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- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by
Swedich Dragon.
February 8, 2009 at 8:24 am #30503
I have been practising Healing Tao love for some time, and got some issues with it so I’m seeking an advice in order to improve my practise.
I will describe the way I practise during solo cultivation. The goals I want to achive are: to seperate orgasm from ejaculation , to improve my microcosmic orbit practise by redirecting sexual energy and stroing it in the naval area.
I practise power lock the way that I arouse myself to be as close as possible to the edge and then I try to draw my energy by taking a long breath (reverse breathing) , closing the urogenital muscles, draw up the muscles around perineum area and
focusing on some points along the back channel starting from sexusal organs area throught my vertabrea area to jade pillow or a crown. After that I breath out and relax and mentally go through front channel till the navel area. I repeat whole procedure a few more times.A few words of comments are that I do reverse breating at the point of drawing because having contracted urogenital area and trying to draw up periunium area I’m not able to do normal breating, and reverse breating seems to be natural at that point. I found focusing on the crown or jade pillow strong help in not letting out the ejaculation happen. When I relax and breath out and go to navel area then my navel is warm. If I draw the energy through the front channel then my navel is usually warm during drawing up the energy.
I was able to stop ejecula by only deep abonminal breathing (without any contraction)
but I felt that some fluids are goin till the tip of my penis and I after that I had
to go to give out the urine so It seems that this procedure was causing my sperm going into bladder at least partially. So I do not do it anymore.After I tried to redirect energy near the edge of ejaculation I try to do cool draw to draw energy up the spine but I usually feel nothing. After that I do microcosmic orbit by focusing on point along channels and after a few circulation I finish on navel area. After that I do 6 healing sounds.
If I hadn’t done microcosmic after that then Often I would have felt dizzy and pressure built in my head. If I hadn’t done six healing sopunds then I would have have felt to much warm in my body. even next day (I pracise in the evening)
Beside this I do in the moring microcosmic orbit. I have been doing it for a few years but I’m not yet the level I would like to achive. I can warm the navel usually (in the evening is much easier even when walking running etc.). So when I have my navel warm I focus on sexual center which I can also usually make warm and after
that on perinum where I usually feel nothing , even when focusing on perinum my tail bone area is warm (still my perinium is far from being warm like the navel area and sexual center)So my problems are that I can seperate prostate gland contractions from ejaculation.
Fro time to time when I’m very much arosed then There is one prostate blang contraction but after that I tense so much (in order not to have ejaculation) that I feel it cease the orgasm. I practise tao daily for a few years so I hope that practise will answer my questions related to practise itself. But any comment or clue , hint would be appreciated.February 8, 2009 at 11:52 am #30504Swedich Dragon
I can’t myself separate ejaculation from orgasm, or perhaps I can do it a litle, some quite weak orgasmic energy felt and sometimes prostata contractions without ejaculation. To be onest I haven’t worked on trying to do orgasms without ejaculation.
My feeling is that you have learned from books without teacher, but I’m not shore. The first thing I would recomend you is to go to a cvalified teacher in this system, if you want to work with sexual energy.
I feel that you might force thing to much. For me doing the bid draw is a quite gentle exercise. Of course if going wery close to the no return then I have to make some effort not to ejaculate, if that is not what I want. The main thing to do is to stop breathing and to look the buttock and the urogenital diafragm a litle. Then there is alot of things to do in the bid draw that helps the energy up. Using the eyes the muslces perineum anus and sacral pump. Using the adranal pump and the jade pillow pump. You can pump the energy several times during your exhale or inhale. Like five times to the sacral area, then inhale and with next exhale pump five times ot the adrenal point. And so on to the thourathic vertebra 9 and jade pillow and last crown. Pumping several times to each. Always take it down to navel in the front channel.
There are people saying that you shall not go close to an ejaculation before you do big draw. It puts to much pressure on the system and might be dangerous. In my opinion there is no need to fight for non ejaculatory orgasms in that way. Instead it is better to learn how to save the energy with bid draw in a gentle way, not forcing things. As I see it the non ejaculatory orgasm will happen sooner or later with this aproach, beacase the energy level will increase and you do not risk to dammage your sexuality or health.
Michael Winn (on this site) does not learn the healing love practises before you know a quite deal of qigong and are able to root yourself with iron shirt qigong and others I belive, you should also be able to do fusion of the five elements before you even start with sexual energy according to Winn. Working with sexual energy could be dangerous and we have seen several people on this bord with serious problems with it. So again realy look to find a qualified live intructor that is my most important advise to you.
Good luck with your dedicated practise!
February 8, 2009 at 11:57 am #30506Steven
ModeratorThe key thing you’re missing I think is connecting to the Earth.
While practicing, maintain a constant connection to the Earth,
and draw Earth qi up into your body, cooling the system.The more you can cool off via Earth qi, the less tension
you need. I would recommend avoiding creating too much tension,
as it creates qi blockages, stagnation, and other problems as you’ve
seen.Actually the method you stopped using–where you said you had some
success with deep abdominal breathing–was the one that seems to
me had the most promise. In fact, it may be that during your
deep breathing you were drawing up some Earth qi and didn’t realize it.You shouldn’t worry about a little loss of fluid.
The key is not loss of fluid, it’s removing the sexual energy from the fluid
so that even if you release some fluid, the fluid is “empty”.While training, try practicing standing up so you can get a better connection
to the ground and to the Earth qi. Use the incoming stream of Earth qi
to draw off the sexual energy and deposit directly into the dantien. When
the dantien fills up and begins to overflow, then either take the qi to the
heart through the core channel or let it go into the orbit naturally with no tension. As you get more aroused, the energy will flow faster and there
will be more of it, so the practice becomes more difficult. Thus spend
more time practicing at the beginning in the earlier stages to develop
skill. While training, if you start getting too aroused and so
it starts getting too difficult, back off and cool off a bit and then
start again.Have fun 🙂
March 3, 2009 at 4:40 pm #30508wanderer
ParticipantThanks very much for your valuable responses:)
March 3, 2009 at 4:41 pm #30510wanderer
ParticipantThank you very much for you answer
March 3, 2009 at 10:28 pm #30512Swedich Dragon
Participant -
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