Don’t miss this Video!
Amazing feedback from 1st send. Stories of meeting loved ones who died, deep healing & spiritual awakening:
• “Thank you Super Galactic Angel Friend!! My Heart has more space… I feel a new openness and joy!”
• “Watching your video triggered an infusion of light. I felt my kundalini rise & open my crown chakra. You have fine friends in high places!
Happy Holy Days & New Year blessings to All!
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• TWO new VIDEO gifts to “un-wrap” your curious mind. The Double Vortex Method is advanced inner alchemy science. It can truly speed up our spiritual evolution. It also allows us to cross to the other side of the (death)Veil to meet Loved Ones in Heaven.
+ A clear explanation of the structure of 3 Tao Heavens, with 36 levels. The 8 billion Souls flowing in and out of planet Earth are a single, unified process of our cosmos individuating itself.
Wow! Deep esoteric secrets!!!
Jan. 25-26, 2025: Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals1 & 2
Inner Smile, 5 Animals Play, 6 Healing Sounds, Red Dragon Spinning Pearl Orbit, Open Qi Flow in Orbit Qigong.
• Only $144. at Michael Winn’s home in Asheville. A Super-charged Qi weekend!
BOOK NOW 828 808 8100 Geoffrey
5 Spring Events & 5 Summer Retreats below
WHEN was Jesus really born?
What Makes his “Holiday ” so “HOLY”?
Q: Why do so many religions choose this winter time of the year as sacred?
A: They want to be linked to Winter Solstice, a popular pagan holiday. It’s when six months of declining Yin (as True Darkness) “rebirths the light” of Yang. It’s a new six month cycle of expansion, leading to Summer Solstice.
HISTORY of Christmas
Holy Roman Empire officials settled on Jesus’ birth as Dec, 25 in the year 336 AD. Nobody knows when Jesus was actually born – there is no evidence in the bible. Dec. 25 competed with festivals honoring Saturn (Roman god of agriculture) and Mithra (Persian God of Light, also had a Divine Child).
Dec. 25 was simply “good marketing” for launch of new State religion.
Solstice has Deep Yin Qi
What really makes Winter Solstice so “holy” is the “turn-around” period of 3 days BETWEEN the six month Yin and Yang cycles. During that short window is a cosmic pause.
It’s like an embryo doing a flip inside it’s mother’s belly, as it prepares to birth.
The core of the Earth and the core of the Sun open up and HUG each other! Their loving embrace overflows and floods Nature on Earth’s surface with “Neutral Force”, aka Yuan Qi (Original Breath).
Q: What is Yuan Qi?
Yuan Qi is spiritually potent because it is NOT polarized, It is Pre-Creation pure cosmic energy, no Yin nor Yang. It is the Original Energy from Source, God/dess, Tao, All-That-Is, Allah, All-That-Isn’t, etc.
Some scientists call this primal space a “plenum of neutrinos”. a.k.a. “Ether”, the elusive, un-measurable, super-subtle essence that fills apparently empty space.
If we gather and collect this Neutral Force, it rapidly accelerates our soul evolution. When we align with Source, and compress adn alchemically combust this neutral essence, like carbon into a diamond, it can penetrate every Uin-Yang patterns in the cosmos and lubricate their harmonious dance.
The net effect on a human? It smooths out the path to our Highest Worldly Destiny (ming).
It gives a divine feeling of completion to both the cosmos and the human being – simultaneously.
How do we increase our Neutral Force?
A practical method to collect and store this elusive Source Qi is revealed in my new videos.
My videos (part 1 and Part 2) share the Double Vortex Method. This allows us to quickly build up the divine energy from Source in the core of our personal Energy Body.
I have taught this Method for decades to my higher inner alchemy students. Its effectiveness is well proven. We don’t need to wait for Winter Solstice to open up the Core Qi. We can re-birth our inner light at any moment!
But doing this Method during Winter Solstice or New Years is doubly powerful. It’s easier to harvest the Yuan Qi floating all around us. We can capture the surge in the billions of people praying or projecting their hopes for the future.
