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August 23, 2009 at 1:21 am #32095
Michael Winn
Keymasternote: this is about the “white powder” extracted as”white gold”. I haven’t seen much to prove its efficacy in healing,but remain intrigued at a distance….if anyone has experience,please comment.
Ormus Modern Day Alchemy
Primer of Ormus Collection Processes
Reference Edition312 page soft cover
Oversized 7in x 10in
Author: Chris Emmons RPh
Published: 2009 By Createspace and Dreamgate Press
ISBN: 978-0-9815840-1-0
Website: http://www.ormusbook.com
What is Ormus?
A group of essential minerals previously unknown to modern science.Why were they unknown?
Because they did not show up in common scientific tests.What kind of minerals?
Minerals like gold, silver and platinum but they are in a different form; and in this other form, they are not toxic. We are discovering they are very common in plants, animals, air, soil and water.How is it beneficial?
It appears to assist communication between cells in the body and between the body and spirit.The ORMUS elements are the precious metal elements in a natural non-metallic form. In this form they are much more common than they are in their metallic form.
The ORMUS materials can be extracted from the air, water, rock, soil and food. These materials are believed to have been used throughout the centuries for the advancement of physical and spiritual well-being by the ancient Egyptian, Persian, Hindu and Chinese alchemists, King Solomon, the Essenes and the alchemists of the Middle Ages.
The ORMUS materials may be the substances which have been called manna, shewbread, chi, prana, the Philosopher’s Stone, shemanna and the Fountain of Youth. Some people who have been ingesting the ORMUS materials report amazing improvements in physical and psychic conditions. There is strong evidence that the ORMUS elements are nutritional minerals which are essential to all life. Many modern agricultural and food processing techniques appear to reduce the ORMUS elements in our food.
There are many amazing stories about the ORMUS materials and the people who have been researching them. These include stories about ectoplasm like phenomena, levitation, kundalini awakening, past lives and communication with the ORMUS materials themselves.
Our mission is to share ways in which these substances, which are freely available in nature, can be extracted and used to improve the human condition.
Plants dont lie! This tree after fed with Ormus (manna).
Walnut trees grown using Ormus (termed C-11) collected from Pacific Ocean water as a supplement. Five walnut trees of approximate age and size were purchased from the same nursery at the same time. Once transplanted, one of these five seedlings received a one-time supplement of two cups C-11 diluted in five gallons fresh water. In addition, several applications of wash water from the third rinsing that is performed while collecting C-11 has been given to the tree.The tree which received C-11 is toward the right in the picture below and one of the trees which got no C-11 is on the left
The smaller tree is about five feet tall and the larger tree is about ten feet tall. These trees all grew in a dry interior climate at around 1000 feet elevation near the 49th parallel.
This one tree has consistently yielded the same volume of nuts in their shells as the combined yield of three fifteen-year old trees and four other three-year old trees. These pictures were taken on October 5, 2000
Four walnuts from these trees: Nuts inside the shells are proportionally larger than their ordinary counterparts. Their taste is comparable.
The walnuts on the left are from the trees that did not receive C-11. The walnuts on the right are from the largest tree that received the most C-11 and they are approximately 2 1/2 inches in diameter.
Un-hulled walnuts still on the tree (seven feet up in the tree) with a man’s hand in the image for size comparison. The size of the walnuts is approximately that of a mid-range apple.
Ormus is a material that has been discovered (or maybe a better word is say re-discovered) by David Hudson in the 1970s. The content of many of David Hudsons lectures, where he outlines his findings, can be found on the Internet. (One site is subtleenergies.com.)
The Ormus material is very common in plants, animals, air, soil, rocks and water.
Ormus has some characteristics that are fascinating such as superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation. It also appears to assist communication between cells in the body and between the body and spirit. (David Hudson transcripts).
It is exciting to think that if only a small percentage, maybe 10%, of what has been postulated or observed about Ormus proves out, this material may well be one of the greatest discoveries in human history!
Courtesy Barry Carter: to read more visit subtleenergies.com
The presence of the Ormus material appears to benefit plant, animal and human life and it enables life to reach a fuller measure of its biological potential.
Ormus is a group of essential minerals previously unknown to modern science that are common in plants, animals, air, soil and water. Reported benefits of the Ormus material include more energy and clarity of thought.
The Ormus material is collectable from common materials and Ormus Modern Day Alchemy the first published book that contains clear detailed explanations of time-honored Ormus collection processes. These processes are fairly easy and straightforward. Included in the book are chapters on the history of Ormus, information about the Ormus material and descriptions of miscellaneous Ormus collection processes.
A Pharmacist has written this book and guides the Ormus collector. Clear explanations of the steps performed during collection are detailed.
December 9, 2009 at 10:06 am #32096wolfgang
ParticipantI have taken alchemy powder from theblueemerald.com site. That site also has some deep philosophy(?) of what the Truth is. The main guy is reported to be getting younger and can facilitate people in waking up (being lucid) by touching them on the forehead along with having people take his alchemy. Still he will say he isn’t the one doing it. That it’s a divine appointment that unfolds.
I have felt a boost at times with getting into a chi field from taking the powder. Once when doing the 24 standard taichi form, I had a complete release of my body into a chi field that carried me through the form. I wasn’t trying to be in that state, it just showed up. But also, I know that state and usually when it shows up, my mind notices it and then, of coarse, the state goes away and then mind gets disappointed and asks, where did it go? So this experience was that my mind was able to notice but the state didn’t go away. I loved that experience and maybe that is my downfall now being in wanting it (haha).
However, the wpg (white powdered gold) alchemy seems to be linked to one’s intentions and state of acceptance. Yet another “you get what you put in” thing. Although the person preparing the material can, supposedly, program the powder with intention and then all the end user needs to do is allow that intention to unfold.
I seem to block myself with using wpg with struggles of thinking I shouldn’t need anything external and conversely wishing my experiences were more far out – like it seems to take other people into realms and such. And I also am not sure how much is just fantasy of imagination, so I am not interested in visions that come about by self fulfilling hypnosis of a kind (if you know what I mean). I take the stance of wanting to let experience be genuine as opposed to conjured up.
In this way, it occurs that some who are already sensitive can just tune into the alchemy and get a blast of psychic lucidity, and then someone like me can take the powder in somewhat larger abouts (although still only a match head size) and have only slight upticks in lucidity areas.
I suppose that is because it works from where you are and everyone is at a different level(?). I also find taking the alchemy, for me, triggers detoxing and then coffee or alcohol feels more potent and I need more sleep. It’s like having a low grade cold. It is a hurdle that I figure once let to run it’s coarse, will open up other vistas.
I ended up finding this healingdao site and Michael Winn’s writings because I was looking for resources on understanding alchemy. Now I understand more about inner alchemy that is not based on a substance. I also like the message on this web site about being in the body. That ascension is not about denial of the body. And more so, how acceptance of one’s inner landscape is a better focus than just accepting the outer. Personally that is a biggy for me – going with the flow (as in accepting the outer) has caused too much inner junk that makes for a bumpy experience. So it makes sense to not need to accept the outer world as the primary focus. well, some of this is off topic – oops.
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