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April 24, 2006 at 5:47 am #13205
Michael Winn
KeymasterBelow is a solid and informative piece about sexuality of both rats and humans. I especially enjoyed learning how female rats awaken male rats to their unconscious desire to couple by kicking them in the face and then running away.
On a personal note, I have avoided using or recommending chemical/drug solutions to sexual stimulation because of possible side effects on physical and energetic levels.
But just to understand the current drug rage for male sexual enhancers, I took Cialus (“le weekend pill”, supposedly an improvement over viagra) last year to test it. I didn’t tell my wife, just to keep her objective.
Boy, did I regret that experience. Not only did it dull my total body awareness and enjoyment of sex, I got a headache that lasted three days. It was almost impossible to get rid of the drug from my system, I had to let it wear off. It did nothing for my wife.
I cannot evaluate this drug for others, who may not be as sensitive to chemically induced changes to an energetic system finely tuned by decades of qigong and inner alchemy. But it confirms my caution in using drugs to “fix” human sexual problems. They may have important short term benefits for some. But I am very skeptical of dependence on them, and believe that building your internal strength in the long run is the best solution.
I am testing a new chinese herb formula that is fast acting and a kidney tonic, i.e. it is supposedly building over long term, rather than just a stimulant that ultimately exhausts you (one of the dangers of viagra type drugs in bypassing the body’s natural safeguards against excessive energy expenditure). It is more promising, but I cannot get the secret list of ingredients, which makes me suspicious. I’ll let you know when I find out.
By Julian Dibbell
The Observer
Sunday April 23, 2006http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,,1759109,00.html
Horn of rhinoceros. Penis of tiger. Root of sea holly. Husk of the
emerald-green blister beetle known as the Spanish fly. So colourful and
exotic is the list of substances that have been claimed to heighten sexual
appetite that it is hard not to feel a twinge of disappointment on first
beholding the latest entry – a small, white plastic nasal inhaler containing
an odourless, colourless synthetic chemical called PT-141. Plain as it is,
however, there is one thing that distinguishes PT-141 from the 4,000 years’
worth of recorded medicinal aphrodisiacs that precede it: this one actually
works.And it could reach the market in as little as three years. The full range of
possible risks and side effects has yet to be determined, but already this
much is known: a dose of PT-141 results, in most cases, in a stirring in the
loins in as little as 15 minutes. Women, according to one set of results,
feel ‘genital warmth, tingling and throbbing’, not to mention ‘a strong
desire to have sex’.Among men who have been tested with the drug more extensively, the data set
is richer: ‘With PT-141, you feel good,’ reported anonymous patient 007:
‘not only sexually aroused, you feel younger and more energetic.’ According
to another patient, ‘It helped the libido. So you have the urge and the
desire…’ Tales of pharmaceutically induced sexual prowess among
58-year-olds are common enough in the age of the Little Blue Pill, but they
don’t typically involve quite so urgent a repertoire. Or, as patient 128 put
it: ‘My wife knows. She can tell the difference between Viagra and PT-141.’The precise mechanisms by which PT-141 does its job remain unclear, but the
rough idea is this: where Viagra acts on the circulatory system, helping
blood flow into the penis, PT-141 goes to the brain itself. ‘It’s not merely
allowing a sexual response to take place more easily,’ explains Michael A
Perelman, co-director of the Human Sexuality Program at New York
Presbyterian Hospital and a sexual-medicine adviser on the PT-141 trials.
‘It may be having an effect, literally, on how we think and feel.’Palatin Technologies, the New Jersey-based maker of PT-141, has hopes of its
own. Once the company gets Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for
the drug, Palatin plans to market it to the same people targeted by Viagra:
male erectile-dysfunction patients. Approval as a treatment for female
sexual dysfunction may follow. In the wake of Pfizer’s failed attempts to
prove Viagra works for women and amid growing recognition that it also
doesn’t work for large numbers of men, these two markets alone could make
PT-141 a pharmaceutical blockbuster.But let’s face facts: a drug that makes you not only able but eager and
willing isn’t going to remain the exclusive property of the severely
impaired. As with Viagra, there will be extensive off-label use of PT-141.
