Tao of Corona-Virus and Darwin
Tao Cosmology as Three Nested Spheres
So I’m not promoting Intelligent Design, the religious alternative to Neo-Darwinism. That’s just anoteher top-down pyramidal model.
Tao cosmology says the intelligence behind evolution is spread evenly throughout the cosmos, and arises spontaneously as need be in any particular sphere/heaven/dimension. It’s not a “smart at the Top, dumb at the bottom” universe. Rather its a “smart within, challenge of learning without” cosmos. So the physical plane is the cutting edge place to be, where suffering is most intense and creative solutons are discovered.
So the Tao model is ultimately about THRIVAL of Humankind achieving its highest destiny within the three heavens.
It’s NOT about Darwinian SURVIVAL of the individually fittest. That is a small side show.