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June 29, 2016 at 10:37 pm #46827
Michael Winn
by Time McClew
https://www.facebook.com/tim.mcclew/posts/10157352288395643The arrival of the New Age in the 20th century – a religion containing one part Eastern (intentionally-mystifying) reality-denial conditioning and three parts Western (deliberately-narcissistic) accountability-bypassing solipsism – brought in its wake a bric-a-brac mixture of globally-sourced ‘choose your own totem animal’ idols of worship and adopted pet archetypes. From ancient civilization “Gods” to indigenous “spirits”, no “guide stone” was left un-turned in the mad scramble to energetically-claim a piece of spiritual-supremacist exotic symbolism whilst simultaneously declaring – with blissfully-unaware certainty – that this process was also about casting off the shackles of ‘classic religious indoctrination’. That being said, some found it hard to transfer their childhood programming (‘salvation through faith’ edition) into a new, ‘foreign’ model of mind control, so they re-purposed the familiar and trusted theological tropes of their youth in order to shroud them in a “love and light” haze of post-modern ‘correctness’.
“Endless incidents of brutal demonic behaviour that defy rationalization in human terms saturates the media, film, and literature. And yet, within the morphic field of collective consciousness, there are archetypes that provide points of reference for these atrocities – archetypes that have been inserted into this reality as deified entities, glorified in the written text and traditions of religions and philosophies that endure in the narcotic density of this mutant paradigm in which it is easier to repeat than to think.”
~ Juliet J CarterThere are many facets to the New Age’s introduction into – and role within – the 20th/21st century’s major socio-cultural manipulation agendas, but this article wishes to focus upon the interconnection between the re-purposed prayer ritual (ie., the New Age phenomenon of “communing with/calling upon/letting in” beings in various guises) and the hyperdimensional agenda at play here with regards to mind-body vampirism and (in some cases) outright soul-possession.
I had one client who was looking for the cause of her depression straight away, we go back to a past life and she says, theres this angel coming down and its shining upon me with all this coded information – all this love and light and I feel so amazing, and Im thinking, thats interesting, your spirit is showing me that this is the reason why you are depressed, and yet theres this angel sending you all this love and light at you. And every single time I do this, [the same thing happens] I said, spirit [of this woman], I want you to lock in on the energy of this angel thats sending you this light, and I want you to command on universal law to reveal its true nature, its true form – reveal any mask, any illusion, and do it now, what do you see? And every time they see this winged serpent, draconian, gargoyle, dark-winged dragon, dark energy these beings are masters of illusion, and this is something we really have to look out for, because its in our programming. Weve been programmed (for a very long time) to believe that this messiah is going to come down and save us, so were just looking around for it, we dont even think to look within ourselves to connect with our own power its always something external, rather than internal.
~ James PaskThere are many metaphors that could be used when describing this phenomenon of ‘hi-jacked archetypal’ energies, including the idea that parasitic frequencies latch onto popular archetypes/spiritual memes in a manner not unlike an internet domain name buyer who acquires “.com” addresses – the purpose being that, when the address is ‘entered’ by an unwitting individual, the ‘site’ they are accessing is a two-way web portal (if you catch my drift). Another metaphorical example would be the idea of a ‘stolen identity’ or ‘information theft’ situation, whereby the entity will cloak itself in the appearance and ‘characteristics’ of the called-in/prayed-to icon – even granting the believer some illusory wishes, or temporarily bestowing good fortune upon them – in order to gain consent and full access to the ‘vehicle’ of the unsuspecting “tuning fork” victim.
The primary issue with employing these metaphors is due to the faulty logic of their presupposition: that there was ever a time or place in the universe where the many and varied archetypal reference points for these “divine/ascended/saintly/omniscient/etc.” entities were not, in fact, anything other than smokescreen covers for anti-emancipation agendas.
