Oct. 1, 2009To subscribe, go to homepage of www.healingtaousa.com. Privacy Protected. Unsubcribe below. To see photos, change mail preferences from “plain text” to “html”.
Inside Chi Flows Naturally:
Photo: Michael Winn doing Primordial Tai Chi atop Mt. Wudang in 2005. This lineage form dates back 800 years on Mt. Wudang, by the originator of Tai Chi, Master Chang San Feng. Practicing in these mountains felt completely different than doing it in the USA – as if the local chi field held a deep memory of it.
If you are interested in doing Promordial Tai Chi on Mt. Wudang and experiencing the amazing feeling of chi flowing in three of China’s most powerful sacred mountains, consider coming on the China Dream Trip May 2010. Mantak Chia, Healing Tao founder, and other senior instructors are coming on the trip to celebrate Healing Tao’s 30th birthday. If you love spiritual adventure, go to: http://www.healingdao.com/chinatrip2010.html
Dear Lovers of the Life Force,
It’s time for my annual Primordial Qigong / Tai Chi for Enlightenment training on Oct. 17-18, 2009 in Asheville, NC. The course includes Feldenkrais for Super-learning, which intensifies your skill and pleasure in an already amazing form. I love teaching this course, as I always learn something new. It arises spontaneously, from the infinitely rich depths of this simple practice. By embracing the chi flowing in from all the directions and Heaven and Earth, this ceremony allows unconditional love to be embodied and grounded within us.
It also counts as a Certification course for those already practicing the form, with a certificate from Healing Tao University signed by me. I plan to create a Directory of Certified Instructors on my website to help promote your teaching the form locally.
Since this course only happens once a year, do not delay in signing up. The full registration & lodging details are listed below. Cost is only $185.
Why is there so much buzz about Primordial Tai Chi? Three simple reasons: it’s easy to learn, it’s fun and uplifting to practice, and it offers powerful healing for your health and your karma.
YOUR KARMA? Wait a minute. How the heck can a little 15 minute movement ceremony inviting in the Beings of All Directions and All Dimensions change your destiny? Is this a new age sales pitch, the Tao of hucksterism?
To answer that question about How It Changes Your Karma, I am posting below the interview Miguel Montoya did with me for Four Corners Magazine (based in Sedona, AZ). And in case you don’t believe my explanation, I’ve also posted Miguel’s unsolicited testimonials as to how the form changed his life dramatically. Miguel, by the way, is coming to the Asheville weekend to get certified, although he has already shared the form with countless others.
News of the near miraculous power of this form is spreading like wildfire. If you cannot attend the workshop in Asheville, I urge you to get the DVD and begin enjoying the benefits, and share it with your friends. See http://www.taichi-enlightenment.com. I am selling it at a substantial $15. discount from my other DVDs to speed up its dissemination.
Andrew Fretwell, who learned the form from me, is hosting the first International Wuji / Primordial Qigong Convention in Barcelona, Spain Oct. 24-25, 2009. It’s free. I can’t make it, but made a short video clip to attend in my place. If you want to go, contact Andrew at tao.alchemy@gmail.com
Other news: I hope to publish within the next six months the Wuji Gong book written by Zhu Hui, my teacher, about the form. I had it translated from the Chinese. You can see a short clip of him as a marvellous smiling 84 year old on my DVD.
Two other qigong forms that complement Wuji Gong, and amplify its power by spiralling in the opposite (clockwise) direction. These forms produce the energy of manifesting when combined with focused intention:
1. Deep Healing Qigong. For info & DVD: https://healingtaousa.com/deep_healing_qigong.html
2. Shamanic 7-Star Big Dipper Qigong (taught on China Dream Trip, no DVD available)
3. I also strongly recommend that Primordial Tai Chi Lovers check out the 4-CD audio set by my spirit-wife Joyce Gayheart. It’s called “My Body Moves Easily: I Feel Graceful and Light”. It integrates qigong, Feldenkrais, and Alexander exercises to take anyone deeper into effortless movement. It’s applicable to any tai chi or qigong form, and offers miraculous relief to low-back pain sufferers. Joyce was in two serious car accidents, had 7 fused vertebrae, and used these methods to free herself from pain. She also has one of the most wonderfully healing voices you’ll ever hear. There is an audio clip on the CD page:
For more about Joyce’s remarkable life, including her life story written for what may be one of the most interesting books ever written about astrology and destiny (called Under One Sky, available from her site) see: https://healingtaousa.com/JoyceGayheart/
Have fun browsing through the interesting other posts below on the Primordial form. I answer questions such as does it change direction in the Southern Hemisphere? How one adept uses it to dissolve the dark side at a distance.
