HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555
Does Attain the Tao mean to Embody the Tao? But isn’t everything already an embodiment of the Tao? 1. Featured Special: Taoist Dream Practice Audio CD + Lucid Dreaming Qigong DVD – SAVE $35 before midnight June 30, 2015. Order at: info@HealingTaoUSA.com. This is my updated teaching from a month ago on night time multi-dimensional travel as a shortcut to self-evolution. Details below. 2. June 19 – July 22, 2015. 16 FANTASTIC TAO SUMMER RETREATS.SPACE STILL AVAILABLE!. Reserve online now – Low prices, high energy, very cool people! http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com FEEL FREE TO HIT REPLY and RESPOND. I love hearing from you! Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Dear Lovers of Cultivating Qi to Fully Attain Your Way, I recently returned from the Super Qi Summit at Omega (upstate New York), with nine great teachers each presenting a vision of how they cultivate their own Tao (Way). Lao Tzu makes it clear in the opening line of the Tao Te Ching that there is no single universal Way (Tao) – but only the Way that each being must follow for themselves.This Super Qi Summit was a clear demonstration of that principle of many different Ways to cultivate the Tao. The question I asked myself: what do all theseWays of cultivating Qi have in common? This summit was a wonderful Qi Fest, a warm and loving sharing of skills with over 160 people present. It was the brainchild of Michael Gelb, whose passion for the Qi arts and sciences goes back 40 years. Hats off to Michael, this was a winner. His latest book, Creativity on Demand, I reviewed in my newsletter on Qi as Life’s Secret Creative Sauce: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=185 What does Gelb claim to be the secret of Creativity? Simply put: Get Your Qi Flowing! He shared some of his favorite movements designed to widen our energetic embrace of what is possible. Flexible energetic movement helps get us out of our fixed ideas of what is creatively possible. Qigong cultivates a special kind of whole-body genius. The very idea of a Qi summit was a beautiful example of Michael’s creative thinking outside of the box. It certainly got peoples Qi flowing in many new creative directions. Minke de Vos opened the summit with a fabulous dragon dance to the sacred directions, and led a closing circle invocation that really made everyone feel they were part of a fabulous “Qi Tribe”. I think Minke is one of the highest level western female cultivators of the Tao. Minke is sharing her integration of different medical qigong systems in Week 3 (July 3-8) of the Healing Tao summer retreats: Medical Qigong for Energy Healers. She makes it simple and powerful. In Week 2 (June 26-July 1) Minke co-teaches the Taoist Secrets of Sex and Healing Love with me. We share methods you will not find anywhere else. Ken Cohen gave a brilliant talk and slideshow showing how multi-cultural the art and science of qigong is around the world, even though it may be named differently. He cultivates Qi using Native American Lakota methods as well as Taoist. He quoted magnificent Taoist poetry in Chinese and English to emphasize his point that “cultivating Qi” can occur in almost any medium – not just qigong movement forms. Roger Jahnke I have known and played with for 20 years through the National Qigong Association (which is having its 20th anniversary this July 17-19th in New Jersey, see nqa.org). He focused on the fact that the so-called “debate” over the medical effectiveness of qigong is over – it’s well proven beyond any scientific doubt. The challenge is to get it into the health system, both as personal practice and in health institutions. Roger has been a great innovator and force to bring Qi cultivation into the mainstream. One of his many skills is making it fun and easy. Tina Zhang illustrated the link between Qi cultivation and martial arts. She is a highly talented champion of many tournaments – she has a soft sweet smile, but not someone to mess with! She gave a wonderful and deeply embodied demonstration of how grasping just a few movement principles can completely change your energetic experience. Tina is teaching her favorite Taiji quan form (and mine) this summer during Week 5 of Healing Tao Summer Retreats (July 17-22): Northern Wu Taijiquan – the Final Refinement of Classical Taijiquan. She has inspiring way to link qigong and tai chi for both health and martial skill. Robert Peng was on the Healing Tao Retreat faculty for several years and I hope to get him back from his busy global travel schedule. He distilled the essence of qigong self-healing by demonstrating the universal effectiveness of the “Four Golden Wheels of Light”. These are the three dantian and the micro-cosmic orbit connecting them together as the key to developing one’s Energy Body for healing, self-awareness in meditation, wfor any goal. Look for his new book from Sounds