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August 27, 2017 at 5:56 pm #51122
Michael Winn
KeymasterYou stand a higher chance of being crushed by a vending machine…than killed by a terrorist attack.
By Simon Black – August 27, 2017Via Sovereign Man
There’s something I’ve always found mesmerizing about watching animals in the wild.
They have the most incredible instincts, honed from countless generations of survival against constant threats.
Animals have a keen sense of danger. They know immediately when something doesn’t feel right, and they act on it without hesitation.
I saw an incredible example of this last year when I was visiting a remote wildlife reservation in Zimbabwe.
It was late in the afternoon on a hot summer day, and my friends and I were ensconced in a hidden observation bunker situated on the edge of a water hole.
The animals all began to arrive, one species at a time, to cool off before nightfall. First the elephants. Then Rhinos. Zebras. Giraffes. Baboons.
It was a playful mood; all the animals seemed to be enjoying the water, when without warning, there was a stillness. The gazelles froze. The zebras’ ears perked.
Something wasn’t right. A smell. A sound. Something.
So they got the hell out of there.
We found out later that a ravenous pack of hyenas was on the prowl nearby, so the animals’ instincts were spot-on.
Deep, deeeep down, human beings have the same highly refined instincts.
Our long-lost ancestors struggled against every imaginable danger. And those lessons are hard-coded in our DNA.
We sense threats. We can feel it when something’s wrong.
The difference between our species and animals in the wild, though, is that we humans have way too many external influences that muck it all up.
Case in point: last week was obviously a tough one for anyone with any sense of humanity.
Acts of terrorism are scary.
And hearing about completely innocent people on a popular pedestrian promenade getting mowed down like bowling pins by some madman is definitely going to cause some discomfort.
But down here in Latin America at least, there was ensuring wall-to-wall news coverage for the next several days in a way I hadn’t seen since 9/11.
It’s all we saw. Terrorism. Terrorism. Terrorism.
This really amps up the fear factor for something that is already difficult to stomach.
So it’s easy to understand why I keep hearing people say things like, “We’re living through the most dangerous times in human history.”
It’s easy to lose perspective. But on the balance we have it pretty good.
13th century Europeans faced a far greater threat with the approaching Mongol hoard.
A century later they faced an even more terrible fate with the onset of the Bubonic Plague, which ultimately wiped out around 30% of Europe’s population.
Even in more recent times, the threat of nuclear annihilation between East and West posed a constant threat.
Yes, acts of terrorism are appalling. But taken in historical and mathematical context the danger is actually quite low.
The Cato Institute published some data recently showing that the chances of dying in a terror attack are around 1 in 3 million.
Statistically speaking, you have a better chance of being crushed to death by a vending machine.
But we don’t demand that our governments spend hundreds of billions of dollars that taxpayers cannot possibly afford in order to protect us from vending machines.
That’s because deep down we sense that vending machines don’t truly pose a threat.
But with terrorism our senses are heavily manipulated until we believe that the threat is far greater than what the statistics show.
The real irony is that the manipulation works both ways.
Just as we are manipulated into being terrified of certain risks that pose no real statistical threat, we are manipulated into ignoring other risks that are far more likely.
I would raise financial markets as an obvious example.
The stock market in the United States is at an all-time high, with valuation metrics that have rarely been higher in more than 100 years of data.
Bond markets around the world have literally never been more expensive… EVER.
In order to return to levels that are more in-line with long-term historical averages, stock and bond markets would both have to suffer steep losses.
But instead of encouraging investors to independently assess these financial risks, mainstream media often dismisses such assertions as pessimistic bugaboo.
Or another obvious long-term risk– that Social Security is going to run out of money.
I write about this one frequently. The Social Security Trustees, including the Treasury Secretary of the United States, state very clearly in their annual report that Social Security’s major trust funds “will be depleted in 2034.”
Yet despite the totally predictable, unavoidable, widespread consequences to Americans’ primary source of retirement income, the public is manipulated into ignoring this threat as well.
Instead of the truth, we continue to hear the same tired mantra– “Social Security is just fine,” despite every shred of objective evidence to the contrary.
We’re also told to believe ridiculous axioms like “the US government’s debt doesn’t matter,” even though they have $20+ trillion of it and spend like drunken sailors.
But no. The experts tell us that this is not a risk worth concerning ourselves with. Angry brown people want to kill us. Focus on that instead.
Human beings have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of suffering from a terror attack.
