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- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 8 months ago by
Swedich Dragon.
June 23, 2010 at 11:31 am #34579
Swedich Dragon
ParticipantToday I took the time to look ower my health care program. What I can tell from my experiences this spring is that it works! This is a miracle in it self, beacase I have been searching for at least 10 years after anything that works. Had found some practises herbs etc that works a litle but the last years the progress has been painfully slow. I decided in the beginning of this year or so to do everything at the same time choosing from things that might help. I do not everything at once but I add more and more things in a way that I try to fit them into my daily life.
Today I decided to start the health care program again, after a period of time being totaly free from it and from my practises.
Beacase this is my main focus and has been since I started my participation of this forum, I will describe my program for you as it looks for the moment. It is rather long and I will write it down part by part when I got some free time.
This will also help me go true it again, which helps me to folow it.
The program consists of two parts:
1 What I call the ambisious kidney program, whith some universal tao practises that is meant to do everyday.
With some retention and other practises from the sexual kung fu part of this system
With some food that I should avoid, as cofe, and some that I should eaat.
2 The general program
Which consists of many parts:
Job plans
Physical practises and yoga, how much to do and when and so on.
A program against insomnia
How to deal with my time in a wise way, how and when to sleep, when and how much TV is aloud, when to practise yoga, what to eat and not eat and so on.
Like herbs, vitamines, homeophaty, acupuncure, western medicine
Healers to contact, treatment for andrenals and so onWhen to be completely free like hollidays
Love and sex
and more to come.
I have tried to do the program in a flexible way, so that it is possible to deviate from the plans a litle, but still keeping the course.
Details will follow
June 24, 2010 at 3:30 am #34580Swedich Dragon
Last night I had this problem so I start to describe my program against insomnia, which is a symtom against many in adreanal fatigue. If you stay awake for to long at the night say about 10 p.m. then you got something called the second fire, which means you probably stay awake untill 3 a.m. or so. And during this time you feel more alert than ever else on the day. But it is bad energies to use beacase during this time of the day you take your reserves from the adrenals, and will feel wery drained afterwards.
I have found a program for this that works well for me, if I use it! Yesterday I stoped without following it and went up to play some chess in the midle of the night. After that I got back to the program and fell quite fast into sleep.
This is my program against insomnia:
After 9 p.m. I put restrictions on what I am allowed to do. Basically I can do as much qigong or yoga as I like. I can take a walk if I want to. I can read a book or listen to the radio to just relax. I´m free to do this things as long as I like, but I am not allowed to watch TV or internet.
Exception from this is saturdays, when I can do as I want and days when I have company at the evening, when I also can do as I like.
I go to bed when I like to and start the program for sleeping emidiately. It consists of two parts.
1 four general practises for sleeping
2 Some yoga or qigong practisesI alternate between this two and have choosen what yoga helps me to sleep, after years of trial and error.
I stay in each section as long as I feel to. How long might differ from time to time. I feel no need to fall to sleep in a particular moment, just enjoy the four general practises one at a moment.
A First I basically do nothing special. I lay down as long as I like to. I just feel comfortable in my self and feel and enjoy the moment when I not need to do anything special. There are no rules realy to this part. I continue with this doing nothing as long as I like.
B Here I think positive. All thoughts that arives in my mind I change to positive thinking. How I want a situation to be like. It is realy like dreaming a nice word. If I have got a problem in my life I try to focus just on the solution and not on the problems. I go true every thougth that arives and changes things to nice things. I stay with this as long as I like. Sometimes it generates energy, but then it is realy positive energy.
C I work more with the body. I feel heavyness developes in different parts of the body and just follow it true and let it spread out to different parts. I stay with this as long as I like.
D I work with eath connection with my mind. I let every thougth that arrives disapear into the earth. Emptying my mind from feelings and thoughts. I stay with this as long as I like.
I alternate this with some yoga programs. The plan is as follows, but seldom I need to go true more than the first to of those, then I already are sleeping.
Yoga for sleeping 1:
This program is new and I have adding it beacase it allows me to stay in bed. Before this I started with the six healing sound but then I had to go up to another roo and heat that room up, and during that time I often fell into watching TV, which added much time before I actually did fall into sleep.
This is practises form Mantak Chia´s Tao yin book:
1 Inner smile to the three tan-tiens. Upper, midle and lower.
2 Take in the sun to the eyers, with your hands ower your head and sinking them with the energy of the sun to your eyes. With your hands you then take down the energy further down your body and then just by Yi mind further down true your legs and into a hole in the ground.
3 Breathing cosmic golden energy to all points in the front of the body. I think MC call this whole body breathing. You breath out grey or dirty energy. Breath in golden energy into the body.
