Self-Love is the jewel hidden in the center of life’s labyrinth, the LOVE behind all the different forms of love. Qi cultivation can assist …
Tao Alchemy Holy Cross & Resurrection Process
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 April 1, 2018 Tai Chi and Qigong is about aligning our body-mind-soul with the 8 cosmic forces. When Spring Madness takes over, we dance our whole life in spontaneous joy — until the Qi within us is exhausted (which is never! 🙂 photo: Jesse Lee …
Do You Talk to Trees? + Emotional Alchemy
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb.. 17,, 2018 Giant Redwood Tree. Taoists believe trees can become immortals. Trees silently hold great teachings. If we learn their Qi language, we can gain strength and wisdom. See Article Below. WINTER-SPRING 2018 …
Year of the Earth Dog: Tao Bow Wow?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jan. 20, 2018 Chinese honor (or parody?) Donald Trump, born in Dog Year, with a statue. It starts Feb. 4 (solar calendar) or Feb. 15 (lunar calendar). The burning political question: Is his bark worse than his bite? WINTER-SPRING 2018 TAO SCHEDULE 1. Feb. 24 -25, …
Easy Breathing + Grounding = Good Health
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 BREATHING and ROOTING are the Tree of Life. Tree trunks are …
Can Love Heal Evil Qi?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 1, 2017 Primordial Tai Chi is a bridge between the cosmic infinite Self and our physical finite self. This form is a magical, powerful 800 year old lineage ceremony. Integrates the magic square of feng shui, the dynamic inner water & …
Souls of China: read this book! (review)
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Sept. 6, 2017 This fabulous new book takes you inside the experience of ordinary Chinese folk as they seek to re-grow their spirituality after the challenges of communist suppression. The battle between traditional spiritual beliefs and modern economic-scientific belief is a universal theme …
Great Video: Joys of Sharing Qigong – 6 min.
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 828 713 2996 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdd2oNRGAb0 Don’t miss this great new video: Joys of Sharing the Healing Tao. This 6 min. vid is a jewel – Healing Tao instructors talking about what changed in their life as a result of sharing skills like Qigong and …
Super Qi Summit 9 TOP MASTERS May 26-29
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 May 15, 2017 Tao is the cosmic process or “Way” of self-arising, infinite flow of Qi (= subtle breath). Qi takes form as Cosmic Self-love (= wholeness), and creative free will (= dance of Yin-Yang energies). Qigong includes the art and …
Amazing Tao Summer Retreats: Low cost, High Energy
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 May 8, 2017 Tao is the cosmic process or “Way” of self-arising and self-organizing infinite flow of Qi (= subtle breath) as love and creative free will. All suffering arises from mis-use of Free Will and inability to receive Pure Love Qi flowing from source. Inside …
Crack! Open the Cosmic Easter Egg
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 EGG is archetypal – perhaps the world’s most potent Fertility symbol. We know human embryos develop from an egg, but it’s so tiny we can’t see it. So the lowly chicken egg gets to hold the honor of Fertility Power. Chinese myths of …
Spring Equinox: Calling in the Green Dragon
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 March 18, 2017 Chinese dragons are beneficial beings that transmit ruling power. They rise up from the Earth in the East at Spring Equinox and return underground at Fall Equinox. They guard or chase after a Pearl (= alchemical elixir of our soul essence). Spring Equinox is …
Want to FEEL Creative, not Reactive?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 24, 2017 Spring is half sprung….Fire Rooster Year 2017 is crowing. It’s a great time to in-FUSE the explosion of FEELING ENERGY rising like sap into your vital organ spirits. Reserve your spot: Fusion of 5 Elements Emotional Alchemy — Mar. 4 …
Qi Flow! Secret of Creative Living
View this message in web browser. HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 April 28, 2013 1. Please send in your experience of how Qigong or Taoist meditation influenced your Creativity. It may go into a book on Qi and Creativity. 2. Thanks for “LIKE-ing” my new Healing Tao USA fb page (it …
Is Our Body a Nuclear Reactor?
by Michael Winn Feb. 19, 2014 L: FISSION nuclear explosion, typical Atomic bomb, splits an atom in half, creates radioactive pollution. R: FUSION nuclear reaction unites polar elelments into one and radiates clean infinite energy. Image from Livermore Laboratory in Calif. Is one of these nuclear processes happening inside your own body? …
Qigong and Wealth: mp3 audio + video
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Mar. 13, 2014 Can you create an Inner Pot of Gold? This is the cauldron of the dantian, where the Golden Elxiir congeals when body and …
EGO Happiness vs. SOUL Awakening:
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Is achievement driven by ego, the soul, or both? 1. Featured Special: Taoist Dream Practice Audio CD + Lucid Dreaming …
The Way to Heaven, Cosmic Eggs & THE SECRET
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Essay on a secret Way to Heaven….while still living on Earth. It’s a neat trick, “going” someplace new, more formless – without leaving your old body. It boils down to a practical question: how to best allow higher vibration chi to flow through your “OLD” SPOT on planet earth… It’s …
Report from First Retreats at Heavenly Mtn (new photos)
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Reports from our first summer retreats at Heavenly Mountain. We’re more than half way through the eight weeks, and its not too late to sign up for the last three weeks. Short letter on the challenges of integrating Tao into a TM meditation field. Testimonials from those who journeyed into …
One Cloud’s Alchemy Formulas for Immortality
One Cloud?s 9 Tao Alchemy Formulas To Cultivate the True Immortal Self A Guide to the Healing Tao System Note: A short introductory essay by Michael Winn precedes a detailed description of the Healing Tao?s 9 Tao Alchemy Formulas. This is followed by a list of the 8 Branches of the …
Tap the Great Yin Power of Winter Solstice!
