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March 31, 2013
1. Ongoing Tao Cultivation Special Offer good until May 15! Save $15. to $100.! 35% off Sexual Vitality Qigong DVD/Audio. See details below.
3. Get a free personal Chinese Astrology reading online this Year of the Snake! See below. FEEL FREE TO HIT REPLY and RESPOND. I love hearing from you! Inside Chi Flows Naturally: Easter: a time for fertility (eggs) and feelings of spiritual redemption – the rebirth cycle of Spring. Dear Lovers of Eggs, Estrogen, and Warm Feelings that rise in Springtime, I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful vibes of their spring. I note that even below the equator with its reversed seasons that religious festivals follow this calendar with carnivals of music and dance preceding Easter. As the sap begins to run in the trees, the sexual and romantic feelings begin to run faster inside human bodies. Perhaps the greatest mystery in a human being is our ability to have such an amazing array of feelings, often in short order. Where do they come from? And what to do with them? Are they the noble rulers of our soul or the quicksand of our personality? This is why I always choose spring time to teach my Taoist Emotional Alchemy trainings, known as Fusion of the Five Elements. The details of those courses in Asheville NC April 6-7 and May 4-5 are below. You can also access the Fusion 1, 2, & 3 courses online: https://healingtaousa.com/fusion1.html The key concept here that has really helped me the most in my personal life: learning to cultivate our True and Original Feeling, versus chasing after or allowing chronic emotions to dominate our life. True or Original Feelings rejuvenate us and connect us to Source. Chronic emotions exhaust us and scatter our Qi (chi). But it’s all very elusive unless we have a practical method for slowing down the slippery star shower of feelings and are able to grasp their underlying essence. This is what Fusion of the Five Elements offers. How to ground the ocean swells of heart feelings – positive and negative – into our personal center of gravity in our belly. Grounding is the key. Once our feelings (or chronic emotions) are grounded, they become manageable, shapeable, dissolvable. We can contemplate them, get intimate with them. We can put their power to work in helping us dig deeper beneath their apparent surface message, into the dark roots of our subconscious where they originate. And what is hiding down in our “human root cellar?” Decoding the subconscious is the great contribution of what I call Taoist Depth Psychology. We can use the five-phase patterns of Qi flow to match the outer cycle of nature’s seasons Then we figure out which vital organ spirit our immediate moment feelings and chronic emotions are coming from: 1. anger from the liver, 2. sadness/grief from the lungs, 3. worry/obsession from the spleen/stomach, 4. impatience/guilt/hatred from the heart, 5. fear from the kidneys/bladder.
L: closeup of biological organs. The Taoist organ spirits occupy the entire body as “orbs”, but ground in the physical organ and meridian. R: Creation and Control cycles of 5 Elements. What a simple map, really. Yet so deep, such a marvelous tool for excavating who we truly are. Who could imagine that buried underneath all these seemingly imbalanced tangle of negative chronic emotions lies their very own redemption. Instead of resurrecting Jesus or some other divine figure onto which we have projected our highest feelings of divinity, we resurrect our Original and True Feelings within our own body and soul. True feelings that propel us to a high and noble destiny, right here on Earth, here and now!
