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May 4, 2014 at 9:57 am #42367
Michael Winn
Keymasternote: Book 2 of my Primordial Tai Chi: Way of Enlightened Love has a whole chapter on scalar waves as the modern science explanation for Taoist pre-natal and primordial Qi. To be published later this year. A note on the scare vibration in this article about scalar weapons: they don’t work unless the operator has a high enough consciousness to take responsibility for the scalar wave patterns generated. That will prevent most of their use. – Michael
Scalar Energy – A Completely
New World Is Possible
By Bill Morgan
7-22-3The greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world has happened over the last few decades and it has gone largely unnoticed because of the great secrecy with which it has been held by all who know of it. It is the discovery of a completely new kind of electomagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night. All of empty space.
These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our 3-dimensional world from their 4-dimensional realm, to be used to do work, provide electricity, power all transport, and even heal the body of almost all disease. This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.
To understand the incredible implications of this phenomenal discovery is to realize that a completely New World is possible for mankind, a future never before dreamed possible. It could be a world of abundance everywhere, of endless free energy, pollution-free, and a world of cheap universal healthcare, in which actual healing takes place instead of mere treatment, and for most ailments, without the load of chemicals of the pharmaceutical industry. It could be a world in which a huge portion of this world’s massive suffering could be relieved.
These new waves of energy are called “longitudinal” EM (electromagnetism) to distinguish them from “transverse” EM, the kind we are familiar with in our daily life, which power our cell phones and pagers, television and radio broadcasts, microwave ovens, and so on. Rather than modulating in 3-dimensions they are modulating in the direction they are going, accordian-like, that is, along the axis of time, the 4th dimension. What this means is still a mystery to me, but one important facet of this new discovery in the new field of “scalar electromagnetics” is the discovery that time itself is compressed energy, compressed by the factor of the speed-of-light-squared. Does that sound familiar? It brings to mind Einstein’s E = mc2. Matter itself is also compressed energy, and compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time.
This amazing discovery is announced and described by foremost U.S. scalar scientist Tom Bearden on his website Cheniere.org. I spent about six months poring over the papers and briefings there, despite being a layman and not understanding the high physics and mathematical formulas of it. But I could glean enough to know that, if Bearden is correct, this discovery of the zero-point energy was in fact and without doubt the greatest discovery in human history.
This discovery will completely change our understanding of physical and “non-physical” reality. And it could lead to heaven, and it could lead to hell, because the incredible powers of these new longitudinal waves can, and already HAVE BEEN harnessed in the creation of the most stupendous weapons the world has ever seen. The least of them, the longitudinal interferometer or “Tesla howitzer,” could bring down, in a single shot, a huge building the size, say, the World Trade Center towers, and is being used daily to engineer and change the weather over North America. The Russians are probably the most advanced in the development of these kinds of weapons, but the Chinese are catching up as well. Once you have the know-how building a Tesla howitzer is relatively cheap, the key is in the know-how, knowing how to manipulate, modulate and intersect the longitudinal waves at-a-distance. You can be anywhere in the world and deliver a shot to anywhere else in the world with a Tesla howitzer. All nations now developing these new electromagnetic weapons do so in great secrecy, so mankind at large remains unaware of the danger into which it has fallen.
It should be noted that this discovery of the longitudinal waves of the vacuum of space is not so new as it might seem. Nikola Tesla is generally considered the father of scalar electromagnetics. Tesla’s name for this energy, also called “scalar energy” or “zero-point” energy was “Radiant Energy.” Tesla worked in the first half of the last century and was clearly a genius of the highest order. Unfortunately Tesla was quite paranoid about others stealing his inventions and so, with his photographic memory, kept most of what he knew in his head rather than write it down. But he made a free energy device called the “Tesla turbine,” and even converted an automobile to run on the “radiant energy.” At Tesla’s death the government swooped in immediately and confiscated what writings and papers there were. So, many of Tesla’s secrets were lost to humanity, and in fact, repressed by the powers that be. Even at that early period there were powerful interests working to keep these discoveries secret. The last thing the oil companies or the energy cartels want is free energy for everybody! That would mean their own demise.
Through scalar electromagnetics it will become possible to engineer physical reality directly, even to engineering at the molecular level, creating new “impossible” molecules and even transmuting elements. It will be possible to make radioactive waste non-radioactive. This new science will unlock the secret of gravity, and thereby the secret of anti-gravity allowing us to manufacture our own “UFOs.” It will allow the cure of cancer and Aids. I guess if I had to name the four most important implications of the discovery of longitudinal waves it would be these:
1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the “oil problem” are in hand. These oil-wars are completely unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domain of time.