Inside: 1. How to Cultivate Original Breath (Yuan Chi) during Winter Solstice 2. Tune into Asheville Solstice meditation Sat. Dec. 20, 7-12 pm 3. A brief history of Winter Solstice as source of Christmas, etc. 4. Instruction for downloading free Inner Smile Ebook (this may duplicate letter sent to private lists) Dear Lovers of the …
On Loving the Death of My Wife
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 21, 2008 Winter Solstice Inside Chi Flows Naturally: A Winter Solstice bedtime read. Snuggle up under the covers.with your laptop…….. 1. To read about the history and energetics of Winter Solstice, and how to construct your own Winter Solstice ceremony to …
Soul Sex: Hidden Driver behind Romantic Love?
From a 2009 Qi Flows Naturally newsletter> The question that few ask: is full sexual completion achievable, through either a romantic sexual love relationship OR an internal spiritual practice? Another way to ask: is it possible to embody an integrated male-female state (divine androgyny) while still living in a male or female sexed physical body? …
Daoist Alchemy: Lineage & Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Contents: » China Dream Trip Narrowly Escapes Earthquake » Summer Retreats – Get High Naturally! » New Journal of Daoist Studies » Daoist Alchemy: Lineage & Secrecy Challenges for Western Adepts China Dream Trip Narrowly Escapes Earthquake The 2008 China Dream Trip was in the words of one traveller “a fantastic, …
Asheville Healing Tao Schedule 2010
Summer – Fall 2010 Michael Winn’s Teaching Schedule Asheville, U.S. & Overseas Workshops Summer 2010 Autumn 2010 Asheville Workshop General Info: Time: all 2 day Asheville workshops: Sat 9-6; Sun 9:30-5:30 pm. Location: at Lighten Up Yoga. 60 Biltmore Ave., Asheville (unless specified) Downtown, 2nd fl, above City bakery. Cost: still only $144. (not increased …
A Taoist Alchemical Wedding
A Taoist Alchemical Wedding + China Trip Bonus $250 (Sent to Elist) Jan. 16, 2009 IInside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. WEDDING. Lead article is a description of a Taoist alchemical wedding ceremony which I conducted this last Winter Solstice. If you like it you could easily duplicate it for yourself or friends. 2. CHINA. The …
A Stroke of Love
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: The theme of this letter is LOVE. Real life love stories…. 1.Lead Love Story: A Stroke of Love. Allegra Wint, one of the adepts at my Greatest Kan & Li Planetary & Soul Alchemy retreat near Stonehenge this past September, sent me an amazing story. It’s an account of a stroke …
The Way of Giving, Receiving & Thanking
Dec. 8, 2008 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Thoughts on the Way of Giving and Receiving 9 Tao Gifts that Heal and Transform Contents: ? The Way of Giving, Receiving & Thanking ? 1. The Ultimate Dream Gift – a Trip to China ? 2. A Fabulous Tao Summer Retreat at Heavenly Mountain ? 3. Michael’s …
Year of Yellow Empress Ox 2009
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 feb. 5, 2009 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. My Rat Year predictions on the possible collapse of the financial system in 2008 proved true. (see www.healingdao.com/ratyear.html). That means some of you will pay more attention to this letter. I celebrate those Rat changes as …
Taoist Love Secrets:
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. As a school child, I loved Valentine’s Day. For starters, I ate a lot of cinnamon Red Hot heart candies. It seemed to feed my red hot romantic impulses. I started kissing girls at age 6. Thereafter I was in a perpertual state of having a crush on various girls. …
Chi Flows Naturally June 10, 2010
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 June 10, 2010 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Please set emal preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, in order to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to sign …
Internal Alchemy: Ground-breaking New Book
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 20, 2009 Note: 1. I’m told my last email got tagged as spam on some servers because of its racy title: Taoist Love Secrets: Sexercises for St. Valentin. Please check your spam file for Feb. 15, it …
Daoist Internal Alchemy in the West (abridged chapter)
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 20, 2009 Note: 1. I’m told my last email got tagged as spam on some servers because of its racy title: Taoist Love Secrets: Sexercises for St. Valentin. Please check your spam file for Feb. 15, it …
Daoist Methods of Dissolving the Heart-Mind
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 March 21, 2009 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. My essay Daoist Methods of Dissolving the Heart-Mind (about 3 pages) from the latest Journal of Daoist Studies (vol. 2, 2009) is posted below. It is a short but thorough summary of …
Soul Sex: Hidden Driver behind Romantic Love?