For myself, I believe this form is the best friend you can have to get you through the Time of Troubles that we will be in for another 5 years or so. My teacher Zhu Hui said this form is what allowed him to sail through the Cultural Revolution in China and healed him of liver cancer.
» How does Primordial Qigong Dissolve Karma?
» How Primordial Dramatically Changed One Man’s Life
» Is Primordial Qigong in the Southern Hemisphere different?
» Dissolving Dark Forces at a Distance with Wuji Gong
» Registration Info & Hotels in Asheville
» Contact Info & WebsitesHow does Primordial Qigong Dissolve Karma?
Photo: China Dream Trippers do Primordial Tai Chi atop the Great Wall of China. Local Chinese trinket hawkers were mesmerized by the powerful chi field.Tai Chi for Enlightenment
Ancient Taoist Secrets Revealed to the Masses in Times of Great Change
Interview with Tai Chi Master Michael WinnBy Miguel Montoya
“For 35 years I’ve hunted down the secrets of enlightenment… I want to share with you the crème de la crème of my discoveries.”
So begins the auspicious introduction to a magical form called Tai Chi for Enlightenment, recently unveiled to the world. Kept secret for over 800 years in the Taoist temples of China and taught sparingly to a select group of monks, this spiritually potent tai chi form has been called “the crown jewel of China’s spiritual development.” Its ancient name is wuji qigong, meaning “develops skills for entering the supreme mystery.” It takes a mere twenty minutes to practice and can be learned in just a few days, yet activates one’s enlightenment process in undeniable ways. Practitioners tell of deep soul-centering, spiritual bliss, heart-openings, and uncanny blessings occurring in their daily lives. According to Qigong/Tai Chi master Michael Winn, President of The Healing Tao USA Qigong Center and author of numerous classics like Taoist Secrets of Love with Mantak Chia, Tai Chi for Enlightenment can even change your karma.
Rescued from extinction by a doctor named Zhu Hui, it was a wise 106-year old monk named Li Tong who passed on the secret form having favored Dr. Hui since he became China’s national tai chi sword champion as a young man. Zhu Hui soon discovered its curious powers and later verified its lofty origins which link directly to Chang San Feng – the legendary 13th century “Taoist Immortal” and founder of Tai Chi Chuan. Mr. Winn boldly stated, “I am sure this is Chang San Feng’s supreme creation – the jewel he left behind on earth… Many of my students stop or reduce practice of other martial tai chi forms because they quickly get ten times as much energy and spiritual bliss.”
Masters and Elders around the world seem to be responding to the same urgent call – to fully disclose their deepest secrets to enlighten the masses in these times of great change. Tibet, China, India, and the Indigenous peoples of the Americas are opening up their storehouses of wisdom in unprecedented fashion. The sacred technique called Kunlun Bliss has escaped from Tibet, Kriya Yoga is more accessible than ever, Indigenous elders and Indian Avatars now travel to your town – and the prized Tai Chi for Enlightenment technique can be learned from the comfort of your home. This is a rare and blessed time to be alive.
How many have suffered from loneliness, uncertainty, depression, spiritual apathy, severe moodiness, a closed heart, lack of purpose, or even dread? Imagine if these numerous challenges suddenly vanished? Perhaps, like the book title suggests, that for every problem there is a spiritual solution. Until recently I simply had not discovered a true, lasting spiritual solution! It is therefore mind-blowing how many miraculous life changes have occurred through practicing Tai Chi for Enlightenment for the last seven months. My co-dependent tendency is a thing of the past; I maintain an unshakeable positive outlook, a blissful feeling daily, and a heartfelt Divine connection that I only dreamt about during my dark night of the soul.