Fast-acting and long-lasting, packaged in an easily concealed, single-use
nasal inhaler, unaffected by food or alcohol consumption, PT-141 seems bound
to take its place alongside cocaine, poppers and alcohol in the pantheon of
club drugs.But the potential market for PT-141 is all of us. Consider the precedent: a
little more than four decades ago, it was another drug’s arrival in the
marketplace that triggered the sexual revolution. Before the advent of the
birth-control pill, sex and procreation had been eternally, inseparably
linked. After it, the link was pretty much optional. Momentous things
ensued: chiefly women’s liberation and the abortion controversy, all of them
arguably the pill’s indirect consequences, all of them reverberating to this
day. And if all that can follow from a drug which simply made pregnancy less
a matter of fate than of choice, what then to expect from a drug that does
the same thing to passion itself?Only when and if PT-141 reaches the market will we be in a position to even
start answering that question. But, for now, there probably isn’t a better
way to hone the question than to turn to the rats of the Palatin
Technologies research labs.‘In a rat, there’s a mating ritual,’ says Palatin’s CEO Carl Spana. ‘The
female rat will approach the male head-to-head. She will wiggle her ears,
she will wiggle her whiskers, she will nibble at him, and finally she’ll
turn and run away.’ If the male chooses not to pursue her, she may return
and, as one leading rat sexologist puts it, ‘kick him in the face’. This
tends to do the trick. The male gives chase, catches the female and climbs
on top of her, at which point only two key preparations remain to be
completed. First, so that the female’s low-slung genitalia can be reached
from above, her hindquarters will bend upward in a reflexive arching of the
back called lordosis. Second, so that the male may take advantage of this
invitation, his penis will emerge from its hiding place under the abdominal
fur. ‘And then,’ Spana concludes, ‘they copulate.’Spana’s familiarity with the sex life of rats is, of course, no accident: it
was the lab rats of Palatin that established the drug’s potential for
promoting what’s known in the trade as ‘erectogenesis’. The experiment,
repeated hundreds of times, was a straightforward one. ‘You dose and you
watch and you count,’ Spana explains. Every time the penis of a subject rat
emerged, observers marked down the event in a notebook. The subjects, all
‘naive’ adults whose last contact with a female was on the day their mothers
weaned them, seemed to have had, if anything, slightly less curiosity about
their spontaneously generated erections than the researchers. The typical
reaction: ‘He notices it’s there, and he grooms it to detumescence,’ says
Annette Shadiack, Palatin’s executive director of pre-clinical development.
‘And then it happens again.’The high erection count was good news for Palatin’s management, who were
banking on PT-141 to prove itself an effective treatment for erectile
dysfunction. Two years earlier, and just three years past its start-up, the
company had bought the rights to develop a substance called Melanotan II.
Originally isolated by University of Arizona researchers looking for a way
to give Caucasians a healthy, sunblocking tan without exposing them to
dangerous ultraviolet rays, Melanotan II achieved that and more: it also
appeared to facilitate weight loss, increase sexual appetite and act as an
anti-inflammatory, too. Quickly dubbed ‘the Barbie drug’, Melanotan II
seemed too good to be true.In fact, it was too good to be good. A drug with so many effects, Palatin
decided, was not an effectively marketable one. So Palatin’s researchers set
out to isolate the individual effects in the laboratory, experimenting with
variations on Melanotan II’s molecular theme. The compound that became
PT-141 was one of the first variations examined.The market analysis was encouraging. As a late entrant in the market for
erectile-dysfunction treatments, PT-141 stood a decent chance of mopping up
the floor. By this stage in Viagra’s life cycle, for instance, it was clear
that the drug solved nothing for perhaps 50 per cent of impotent patients,
either because their general health was too poor to risk Viagra’s side
effects or because it simply didn’t work for them. But existing Viagra users
weren’t out of play either: PT-141 had a potential edge not just in ease of
use, but in quality of results. (‘On the five-point scale,’ said patient
041, ‘I would rate the erection I had as a six.’) And there was a final and
especially intriguing possibility: since PT-141 affects arousal through a
different, more brain-centric mechanism than Viagra, might it work for women
with sexual dysfunction?It was in pursuit of this market that Shadiack approached Concordia
University behavioural-neurobiology researcher Jim Pfaus, whose work with
sexual response in female rats had caught her attention. Where the bulk of