Prefatory Note: This is an essay on the question that few seem to be asking: is full sexual completion achievable, through either a sexual love relationship or spiritual practice? Another way to ask it: is it possible to embody an integrated male-female state (divine androgyny) while still living in a male or female sexed physical …
Easter, Tao & Immortality:
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 April 12, 2009 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Hope you are enjoying the Easter vibe: chocolate easter eggs (potent love aphrodisiac), estrogen and Esther (female fertility names related to Easter), bunny rabbits (symbol of sexual copulation), and Jesus’s Resurrection – …
I Burned through a Billion Dollars in China!
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 June 9, 2009 Note:if you are not seeing photos in this email, go to mail program preferences and reset it to “html” insead of “plain text”. Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. There is some part of me …
Transforming Sexual Energy with Water-and-Fire Alchemy
Chapter 6. Michael Winn: Transforming Sexual Energy with Water-and-Fire Alchemy My contribution to this volume is a 30 page chapter on transforming sexual energy that I consider the most comprehensive essay on the topic I’ve yet written. I’ve excepted it below, including my personal experience of “soul sex” or the “valley orgasm”, or what Lao …
Four Pillars (Zi Ping) Chinese Astrology Chart
Four Pillars (Zi Ping) Chinese Astrology Chart This report is prepared for Fff Fff on Jul 28 2010. Birth date: Year:1914, Month:Jan, Day:01, Hour:00; Gender : Male. I Astrology Chart Four Pillars chart is an authentic Chinese Astrology birth chart, it is comprised of the Taoist energetic patterns of Yin-Yang and Five Phases, each hour, …
China Dream 2011
Healing Tao USA Home The Dream Trip to China is for people who believe that life is a spiritual adventure. It is for souls that hunger for the riches of ancient wisdom in faraway lands, and seek to merge them into the present moment. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but …
China Dream Trip 2010:
Healing Tao USA Home The Dream Trip to China is for people who believe that life is a spiritual adventure. It is for souls that hunger for the riches of ancient wisdom in faraway lands, and seek to merge them into the present moment. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but …
Stonehenge: Taoist Dream Practice, Shamanic Star and Healing Qigong
Note: to view photos in newsletter, set email preferences to “HTML” (instead of Plain Text). Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Photo: Autumn Equinox light at Stonehenge, Michael Winn 2007. I’ve been doing Taoist qigong ceremonies inside Stonehenge for the past 8 years. In the past, they have only been open to adepts training in the Kan …
Asheville Workshops 2009-2010
Michael Winn Asheville Healing Tao Center Member Healing Tao Instructor’s Association Box 601, Asheville, North Carolina 28802 www.HealingDao.com or www.HealingTaoUSA.com Email: winn@healingdao.com tel. 828-296-1930 (rarely home — use as last resort) ALL product (video/audio) questions: info@healingdao.com or 888-999-0555 ALL summer retreat questions: retreats@healingdao.com or 888-750-1773 Frequently Asked Questions on Qigong & Tao Winn …
Inside Pele’s Hot Volcanic Vulva
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Sept. 11, 2009 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. I recently flew to the Big Island of Hawaii on an impulse. I wanted to feel the physical alchemy of “fire and water” mixing, hot lava and cold ocean. …
How does Primordial Tai Chi Dissolve Karma?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Oct. 1, 2009 To subscribe, go to homepage of www.healingtaousa.com. Privacy Protected. Unsubcribe below. To see photos, change mail preferences from “plain text” to “html”. Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Photo: Michael Winn doing Primordial Tai Chi atop Mt. Wudang in 2005. This lineage form dates back 800 …
Winter Solstice Ceremony (How to Create One)
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 18, 2009 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Please set emal preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, in order to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to …
News & Announcements
I just got another cool new tool that I can use to author my own content on the web. I can upload images on the go, and insert them into my page like this. Copy and scale them interactively It’s so cool. I can link to any target Now I can have red text on …
Daoist Qi Science Vs. Western Science: Which is more real?
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jan. 1, 2010 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Please set emal preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 …
Asheville Workshops FALL 2016/SPRING 2017 UPDATED
Michael Winn Asheville Workshops & Summer Retreats 2017 Asheville workshops – Registration & Lodging Info Autumn 2016 (scroll down for full description) • Dec. 21 (Wed. 7 pm): Winter Solstice Black Dragon Ceremony (Free) (changed from Tues. Dec. 20) Spring 2017 1. …
LIGHT Implodes the DARK Stillness: Winter Solstice
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 18, 2016 Winter Solstice is like the peak of a super slow-motion solar eclipse. At its darkest moment, a burst of light emerges, as if combusting from within. Energetically, the Yin half of Earth’s annual cycle – June 21 to Dec. 21 …
Breath is Root of Life: Get Rooted!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 27, 2016 Tree trunks are about Rooting; their leaves are about Breathing. Together, the Tree of Life. photo: Michael Winn in Joyce Kilmer Forest, North Carolina. 1. Dec. 3- 4, 2016 (Sat/Sun): Medical …
Year of the Male Golden Tiger: Take a Creative Leap
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 22, 2010 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: On Feb. 4, 2010, we leapt into the Year of the Yang (Male) Golden Tiger. February 4 is the beginning of the Tiger Month in their solar calendar, and the …
3 Amazing Stories: How Tao Practice Changed My Life
Dear Lovers of the Way, Welcome, Cycle of Summer. We had a powerful summer solstice ceremony at Heavenly Mountain, my bone marrow is stil vibrating from it. I hope each of you are enjoying the magnificence of summer’s flowering. I’m starting to see fruit from 14 trees planted nearly 3 years ago, my last garden …
Equinox: What are YOU Birthing this Spring?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 March 19, 2010 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: image: Easter eggs and Chinese silk carpet mandala Dear Seekers of the Natural Fountain of Life, The springtime sap is beginning to run in the veins of trees, and birds are magically singing a …
On Loving the Death of My Mother
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 27, 2010 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Please set email preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, in order to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to …
Elephants, Tigers, & Taoists in Thailand. WILD Photos
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Oct. 10, 2010 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup your new address on my homepage. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to sign in at top to get a cookie). Please …
China Dream Trip May 2011 – 30 photos!