Yet there is currently a 100% chance that Social Security runs out of money in 2034.
Only one of these manages to find its way into the news.
Not to mention, if properly informed, people can actually DO SOMETHING about the latter. There’s plenty of time for intelligent people to prepare.
August 27, 2017 at 11:16 pm #51134rideforever
ParticipantHuman consciousness developed in relation to the outer threats of life, sabre-tooth tigers and mammoths. And this is where we live, inside a security / fear driven consciousness. It is very deeply ingrained and actually people can’t do much about it.
This consciousness has some “free will” inside it, so it can actually be used for other things like meditation, but it is very difficult, and most people don’t realise or comprehend how to do it.
We are confused about our situation because the great activity of human beings gives the impression that there is “someone home”, but for most there is not. We are subconscious like the animals living mechanically according to deep patterns.
Change actually comes from tiny concrete steps, but humans always talk of big stuff – that never materialises. We can stand together on the bus, but the level of consciousness is very very different.
So many sages on this planet began their teaching by warning and encouraging man to wake up, but towards the end of their life accepted that very very few students had understood. Jiddu Krishnamurti for instance said that nobody had understood him after many decades of teaching. There is a warning in there.
For those the only appropriate action is rapid and dedicated self-progress because what really counts for our species is how many people have gone deep, that is how light is brought in to the world, and this light is felt by others in our species.
Many people practice spirituality, but how many do so with real intent? It’s as if they don’t really believe in it.
August 29, 2017 at 11:09 am #51138c_howdy
Participant…human consciousness developed in relation to the outer threats of life, sabre-tooth tigers and mammoths. And this is where we live, inside a security / fear driven consciousness. It is very deeply ingrained and actually people can’t do much about it…
This is not actually true; one must start to look for troubles instead that one unpreparedly meets them.
Also one should be aware that enemies are not only coming from outside.
Sorry for my broken English.
Setsuzoku (J) 殺賊, “Foe Destroyer,” or “Enemy Slayer” Foe Destroyer ‘Arhat’ in Sanskrit. A practitioner who has abandoned all delusions and their seeds by training on the spiritual paths, and who will never again be reborn in samsara. In this context, the term `Foe’ refers to the delusions.
August 29, 2017 at 11:23 am #51139c_howdy
Petty tyranny (or petty authority or petty power) is authority exercised by a leader, usually one unchosen by the led, in a relatively limited or an intimate environment, such as that exercised by a fellow peer of a social group. It is a pejorative term, that carries with it a sense of authority that was gained, or is used, in an unfair or capricious manner.
The art of stalking was introduced to me as a set of procedures and attitudes that enabled one to get the best out of any conceivable situation.
The stalkers are the ones who take the brunt of the daily world. They are the business managers, the ones who deal with people. Everything that has to do with the world of ordinary affairs goes through them. The stalkers are the practitioners of controlled folly, just as the dreamers are the practitioners of dreaming. In other words, controlled folly is the basis for stalking, as dreams are the basis for dreaming. Don Juan said that, generally speaking, a warrior’s greatest accomplishment in the second attention is dreaming, and in the first attention his greatest accomplishment is stalking.August 29, 2017 at 11:42 am #51140c_howdy
ParticipantAugust 29, 2017 at 2:02 pm #51141c_howdy
…this consciousness has some “free will” inside it, so it can actually be used for other things like meditation, but it is very difficult, and most people don’t realise or comprehend how to do it…
This is why it’s so important to become a total egoist.
…also one should be aware that enemies are not only coming from outside…
This was very good notice.
One really must become a foe destroyer in both external and internal sense.
Sorry for my broken English.
94:10.1 (1038.5) In Tibet may be found the strangest association of the Melchizedek teachings combined with Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Christianity. When the Buddhist missionaries entered Tibet, they encountered a state of primitive savagery very similar to that which the early Christian missionaries found among the northern tribes of Europe.
94:10.2 (1038.6) These simple-minded Tibetans would not wholly give up their ancient magic and charms. Examination of the religious ceremonials of present-day Tibetan rituals reveals an overgrown brotherhood of priests with shaven heads who practice an elaborate ritual embracing bells, chants, incense, processionals, rosaries, images, charms, pictures, holy water, gorgeous vestments, and elaborate choirs. They have rigid dogmas and crystallized creeds, mystic rites and special fasts. Their hierarchy embraces monks, nuns, abbots, and the Grand Lama. They pray to angels, saints, a Holy Mother, and the gods. They practice confessions and believe in purgatory. Their monasteries are extensive and their cathedrals magnificent. They keep up an endless repetition of sacred rituals and believe that such ceremonials bestow salvation. Prayers are fastened to a wheel, and with its turning they believe the petitions become efficacious. Among no other people of modern times can be found the observance of so much from so many religions; and it is inevitable that such a cumulative liturgy would become inordinately cumbersome and intolerably burdensome.