research into female-rat sexual behaviour has focused on lordosis – that
reflexive arching of the lower back that signifies the female is ready –
Pfaus has taken what might be called a more feminist approach. Instead of
lordosis’s almost climactic spasm, Pfaus prefers to look at foreplay: the
wiggling of ears, kicking of faces, and other acts of solicitation with
which female rats reveal their desire to the partner of their choice. Pfaus
discovered that PT-141 significantly increases the incidence of these
behaviours. He even detected an increase in the rarer phenomenon in which a
female rat will throw coyness to the winds and, in a performance worthy of
Kim Cattrall, mount the chosen male herself.And thus the case was made. Pfaus’s results were powerful evidence not only
of PT-141’s potential as a treatment for women but of its ability to do more
than just move blood around. A male rat’s erection on its own doesn’t say
much about the rat’s state of mind. A female rat’s coquetry, on the other
hand, says all we need to know about her intentions and desires. Rats aren’t
people, to be sure, and as test subjects they suffer from a frustrating
inability to tell us, in words, how they experience what they’re subjected
to. But that has an upside, too, explains Pfaus. ‘The bad thing about
animals is they don’t talk. The good thing is they don’t lie.’So the testimony of rats – notwithstanding that of the 900 articulate,
full-grown human subjects who have since reported enhanced arousal and
desire from taking PT-141 – remains the most objective evaluation the drug
has yet received, or ever will.‘I see a lot of couples in my practice who don’t know how to relax,’ says
Leonore Tiefer, a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of
Medicine. ‘That’s fine – it’s a big asset to them in their corporate
lifestyle, where they can work 80 hours a week. They’re trained to
multi-task. Well, it doesn’t seem that that is really doable when it comes
to sex. And they’re angry about that: they need it to be doable because they
only have their five minutes.’The five-minute meaningful sexual encounter: if ever there was a holy grail
for the age of the tight-wired global economy – with its time-strapped
labour force and its glut of bright, shiny distractions – that is it. And if
ever there was a reason to be wary of the pharmaceutical industry’s designs
on the market for sexual healing, say critics such as Tiefer, it’s the
attractiveness of that simple-minded ideal.Tiefer is one of the leading figures in a movement of academic researchers,
sex therapists and women’s-health activists contesting the increasing
medicalisation of women’s sexual problems, and when Procter & Gamble sought
FDA approval in December 2004 for its ‘female sexual-desire disorder’
treatment – a testosterone patch called Intrinsa – her testimony helped sway
the agency to deny the request. Unlike the counting of erections, assessing
subjective phenomena such as desire and satisfaction is, she testified,
‘subtle, complex – and arbitrary’. P&G’s findings were thus too inconclusive
to hold their own against the established risks of long-term testosterone
use. ‘Intrinsa is not a glass of chardonnay,’ Tiefer remarked, ‘and yet we
have already seen that it may well be promoted with a giggle and a wink as
“the female Viagra”.’Tiefer is just as dubious about PT-141, which, as she sees it, is merely the
latest expression of a ‘big wish’ that ‘we could just bypass everything we
want to bypass’ on our way to sexual happiness, skipping the complicated,
often lifelong work of sorting out all the emotional, physical and
autobiographical triggers that turn us off and on. Her prognosis for the
discovery of a drug that will render that work unnecessary? ‘Sorry, it’s
never going to happen.’Even assuming that PT-141 ultimately performs as well in broad use as it has
in trials, even granting that it can improve sex lives as effectively as a
lifetime of erotic exploration, the deeper challenge posed by the prospect
of a sexual techno-fix remains: is this really the kind of fix we want? To
have desire available at any time, from the nozzle of an inhaler?Good things would come of it, to be sure. Marriages would be saved, fun
would be had. But sexual Utopia? PT-141 seems just as likely to usher in the
age of McNookie: quick, easy couplings low on emotional nutrition. Sex lives
tailored to the demands of a jealous office or an impatient spouse. A dark
age of erotic self-ignorance tarted up in the bright-coloured packaging of a
Happy Meal.Deep in the post-industrial hinterlands of New Jersey, 100 snow-white
Sprague-Dawley rats await the coming of darkness. Darkness falls each day at
exactly 6pm, when an automated switch turns off the fluorescents and sets
off a rustling din, like the sound of a sudden downpour, as all at once the
rats rouse themselves and start to feed. They live in see-through