True. Robert Tangora I enjoyed getting to know. He is a fantastic tai chi teacher who walks his talk and shared so many nuggets that everyone felt enriched. He focused a lot on using standing posture and conscious turning to connect to the core channel, aka “taiji pole” that runs vertically through the body. Once we open and expand this connection to our core axis, he made the very profound point that we can shift our energetic center of gravity – our dantian – to anywhere in the body. Mingtong Gu is another old friend, based in California. Our cabins were next door to each other. I discovered during one late night talk that we both have the same idea – to build a retreat center architectually modelled after the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. So hopefully we will have twin temples, on both the east and west coast! Mingtong has a very large bag of Qi tricks, but at his summit talk he shared his metods of toning to circulate Qi in the body and harmonize body and soul for healing. He has a powerful and transformative voice. Much of his successful work focuses on working with people with life-threatening illness. Temple of Heaven, Beijing. Built in 14th cen.without using a single nail – only dowels. So it is held together like an intricate cosmic mystery box. The three space-ship like cones are the architectual manifestation of Taoist cosmology, which centers on trinitities – 3 Treasures, 3 Pure Ones, 3 streams of Qi (Yin, Yang, Yuan), and many others. Michael Winn (that’s me) gave a talk on the role of Taoist sexual practices within the framework of Tao Cosmology. I focused on how cultivating sexual energy via qigong and internal alchemy meditations fits into humanity’s multi-dimensional pathway of evolution. I feel resolving humanity’s sexual identity crisis (our splitting into separate male and female bodies, causing the mythic “Fall” of humanity) is the key to both personal health and global peace. Sexual tension underlies most chronic health and political struggle and wars. The Tao trinity for healing this issue is cultivating Jing Qi at three frequencies: male + female to re-birth an androgynous Energy Body that is both male & female. This is part of cultivating our Inner Sage – that can live in a sexually gendered body AND simultaneously hold awareness of its soul and greater Self in other planes with different sexual and a-sexual identities. Who or what is the Inner Sage? We have to cultivate it – it does’t pre-exist. The fruit of our Earth-school of Learning. It’s the aspects of our fragmented self that slowly iintegrate and crytallize – in classical Taoist texts – into a golden elixir-filled pearl. But in my experience, it can take many forms of sound, light, and vibration – it is simply our True Self (zhen ren) made tangible. Different than the new age Higher Self, which is usually split off from the Lower Self. Our Inner Sage is composed of three equal parts – yet another alchemical Taoist trinity: 1. our physical body-mind (ego): (xin, heart-mind) 2. our soul or personal Energy Body: (ling, inner heart essence) 3. our impersonal oversoul or collective Spirit Body: (da shen, great spirit) In my experience, all three aspects of Self are needed to lovingly embrace and make tangible our relationship with Source/Tao. When I get a copy of my talk from Omega, I will post it online. (Note: As a point of information, publication of the first volume of my Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Love was temporarily delayed by additional deep research I was doing into Cosmological Qigong and Tai Chi forms. Without a clear cosmological map, I feel it is difficult to advance to a deep level of practice. So I had to get super-clear on this before publishing) Back to my original question: what is the commonality of all nine of these great Qi cultivators at the Summit? Are they just nine different and uniqiue Ways, each beautiful but separate, or are they all connected by some hidden principle?
What was the answer my Inner Sage came up with, when I asked within? “Every Qi cultivator is seeking a Point of Equilibrium”. Holding that point of balance while living in the dynamic, flowing matrix of Time, Space & Beings is what allows us to attain the Tao. It has the stability of the unmoving Yuan Qi (Original Breath), but also is a Moving Point as Yin and Yang do their dance. How these function together is a paradox and beautiful mysterious secret of the Tao. It doesn’t matter what method we use to find that point of equilibrium – the Life Force (Qi field) has no judgments or preferences about that Can you find and hold a point of equilibrium in your life? Tao is often translated as “Natural Way”. What exactly is this Way? It is not about following a structured Way of salvation as is usually defined by Big Religions. Nor does it require worshipping a single Creator or multiple deities who manage the creation process. That’s also why competition between