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 5, 2010 Immortal Stone Sage views sunset at 3 Pure Ones Taoist Sacred Mountain. The most spectacular rock formations and high Qi in East China. Dear “Dreaming of China” Adventurers, The next China Dream Trip May 13-27, …
Holy Trinity of Taoist Daily Life: Giving, Receiving, Thanking
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 25, 2010 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: photo: Is this a Chinese version of Santa Claus? No, it’s a cheery Lao Tzu delivering the Peach of Immortality. Taoists were cultivating their Immortal Child 500 years before Jesus …
Winter Solstice + Eclipse = Double Celestial Orgasm
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 20, 2011 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Set email preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to sign in at …
How to Cultivatie Winter Chi
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: image: Each snowflake is a unique hexagonal crystal – an amazing fact of Nature’s diversity that is reflected in the uniqueness of 6 billion “human crystals”. image: The correlation between the ancient I Ching hexagrams and the hexagonal nature of each snowflake has long fascinated me. Other versions of …
Healing Tao Summer Retreats Move to Mars!
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 March 12, 2011 To unsubcribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Set email preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may …
Dr. Love Raps: “Why I Do Qigong”
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 May 2, 2011 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Nature feels sexy in Spring….as green wood element absorbs solar fire, it expands and dances. Are you dancing with it? Dear Lovers of that Sexy Spring Feeling, We passed …
Do you love your Primordial Self? 11-11-11 numerology
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 3, 2011 Alison Downey, aka Dancing Goddess of Exuberant Fun. She’s my new China Dragon 2012 Dream Trip Co-Leader. She first introduced me and Jem Minor, my bride-to-be, at an ecstatic dance in Asheville. So we’re inviting her to help officiate at …
Year of the Golden Female Rabbit 2011
View this message in web browser. by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 5, 2011 To unsubscribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. To see photos, set email preferences to “html”, not “plain text”. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may …
Yellow Emperor on Tao of Sex
Yellow Emperor on the Tao of Sex: a fascinating book review. Healing Love Retreats described. Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Nature can’t help but be sexy! And its not shy about it. Dear Lovers of Being Naturally-Sexy-Without-Trying, Why are humans so perpetually fascinated by everything sexual? Because it somehow touches the very deepest questions we …
Medical Qigong and Shamanic Tai Chi?
by Michael Winn June 18, 2011 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Medical Qigong: the art of allowing and science of guiding the inner light of the Tao to flow to heal self and others. Dear Lovers of the Healing Mysteries, I learned over decades of working as an energy healer that there is a big …
Tao Basics: Direct Way to Feel Amazing Chi Flow!
Wild Dance of the Tao: within the apparent Chaos of Life lies a Hidden Order. Can you find it? by Michael WinnJune 25, 2011 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Wild Dance of the Tao: within the apparent Chaos of Life lies a Hidden Order. Can you find it? Dear Lovers …
Retreat Photos from Mars!
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Sept. 1, 2011 To unsubscribe, see below. To change your address, signup with new address on my homepage. Set email preferences to “html”, not “plain text”, to see photos. For archives of Tao News, visit:https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#7 (may need to sign in at top to get a cookie). …
China Dream Trip August 2016
Mt. Changbai is the “crown chakra” of China’s sacred mountain landscape. Revered for thousands of years, it embodies the energy of Taoist Water & Fire Alchemy. The deep pure waters of Heavenly Lake rest atop the most active volcano in China. It radiates a phenomenal energy field revered by China’s Emperors for its …
20 Amazing Tao Retreats: New Website
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Healing Tao Summer Retreats June 21 – July 23, 2014 are in one of the world’s most beautiful peaceful settings, perfect for self-cultivation. High Energy, great fun, low cost. Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. TAO SUMMER RETREAT. Reserve your space now with as little down …
Spinning Dragon Orbit: Effortless Alchemy
Spinning Dragon Orbit: Effortless Alchemy. My new, powerful Tao meditation, from 39 years research…. register: info@healingtaousa.com Oct. 14-16, only $144. Chinese dragons, unlike Western dragons, are a sign of Imperial power, and are often depicted either chasing or guarding a Pearl. Why? My theory: Chinese dragon spirits over the ages have learned to interact with …
Come to My Wedding on Mt. Hua!
by Michael Winn My bride, Jennifer “Jem” Minor, climbing in her native Alaska mountains. Her blood is Cherokee, Cheyenne, and Irish, which warms the Celtic cockles of my own heart (“Winn” is Welsh). One of her many tests of my worthiness as a possible husband was to see if I could keep up …
Are You Energetically Grounded?
