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singing ocean.
November 23, 2005 at 6:49 am #8558
Michael Winn
Keymaster>That point of meeting between the formless pyramd above and the form pyramid below it is a broadcast point for the entire planet. Something I discovered quite by accident, 11 years before my atlantean teacher explained it to me, and showed me how to activate these two pyramids in order to stabilize the neutral point between them.
>Does it involve spining them in certain directions with speeds of a certain Golden mean ratio?
Yes. But the Taoist kan and li inversion of the vesica piscis does the same – the golden spiral is a spin function of the balanced interaction of primal fire/water.
I have integrated the two methods – Taoist and Atlantean – in the Planetary and Soul Alchemy course (Greatest Kan & Li).
Of course, if you get stuck on the geometric/mental level you will never penetrate the Primordial Mysteries. Sacred Geometry is all just yin-yang and five phase form manifestations of the music of the spheres. Sacred Geometry without the Music is pretty, and fascinating, but doesn’t transport the soul to its source. It offers a nice map and a remiinder though.
Lots of heavy clues to this work in my online article on Daoist Energy Body as Musical Instrument: I Ching, Magic Squares, and Planetary Tones.
About cessation of breath: It is one purpose of Embryonic Breathing, or the microcosmic orbit. But I’ve found practitioners who pursue cessation of breathing tend to avoid fulfilling their worldly destiny. Trick is to master both simultaneously.
mNovember 23, 2005 at 7:05 am #8560Pietro
ParticipantAs every high school student knows,
if we are speaking of platonic solids, that is solid where all the size are equal among them, then if you cut a octahedron in its two pyramids, and invert the pyramid so that the two tips point to each other you do indeed get a framework for a cuboid (a rectangular parallelepiped). But the height is not the same as the base. In fact if the base size is 1, the height will be square root of 2: about 1.4142…Of course each platonic solid have a dual platonic solid. And the dual of an octedron is indeed a cube. To build the dual of the octahedron you need to take a plane that is tangent to each vertex and perpendicular. Those 6 planes (6 vertex had the octedron) will cut each other, and define a prism in space. This prism is indeed a cube with side equal to square root of 2.
Now you might be curious to say, well, if the side is exactly square root of 2 what if I now invert the pyramid inside this cube. What do I get. And you get that the two inverted pyramids fit perfectly the height. While on the base (and the top since the inverted pyramid is symmetric), the vertex of the pyramid will touch the side of the cube if (and only if) the cube is moved of 45 degrees. In other words if your pyramid has the sides pointing toward north, south, east and west, the cube will have the vertex pointing north south east and west. Take a square. Now take the pints half way on each side, and connect them so that you get another square, inside the first one, tilted of 45 degrees. The first square will be the base for your cube and the second the base of your pyramid.
Said this I will not enter in the deep spiritual meaning of this basic maths, and I leave to M&M (Max and Michael) to guide you through it. But my mathemathical soul _rebels_ at the idea that you can cut an octhaedron, invert it, and get the framework of a cube. A cuboid, not a cube, a cuboid.
November 23, 2005 at 7:31 am #8562Michael Winn
KeymasterThanks Pietro,
that was lovely. I appreciate the precision and clarity of your soul.I am thinking of forming a Squre Root of 2 Club, and you will be the first cuboid to receive an invite to join. Our mission: explore the root of 2-ness,, polarity. 🙂
And I wasn’t speaking mathematically, but of cube (or the infinite varieties of cuboid) as representing Earth, and unspoken – infinite sizes of spheres as Heaven. But its takes hyperdimensional counterforce pyramidal spins to actually experience the cube and sphere morph into each other via toruses…. that is a real soul orgasm.
mNovember 23, 2005 at 7:55 am #8564Michael Winn
I am not offended by Max’s remarks – the point of the forum is to stimulate discussion.My delay in putting out this material is because I feel its more important to put out the more grounded Taoist material. I am just not that concerned about feeding peoples need for head info, and further inflating their mental body. Once I am finished redoing my website, some of it will come out. My webmaster has privacy protection software. But mostly, it will be integrated into the full body-mind-soul training, live or homestudy courses.
Lots of people have been channeling in the atlantean sciences, but they usually get into problems with grounding. This is what I believe happened with the Merkaba Flower of Life folks. Their tetrahedonal spining was pure fire, and impossible to control.
The octahedronal spinning of the atlanteans used tetrahedronal shapes integrated with the double pyramids, but I haven’t seen anyone channel that one in yet.m
November 23, 2005 at 8:14 am #8566Pietro
November 23, 2005 at 12:04 pm #8568pema
ParticipantI have been interested in how the sacred geometric forms map onto the body and correlate with channels.
I have seen a number of practitioners get into the abstract aspects of sacred geometry and number, and have no way to ground these dimensions into their bodies/substance. One can skillfully work the mental plane to effect alchemical change, but it has to make it down to substance. From my experience, one can dissociate, or create a temporary split to explore higher realms (higher geometries), but one has to conciously bring those energies back for integration, or even better have a continuous system that bridges the realms. Firey approaches to launch into the higher realms can bring some flashy results quickly, but in the long run can burn out the jing or create gaps in one’s being that leads to illness, be it psychological or physical. I have seen both.
