Giant Redwood Tree. Taoists believe trees can become immortals. Trees silently hold great teachings. If we learn their Qi language, we can gain strength and wisdom. See Article Below.
2. Mar. 3-4, 2018 Sat/Sun, Emotional Alchemy: Fusion of Five Elements #1. ASHEVILLE
Get in touc with your ORIGINAL FEELINGS, dissolve negative layers of reactivity
3a. Mar. 16, 2018 (Fri. eve), LECTURE: Tao Cosmology & New Paradigm of Healing, HOLLAND. All Holland bookings contact Wim Schermer:
b. Mar. 17-18, 2018 (Sat-Sun), Deep Healing Qigong HOLLAND.
c. Mar. 20-21, 2018 (Tues-Wed), Star Alchemy Review HOLLAND
d. Mar. 22-26, 2018 (Thurs-Mon), Heaven & Earth Alchemy HOLLAND
New breakthroughs in Star and H&E Alchemy will be shared, gift from my Inner Sage.
4. April 21-22, 2018 Sat/Sun, Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3 – Psychic/Soul Alchemy: Open 8 Extraordinary Channels ASHEVILLE
5. April 27-29, (Fri-Sun) National Qigong Association Conference ASHEVILLE, N.C. Sat. April 28 Blissful Breathing Qigong seminar with Michael Winn.
6. NOTE: Summer Retreats 2018 will be at a NEW LOCATION, iin Asheville area. Retreat dates are FIRM – see Details below.
Dear Lovers of the Natural Way of Hugging Trees,
I hope you are barking happily up the right tree in this Year of the Yang Earth Dog, which just began on the Chinese lunar calendar. I note that trees have bark, but they do not bark. Or perhaps they bark silently? One of many Tree paradoxes. Trees have played a very big role in my Taoist Qi cultivation practice over the decades.
I once spent an etnire month in northern California and southern Oregon. My sole purpose was to commune with the giant redwoods, some over 300 feet tall. It was truly an amazing experience, as I discovered that I could tap into the group communication that was going on between the trees. They were very well networked, and would pass on information about a tree that had died hundreds of miles away.
I used my skills in internal alchemy to travel inside the core channel of the tree up to the very tip top (beyond my physical sight). I was surprised to find some of the ancient trees had cultivated a large, radiant pearl. This pearl would act as an antenna and storage vessel for sun, moon, star, and earth Qi that the tree fused into its pearl over many centuries.
Trees had long before this redwood trip been my teachers. When I lived in New York City (for 22 years) what kept me sane was my daily walk up to Washington Square Park where I would practice rooting and aligning with trees holding the energetic model for me. Of course, I had special “friends” that were especially attuned to me, and I to them. They loved that I could share my tai chi moving root with them, since they have a fixed root.
So I was delighted to see that a number of biologists have begun talking with trees, not necessarily using the language of Qi, but still noting how the trees network via the fungal colonies connecting their roots and other subtle signals. Please read the article below.
The best training for learning to talk to trees is my Medical and Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4: Internal Qi Breathing and Rooting. If you cannot make the Asheville worksop Feb. 24-25, consider getting the homestudy audio and DVD package.
According to the Chinese calendar, we are already in the season of WOOD, which begins halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox (around Feb. 5). So this is a great time to practice your rooting, you will be supported. by expanding Wood Qi.
The following weekend in early march is Fusion of the 5 Elements 1. This is one of the most important foundation practices of Tao inner alchemy. We learn how to manage emotional reactivity – a universal human problem.
Please read the details below. It’s also available by homestudy. One should take either the Fundamentals 1&2 or 3&4 before diving into Fusion.
Feb. 24-25, 2018: Internal Chi Breathing & Bone Rooting
Internal Chi (Qi) Breathing and Bone Rooting
begins 9 am Sat Feb. 24, 2018
9:30 am Sun Feb. 25,
both days finish at 5:30 to 6 pm
How Bone Breathing Pushes Sick Energy Out of Bone Marrow
Ten students attempt to push me over – unsuccessfully. In the seminar I teach everyone how to develop this kind of deep rooting – it is energy science, not magic.
Useful to have Fundamentals 1&2, but it can be taken in reverse order with no problem.
Cost: $144. weekend. $90. for Sat. only. Review: $90. for weekend.
Convenient Location in downtown Asheville – plenty of free parking.
Asheville Training Center, 261 Ashland Ave., Asheville NC. 2 long blocks south of downtown. Enter alley behind Town & Mountain Realty from either end of the building.
I’m in a redwood forest in Santa Cruz, California, taking dictation for the trees outside my cabin. They speak constantly, even if quietly, communicating above- and underground using sound, scents, signals, and vibes. They’re naturally networking, connected with everything that exists, including you.