It gives me great pleasure to now reveal this precious gift to you, the reader, that it may bless countless more lives. As Michael Winn is fond of saying, “You’re enlightenment is my enlightenment.” Indeed, how could anyone keep a “jewel” like this to themselves?
Four Corners: Michael, tell us about your experiences in teaching Tai Chi for Enlightenment?
Michael Winn: (Laughs) It’s so magical. By now I’ve taught many thousands of people this form. I’ve gotten so many letters. They’re all raving about one aspect or another. They say things like, ‘Somehow I’m becoming myself.’ You know, I stopped teaching traditional Tai Chi. I still practice it but I don’t choose to teach it. It’s too hard – people couldn’t get it. I just taught a Tai Chi for Enlightenment workshop this past weekend. Everyone got it right away and they’re all having incredible energetic experiences. That’s part of the whole magic and mystery of this form that really puzzled me at first.
FC: How many years have you been teaching Tai Chi for Enlightenment?
MW: I met Zhu Hui (Joo Wee) in 1997 and began to teach around 1999. I practiced for over a year and a half just trying to decode the form. After thirty five years you get to know what Qigong forms do and what channels are opening. This form totally baffled me because everyday that I practiced it I had a different experience. Fortunately I had a background in internal alchemy, which allowed me to recognize and decode Chang San Feng’s Tai Chi for Enlightenment form.
Dr. Zhu Hui did not have an inner alchemy background but instead used Tai Chi for Enlightenment in his medical clinic. It became one of his most powerful tools to cure illness and he used it to treat more than ten types of chronic diseases, especially heart diseases and high blood pressure, and for people with weak kidneys or chi deficiency.
I believe that only a ‘Taoist immortal’ could have designed this form. It’s so ingenious – and it’s easy to learn. This Tai Chi for Enlightenment form combines tai chi, feng shui, chi kung (qigong), the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 branches of the Chinese Calendar, and inner alchemy – a powerful form of Taoist meditation. Energetically, it is the opposite of martial tai chi forms. They emit chi outwardly for self-defense or focus on manipulating an opponent’s chi. Tai Chi for Enlightenment gradually dissolves all the physical and karmic layers of tension in both your physical and Energy Body. It ultimately opens up a profound inner space inside your body, where your Original Spirit, the ‘face of your soul before you were born,’ can reveal itself.FC: How does this form help people on a practical day-to-day level?
MW: In the process of living we get scattered and we lose our center. And you do this form and cycle by cycle, ceremony by ceremony you gather back your fragments. It’s like the story of Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall and couldn’t be put back together again. Well, this form puts you back together. So people who have been traumatized and injured, the light at the center of themselves opens back up – and that’s really incredible, that a ceremony can do that for somebody.
The biggest single problem facing human beings that are waking up is how to stay grounded and centered. I really have a feeling that, given the changes that are happening on the planet right now, this form is going to be used by a lot of people to ground themselves with the speed of changes happening. This form harmonizes the human being with earth and with heaven. It’s the best vehicle I have found for this time cycle we find ourselves in, of incredibly rapid earth changes.
FC: How does the form work its magic?
MW: The form itself is alchemical – you could basically consider this form to be a mandala. It’s an embodied, living Sacred Geometry and we are doing a sacred dance within that mandala. The energetic pathway that’s already been created by previous masters doing this form combine to empower that pattern. Since this form also embodies the Chinese calendar, we are doing a sacred dance with Time. By dancing the cycles of heaven and earth you’re basically unfolding your essence more rapidly. This is why Zhu Hui told me that this is the only form he’s found that actually changes your karma. Most Qigong forms sort of change your energy field, but this form actually changes your karma. Zhu Hui told me that this is how he got through the Cultural Revolution – he said everybody else around him was suffering terribly and were starving. He said he did this form and he was just able to move through all the pain and struggle and collective storms that the Chinese went through.
FC: How else might one experience their karma changing by regularly doing this form?
