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- This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 11 years, 4 months ago by
Michael Winn.
October 1, 2013 at 3:39 pm #41273
Michael Winn
Keymasternote: I don’t know the author wrote this, just forwarding it. Nothing new for those in my kan & li courses which cultivates the inner male and inner female soul aspects at many levels. So this is a “mythic” view, calling these forces by different cultural names of Goddesses. I decode all that in my trainings. – Michael
Welcoming the Solar Feminine Energy to Earth ~ January 20th, 2013
Quan Yin, the Compassionate Expression of the Divine Feminine brings forth this information and has asked me to share it with you at this time.
The Lion’s Gate or Sirius stargate of 2005 has brought through powerful new energies to the Planet. In the months that come, you will see the shifts and changes as you experience the full effects of the new harmonics or vibrational tones.The most powerful of these energies is an aspect of the Divine Feminine, the beautiful and potent Orange-Pink Ray. When the Goddess Matrix was grounded and activated on the Planet in Hawaii in March, the way was opened for the Earth to once again receive the full and powerful transmissions of the Divine Feminine energy that emanate from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun.
These transmissions are amplified through the Sirius field, as Sirius functions as a Second Sun for Planet Earth. So, when Planet Earth aligns with the annual Sirius Stargate, these powerful energies are received and transmitted into the Earth’s Grid System.For many thousands of years, the Earth has not been receiving the full transmissions of the Divine Feminine energy. The Grid system on Earth was manipulated to exclude the Divine Feminine energy in its full power, and the Goddess energy left the planet, except for some places where the echoes continued. However, with the Ascension process, the return of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine has been a key factor in the rebalancing of the energy on the planet.
The new Grid that was laid down in March, called the Paradise Grid or the Goddess Grid, will facilitate the full transmission of the Divine Feminine energy into the Earth’s new Fifth Dimensional Crystal Grid system. This important channel for the Goddess energy was supervised and overseen by the Goddesses. Firstly, Quan Yin, who is responsible for maintaining the Feminine Energy on the Planet, assisted by Ma’at, who is responsible for maintaining the Cosmic Balance on a Galactic, Planetary and Individual level.The Great Mother, Isis, was also present at the “birth” of the new Grid, which was also a “marriage” of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine on the Planet. Balance was being achieved, as was symbolized by this marriage of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine principle on Earth. This key moment opened the way for soul mate partnerships between Earth beings that would function as perfect and balanced unions of the Divine Male and Female principles.
Also present was Pele, the great Fire Goddess of Hawaii, whose special function was to anchor the Goddess Grid into the Earth at Hawaii, and then ensure that it was transmitted out to the rest of the Planet. This duly happened in April and May. This process of ensuring that the Goddess grid was anchored into the Planetary Grid was overseen also by the Taras.White Tara working with humans to align their energy to the levels of sensitivity and clarity required to hold the Grid, and Green Tara, bringing back into the minds and hearts of humans who were ready a sense of stewardship and caring for the Planet that is a function of a Ninth Dimensional Human consciousness.
And so, the stage was set for the arrival of the powerful Orange-Pink Ray through the Sirius Stargate in late July and early August of 2005.

What is the Solar Feminine EnergyThis may be difficult to understand, since this energy has been absent from the planet for so long, and only lingers on in the memories of those who recall the Great Fire Goddesses and their power and creativity. Pele is one of the original Fire Goddesses and an embodiment of the Solar Feminine, as are Sekmet the Egyptian Lioness Goddess, Amaterasu the Japanese Creation Goddess, and Brigit, the Celtic Keeper of the Sacred Flame.
When the Earth Grid was manipulated to exclude the Solar Feminine, humans forgot that women could be Powerful Creators. Their creative functions were limited to childbirth, and the Lunar Goddesses became the “mothers” and the keepers of the Feminine Energy on Earth. As a result, in the dualistic and rational belief systems that took hold on Earth, humans were conditioned to define the masculine and the feminine as oppositional, and to assign solar energy to the male and lunar energy to the female. But the ancients knew better, and their pantheons included Solar Goddesses and Lunar Gods.
And so, at this time, humanity is once again recognizing the Solar Feminine energy and the Lunar Male energy. To embody the Solar Feminine Energy is to be strong, passionate, creative and energetic. It is a Creative energy, and belongs to artists, writers, musicians, and dancers. (The Solar Masculine, by contrast, channels this energy into the mental sphere and produces philosophers, scientists, politicians and business people).
The Lunar Feminine energy is gentle, receptive, nurturing and meditative; it is the energy of the Archetypal Mother manifested in nurses, teachers and caregivers. The Lunar Male energy is also gentle, meditative, nurturing and caring, and people who run this energy enjoy professions where they can care for people or support people whether in business or in professions such as doctors, physiotherapists, or even lawyers.