4 Water up Fire down. Two exercises. Working with the ballance of kidneys and heart, which I believe is a big part of my problem. Anyway I feel realy good by those kind of exercises.
5 The meditation with the lotus flower. Doing the same thing.
6 Cirkulate energy at the navel.After this I start ower again with the four general practises for sleeping
Yoga for sleeping 2:
I do go up and do the six healing sounds as many as I feel I need for each organ.
Yoga for sleeping 3:
This is an one hour hatha yoga program for the adrenals. But so far I have never needed to go all the way to this.
Yoga for sleeping 4: Sitting 8 peaces of a brocade about one hour.
If I not have been sleeping at this point then I take the next day off. But still this has never happened.
Then of course adding to this. I need to not drink cofe during the day. The less cofe the better. Also I need to not drink te after about 3 p.m. if drinking te after that choosing red te or green te, from which I have taken away the cofein.
Problematic areas:
If I have much activities my ability to sleep decreases fast and dramatically.
If owerworked I have a tendency to look at porn instead of following the program. This is actually the time when that problems arises. I need to increase my will to follow the insomnia program and not doing other things. Most of the time I do following the program actually.Benefits of this.
This program has helped me alot. One thing I have noticed makes a huge difference and that is quite new is my going to bed at 9 p.m., this helps my general energy level alot. I have been knowing it for long, but I have not had the steanght to realy following it. I´m wery happy to have created that habbit in my life and it makes a huge differece. It increases my abilty to work without using cofe all the time for instance.
Benefits fro following the rest of the program is that it feels much nicer to go to sleep. I don´t have to think about the insomnia problem, but instead just focus on following the program and enjoying it. Many of the exercises during the way makes me realy feel good, so even if I not fall into sleep I realy feel nice and relaxed, which parhaps is more important than the sleep. This program has realy changed something bad into something good. Instead of baiming the decreased ability to fall asleep I have actually created time for doing the practises that I love.
June 24, 2010 at 1:36 pm #34582Steven
Moderator>>>Last night I had this problem so I start to describe
>>>my program against insomnia, which is a symtom against
>>>many in adreanal fatigue. If you stay awake for to long
>>>at the night say about 10 p.m. then you got something
>>>called the second fire, which means you probably stay
>>>awake untill 3 a.m. or so. And during this time you feel
>>>more alert than ever else on the day. But it is bad energies
>>>to use beacase during this time of the day you take your
>>>reserves from the adrenals, and will feel wery drained afterwards.I’ve heard it explained that according to the meridian clock, Gallbladder
is most active from 11pm-1am, and Liver is most active from 1am-3am, so
in total Wood energy is most active 11pm-3am. Since Wood energy is the
energy that makes you want to expand out, get moving, and accomplish things,
then this activation will make you more alert and awake if you haven’t gone
to sleep yet. In other words, there’s a recommendation to get to sleep
before 10:30pm so that you don’t enter into the Wood time where you might
be more alert until 3am. Of course, if you are on a college student’s schedule
of sleeping in until 11am the next day, then staying up until 3am might not
be a bad plan. I’ve been on that schedule before, and you can get a lot of
work done from 10pm-2am. However, if you have to get up early the next day,
this is a bad strategy because you’ll be tired . . . unless you do the napping
pattern of going to bed at 3am, get up sometime 7-9am, then nap again say 3pm-7pm (during Bladder and Kidney time), and then repeat staying up until 3am.Best strategy I’ve personally found for insomnia is to start reducing activity a couple hours before bed, become more subdued, decrease my exposure to bright lights and loud sounds, decrease the amount of high intensity brain activity. If when laying down, I still feel awake, I do the Triple Warmer sound a few times, and imagine myself sinking into the Earth and also myself to enjoy the feeling of being relaxed. This works 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time when I go to bed if I don’t start falling asleep, I just get back up and do something, since I realize in that in these rare occasions I am so awake that I won’t sleep anyway, so I may as well get up. Then return to bed again maybe a hour or so later when I do feel more tired.
But whatever works for you. If you have a something that works, just keep doing it.
I don’t get insomnia that often, but I know how it sucks when it happens.Oh, one other thing that just popped into my mind, don’t talk on a cell phone within an hour or so before going to sleep, it will create insomnia . . . at least according to some studies I’ve seen and some personal experience. Generally, I turn the phone to silent within an hour of going to sleep.
June 26, 2010 at 2:59 pm #34584Swedich Dragon
ParticipantHello Steven!
Yes I´ve heard about the wood element and the two organs also.
Often it drains me alot to stay up untill 2 a.m. even if I can sleep wery long the day after. This is beacase the cortisol homone level will be wery low the next day, I think. And beacase mine is wery low to start with, that schedule is not a good idea.