MW: It has to do with the five elements. In the Chinese system the five elements are fire, water, wood, gold, and earth. Everyone has a unique blend of those elements, so when you practice the form your five elements interact with the five elements of earth and the five elements of heaven in a totally unique way. That’s how it speeds up your karma and changes your psychic infrastructure. It’s that all these astrological and geomantic earth forces are concentrated and they change your relationship between the five elements within yourself. This is all about directionality – you suddenly know what direction you need to go in right now. Do I go this way in my career? Do I go forward in my relationship? This form is putting you in touch with the forces of all the directions.
FC: Why is the experience different each day you do the form?
MW: You are aligning yourself with the calendar and the calendar is changing every day. If you do the form today on October 20th, and then do the form next year on October 20th, the subtle energies are in totally different alignment, the planets and stars are in different positions, and you have a totally unique experience.
I consider doing the form is only half the practice. The other half of the practice you can do standing, sitting, or lying down in meditation and just letting it unfold in you. In fact, it’s almost impossible to guide chi. It’s like a river that you just surrender to and let that be the other half of the practice.
FC: Can this form be practiced with other yoga or spiritual practices?
MW: There are absolutely no prohibitions with this. You can practice this in the middle of a thunderstorm at the same time of an eclipse while you are pregnant. And because it is so balanced and it only achieves greater balance, it intensifies and deepens your appreciation of any other form or any other process.
FC: Why were such liberating techniques like this kept secret from the public?
MW: The Chinese are very secretive. A lot of it comes from clans and families and they think other people will corrupt or pollute whatever they have, or will not treasure it properly. I feel that this form was just simmering – being held for the right time. Now is the time when it was meant to come out on a large scale.
FC: And was Zhu Hui aware of this ‘right time’ as well?
MW: You know, I think he was because I met him when he was 81 years old and he taught me the form. I met him again when he was 84 and he died not long after that. By then he felt like he had successfully ‘passed it on.’ I felt as though I wanted to make a video of him and so I included a short interview on the Tai Chi for Enlightenment DVD. I had the book he wrote on this form translated but have not yet published it. I’m currently collecting other people’s experiences and my own perspective on it.
But I think that the form is coming out now because it’s time for it to shine – it’ll have its big impact now.
Please check Michael Winn’s website for the Tai Chi for Enlightenment DVD http://www.taichi-enlightenment.com or https://healingtaousa.com to preview upcoming Qigong and Tai Chi Retreat programs, or call 828-505-1444.
How Primordial Dramatically Changed One Man’s Life
Photo: China Dream Trip 2008. This simple open air shrine at Lao Tzu’s Ascension Site is one of the most powerful places to perform Primordial Tai Chi. The chi field at this power vortex is so ethereal you already feel dissolved just meditating there. We are visiting this power spot on the China 2010 Dream Trip 2010, but not in 2011.
Unsolicited Letters from Miguel Montoya (Interviewer for Four Seasons Magazine)
Please note: most teachers would love to get even one letter like these. But to be honest, I get them almost routinely about Primordial Tai Chi. It is absolutely no credit to me – in my opinion it is due solely to the form itself, and the lineage Tao Masters / Immortals that assist sincere practitioners. I am just the messenger, and disclaim all sainthood. 🙂 -Michael Winn
Dear Michael Winn and everyone at Healing Tao Retreats,
To Michael, first and foremost, thank you beloved soul for being the destined teacher to bring this most sacred technique, Tai Chi for Enlightenment, to the West! I have been in such a beautiful state for nearly two weeks… my heart has truly opened like never before (in fact it has been closed the majority of my life). I have been having wonderful blissful feelings in my body and being, quite often throughout my days.
I feel that the powerful energies I have been creating in this alchemical cermonies helped me “attract” an amazing spiritual/romantic partner named Lise, and for the first time in my life, I truly feel like I am getting closer to enlightenment with every day I faithfully practice the technique.