To be a woman and to embody the Solar Feminine energy has been very difficult. Women have conditioned to identify with the Lunar Feminine energy, and those who express their Solar energy have often had to go the route of the Solar Masculine, which sets up Inner Conflicts between a Solar Masculine outer life and a Lunar Feminine model that seems not to “work” or “fit” who they are.
With the grounding of the Solar Feminine Energy the Archetypal model of the Fire Goddess and her intense but Feminine Power and Creativity will once again be available to women. There are going to be a lot of women on the Planet who are going to start feeling a lot more comfortable with who and what they are at this time. And a lot of men who will have a better understanding of what their partners and female friends are about; while also being able to move toward an understanding of the Masculine and Feminine energies beyond dualism and into complexity, which will break the patterns of dualistic thinking and the judgments that so often go with them. People may choose to embody one of the energies, or all of them at different times. Humans will no longer be trapped in “either” / “or” scenarios, but can exercise freedom and choice to express whatever aspects of their being appeals most to them at that time in their lives.
It is a choice of aligning with a harmonic and a tone that most suits your sense of who you are. And the return of the Solar Feminine will certainly be the enabler for this new freedom and creativity.
Powering the Solar Feminine: The Orange-Pink Ray
The Harmonic Tone or Color Energy that is powering the return of the Solar Feminine at this time is the Orange-Pink Ray or vibration. This energy unlocks and activates the Heart Chakra and the Sacral Chakra. That is why so many people have experienced intense cleansing on the emotional and feeling levels with the arrival of the Lion’s gate energies this year.The cleansing has been a fiery transformation and a “clean out” of all the negative and destructive ways in which the solar energy has been used since the Solar Feminine was excluded from the Earth. This includes the use of sacred “fire” for warfare, and especially nuclear warfare. It is no coincidence that the topic of Nuclear War has once again emerged into Human Consciousness at this time.
Other issues that have been raised by the powerful cleansing ray are related to sexuality and abundance, or relationships and money! All these past life and present life issues are coming into consciousness now to be released from the Earth’s Matrix Grids so that the Solar Feminine may once again bring the balance that is needed to the planet.If they were not released at this time, humans would continue to play out these dramas and would miss out on the benefits of the harmonics of the Orange-Pink ray and others that resonate with the Solar Feminine energy. So the intense discomfort that so many of you are experiencing at this time is so that you can be clear channels for the Divine Feminine energy in its full expression. Well worth the discomfort!
When these old energies are released and cleared, then the Divine Feminine energy can flow clearly through the Heart and Sacral chakras. The Heart activation produces energies of Unconditional Love and Harmony. The activation of the clear Sacral Chakra produces Creativity, Passion, Sexuality and Abundance! And I think most of you are thinking, about time too!
This is the time to move forward and enjoy the warm and wonderful energy of the Fire Goddesses as expressed through the Orange-Pink Ray.
Quan Yin also directed me to share with you this information on the Orange-Pink Ray that was channeled in the 1990s by Vywamus through Janet McClure. The information is found in “Prelude to Ascension: Tools for Transformation” published by Light Technology Publishing. Vywamus calls Orange-Pink Ray the “Eleventh Ray”:
“Because the tenth ray has paved the way for it, we call Ray Eleven a bridge to the New Age or to the next level. But it already is, in a very special sense, the next level. When you work with this ray you’ve unlocked something very important…….As this ray begins to come in, we see many people seeking their higher purposes. The color, an orange-pink, seems to me important.It gets you in touch with divine love expanded by divine wisdom. The eleventh ray color combination contains the source light, which we equate with love (although it isn’t pink), and also the second ray, fifth ray and some first ray.
These are the kinds of rays of which it is composed. It is very special because it is a bridge to a whole new era in human living here on earth. The first makes it very penetrating. It is softened then by the second, and again made more penetrating by the fifth. What does it need to penetrate at that level? It is the remnant-remover, we could say. As the new opportunity comes closer and that final cleansing approaches, the final removal of the former remnants will be cleared out.
Does that say something about the times that are coming……If it is not balanced by humanity, the first ray destructive mode could be “interesting”. In clearing out the remnants there might be war, catastrophe.It can be used that way, but it doesn’t have to be. If you balance it with the penetrating quality, which sees beyond the necessity for destruction, for clearing out, and you add some divine love to it, then it can be used without the destructive connotation.
There does not have to be destruction if the energy is used in the highest and most appropriate manner. The opportunity will be there to use the energy as humanity chooses – that’s always true, isn’t it? It is a penetrating ray that clears out the remnants.You can look at the situation if it is within self and see what is still there; and the remnants of what you’ve had. Or, if it is Earth, then humanity in general can look at the remnants of what needs to be let go of and can move Earth into a final clearing.
But the Eleventh Ray – I like the bridging connotation, and I like the choice that it gives. And that’s important. It says to me that the Source really does allow us free will – and that we may choose how we transcend or transmute from one level to another. The choice is there.
October 1, 2013 at 4:34 pm #41274Michael Winn
Keymaster -
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