How well rooted are you, energetically? Physical & spiritual health depends on it. This Banyan Tree, on Hawaii’s Big Island, is not shy about extending its roots. Dear Lovers of Deep Earth Rooted-ness, It’s that time of the year again: the chi is moving down, into winter, into dark earth. For some …
Dragon Year Begins!
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jan. 23, 2012 Welcome Year of the Yang Water Dragon! Me, in the Caribbean, tuning into the Water Dragon Year. The I Ching Sand Castle was built by Jem, my bride. I am SO happy to be marrying a woman …
Qigong Master: Life & Secret Teachings (book review)
Dec. 7, 2011 Excerpt from new book by Robert Peng and Rafael Nassar: Qigong Master: My Life and Secret Teachings. +Update on China Dream Trip, Full Moon-Winter Solstice conjunction. Tai Chi symbol can be seen as an aggregate of small yin-yang cycles within a larger cosmic yin-yang pulsation.The central premise of alchemy is that a …
Jem on the Tao of Love
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 22, 2011 Jem Minor (my bride!) on the synergy between qigong discipline, self-love, and finding a soul lover. Central Sun – my term for the primordial source of Pure Love at the center of this Cosmos – shines through all other …
Tao of Calendars: New Year’s Day History
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jan 1, 2012 Calendars are symbolic celestial patterns that define our Tao of Time & Space. Cool image from my friend Benjamin Bernstein’s site: (great Shamanic-experiental astrology site www.itsallgoodastrology.com). Benjamin got turned onto astrology after reading Under One Sky, book by Rafi Nasser about …
Cultivate the Spiritual Power of a Dragon
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dragons are real masters of concentrating and directing chi flow, using the fluidity of water and internal spiral power. Humans can capture this same dragon power – IF they commit to a Natural Way of self-cultivation (Tao) that helps them unfold their true …
Enjoy Super Creativity: Male Black Water Dragon Year 2012
by Michael Winn Yang Water Dragon Spirit is Earth’s Way to purify its past and concentrate vast power of Creativity into the Present Moment every 60 years. Rooftop dragon detail and Calligraphy gives visual sense of Dragon’s Celestial ruling power. Its long tail is an ocean wave symbol of its far rulership. Dear …
Do You Love Yourself Deeply?
by Michael Winn May 5, 2012 It’s hard to even find the “self” in the immensity of this cosmos, much less love it. But when we cultivate deep Self-love, it is our highest achievement. Dear Lovers of Self-Cultivation, “Love Thyself” is increasingly common spiritual advice, perhaps because “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself” has proven to …
My Wedding Photos atop China’s Mt. Hua
by Michael Winn Has the Tao of love dared new heights? Marriage of Jem and Michael a few feet from a 3000 foot cliff. Jem picked the spot – as close to the edge as possible – atop China’s 7,000 ft. Mt. Hua…I love this adventurous woman! Dear Lovers of …
America’s Spiritual Axis: Denali-Grand Canyon.
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Sept. 18, 2012 Rafting the Grand Canyon. I’m guiding the raft, my bride is the “hat” behind me, doing her best to not get washed out of the boat. The raft is 18 feet long, easily swallowed in the giant rapid. …
How is YOUR Dragon Year going?