For those looking for a background primer with regards to the larger agenda at play, here are two great articles –http://wakeup-world.com/ /the-virus-of-religion-an-ancient /
https://veilofreality.com/ /the-dark-side-of-cupid-hyperdi /– that provide some context to this piece, as does the following quote:
“In all religious monuments, in monuments considered the most… well, as belonging to the highest religion, whether in France or any other country or Japan – it was never the same temples or churches nor the same gods, and yet my experience was everywhere almost the same, with very small differences. I saw that whatever concentrated force there was in the church depended exclusively upon the faithful, the faith of the devotees. And there was still a difference between the force as it really was and the force as they felt it. For instance, I saw in one of the most beautiful cathedrals of France, which, from the artistic point of view, is one of the most magnificent monuments imaginable – in the most sacred spot I saw an enormous black, vital spider [hidden vital force] which had made its web and spread it over the whole place, and was catching in it and then absorbing all the forces emanating from people’s devotion, their prayers and all that.
It was not a very cheering sight; the people who were there and were praying, felt a divine touch, they received all kinds of boons from their prayers, and yet what was there was this, this thing. But they had their faith which could change that evil thing into something good in them; they had their faith. So, truly, if I had gone and told them “Do you think you are praying to God? It is an enormous vital spider that’s feeding upon all your forces!”, that would really not have been very charitable.”
~ Sri AurobindoArticles like this one ( http://in5d.com/are-you-ready-to-communicate-with-your-gui / ) are rife within the online world of spirituality, and they are yet another facet of the ‘soul farming’ program. It’s so ironic/fitting that the author starts off the piece by stating, “Everyone has spirit guides, angels, familiars, elementals whatever label you would like to ATTACH to yours” (oh, they’re attached, all right!!). The ‘information’ in this article ( http://www.lightascension.com/arts/Ascended%20Master.htm ) is where people can eventually end up when they allow themselves to be seduced by the con-ditioning…yes, you read that right, apparently Walt ‘Child Porn’ Disney is an “ascended master”!
With regards to this topic of ‘calling in’ the names of archetypes which lie outside of your internal state of expansion/holistic self/”I AM” presence, it’s important to reiterate that hyperdimensional entities are the creators of the manipulation constructs which define what has been termed as the matrix control system. These invasive predators are looking for any ‘back door’ hack that grants them access into the holographic mainframe of your consciousness hardware, which would allow them to latch onto the energetic marrow of your central nervous system. By cloaking themselves in benevolent guises of “supportive” spirit-selves, you are (like the vampire who must be invited into the home) tricking yourself into heaping more kundalini-draining misery upon your already-weighted-down being by ‘calling them in’.This point cannot be stressed enough: if it isn’t your own, internally-‘owned’, soul-derived “I AM” consciousness-presence, it really can’t be verified nor trusted in any way …and just as importantly, no being/energy who is aligned with the universal principle of autonomy and non-interference would EVER offer assistance or ‘advice’ to another being , especially one who is experiencing (as Earth humans currently are) a vulnerable state of evolutionary development.
This deviousness brings up an even-more fundamental tool of misdirection: the truth that all religious archetypes and iconographies are allegorical reference points which are designed to reinforce the original deception – the ‘fall’ of humanity.
That event was, in fact, NOT due to some innate “flaw” (sin/pride/avarice) within our species, but rather was the result of the genetic manipulation of our fundamental coding, and the insertion of various implants into our collective consciousness by which to maintain the mutant matrix of our current false ‘reality’.
Not only do these figures reinforce the enslavement that arises from adherence to external authoritarian (“higher beings”) programs, but they actually weaken your central nervous system via the simple act of gazing upon their symbolic representations. Try muscle testing someone as they look at Buddha and you will see why Siddhartha pleaded with people not to worship him, nor to make laws of his observational principles.When well-meaning Westerners sit in rapturous trance-like states at Kirtan, do they realize they are singing songs of praise (and providing energy to) archetypes of warlords who raped, pillaged, and committed genocide? There are chapters in the Vedas that are ‘off-limits’ and/or censored due to concerns that they may “confuse” followers – with verses that describe in gory detail the exploits of the Hindu “god impersonators”.
