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singing ocean.
November 6, 2006 at 7:05 am #19098
Michael Winn
KeymasterThis is a solid article. The first half lambast the state of western medicine, the cynicism and greed that unlies its approach. The second half gives an excellent list of preventive measures, which may inspire some to practice more qigong. If you are a man reading this, think of the women in your life whose breast health you would like to support and forward the article to them.
michaelEducation Not Medication — a women’s health program
by Mike Adams
October 23 2006http://www.newstarget.com/z020841.html
http://www.newstarget.com/020841.htmlThe breast cancer industry is now run by corporations
that profit from women with disease. With nearly all
breast cancer nonprofits being subjugated by drug
companies, the FDA censoring alternative cancer
solutions, and the mainstream media wildly
exaggerating the benefits of near-useless cancer drugs
like Herceptin, there’s hardly a message heard about
breast cancer today that doesn’t have a profit motive
behind it.The emphasis on breast cancer “screening,” and the
circus of holding breast cancer awareness months is,
of course, all about recruiting more women into a
system of treatment that generates profits for drug
companies. Using fear-based tactics of recruitment
(like telling women, “You’ll die in six months if you
don’t undergo chemotherapy…”), the breast cancer
industry manages to corral women of all races and ages
into treatments that actually harm far more women than
they help.Find that hard to believe? Researchers at the Nordic
Cochrane Center in Denmark studied 500,000 women to
determine the results of breast cancer screening
programs. They found that for every one woman helped
by breast cancer screening, ten were harmed through
false diagnosis or unnecessary treatments that
devastated their health.“What seems like good and obvious advice in everyday
life is not always scientifically or medically sound”,
said Peter Gotzsche, MD, director of the center. “So
we might say there is a benefit of one but a harm of
10 from screening for breast cancer.”In other words, breast cancer screening is
surprisingly harmful to women. That’s partly because
the procedure itself irradiates the breast tissue and
actually causes cancer, but also because practically
any screening result producing a questionable blur on
the final image may result in a woman being
manipulated through fear into undergoing aggressive,
toxic cancer treatments even when they never had
breast cancer in the first place. (False positives are
extremely common in breast cancer screening, and in
some cases, the machinery is incorrectly calibrated
and doesn’t even meet radiology standards.)Preventing prevention
And yet breast cancer screening is the only form of
“prevention” offered by the cancer industry. Only it
isn’t prevention, it’s detection. Breast cancer
screening does nothing to educate women how to really
prevent breast cancer, nor does it teach women how to
change their diets and lifestyles so that breast
cancer never develops in the first place. In fact, the
strategy of the cancer industry today can be best
described as waiting for women to get cancer, then
treating it with toxic drugs.While tens of millions of women are developing
undetectable, early-stage breast cancer right now, the
cancer industry does nothing. They will not tell these
women how to halt the growth of cancer tumors; they
will only wait until the cancer becomes large enough
to see on a screening test, and then they will scare
the women to death with harmful, authoritative medical
demands and toss them into chemotherapy — a treatment
that causes permanent, irreversible harm to the brain,
heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.Yet even the World Health Organization admits that 70
percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple
changes in food and lifestyle. That number is probably
conservative, though. My own opinion is that 90
percent of all cancers can be prevented through simple
food and lifestyle changes. Yet no one in the cancer
industry is interested in teaching any of these
strategies to women. In the cancer industry, there is
no incentive to teach women how to avoid breast
cancer, because to do so would eliminate a future
customer!That’s why I started the Education Not Medication
program. It is a humble effort to teach women how to
prevent their own breast cancer through
scientifically-supported natural health strategies
that are easy to understand and simple to follow. They
include things like eating more broccoli and garlic,
getting more natural sunlight on your skin (to
generate the anti-cancer nutrient Vitamin D) and
avoiding cancer-causing chemicals in manufactured
foods (such as sodium nitrite, found in bacon, sausage
and virtually all packaged meats). A more detailed
list is offered below.The cancer industry depends on more cancer
The cancer industry remains silent about these cancer
prevention solutions. Ever wonder why? It’s because
the livelihood of the industry depends on more cancer!
