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- This topic has 33 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by c_howdy.
April 15, 2012 at 11:29 am #39183StevenModerator
New Law in St. Petersburg, Russia makes it crime
to even mention gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender
in public.Sergey was jailed for supporting holding a sign showing
his support for his wife’s lesbian friend.This new law is being considered for nationwide adoption in Russia.
Regardless of your personal feelings on this issue,
it is in fact a matter of CIVIL RIGHTS for all people.
Governmental authority should not interfere in the
ability of people to live their own lives as they see fit
(provided it does not cause harm/injury to another).S
April 15, 2012 at 11:51 am #39184STALKER2002ParticipantWhat is good for Americans may be very bad for russians… Propoganda of Homosex is a crime in russian federation
April 15, 2012 at 12:03 pm #39186StevenModeratorIf you, as a Russian citizen, like having the government
control what opinions you as a citizen are allowed to have,
then I guess there is nothing to say.But I can’t imagine all Russian citizens feel that way.
April 16, 2012 at 2:43 am #39188STALKER2002ParticipantYou may have your own inner opinions whatever you like, BUT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PROPAGATE AND IMPOSE THEM AMONG OTHER Russian citizens!
April 16, 2012 at 7:33 am #39190StevenModeratorSo everybody in Russia is a hermit then?
Or at least only talks with other family members?As soon as you engage with other people,
regardless of what you are doing, you are
expressing an opinion that someone could take
offense to.I guess if you live in Russia, being a hermit
and not talking with others about anything is the
best option to avoid being accused of imposing
your opinions on them. ๐Because that is what people need, government
to step in and prevent others from possibly
offending us with their opinions. ๐Didn’t authoritarian government end there with
the end of the Cold War and communism, or is
Russia in fact not a free country?S
April 16, 2012 at 11:43 am #39192c_howdyParticipantIn the course of writing this book I encountered fascinating people, opinions, and intriguing bits of information. The following are typical:
-The country is wracked with fraud and corruption. Connections between the government and ‘oligarchs’ are getting closer all the time. The president won re-election in 1996 with tens of millions of dollars in his war chest, much of which was contributed by big business outside any meaningful regulation.
-One woman, nearing pension age, described how conditions had deterirated at her workplace over the past eighteen years. “When I started working in the district government 1983,” she said,”people were hired on the basis of their qualifications and experience. Now, in our department it’s all done by where you live and who you know.” She went on to lament the decline in talent as well as extent to which rank-and-file workers were increasingly beholden to the party. “Inconpetence has increased and professionalism has decreased…We’re expected to campaign for a candidate when asked, and contribute money to the Party…When we want a raise we have to go to the Party, not our supervisors, to get it approved.”
-A law enforcement official was under investigation for his participation in a criminal organization. In the course of working a ‘mafia’ boss as an informant, the official was swayed to join forces with the thug, turning over classified information, and reportedly even acting as a lookout during the commission of a murder. This came at a time when the number of law enforcement departments under investigation for incompetence, corruption, human rights abuses, and even murder, were on therise. Local and national politicians were being arrested for embezzlement, fraud, and extortion. And apathy among the population was high.
-A businessman in a major city was blocked for eleven years from obtaining the required permits to open a restaurant because he refused to pay bribes to city officials.
-A newspaper article eneurated some of the more noteworthy offenses committed by members of the national legislature in the second half of the 1990s: 29 members had been accused of spousal abuse, 7 had been arrested for fraud, 19 had been accused of writing bad checks, 117 had bankcrubted at least two businesses, 3 had been arrested for assault, 71 had credit reports so bad they couldn’t qualify for a credit card, 14 had been arrested on drug-related charges, 8 had been arrested for shoplifting, in 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving but released after they claimed immunity
-Prior to leaving office, the president granted immunity from prosecution to a drug trafficker, tax evader, embezzler, and others of low repute.
As you may have guessed, I’m referring to the United States. The woman mentioned above is American, the law enforcement official was an FBI agent, the restaurater was a New Yorker, the national legislature was the U.S. Congress, and the president was Bill Clinton.