This is the mis-directional nature of energy vampirism, of Sigil black majick…it is also why the ‘Christ consciousness’ meme is so insidious – Jesus clearly declares in Matthew 5:17 that “I come not to do away with the law [of the psychotic Old Testament God] but to complete it”, which is tucked away amidst all the ‘love thy neighbour’ stuff which should be self-evident to any logical thinker with a conscience and a functioning neurology complex.
Let’s take a not-in-any-way-complete-nor-comprehensive look at some of more popular categories of entity attachment-through-invocation which plague modern spiritual practices:
* Animal/Plant totems:
The “calling” to commune with an animal ‘totem’ is a sign of deception, not connection.
Connection with the natural, wild world involves observation, appreciation, understanding, respect, and an innate recognition that the same elements surrounding us in nature are simultaneously coursing through ourselves in a holistic symphony of symbiotic relationship.
Animals have spirits that are their own to ‘transport’ – these frequencies are not there to be merged with our own…and besides, how can we know it’s the animal’s etheric self being brought into our field, and not a vampiric hijacker? Because it’s “noble” or “inspiring”?
The same holds true for a plant, which is harder for many to accept because of the different – even more hierarchical – relationship that humans have with plants (in contrast to animals). When a sage is lit, there are an infinite number of individually-aligned ways in which to acknowledge its presence…to offer gratitude for its gift-sharing…to experience the moment from an expansive perspective of energy exchange… without resorting to the introduction of pre-fabricated archetypes and heavily-infiltrated ancient memes into the space.
If a plant is telling you to follow it and heed its instructions, then its not a plant – it’s a “plant”.* The Elementals:
From wiki: “There are four elemental categories: gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders. These correspond to the Classical elements of antiquity: earth, water, air and fire. Aether (quintessence) was not assigned an elemental. Terms employed for beings associated with alchemical elements vary by source and gloss.”
This archetype category is a great example of the anthropomorphic ‘designation’ deception that is so pervasive in the long-established “calling in” culture. Instead of simply honoring actual earth or actual fire for their roles in the planet’s biosphere and in providing so many nurturing (and vital) gifts for Earth’s inhabitants, they are connected to fantastical beings and mythologized. It is especially interesting in this case because the creatures whom have been bequeathed with an element have (in many cases across different cultural interpretations) extremely worrisome character traits – traits that reflect the behaviours of the hyperdimensional tricksters themselves.* The Ancestors:
Fondly-recalling life experiences that you’ve shared with familial relatives is one thing – “calling in” a group of beings who can mimic what you believe (subconsciously or otherwise) your personal heritage/lineage to be… is an entirely different situation.
This category can be especially satisfying (from a vampiric energy “loosh” perspective) when the individuals doing the invocations possess a traumatic familial lineage and/or are descended from a socio-cultural group with a great deal of psychic victimhood and violence.* Four Directions:
If you’ve ever attended an opening/closing ceremony when the Four Directions have been invoked, you’ll oftentimes realize that this isn’t a simple acknowledgment of the wonder and beauty of the natural world that lies all around us – rather, there are many references to “beings” and “spirits” with specific characteristics to each direction.
It is a “calling in” process which generates a compass of control…with each new ‘facing’, another group of non-native invasive species are invited onto your home turf, and their parasitic ways will most certainly throw off your navigation tools!* Galactic Federation of Light:
You’ve probably seen a fair share of ‘channeled’ messages that purport to come directly from the flight deck of Lord Commander Ashtar (of the Ashtar Command), usually kicking off with something like, “Beloveds, We are here to relay yet another message of hope and admiration for your continued perseverance as the great work of the galactic family continues…”
The GFoL is the most modern of the entity attachment vehicle categories, and yet it plays upon the oldest trick in the playbook: external salvation from the “heavens above”. Ever-increasing fears regarding the health/future of the planet – in combination with a steady diet of pop culture reference points that point to benevolent E.T.s secretly aiding humanity’s course towards “ascension” – have proven to be a winning formula for the parasites lurking within this off-world archetype.