by Michael Winn Taoists consider the shape of clouds above to reflect our feelings and thought forms on earth below. Are YOU grasping the inner pearl essence that illuminates your soul? Dear Lovers of Dragon Qi, It’s time to make an assessment. This is the Year of the Yang Black Water Dragon, which began …
The Dragon’s Watery Lair: Iguacu Falls
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 5, 2012 The Dragon’s Watery Lair: Iguacu Falls Iguacu Falls in Brazil.& Argentina may be the most powerful fresh water site on the planet – I consider it the Lair of the Black Water Dragon itself. I visited it recently to …
How GROUNDED are you? Ready for 2012 meltdown?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 30, 2012 How GROUNDED Are You? +30% off Sale Dear Lovers of Deep Earth Rooted-ness, It’s been an intense Water Dragon Year for many. Now we enter the final phase. Winter began on Nov. 6 (Chinese energetic calendar): the …
Mayans 2012: Does Galactic Alignment matter?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 I conducted Taoist alchemy rituals at this Mayan temple in Tulum on the Gulf coast of Mexico for many years at Spring Equinox. Tulum is the only Mayan temple (out of thousands) on the sea, and the only one at which no …
Winter Solstice: How to Create a New Timeline?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 21, 2012 Solstice: How to Create a New Timeline? To unsubscribe, see below. To change your address, signup new address on my homepage. To see photos, set email preferences to “html”. For archives of Tao News, visit: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl#8 (may need to sign in at top …
Are You Dancing Your 2013 Change?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 is Red Wall Cavern, Grand Canyon. My private raft trip group plays in the sublime depths of the deep earth chi field. (see link to Jem’s dance in this cavern below). Dear Lovers of the Natural Way of Change (Tao), The theme today is DANCING. Many …
Galactic Orgasm: Did You Have One?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Feb. 4, 2013 Creating a ritiual space concentrates our intention and our Chi. Did you do a Solstice 2012 ritual? Read below for others’ experiences. Dear Lovers of the Eternal Galactic Orgasm birthing our reality, Please don’t shy away from the word “orgasm”. I’m not …
Awaken Self-Love with Primordial Tai Chi?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 November 7, 2016 Does opening cosmic Qi flow within our body awaken Self-Love? Read the FREE PDF DOWNLOAD of the forthcoming Introduction to my book: Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Self-Love. https://healingtaousa.com/pdf/217.pdf 33 Primordial …
Qi Flow! Secret of Creative Living
View this message in web browser. HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 April 28, 2013 1. Please send in your experience of how Qigong or Taoist meditation influenced your Creativity. It may go into a book on Qi and Creativity. 2. Thanks for “LIKE-ing” my new Healing Tao USA fb page (it …
True Feeling or Chronic Emotion?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 March 31, 2013 1. Ongoing Tao Cultivation Special Offer good until May 15! Save $15. to $100.! 35% off Sexual Vitality Qigong DVD/Audio. See details below. 2. Thanks to many of you for “LIKE-ing” my new Healing Tao USA fb page (it helps search engine …
What’s Beyond Unconditional Love?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 What’s Beyond Unconditional Love? Soul Fire bursts forth, dissolving dark clouds of illusion that fool our ordinary personality. Dear Lovers of Pure Love Itself, What is beyond Unconditional Love? Every religion or path has its own answer to that question. But for …
China Dream Trip 2012
——————————————————————– Healing Tao USA Home The Dream Trip to China is for people who believe that life is a spiritual adventure. It is for souls that hunger for the riches of ancient wisdom in faraway lands, and seek to merge them into the present moment. “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we …
China’s Crown Chakra: Mt. Changbai
by Michael Winn\\ Note: A virus attack on my website erased the photos in this article. I’ve left the blank spaces and caption, someday I will try to restore the photos. L: Precipitous view from 9,000 feet Mt. Changbai, into one of the highest volcanic lakes in the world. R: The highest volcanic …
Creative Explosion: Year of Green Male Wood Horse 2014
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Jan. 31, 2014 1. Horse Year is perfect time to travel! Don’t miss the spiritual adventure of a lifetime – still space left: China Dream Trip May 16- June 3, 2014. Next trip is 2.5 years away – 2016! Extended payment available. Hit …
Turkey Whisperer: Are You Grateful for Suffering?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 2, 2013 Turkey Whisperer: Are You Grateful for Suffering? 1. Purple Saturnday Cyber-Cosmic Holy-istic Once-in-Ten-Lifetimes HeavyWeight SuperLight Saver Specials!!!! Forget those darkside Black Friday sales 🙂 Save BIG BUCKS & get even BIGGER CHI on ALL MICHAEL WINN products – up to …
Love Your Sexy Winter Body
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 21, 2013 Did you remember to dance with the full moon a few days BEFORE Winter Solstice – the real power spot in Nature’s cycle? Are you loving every aspect of Water in your life? 1. ALL MICHAEL WINN products – up …
Does a New Year = a New Self?
Lunar New Year’s fireworks originate in China…so how did the West come to dominate China’s official calendar with Two-Faced Janus, God of January? Get the skinny here! 1. ALL Michael Winn products – up to 30% savings, One Year Money-Back Guarantee. 40% off Mantak Chia books! until midnight Friday Jan. 10. 2014. …
Is Our Body a Nuclear Reactor?