-JOSEPH D. SERIO, Investigating Russian Mafia>>>What is good for Americans may be very bad for russians… Propoganda of Homosex is a crime in russian federation>>>
But probably statistically there are as many with this tendency as for example in the United States.
April 18, 2012 at 12:55 am #39194STALKER2002ParticipantYou may speak with others russians about everything in the world except homosex.
About the cold war and it’s end I think that Americans siplify the matter of fact . See also the biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr. (born June 13, 1928) is an American mathematician whose works in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations have provided insight into the forces that govern chance and events inside complex systems in daily life. His theories are used in market economics, computing, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence, accounting, politics and military theory. Serving as a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University during the latter part of his life, he shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.April 18, 2012 at 1:15 am #39196STALKER2002Participanthttps://sites.google.com/site/saveitep/together/appeal/appeal-to-russian-politicians
We are witnessing an event that is indelibly marked as senseless precedent of modern Russian politics. Any state makes mistakes and corrects them. But the precedent of the losses that are about to occur, is impossible to correct; it is like death. This precedent is a possible loss of one of the internationally renowned Russian research centers – the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, ITEP.Who would dream about Americans closing NASA Space Center or Los Alamos National Lab, Germans – the Max-Planck Gesellschaft or British – Cavendish Laboratory? These (and other) research centers make up the national pride of countries and peoples; they are the countries BRAND NAMES, a symbol of intellectual power, quality, world-wide recognition. BRAND NAME can not be reformed or merged with another brand, because it will be entirely different brand all together.
Brand, which symbolizes a well-deserved fame and authority, never comes overnight. No financial investments are capable to buy a good name. Many decades of hard and fruitful intellectual work created one of the world finest Russian science brands – ITEP. It concentrates scientific genius of the Russian people and have raised generations excellent scientists. Ask anyone in the world of high-energy physics, what ITEP is; and they will tell you that it is a super brand, a world renown high academic class, which Russia can be proud of.
Politicians of Russia! You assumed a great responsibility to preserve and increase the national wealth and prestige of the country. In your hands is the power to do it, or rather not to do it! Stop destroying ITEP! Use your common sense, you are on the verge of losing one of the national brands. The situation is critical, but it still can be corrected.
Dr. Vladimir Safonov
[to support]April 18, 2012 at 1:23 am #39198STALKER2002ParticipantThe Letter of Dr. A.S. Gorsky, Dr. A.Yu. Morozov and Dr. P.N. Pakhlov to the President of RF and Pime Minister of RF
Dear Dmitri Anatoljevich!
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
We call on you to intervene in the situation around the GNC RF Alikhanov Institute of the Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) and save the leading Russian institute in fundamental research.Our institute has been founded more than 65 years ago within the Russian atomic project. Over many years which passed since its creation, the area of the scientific research conducted at ITEP has become considerably broader. Today, ITEP is a leading multi-disciplinary institute, which fundamental research covers areas of the theoretical and mathematical physics, nuclear and high energy
physics, cosmology and nuclear medicine.Such a wide spectrum of the scientific problems studied at ITEP is a reflection of the world’s modern scientific trends. For many years, international reviews are consistently placing ITEP among the Russian research institutes which perform at a level above the world’s average.
Today, ITEP’s scientific staff includes a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 9 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and more than 200 PhD physicists.
ITEP also hosts 4 scientific research projects supported by the presidential grants.
Two years ago a decision to make ITEP, by then a part of the State Corporation “Rosatom”, a part of a recently organized National Research Center, named “Kurchatov Institute (NRC KI), has been made. An executive order #603 by the President of Russia “A pilot project to establish a national research center <>” has been issued on Apr 28 2008. An executive order #1084 by the President of Russia specified the National Scientific Center (NSC) ITEP as a participant of that pilot project. The above
decisions, aimed in improving management and coordination of the
scientific research, could have really tragic consequences for ITEP.In December 2010, State Corporation “Rosatom” appointed a new ITEP director an office-bearer from NRC KI, charging him with
transitioning ITEP to NRC KI. Instead, a suffocating bureaucratic atmosphere, contradicting to the very spirit of science, has been created in the institute over the last year. Scientific trips of ITEP scientists are being canceled for random reasons, additional hurdles are being put in front of the university and high school students who want to come to ITEP, foreign scientists are no longer allowed inside ITEP. Finally, the scientific equipment procurement procedure has been reduced to an absurdity. An amount of useless paperwork a scientist has to be producing for the only purpose of internal accounting, reached a critical limit. At the same time, the ITEP management acts without being accountable to the scientists, even when it is making the most important general financial and administrative decisions.With the intensity of managerial changes constantly increasing, nobody is paying attention to the future scientific program of ITEP. The following are just a few facts:
1. ITEP has been recognized in the world for the fundamental research in the area of theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental high energy physics and cosmology. 70% of ITEP scientists are doing their research in these areas. However, neither of these areas has been included into the ITEP scientific program within NRC KI.