Interestingly enough, one of the most famous Federation channelers, Greg Giles, has publicly spoken out about being mind-controlled by military technologies in order to spread disinformation…a very terrestrial form of manipulation: http://prepareforchange.net/ /former-channeler-for-the-gal /* Lightworkers:
A nebulous term that often refers to a group of humans around the world who have tapped into their ‘ascension’/narcissistic programming and designated themselves to be “the way, the light, and the truth”. Entities love this kind of set-up because it not only allows them to hitch a ride whenever there is a “global meditation for Lightworker assistance” online gathering, but it also creates a perfect set-up for alien ‘love bite’ scenarios amongst this assembly of well-intention-ed useful idiots (refer to the Love Bite article by Bernhard Guenther, posted above)
* The Holy Spirit:
Or any’spirit’ that lies outside of one’s own known and embodied spirit, really…but the Catholic Holy Spirit is certainly up near the top of the hierarchy in terms of “parasitic page views”, so to speak. It’s just so wonderfully nebulous and ‘transferable’, and it’s connection to patriarchal notions of separation, duality and hierarchy – with an immaculate, immutable ‘above’ and a sinful, irredeemable’ ‘below’ – provides a lot of energy for powering up the guilt and shame mechanisms which drive the praying process that, in turn, opens up the individual field to the preying process.
* Kali/Krishna:
Thanks to the Western adoption of Yoga and other practices (such as Transcendental Meditation), the entities which lurk within the God Impersonator archetypes of the Hindu pantheon have really diversified their banquet table opportunities over the past half-century. Despite all the happy-happy joy-joying that goes into the worship practices surrounding these false idols, the written accounts of their activities reveal creatures of an extremely psychopathic bent. In Kali’s case, an attempt is made to minimize her murderous ways by painting her as a God(dess) of both creation and destruction – which trickles down through socio-cultural filters until it emerges in Western “imaginings” as a ‘get out of jail free’ card for women who wish to fully indulge their Kali-entity’s whispered urgings with regards to furiously-unconscious behaviour. Krishna is a garden-variety “Mad King” archetype who thinks nothing of chopping off heads before asking questions, yet is somehow “enlightened”…again, this is all blithely passed off as an “expression” of life’s many shades of unfolding expression. And people wonder why India still suffers under the yoke of a brutally-imposed caste system?
* Abraham:
The Godfather of the three heads of Western Monotheism, and the poster boy for following the murderous voices in your head (“God ordered me to do it!”). The Abrahamic brand has recently been revitalized via the solipsistic-materialist stylings of Esther and Jerry Hicks, a ‘channeled’ – or perhaps ‘suggested’? – masterpiece of misdirection that was packaged into “The Secret” (to getting all the shit that you’ve been programmed to crave) and sold to people who were completely unaware of the difference between what authentically “felt good” and what “felt good” to the dark passenger(s) they were carrying inside themselves.
* Buddha:
Buddha is a great lesson on how humanity operates when it comes to self-ownership and the pathological need to divest personal authority and project it onto something/someone else. A fantastic archetype for entities to use as a Trojan Horse because of the highly-favorable PR which Buddhism has received in the West, despite plenty of examples of horrendous/murderous behavior perpetuated by Buddhist sects down through the ages (to say nothing of the Dalai Lama’s ties to the CIA).
* Thoth:
The neo-spiritual hipster favorite, supposed bringer of knowledge and wisdom, Annunaki royalty, funky Egyptian man-beast hybrid deity (ie., genetic modification allegory )… Thoth (and his infamous emerald tablets) is a rising stock in the invocation-entrapment game. Gets a free pass because he’s Enki’s son, and Enki is supposedly the “good guy” from King Anu’s clan of off-world manipulators…the fact that Enki is the Annunaki’s chief scientist – and therefore, chief perpetrator of humanity being systematically stripped of their inherent physiological gifts and turned into literal slaves – seems to slip the minds of today’s fashionably-beholden set. Thoth is the classic CoIntelPro demonic frequency, offering up morsels of insight in exchange for soul agreements and energy harvesting – was Satan before Satan was cool.