Biologists, ecologists, foresters, and naturalists increasingly argue that trees speak, and that humans can learn to hear this language.
Many people struggle with this concept because they can’t perceive that trees are interconnected, argues biologist George David Haskell in his 2017 book The Songs of Trees. Connection in a network, Haskell says, necessitates communication and breeds languages; understanding that nature is a network is the first step in hearing trees talk.
For the average global citizen, living far from the forest, that probably seems abstract to the point of absurdity. Haskell points readers to the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador for practical guidance. To the Waorani people living there, nature’s networked character and the idea of communication among all living things seems obvious. In fact, the relationships between trees and other lifeforms are reflected in Waorani language.
In Waorani, things are described not only by their general type, but also by the other beings surrounding them. So, for example, any one ceibo tree isn’t a “ceibo tree” but is “the ivy-wrapped ceibo,” and another is “the mossy ceibo with black mushrooms.” In fact, anthropologists trying to classify and translate Waorani words into English struggle because, Haskell writes, “when pressed by interviewers, Waorani ‘could not bring themselves’ to give individual names for what Westerners call ‘tree species’ without describing ecological context such as the composition of the surrounding vegetation.”
Because they relate to the trees as live beings with intimate ties to surrounding people and other creatures, the Waorani aren’t alarmed by the notion that a tree might scream when cut, or surprised that harming a tree should cause trouble for humans. The lesson city-dwellers should take from the Waorani, Haskell says, is that “dogmas of separation fragment the community of life; they wall humans in a lonely room. We must ask the question: ‘can we find an ethic of full earthly belonging?’”There’s room at the Redwood Inn. (el)
Haskell points out that throughout literary and musical history there are references to the songs of trees, and the way they speak: whispering pines, falling branches, crackling leaves, the steady hum buzzing through the forest. Human artists have always known on a fundamental level that trees talk, even if they don’t quite say they have a “language.”
Redefining communication
Tree language is a totally obvious concept to ecologist Suzanne Simard, who has spent 30 years studying forests. In June 2016, she gave a Ted Talk (which now has nearly 2.5 million views), called “How Trees Talk to Each Other.”
Simard grew up in the forests of British Columbia in Canada, studied forestry, and worked in the logging industry. She felt conflicted about cutting down trees, and decided to return to school to study the science of tree communication. Now, Simard teaches ecology at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver and researches “below-ground fungal networks that connect trees and facilitate underground inter-tree communication and interaction,” she says. As she explained to her Ted Talk audience:
I want to change the way you think about forests. You see, underground there is this other world, a world of infinite biological pathways that connect trees and allow them to communicate and allow the forest to behave as though it’s a single organism. It might remind you of a sort of intelligence.
Trees exchange chemicals with fungus, and send seeds—essentially information packets—with wind, birds, bats, and other visitors for delivery around the world. Simard specializes in the underground relationships of trees. Her research shows that below the earth are vast networks of roots working with fungi to move water, carbon, and nutrients among trees of all species. These complex, symbiotic networks mimic human neural and social networks. They even have mother trees at various centers, managing information flow, and the interconnectedness helps a slew of live things fight disease and survive together.
Simard argues that this exchange is communication, albeit in a language alien to us. And there’s a lesson to be learned from how forests relate, she says. There’s a lot of cooperation, rather than just competition among and between species as was previously believed.
Peter Wohlleben came to a similar realization while working his job managing an ancient birch forest in Germany. He told the Guardian he started noticing trees had complex social lives after stumbling upon an old stump still living after about 500 years, with no leaves. “Every living being needs nutrition,” Wohlleben said. “The only explanation was that it was supported by the neighbor trees via the roots with a sugar solution. As a forester, I learned that trees are competitors that struggle against each other, for light, for space, and there I saw that it’s just [the opposite]. Trees are very interested in keeping every member of this community alive.” He believes that they, like humans, have family lives in addition to relationships with other species. The discovery led him to write a book, The Hidden Life of Trees.
By being aware of all living things’ inter-reliance, Simard argues, humans can be wiser about maintaining mother trees who pass on wisdom from one tree generation to the next. She believes it could lead to a more sustainable commercial-wood industry: in a forest, a mother tree is connected to hundreds of other trees, sending excess carbon through delicate networks to seeds below ground, ensuring much greater seedling survival rates.
Foreign language studies
Biology’s philosophers in dialogue. (el)
Seedling survival is important to human beings because we need trees. “The contributions of forests to the well-being of humankind are extraordinarily vast and far-reaching,” according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2016 report on world forests (pdf).