2. During the last year, there were serious problems with direction #7 (Fundamental and applied research in the heavy ion utilization and nuclear medicine), the only direction coordinated by ITEP within the NRC KI. As a result, the scientific research as well, as the practical medical work in the field of the nuclear medicine,
are in danger.3. ITEP is working very closely with the leading Russian universities,
MIPT and MEPHI, on higher education.
Every year tens of students defend at ITEP their MS theses.
This extremely important activity, as well as the education of high
school students, and organization of the international conferences
and schools have not been reflected in the ITEP scientific program
within NRC KI.4. Over the last decades, ITEP was among most integrated into the
international scientific community Russian research centers.
However, after the decision on integrating ITEP into the NRC KI has been made, all efforts facilitating an efficient international collaboration have been halted.
It should be emphasized, that NRC KI, as well as ITEP itself, doesn’t have an established policy defining how and on which grounds different directions of the scientific research should be funded. Incompetence of already made decisions can be demonstrated as follows.1. The main argument for tranferring ITEP from “Rosatom” to NRC KI was that the fundamental research, results of which often can’t be immediately commercialized, has to be supported by the government. However, as a part of the transition, the ITEP management recommends that scientists “make an effort in finding supplementary contracts”, meaning finding the survival money by contracting themselves to do work for commercial organizations.
2. For 2009-2012, ITEP’s share of the total NRC KI budget has been limited to about 7%. No quantitative indicator of the scientific productivity, and ITEP contributes to NRC KI more than 20% of the total number of scientific publications, about 20% of the defended PhD theses, and 10% of the total scientific personnel, can justify
such a discrimination.3. The NRC KI regulations allow administration to pay scientists extremely low salaries. According to the policy published on the ITEP website, during the transition, ITEP scientists are supposed
to sign new contracts and agree to be paid 5790 rubles (less than $200) per month!For people, who sacrificed with their well-being in 1990’s and decided not to leave Russia in those difficult times, signing such a contract is more than just humiliation.
After the President’s executive order #1691 from Dec 27 2011 and the government regulation #2412-r from Dec 29 2011, the NRC KI anagement admitted that the time has been lost, and that opinion of ITEP scientific personnel, the Scientific Council of ITEP, and the leading ITEP scientists has been ignored. As a result, several important directions of the scientific research, successfully pursued by the ITEP scientists over the decades, as well as the ITEP’s educational program, have not been included into the program document defining ITEP’s priorities and directions of research within the NRC KI. We believe, that within the three months, allocated by the President’s executive order for ITEPs transition to NRC KI, the problems we described can’t be solved.
During the last month, no single official decision has been made, and measures taken in a rush can result in ITEP destruction. So far, everything goes in the direction of destroying the unique scientific community of ITEP, in which case the best ITEP scientists would be forced to leave the country, and an influx of a new young scientific personnel would be completely stopped.That would be an unprecedented disgrace for our nation!
All this is especially shameful, because despite all difficulties of the last years, ITEP still remains a live and dynamically developing scientific center which attracts many talented young people.
We need your help.
We ask you to make decisions providing
– that ITEP transition to NRC KI, if necessary at all, would proceed in a smooth and progressive way, extended over several years under the control of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. The transition would start from removing the security-related restrictions and defining the ITEP scientific program, which would correspond to the actual directions of the scientific research conducted at ITEP and would be adequately funded by the government.