* God (Yahweh, Allah, etc. ):
The Monopolistic Monotheist Mammoth has trampled everything in its path over the past five thousand years, but in reality, there’s plenty of prophets, angels, virgin mothers, and other secondary characters who manage to soak up some of that sweet ‘relinquishing of personal autonomy’ loosh which worshipers emit from their prostrated positions.
With that being said, the hyperdimensional being who holds the naming rights to this word is an extremely well-fed creature – in fact, “God” could be included in this list strictly on the grounds that the name is invoked on a constant basis during moments of emotional shift, most notably in the midst of sexual interactions.* Ascended Masters:
From Quan Yin to Saint Germain, these neo-spiritual facades for entrapment and energetic transference have a strong market share amongst the “bells and smells” set – especially given the ascendancy of ‘master/guru’ hierarchical Eastern programming in post-modern society. Much like the saints of Catholicism’s charade, there’s an ascended master for every occasion – the entities that “heed the call” will be certain to take the necessary steps to ensure that the issue which seeks resolution will only get worse (or perhaps be given the appearance of being solved, only to pop up again under different circumstances).
The multicultural make-up of Ascended Master puppetry is also very appealing to privileged Western “seekers”, and it gives entities the opportunity to practice ‘open border’ occupation without having to re-label the vampiric vehicle.
* Angels / Archangels (Michael/Gabriel/Metatron)
Readers will no doubt have heard of Metatron (gatekeeper to the Akashic records, attempted thief of a geometric form), but really, if you grew up in Western society – especially if your family celebrated Christmas – there was no escaping the winged messengers of heaven.
The roots of the “angelic” iconography – their historical eytmology, if you will – is a fascinating look into how an original deception is hardened (over time and through repetition) into socio-cultural perception… here is Robert Lawlor breaking down the emergence of the Angel archetype (note: the context of this piece involves an examination of inter-species – human and Annunaki – cross-breeding rituals, as described by various texts down through the ages):
“The active participants are younger soldiers who in turn donate the warrior sperm into clay vessels (the Grail cup) held by the third participants, youthful eunuchs wearing feather wings. It was specifically this Annunaki ritual as those descended from the heaven that initiated the winged angel symbol that has found so many poetic and religious utilizations. To the sectarian Gnostics of the Dead Sea Scrolls, these ritual association and the entire Annunaki presence metaphored as the evil angels.In the original insemination rituals, the angels would then deliver the seed to the wombs by kneeling at the feet of the women and fertilize them by blowing spermatozoa through a papyrus reed into the Virgin Mother-to-be. There are a number of very fine Italian Renaissance paintings of the Blessed Virgin Mary receiving the annunciation of her approaching impregnation. A youthful male angel kneels at her feet informing her of Gods will for her to give birth to his son. There is a Gnostic teaching that specifies Jesus as an Archon.
An Egyptian wall relic portrays the Great Mother assuming her position on the ritual birthing seat with her legs propped up. It seems the entire lineage of the great Virgin Mother goddesses was at some stage associated with these Annunaki rites of Virginal propagation.”“Hark, the Herald Angels Sing /Glory to – the New-Born King” takes on a whole new (literal) meaning, doesn’t it?
* “Christ Consciousness”/Sananda
As described earlier in this piece, Jesus Christ has been amongst the most successful PsyOp con jobs in religious/quasi-religious his-story: the “Prince of Peace” who just so happens to “bring a sword” in service to upholding the genocidal/tyrannical agenda of his ‘Dad’.
Much like “mix-and-match”/”pick and choose” Christians, New Agers who subscribe to the ‘Christ Consciousness’ racket always attempt to distance their East-meets-West remix of the Nazarene from the ‘official narrative’. And that’s precisely how the entity/entities which feed off the worship of this archetype like it: allowing the rubes to think that they have stripped their devotion of its connection to the blood-soaked brutality committed in Christ’s name…it’s a feast for them either way.The tone of this piece may come across to some (especially those whose practices/beliefs were directly challenged by the content) as absolutist…and for those of you reading who are just starting out on their conscious awareness journey, I certainly advise abstinence from personally-involving yourselves in any invitation/invocation.