Forests are key to combating rural poverty, ensuring food security, providing livelihoods, supplying clean air and water, maintaining biodiversity, and mitigating climate change, the FAO says. The agency reports that progress is being made toward better worldwide forest conservation but more must be done, given the importance of forests to human survival.
Most scientists—and trees—would no doubt agree that conservation is key. Haskell believes that ecologically friendly policies would naturally become a priority for people if we’d recognize that trees are masters of connection and communication, managing complex networks that include us. He calls trees “biology’s philosophers,” dialoguing over the ages, and offering up a quiet wisdom. We should listen, the biologist says, because they know what they’re talking about. Haskell writes, “Because they are not mobile, to thrive they must know their particular locus on the Earth far better than any wandering animal.”
Emotional Alchemy: March 3 & 4, 2018
Mar. 3 & 4, 2018
Cultivate Your True Original Feelings & Dissolve Negativity
Sat 9-6; Sun 9:30 am – 6 pm.
with Michael Winn
Fusion of 5 Elements Nurturing Cycle (outer circle) and Control Cycle (inner star).
Fusion is the 2nd Formula in the re-organized One Cloud’s 9 Alchemy Formulas:
Emotional alchemy – energy science of managing your feelings.
Take charge of your psychic inner weather.
Clear & center feelings with a body-centered process.
Fusion meditation = “Taoist Depth Psychology”.
• Transmute negative emotions into positive feelings
• Talk with your 12 vital organ intelligences, in their 5 Elements language
• Fuse your soul essences into a radiant Pearl
• Spiral Love in Creation Cycle Qigong
• Cultivate “de”, the hiiden spiritual power of your True Self / Soul.
Learn practical Emotional Inner Alchemy methods for managing the feeling layer of your soul’s Energy Body.
This is part of Taoist adept One Cloud’s foundational Inner Alchemy 9 Formulas. It integrates 5 phase Qi (chi) cycles in your emotions with your biological and spiritual life. Learn to control your inner psychic weather, nurture your inner powers and natural virtues. Most important, learn how to “eat” or dissolve negative emotion and egoic reactivity. Find out where your feelings originate and their true purpose.
Learn to reverse the loss of Qi / chi flowing out thru your senses, how to alchemically gather an Inner Pearl, the essence of your original self. Very powerful tools for working on yourself, and centering the energy body. Course is mostly meditation, plus “Nourish the Five Shen” Qigong for emotional body.
Pre-req: Fundamentals 1 & 2, live or audio-video. Good to have Fundamentals 3 & 4 if possible, as solid physical rooting is very helpful in managing emotions.
I edited the original Fusion of 5 Elements book for Mantak Chia. But he added a lot of stuff that was not part of Fusion, shifting the practice from a psycholigical-energetic method to a cosmic energy map. My feeling is one cannot manage the cosmic Qi flow uintil one manages the flow of Qi and reactive feelings inside one’s body.
The 9 Major Benefits of Fusion of the Five Elements #1:
1. Learn a practical way to stay emotionally neutral while being body-centered and fully present – and still feel what is happening in any situation. “Neutral” is way to describe “centered”, a neutral feeling space from which we can express strong feelings – without falling into the illusion that temporary feelings make up our self-identity.
2. Open up communication pathways between the five inner “body gods” of our heart-mind (“xin”) and your outer sensory perception. These are the five spirits or vital organ intelligences embodied in our heart, spleen-pancreas, lungs, kidneys, and liver. We learn how to reverse the chi normally flowing out our tongue, mouth, nose, ears, and eyes so that it flows instead inward to nourish the inner organs.
3. This one simple technique can cure the exhaustion that plagues so many people! Instead of constantly spending energy out your senses, you absorb chi into your sensory and vital organs from the larger chi field of the environment. What used to be “stress” is now “food that recharges”.
4. Elevate the harmonizing power of your Inner Smile to a deeper level. Smile to your body spirits, support them in turning the wheel of the “creation” (sheng) cycle, the pattern of nourishing chi flow between the “five sub-personalities” of our inner soul team.
This deeper, more collective Inner Smile allows us to shape the flow of archetypal forces hidden within the sacred space inside our body. The creation cycle is a foundational principle of classical Chinese medicine. It empowers us to diagnose and heal a wide variety of biological, emotional, mental, and spiritual disorders.
5. Explores how feelings arise, how they control us, why we wrongly worship feelings, even in the context of personal relationships. This draws a clear distinction between what I call Taoist Depth Psychology and most popular forms of western psychology. Western psychology is mostly based on managing feelings; feelings are the “highest authority of the psyche”. Fusion is based on contacting the Qi underlying our Original Feeling, beyond the feelings of the personality. This allows us to shape the Original Qii matrix underlying our feelings, thoughts, and sensory perception.
