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- This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 11 months ago by
April 4, 2005 at 11:58 am #3985
Participantam 45 and really really looking for some technique(s) chi kung or
taoist or…that I can practice that will
strengthen erection energy (or whatever it is called). I can practice
with discipline and resolve but on this site there are many courses materials offered and I am not sure which ones deal specifically with this issue or maybe all?I love my current meditation technique (yogic) which I have been
practicing since I was 14 or so but it doesnt seem to fix that area so
much if at all.i would like to have the enjoyment and the strenghening effect that
taoist sex can offer but because of this lack i really cant practice this
so well.I have good energy sensitivity and can feel energy when I meditate or
even the orbit which I do once in a while but the increase your libido or
potency techniques that I tried from chang’s book and chia’s book really
didnt seem to do much for this problem. maybe i was doing them not quite right..One time I called chia he blew me off pretty quickly with what he said
was the problem and this quick fix and that just never worked for me /and when i do have erections the second part of this practice which is
the retention aspect , well the squeeze the prostate thing doesnt do what
these guys say it will do ..in fact if anything it does the opposite.ie
causes ejaculation not stopping it.I dont want to lose the benefits of my long term spiritual practice -so
once i get the erection thing working properly my next step would be to
develop the controlIt just seems that you are quite advanced in this taoist approach to
these areas (and probably others) that maybe I was hoping you could
direct me to some procedures , exercises, people that could help me
fortify this second chakra area or kidneys or whatever is the root .
whatever you feel you might have a moment to assist with ..I am quite
dedicated and wouldnt waste your time .. but there is just a part of my
life that I
want to enhance . My studies so far havent brought me to the right people
or knowledge.thanks ….
April 4, 2005 at 4:01 pm #3986Trunk
ParticipantIt’s easier to stay healthy, than it is to correct an unhealthy condition.
Could be that qi gong will only give you marginal results, and never really correct your situation. This is not to say that qi gong is not worth trying. Also, that some marginal results in improvement and maintainance could be very worth while.
“Scrotal compression” (described in Chia’s & Winn’s Taoist Secrets of Love book) has been known to, sometimes, increase jing power. .. and has been recommended, I’ve heard, to address this kind of condition.
Dr. Lin uses a somewhat similar method, which he calls “Sexual Chi Kong Breathing” as part of several techniques that he recommends for sexual health and retention. See Lin’s Links, courtesy of Alchemical Taoism.com.
p> well the squeeze the prostate thing doesnt do what these guys say it will do ..in fact if anything it does the opposite.ie causes ejaculation not stopping it. >
This has been commented on before, by others. Again, Lin’s methods address this by focusing more on pulsing-activation of the tissues around the tailbone. See his Anal Breathing method, and related links.
Some other areas of inquiry:
Chinese Herbs. Go see a doctor of chinese medicine, he can diagnose your situation more specifically, and recommend herbs. This could be very helpful to maintain general health in the area over the long term.
The obvious more recent western drugs for e.d. (The western approach, of course, tends to totally ignore factors that the eastern approach would address.)
April 4, 2005 at 5:52 pm #3988peace
Participantthanks for your contribution .
I have ordered Lin’s cd I hope it’s more intelligible than his site .
i am going to try out the scrotal cmpression technique but its not exactly clear to me from chia’s book and I think that’s what has held me up in the past ..
You mentioned a chinese herbalist …do you know of any that are competent ?
thanks againApril 4, 2005 at 6:21 pm #3990spyrelx
ParticipantIt sounds like you have two issues: (1) you have trouble getting hard and (2) when you do get hard you come quickly. (Also, I wonder if you also have the problem of staying hard once you do get an erection?)
Classic daoist solutions to this are (i) seminal retention (don’t come for at least a week or two) and (ii) daily “PC exercises” to strengthen the PC muscles (that is, clenching like you are stopping in the middle of a pee). In a normal person, both of these should, over time, build up sexual energy and make your erections harder. I can not recommend these two things enough. If you are not doing them, I dont think youll get anywhere.
While you’re doing these two things, you should also figure out is if you have a real medical problem. Do you get hard in the mornings when you wake up? And if so, do you stay hard if you then stimulate your penis. If you do and you do, you probably don’t have a medical problem.
If you don’t then it’s worth seeing a doctor to see if he can find something physiologically wrong with you like blocked arteries, enlarged prostate, etc. that might be causing the problem. If so, you should work with whatever advice he gives you.
If it’s not a medical problem along those lines then there are two possibilities. One is psychological, which accounts for probably 90% of impotence. The other is what can best be termed “energetic”.
Don’t give short shrift to the psychological. As men get older they tend to loose some sensitivity/stamina. Also, EVERYONE has sexual issues, particularly ones of performance. You put these two things together and they are potent erection killers. To put it another way, the easiest way for a 45 year old man to loose/not get an erection is to be thinking “I hope I don’t get soft”. This can happen even while masturbating if you are really concerned about it.
Speaking of masturbating, I’d pay some attention to it. While you’re doing your two weeks of PC exercises, find something that REALLY turns you on, pornography for example, or just some sort of fantasy, and really work it into your (non-ejaculatory) masturbation. Be honest and don’t deny yourself what turns you on. Whatever it is (men, women, boys, girls, small animals, etc.) just use it and see if you can have a good, long, rock hard masturbation session. If so, you know you don’t have a problem (at least not an physical one) and that it’s more about psychology and even environment. Assuming you have enjoyable sessions, the masturbation will at least help you get back into a space of “yes, I can get hard like a normal guy”.