“These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods they have created in the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow.
The word Appearances refers to the forms they take in order to rule the world, forms often false and always incarnating falsehood, sometimes pseudo-divine.
Often, representing themselves as divine powers, they mislead, give erring suggestions and impulsions and pervert the inner life.
One comes inevitably into contact with the vital plane and enters into it in the expansion of consciousness which results from an inner opening, but one ought never to put oneself into the hands of these beings and forces or allow oneself to be led by their suggestions and impulsions. This is one of the chief dangers of the spiritual life and to be on ones guard against it is a necessity for the seeker if he wishes to arrive at his goal.”
~ Sri Aurobindo. And what of those whom have put in many miles down many rabbit holes and feel that they have a strong footing when it comes navigating the nether, etheric, astral and other realms/dimensions of manifest creation? The lure of wanting to know more, to experience more, to peer behind more doorways is a source of great vitality but also great vulnerability…a weakness that can be latched on to by the unimaginative (but extremely persistent and perceptive) parasites from ‘beyond’.
Individuals are best advised to rely upon the innate power and vastness that lies at the benevolent heart (in the heart) of their sentient sovereign eternal self – an event horizon of limitless potential which exists beyond the reach of the manipulation… to do otherwise is to open oneself up to some very uninvited guests.
Blog Posts about the above article:Tom Leaver Lorne Sprigg Great overview of the New Age Religion and the dangers from a metaphysical perspective, as well as some of the pseudonyms we have been exposed to over the years….
Jai Daemion With your usual great aplomb and dazzling symphonies of Word, Tim, you *almost* make strong case here for letting go of programmed belief in this dogma or that, in this fantastic formulation of holiness or that – and it is a powerful and useful reference manual on the shortcomings of many disparate traditions and ‘pathways.’ ///
However there is a constant recurrence of your own, superimposed dogma that everything which lies behind (energetically or evolutionarily) the archetypes, constructs, systems and symbologies that you so ruthlessly (and rightfully, I feel) attack, has its functional etiology in a need to delude and denature, to vamipirically weaken and confuse the ‘true believers’ and the hucksters alike. /// One must wonder where the motivating force, consciousness or directive which you feel governs these masquerading pseudo-deities and ideological Sirens might come from. ///
And why, given the vast range of self- and cultural delusions over which you see them presiding, is it not – if what you say is ‘true – absolutely essential to name and reveal these meta-players who are (apparently) using extraordinary skill, artistry and subtlety to dupe human ‘followers,’ chelas, seekers (and wankers alike)? /// And to disarm them through exposure so that they can be reintegrated in to a singularity of consciousness which is confluent with the infinite consciousness – the oneness – which is the birth-right heritage of any sentient being? /// That is, if our ‘best and brightest’ are being consistently and continually toyed with on what we regard as our ‘highest levels’ of spiritual/cognitive/conative/afferent awareness, and if you purport to know what this agent is – who/what/how it acts, does that not immediately become the most important knowledge quest of all? ///
And how are you content to label all the follies arrayed beneath your implicitly superior meta-view without feeling or acknowledging a responsibility to reveal this agent of obstruction for us all? /// I have long studied the enigmas of human foibles in the areas you (and those whom you have quoted) described so well, above, and have come to account for virtually all of these ‘pleasing fantasies’ in terms of the interconnection of culture, fear and limitations of mind and vision. You posit some over-arching malevolent presence. ///
How is this not to seem to be simply your own ‘spiritual’ fantasy created to account for your ability to ‘see through’ traditionally conformist pseudo-spiritual positions, and your understandable frustration at the limitations you apparently see in others’ – all others’ – variously configured paradigms? /// And is your willingness to strip the majority of spiritual delusions of their self-deception, without attempting to do so with your own, a cop out or are you actually the holder of some ‘secret lore’ which you will perhaps reveal in a brilliant new series of expensive workshops? /// Perhaps even offering certification as a ‘Beyond the Bullshit’ Master? ///
I realise that it is a symptom of the young and brilliant mind that it points to all the failures it sees around it without (perhaps yet) having *real answers* or *grounded solutions* to the problems it cannot help but see. No blame. I am excited to see/feel your own brilliance coming into focus over a very few years of the slightest contact. /// But back to the chase… c’mon Tim… I, for one, wouldn’t mind ‘taking on’ knowledge of these grand tricksters? What are you alluding to with such melodramatic hints of secrecy? /// And BTW, thanks for the magnificent barrage against all the *other* trickery and delusion which masquerades as ‘spiritual’ in the sheltered workshop of our religious/New Age/fundamentalist consciousness environments! Bravo!
