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October 24, 2010 at 9:24 am #35578
Michael Winn
KeymasterNote: the next qigong DVD I plan to make is one that cures diabetes (both types!) in one month. It was taught to me by Jiang Nan, who also taught me the 7 Star Big Dipper shamanic qigong. I believe if you used a combo of this qigong and the suggestions below, you will be in very good shape. – Michael
By Mike Adams
October 23, 2010http://nhne-pulse.org/how-to-cure-diabetes-in-five-steps/
First it was Fast Food Nation. Now it’s Diabetic Nation. That’s because fast
food leads to diabetes, and America is now drowning in both. A new report by
the CDC says that by 2050, nearly one-third of American adults will be
diabetic.It’s a windfall of profits for the drug companies, diabetic supply companies
and the sick care industry in general. Perhaps that’s why no one is taking
any real action to halt the anticipated explosion in diabetes. The more
people who get sick, after all, the more money will be spent on medical
treatment. (It’s good for the economy, they say!)But solutions to diabetes exist right now. I’ve personally interviewed
patients who were cured of type-2 diabetes in as little as four days at Dr
Gabriel Cousens’ Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
<http://www.treeoflife.nu/> near Tucson, Arizona. My own book entitled How
to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days
<http://www.truthpublishing.com/haltdiabetes_p/yprint-cat21267.htm> has
helped thousands of people prevent and even reverse diabetes in under a
month.As NaturalNews readers know, I used to be borderline diabetic myself, and I
suffered from hypoglycemia and borderline obesity at the same time. But I
was able to cure my own pre-diabetes condition by doing essentially two
things: 1) Ignoring all doctors and conventional medicinal information, and
2) Teaching myself the principles of nutrition (through lots of reading).Today, about a decade later, I remain fit, healthy and athletic. At age 41,
I lift weights, swim, bicycle and exercise on a regular basis while
carefully choosing foods that will prevent diabetes for a lifetime.Here are my top five secrets for preventing (and even reversing) diabetes…
My top secrets for preventing and reversing diabetes
Secret #1) Stop eating all refined sugars. This means giving up all foods
made with HFCS (especially soda) or other refined sugars. If you find this
step difficult, wean yourself off these foods day by day. It took me six
months to finally end my sugar addiction for good. Sodas and HFCS have
caused 130,000 cases of diabetes, by the way
<http://www.naturalnews.com/028340_diabetes_sodas.html>.Secret #2) Ingest large quantities of daily superfoods. I consume at least
two daily superfood smoothies made with spirulina, stabilized rice bran and
high-density superfood powders such as Boku Superfood
<http://www.bokusuperfood.com/> and Living Fuel
<http://www.livingfuel.com/>. I blend them with frozen organic fruit,
coconut oil and almond milk. On top of that, I take daily chlorella,
astaxanthin and various Chinese medicine herbs from
<http://www.dragonherbs.com/> and other high quality nutritional suppliers.Secret #3) Exercise a little bit every day. I exercise over 12 hours a week,
but that’s more than you really need to prevent diabetes. Even just walking
30 minutes a day can have a huge impact on preventing diabetes. The key is
to make it a daily activity.Secret #4) Get sunshine or vitamin D. More than 70% of white Americans are
vitamin D deficient. That number rises to 97% among African Americans.