Part of me can scarcely believe that a technique so profound could be available by video. Even my friend Mike, a Qi Gong practitioner of 20 years, told me I would not find anything of value through a DVD… so glad I didn’t listen to him!!!! By the way, my buddy Mike is now a dedicated Tai Chi for Enlightenment practitioner!! Like you Mr. Winn, I have an insatiable appetite for anything spiritually potent and life-changing.
Thank you for dedicating your life to the search of profound techniques for spiritual liberation, and mostly, thank you for trusting that the people who are ready and who have “ears to hear” would find your teachings and faithfully practice the technique and get the benefits you speak of. I excitedly had read the testimonials on your website, thinking, “Wow it would be great if I was one of those testimonials one day.” Well, now I am… and I’ve only just started!!
I have been practicing every day for just under two months. The first month was hard because, as you said, a lot of “stuff” or “junk” came up for me to deal with and clear out (nobody ever said enlightenment comes easy!) Then I began to do the technique in my meditation room one day and just couldn’t stop – I did three ceremonies back to back to back, and got so much bliss I started crying right there, standing up while doing my Qi Gong! I also went into some kind of trance and would come back and go, “Whoa, where was I? What am I doing? Oh, I’m doing Primordial… ok, now what sequence was I on?” It was amazing!
I’ve also had a lot of fun doing the ceremony inside a Medicine Wheel which I constructed in my front yard. It seemed so natural to do it in the Wheel because the honoring of each direction, and using the stones as markers for each direction just took the guesswork out of finding East, West, etc. Now I carry a compass on me all the time, and make lots of Medicine Wheels wherever I go.
The bliss was curtailed temporarily only when I decided during lovemaking with my lady to release my fluids, so I will not be doing that again, and it appears I need your Taoist Sex secrets DVD and audio course next!
Well, I am telling everyone I know about your DVD’s and retreats, and my friend Erika just told me she signed up for your June 20th “Fundamentals” retreat at Heavenly Mountain In N.C., and she is already using the Primordial DVD! Like you Mr. Winn, I feel so good that I can share this life changing technique with the people I love. I feel priveleged to have learned this technique so easily and so inexpensively… thank you, thank you, thank you!
Michael, you are a modern saint, thanks again for having the courage to release this technique and know that there are so many people who are eternally grateful to you out there. Thank you especially for operating such a quality organization which is not-for-profit, and who can offer affordable products and retreats.
With all that good karma, I know that you and your organization will be eternally blessed! I hope to someday meet you in person and personally thank you! Blessings to you all!!! Thank you for this great boon to my spiritual unfoldment, no one could have ever given me a better gift! Well, as a new Primordial “addict” I’m off to do my third, or is it my fourth ceremony of the day!
Miguel Montoya
Sedona Sacred Tour Guide / Fitness and Wellness Coach
Sedona, Arizona, USA———————————————————-
Nine months later, a second letter from Miguel:
Dear Michael Winn and Staff,
The Tai Chi for Enlightenment form is the greatest blessing that has ever happened to me. I practice it every single day, hardly missing a day, and sometimes twice a day. I share this form with everyone I possibly can and I know I am responsible for quite a few people buying your DVD. I have even more amazing stories to share!!!
I have also written a testimonial before, which might have been two or three months into practicing the Tai Chi for Enlightenment form/Primordial Qigong. Now it has been more than a year, and oh my, what can I say? I am a different person.
I would love for many people to be able to read my words. I was THAT person… you know the type whose soul cried, yearned, and pleaded for a spiritual solution or technique that could end my suffering, “feed” my soul daily, reconnect with my higher self, and bring me profound peace in this strange, often lonely world. I tried many techniques and became a pretty good meditator over the years, but NEVER has anything so beautiful, so powerful, and so life-changing happened to me as when I first learned Tai Chi for Enlightenment.
THIS IS THE SACRED, MAGICAL TECHNIQUE THAT I WAITED MY ENTIRE LIFE TO FIND!!!! Okay, so I’m only 30 years old, but I awakened at 15 and struggled a long time before finding this form, which I believe is the ultimate spiritual practice on planet Earth. If I had this technique and only this technique for the rest of my life, I am confident it would be all I need and that I would be extremely pleased with the growth this helped me achieve.