L.”Creation Cycle of 5 elements” showing phases of human identity constantly flowing like the seasons, with Original or True Self or “All that I am” in the center. By Karin Sorvik. R: Chinese coin with ideograms for 5 elements, fire, earth, metal, water, wood. Note pentagram formed in center. The Taoist secret of emotional alchemy is to set up a matrix, a kind of internal net to capture the essence of the emotions and crystallize them into a small pearl, or Qi ball. We do this right at our belly’s center of gravity, where things naturally adhere to the ground of our spiritual being. We have to gradually “fuse” the feelings back into their source within us. Fusion diagram showing the layers of reality radiating from our core self, by American mystic and scientist Walter Russell, in his book Secret of Light. But unfortunately most people’s feelings are flying up around their head or the heart or in other parts of their body, or trapped in patterns of trauma or pain. It takes some training. It’s best to start with the Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds. Then graduate to the Microcosmic Orbit and Fusion of the Five Elements. Most people do best with a teacher to help them with this. Check out the fantastic summer Tao retreats near Asheville in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains below – and get discounts by registering early. Enjoy living your feelings and exploring their True nature! Blessings on your Way, Michael Contents:
» Easter, Fertility, and Springtime Feelings » Emotional Alchemy April 6-7; Psychic Alchemy May 4-5 » Empty Force Breathing & Primordial Tai Chi: NYC April 19-20 » 16 Fantastic Summer Tao Retreats. Book Early, Save $$$ » Book Review: Harvard Med School Tai Chi Guide » SAVE $100. Sexual Vitality DVD: & Tao of Sex Audio » Free Chinese Astrology Reading » The Wow in Tao Wow? Easter, Fertility, and Springtime Feelings
Dyed easter eggs on a Chinese silk carpet mandala (in my home). In 2007 i visited the site of Cybele near Naples.This was an ancient oracle similar to Delphi in Greece. It was located at the end of a long deep cave, and there was a very strong earth energy there. Cybele is thought by some scholars to have been the origin (about 250 b.c.) of later Christian stories of Easter. Cybele was a Phrygian fertility goddess, whose consort Attis was believed to have been born via a virgin birth. He was said to have died for three days and been resurrected each year during the period of the vernal equinox. The Christian Version of Easter vs. Pagans The early Christians in Rome battled to assert their dominance over this pagan tradition, and claimed that Cybele was a counterfeit inspired by Satan centuries earlier, preparing the way for Jesus to replace her as the real savior. Other scholars point to the Norse fertility god Oestre (root of Estrogen) and to similar stories about Egyptian deities like Horus and Osiris as the origins of Easter. If you visit Egypt, its obvious that the theme of resurrection is sexual, as these Gods are commonly depicted with an erect phallus. Apparently the ancients were not prudish in their public works, unlike some modern sexually suppressed societies.
L: Brazilian dancer, Rio de Janeiro carnival to celebrate the sexual vitality of life. R: Egyptian drawing of the sexual nature of resurrection. The Christiian sects today all date their different calculation of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday on any date from March 22 to April 25th, based on a period following the full moon after the Spring Equinox. The Orthodox year-to-year sequence is so complicated that it takes 5.7 million years to repeat. To read more from my earlier Tao newsletters (you may need to register at top of articles page to get a cookie that allows you entire my entire library): Equinox & Easter: The Sexual Resurrection of Time Cycles https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=56 Easter, Tao & Immortality: Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross? https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=101 Emotional Alchemy April 6-7; Psychic Alchemy May 4-5
April 6-7, 2013 (Sat/Sun) in Asheville 1. FUSION OF FIVE ELEMENTS 1 Fusion of 5 Elements: www.arrowofmoonlight.com Description of One Cloud’s Alchemy Formulas: www.healingdao.com/tao_alchemy_formulas.html Practical Emotional Inner Alchemy methods for managing the feeling layer of the Energy Body. This is part of One Cloud’s foundational Inner Alchemy Formula. It integrates 5 phase chi cycles in your emotions with your biological and spiritual life. Learn to control your inner psychic weather, nurture your inner powers and natural virtues, and especially how to “eat” or dissolve negative emotion and egoic reactivity. Find out where your feelings originate and their true purpose. Learn to reverse the loss of chi flowing out thru your senses, how to alchemically gather an Inner Pearl, the essence of your original self. Very powerful tools for working on yourself, and centering the energy body. Course is mostly meditation, plus “Nourish the Five Shen” Qigong for emotional body. Pre-req: Fundamentals 1 & 2, live or audio-video. Good to have Fundamentals 3 & 4 if possible, the rooting is key to managing emotions. Contact: info@HealingTaoUSA.com Location: Lighten Up Yoga in downtown Asheville. $144. weekend, $90. reviewers. Call 828-505-1444 to register.—————————–