I decided to share in my video one variant of the Double Vortex Method. My intent is to inspire wider exploration of the Method and the spiritual principles underlying it.
You Tube URLs:
1) Part 1: Double Vortex Method to Raise Soul Vibe & Meet Loved Ones in Heaven
Read Video Notes below. Get an overview on the structure of the 3 major Tao Heaven with 36 Levels.
2) Part 2: Q&A and Sharing on Effectiveness of Double Vortex Method. Some share their shocking experience of contacting my recently deceased brother in Heaven – which is located in our deep core space!
I taught this “Double Vortex Method” to my two older brothers David and Peter Winn, who passed within four months of each other this past summer (2024).
I transmitted it to them by soul-to-soul infusion. I spent 2-3 hours a day projecting my Energy Body into their spiritual heart center, to activate their own Double Vortex.
I believe it extended their life by several weeks, until their soul mastered the method. They had to learn to use their own will to raise their soul vibration in preparation for physical death.
It helped that both my brothers were surrounded by a circle of loving family members. This eased the fear that most feel when approaching the Other Side of the Veil. Fear of death causes the vital organ spirits to scatter at death.
These scattered soul fragments of the “unquiet dead” are forced to reincarnate within new souls coming in – adding to their personal and the collective psychic burden.
For Spirit to enter Matter as a spark within a “soul capsule” is already a big shock. Taking on the vital organ spirits and the in-completions of others distracts them from their main soul mission.
I’ve known this inner alchemy vortex method to my many students of the Kan & Li (Water & Fire) higher inner alchemy formulas.
The Method is used mainly as a way to raise one’s soul vibration, to enable navigation of higher dimensional realms. The Double Vortex Method was taught to me by a spiritual immortal,
I define this as any human who is able to retain their INDIVIDUAL creative Free Will after death. All the mass religions are offering a spot within a lower level heaven, in which the believers are bound to a collective mind process.
Taoists in China accept ALL religions as a valuable part of the flow of the Great Tao. The spiritual value of these mass religious group heavens is to help prevent souls from scattering their organ spirits at death. These soul fragments must be reincarnated in the organs of new souls arriving. But in the 36 Tao Heaven, these group levels are a slow path to individuation.
Spiritual immortality is completely unrelated to the illusory Western quest for physical immortality. That is just Fear of Death. More details on the transmission I received from a spiritual immortal are available to those who study the higher alchemy formulas. It is too complex to summarize here.
Anyone can use the Double Vortex Method. But it requires strong internal focus and the will to practice it regularly. It builds “neutral force” — Yuan Qi, or Original Breath, in your core channel. This is more valuable than all the material wealth of planet Earth.
You can use the Method to evolve your own soul vibration quickly, OR to focus it on contacting a loved one on the Other Side.
In the Part 1 video I teach you how to adjust your target. I use my brothers as the target for purposes of training (in this video), but you can focus the method on anyone who has died and you want to contact their soul.
Please remember that most of those in heaven are now in a collective-mind realm, and have no individual Free Will to advise you on your worldly struggles.
But they may inspire you with their divine radiance, and amaze you with playback recordings of any moment from their earthly life. Your loving contact may speed their evolution.
Practicing this Method does NOT require you change your religious or scientific beliefs. You are not joining anything other than your own expanded consciousness.
It’s what I call “Loving Energy Science” — methods to interact directly with the Life Force (Qi Field, Quantum field, Akashic Recordsm etc). Spiritual science is 100% tolerant, happy to co-exist within all other belief systems.
Choose your preferred name for what underlies all human belief systems. The last part of this video offers a cosmological map of the three major Tao Heavens, their 36 sub-levels, and the 12 Over Soul groups that manage Creation.
This is my map of every soul’s evolutionary process. I offer it as a context for applying the Double Vortex Method, but you don’t have to believe in it. Brief outline of human evolution:
1. One third of our soul journey is gathering patterns from “pre-heaven”, in-completions donated by the deceased souls departing earth. Other karmic and astrological patterns are also absorbed.
2. One third is our physical life on earth, where we seek to complete our highest worldly mission. It’s not fixed, it evolves as we learn to co-create.