by Michael Winn Feb. 19, 2014 L: FISSION nuclear explosion, typical Atomic bomb, splits an atom in half, creates radioactive pollution. R: FUSION nuclear reaction unites polar elelments into one and radiates clean infinite energy. Image from Livermore Laboratory in Calif. Is one of these nuclear processes happening inside your own body? …
Can Qigong Attract Wealth?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 On an elemental level, gold is the most highly evolved of all the metals.The vibration of gold is solar, and our soul responds to it. When we physically touch gold, it elevates, stimulates, and purifies us. It’s the ungrounded IDEA of …
Qigong and Wealth: mp3 audio + video
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Mar. 13, 2014 Can you create an Inner Pot of Gold? This is the cauldron of the dantian, where the Golden Elxiir congeals when body and …
Highest Destiny: How to Achieve it?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 April 5, 2014 Highest Destiny: How to Achieve it? Climbing impossibly difficult mountains is a physical metaphor for our personality’s quest to re-capture the original spiritual heights of our soul‘s vibration when it first emerged from Source. It’s why my China Dream …
70 China Photos & 20 Hot Tao Retreats!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Temple of Heaven, the iconic 14th century Taoist temple every Chinese Emperor had to visit twice a year. I plan to build a full-scale replica in North Carolina for use as a retreat center. Its roundness is the shape of heaven; its trinity mirrors …
Our baby Emerald’s Death & Rebirth
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 ? HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 June 18, 2014 My wife Jem and I are very happy to be parents of a healthy 5 month old boy named Emerald. This Tao of Conscious Conception story has dramatic twists that inspire commentary on the perennial Taoist “Immortal Child” theme. …
Laughing Baby Emerald (video):
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Emerald, age 10 months, believes the Tao is something you drum on with your hands. Since the Natural Way is unique to each being, why not a drum? Emerald‘s main teaching to me so far has been that the Tao is about PLAYING …
The 4 Rings of Love Qi in Primordial Tai Chi
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 My son in his Baby Hippo Halloween costume. Emerald is that fat – this costume was skin-tight… 🙂 The rings of fat are not faked, that is what a …
Deep Water, Dark Mystery: Winter Solstice
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Taoist mandala (sewn fabric) commissioned for our child Emerald’s upcoming 1st birthday. We want to have Taoist color and pattern vibrations in his room as he grows up. Taoists cultivate Qi according to its cycle in Nature, here expressed as 5 Phases and 8 Trigram …
White Dragons, China Trip, Fall Tao-Wow
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Sept. 6, 2015 My son Emerald plays with one of his many dragon friends – this one lives in our garden. He invites …
Green Female Goat Year 2015
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 A mother she-goat teaches her baby the Way of Sure-Footedness. 1. Watch a very funny 30 second video:my 1-year old son Emerald chasing a goat on all fours on Chinese New Year’s: http://youtu.be/YVloS6nWQwA 2. Workshops this spring: mark your calendar! Full descriptions at: …
16 Fantastic Tao Summer Retreats – Reserve NOW!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Wild Energy of Spring! calligraphy expresses the Qi of Growth & Expansion that you will feel in your body at a Tao …
EGO Happiness vs. SOUL Awakening:
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Is achievement driven by ego, the soul, or both? 1. Featured Special: Taoist Dream Practice Audio CD + Lucid Dreaming …
Super Qi Summit Report: How Attain Tao?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Does Attain the Tao mean to Embody the Tao? But isn’t everything …
Love Yourself by Feeling the Qi!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 June 19, 2015 Love Yourself by Feeling the Qi! Morning qigong practice in a lush meadow in the Blue Ridge Mountains at Healing Tao …
15 Fantastic Tao Summer Retreats – Reserve NOW!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Stir up your life with the Wild Natural Energy of “the Way”! This calligraphy expresses the Qi of Growth & Expansion that you will …
Is Santa a Shaman?
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 20, 2015 A Saami shaman from Lappland, in northern Finland, above the arctic circle. This is where the modern myth of …
Primordial Tai Chi: Whole-body Beliefs vs. Head Trips
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Oct.. 26, 2015 Primordial Tai Chi atop the Great Wall on the 2010 China Dream Trip. (Mantak Chia is at far left of photo). We first attuned to the dragon line, the ley line of the earth followed by the wall. We used the form to …
China Dream Trip August 12-30, 2016
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Dec. 29, 2016 China Dream Trip 2016: Return to the Root in Sacred Tao Mountains Mt. Changbai is the “crown chakra” of China’s sacred mountain landscape. Revered for thousands of years, it embodies the energy of Taoist Water & Fire Alchemy. The deep pure waters …
Breathing + Rooting = Grounded Spiritual Work
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Nov. 30, 2015 Tree trunks are about Rooting; their leaves are about Breathing. Together, the Tree of Life. photo: Michael Winn in Joyce Kilmer Forest, North Carolina. 1. …
Let’s Dance in the Cosmic Disco!
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 May 23, 2016 Did you accept my invite to attend a Cosmic Disco Dance? See below – with spectacular photos. The ancient Taoists might have called it …
Wow! Super Yang Solstice + Full Moon
HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 June 20, 2016 Summer Solstice is the most Yang day of the year. It’s been 70 years since we’ve had a full moon on the same day….tune in and get your socks knocked off! Satisfy your Soul desire for WHOLE-BODY ENLIGHTENMENT 1. …
The Orbit; What are its Medical and Spiritual Benefits?
by Michael Winn HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555 Oct. 25, 2009 Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Photo: It seems everybody is getting into Qigong these days. I snapped this photo of my neighbor sneaking in a sunrise practice session…special Praying Mantis form I taught him. He got REALLY deep into it. Lost …
Why is Qigong Superior to Ordinary Exercise?
Inside Tao News/Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Essay: five reasons why qigong is better for our health than ordinary exercise for us humans struggling to “stay in shape”. How can qigong be better if it doesn’t build bulk muscle or tax the heart with an aerobic workout? Taken from my new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section, …
ALERT! Tao Retreats Moved to Blue Ridge Mtns/North Carolina!
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Story of how Healing Tao summer retreats 2007 had to suddenly relocate, due to sale of its Catskill center. By grace of Tao and guidance from I Ching, we have a new (and better) site: Heavenly Mountain, a former luxurious spiritual center of Transcendental Meditation (TM). It’s nestled in the …
Can Enlightenment be achieved in one week?