2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.
3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.
4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.
Yes, that’s right, the new waves are in fact the kind of waves the mind itself uses in its operations, and so there will be implications in the realm of both mind control and education. Thoughts/feelings can be induced, even from afar, in target subjects, portending possible terrible uses in mentally enslaving people, or putting them into a happy trance, or making them apathetic, or even inducing sheer fear and panic. On the other hand, it will be possible to learn about any subject by merely “downloading” the knowledge directly into the human mind. A person might become a PhD. in a matter of months rather than years.
Other more offbeat possibilities would be “drug machines” which could induce a variety of euphoric happy states, a wide spectrum of consciousness altering effects which allow all drug users to get off their drugs. Why use drugs when those effects are available electromagnetically at the turn of a dial? Once the mind grasps the fundemental discovery it just runs wild thinking of the vast spectrum of things which will become possible.
But for mankind at its present juncture two aspects of longitudinal waves are supremely important: the matter of free-energy, and the terrible scalar weapons. If the government continues to suppress and hold back the secret of free energy from the vacuum, then the world continues to be locked into this direction we are going of the oil wars, as various powers seek to secure all the remaining oil supplies for themselves. In reality, the cost of the current war could easily have covered the research and development which would make the whole planet free of the need to burn oil! We are now spending 4 billion dollars a month in Iraq to take over their oil to the benefit of corporate America. The real benefit to the people of America would be to have a Manhatten-style project to develop scalar energy on a large scale and begin the changeover to a new oil-free era of world prosperity. But this will wipe out the oil companies and they are a demons that will not go down without a fight.
The Disclosure Project of Dr. Stephen Greer seeks, in part, to force disclosure by the secret agencies of the government to disclose this technology, which it holds highly classified, for the betterment of humanity. Witnesses, many of them military or ex-military, have given testimony that such technology exists and is being held secret from the people. This may classify as one of the greatest crimes against humanity, and history may very well judge it to be so. While keeping this technolgy of free-energy secret, they are secretly developing it into the worst weapons the world has ever known. It is epic evil worthy of Dr. Faust.
The secret testing of these scalar devices may also explain a lot of mysteries going on, like the cropcircles and the glowing orbs of lights in the sky increasing seen throughout the world. According to Tom Bearden, it was a scalar accident that caused the Chernobyl disaster. He also points out quite a number of sightings by trained pilots of “cold explosions” at sea which send up huge mushroom clouds of water vapor miles into the sky, or other sighting of giant glowing hemipheric electromagnetic domes, also called “Tesla shields.”
So once again, as at the dawn of the nuclear age, mankind is faced with a discovery that could lead to its own destruction, in the hands of evil or stupid men, or could lead to an incredibly better world, free of fossile fuels, filled with healthy people, and with plenty enough of everything to go around.
For more information on scalar electromagnetics see
http://www.cheniere.orgFor a longer “Bearden for Beginners” article see this: ub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm
May 4, 2014 at 6:27 pm #42368Steven
ModeratorI find this terminology “scalar waves” to be somewhat laughable.
This name was probably generated by folks who don’t know much about math or physics and are trying to write articles for the popular audience.The word scalar means “directionless quantity”.
An example of a scalar would be temperature. It is a quantity for which all information is contained within the number given.
This is to be contrasted (as one example) with what is called a vector.
A vector is a object that is defined by both a magnitude (quantity) and a direction.
An example of a vector would be force. If I physically push on you, it not only matters how hard I am pushing, but in which direction.
IN ANY CASE: scalar means “directionless”
So as you can see, the term “scalar wave” is ridiculous.
A wave, by definition, has a direction . . . namely the direction of propagation.Qi,
StevenP.S. If these waves (as in the article) exist, it would be better to call them “free-energy waves” or “Tesla waves” or some such thing. At some point I’ll have to look at the actual mathematics and physics behind their research to see for myself.
May 4, 2014 at 7:50 pm #42370Steven
ModeratorI spent some time on this guy’s site.
The one with the “high-level mathematics and physics” that the author could not understand.95% of what I saw did not actually include any real mathematics or physics. Just a bunch of claims without any kind of rigorous backing. I was hard-pressed to find any real content. Mostly I think it was encouragement for people to buy his book.
When I did find something mathematical (I’ll give an example), it is clear that he doesn’t have a full grasp on what he is talking about. There were many examples of this, and I’ll give just one.