If cancer rates plummeted by 70 percent or more, the
industry would be devastated. The incomes, egos and
power positions of cancer industry operators depends
entirely on the continued spread of cancer among the
population.Ever notice that cancer centers are not called,
“Anti-Cancer Centers?” You see them in virtually every
city and state across the country: The Washington
Cancer Center, or the San Francisco Cancer Center.
Here in Arizona, we have a massive, new building being
constructed, and it’s named the Arizona Cancer Center.
These are all monuments to cancer, and they are
for-profit businesses constructed for the purpose of
making money from a woman’s disease. They turn cancer
into profit, and they depend on continued cancer to
stay in business.That’s why there’s no real effort underway to teach
women how to prevent breast cancer. There’s no program
in place to teach women about the anti-cancer effects
of sunlight and vitamin D (in fact, cancer industry
groups like the American Cancer Society run public
service ads warning people about sunlight!), there’s
no honest effort to teach women about the natural
anti-cancer medicine founds in certain foods, and no
one is telling women the truth about the
cancer-causing chemicals in perfumes, laundry
detergent, cosmetics and personal care products.In other words, when it comes to preventing cancer,
the cancer industry is silent. Why should they say
anything, anyway? If they teach women how to prevent
breast cancer, they lose customers. Besides, the
scheme they’re running right now is working
brilliantly. They maximize revenues and profits by
preventing prevention and waiting for women to get
cancer, then treating them with high-profit
pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgical procedures.
They have the easiest business model in the world: All
they have to do is keep their mouths shut about what
causes cancer, and wait for new customers to fill the
cancer centers. And to help them out, corporations,
media organizations and volunteers (many are women!)
actually help them raise more money! It makes about as
much sense as holding a fundraiser for Bill Gates.It’s time to teach genuine cancer prevention to women
The cancer industry has been getting away with this
scam for years, but I say enough is enough. It’s time
to declare, “The Emperor has no clothes!” and that the
best way to help protect the lives of women is to
teach them how to avoid breast cancer rather than
waiting for them to get it.And doing so is surprisingly simple. All you have to
do is raise awareness about the things that cause
breast cancer vs. the things that prevent breast
cancer. This can be done through public service
announcements, information handouts, or even internet
campaigns like this one.I also suggest that all these cancer treatment centers
donate 100 percent of their profits to cancer
prevention campaigns. It’s wrong to profit from a
woman’s cancer, is it not? If these businesses really
cared about stopping cancer, they’d refuse to profit
from the disease and, instead, use the money to help
stop cancer in future generations of women (and men,
for that matter).What an idea, huh? That these ultra-wealthy
non-profits and billion-dollar corporations might
spend some money on teaching women how to prevent
cancer…If it ever really happens, of course, it will only be
as a cover-your-ass reaction to public awareness about
the corporatization of the breast cancer industry. As
word spreads, these non-profits will have to do
something to save their reputation, so they’ll start
running tiny “prevention” campaigns to save face. But
underneath the facade, make no mistake: cancer is big,
big business, and the cancer industry is driven by
profiting from a woman’s body, not protecting it from
cancer.The real answers to breast cancer prevention
Here, for the benefit of women everywhere, is a
partial list of the things that cause cancer and
things that don’t. You’re not going to find full
descriptions and citations here, as that would require
an entire book all by itself, but this is a very
useful reference list that tells the truth about what
causes or prevents cancer in the human body.18 things that CAUSE cancer: (in no particular order)
* Smoking cigarettes
* Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic
dairy products
* Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids – See
Poison In the Food or articles on hydrogenated oils
* Mammography radiation – see articles on
* Chemotherapy and radiation
* Perfumes and fragrance products
* Cosmetics and personal care products – see
articles on personal care products
* Home cleaning products, including laundry
detergent, dryer sheets, etc.