94:10.3 (1038.7) The Tibetans have something of all the leading world religions except the simple teachings of the Jesusonian gospel: sonship with God, brotherhood with man, and ever-ascending citizenship in the eternal universe.
Mahavidyas (Great Wisdoms) or Dasha-Mahavidyas are a group of ten aspects of Adi Parashakti in Hinduism. After the decline of Buddhism in India, Sakta and Buddhist goddesses were combined to form this list of ten.
August 29, 2017 at 9:27 pm #51142rideforever
ParticipantWho is there to fight ?
This human society is empty, there is virtually nothing here. It is vacuity and futility as Castenada says. Why bother with it.
“Everyone takes a beating sometime” – Goodfellas
S.A.S practice the “Grey Man” in case of capture.
Leave them to their hell and they will leave you to yours.
Conceal your illumination.
Bide your time and conceal your strength.
Have respect for the functioning of this subconscious realm, whatever the fk it is trying to do, let it do it.
These small understandings should guard you well enough in this world, what more do you need? There is no mastery of the hell realms, only being lost. There is no-one to get anything from, they have nothing.Invest your time in rapid ascension.
Light leads to Light, you can’t wash off the darkness with the dirty water.
Find the Light and throw yourself into it.
Surrender, fully, totally, utterly and with no wish to return or remain outside.But … we are hypnotised by the illusion of this gyrating world.
We see people walking talking building breaking.
It’s so convincing, everyone is so convinced.
But there will be time when you will look closely in those eyes, is anyone in there at all?
And you will see old people and people in pain, and know that they have been empty.
And the suffering is very deep in mankind.
Every teacher has seen this tragedy, this terror, of a people who are drifting in hypnotic sleep.
The know not the hour or the day.
W.T.F is going on here ?
I can only hope people are more unconscious than I think, at least their suffering would not be so great.
Perhaps this is a threshold all beings must cross, witnessing the same tragedy feeling the same struggle.Q : Where are those higher beings and why don’t they save us ?
A : For whatever reason they leave things mostly as it is. Perhaps they intervene here and there but they make no attempt to “save mankind”. What is their perspective ? Perhaps our state is actually very low and unsaveable.We are in danger here.
Perhaps there is no God, but that just makes it more difficult.
Life is real, you have a slim chance, take it or you fall.
Nobody knows why we are here.
But there seems to be a series of rules and order that work, and you can do what it takes and live on after the body perishes.Anyway, how hard is it to live in constant surrender to God ?
Is it actually hard ?
No, not really.
The years of BS and struggling leading up to your surrender are hard.
But to surrender is not very hard at all.How to get the best out of any situation ?
Use it to enter the Light as efficiently as possible.Strangely I don’t get many beings visiting me.
Perhaps they know not to waste their time.August 30, 2017 at 1:42 am #51144c_howdy
Seeing the Buddha pass intostillness, the Bodhisattva was sorely grieved and longed for the Buddha. He then built a pyre of ‘this shore’ chandana incense as an offering to that Buddha’s body, and set it on fire . When the fire had consumed itself, he collected the sharira, made eighty-four thousand jeweled urns and built eighty-four thousand stupas, three worlds in height, adorned with poles, from which hung banners, canopies, and many jeweled bells.
August 30, 2017 at 9:14 am #51145rideforever
ParticipantYesterday I was cycling through the streets in the early morning, Tuesday after a long bank holiday full of the usual noisy drinking, barbecues and unconsciousness on maximum.
As I was cycling along, I could see that my mind was an open sky, pure consciousness, and effortless. To have awoken in this state the day after such a disturbing weekend, that is success.
It has arrived with years of intensive and hard work, faith and courage, and a wonderful teacher.