Recently an Avatar from India called the Divine Mother Sri Karunamayi came to my home through a stroke of luck, during the time she was visiting Sedona. When she left my home she looked deep into my soul and told me, “You have such a pure heart.” I was so moved I almost cried. Of course I knew innately, the “purity” she spoke of was evident because of the profound inner healing, clearing, and purification that this elegant form Tai Chi for Enlightenment, produced for me.
Tai Chi for Enlightenment has literally given me hundreds of hours of beautiful bliss, profound peace, a heart that is almost always full of love and fully open, a body that is joyful and light, and a life that is often like a living miracle!!! If this is how amazing life is after only one year, I can only imagine what life will look like after 5 or 10 years!!!!
I can’t thank you enough Michael for sharing this with the world, and for doing such a great job with your website so that, on that fateful day when I typed in “Qigong DVD” on a Google search, I found your Tai Chi for Enligtenment video. I remember reading every word you wrote about the form and I remember thinking, “I am sold. I must try this form!” I also thought to myself, “If people cannot see that this form is very, very special after reading your explanation of the Enlightenment form, they don’t deserve to enjoy the benefits,” ha!
I tell everyone about this miraculous Tai Chi form. It just makes me sad that “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Oh well, I guess other people don’t want bliss as much as I do and you do (whoever might read this).
Thank you eternally. I am forever grateful. My soul thanks you!!!!! Love, blessings, and immense gratitude. With love,
Miguel Montoya
Sedona, AZTo read more superlative testimonials about Primordial Tai Chi from unsuspecting practitioners, ranging from rank beginners to advanced Tai Chi players, go to:
Is Primordial Qigong in the Southern Hemisphere different?eard
Photo: China Dream Trip 2008, doing Primordial Tai Chi atop Tai Shan, China’s sacred mountain of the East. The calligraphy on the cliff wall behind us is up to 1500 years old. Emperors would often climb this peak to affirm their position as the Son of Heaven.
I’ve heard this question many times. Because water spirals in the opposite direction below the equator and the seasons and local feng shui are reversed, it’s a natural question. The short answer: primordial ftai chi is PLANETARY in its alignment, not local.
Do southerners live on the same planet as northerners? Has the magnetic polarity of the North and South Pole changed simply because you’ve shifted your location above or below the equator?
If you travel with a north-south magnet across the equator, does it flip its polarity? Is your head and feet polarity reversed from that of northerners when you cross the equator? In pop new age lingo, does your crown chakra flip and trade places with your muladhara root chakra ?
Does the sun in the southern hemisphere also rise in the east? Do clocks in the south also turn “clockwise”?
If the answer to those questions is Yes, then I recommend doing the form just like the northerners, beginning facing to the East, direction of the rising sun, and spiralling left or counter-clockwise, which evokes the energy of reversing time and karma.There are exceptions. If it is a solstice/equinox ceremony, then you face the direction of that energy/season.
This is not a form designed to correct local feng shui issues. In that case you would have to revise when practicing below the equator.
The form is internally self-balancing, i.e. it spirals in both directions. You may not see this immediately. Get the my 4 CD advanced training audio course, which explains this fully.
Dissolving Dark Forces at a Distance with Wuji Gong
Photo: Primordial (Wuji gong) atop Silbury Hill at sunrise in Avebury, UK. The hill is an ancient manmade pyramid some 5000 years old.
Letter from: Carl deMarco, aka Thorny, Spongebob, other aliases. Carl took a China Dream Trip,where the entire group does Primordial (Wuji) in different sacred power spots. It changed his life – it inspired him to move to China. He’s been reporting on the spiritual life of Western Daoists in China ever since…
October 25, 2005
I’ve had fantastic results with the wujI gong lately. I’ve been involved with healing work from afar and found that the neutralizing power of the wujI is tremendous. It quickly expands the neutral space within each of us who does it. it enables powerful shifts into the energy body. it mixes jing, qi, and shen. it manifests the unmanifested. and so on.