May 4 – 5, 2013 (Sat/Sun) in Asheville.2. FUSION of the FIVE ELEMENTS 2 & 3: PSYCHIC ALCHEMY. (can be taken without Fusion 1).Open the Macro Orbit: 8 Extraordinary Vessels, Develop Psychic Abilities Internalized bagua opens the 8 Extraordinary Vessels of the body.Open the Macro-Cosmic Orbit by linking chi flow in the Eight Extraordinary (“psychic”) channels. These channels link your pre-natal and post-natal energy bodies, i.e. the deep structure of how you birth yourself each flowing moment. Learn to purify your aura & regulate your Energy Body with belt & thrusting channels. Give to and Receive chi from the environment with Positive & Negative Arm & Leg channels.The 8 Extra Vessels connect the inner and outer chi field, and allow you to “dance” between your inner and outer life. The Wudang Mountain version of the macro-cosmic orbit will also be taught as the most powerful internal method I’ve found for integrating the 8 Extraordinary Vessels into a continuous flowing circuit. NEW LOCATION to be announced, in Asheville (possibly my home and its bagua stone circle). Lighten Up Yoga studio on Biltmore is closing. $144. for weekend, $90. reviewers. Call 828-505-1444 to register, or info@healingtaousa.com ———————– Empty Force Breathing & Primordial Tai Chi: NYC April 19-20
April 19, 2013: Friday 7-10 pm, New York City Open Center 1. Kong Jing: Empty Force, aka Internal Chi Breathing (from Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3) This evening workshop offers a rare opportunity to learn a simple, powerful breathing method. This long kept secret Taoist breathing method opens up the lower dantian (belly center) powerfully with a kind of physical fire & water alchemy that forces the front ren and back du channels to pulse into the center vacuum. This is very self-empowering and can lead to spontaneous self-healing and deeper self-awakening. It combines expanding breath with contracting breath which creates a lot of heat in the body. It has been used since ancient times to keep people warm even in freezing cold weather, and to open chi blockages in chronic illnesses. Kong Jing, or empty or Neutral Force breathing method can be practiced anywhere, anytime. It can greatly enhance one’s health and vitality and increase the chi flow in any qigong, t’ai chi or meditation practice. We will also discuss Taoist philosophy and internal alchemy in relation to this breathing practice. AN EVENING WORKSHOP: Friday, April 19, 7–10pm Contact: Open Center 212 219 2527
April 20, 2013 (Sat/ 10 am – 5:30 pm)) 2. PRIMORDIAL QIGONG aka Tai Chi for Enlightened Love Magical, powerful 800 year old lineage qigong ceremony (a.k.a. “Tai Chi for Enlightenment”). Integrates the magic square of feng shui, the dynamic inner coupling of Taoist alchemy, the healing benefits of medical qigong, and the earthly transmission power of China’s original tai chi form! We gather the directional chi of Heaven and Earth in graceful spirals. This is one of my favorite forms, but requires deeper commitment (20 min. practice length). Combined with Feldenkrais, it opens up many levels of healing energy and ease of movement amazingly quickly. Those who have taken this 1-day course previously at Open Center are eleigible for Instructor Certification if they re-take this course. For more about the form, and numerous testimonials about how amazing the form is, please see http://www.taichi-enlightenment.com or watch a sample of it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIP_ICLWpAs Contact; NYC Open Center 212-219-2527. 16 Fantastic Summer Tao Retreats. Book Early, Save $$$
Folks – these are 16 of the highest quality, fun, low-cost, fantastic teachers & retreatants you will ever find on the planet. The $495. tuition (before numerous discounts) hasn’t been raised in 7 years! Our 501c3 non-profit is subsidizing the retreats, and we have workstudy and scholarships to defray the cost.
The level of satisfaction is so high that we know at least one third of the people who come end up staying on for an additioinal retreat! It’s a special combination of fun and high-energy self-empowerment. The peak experience that many people feel lasts them the entire year!