Another thing to do if you’re having trouble getting hard even during masturbation is to try it after popping a Viagra. I’m not recommending Viagra as a substitute for a natural approach or something to regularly rely on. I’m just suggesting it to get you back to the head space of “ah yes, I can get hard and enjoy jacking off to a picture of a naked girl” (or whatever). I.e., just to get you back into the head of “horny and fun is a real and doable possibility for me”. If it works with Viagra, wean yourself off of Viagra (e.g., 1st time with a 50 mg pill, next time 1/4 of that, then 1/4 etc.). Your erections might be less quick and hard (Viagra is pretty amazing stuff) but should still be better than youve been having.
Finally the issue of energetics. When your sexual energy is low (i) it tends to be difficult to get an erection, (ii) erections tend to be less hard AND (iii) you tend to come almost immediately. Sound familiar?
The way to fix sexual energy depletion is all the above. I.e. build up energy by not coming and build up the strength of the area by pc exercises. Plus do some masturbation to get back in touch with your own body/sexuality.
Of course, while masturbating be very careful not to come. Back off the second you think you’re getting there, even if you’re penis is flaccid (which it may well be). Then go back. Another trick is if you think you’re going to come, slap your penis, this will confuse the nerves and probably stop the impulse, then go back to rubbing/whatever. The idea is to try to get yourself very hard for at least a little while, and then make those hard periods last longer and longer during your masturbation sessions — all without coming. Depending on your sexual energy level and general physical and emotional health this might not happen the first few times, but if you practice all these things you should get there.
Which leads me to my last point: try not to freak out. Remember that even if you can fuck for an hour, during that hour your penis is going to have periods of rock hardness and almost near flaccidity, depending on a lot of factors that have nothing to do with your health/virility. It’s normal for a penis to change. It’s also fairly normal for 45 year old men to experience some problems in this area. I do believe however that a two or three week course following the above recommendations should work, absent any real medical issue.
Feel free to ask more questions if any of this isn’t clear.
And good luck.April 4, 2005 at 7:05 pm #3992Simon V.
ParticipantYou said you only occasionally do the microcosmic orbit.
I would recommend doing this more often, several times a day, starting and finishing with collecting energy at the lower dantien with deep relaxed breathing; it takes regular practice to really find out its benefits. The orbit promotes recycling of jing, which no physical practice alone can accomplish.
In my opinion this may be more effective for attaining your goals than any specific physical practice (apart from just plain working out, getting in good physical shape, which tends to make anyone healthier and hornier…).
April 4, 2005 at 11:13 pm #3994peace
thanks a lot for all the info here …I will respond to some of your thoughts tomorow …I really appreciate your comments …peaceApril 4, 2005 at 11:21 pm #3996thelerner
ParticipantSpyrelixs post is right on. The only things I might add is if you are going to practice w/ masturbation. A useful and simple exercise is use a 1 to 10 count on your ‘excitablity’. I.E 1 to 3 is pretty flacid, 4 to 6 signs of life, 7 – 8 heating up, 9 close to the point of no return, 10 is losing the game. I’ve found this helps w/ penile control.
Thin blood also helps. Quite a few herbs, literally horny goat weed, guarana, vitamin E, aspirin all thin the blood and make for easier erections.
April 4, 2005 at 11:27 pm #3998peace
Participantthanks, I feel pretty healthy , my diet is good , and do the gym thing although I should probably incorporate some cardio into my workout sessions..
i will give attention to the orbit as it is not a regular part of my routine …if you think that has value with this then I will certainly
work it in …I really do feel that what i want to do here is do-able. its not that i am completely non functional I just need to add more oomph( that’s traditional hermit talk) …its a need to add more energy to that area or kidneys as I have it in the mornings …
as far as the orbit ,I have heard different approaches including starting from the head chakra and bringing it down to the dantien …
if i start lower drawing up is easy but getting it to stay in the dantien and feel like its really landed has been a chore…thogh I cant say I have ever taken 20 minutes aday for a few weeks and obseved the results..simon v, really appreciate yours and everyone’s contribution here..
thanks again
peaceApril 5, 2005 at 10:33 pm #4000Trunk
Participant> I have ordered Lin’s cd I hope it’s more intelligible than his site . >
A lot more, but its still a project.
> i am going to try out the scrotal cmpression technique but its not exactly clear to me from chia’s book and I think that’s what has held me up in the past .. >
I put a little more explaination at the “Lin’s Links” page. Hope that helps.
> You mentioned a chinese herbalist …do you know of any that are competent? >
You mean, in your area? 🙂
.. I’ll leave that for you to navigate. (Not always easy, but I can only do so much.)🙂
Trunkbtw, I think that Plato often has some very useful information, even if his on-board style is sometimes edgey.
April 6, 2005 at 10:39 am #4002peace
ParticipantI will go to lins links and see your input
April 6, 2005 at 10:50 am #4004peace
Participanttrunk could you post the link for your additional info(scrotal compression) posted on Linn’s site i cant find it ,…thanks peace
April 6, 2005 at 2:34 pm #4006Trunk
Participant> could you post the link for your additional info >
The page I was referring to is Lin’s Links.
The additional text on that page is:
As far as number of breaths, amount of pressure.. Moderate pressure (not force), with higher repetitions works best. The idea is to promote circulation, to gradually – by repetition – massage away the tension so that the area is supple. This requires some sensitivity re: how much pressure to apply – so that you are resolving tension, not creating it (nor, worse, forcefully pressing tension blockages deeper into your system).Trunk
April 7, 2005 at 7:45 am #4008rodimus
Is it more beneficial to not even stir the energy/essense at all with masturbation?
I find that if i stir it and then retent it without ejaculation, i will feel the energy get stagnant. THoughts get stagnant, feeling edgy.
I get 4 attainments easily in the morning when i wake up if i dont stir that energy
April 8, 2005 at 12:14 am #4010peace
Participantthat’s neat idea never thought about all those thoughts gathering dust …
p -
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