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- This topic has 46 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by
May 6, 2005 at 11:03 am #5363
ParticipantSince none of you people are ordinary people it’s ok to talk to all of you on non-normal things.
taoism believes in that ying-yang and pangu stuff, while the budda school believes in there being multiple universes all of which were destroyed because of the level humans had reached. i personally believe that the budda school is correct because the stuff of taoism( by the way taoism has nothing to do with the tao school and buddhism has nothing to do with the budda school) doesn’t even seem to come close to fully describing anything nor does it really fully explain things of higher levels. i’m not talking bout being able to communicate with things like rocks and planets, or about shen and original substances.
it’s just that what healingtaousa teaches based on what i have studied doesn’t recquire strict improvement of the mind nature ( xing xing )
i only hear mr winn and mr chia making references to books like the tao te ching and the book of balance and harmony, but none of them actually stress the importance of the mind nature.
how can one ascend in cultivation if he/she doesn’t improve his/her mind as well as transform his/her body?
based on what i know, when someone really wants to cultivate, their lives will be in danger immediately since they have to pay for all the bad things they’ve done( laws of cause and effect ) and the cultivation is one’s own business while the evolution of the cultivation energy is done by one’s master.but most masters are afraid to really teach things of high levels since they are unable to protect their students since they themselves may not have cultivated up to a high level.
i didn’t go past the lesser kan and li , but since in those audio tapes i haven’t heard anything like enduring tribulations, can that possible mean that winn or chia are keeping the real stuff to those who posess extermely high virtues and teaching in public things which will lead to becoming an immortal but things of lower levels to get there?May 6, 2005 at 11:53 am #5364dotdotdot
Participanthigher virtues? refined mind?
there is a traditional saying, where the mind goes the body follows… I think I could be said the other way around– either way it would lead to the same place… ?
May 6, 2005 at 12:01 pm #5366asclepius
ParticipantA couple of points that come to mind…
>doesn’t even seem to come close to fully describing anything nor
>does it really fully explain things of higher levelsHere’s the thing… does your life change when you are given these kinds of high level road maps? Is your practice improved? Do you love more? Do you laugh more? If so, that’s awesome!
I actually prefer that the HT doesnt do this. Yeah, some of the road map is laid out even in the beginning, but if I can’t experientially differentiate something as fundamental as early heaven and later heaven energy, it doesn’t help me a whole lot to have information I can’t apply for things even further down the road. I cant even begin to figure out how knowledge of multiple destroyed universes helps me deal with the pile of crap I have to work on right here.
I try to ask myself when i read a book, how does this help me take my next step? Can I use this right now?
>based on what i know, when someone really wants to cultivate,
>their lives will be in danger immediately since they have to pay
>for all the bad things they’ve done( laws of cause and effect )Is it that your life in put immediate danger, or is the ego merely not prepared to revisit memories and emotions that might not feel so pleasant? If you have the audio tapes, it might not be a bad idea to review the Fusion 1 material.
My experience was that indeed, it was highly uncomfortable for a few months after I sincerely began working with fundamental practices, but at no time was my life in danger. I was in danger of feeling what I had expended vast amounts of energy running from, in danger of changing. So far, change is mostly just uncomfortable. 🙂
May 6, 2005 at 12:12 pm #5368oldh
ParticipantFaceless Image
You speak as though as you have already proved all the knowledge for yourself. How far are you actually in your development?
I was in contact with Falun Gong some time ago & have to say that I have high difficulties just handing me over to Master Li without knowing what is going on. I have not had the experiences with his “Qi Gong” as you describe for youself, like being “set on fire”. Actually I never really understood why that “system” needs any “QiGong”-form at all if it is all done by the Falun anyway. Any idea?
I do not say that what Master Li says is wrong. Who am I to judge. I have no insights to all this… and according to him that is low enlightenment quality.
So be it. So: I have little enlightenment quality to see Falun’s coming down from heaven, have poor enlightenment quality to believe what he says…
but do you have enough enlightenment quality as to know for sure that what he says is true?
Ì don’t mean to be nasty to you here, I just would better follow Master Li’s what putting in front of what you say that that is what Master Li says instead of making it you own unless you have really proved it for yourself…
in peace
May 6, 2005 at 1:39 pm #5370FacelessMage
ParticipantThe falun never stops rotating and collecting energy and transforming virtue nito gong.
however, based on what mr li said, it is not neceaasry to do the chi kung forms as long as you consider yourself a student of falun dafa and maintain a high xing xing ( mind nature ). but the exerciese serve to strengthen your gong potency and if you don’t do them it might take much longer for you to ascend in cultivation.May 6, 2005 at 1:45 pm #5372FacelessMage
Participantwhat are you talking about? i’m not allowed to say what master li says without quoting him. and the practices only serve to strengthen your gong so it is not necessary to do is as falun never stops rotating, you just will take longer to reach consumation. but it is ok if you don’t do the practices as long as you watch your xing xing ( mind nature ) and always consider yourself a practitioner of falun gong.( from mr li’s book zhuan falun, not exactly as stated but i haven’t left out anything in relation to the question )
May 6, 2005 at 1:47 pm #5374FacelessMage
Participantwasn’t that ancient saying supposed to be
” the chi flows where the mind goes” ????May 6, 2005 at 2:04 pm #5376FacelessMage
i wasn’t trying to speak as if i’ve proved all the knowledge myself. i just don’t forget most things and regard cultivation as the most important thing in my life and am very dedicated but not attached to it.