Latinos and Asians are at around 80% deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency promotes diabetes (and cancer, heart disease, kidney
disease, immune suppression, and so on).So if you really want to prevent diabetes, boost your vitamin D levels with
either daily sunshine or quality vitamin D3 supplements. Vitamin D
deficiency explains why diabetes is so rampant among African Americans, by
the way. Did you notice that doctors don’t explain any of this to African
American patients? It’s the dirty little racist secret of both the diabetes
and cancer industries…Secret #5) Avoid all processed foods. Avoid eating refined anything. That
includes white breads, processed meat (which strongly promotes diabetes) and
dairy products. Switch from cow’s milk to almond milk (Blue Diamond brand is
good, but I suggest you avoid the Silk brand). Reduce or eliminate cheese
from your diet. If you eat meat, eat only fresh unprocessed meat, never eat
processed packaged meat because it contains sodium nitrite, a chemical that
destroys pancreas function. This means no pepperoni pizza, no ham and potato
soup, no deli meat sandwiches and so on.To the extent that you can do these five things, you can reverse diabetes
yourself! Diabetes is not a difficult disease to prevent or reverse because
it’s not really an affliction that “strikes” you randomly. It is merely the
biological effect of following certain lifestyle (bad foods, no exercise)
that can be reversed in virtually anyone, sometimes in just a few days.I’ve even interviewed a type-1 diabetic who got completely off insulin by
following a raw foods diet with daily vegetable juicing. Yes, type one! Read
about my interview with Dr Cousens here:http://www.naturalnews.com/028341_diabetes_living_foods.html
(This interview will rock your world if you don’t yet know that diabetes is
easily curable!)Scientific research shows, by the way, that the insulin-producing “islet
cells” in the pancreas can be jump-started back to life with hot peppers:http://www.naturalnews.com/021345.html
Diabetes is nearly 100% preventable. You won’t hear this from mainstream
medicine — which ridiculously claims there is no cure for diabetes —
because treating diabetics is just too darned profitable. Big Pharma is
drooling over the profit potential of seeing one-third of Americans becoming
diabetic by 2050. It will mean hundred of billions of dollars in annual
profits.But people are curing diabetes every day. It’s simple and straightforward,
and when you cure diabetes, you greatly reduce your risk of heart disease,
obesity and cancer at the same time. The thing is, no one will cure your
diabetes for you. Sure, the drug companies want to “treat” you with diabetes
drugs, but you have to keep taking those for a lifetime. They don’t cure
anything. The only real cure can come from YOU — by changing what you eat
and increasing your exercise.Drew Carey did it. I did it. Countless others have done it. You can do it,
too. Read more about diabetes here on NaturalNews at:http://www.naturalnews.com/diabetes.html
And I urge you to get started today! Just 30 days from now, you could be off
insulin, off diabetes drugs and back on track with a healthy life.Please work with a qualified naturopathic physician before engaging in any
medication, dietary or exercise changes. They can help guide you toward the
best results in a safe, effective way.………….
NaturalNews Diabetes Resource Page
http://www.naturalnews.com/diabetes.htmlOctober 24, 2010 at 11:09 pm #35579singing ocean
ParticipantI saw a documentary on people that also cured type 1 & 2 Diabetes by eating raw food on retreat for a few weeks..its called “Raw in 30 Days” I think they were also at Gabriel Cousen’s retreat center called “Tree of Life”.
October 25, 2010 at 5:44 am #35581Steven
ModeratorI don’t know if it’s the raw food, so much as it’s the absence of sugar.
Chinese medicine advocates a mixture of raw and cooked food,
and in fact, cautions *against* an all raw food diet.
An all raw food diet is very stressful on the liver, and
can induce liver cirrhosis in some people if they sustain the
diet over a long period of time.Best piece of advice: “In short, to neglect moderation is harmful.”
October 25, 2010 at 9:45 pm #35583singing ocean
ParticipantI know about the balance between hot and cold foods…when I was on the wheatgrass as only food thing, I also ate grain porridge in hot water.
I’m sure it is a complex healing process, but there are many interesting sources that talk about important nutrients in a “Living food” diet that includes amino acids and all the important nutrients in juiced fruits and vegetables sprouts, grass and clay. I prefer just to blend the whole carrot rather than just extracting the juice only, and also balance it with cooked food. I find them to be very compatible with chinese herbs.
There even seems to be some early western spiritual practices centered around the visceral absorption of energy sun, moon and earth energy from nature if the translations by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely of the “Essene Gospels of Peace” are actually correct. He calls it Biogenic living, and talks about the raw earth energy present in living foods such as grass, a very primeval source of food that coincidentally has almost the exact same chemical structure as hemoglobin in our blood.