September 2, 2017 at 8:17 am #51157c_howdy
ParticipantWilderness living…
The last big frontier…
A movement of staunch conservatives and doomsday-watchers to the inland north-west is quietly gaining steam…
ASKED by an out-of-stater where the nearest shooting range is, Patrick Leavitt, an affable gunsmith at Riverman Gun Works in Coeur d’Alene, says: “This is Idaho—you can shoot pretty much anywhere away from buildings.” That is one reason why the sparsely populated state is attracting a growing number of “political refugees” keen to slip free from bureaucrats in America’s liberal states, says James Wesley, Rawles (yes, with a comma), an author of bestselling survivalist novels. In a widely read manifesto posted in 2011 on his survivalblog.com, Mr Rawles, a former army intelligence officer, urged libertarian-leaning Christians and Jews to move to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and a strip of eastern Oregon and Washington states, a haven he called the “American Redoubt”.
Thousands of families have answered the call, moving to what Mr Rawles calls America’s last big frontier and most easily defendable terrain. Were hordes of thirsty, hungry, panicked Americans to stream out of cities after, say, the collapse of the national grid, few looters would reach the mostly mountainous, forested and, in winter, bitterly cold Redoubt. Big cities are too far away. But the movement is driven by more than doomsday “redoubters”, eager to homestead on land with lots of water, fish, and big game nearby. The idea is also to bring in enough strongly conservative voters to keep out the regulatory creep smothering liberty in places like California, a state many redoubters disdainfully refer to as “the C-word”.
Estimates of the numbers moving into the Redoubt are sketchy, partly because many seek a low profile. Mr Rawles himself will not reveal which state he chose, not wanting to be overrun when “everything hits the fan”. But Chris Walsh of Revolutionary Realty says growing demand has turned into such a “massive upwelling” that he now sells about 140 properties a year in the north-western part of the Redoubt, its heart. To manage, Mr Walsh, a pilot, keeps several vehicles at landing strips to which he flies clients from his base near Coeur d’Alene.
Many seek properties served not with municipal water but with a well or stream, ideally both, just in case. More than nine out of every ten Revolutionary Realty clients either buy a home off the grid or plan to sever the connection and instead use firewood, propane and solar panels, often storing the photovoltaic power in big forklift batteries bought second-hand. They also plan to educate their children at home. The remoter land preferred by lots of “off-the-gridders” is often cheap. Revolutionary Realty sells sizeable plots for as little as $30,000. After that, settlers can mostly build as they please.
Lance Etche, a Floridian, recently moved his family into the Redoubt after the writings of Mr Rawles stirred in him “the old mountain-man independence spirit—take care of yourself and don’t complain.” He chose a plot near Canada outside Bonners Ferry, Idaho, cleared an area with a view, put down gravel, “and they dropped the thing [a so-called “skid house”, transported by lorry] right on top of it”, he says—no permit required.
Some newcomers are Democrats keen to get back to nature, grow organic food or, in Oregon and Washington, benefit from permissive marijuana laws. Not all conservatives dislike this as much as Bonny Dolly, a Bonners Ferry woman in her 60s who says: “We don’t want liberals, that’s for sure,” and carries a .45-calibre handgun “because they don’t make a .46”. But lefties who move in and hope to finance tighter regulations with higher taxes often get the cold shoulder. Mr Walsh weeds out lefties from the start, politely declining to show them property, noting that they wouldn’t fit in anyway. This discrimination is legal, he says, because political factions, unlike race or sexual orientation, are not legally protected classes.
A red dawn
Todd Savage, who runs Survival Retreat Consulting in Sandpoint, Idaho, works with the more usual sort of client: political migrants who rail against “morally corrupt” nanny government elsewhere. He does a brisk business helping them set up their food-producing fortress-homesteads. Staff train clients in defensive landscaping, how to repel an assault on their property with firearms, and the erection of structures “hardened” to withstand forced entry and chemical, biological, radiological or explosive attack.
Very few redoubters, however, wish to secede from the United States. The Confederacy’s attempt fared badly, notes Mr Rawles. He did, however, exclude the politically conservative but mostly flat Dakotas from the Redoubt because mechanised units could manoeuvre easily there. The same went for swathes of Utah, a state also left out because it has little water.
Purists have criticised him for including eastern Oregon and Washington in the Redoubt, since their larger liberal populations near the west coast dominate state politics. But he believes that the designation will quicken efforts in the eastern reaches to form new, freedom-minded states within a generation. As Mr Walsh puts it, easterners’ taxes get them “nothing back except for a bunch more rules” from socialist bureaucrats.As for doomsday itself, redoubters differ. Mr Rawles considers the most likely cause to be a geomagnetic solar storm like the Carrington Event in 1859, when a coronal mass ejection from the sun generated sparks in telegraph lines, setting some buildings on fire. Had the nearly 3,000 transformers that underpin America’s grid existed then, a quarter of them would have burned up, according to Storm Analysis Consultants in Duluth, Minnesota. Some redoubters have signed up to receive a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration alert of any approaching solar storm like the big one that blew across Earth’s path on July 23rd 2012, missing the planet by days.