Tia Carr
I take it you’ve never been to Template Ceremonies? The body knows and inherent in that understanding is the comprehension that the current charade is just a watering hole on the way to evolving your own (and each one must work to accomplish that individually, though there will come a tipping point of course) sovereignty. It was never about the outer projections was it. Intellect is wildly seductive..but only the heart work will bring salve ation. We are the technology. We just haven’t unwrapped the package yet. To ask for qualification who the baddies won’t provide the unassailable truth most people require to have them shift their ‘belief’ system. it’s a fools errand.August 23, 2016 at 12:48 pm #46828rideforever
ParticipantI read the Gospel of Mark recently, the first gospel I ever read. I was very surprised to find Jesus’s story was actually quite simple.
His short journey was beset on all sides by people trying to either kill him, ridicule him or use him. Including his disciples who he found arguing over stupid things.
To the Jewish teachers established in that area he told them that their ceremonies and words, burnt offerings and sacrifices, had come to mean absolutely nothing. They were just repeated mechanically.
So, as you see, all the points in this article … 2000 years ago. By Jesus of Nazareth.
And now his very words are used against him.
Jesus said that “I come not to do away with the law but complete it” … and this article says that this is a demonic statement.
!!! Wow that is really crazy, I think there is just too much violence on tv these days.
Actually I suggest everyone reads or listens to the Gospel of Mark, it is only 90mins on youtube.
It is a simple story. Nothing demonic. In fact Jesus is a bit pissed off with all the idiots around him. The Jewish priests are very worried about him because he walked into a temple where they had some money-changers and threw their tables to the ground. They didn’t like that. He told them that their preaching was all garbage and that the only real commandment is to love God with all your heart and soul. And to love your neighbour as yourself.
That’s it.
Wow, to find something demonic in what Jesus says is truly strange. But like I said too much violence on tv these days.
Yes Christianity has hurt many people, it is corrupted. But as Jesus pointed out a very long time ago, it was corrupt before it even was established.
Because men are corrupt. Few can control themselves, few can do anything at all that is sincere and honest and free of negativity.
Everything rusts on this planet. Every body every structure every idea. Look at medicine, politics, art and science. All rusted now.
Men are low creatures. Because they are blind they mix dark and light together. And soon destroy everything.
It will never end.
To get out is possible but not easy.
September 9, 2016 at 8:17 pm #46830russelln
Participantinteresting. It is similar with the secular religion of power, money and world dominance looming even larger; see article ‘In time, this world will be China’s’ below. Disintegration of western democracies into tribalism and interest groups with no strong centre helps move it along. US needs a new constitution and electoral system pronto. Same down under and elsewhere. Centralised power can be managed by checks and balances while getting advantages of unification. Presidents and the like can be given ceremonial duties but not executive powers. It would not be difficult to draw up a new constitution.
‘In time, this world will be China’s’: business anticipates profound power shift
Philip Wen
Published: September 10, 2016 – 12:15AMIt was in the pursuit for answers from Ye Cheng, the Chinese billionaire behind the contentious Landbridge Group acquisition of the Port of Darwin, that I found myself being bailed up instead by his two brothers, several wines deep into a carousing official banquet on a brisk December night.
I had convinced then Northern Territory chief minister Adam Giles’ minders to allow me to join their delegation touring Landbridge’s bustling port in the north-eastern city of Rizhao. But our Chinese hosts knew I was a journalist from Australia, where inconvenient questions were being asked of Landbridge’s links to the People’s Liberation Army.