lineages or methods is silly – they all can cultivate Tao, depending on what Way one wants to evolve. Choosing a Way is simply a question of karmic attraction, a.k.a. destiny. Lao Tzu does suggest we honor and love the Qi field, the Life Force itself, which drives the cosmic process. Verse 42 epitomizes this: “All beings carry yin on their back and yang in their arms; this play of Qi fills the universe with harmony.” A fundamental of Tao cosmology is we must learn to shape Yin Qi and Yang Qi to create our own personal Way. If we can accept this cosmic process, we’ll get to good health and inner peace quickly or at least more directly. Qi arises from a “nameless” Source (lit. wu ji), but it seems to have an intent. The intent is to empower us human to personally and lovingly shape the universal Qi field into a higher level of harmony. Sometimes that involves struggle against the forces of dis-harmony, sometimes it flows effortlessly. Tao or Nature gives us infinite number of “ways” as gifts to accomoplish our highest destiny. One thing that the Omega Super Qi summit affirmed for me was the value of a community of Qi cultivators coming together and sharing their different Ways. That is exactly what I have sought to achieve over the last 20 years in creating and sustaining Healing Tao University’s summer retreats. My goal was and is to encourage diversity and sharing of all the Tao arts and sciences, to allow folks to follow their own Way without being told they HAVE to do it any one way. Diversity leads to greater Joy in creativity. So please get out of your armchair and study with the teachers and teachings that attract your soul! Blessings on your Creative and Loving Way, Michael Winn ps. Please note special Qigong for Healing Cancer Retreat led by Prof. Kevin Chen – see below. Contents:
» 16 Fantastic Summer Tao Retreats – LATE SIGNUPS ACCEPTED » UPDATED Dream Practice Special – SAVE 35% » Qigong Retreat for Cancer Patients » Can You Hold a Single Point of Equilibrium? (illustration) 16 Fantastic Summer Tao Retreats – LATE SIGNUPS ACCEPTED
![]() Enjoy Fabulous Tao Summer Retreats near Asheville, North Carolina http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com info@healingtaoretreats.com or call 828-575-3825 or 888-750-1773 in USA.
Folks –
These are the highest quality, most fun, lowest-cost retreats, with fantastic teachers & a great place to meet totally cool, spiritually hip Taoists. There is no place else like it on planet Earth to play with like-hearted folks in such depth.
The $495. week-long tuition (before numerous discounts) hasn’t been raised in 10 years! Our 501c3 non-profit is subsidizing the retreats, PLUS we have multiple-discounts, extended pay, workstudy and scholarships to further defray the cost.
The level of satisfaction is so high that we know at least one third of the people who come end up staying on for an additioinal retreat! It’s a special combination of fun and high-energy self-empowerment. Come enjoy a peak experience that many people feel boosts them the entire year!
![]() ![]() Advance your health & spiritual well-being using “sure-footed” ancient Tao science in this Year of the Green Female Goat! Read the detailed descriptions of retreats online, and the bio’s of each instructor. If you have further questions, we’ll put you in touch with any instructor. Need help deciding which retreat is right for you, or understanding all the jr, sr, foreigner, reviewer, multiple retreat discounts? Contact: Julia Considine, Retreats Registrar. info@healingtaoretreats.com or call 828-575-3825 or 888-750-1773 in USA. There is NO China Dream Trip planned for 2015. Next trip is planned for August 2016. To be added to advance notification list, hit reply, put “China 2016” in subject line, send. NOTE: Please double-check the dates of your chosen retreats – a few courses were changed. Reminders: 1) get a $20. discount for pre-payment in full 2) Visit http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com to book online, view videos, read full details on each fabulous retreat. Folks spend a lot of time laughing at our retreats (photo: prior retreat site)
Healing Tao USA Summer Retreats 2015 Week 1 June 19 – 24, 2015 (Fri-Wed) + Summer Solstice Ceremony 1a. Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1-4 – Michael Winn (or weekend option for Fundamentals 1&2 June 19-21) 1b. Chinese Yoga Tao-Yin + Inner Smile & Chi Self Massage –Andrew McCart
Week 2 June 26 – July 1, 2015 (Fri-Wed) 2a. Healing Love: Taoist Sexual Secrets – Michael Winn & Minke de Vos 2b. Fusion 1 Emotional Alchemy + Iron Shirt 1 Rooting — Andrew McCart & Steven Sy
Week 3 July 3- 8, 2015 (Fri-Wed) 3a. Medical Qigong for Energy Healers – Minke de Vos 3b. Moved to Week 4d. 3c. Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li) – Michael Winn 3d. Tai Chi Qigong #1 Rooting + #2 Fast Fighting Form – Steven Sy 3e. Chi Nei Tsang 1: Deep Organ Massage – Jampa Stewart