– that major part of the ITEP territory would be converted into an open, self-directing international scientific and educational center, where active scientists, leaders of the scientific projects and divisions, played a major role in the decision-making process.
Such transformation of ITEP could serve as a pilot project for creating a multi-disciplinary center for fundamental research and establish a deliberate and careful process for the benefit of our Institute, our Science and our State.
P.N.PakhlovApril 18, 2012 at 9:26 am #39200StevenModeratorHow about speaking to each other about everything
with NO EXCEPTIONS?Put simply, one can never have too much liberty.
If you don’t know the meaning of liberty, look it up.S
April 18, 2012 at 9:28 am #39202StevenModeratorThis is why liberty is so important.
If you won’t stand up for others
for things they believe in, that you
might not. THEN WHO will and should
stand up for you?S
April 18, 2012 at 1:59 pm #39204STALKER2002ParticipantApril 18, 2012 at 10:22 pm #39206c_howdyParticipantThe Bhagavad Gita trial in Russia or the Bhagavad Gita court case in Russia was the trial of the Russian edition of Bhagavad Gita As It Is initiated in June 2011 by the state prosecutor’s office in Tomsk, Russia on charges of religious extremism, based on an assessment of the book by scholars of Tomsk State University, which concluded that Bhaktivedanta Swami’s translations and commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita incite religious, social, and racial intolerance.
At the first hearing the federal judge Galina Butenko found the Tomsk University assessment inadequate and commissioned another assessment from Kemerovo State University, postponing the verdict until December 28, 2011.
In mid-December 2011 the trial caused a storm of highly critical publications and comments in the Indian, Russian, and international media, as well as on social networks. The outrage was followed by a groundswell of multi-partisan political support in the Indian Parliament and an official statement by the Indian External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna, harshly criticizing the proposed ban as “patently absurd” undertaking of “ignorant and misdirected or motivated individuals”. The overwhelmingly wide negative response to the trial forced Russian officials to offer apologies to India, promising the necessary remedial measures to prevent the ban. The trial also sparked public protests and legal actions in India against the proposed ban and drew harsh criticism of the intellectual community in Russia. Leading Russian scholars publicly denounced the perpetuation of the trial, appealing to President Dmitry Medvedev and Premier Vladimir Putin for intervention and warning them of the trial’s negative consequences for India-Russia relations and for Russia’s international reputation.
-WIKIPEDIATouko Laaksonen, best known by his pseudonym Tom of Finland (8 May 1920 ย 7 November 1991) was a Finnish artist notable for his stylized androerotic and fetish art and his influence on late twentieth century gay culture. He has been called the “most influential creator of gay pornographic images” by cultural historian Joseph W. Slade.
Over the course of four decades he produced some 3500 illustrations, mostly featuring men with exaggerated primary and secondary sex traits: heavily muscled torsos, limbs, and buttocks, and large penises. Tight or partially removed clothing showed off these traits, with the penis often visible as a bulge in tight trousers or prominently displayed for the viewer. His drawings frequently feature two or more men either immediately preceding or during explicit sexual activity. Nearly all of his characters were versatile and obviously enjoyed the bottom as well as the top role in sexual intercourse.
-WIKIPEDIAI have noticed that many who think that they are liberal are not at all. Look for example this forum. Some of the key person don’t like at all monks and nuns but for some of the real ones (monks & nuns) it is the most natural and purest way of living. I mentioned this only as an example. So I’m very sorry.
>>>You may speak with others russians about everything in the world except homosex.>>>
I don’t have anything to do with homosex, but one particular gay artist in this respect is good example. I mean of course Tom of Finland.
Homosexuality has been criminalised in Finland until 1971, but Tom’s art seemingly has been somehow very important for the development of certain type of gay culture, which he had started to produce many decades earlier. These are the macho/leather/fetishist/biker gays, born outlaws. With some of this type of guys you don’t get assfucked or suck cock when you like. So it might get bit dangerous if you don’t keep out of the way. Historically this type of gay culture seemingly has also tight mafia connection.
Also Yukio Mishima was one of this category.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmbwZHP8Ih0April 19, 2012 at 2:23 am #39208STALKER2002ParticipantApril 19, 2012 at 4:15 am #39210STALKER2002Participant -
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