high-rises: small Plexiglas cages stacked eight by eight in portable racks,
one rat per unit, each unit connected to the outside world by its own
HEPA-filtered ventilation system. Other aspects of everyday life as a lab
animal at Palatin Technologies’ New Jersey headquarters include immaculate
bedding, healthy supplies of food and water, bone-shaped plastic chew toys
and, screwed into the top of each animal’s skull, a small, white, ceramic
orb, the injection port through which the rats’ brains are regularly dosed
with a close chemical cousin of PT-141.The drug they’re testing now is an obesity drug – designed to block the
appetite for food in much the same way PT-141 stimulates the appetite for
sex – and its distinctly human goal of weight loss serves only to heighten
the pervading Stuart Little effect here in the lab. Crowded in their little
Plexiglas apartment buildings, sporting their spherical skullcaps,
undergoing surgery from time to time with little rat-nose-shaped
anaesthetic-gas masks strapped to their small faces – if you didn’t know
better, you might start to think of these sophisticated rodent urbanites as
simply tiny people with fur and whiskers.The funny thing is, it appears there’s a certain humanlike subjectiveness to
the sex life of lab animals as well. When Jim Pfaus tested PT-141 on his
female rats, he based his experimental design partly on the work of Raul
Paredes, a fellow rat sexologist testing the effects of something more
elusive: personal autonomy. That’s a tricky thing to measure, but it can be
done. Paredes did it like this: first, he looked at rat couples living in
standard, box-shaped cages and recorded the details of their sexual
behaviour. Then, he altered the cages in only one particular: he divided
them into two chambers with a clear wall broken only by one opening, too
small for the males to get through but just right for the females.
Architecturally it was a minor change, but what it did for the females was
huge. It let them get away from the males whenever they chose to, and
thereby made it entirely their choice whether to have sex. Paredes then
observed the rats’ behaviour in this altered setting. Here’s what he found:
the effects of giving a female rat greater personal control over her sex
life are essentially the same as those of giving her PT-141. Autonomy, in
other words, is as real an aphrodisiac as any substance known to science.This doesn’t surprise Leonore Tiefer, who sees evidence for it every working
day, in sex lives that suffer in direct proportion to her clients’ ignorance
about desire in general and their own in particular. For Tiefer, striving to
understand yourself is the sexiest sort of autonomy there is, and nothing
betrays that autonomy like handing over the job to someone else, whether
it’s your lover, your doctor, or, worst of all, big pharmaceutical
companies.Jim Pfaus, not surprisingly, sees things a little differently. As it
happens, Pfaus and Tiefer are friendly acquaintances, and he’s sympathetic
to her critiques of the industry.‘She’s on a roll, and I think she has some valid points,’ says Pfaus. But
all the same: ‘What do we tell postmenopausal women who have lost their
desire, despite being in a loving and caring relationship? “Sorry, there’s
nothing we can do,” or worse, “Sorry, but you shouldn’t be having sex
anyway”?’The argument is a strong one. But so is Tiefer’s. Each defends a vital sort
of autonomy – the power of self-knowledge on the one hand; on the other, the
freedom to grasp whatever tools of self-improvement are available to us. And
if, after all the trials are done and the prescriptions are filled, PT-141
diminishes the former as much as it expands the latter, who’s to say which
matters more? Add up all the pluses and minuses, and in the end the sum may
be zero. In short, no net change one way or the other in the world’s total
supply of sexual happiness.But then, no one’s asking PT-141 to change the world. It’s enough to hope
that someday, when you need it most, it just might get you through the
night.April 24, 2006 at 5:04 pm #13206VCraigP
I don’t know which product you may be testing, but if you cannot get an explicit list of ingredients I strongly urge you to RUN not walk away.
I know of instances of so called viagra substitutes in this industry which were allegedly herbal products but which turned out to have actual VIAGRA in them!!
Even a so called proprietary formula should list the ingredients, even if they don’t give the dosage.
If you would like some input from within the industry I would be eager to lend free advice and analysis on the product.
My first virilty enhancing recommendation is Tribulus terrestris. The most trustworthy source of this is from Sopharma in Bulgaria – see link. Definitely good for your “self esteem” as a friend of mine put it euphemistically. Of course building up Jing over the long term is what you want, it is my impression based on the chemistry of how this works that it is indeed building up Jing.