Week 4 July 10- 15, 2015 (Fri-Wed) 4a. Chi Nei Tsang 2: Open Wind Gates – Jampa Stewart 4b. Planetary Alchemy Greatest Kan & Li: Living Astrology – Michael Winn 4c. Deep Healing Medical Qigong form – Steven Sy 4d. Fusion 2 & 3 Macro-Orbit + Primordial Qigong – Andrew McCart Week 5 July 17- 22, 2015 (Fri-Wed) 5a. Iron Shirt Qigong 2 & 3: Tendon/Bone Marrow Washing + Meditate with Our Ancestors – Andrew McCart 5b. Bagua Zhang as Moving I Ching – Frank Allen 5c. Northern Wu Taiji Quan: Final Refinement of Classical Taiji Quan – Tina Zhang 5d. Heaven & Earth Alchemy: The Great Oneness – Michael Winn
Don’t postpone the Easy Flow of Qi! Book a retreat NOW! http://www.HealingTaoRetreats.com UPDATED Dream Practice Special – SAVE 35%
Featured Special available until midnight June 30, 2015: 1. Tao Dream Practice Audio LATEST VERSION (Asheville 2015): regularly $109. Save $20. Buy for $89. + s/h Note: order in MP3 format or Audio CD format (please specify). May upgrade from older Dream courses for half price. 2. Tao Dream Practice Audio + Lucid Dreaming Qigong DVD. Reg. $154. Save $35. Buy for only $119. + s/h. Note this DVD is currently listed as Blissful Breathing Qigong, and is part of Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3. If you already have this DVD, order the Audio Dream Practice only. I originally developed this qigong form to support my private dream practice, but only recently labelled it as such. Topics covered in Audio CD: – Dream Practice vs. Dream Interpretation: WHO is dreaming what? – Dark Side vs. Evil Side, True Yin vs. False Yin – Tao theory of Body Spirits at night – Feng shui issues in the bedroom, sharing a sleep space with others. – Power Napping, Lucid Living, Dream Commands – Guided Meditations: body sleeps, Mind Awake. – Short cuts to higher soul contact – How to use Qigong by day to accelerate your night practice – guided Blissful Breathing Qigong – NEW: how to use the Pre-Natal Orbit pattern (in shape of Torus) to clear the path for highest level night meditation. – Difference between astral travel at night and inner alchemy day meditation – Group Dreaming practice. Michael Winn youtube interview on Lucid Dreaming Qigong & Taoist Self-Cultivation (40 min.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-dHwroC9GU&feature=youtu.be The youtube interview is long, but worth your time. It goes deep into my personal history as a lucid dreamer since I was a teenager. My night life got so active, I eventually ran a “Night School” in which I taught my day time friends the art of Lucid Flying in the dream world. I also explore the relationship between Taoist qigong and internal alchemy meditation, which has greatly raised my skill level and blurred the line between my day and night realities. My integration of qigong and Taoist internal alchemy has allowed me to go in my daytime meditations to the same realms that are possible in the dream plane. The point of Tao dream practice is to take some shortcuts, as there is less resistance in the astral plane. But dream practice doesn’t necessarily give day time skill, so you need inner alchemy skill (neidan gong) to achieve complete mastery of one’s destiny. My final conclusion: there is only One Self, dreaming both the day and night realities! But functioning from that Self (vs. the personality) requires discipline and training. My youtube interview is followed by spectacular images of Flower Mountain (Huashan ) in China, made famous by Chen Tuan, the Taoist Dream Immortal. Photos taken on China Dream Trips. We’ll be visiting Huashan’s famous “dream caves” in May 2014 – see below. TO ORDER either the audio CD-only or the package audio CD + DVD, please email my office manager: Jan Gillespie <healingtaousa@bellsouth.net> or call 828 505 1444 (or 888 999 0555 within USA). This discount is NOT available online.
Qigong Retreat for Cancer Patients
One person who has been working tirelessly to expand Qigong into the medical mainstream is Professor Kevin Chen. He translated the major and massive Chinese text on Medical Qigong into English. In particular his World Institute for Self-Healing (WISH) has focused on healing cancer, and has a special Qigong for Healing Cancer retreat this June 21-27 in Baltimore, Maryland. Entire family or friends are welcome as support team. Qigong Self-Healing Retreat for Cancer Patients Introducing the latest breakthrough in cancer therapy—YOU! A UNIQUE & POWERFUL SELF-HEALING RETREAT FOR PEOPLE WITH CURRENT OR PAST CANCER AND THEIR FAMILIES
Can You Hold a Single Point of Equilibrium? (illustration)
One Yin, One Yang – that is Tao. – famous Taoist saying. Can you hold them both at a single point of equilibrium? Loving the Unique Way that We Each Embody, Michael Winn “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com, to Visit http://www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish Newsletter powered by www.ListPilot.comflowing
Healing Tao USA • Asheville, NC 28803 • Tel. 888.999.0555