Alternatively, a nuclear explosion 450km above the central United States would produce enough high-energy free electrons in the atmosphere below to fry the grid and unshielded electronics in all states except Alaska and Hawaii. Conceivably, and unpredictably, North Korea or Iran might dare to launch such a missile.
A more likely catastrophe, Mr Rawles believes, would be a pandemic virulent enough to cause the breakdown of the national sewerage system as well as the grid. Mr Savage, for his part, worries most about a “slow slide into socialism” akin to “death by a thousand cuts, right, you just keep whittling away at liberty” by, for example, restricting gun sales. Some of his firm’s clients fear that bankers may deliberately collapse the financial system in order to introduce a single global currency.
The dominant view is simply that institutions and infrastructure are more fragile than most believe, says Dave Westbrook, an American Redoubt consultant homesteading north-west of Sandpoint. Videos sold by his firm, Country Lifestyle Solutions, show redoubters how to assess the viability of off-grid properties, plant orchards and tend crops. But paranoia is out there, says Ben Ortize, the pastor of Grace Sandpoint Church. Terrorism, and the widespread belief that President Barack Obama’s progressive agenda is naive, have fuelled strong support for Donald Trump in the Redoubt, which has a disproportionately large population of former policemen, firemen and soldiers. To calm them down, he tells his flock that the Bible advises them to trust in the Lord, rather than in shotguns and Tasers.
The area’s bad rap is sometimes undeserved. “Hate in America: A Town on Fire”, a recent Discovery Channel broadcast about Kalispell, Montana, attempted to conflate gun-lovers who recoil at big government with the few white supremacists shown at the start. In fact, there is much less racism in the inland north-west than in the South, says Alex Barron, founder of the libertarian Charles Carroll Society blog and self-proclaimed “Bard of the American Redoubt”. Some are quick to label ideological opponents as white supremacists, he says. Liberal bloggers have called him one; but Mr Barron is black.
The Redoubt does give refuge to more than its fair share of outlaws, whether ageing draft-dodgers or crooks on the lam. So says Mike “Animal” Zook, a bounty hunter in Spirit Lake, Idaho with a gunslinger image enhanced by his sidearm’s faux-scrimshaw handle. Pointing east from the Riverman Gun Works car park, he notes that a man can trek that way for nearly 150 miles and see nothing but majestic forest and game. Turn south, and the wilderness extends more than double that.
Wanted men can and do disappear here, Mr Zook says. Some pan for gold, hunt, trap game and quietly slip into a town once a year or so for supplies. Nationwide, perhaps only one in 1,000 indicted felons skip bail and run for it, he says, but the percentage is higher in the Redoubt and especially in Lincoln County, in nearby north-western Montana. That provides enough work, he says, for more than 2,000 fugitive-recovery agents—as bounty hunters are also known—who, like himself, operate at least part-time, typically as private contractors for bondsmen in the Redoubt. All in all, the frontier spirit of America’s Old West is still alive and well.
September 2, 2017 at 10:21 am #51158rideforever
ParticipantHuman society is the uncontacted tribe.
It’s a big illusion to say those people in the Amazon rainforest are not in touch with “reality” like we are.
If the TV / internet one day told people to jump in the lake, you might be surprised but 95% of people including your family and friends would jump in the lake that afternoon. With a smile on their face. They go to war the same way.
What is uncontacted inside people is their real self. The false self sitting in their heads is very busy convincing everyone he is real. It is a desperate attempt to keep the illusion going, you must make children, be impotent, become “spiritual”, and make money, and be “very happy” …. all desperately in order to keep on the mask of the false self.
That is mankind.
It is absolutely true that even sheep have more sense than this, because their minds are not developed enough to be fragmented and damaged like humans are.
Which part of Idaho is far enough away ? Even if you lived on Pluto I am afraid the human derangement will get to you one day, they will “come in peace”, and tear you to pieces.
Some degree of self-preservation is critical but …. one must read the signs and work towards endgame and the Eagle. We are all going to “die”, even in Idaho, and mostly likely it will be caused by the unconscious people one way or another.