Also, about this secret formula product, if you cannot get the secret list of ingredients I don’t think you could sell this in the states, but ingredients is my expertise, not regulatory issues.
Still, if I can’t get all the ingredients I immediately shy away from this type of thing.
So again, if you want a semi expert opinion from someone deep in the supply side of the supplement industry I am more than happy to consult.
I am on your email list.
Abundant chi (all kinds ๐ ) to you.
April 25, 2006 at 5:27 am #13208Michael Winn
KeymasterThanks, Craig,
totally agree with your concerns. I was planning to run it by you anyway…:)
I just located someone today with a list of the ingredients in chinese, and I will get them translated as soon as I can get the chinese version. I suspect the “secret” ingredient here is Cistanche, a hard to get and thus expensive plant found in the deserts of western China, used to tonify kidneys.
April 27, 2006 at 10:07 am #13210VCraigP
Participant1. I don’t know specifically anything about Dr Lin’s formulae.
2. I am not an herbalist. My expertise is within the supply side of the natural products industry and I have therefore some insight on quality issues as well as some on application, but by no means am I qualified to analyze traditional formulae.
3. If you can post a list of herbs I might be able to comment on some aspects that are known to me.Humbly yours
April 27, 2006 at 12:30 pm #13212bagua
ParticipantThat would be good if someone can post the herbs, we can evaluate them.
April 27, 2006 at 4:03 pm #13214Fajin
ParticipantI have taken the ViaGrowth IV formula of Dr. Lin’s and it is quite powerful. He adds plant DHEA (kidney yin), vitamins and minerals to it, but I’ll just add the herbal extract he adds.
Herbal Extract Blend: 2550 mg
Panax Ginseng, American Ginseng, Damiana, Pumpkin Seed, Epimedium brevicornium, Avena Sativa, Chrysin (bioflavonoid), Saw Palmetto, Grape Seed, Pygeum Bark, Nettle Root, Ginkgo Biloba, Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed, Mucuna Pruriens, Tribulus Terrestris, Pine Nut, Water Melon Seeds, Mexican Wild Yam, Herba Cistanchis , Eurycoma longifolia.
This is ViaGrowth IV.
P.S. I’d like to hear your recommendations Dr. David Twicken!
FajinApril 27, 2006 at 5:01 pm #13216VCraigP
ParticipantFirst of all see my earlier disclaimer.
Second, if I were taking this formula there are several questions I would want answered.
A. What are the MG dosages of each item.
B. What form are the items in – powder, extract, standardized extract?
C. How are the products tested for quality(if at all).Most of these items are well known for traditional uses, but if used in the form of herb powders may be much less effective, including some which are typically used only in extract form.
Panax Ginseng, Ginseng. Usually effective in any form from powder to highly concentrated extract. Quality can vary by wide margins
American Ginseng, Same as Panax above. American ginseng has the benefit of having a neutral to cool energetic designation as opposed to Panax which is warming or heating in effect.
Damiana, Botanical name – Turnera aphrodisiaca – name speaks for itself. Good stimulating sexual tonic. Extract would be better. Powder can be very ineffective expcept in large doses.
Pumpkin Seed, – source of zinc. Powder subject to spoilage/oxidation because of fatty acid content.
Epimedium brevicornium, – aka Horny goat weed. chinese name I think is Yin yang hou.
has become famous as sexual tonic in the west lately. Standardized extracts are the norm, but powder is cheap and probably not terribly effective. significant precedent for raw herb use in chinese herbalism to support this.Avena Sativa, – Wild Oats – Used for decades in Europe as sexual tonic.
Chrysin (bioflavonoid), Very potent bioflavonoid, also used as a potentiator for certain bodybuilding tonics. quite expensive ingredient. This is really a purified chemical and just barely a natural product in my view.
Saw Palmetto, The much praised and maligned Saw Palmetto. Good science on this product is only on POTENT extracts of @ 90% Free fatty acids extract. Anything else is just filler in my mind.
Grape Seed, Grape seed extract is an antioxidant source (Polyphenols, anthocyanidins)
grape seed powder would be also just filler.Pygeum Bark, often seen in conjuntion with saw palmetto for prostate issues – BPH. Some good science in Europe for the extract. Powder would be much less probable to have any effect.