Its strange that no Chinese medical texts talk about grass…maybe they didn’t consider it a source of food. It has very healing properties and TONS of nutrients, some early north american scientists proposed adding dried grass as a nutrient supplement to foods to promote health…what happened to western doctors promoting preventative health anyway?
Some good authors on natural and living foods are Ann Wigmore (wheatgrass and sprouts), Raymond Dextreit (Earth Cures), Ray Knishinsky (The clay cure), and Daniel Reid talks about juices and food combining in “The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity”
October 25, 2010 at 10:23 pm #35585Steven
ModeratorYeah, I was only making a factual statement about
an all-raw-food diet (which is unbalanced and not healthy).
You can even find such Taoist wisdom in Chia’s books,
but it is corroborated in various other Chinese medical
sources as well. Extreme things are generally not good.However, I *wasn’t* making any comments specific to your diet,
which I was/am unfamiliar with. Actually, the little you
described about *your* diet, sounds fine to me.You are right that no one talks about grass.
In fact, I don’t know anything about wheatgrass at all.
It is something you get in the produce section,
or is it an herb, as in a supplement you take?
This question alone should demonstrate how little
I know about it, lol.Cheers,
StevenOctober 26, 2010 at 7:22 pm #35587singing ocean
ParticipantPeople usually grow it for juicing in rectangular trays. Of course if you have land, you could jut grow it outside and eat your lawn!!!
I grew it for a number of years, but in the last 10 have had work interfere with that because it is time-intensive and also attracts mice. I recently started eating the dried stuff again (you just add the dried powder to water, mix and drink). It has amazing energy, and can feel its effect immediately.
About the chemical structure…it is actually the chlorophyll that has the identical chemical sturcture as Hemoglobin in blood. Plant blood and human blood are so similar, except humans don’t synthesize sunlight into carbohydrates like plants…OR DO THEY???
October 26, 2010 at 10:37 pm #35589Steven
ModeratorI consume 16 grams of chlorella daily, which is a
green algae. It has one of the highest concentrations
of chlorophyll around, detoxifies the body, and could
be considered a “perfect food”.I’m not sure how it compares to wheatgrass . . .
October 27, 2010 at 12:11 am #35591singing ocean
ParticipantI have marine biologists in the family…I think blue green algae is good in terms of the nutrients in the chlorophyll and all the other stuff. I have heard people say that there is a hard “shell” around blue green algae that has to be broken down before it can be utilized in the digestive tract…that is why on the bottle it usually says “cracked” or something. I ahve tried both and prefer Wheatgrass, but that might just be a personal preference…whatever feels best to you.
I think chlorophyll is the way to go.
October 27, 2010 at 5:50 pm #35593Dog
ParticipantIt is interesting that before juicers the power of grasses where only accessible through a bio juicer called grassing animals. We ate there meat and drank there milk and blood (pea pea was fertilizer) which was all more digestible. I feel Supper berries are more digestible and alchemically take the best from heaven and earth. They are super pills of longevity. I feel super berries will be the main food of the future. Shizandra, Goji, Coffee Berries, Camu Camu and more. Interesting how we replace bio tech with metal tech.
PeaceOctober 27, 2010 at 9:13 pm #35595Steven
Moderator>>>It is interesting that before juicers the power of grasses
>>>where only accessible through a bio juicer called grassing animals.
>>>We ate there meat and drank there milk and blood (pea pea was fertilizer)
>>>which was all more digestible.That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.
You have a real bright personality, Dog. ๐S
October 28, 2010 at 1:03 am #35597singing ocean
ParticipantNO one knows it but humans have the same capability. When it is suggested to eat grass, people scream “BUT WE CAN’T DIGEST THE ROUGHAGE, IT’S TOO MUCH FIBER”. It is true that tray grown grass is thinner and more tough than ground grown wheatgrass (the leaves are wide and succulent, and less sharply sweet-pungent), so you end up with stronger jaw muscles, whats the big deal. I think there is a tradition in the Caucasus mountains where coincidentally people also regularly live to be past 100 years old, to add grass to soups and their regular meals.