The work I’ve been involved in is turned on 24/7 and has me kinda spaced to the point that I havent been participating in society much lately, is a distance healing, of both individuals and groups. The healing is of a particularly thorny nature in that it involves “exorcizing” darkness, demons, the dark side. I dont mean that in a Judeo-christian hell-born entity sort of sense, I mean it in a individual and group energetic sort of sense, the dark stuck energies we are prone to hold.
What I found is that no matter where you are in the universe, you can center the wujI qigong anywhere you want. For example, though I am physically here in china, I can center my wujI practice at a place in new jersey, or the caribbean, or the moon.
The practice has the immediate and automatic effect of neutralizing, that is balancing. It creates a yuan qI-making effect on the local environment. It also has that effect on the place where you are spiritually centering the practice. Thus you can neutralize that location or individuals and groups in it. You can pull out the “evil” or darkness that effects them, gather it in with the wuji gong, and dissolve it, returning it to the earth in its transformed state. Thus the healing is achieved.
Also, because of the expansion of the neutral space, any dark forces that attempt to interfere are powerless. They cannot enter that neutral space. If they do, they are gathered in and neutralized as well. Keeping this neutral space well established is perhaps the best protection against demonic forces.
What I’m wondering now is, is it possible to expand this state infinitely for yourself and even for humanity, creating a universal harmony? I dont know if this can be done physically owing to the dual nature of physical reality.
Date: 2005-10-26
Physical reality is polarized by necessity, otherwise matter cannot exist. But matter/body is not in opposition to yuan chi. Yuan chi, literally “Original Breath of the Cosmos”, is the foundation of physical reality, and is present everywhere in the physical plane. Wuji gong is a ceremony that helps to concentrate our awareness of this non-dual third force within us, and brings us into a different kind of relationship to it. When you expand your neutral core, by alchemical proxy it is transmitted as healing energy to the whole of humanity and the cosmos. That is one reason it is so good for your karma to do the primordial practice.Keep up the great healing work. Mother Earth loves you!
MichaelRegistration Info & Hotels in AshevilleDear Lover of the Way of Flowing Chi,
We will hold your spot for a workshop requested by phone or email for a week, until we get your deposit. If you cancel 7 days or more in advance of workshop, deposit is fully refundable.
Primordial Qigong/Tai Chi for Enlightenment: deposit of $90. or full payment of $185.
Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2 (Oct. 30-Nov.1, 2009): deposit of $72. or full payment of $144.
Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4 (Dec. 5-6,2009): deposit of $72. or full payment of $144.
Please note these prices, unchanged for years, are kept artificially low to encourage folks to take multiple workshops. It reflects my commitment to my students, hoping they will commit to more training. The various forms of qigong cultivation all support each other, even if you eventually narrow your practice down to a few favorite forms. You don’t know what you need most until you try them all. Best to grow a “well-rounded Energy Body”.
You can buy review DVDs of the form being taught at each workshop, usually $25. for one DVD (Primordial workshop), $22.50 each/total $45. for two DVDs (both Fundamentals workshops). You may buy extra DVDs as gifts for others at those discount prices.
The review price 8-CD Audio recording of the Fundamentals workshop costs $64. if you are picking it up in Asheville, or $72. with shipping/handling. These DVD and CD discounts are only available if purchased before or at the workshop, NOT afterwards. You may prepay the cost of this if you wish, or decide at the workshop and pay then.
Email me if you need extended payment plan.
PAY BY CHECK? Please send payment to Jan in my office:
Healing Tao USA
4 Bostic Place
Asheville, NC 28803On the check, payable to Healing Tao USA, please specify WHICH WORKSHOP payment is for, and if you are pre-paying for DVDs or CDs.
EMAIL: To pay by Visa/MC credit card, first choice is to email it in two separate emails for security. Please include billing address, phone, and 3 digit security number. Email it to the office: HealingTaoUSA@bellsouth.net with a cc: to Michael Winn: winn.dao@earthlink.net.
PHONE: Second choice is to call Healing Tao USA office manager, Jan Gillespie at 828-505-1444 (or 888-999-0555). You can safely leave it on the machine if she is not in. To be safe, please send an email to the office and Michael Winn confirming you’ve left the card on the phone machine. Be sure to specify WHICH WORKSHOP you are paying for and HOW MUCH you are paying.
