HealingTaoRetreats.com / 888-750-1773 • HealingTaoUsa.com / 888-999-0555
April 1, 2018
Tai Chi and Qigong is about aligning our body-mind-soul with the 8 cosmic forces. When Spring Madness takes over, we dance our whole life in spontaneous joy — until the Qi within us is exhausted (which is never! 🙂 photo: Jesse Lee SPRING – SUMMER 2018 TAO SCHEDULE 1. April 21-22, 2018 Sat/Sun, Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3 – Psychic/Soul Alchemy: Open 8 Extraordinary Channels ASHEVILLE2. April 27-29, (Fri-Sun) National Qigong Association Conference ASHEVILLE, N.C. Sat. April 28 Blissful Breathing Qigong seminar with Michael Winn. http://www.NQA.org. (see below) 3. Summer Retreats 2018 will be at a NEW LOCATION, in Asheville area. Retreat dates are FIRM – see http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com. Details below. FEEL FREE TO HIT REPLY – I LOVE HEARING FROM YOU! Dear Lovers of Spring Sap Rising in your Meridians, I wish everyone the best of Pranks on April Fools Day and the deepest feeling of peace on Easter. I like Easter, because it is about Resurrection, a holy-day that I celebrate every day. It is the main theme of Taoist inner alchemy – how to resurrect our eternal Energy Body so at the moment of death our Inner Sage is so together that we keep playing and dancing in other dimensions. I love Jesus, but don’t have to wait for his green light to pass GO. Resurrection is not just a matter of faith in the Life Force (or whatever name you want to give it), it also requires spiritual skill on how to concentrate the authentic nature and virtues of our soul into an essence Taoists call a Pearl. It starts off as Golden, later becomes Purple and eventually turns CLEAR. So they cultivate pearls instead of hunting easter eggs, but both carry the connotation of sexual fertility that gives a spiritual boost into a higher level Energy Body. Resurrection and immortality is the birthright of every human soul in the Taoist view, even though very few seem to choose it. The cross itself is an ancient symbol, much older than Christianity, which likely borrowed it from the Gnostics. In my Taoist energetic view, it represents the Fusion of the Five Elements (see my workshop on April 21). In the Taoist bagua (octagon), the four outer elements are in the four cardinal directions, and Earth element is the fusion point in the center. In Taoist internal alchemy, a cross consisting of five pearls is visualized within the body’s torso. Earth is the crossing point of the vertical – spiritual axis and the horizontal – worldly axis. If we can stabilize our conscioiusness at that crossing point, it opens the portal to immortality, the merging of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. History of the Cross (summarized from Wikipedia) The cross greatly predates Christianity, going back to a very remote period of human civilization. It may have imaged a device used to kindle fire, thus originally a symbol of sacred fire or of the sun, the four points denoting its daily rotation. In a Bronze Age (pre-biblical) proto-Etruscan cemetery, every tomb has a vase with a cross engraved on it. The cross was used by worshipers of Tammuz, an Ancient Near East deity of Babylonian origin.
Another early symbol is the ankh in ancient Egypt, often depicted in the hands of the Goddess Sekhmet. Egyptian Christians (Copts) adopted it as their cross emblem. Colonel J. Garnier wrote in his The Worship of the Dead: “The ankh was carried in the hands of the Egyptian priests and kings as symbol of their authority as priests of the Sun god and was called ‘the Sign of Life’. During the first two centuries of Christianity, the cross was rarely used as it depicted a painful and gruesome method of public execution. The extensive adoption of the cross symbol arose in the 4th century. Some later Christians rejected the cross as idol worshipping. The oldest depiction of the execution of Jesus is the early third-century relief on a jasper gemstone amulet, now in the British Museum. It portrays a naked bearded man whose arms are tied at the wrists by short strips to a T-shaped cross. On the reverse an inscription combines magical formulae with Christian terms. ——————– More bedtime reading….. 1. Old newsletter you may enjoy:Easter, Tao & Immortality: Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?https://healingtaousa.com/articles/easter-tao-immortality/2. FAQ’s about Inner Alchemy and Qigonghttps://healingtaousa.com/faq/3. One Cloud’s 9 Stages of Inner Alchemyhttps://healingtaousa.com/tao-articles/one-clouds-9-stages-of-alchemy/Contents:
» Psychic Alchemy April 21-22, 2018 » National Qigong Conference: Asheville April 27-29 » Summer Retreats Schedule 2018 – NEW LOCATION » Tree Immortal – 5,000 Year old Bristlecone Pine Psychic Alchemy April 21-22, 2018
• April 21 -22, 2018 (Sat/Sun) in Asheville, N.C Sat 9-6; Sun 9:30 am – 6 pm.
Healing Tao USA • Asheville, NC 28803 • Tel. 888.999.0555 • www.heal |