See for instance:
This discussion that he is alluding to in the picture has to do with flow integrals in conservative vector fields. This is basic material that is in my upcoming book on Vector & Tensor Mathematics, and can be readily understood by any individual who has finished the standard college 1.5 year calculus sequence.
For those that do not have this background, you’ll have to trust me that I know what I’m talking about, and maybe just skim my discussion. In any case, his second sentence is telling. He starts off by saying “line integral”, which is somewhat sloppy because technically we are talking about flow integrals, but this is a common mistake that I can overlook. There is a close relationship between line integrals and flow integrals, so I can overlook this mistake. However, then he says “the line integral from A around any closed path back to A is conservative”. This is where he shows more of a lack of understanding. A line integral (or more appropriately flow integral) is a calculation. This calculation is supposed to be the number 0. This dictates that the underlying vector field is conservative. It is the vector field that is conservative, not the flow integral. A flow integral is simply a numerical calculation, so for him to say “the line (flow) integral is conservative” demonstrates a sketchy understanding by him at best. His first sentence is also suspect because he says “circular closed path in potential phi”, which is also sloppy since you don’t calculate flow integrals for potentials, you calculate them for vector fields . . . In particular, the single-valued potential that he refers to in his title is merely a consequence of the fact the vector field is conservative.
His third and fourth sentences are correct, but he has enough mistakes in this slide that it is clear that he has only a weak understanding of some really basic ideas in vector field theory. Now you might naively say that this is because he is trying to talk about scalar fields (and not vector fields)–therefore believing that he is talking about something different–but this is not the point. There is a direct relationship between a scalar potential and its gradient vector field–you can not avoid this relationship–and it is clear that he does not understand this relationship properly, as this slide is really the relationship between these two things.
IN ANY CASE, I found this kind of thing pervasive as I looked through his website.
Since it was very difficult for me to find any actual supportive mathematics, and then when I did find it–it demonstrated to me that he has a very weak understanding of it–I don’t feel motivated to investigate further.
Sorry Michael.
It doesn’t mean that there isn’t free-energy, but this guy (the “technical” guy that the author investigated) should not be the source of valid information.Steven
May 5, 2014 at 6:16 am #42372russelln
Participantyes, interesting how the discussion runs along similar track to the Taoist distinction of pre-natal and post-natal (or in Plato the world of the same and the world of change, the Western track of the 4 elements etc, see link).
I got interested in the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) model and then the Electric Universe (EU) model. The comments of the EU suggest the WSM is formless and EU is about the manifest. Both models are outside of mainstream (I think that is correct).
May 5, 2014 at 10:46 am #42374c_howdy
ParticipantSCALAR: Characterized by magnitude only. However, with respect to
polarization, a scalar photon is a term in use for a time-polarized photon,
where the EM energy oscillates along the time-axis. Hence a scalar wave,
following the same terminology, is an EM wave composed of scalar
photons, hence whose EM energy is oscillating along the time-axis. The
term “scalar” is used in the sense that no vector in 3-space exists even
though a vector (and a variation of its magnitude) exists along the time
axis. The effects are observed as an oscillation in the rate of flow of time,
hence a “time-density” oscillation. The term “scalar” with respect to
polarization implies only that there is no vector component in 3-space.
SCALAR ENTITY: In ordinary vector analysis, an entity thought to be
completely characterized by magnitude alone. Actually this is incomplete;
a scalar entity must contain a time-like vector component, if it is to
steadily persist in time. What we usually do unthinkingly is assume a
continual series of successive observations or d/dt operations upon the kt
nature of a scalar k. We conceive these individually frozen 3-space
snapshots to “continuously exist” since we can readily recall the “stream”
of d/dt differentiations in our mind and memory. Since all observation is
3-spatial, then no observable persists continuously in time; instead, it
continually recurs in time, instant to instant. This “iterative successive
stream of frozen 3-space snapshots” exists in the continual and rapid recall
from our memories. Compare this to the similarity of observing a
sufficiently rapid series of still pictures on a screen, where the individual
pictures differ by a time sequence taken of some phenomenon. One “sees”
the recreation in one’s mind of the flow through time of those events and
entities so photographed. Yet at any one instant, there is only a single
frozen snapshot on the screen, and no motion at all was “physically”
-T. E. BEARDEN, Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principleshttp://www.ivantic.net/Energija/Tom_Bearden_-_Energy_from_the_vacuum.pdf
May 5, 2014 at 11:01 am #42376ribosome777
ParticipantThe definition used by Steve is meaningful in the unresolved world of qcd, relativity,we’d other especially with the supposed higgs field but certainly fell an effort was made to get rid of the original scalar..