LOCATION: Unless otherwise stated, all Asheville workshops are at Lighten Up Yoga, 60 Biltmore Ave, on the 2nd floor, above City Bakery. Lighten up is on the second floor, above Citi Bakery, one long block from the very center of town (pack square).
Driving from I-240, take Asheville exit onto Merrimon Ave, which becomes Broadway as you go uphill/south/Downtown, passes Pack Square (big obelisk in center) and then becomes Biltmore ave. as you go downhill. Lighten Up Yoga is in the last building on your left (before parking lot), a long block from Pack Square.
Coming from Black Mountain on I-40 you are best to get onto 240 West at exit 55.
Coming from Hendersonville on I-40 you are best to get onto 240 East (follow Downtown Asheville signs).TIME: Try to arrive around 8:45 am on Sat., we start promptly at 9 am. We have to vacate the studio from 12-1:30 pm on Sat. for a yoga class. Sat. usually ends around 6 pm. Sunday starts at 9:30 am and ends around 5:30 to 6 pm. It’s fine if you have to leave a bit early to catch a plane, we’ll be reviewing or you can get the audio CDs of the course at standard reduced cost.
PARKING. You can safely park on weekends in the Hot Dog King lot across the street, at the end of the building there is a small lot, or paid public lot across the street. If you drive south (downhill) along Biltmore ave. there are other lots on the right side for business that are mostly closed on weekends.
Only hotel within walking distance of workshop (2 long blocks) is Days Inn 120 Patton Ave, a bit drab but liveable, close to many restaurants. Ask for corporate rate, which goes as low as $69, higher in leaf season. If you are flying in, but don’t want to rent a car, Days Inn is best choice. Airport taxis charge $25 – 35. depending how far from downtown.
Best Western on I-40 is nicer, has a sauna/pool atrium, about same price, but farther away, exit 44 off I-40 (828-667-4501).
Howard Johnson Inn on Biltmore ave (about 2 miles south of workshop, near Biltmore Estate entrance) is older but with spacious rooms, also around $69. 828-274-2300.
Near the airport is Budget Motel (828-665-2100) and towards Black Mtn on Tunnel Rd. is Super 8 Motel (828-298-7952)
If you want a short stay apartment with kitchen, Extended Stay America on Tunnel Road is your ticket (828 253-3483.
If money is not an issue I would try the lovely bed & breakfasts, google nearby Montford part of Asheville. Richmond Hill Inn has a five star restaurant in it. There is also a pricey Ramada Inn downtown, 3 blocks walking distance.
If you want a wilderness retreat experience, sleeping in rooms with one wall open to nature, try Mountain Light Sanctuary. It’s in Barnardsville, about a 45 minutes, run by a Taoist soul, Michael Lightweaver.
http://mtnlightsanctuary.com/lightweave/index.htmContact Info & WebsitesWishing you primordial love, chi, and blessings on your Way,
Michael Winn“Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home,
the Tao as his door, and who becomes change — is a
Sage.” — Chuang Tzu, Inner Chapters“The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away.
Life is very simple, but everyone seeks difficulty.”
— Taoist Sage, 200 B.CRegister online for on Healing Tao University,
the largest Tao (Dao) Arts & Sciences program in the
West with 25 week long summer retreats featuring “chi kung”
(qigong) and inner alchemy (neidangong) training. For
more info, see www.HealingTaoRetreats.comOr visit www.HealingTaoUSA.com, www.HealingDao.com to
order books/videos/tapes from the Tao Chi Kung Home
Study program. Call the Healing Tao USA Fullfillment
center at the Mystical Number 1-888-999-0555 or more
ordinary numbers: 828-505-1444 (-1044, fax), or email
info@HealingTaoUSA.comVisit www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into
the world’s most magical spiritual tai chi form.To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the
Inner Smile, with 25 fabulous photos of the world’s
most spiritual smiles, go to homepage www.HealingTaoUSA.com and subscribe to “Tao News”. You will receive his “Chi Flows Naturally”
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