Tao Te Ching says very clearly about controlling the situation : “I don’t think it can be done”. You must flow, you must conceal your inner growth – even conceal is not the right word because you would be foolish to discuss such things openly with the ravenous people, or even blame them. Just behold the depth of the unconscious and betrayal of truth.
What to do ?
This world is challenging, the aching polarity of joy and pain here, order and madness, can lead to rapid growth but it is not so common. There are men who sit in meditation quietly and without a lot of fuss and others who kneel in church quietly and without a lot of fuss. They are wise and have a good chance.
Anyone who employs more dramatic techniques must be careful and hold a holy light within.
I think there are many inspirational positive people out there who want to move towards the Light.
Who has time to worry about the dark world. It is your attraction to the darkness and fear of it and reactions to it …. that keeps it going.
Deep peace awaits you if you allow it in.
September 4, 2017 at 3:46 pm #51160c_howdy
ParticipantBasic primitive survival skills are necessary to learn and also to maintain wherever one is or whatever one is doing.
Sorry for my broken English.
September 4, 2017 at 5:27 pm #51161c_howdy
ParticipantI demonstrate, in the first place, that the state of men without civil society (which state we may properly call the state of nature) is nothing else but a mere war of all against all; and in that war all men have equal right unto all things.
… weeds out lefties from the start, politely declining to show them property, noting that they wouldn’t fit in anyway. This discrimination is legal, he says, because political factions, unlike race or sexual orientation, are not legally protected classes…
…Social Security is going to run out of money…
…but lefties who move in and hope to finance tighter regulations with higher taxes often get the cold shoulder. Mr Walsh weeds out lefties from the start…
So what is actually wrong with the lefties?
…and in that war all men have equal right unto all things…
Bellum omnium contra omnes, a Latin phrase meaning “the war of all against all”, is the description that Thomas Hobbes gives to human existence in the state of nature thought experiment that he conducts in De Cive (1642) and Leviathan (1651). The common modern English usage is a war of “each against all” where war is rare and terms such as “competition” or “struggle” are more common.
September 4, 2017 at 6:45 pm #51162c_howdy
Participant17 And these are the golden hemorrhoids which the Philistines returned for a trespass offering unto the Lord: for Ashdod one, for Gaza one, for Ashkelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one;
18 and the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both of fortified cities and of country villages, even unto the great stone of Abel whereon they set down the ark of the Lord, which stone remaineth unto this day in the field of Joshua, the Bethshemite.
-1 Samuel 6
…human society is the uncontacted tribe…
Yes and in sin they will find salvation…
136:1.4 (1510.1) The Jews had been brought up to believe in the doctrine of the Shekinah. But this reputed symbol of the Divine Presence was not to be seen in the temple. They believed that the coming of the Messiah would effect its restoration. They held confusing ideas about racial sin and the supposed evil nature of man. Some taught that Adam’s sin had cursed the human race, and that the Messiah would remove this curse and restore man to divine favor. Others taught that God, in creating man, had put into his being both good and evil natures; that when he observed the outworking of this arrangement, he was greatly disappointed, and that “He repented that he had thus made man.” And those who taught this believed that the Messiah was to come in order to redeem man from this inherent evil nature.
136:4.4 (1514.5) These forty days were the occasion of the final conference between the human and the divine minds, or rather the first real functioning of these two minds as now made one. The results of this momentous season of meditation demonstrated conclusively that the divine mind has triumphantly and spiritually dominated the human intellect. The mind of man has become the mind of God from this time on, and though the selfhood of the mind of man is ever present, always does this spiritualized human mind say, “Not my will but yours be done.”
September 4, 2017 at 7:09 pm #51163rideforever
ParticipantYour chance of surviving death is about 1 in 1 million.
Human beings are half-mad spaced=out arrogant deceitful lustful monkeys that are “too cleaver for their own good”.
All their ideas are highly questionable.
They inflict on each other terrifying levels of suffering so great that most people are dead before they reach adulthood, they die inside of the shock and terror here. Then they go through the motions of bringing more unfortunates into this world.
Getting out is rare because it is rare to find a stable and sincere section of your consciousness. And even for those that can, they are too dull and too given up to realise they need to do something so they sit and wait for death.
I don’t know if this planet is a test or just a disaster. I don’t know if people actually suffer or are too far gone to feel.
What I know is that I am 3/4 out and accelerating, critical mass has been achieved. It has been extremely difficult and I had to taught from deep tragedies. I tried to learn well my lessons. I never once thought I wouldn’t make it.
Glory be to God.
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