Nettle Root, 3rd ingredient seen in prostate formulae. Nettle root powder has good reputation even in non extract form.
Ginkgo Biloba, – well known circulatory aid, primarily seen for improved brain function as it has been shown to increase circulation to the brain more than other areas of the body, but also seen in libido formulae on the theory that it improves all circulation. If this is just a powder it is laughable, I would hope he used an extract standardized to 24% and 6% as is the worldwide industry standard for effective ginkgo biloba.
Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed, EXtract of this seed yield 5HTP 5 hydroxytryptophan, the only currently legal form of tryptophan available in the US currently.
Mucuna Pruriens, Indian herb, which extract is standardized for content of Levadopa. Personally I have been very surprised that this product never received any scrutiny from the FDA as L-Dopa is a potent pharmacuetical drug. Mucuna extract can be had and not too expensive with as much as 40% L-Dopa. This seems to have some sort of Jing tonic effect, though I don’t know enough about the science of this one to comment further.
Tribulus Terrestris, – See comments posted to Michael about this herb. I like it, but to take it in only powder form is at best a waste of time, and at worst an input into the body which is difficult to process.
Pine Nut, – Food. No other info from me.
Water Melon Seeds, Same as Pine nuts.Mexican Wild Yam, Source of Dioscorea which was the precursor to the first birth control hormone. Earliest BC pill was made from Wild yam. it is good that he identified the wild yam as Mexican because this differentiates it from the much less potent wild yam from China. Even in powder form a good source of hormone precursors.
Herba Cistanchis , Jing tonic mentioned earlier by M.Winn. mostly seen only in chinese medicine until recently, now appearing in western sexual tonics. goog agreement in chinese medicine for this purpose.
Eurycoma longifolia. – aka Tongkat ali, Longjack. Newly discovered in the west this herb most common in Indonesia, but also found in Thailand is supposed to be a very strong sexual tonic. It is my strong belief that the majority of material on the market is mislabbeled and not true Eurycoma, and therefore not effective. Even reviews I have read on this item from verifiable sources are not strong in praising it’s effects. This should be in extract form 100:1 extract is commonly referenced.
In summary I would as a consumer like to see a lot more details on product I would be injesting.
On the other hand, I have heard some positive feed back on the use of Dr Lins formulae on the Tao Forums.
This is just a nuetral analysis of what i know on each herb in short and what quality issues may be there in light of the ambiguity of labelling.
Unclear labelling is a loophole you can drive a truck through as I have tried to point out.Craig
April 27, 2006 at 6:14 pm #13218Fajin
ParticipantHello Craig,
The link at the bottom is the best info I can give. Check it out. His ViaGrowth formulas are the best for recharging jing and relieving any kind of sexual exhaustion, restoring all endocrine functions. I bought his formula to experiment for fun and it was a doozy! Try it if you’re interested.
Although, I don’t rely on herbs, I think that they are good for balancing the body, but once the orbit is open, I can’t see how you’ll have any health problems at all. I don’t think herbs are needed after the orbit is unobstructed, imho.
Smiles away,
FajinApril 27, 2006 at 6:31 pm #13220snowlion
ParticipantSome thoughts on Herb uses:
VCraigP brings a few valid points here on quality, alot of chinese herbs are sulfured and I would recommend non-sulfer herbs; they healthier and safer. A couple of cautions here Ginsengs especially “red” and most herbalist use herb for the fire effect can be harmful to high blood pressure consumers; Damaina, Horny Goat Weed, Wild Oats, fall into the same classification.
Herbal Formulas are a “base ingredient formula” at best: They must be designed to your pattern discrimination for optimal effects. A generalized fromula will work at a basic level but some ingredients could be not right for you, there are many subsitutions you can use based on your body type make up. This is were understanding combinations & classifications is a must. Proper diagnosis is also needed…
Be careful with taking formulas, there are safer ways that will build up the organ system without pushing hard what little qi you might have from “Qi Exaustion”, and if you are under 40 you don’t need to ginseng yourself to death.
Just rember using herbs is like taking any kind of medication you can have a adverse reaction. Prior to synthetic medicine of 1921 all medicine was botatincal!