* Plastic food containers – includes plastic
lining inside food cans
* Sodium nitrite – found in most processed meats,
see articles on sodium nitrite
* Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals
* Acrylamides (formed during high-heat food
processing such as frying)
* Watching television / lack of exercise
* Severe emotional distress or relationship stress
* Refined sugars / refined grains
* Dry cleaning chemicals
* Hair color chemicals
* Nail polish remover22 things that PREVENT cancer:
* Vitamin D and sunshine
* Anti-cancer foods – see articles about
anti-cancer foods
* Green tea – see articles about green tea
* Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables – see
articles about broccoli
* Medicinal mushrooms – reishi, shiitake, agaricus
blazei, etc.
* Lycopene and tomatoes
* Infra-red saunas and sweat lodges – because
sweating expels toxins
* Chlorella – see articles on chlorella
* Pomegranate seeds – see artiles on pomegranate
or http://www.ats.org/news.php?id=32
* Omega-3 oils / chia seeds – available from
* Rainforest herbs – There are many anti-cancer
rainforest herbs, including graviola and Cat’s Claw
(Una de Gato). Recommended sources is Terry Pezzi of
the high-integrity Amazon Herb Company (also helping
to preserve the Amazon rainforest) – Another great
source of rainforest herbs is Rain Tree with Leslie
* Juice detoxification – Read books by Dr. Gabriel
Cousens or visit his retreat in Southern Arizona
* Acupuncture – helps move blood and chi (body’s
* Sprouts – ALL sprouts are anti-cancer. Best
sprouting machine is the EasyGreen Automatic Sprouter
(use any search engine to find resellers)
* Red clover – Helps cleanse the blood. Find from
any supplement maker.
* Deep breathing / oxygenation / stress reduction
– Best product is called Stress Eraser (highly
* Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates – These all boost lymph
* Cacao – (real chocolate) – Good sources are
NavitasNaturals.com or Superfoods.com
* Therapeutic massage – helps move lymph, boost
* Mint – grow your own (the easiest plant to grow)
* Apricot pits / laetrile / vitamin B17 – View
this World Without Cancer video featuring G. Edward
* Blackberries – Most berries contain some form of
anti-cancer medicineThe cancer industry attacks nearly all genuine cancer
After examining this list, it’s not difficult to
notice something quite curious: The cancer industry
promotes many things that cause cancer while attacking
most things that prevent cancer. Naturopathic doctors
who once prescribed laetrile for cancer patients, for
example, have been run out of the country or arrested.
Herbal product companies have been censored to such a
degree that none dare tell the truth about the
anti-cancer effects of their own products, and even
broccoli growers and marketers are scared into
remaining silent about the remarkable,
scientifically-proven anti-cancer effects of broccoli.In other words, if you want to know what the cancer
industry supports or attacks, just check to see which
list it’s on. If it’s on the list of things that
prevent cancer, the cancer industry (including most of
its doctors, oncologists, non-profits and government
regulators) will be against it. If it’s on the list of
things that cause cancer, they will promote it.The exception to this is, of course, tobacco. That’s a
substance that doctors once gladly promoted in
magazine advertisements, claiming that smoking was
good for your health and even improved your teeth! But
today, the tobacco scam has long since been revealed,
and even conventional medicine is now squarely against
this substance that they once strongly promoted.The American Medical Association, by the way, used to
actually run ads for cigarettes in its flagship
medical journal, JAMA. Doctors can always be bought
off and made to promote whatever poison is making the
most money this decade (these people have no shame).
In the 1950’s, it was cigarettes. Today, it’s
pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. Different drugs,
same scam. But money was always — and IS always —
the bottom line for conventional medicine.Live Simply So That
Others May Simply Live
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Yoga-With-Nancy/November 6, 2006 at 10:50 am #19099wendy
ParticipantThe article is lacking THE MOST important one:
love your breasts, love yourself, love life…
One of the most difficult issues for women to REALLY access…
The difference between knowing as a mental and emotional understanding and the deepest acceptance of once body, breasts, vagina and LIFE as a precious gift.
Not only we struggle with personal and ancestral issues but as well the pain, grieve and horror women still suffer globally is part of our path.
No wonder breast cancer is the number 1 death cause…November 6, 2006 at 11:22 pm #19101Dog
ParticipantI read stuff like this before. I get a Little news letter from a doctor that keeps up with stuff like this. I think he is down to earth. He seems to have just gotten into chi gong. His focus is still mainly supplements and diet but that information is great. Sometime its is to much sales but still neat stuff.