Then of course the whole idea of my health plan is to streangten the adrenals, and of course also other inbalances, if I find the way.
Yes my program work for me. But I am not always following it. I hope to find more dicipline from now on. But interestingly enough I have a pattern going from wery much dicipline to no dicipline at all and that pattern would be intersting to work on. Perhaps it is a part of my organ inballance to!
Well time to stop and do my evening Qigong.
June 27, 2010 at 1:21 am #34586Swedich Dragon
ParticipantTy Steven for adding the description of wood, which helped my understunding.
Last night:
This was an expample on a good practise of my program. I have been quite active the last day. I took care of my brothers dog and as a kind of payment I could borrow hes car. Took a ride out to the archipelago with the dog and some friends. Had a real nice time.
GOod food at a special restaurang, Greek, with many flowers and a beatiful place.
A tour to a wery special place at sea, with nice clifs to do some sunbathing.
A meating with a girl that I like who lives at a collective.
Some meditation and more good food together with some nice people and friends.And more activities helping a friend that is an artist with an art project. and more. Much walk with the dog…
Anyway I had alot energy when I went to bed. I did my 9 p.m. yoga program and developed some iron shirt into it. Found out that if I am wery awake it is nice to do some of the exercise in the standinog tree pose and to sink into it and practise it in a more relaxed way, with regard of my atitidue to the practise.
Finally I did all of the exercises and went to bed with alot of energy and an awaken tan-tien. I emediately did feel that this night I wount fall into sleep so fast, beacase of all the energy. But decided to follow the program anyway.
The first of the four parts of the general sleeping program
Doing nothing: The thoughts went ower all the things that did happen the last days. I did stay quite long with these thoughts.Going to the second part and changing the thoughts to positive ones, thinking about things how I want them to be. Nicely energies created. Some thougths and horniness to the girl a mentioned. All this created more energy.
Part 3 feeling heavyness in the body. I realised that this wount get me into sleep so I did them quite fast, but anyway with a focused intention. That includes the fourth part stilling the mind and letting the thoughts go into the earth.
I went ower to the first yoga program, the tao-yin exercises.
A Smiling to the tan-tiens, did create quite alot of energy and nice feelings. I felt that the lower tan-tien´s energy was connected to some soreness in the back and also to some sexual energy and energies at other places as well. A wery nice practise.
B Breathihg into the the points with cosmic energy, (golden light). This was wery energetic and I let it take a long time. Wery nice and more connection to some soresness in the body. A comment on that is that I have not been practising much at all lately, but been working alot. That owerwork has created quite alot of tension and bad feelings in my body and now when I start practise again I come into contact with all the negativity and stress created lately. It is the start of a relaxation process to go true all this not so good feelings. The breathing accroding to the tao-yin program is quite good with this beacase it change the negative feelings in the energy to a wery strong energy with nice positive feelings.
C Taking in the sun to the eyes and passing the energy true the body. A wery nice energetic shower, that relaxes ower active energies, created true the B practise above.
D Water up fire down, part one and two. This exercise mixes the kidneys with the heart in a realy nice way. I did come into contact with alot of stress and pain in the psoas muscle. It is there beacase of the stressfull period, beacase of my jogging, beacase of the wery long walks with the dog and beacese I have started to do my tao-yin working at that muscle the last days. This is also I think a muscle that is much involved with my health problem generally.
E I did the lotus flower meditation. This was also unusually strong and wery nice meditaion. During this meditation I started to loose focus and recognised it as being sleepy. I did just a litle more meditation. Circulated the energy around the navel, and there was much more of it than usual.
Went back to the four genral exercises for falling asleep.
The first is doing nothing and I think I felt to sleep during this one quite fast. I slept the whole night and did wake up quite early with alot of energy and less stress in my body.
And there I am right now.
This is about how I want it to function when I have the patience to go true the program instead of creating some late night activities with the extra energy. Instead this gives me some more extra good and nice qigong to that day. Using the time to my qigong is quite nice, beacase I know that during this time of the day I will not realy create anything useful anyway.
I feel that I have alot of good energy today to make a nice beatiful and harmonic sunday holiday in the sunshine. 🙂
This is probably a wery good example of handling insomnia with alot of energy.
Another more problematic situation is when I am owerworked and have wery low energy or only bad energies. Then it is more hard to do all of this good qigong. I think the hatha yoga program and the six healing sounds later in my yoga program deals with this in a nice way, if I not start looking at porn or TV instead. More dicipline into this area is what I am after and hope I can achive.
Using the summer with less obligations and work to create the good patterns so that they will be a natural part of my life even during tuffer times is what I will try to achive.