It is comforting to know that much of the world is covered with an almost complete source of living amino acids…living sunlight in plant form. I don’t know how cows could be our juicers…would we lay down under their jaws and sip their drool??? Meat is kind of like third-hand sunlight, first they digest it then we digest them. I suppose its more grounded. Of course, we can also get first hand sunlight too.
Berries are great too… hooray for goji berries!!! Imagine if people could eat mainly goji berries and wheatgrass??? we would be bouncing like pogo sticks literally. I know a family that is growing goji bushes in their backyard….and by the way, what the heck is going on with dragon herbs goji supply??? they seem to be selling smaller and smaller bags that are more and more expensive.
October 28, 2010 at 1:53 am #35599Steven
ModeratorMeat is more grounded, all right . . . grounded into hamburger, LOL. Yum.
OK, bad joke, but I’m in an overly chipper mood for some reason. ^_^As for Dragon Herbs, I don’t know.
Maybe they are becoming more popular, and their supply is being depleted.I actually just placed an order from them (not Goji), and they refunded
part of my order, as they “suddenly became out of stock” of some things.S
November 7, 2010 at 5:15 pm #35601adel
ParticipantI think about all of this stuff
everyday as I am a professional
cook. I think it is almost impossible
for people in the modern world
to really be able to “digest”
the life in their food. For
example when I lived in Tokyo
my prewar born elders would
recommend umeboshi (salted
plums) for tiredness in the
summer. I would eat them and
intellectual understand that
they would be helping me, but
it wasn’t until I came and lived
in the tropics where the fresh
vegetables are very old and
flavorless that I stopped eating
much and nothing that I did not
make myself . My relatives in Japan sent
me a huge batch of handmade plums
which when I ate. I immediately felt
a direct pathway of the plum life
to my kidneys. My body was refreshed
and it wasn’t an intellectual understanding
but an actual experience in digestion.
It takes time and a lot of hard work
but you can learn to feel the life in
food and know what you need in certain
seasons, climates, times.
AdelDecember 19, 2010 at 4:20 am #35603c_howdy
Participant>>>Chinese medicine advocates a mixture of raw and cooked food
>>>and in fact, cautions *against* an all raw food diet.
>>>An all raw food diet is very stressful on the liver, and
>>>can induce liver cirrhosis in some people if they sustain the
>>>diet over long period of time.Is there some real scientific study about this?
My own experiences are only positive or actually only negative experience is social aspect of eating.
As it it seems to be very stressful for meat eaters to sustain themselves with vegetarian diet, it also appears to be very difficult for many vegetarians to live with living food.
Also when one doesn’t try to make meals to look nice, preparing living food doesn’t take so much time, when trying to make it look good. So it being time-intensive is not in my opinion necessarily so. When I still participated common meals I was regularly ridiculed because eating so slowly and being so determined to masticate foodstuff really properly, beside some other supposedly strange habits. When I decided to get full benefits from eating and it would mean that I would go somehow too “animalic” for civilized table habits, I refrained mostly from eating with “sinners.”
What I haven’t yet have time to really learn, is experimenting raw food diet based on Tom Brown, Jr. type of wilderness survival situation, but for that there is no real life model and teacher in Finland, but I must take help from Tom’s books.
December 19, 2010 at 4:41 am #35605c_howdy
ParticipantOne unusual teaching in the Essene Gospel of Peace is the command to eat only between sunset and dawn.
It’s again one strange idea which would go very much against the stream, but on the other hand it’s well known that real muslims who are asked to follow various kind of abstinences during the month of Ramadaan, comsume much more food during this month than during ordinary months. (In Egypt, national statistics have pointed to substantial increase in consumption of food, electricity, and medications related to digestive disorders during the month of Ramadan as compared with the monthly average in the rest of the year.-WIKIPEDIA)
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