It would be nice to know at min. what lineage or where they formulas come from. What facility did he train at; to give some consumer confidence. Dr, Lin has absolutely no background information on his herbal knowledge & expierence except for this:
Newman Kunti Lin, Ph.D., PE. (where PE stands for ‘Professional Engineer’, but here has been re-defined as for ‘Penile Engineer’ who can help you repair your erectile dysfunction or impotence (frigid) due to penile enlargement exercises , drug abuse (SSRIs antidepressant & hormone-based birth control), natural ageing, cock ringing , penile pumping, or vibrator-induced damage. Do you want to know more? OK, Click here! or there, or else! Or do you need some examples? click here! It is very stupid to practice the so-called penile enlargement exercises (no muscle inside your penis!); it is immoral to sell the penile enlargement exercises which likely result in peniledeformation, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation! Don’t tear down the delicate penile spongy tissue (sinusoids structure) to the collagenous scar tissue; or you will deform or shrink your penis!)
Born in Taiwan, 1951.
BS in Oceanography, National Taiwan Oceanic University, 1973.
MS in Coastal Engineering, University Of Florida at Gainesville 1978.
M.S. Thesis: “Design of Linear Wave-Gage Arrays for Directional Spectra of Ocean Waves”
Ph.D. in Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University Of California at Berkeley, 1982.
Ph.D. Thesis: “Excitation of Edge Waves”
Professional mechanical Engineer (PE) , registered in the State of Florida, 1985.
> Taught Physics and Fluid mechanics in Tan-Nan Junior College, Taiwan, 1975-1976
> Taught Ocean Wave Mechanics, Ocean Signal Processing, Vibrations, Ocean Engineering Lab., Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Ship Theory, Advanced Hydrodynamics, Physical Oceanography at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, 1981-1989.
> Funded Applied Science And Engineering Research, Inc. in 1987.
> Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, since 1988.
> Expanded Research Center for Multiple, Sexual Orgasms under the new naturopathic and bioelectric research institute, The LIN Institute, 2/12/1999.Snowlion
April 27, 2006 at 7:18 pm #13222Fajin
ParticipantHi Snowlion,
Dr. Lin has based alotof his products and practices on the Chinese Sexual Bible called Suu-Nui Ching, a 5000 year old text and some of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic. You can find it on his site somewhere, but it is very unorganized and difficult to find. He is also pretty careful of the dosages and the amount of each herbal extract that he adds in. He has an article on the amount of vitamins and minerals as well as yohimbe and kava kava as being toxic, and he talks about combining certain things. His formulas are very effective and he knows what he is doing, just scout his site, http://www.actionlove.com if you are iterested.
FajinApril 28, 2006 at 5:35 am #13224albor
ParticipantDear all, I post here my experience with Dr. Lin’s products.
I am 31 and I am in pretty good health (medical examinations, blood and urine analysises say I am almost perfect), except that I have suffered from impotence and premature ejaculation since the age of 24, which got worse and worse with the time.
One year ago I started to have back pains in the kidney area (expecially when having sex), pains in the liver, trembling knees, constant tiredness, need to sleep a lot, etc. In the meanwhile I had discovered Mantak Chia’s books on sexuality and the importance of the semen retention. This helped me to understand that the problem I had was prabably due to the excess of ejaculation I had in the past, together with a energetic weakness of the kidneys due to a sickness I had in the childhood. I then tried acupuncture / moxibustion, with the aid of some chinese herbs, which worked well for a while: the pains disappeared and I regained the erections, even if I had to take great care of not getting too much stressed.
Now everything has come back: weak erections or short lasting ones, rare morning erections, premature ejaculation. The TCM doctor I am following now says that my kidney qi is low (expecially yang qi, even if the foundamental qi os OK), together with the qi of the Liver and the spleen. I am using some chinese herbs which make me feel better, and she taught me some qigong exercises for “long term maintenance” of kidneys, liver and spleen (acupuncture is good, but not for the long run).
Back to Dr Lin: I contacted him, I exposed my situation and he told me to take his combined formula Viapal hGH P (with Viagrowth 4)… I got worse! After the first week I stopped having morning erections at all. Now I am going throug a process of detoxifying my body from what I had taken.
I believe that his formulas can be helpful for somebody, but not for everybody. Besides one must be checked personally instead of having somebody that can’t see you and tells you to “take this product, it will save you!”.