These methods have their place, but I posit that it is when there is also a system to integrate the various levels into a functional whole. I have met a number of top heavy fire types with ridiculous siddhis that attract followers based on their charisma and abilities, but at the same time have hidden co-dependencies with their students that manifest as power struggles, financial squabbles, sexual exploitation, or in other words: trying to draw and control from the exterior those aspects that the teachers are deficient in themselves.
Well, please pardon my aside. Back to the question. How do the eight trigrams of the bagua correlate to the cube, and how do the eight trigrams correlate to the eight extraordinary vessels?
In the Taoist systems is their a geometry of ten that would bridge the gap between 8 and 12. Most of my sacred geometry training has come from the Western tradition in which various geometrical shapes correlate with various planets, zodiac signs, or paths on the tree of life. These can be correlated to various shapes of the earth grid, etc.
Also I have found many of the gemetries to feel a bit rigid and have wondered if there are methods that bring a more vital/organic nature. Perhaps one that includes odd numbers, imaginary numbers, or as someone posted earlier, spirals (the yin/yang mathmatical derivation.) I suppose movement and spin brings that element. I am curious. This is not my area of specialty. Here is an interesting link to a Western version of the cube of space mentioned in one of the above posts about Western alchemy:
November 23, 2005 at 5:41 pm #8570wendy
ParticipantBefore this thread started I found my energy body in a multi dimensional star shape, I didn’t count the points, the experience was too nice to occupy myself with the reasons or the shape. But it could be a 10 or 12 pointed star having red and blue colors.
No cubes, no pyramids but a spontaneous star shaped body. Really nice, probably more female geometry 🙂November 23, 2005 at 7:33 pm #8572TomBrad
ParticipantHi Max, you wrote :
“There is so much information not yet discovered or hidden about the pyramids of Egypt. All of it deeply connected with most of the other sacred locations around the world and the underground cities deep below. ”I’m intrigued by your reference to underground cities. Could you elaborate some more about that please?
November 24, 2005 at 12:20 am #8574Max
ParticipantThe octahedronal spinning of the atlanteans used tetrahedronal shapes integrated with the double pyramids, but I haven’t seen anyone channel that one in yet.
Flower of Life organization and Drunvalo teach that. Sacred Merkaba organization and Gary Smith used to teach well beyound octahedron all the way up to stellar metaforms. I don’t know what they are teaching now.
November 24, 2005 at 12:44 am #8576Max
ParticipantAbout cessation of breath: It is one purpose of Embryonic Breathing, or the microcosmic orbit. But I’ve found practitioners who pursue cessation of breathing tend to avoid fulfilling their worldly destiny. Trick is to master both simultaneously.
This idea of ‘fulfilling their worldly destiny’ is a complicated matter. Are you saying that what their doing is not their destiny? Or having a family and so on and so forth is something everyone has to go through?
Just because someone chose to meditate in a cave instead of creating a family doesn’t mean their choice is better or worse then any other choices. It also doesn’t mean they avoid something. After all, if it wasn’t in their destiny, they wouldn’t be doing it, right?
To me, fulfilling your destiny means you follow your internal calling – the inner drive that moves you to do certain things. Not fulfilling your destiny means you marry that girl instead because your mom wanted you to. But that probably also be a part of your destiny…
November 24, 2005 at 12:54 am #8578Max
ParticipantHi Tom,
If you look in Google for ‘hollow earth’ or simular searches like ‘underground cities’ you can find a lot of information.Just a few links:
http://survivalcenter.com/planetx013004.htmlNovember 24, 2005 at 1:26 am #8580Michael Winn
Keymaster>In the Taoist systems is their a geometry of ten that would bridge the gap between 8 and 12.
yes, its called wu xing, five elements/phases. Each has its yin-yang aspect, and they form the Ten Celestial Stems/Rays, the partner to the 12 Terrestrail Branches in the chinese calendar.
mNovember 24, 2005 at 1:45 am #8582Michael Winn
KeymasterFlower of Life has separate shapes for tetrahedrons and octahedrons, not the integrated whole, from what I have seen. Also, no integration with Inner Sound frequencies, making it excessively heady and leading to out of body experiences (yin body, in taoist lingo).
I agree with your comments in general Max about the uselessness of getting dry mental geometries spinning; the problem is connecting it to our personal ground, which includes the issues of virtue/ethics that you rightfully raise.
mNovember 24, 2005 at 1:53 am #8584Michael Winn
KeymasterLet’s not confuse HAVING A LIFE with FULFILLING ONE’S DESTINY.
Just because something happens, doens’t mean it completes one’s destiny.
This notion of destiny implies that one is born incomplete and has to have certain experiences in order to achieve completion. This is popularly described as Karma, or by astrology, althouogh it is much more multi-dimensional than that. It allows for free will, i.e. we have the power to NOT complete our innate patterns. That doesn’t mean its our destiny to RESIST who we are, it means simply that we have resisted who we are, we have not allowed our deep powers to express themself.There is no judgement about this; the incompletion remains for some other soul pattern injected into physicality to complete. But it does imply that some lives serve the whole in its evolution more than others.
mNovember 24, 2005 at 12:59 pm #8586bagua
ParticipantHello Michael:
Is this theory a taoist theory, is there a taoist source that presents that view?
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