6. Where does our “dark side” come from? This course details the developmental pathway of the Five Body Spirits (“wu jingshen”) from the pre-natal realm of the Original Spirit, how they emerge at birth and gain power in childhood. It is a major revelation to discover how our very own body intelligences begin as guardians and end up as “the Resistance” creating struggle, disease and failure in our adult life.
7. Learn the secret of “eating” negative emotional energy, blending it in a “cauldron” at the navel. The yin Fusion practice gently embraces negative emotions and slowly “dissolves” un-centered or dis-harmonious feelings back into the belly center/dantian. I call this emotional resolution process our “inner soul theatre”. At the same time this heart-centered process grows a powerful internal Energy Body as the ego-self is healed of its fragmentation and struggle.
8. Explore the option of using the bagua shape to capture unconscious negativity, strip off the negative charge, and thus convert it into positive energy. The yang Fusion practice uses high speed “chopping and blending” of negative thought/feeling forms using spinning bagua shapes. This is extremely useful in quickly resolving highly negative or overwhelming situations that yin methods are too slow to handle.
9. Practice a powerful method for absorbing the hidden innate virtues that connect you to Original Spirit and the Tao. Even if you have not been very loving or kind in life, this allows you to tap into the infinite ocean of potential love, kindness, wisdom, strength and trust and accumulate their essence in your body-mind. What you absorb inside you will later radiate out into your life.
Summary: You’ll learn to fuse the soul essences that control your destiny into a single radiant golden “pearl” – the first stage of allowing your true self to embody and express itself from the space of Original Feeling. This process is the foundation for the higher alchemy formulas.
Contact: or call 828-505-1444 to register.
Cost: $144. Reviewers: $90. (if Certification course, it’s full price). If you take the Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4 workshop the weekend before, both workshops are DISCOUNTED 25% to $108. (Review prices are discounted).
Convenient Location in downtown Asheville – plenty of free parking.
Asheville Training Center, 261 Ashland Ave., Asheville NC. 2 long blocks south of downtown. Enter alley behind Town & Mountain Realty from either end of the building.
PLEASE NOTE: Retreats will be at a NEW LOCATION in Asheville area, to be announced.
Rachel Harding will be the registrar again. She can be reached at: or phone 828 713 2996.
Until retreats website cart is updated, please book through her.
Week-long Retreats with Michael Winn. ALL DATES ARE FIRM.
Week 1: June 22 – 27, 2018 (Fri-Wed) Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals Levels 1 – 4.
Week 2: June 29 – July 4, 2018 (Fri-Wed) Healing Love: Tao Sexology – with Jem Minor (my wife)
Week 3: July 6 – July 11, 2018 (Fri-Wed) Inner Sexual Alchemy: Lesser Kan & Li
Week 4: July 13- 18, 2018 (Fri-Wed) Sun-Moon-Earth Alchemy: Healing Ancestral Bloodlines. Greater Kan & Li.
Week 5: July 20-25, 2018 (Fri-Wed)
Star Alchemy: Seal 5 Shen & Awaken 12 Over Souls Causal Power
I’m very close to closing on the funding to buy a new retreat center in Asheville, N.C. The site I want is raw land. I hope to build The Temples of Heaven and Earth on it, and cultivate it – with YOUR help – into a powerful inter-dimensional portal for all who choose to study or retreat there.
Other than my wife Jem Minor co-teaching Taoist Sexology with me, there will be no retreats with other teachers this year due to lack of teaching space while we are in transition. Please stay tuned to come study with your favorite teachers in 2019 summer.
The website will be updated shortly, but will take tuition deposits only. Last year’s prices till apply.
$550. for one week tuition, with numerous discouints available.
We don’t yet know if we will supply housing in yurts on the new land, or ask everyone to find their own air bnb or nearly hotel. Some meals will be offered on site. More info to come soon.
Tree Immortal – 5,000 Year old Bristlecone Pine
I visited this bristlecone pine forest near Bishop, Calif. – considered to be the oldest living trees on the planet. This tree is still alive! It has amazing Qi, but quite different from the giant redwoods. It took me into a very deep, serene inner space. I got the feeling it was patiently holding space for us humans to arrive at this serenity. Hope it doesn’t have to wait another 5,000 years!
May the Strength of a Tree Immortal Guide Your Way,
Michael Winn
“Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Integrity as his home,
the Tao as his door, and who becomes Change — is a
Sage.” — Chuang Tzu, Inner Chapters
“The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away.
Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.”
— Taoist Sage, 200 B.C
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