Book Review: Harvard Med School Tai Chi Guide
Peter Wayne, one of my longtime inner alchemy-qigong students, has published a really good book. The book title says it is about Tai Chi, but Peter freely admits to it’s really guide to the health benefits of Qigong. Tai Chi is really just a form of qigong, usually with Tai Chi having much longer sequences of movements. Peter had patients do just a few movements, repetitively in traditional qigong style, and measured their health benefits. He also summarizes the latest health research in the field. The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi: 12 Weeks to a Healthy Body, Strong Heart, and Sharp Mind. Wayne, Peter M. and Mark L. Fuerst. You can get this on Amazon for under $10. It’s a useful reference for every practitioner. What’s inside the book? He describes how Tai Chi – Qigong offers health benefits with minimal risk of injury. You get greater flexibility and range of motion, increased coordination, better breathing, and more efficient posture. It is a useful in preventing falls, a major cause of eventual death in seniors. It improves balance and movement in people with Parkinson’s disease. Additonally , it helps us manage chronic pain and enhances our mood. Peter offers a map of the essence of tai chi, with eight active vectors: awareness, intention, structural integration, active relaxation, strengthening and flexibility, natural breathing, social support, and embodied spirituality. Tai chi and qigong are sometimes described as “meditation in motion.” It offers low to moderate aerobic activity. Peter gives a practical, simplified 12-week tai chi training program that requires 45–60 minutes per day. Photographs illustrating poses and exercises are included. This book is good especially for people who are skeptical and need Harvard Medical School to tell them what to do to improve their health. Conventional medical science on the Chinese art of Tai Chi / Qigong now shows what masters have known for centuries: regular practice leads to more vigor and flexibility, better balance and mobility, and a sense of well-being. Some testimonials: “Peter Wayne is that rare individual who is sufficiently ‘bilingual’ to introduce Tai Chi to a largely open-minded yet skeptical medical community and to sensitively and movingly celebrate its timeless poetry, power, and appeal. This is a book for all to learn from and enjoy.”—David Eisenberg, MD, Harvard School of Public Health, Former Chief of the Division of Research and Education in Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapies, Harvard Medical School “Evidence has shown that unhealthy lifestyle is the cause of most if not all chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Dr. Wayne’s book, with his expertise in medical research and Tai Chi, is a significant step towards modernizing Tai Chi—essential to making Tai Chi a central part of practical and effective solutions to the epidemic of chronic disease.”—Dr. Paul Lam, director of the Tai Chi for Health Institute.
SAVE $100. Sexual Vitality DVD: & Tao of Sex Audio
2. HOMESTUDY INFO: Healing Love/ Tao of Sex Audio courses are highly recommended as they go much deeper than the DVD, which is movement practice only. If you buy the DVD + the home study Audio, you receive 35% off retail. Save $54 to $100 !!! 1 DVD + 17 Audio CDs 23 hr (4 hrs. w/Joyce Gayheart on female practice): reg. $295. Special: $195. Save $100! 1 DVD + 7 Audio CD 9 hr (Michael only) reg. $154. Special: $99. Save $55! For fuller description of these courses: https://healingtaousa.com/healinglove.html#nmb Other Tao of Sex products (jade eggs, books): https://healingtaousa.com/sexualqigong.html TO ORDER Tao Cultivation Special savings, please email Jan, my office manager: info@healingtaousa.com or call at 828-505-1444 (in USA toll free is 888-999-0555). 3. HEALING LOVE RETREAT INFO: June 28 to July 3, 2013 in Asheville, N.C. The Sexual Vitality Qigong DVD or Tao of Sex Audio CD are a great start. But if you really want to go deep, and get hands on help from two Senior Instructors with over 55 years experience between them, attend the Taoist Sexual Secrets/Healing Love summer retreat taught by Michael Winn and Minke de Vos: http://www.healingtaoretreats.com/cgi-bin/prod_list.pl?rpage=DM13-2A Or Contact: Julia Considine, Retreats Registrar. info@healingtaoretreats.com 828-575-3825 Free Chinese Astrology Reading
My last newsletter, Sexual Alchemy: Year of the Female Blue Water Snake: Sexual Vitality Qigong for Adam & Eve: https://healingtaousa.com/cgi-bin/articles.pl?rm=mode2&articleid=161 I forgot to mention that folks can get a free online Chinese astrology reading on my website: https://healingtaousa.com/astrologycenter.html Just fill in your name and birth data, and it will give a basic explanation of your four pillars with heaven/celestial stems and earth branches/animals. I can also recommend top Chinese professional astrologers – just hit reply, put “want astrology” in subject line. I will refer you. I have found it extremely helpful in understanding the cycles of my life and which of my vital organ spirits are dominant or weak. A professional can help you get to quickly focus on the areas of interpretation you seek – career, health, romance, etc. Western Astrology is more character-based, the two complement each other. So even if you had your western chart done, this will complement it. The Wow in Tao Wow?
Modern Taoist Fertility Goddess, with alchemical “water & fire” vesica piscis at her heart cauldron. Loving the Tao for the Oestre-Estrogen in Easter, Michael Winn “Who takes Heaven as his ancestor, Virtue as his home, “The Tao is very close, but everyone looks far away. Register online for on Healing Tao University, Or visit http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com, to Visit http://www.Taichi-Enlightenment.com for a glimpse into To get Michael Winn’s FREE 130 page ebook Way of the If you change your email address in the future and wish Newsletter powered by www.ListPilot.comflowing
Healing Tao USA • 4 Bostic Place • Asheville, NC 28803 • Tel.