One of the Ye brothers draped his arm firmly around my shoulder and beckoned for the waiters to refill our glasses. Only after we quaffed four wines in quick succession was he satisfied that he could relax his grip.
The other brother, a stockier man with an altogether calmer disposition, looked squarely at me and said, matter-of-factly: “In time, this world will be China’s.”
Sentiment in this vein is becoming increasingly pronounced here. Property tycoon Wang Jianlin, the country’s richest man, says China should have the final say in global affairs and is now directing his energy to “change the world where rules are set by foreigners”. Olympic swimmer Sun Yang responded to being labelled a drug cheat during the Rio Olympics by defiantly proclaiming he represented the “new world”.
Even a Chinese official, faced with protests from White House staff over security protocol as Barack Obama touched down at last week’s G20 summit in Hangzhou, knew to stand his ground. “This is our country! This is our airport, OK?” he said, an exchange that soon went viral.
The surge in pride and confidence is natural, particularly among the younger generation in well-off cities who have only known a fast-developing, increasingly wealthy China awash with opportunity.
In President Xi Jinping China has a leader who, as the son of a Communist Party revolutionary hero, sees it as his destiny to ensure the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”.
This includes a military build-up and an assertive foreign policy it sees as befitting a global superpower. China’s program of reclaiming and militarising islands in the South China Sea is a strategic stepping stone for military supremacy in its own backyard provoked, in no small part, by the Obama administration’s signature pivot back to Asia, seen in Beijing as a naked ploy to contain China’s rightful rise.
Elsewhere, the People’s Republic is using its economic clout to rebalance the global order. Fed up with US and Japanese dominance in the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, it countered with the launch of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and savoured the sight of one US ally after the other including Australia opting in.
It has aggressively courted other major developing economies, and championed the New Development Bank established by the BRICS countries. Its hold over south-east Asia is already so strong that ASEAN member states have failed to agree on a united stance against Beijing on the South China Sea question. Xi’s signature “One Belt One Road” initiative, meanwhile, aims to reshape geopolitics across central Asia, south Asia, the Middle East and beyond through infrastructure development and trade.
In Australia, China’s short-term game is to buy the government’s silence on the South China Sea, making it clear there would be ramifications if it were to follow the US lead and send warships on freedom of navigation missions in the disputed waters. In the longer run, it aims to see Australia edge away from its trilateral strategic partnership with the US and Japan.
It is in this context that, as ABC political editor Chris Uhlmann reports, Australia’s domestic spy chief Duncan Lewis warned of the national security risks posed by political donors acting on behalf of the Chinese government. It is also why Labor senator Sam Dastyari’s poor judgment in accepting payment for legal and travel bills and then pledging support for China’s stance on the South China Sea proved so damaging to his career.
The concern within intelligence agencies over growing Chinese influence in Australia spans donations to politicians and universities, urging community groups to press Beijing’s cause, increasing control over Chinese-language media and buying space in mainstream media all of which have been documented by Fairfax Media in recent months.
Over in Darwin, the Giles government is likely to be remembered for scandal and dysfunction.
But it will have another legacy. Following the Port of Darwin sale and the ensuing furore the federal government tightened its foreign investment review regime to cover all key infrastructure including airports, ports and electricity networks, whether the bidder is private or state-owned. In a shake-up of the Foreign Investment Review Board former ASIO chief David Irvine was appointed to strengthen oversight. Rejections of Chinese bids for cattle company Kidman & Co and electricity network Ausgrid followed.
Suggestions that the focus on Chinese-linked investment or donations is disproportionate, xenophobic or worse are off the mark. No other country has both the resources and ambition to reshape Australia from within.
Awareness is the key. And the revelations of the past two weeks are sure to have focused the attention of our parliamentarians, from the Prime Minister down to Labor’s “junior senator”.
Philip Wen is China correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.
This story was found at: http://www.theage.com.au/world/in-time-this-world-will-be-chinas-business-anticipates-profound-power-shift-20160909-grcgas.html
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