June 30, 2010 at 12:33 pm #34588Swedich Dragon
ParticipantMy MD has finally come to the same conclusion about my illness as me myself.
When I first visited hem I told hem that I has adrenal fatigue and low thyroid. I also gave hem papers on both of the illnesses. But it was quite alot of pages and I don´t think he did read them. But after some years now he has come to the same conclusion and he has finally got the same information that I had when I saw hem at first. I was quite updated and the thing I had read was so new that not many doctors did know about it.
Anyway this may have implications on my treatment.
He want to again ad hydrocortison to my armour medicine, but in another way than before. The difference is that the hydrocortison needs to be taken several time each day, but still in wery low dosages. The reason id didn´t work the last time was that the efect on the body has to be continuos.
So our next step is to meassure my morning temperature. Perhaps do some more tests and then add the hydrocortison and increase the armour again.
Ironically enough this was the treatment I did want to do for about three years ago. And I thougth wat he did was that, but there was a difference. I did notice the difference then but did not know how important it was.
More about medicines will arrive soon.
I´m happy that he finally has arrived at exactly my view point!
June 30, 2010 at 1:44 pm #34590Swedich Dragon
ParticipantFor the moment my medical treatment looks like follows:
Armour thyroid 120 mg
Adrenal rebuilder, which is adrenal cell extract and works to build up the adrenals again.
Glucosamine sulfat.
General supplement of vitamines
Also wery important is the salt, KCl not NaCl (Sodium and potatissimum I think in Englisch), which I add every morning to a glas of water and also during the day when I feel the need to. That is more often when I am exhaurste. I have learned somewhat to feel when my exhaustion is caused by the salt ballance in the body.
Actually the only of these that I buy new is the adrenal cell extract wich I import to Europe from the states. The others I use from what I have left from earlier attempts for me treatment, untill I can afford the ones I realy want. That is also doing as much as I possible can at each moment.
Then I want to also add herbs from a TCM doctor in my towm, but even thus she is quite sheap I can´t afford that for the moment.
I also want to add some other formulas for the adrenals, which I can´t afford for the moment.
Then I plan to add some other treatments as well but they also have to wait untill I can afford them. Anyway what I am thinking about is:
Cleaning my teath from amalgame
chi nei tsang
Sacro spinal massage (not the rigth word)
Psychoteraphy with painting
Wistiting a schaman
Wisiting a healer in my own town.Actually the visit to the healer will be done I think, beacase he has promised me at least one time for free. He is not wery humble person and thats why I haven´t been visiting hem earlier. He says he is the best healer; well not so humble. Anyway I like hem and I often talk with him. I think he has some abilities, but according to my opinion the best never tell you they are the best, that perhaps others will do. And another thing is that hes treatment is wery expensive about three times as the other most expensive good healers, from different diciplines, in my country.
June 30, 2010 at 1:53 pm #34592Swedich Dragon
ParticipantI have made a decission to try to start my Ph.D studies from two years from now.
This plan comes from me believing that I will have some results from my new health program. I have already felt some results this spring and by adding things systematically to the program I think I has the change to be much better in two years.This gives me two years to do what ever I want to do. Probably I will continue working as a teacher. perhaps also some practical work more nearby and perhaps also some teaching here around. If unenployed for times I can do either more yoga or start to studie some theory for the later Ph.D
The decission to start try to do what I have had as a gole for a long time also gives me more motivation to continue my health care program.
Chanses are of course huge that I might change my mind in this two years period, but still it gives me some stabilty, to have a concreate plan.
The work has much to do with my health care program, beacase the work is the major factor for hindering my progress in my health. So it is wery important to choose work in a way that support my health.
June 30, 2010 at 2:02 pm #34594Swedich Dragon
ParticipantThis is the way I do my yoga for the moment.
I practise these time during the day:
10.30 to 11 a.m
15 to 16 p.mDuring those times I do my practise wherever I am. If I forget about the time I skip that practise session. If I am socialising in a way that in which it isn´t apropriate to breake for yoga, I skip the yoga. If I´am tired I sleep instead of doing the yoga. But if I remember these times I rely prioritates the yoga and always try to do it.
I can choose what ever form I like. For the moment I do much Tao-Yin, and some iron shirt.
During days I travel, I do my yoga on the bus or train and perhaps not on the times given above.
If I wake up late and eaat my breakfist late, I might skip the 10.30 yoga.
Then also I do my kidney yoga program each day at 9 p.m. At this time I have a specifik program. I have to do all of the specified exercises as I wrote about in my kidney program above. But I can do them as fast or as slow as I like. So I can go true all of the exercises in about 3 to 5 minutes or continue practising for an hour if I prefer.
Then I also has the yoga exercises that is part of my program against insomnia.
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