Instead of looking at Dr Lin’s website and its posts (which might be fakes), please have a look at this forum: http://recover.forumup.org/ It is made by people who suffer of sexual exhaustion and are desperately trying to find a solution to their problem (imo using too many products and poisoning their bodies). Quite some of them didn’t have a good experience with Dr Lin’s products.
April 28, 2006 at 5:34 pm #13226Dog
ParticipantWith the problems of toxicity in china are there groups looking to produce herbs in better conditions, even organic.
April 30, 2006 at 7:14 am #13228Michael Winn
KeymasterThanks Albor for sharing your experience.
I did a three year training in Chinese herbology with Jeffrey Yuen. One thing I learned is how unique each person’s reactions are to herbal formulas, which necessitates adjustment of each formula for the stage of that person’s problem (there is a progression in most conditions) and for their individual consitution.
It’s why its risky to sell mass marketed herbal formulas. I knew a lot of people who were swearing by Sunrider formulas some years back. Because it was MLM, they had incentive to talk it up to others and make a profit.
But what gave them lots of energy for six months turned out to exhaust them thereafter…My conclusion is that expert supervision is best for herbal treatment, and you are more likely to get someone savvy as to their origin and quality, whether contaminated by drugs, etc.
But even after testing various herbal supplements, I find the quality of chi delivered is inferior to that delivered by sustained qigong practice. Herbs can quicken and boost a process, but they don’t have the intelligence that your vital organ spirits have. The shen can be overwhelmed or imbalanced by strong herbs. They need to digest whatever comes into your system.
Your best guarantee of good health LONG TERM is in opening up a good relation with your vital organ intelligences and your energy channels. I haven’t found a better way to do this than a combination of qigong and meditation. Any herbal supplement should be seen as short term aid.
It’s not much different with drugs. One aspirin gets rid of a headache, many cause stomach bleeding, etc.
April 30, 2006 at 7:32 am #13230Michael Winn
thanks for the detailed analysis of Lin’s formula. I am always skeptical of someone who merely combines together a list of herbs known to be tonifying, to create a Super Tonic. More important issue is whether it is merely stimulating or building over long term. That requires skilled testing over long periods of time, hence traditional formulas of both western and chinese herbology that contain multiple herbs for balance.But I noticed you said in that post that tribulus should be in extract form. Yet the Bulgarian source you recommended sells it in tablet form. I order a box to test it. It has a pretty cleanand smooth tonifying action, somewhat similar to Cistanche herb, but it certainly worked in tablet form (vs. liquid extract).
Again, want to stress that herbs can be great for opening up healing processes or speeding them up, but shouldn’t replace a daily regimen of qigong and meditation practice as best guarantor of health.
michaelApril 30, 2006 at 7:39 pm #13232VCraigP
ParticipantFirst of all I agree wholeheartedly about the benefits of self medication through chikung therapy!
I lent my opinions with the clearly stated position that I work in the “nutriceuticals” industry, but that this approach was not the ideal. Your description of working with a qualfied practitioner and/or doing Chikung yourself is the idea situation.
Knowing the ideal, I also embrace the practical aspect of short term herb or herb formula use. This should be guided by your personal dialogue with your own body/energy/spirit systems.Clarification on Tribulus.
When I say extract in this case I mean – Standardized Herbal extract – which come primarily in powder form and then are put into capsules tablets etc.
So Tribestan is an extract powder put into the delivery system of an enteric coated capsule in order to maintain the integrity of the actives within the Tribulus.
This is in contrast to some who sell Bulgarian tribulus powder which has no science to support it, and some even contend that in that form it would be difficult for your body to process and perhaps even cause some problems. (I take that last with a grain of salt because it is an opinion found on a bodybuilding website which tends to lay it on a little thick with hyperbole while hyping the product they are supporting.)
So Tribestan is an extract in powder form put into a capsule. Other powdered extracts are available and if they are standardized only to saponins they are probably from China and India and are in my opinion of little to no worth.
Tribulus powder (not extract) from Bulgaria is something I have taken with some minor effect, but I cannot really recommend it. I even expressed my dismay to dragonherbs over the fact that along with their high quality products (my studied opinion) they also offered what I consider an inferior tribulus product.
I did encounter a very good liquid extract of tribulus one time, but it is not a company which the public can buy at this point. Though very good.This should clarify my earlier reccomendation.
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