now i’m an x-daoist ( HT adept )
and now a practitioner of falun gong
i only started practicing it 3 days ago
and i’m not lying when i say this, but when i did the falun heavelny circuit and moved the hands over my head it feels as if heat is being generated back there, and we have to to those movements nine times. also mr li said he planted energy mechanisms in us. i believe i have felt it while doing the exercise called strengthening the divine powers. it felt as if something was pushing my hand in the position it was supposed to be in while doing the practices, and i could tell you that this wasn’t my subconcious doing this since i was aware of what was happening around me.
also after doing the exerciese since i started 4 days ago, it feels as if heat literally is circultaing through me, first from the jade pillow, then to the sides of my neck, then arms by the elbows on the outside, then below my jaw, then under my feet, then on my chest. and it the sensation i am getting right this moment feels as if pepper was rubbed on my skin or acid that would burn but wouldn’t dissolve anything were puured on me. and also along with the mind nature recquirement of truthfullness, compassion and forebearance, i feel myself closer to the budda c=schools’a emptiness and the tao school’s nothingness. most of the attachments and thing s centered arounf personal gain and happiness i have already let go of. it’s like upon realizing that i have to imporve my mind that i suddenly started trying my best to elliminate all attachments without making doing so an attachment. for example, just last yesterday i suddenly having all these weird thoughts like killing people by torturing them with supernatural powers, about becoming like dragon ball z characters and flying around, about being impatient all the time, about lust for girls, about hating ordinary people in general and other negative things. but upon remembering that i cultivate the great law i can’t have those kind of thoughts, i instantly let go of them. when i woke up, which would be today, i’ve for most part of the day been in the state of active non doing with a clear mind. i believe you daoist call it pooh way ( wu wei )
welll what do you think about all this ? i am only 18 years old )May 6, 2005 at 9:25 pm #5378MatthewQi
Participantyou are faceless because you have not come into your own “face” you are still seeking this out and will listen to many about these deep experiences, especially those who appear powerful. You are young. Look at what you say and reflect on it. Things like “I am not allowed to say what Master says without directly qouting him” or something about planting energy mechanisms in you.
You give everything away to this Master and these things he has created and claims to have the say on. The issue I see with this is that you are not being taught to find these things independant of coming from someone else or based on what someone else is telling you. A true Master will help you to develop your OWN realtionship with that which is as opposed to developing dependence on them / worship of them or their system.
That is what is coming to me from the two posts I read of yours and your continous need to post about Falun.
Take it or leave it 🙂
Inner Peace,
May 6, 2005 at 9:28 pm #5380MatthewQi
May 7, 2005 at 1:20 am #5382DYNAMITE MUD
Youre ahead of me. Started FALUN GONG training this morning for the first time in my life and went into a meditative state spontaneously just by doing the form for the first time. It was great! Early heaven shen just came rushing in spontaneously and my cauldron expanded to cover the whole universe. Then a purple pearl materialized and expanded into a purple pakua. What I saw in the center of the pakua scared the shit out of me!!! It was meee – my original face smiling back at me!!!
Peace out!!!!
May 7, 2005 at 1:21 am #5384DYNAMITE MUD
Youre ahead of me. Started FALUN GONG training this morning for the first time in my life and went into a meditative state spontaneously just by doing the form for the first time. It was great! Early heaven shen just came rushing in spontaneously and my cauldron expanded to cover the whole universe. Then a purple pearl materialized and expanded into a purple pakua. What I saw in the center of the pakua scared the shit out of me!!! It was meee – my original face smiling back at me!!!
Peace out!!!!
May 7, 2005 at 3:30 am #5386oldh
ParticipantWell Matthew. As far as I understand Michael from what he has said so far, it will develop on its own with practices like the Inner Smile… I might be wrong though….
May 7, 2005 at 3:33 am #5388oldh
Participantyou must have been doing it wrong!!! Would I still be a Falun Gong practitioner I’d probably say: Ahhhh. You just experience this as you’ve practiced other stuff before that has to get completely cleared…
take care
May 7, 2005 at 4:29 am #5390DYNAMITE MUD
I forgot to mention that I was an X-HT adept too!! I nearly got a Master Certificate from Mantak Chia but later decided against the idea as this certificate was discouraged by Michael Winn!! Ive also done about 10 years of Indian Yoga and Sharmanic practices. It must be the FALUN GONG form that was so powerful that it spontaneously activated some old shen memories from early heaven. Shen also carries memories of past lives from my experience!!!!!
BTW, this morning was the first time I do the form in my life and actually I did it again just now and the same thing happened again but instead of the pakua I saw a rotating FALUN inside my belly. In the middle of the FALUN I thought I saw Master Li this time. It looks like him though.
Peace out!!!!!!!!!!
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