3. One third is our journey in the afterlife, our path back to Origin. We continue to learn how to individuate the combustion of Spirit and Matter in the Proto-cosmic Orbit.
These three phases are defined by 3 Tao Heavens. There are 36 levels of evolution in the continuous flow between Heaven & Earth.
In higher alchemy practice, these are embraced by three kinds of meditation: ———-
1. Micro-cosmic Orbit: flows within your Personal Energy Body.
2. Macro-cosmic Orbit: flows between You and the Greater Collective Field of Nature (“da shen” or Great Spirit, comprised of 12 Over Souls).
3. Proto-cosmic Orbit: flows between Source and Creation and back, a never-ending process of refining the harmony between Spirit and Matter, Unity and Polarity, the One and the Many.
Read this article on the 9 Inner Alchemy formulas for more details: ———————
1) Jan. 25-26, 2025 Sat-Sun. $144. NEW DATE.
Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2
Inner Smile, Five Animals Qigong, Six Healing Sounds, Red Dragon Spinning Pearl Wudang Orbit.
Winn home, Asheville
FULL Details – videos, or download course
2) Feb. 22-23, 2025 Sat/Sun $144. NEW DATE
Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4
Yin-Yang is the In-Out Breath of Life flowing within everything.
Learn Taoist Internal Qi Breathing (3 methods), Bone Breathing and Rooting.
Heal a wide range of chronic illness. Dissolve deep Ancestral issues.
Super grounding standing practice (aka Iron Shirt Qigong).
Winn home, Asheville
Full Description videos, course download.
3) March 21, 2025 Friday 7:30 pm FREE
EQUINOX White Dragon of West Ceremony
4) March 28-29, 2025
Fusion 5 Elements 1
Emotional Alchemy
5) May 24 – 25, 2025.
Fusion of 5 Elements 2 & 3:
Psychic & Soul Alchemy
• For details on Spring workshops, Summer Retreats, visit: ——————
5 Summer Retreats 2025
Week 1: June 20 – 25, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 1- 4 + Summer Solstice Ceremony video
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Week 2: June 27 – July 2, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
Healing Love: Taoist Sexual Secrets by Michael Winn & Jem Minor, L.Ac. ———- |
Week 3: July 4 – 9, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
3a. Inner Sexual Alchemy (Lesser Kan & Li)
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Week 4: July 11 – 16, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
Planetary & Soul Alchemy (Greatest Kan & Li)
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Week 5: July 18 – 23, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
Heaven & Earth Alchemy |
Blessings on Our Journey, Source to Creation and back,
Michael Winn
Michael Winn has decades of
international teaching experience in Tao medical, martial, & spiritual arts.
He was a founder and two-term President,
National Qigong Association (NQA).
He founded Healing Tao University,
the largest Tao arts summer program
in the West, now in the Blue Ridge
Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.
He is president of the non-profit Dao Alchemy Research Institute, was founder and 9 years Chairman of the Healing Tao Instructor’s Association, and co-founder of the Council of 9 of the Universal Healing Tao (abroad).
He has taught on five continents and at
Omega’s Super Qi Summits. He regularly speaks at international conferences of Taoist/Daoist scholars and is on the
editorial board of the Journal of Daoist Studies.
Winn has authored ten Tao home study video-audio courses, written dozens of articles, book chapters, and papers at conferences. He is co-author or the actual writer of Mantak Chia’s first 7 books, including the classic Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.
His ebooks include Way of the Inner Smile,
Five Animals Qigong, and Primordial Tai Chi
and Tao Inner Alchemy:Way of Whole-Body Enlightened Self-Love (forthcoming in digital “Seven Bamboo Scrolls”.
He is also on the boards of cutting edge green tech and cyber-security companies, and raises funding for projects focused on human longevity and self-empowerment.
Winn lives in a simple log home in the mountains near Asheville, N.C.
His 10-year old son gives him daily lessons
in wu wei (Tao of spontaneous action) and periodically beats him at Chess.
Winn does private live session or by phone for his students.