November 6, 2006 at 11:29 pm #19103Dog
ParticipantHere is a little something from that doctors newsletter I was talking about.
Cell-phones: Cell killers?
As you may know, I’ve been one of the more vocal critics in the past about the excessive usage of cell phones these days – especially among kids. Not only are they distracting and dangerous for users (like those who are DRIVING), they’re also annoying for bystanders to have to hear people yakking on them.
And although I’ve been inclined in the past to think a lot of the hype around possible cell-phone-related health problems is nothing more than urban legend, there is some evidence pointing to potentially serious health consequences for those who have these radio-wave units glued to their ears…
Today, there’s more such news – some of the most persuasive yet.
But first, a little recap: Back in January of 2005, I reported on some European research linking a decade or more of cell phone use to as much as a four-percent increase in the likelihood of developing permanent, brain-damaging tumors of the auditory nerve. This report buffered the findings of a 2002 Finnish study that linked the type of radiation emitted by cell phones to adverse effects on brain tissue…
This latest research, however, doesn’t focus on possible brain or nerve damage, like so many other studies have before. It aims a bit lower on the body: The testicles, in men.
According to some American research on British males, cell phones may indeed be the culprit behind that nation’s precipitous decline in male fertility. How bad is the problem? Sources cited in a UK Daily Mail article on the research claim that sperm counts among Briton males have fallen by 29 percent in just the last DECADE.
Something’s causing it, and it may be the “harmless” cell phone…
Previous research has postulated that there may be a link between cell phone use and sperm quality. According to this latest study’s lead author, animal research has shown conclusively that the testes are susceptible to negative effects from radiation of a type similar to what cell phones depend on for communication.
But this latest research – revealed at the recent gathering of the American Society for Reproductive Health in New Orleans – looks to be the most conclusive and well-designed study on the topic yet. Keep reading for the research’s startling findings.
The research focused on four main criteria for sperm potency among the study’s 360 test subjects: Count, motility (agility), viability (hardiness), and morphology (appearance). In ALL FOUR of these areas, those men who endured the most time on cell phones had the least healthy sperm cells. Consider…
Studied men in the highest cell-phone use category (four hours a day or more), experienced:
25% lower sperm counts than those who never used cellular telephones
A 33% lower rating of sperm quality (their swimming ability and hardiness) than their less loquacious peers
50% fewer properly formed sperm than non-cell users – with just 20% of sperm cells appearing normal under microscopic examination
As I said, this is some of the most convincing evidence yet that cell phones may have detrimental effects on our health. I’ve been healthily skeptical and reserving judgment on this topic until all the evidence is in – but this study goes a long way toward proving to me that these ubiquitous devices may not be so harmless after all…Bottom line: If you’ve got a son or nephew who’s glued to his cell-phone and also facing some struggles with conceiving, you may want to pass this article along. And whether you’re a man or woman, until we know all the facts, it’s best to use your cell phones sparingly, for emergencies only – or not at all! I dont own one — never have. But I have to admit, they are good for emergencies — especially for women traveling alone.
Remember, we all got along fine without them until more or less a decade ago.
Always yakking about what’s attacking our health,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
November 6, 2006 at 11:35 pm #19105singing ocean
ParticipantAn interesting book I mentioned earlier is called:
“When the Body Says No: the Cost of Hidden Stress”
by Gabor Matehttp://www.whenthebodysaysno.ca/
This western doctor is realizing what daoists have been practicing for millenia, and that is to release stuck emotional patterns and cultivate acceptance, and ultimately refine them to a more neutral state. He makes the connection between chronic illnesses, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other such “uncurable diseases”, and how most people who contract these have been emotionally traumatized by their parents at a young age, or in some other situation in their life.
He gives an interesting example of someone diagnosed with a degenerative muscular disease called ALS (Stephen Hawking has the same thing) who cured her self by loving and accepting a different part of her body each day (the inner smile!).
The cause of these diseases according to the doctor mentioned above, is that when a person deflects negativity inside themselves and cannot resolve it, the body immune functions start to attack healthy tissue out of confusion.
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