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: note: if your email changes, to update simply re-subscribe to “Tao News” on my homepage. Old emails will auto- delete. 1. Essay on whether its possible to achieve Enlightenment in one week. Hint: the answer is yes. In fact, it generally happens in less than a week. It all depends on …
Year of Female Fire PIg Predictions
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Year of the Fire Pig – what’s coming in the next spin of the earth around the sun. Energetic analysis and chinese astrology predictions that can affect your health, your wealth, and your spiritual practice. 2. Some top photos I took on China Dream Trips. This is just a small …
9 Essential Principles of Tao Self-Cultivation
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Summary of “9 Essential Principles of Tao Self-Cultivation”. This is my personal short list of qualities that maximize the process of self-realization. This is another way of describing the Union of our Human self with the Way or Great Process of Nature. 2. Cultivate Qigong in Winter, Harvest in Summer. …
The Sun, the Alchemist, and a Copper Roof
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Essay on why my inner alchemist felt inspired to install a copper roof on our humble log cabin. Why Copper? The mysteries of the sun, metallurgy, astrology, feng shui, inner and outer alchemy, artistic beauty and the practicality of solar heating – all fused into one copper roof. Are you …
Tao of Tsunamis & Earth Changes
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Essay on the spiritual nature of tsunamis and a Tao perspective on how to relate to the new octave of earth Changes. The surprising usefulness of alchemical Taoist Kan and Li spiritual technology in embracing deep change gracefully. Heaven and Earth are impartial; they treat all of creation as straw dogs. …
Tao of Viruses and Human Trans-mutation
Inside Chi iFlows naturally: essay on how we need to tap into the hidden intelligence of viruses to survive coming changes. If you previously “unsubscribed” to TaoNews, you may have to unsubscribe again due to a virus. See new unsubscribe link at end of letter. To subscribe, go to home page of www.healingdao.com, and you?ll …
Tales from China Dream Trip 2006, Wudang Summit
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. A few tales, and highlights of the adventurous souls on the 2006 China Dream Trip. Includes pre-trip research on Qigong for Diabetes and a new method from the “Path of the Female Immortals”. 2. Details on a summit of 30 Wudang Mountain Taoists in Boulder, July 6-9. Contact: aca_enrich@yahoo.com. (404) …
Ancient Celts and Taoists share Fundamental Principles
Inside Tao News: Article: What the ancient Celts and Taoists had in common: the Fundamentals of capturing the life force. Chi Kung Fundamentals 1 & 2 Oct. 23-24 in Asheville, North Carolina, $144. Just reply to this email to reserve your space. Fundamentals 1 & 2 will be available in CD FORMAT for ease of …
Stonehenge, Callanish, Silburiy Hill, Glastonbury, Isle of Skye
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Back from Getting Stoned in Scotland – diving into the heart of the 5,000. year old Callanish Stones. Plus tales of recent Taoist ceremonies in Stonehenge. Are these ancient timekeeping devices trying to tell us something? 2. Oct. 21-22 in Asheville. Primordial Qigong + Feldenkrais for Super-Learning the secrets of …
Equinox, Easter, & Eclipses: the Sexual Resurrection of Time Cycles
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Essay on tapping the hidden sexual forces in the Spring Equinox and eclipses. 2. Equinox Event at my Asheville, N.C. home Tuesday March 21. Can’t make it? Send your Energy Body, or host your own local event! Dear Lovers of Spring-is-here-at-last, Religions around the world observe Holy Days in March …
My beach is worth $55,000. PER DAY….
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Letter: Better to spend your chi valuing nature vs. chasing money to buy things that aren’t natural. 2. New workshop (new material) March 18-19 (sat-sun) at N.Y. Open Center (212-219-2527) : MEDICAL QIGONG Fundamentals of Safely Healing with ?Chi? Medical Qigong has been practiced in China for thousands of years …
Help Love Ron Diana into a New Body
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: 1. Story on the Rebirthing of Ron Diana into a new body. Ron is a Healing Tao Instructor who is bravely facing an aggressive asbestos-caused cancer using natural therapy – and can use our heart and belly-laughing assistance during this Summer Solstice to get him over the Death Hump. 2. Notes …
Ron Diana Ascends to Immortal Realm
Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Life and death are one thread, the same flowing line seen from different sides. All things come into being, then return to their original state. Plants flourish, then return to their root. Returning to root is called tranquility; Tranquility may be called fulfilling one’s natural end. This fulfillment we may call …
Summer Solstice Ceremony Instructions
Suggestions for an Equinox Ceremony The following is modified version of spring equinox directions, the intention is modified to reflect the direct infuence of the fire element. The Power of Physical Movement in Ritual I feel the most powerful ceremony includes a ritual chi kung (qigong) form. The movement of the physical body invokes your …
Asheville Workshops
Michael Winn Asheville Workshops & Summer Retreats 2017 Asheville workshops – Registration & Lodging Info Spring 2017 1. Mar, 4-5, 2017 Emotional Alchemy: Fusion of Five Elements 1[br] 2. Mar. 19, 2017 (Sun 7 pm), Spring Equinox Green Dragon Ceremony (Free)[br] 3. April 15-16, 2017 Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3 Psychic Alchemy: Open …