scalar is possibly a longitudinal light wave, which leads to issues of longitudinal compression harmonics
is a longitudinal light wave real?
this really is about what a field is to begin with…
A scalar can also be defined as a fractal “longitudinal” a wave moving across an attractor basin…
is a model for gravity…
This is commonly viewed as a 4d hypercube function… but again,imho, spacing is NOT a 4-metric, and relativity is completely wrong at the Lorentz level…
The 4d math is useful for that scalar because the tesseract can rotate into dodecahedron…
But the scalar could just as easily be 5d or higher
May 5, 2014 at 12:03 pm #42378ribosome777
Participantall of this mess about a time axis only means it is logitudinal compression..
it is this obscure because of this “mythical” space-time tensor which is not true…
is there a longitudinal light wave or “field wave” compression?May 5, 2014 at 12:57 pm #42380Steven
ModeratorHe’s mixing up the definitions of scalars, scalar fields, vectors, vector fields. These are all precisely defined mathematically and he is mixing them up.
A scalar is simply a number. Fixed. That’s it. No variance of any kind.
No direction. Nothing.Now he is talking about variance, and differentiation operations (i.e. d/dt), so immediately this means he is being sloppy, and at best is talking about scalar fields. However, he is still making serious mistakes with this concept.
A scalar field has variance by its definition. A scalar field is simply the functional output of a scalar-valued function of several variables. At any particular ordered n-tuple of coordinate variables, there is a particular assigned fixed numerical value assigned via the underlying defining multivariable function. These variables can be spatial variables or they can be time variables. It does not matter what the nature of the variables are. The change in the value of a scalar field from one point to another in space-time, even if only with respect to the time variables, may define an arrow, but it does not define a vector. A vector is an equivalence class of arrows, and such arrows defined by the evolution of time do not satisfy translation invariance necessary to be elements of the same equivalence class, and hence do not define a vector.
So regardless of whether he is talking about scalars or scalar fields, his analysis is incorrect.
He does not understand basic definitions correctly.
My analysis of a very basic flow integral result shows that he completely mixes up basic definitions inappropriately, and makes his whole analysis suspect.Steven
May 5, 2014 at 1:13 pm #42382ribosome777
ParticipantMay 5, 2014 at 1:23 pm #42384ribosome777
ParticipantMay 5, 2014 at 1:26 pm #42386Steven
ModeratorIf you want to think it is valid, that’s your business.
I know for a fact that it is not.This is a common problem with these folks that “do research” in fringe areas.
They throw together advanced sounding jargon in such a way that those that do not have a mathematical background look at it and say “I don’t understand any of this, but this person must really know what he is talking about” and then by proxy assume that it is valid.However, if you actually have the mathematical background, you will be able to see that the person who is throwing this sophisticated jargon around actually does not what he is talking about, and his “findings” are often the result of a great number of misconceptions.
This is often why–for the most part–I don’t investigate this fringe areas, because it ends up becoming a huge waste of time in ultimately uncovering basic misconceptions and flaws, and figuring out where they are completely wrong . . . only for some other nut job to come up with some other nonsense.
May 5, 2014 at 1:57 pm #42388ribosome777
“resembling a ladder,” 1656, from L. scalaris “of or pertaining to a ladder,” from scalæ (pl.) “ladder, steps” (see scale (n.2)). Mathematical sense first recorded 1846.May 5, 2014 at 2:24 pm #42390Steven
ModeratorThey are completely different languages.
In English, we use the word series and sequence to mean the same thing: One thing following another.
In mathematics, these are two TOTALLY different objects, with different distinct precise meanings.
Don’t confuse one language with another.
May 5, 2014 at 2:36 pm #42392ribosome777
Participantscalars were born from original work, including Tesla, which blossomed into fractal mathematics
scalars were and are originally “longitudinal” ladder harmonic compression wave cascades
you are the one in the dark about it.
May 5, 2014 at 2:48 pm #42394Steven
ModeratorYou lack even a basic understanding of freshman calculus.
I’m not even going to waste any further time explaining why you are wrong.
I simply have better things to do.When you have actually learned some mathematics, then come back and we can have a discussion. I actually have a master’s degree in mathematics, and an ABD PhD in it. So until you get educated, don’t even try.
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