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November 17, 2013 at 9:05 am #41541
Michael Winn
Keymasternote: I like Tom Kenyon’s work and his efforts to draw the public into previously esoteric practices. He is part of the global movement towards developing a spiritual-energetic science of consciousness. He also has studied forms of Taoist inner alchemy. The method he gives below – coupling earth-sun forces in the head, is roughly parallel to some Greatest Kan & Li methods I teach. But I could them at the heart. I think many folks will find the head a bit challenging to ground. Try this, post your response to it. -Michael
Cognitive and Emotional Challenges
During Chaotic NodesA Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
*Note: This message deals with specific challenges that are taking place in relationship to Chaotic Nodes. According to the Hathors, a Chaotic Node occurs when chaotic events in multiple and seemingly unrelated areas of the cosmos (including Earth) interact with each other, which in turn generates more chaotic events. As a Chaotic Node increases in strength, many areas of our Earthly existence are affected.
By their very nature all Chaotic Nodes are challenging to biological systems. This particular Chaotic Node is especially challenging due to numerous factors we have mentioned in previous Planetary Messages. While the challenges to your eco-system, financial systems and cultural institutions are increasing, in this message we will focus on one specific areamemory and cognitive function.
The accelerated escalation of this current Chaotic Node is being driven by a shift in your Suns magnetic fielda reversal of its magnetic poles to be precise. This is a cyclic occurrence and takes place approximately every 11 years. The next shifting of your Suns magnetic fields is close at hand, and this will set off a series of significant energetics.
Due to an intimate relationship between your Earths and the Suns magnetic fields, you are caught in a type of cosmic vice. This is due to the fact that memory is a function of magnetic fieldsboth internal magnetic fields as generated by your nervous system and external magnetic fields such as that of Earth. Furthermore human memory is greatly affected by the Suns magnetic field.
Due to the fact that the magnetic fields of both the Earth and the Sun are fluctuating, you may be experiencing cognitive challenges. These challenges may show up as temporary glitches in short term memory, an inability to sequence tasks in the ways you are used to, and a tendency to emotional volatility or instability, especially during periods of high fluctuations in the Earths and/or the Suns magnetic fields.
The energetic relationship between the Suns magnetic field and that of your Earth is a truly complex and fascinating area of inquiry. But for the purpose of this message, which is practical in nature, we will not go into the details of this relationship. But let us summarize this complex relationship between the Sun and the Earth this wayyour Sun is affected by the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in truth, a black hole. This black hole ejects various forms of energy into your galaxy, which then passes through your solar system and directly affects your Sun. There is then a cascade of energy from your Sun to your Earth, and so from our perspective, the fluctuations of your Suns and Earths magnetic fields are catalyzed by the Central Sun of your galaxy. As human beings, as biological organisms, you are very much affected by this cosmic process.
As your current Chaotic Node further escalates, many of you will experience more cognitive disturbances and emotional volatility or confusion. These states of dis-equilibrium can last for a few moments, a few hours, or in the case of major fluctuations, it can last for days. These are indeed trying times for embodied beings upon your Earth.
What we wish to share with you in this message is a simple, practical and highly effective technique for re-establishing balance and equilibrium within the neural pathways of your brain. Think of it as a counter-force to chaos. This method only requires three minutes of your time. If you engage this technique a few times a day, you will find that it imparts a kind of balance. You can repeat this technique throughout the day whenever you wish, especially when you feel imbalanced or cognitively challenged. We do not suggest that you engage this method before going to sleep as it tends to enliven your mental processes, and this could make sleep problematic.
The Method
This method engages your pranic tube, which extends from the crown of your head down through the center of your body to your perineum, which is located midway between your anus and your genitals. This channel (i.e., the pranic tube) follows the central axis of your bodys magnetic field.
If you put your thumb and first or second finger together and form a circle, this is approximately the size of your pranic tube. This energy channel is a conduit for connecting celestial and terrestrial energies.
Another part of the method engages a platonic solid called the octahedron. An octahedron is an eight-sided solid that is essentially two square-based pyramids that are joined at their bases. Octahedrons naturally occur in many crystalline and molecular structures. We have referred to octahedrons in previous messages especially when we discussed the Holon of Balance. At a subtle energy level octahedrons impart balance.
In this method you imagine an octahedron in the center of your head. It is about one inch (or two centimeters) in height. This imagined octahedron is in the center of your head, and interestingly this is also the location of your pineal gland. The octahedron and your pineal gland also sit within your pranic tube.
The method involves drawing subtle energies from Earths magnetic field into the pranic tube via your perineum, and then drawing this subtle energy upward into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. At the same time, subtle energies from the Suns magnetic field enter through the crown of your head and descend into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. When these two subtle energies meet within the octahedron, they create an alchemical reaction. Through the structure of the octahedron, the energy released is balancing in nature, and this balancing effect extends throughout your entire nervous system. It is a very simple yet highly effective and elegant method.
At first it may seem cumbersome but once you get the feel of it the method will be as natural as breathing. There are five steps to the method.
Step One: Get a sense of your pranic tube that runs from the crown at the top of your head through the center of your body down to your perineum. Then extend the tube into the Earth. Some of you may find it entering into the Earth just a few inches while some of you may find it descending to the very center of the Earth. It does not matter how far into the Earth your pranic tube descends so long as it makes contact with the Earth.
Step Two: You then extend the upper portion of your pranic tube past your crown to your BA point (a cosmic portal or stargate), which is located above your head in the region where your fingers would touch were you to raise your arms directly above your head. (Note: Raising your hands above your head is for reference purposes only. You do not keep your hands raised when engaging the method.)
Step Three: You imagine an octahedron, which is about one inch (or two centimeters) tall, in the center of your head. This will be the primary focus of your attention during the method.
Step Four: This action is done solely through intention. It may help to silently say this phrase, Through my own volition I set my worlds in motion. You then inhale naturally, allowing subtle energy from the Earth to move up your pranic tube into the octahedron while simultaneously allowing subtle energy to descend from the top of your pranic tube via the BA point into the octahedron. Understand that you are drawing in subtle energies related to Earths magnetic field and the Suns magnetic field.
Step Five: As these two energies meet in the octahedron, which is located in the center of your head, let yourself feel the pulse or the merging of these two subtle energies. When you exhale allow this combined energy to flow outward into your brain and into your nervous system according to its own nature. By this we mean it has an innate intelligence and will flow where it needs to go if you allow it.
Depending upon your level of sensitivity you might feel a sensation of energy in the center of your head. You might experience this as a palpable energy moving through your brain. You might very well sense pulses of light emitted from the octahedron. And, in some cases, the octahedron might begin to spin or rotate. These are all positive signs. If your octahedron begins to move, spin or rotate, keep it localized in the center of your head. While it is possible to travel into other dimensions using the octahedron, in this method you keep the octahedron localized in the center of your head. This is so that the energies built within the octahedron will flow into your brain and nervous system. This will impart balancing energies and enliven the neural networks of your brain, helping to strengthen your cognitive processes, memory and emotional stability.
This simple method can be a great ally to you as you pass through the next phase of this Chaotic Node. From our perspective this Chaotic Node is increasing in a geometric progression, meaning that it is getting ever more intense. The levels of chaos upon your Earth (i.e., social unrest, political conflict, ecological stress, monetary insecurity, scarcity of resources, etc.,) are all escalating at an ever-faster rate. This will put undue stress upon your biological systems.
We strongly suggest you make this simple method part of your day-to-day life. It is better to pass through the portals of chaos with your mental and emotional abilities intact.
The Hathors
October 14, 2013Toms Thoughts and Observations
According to the Hathors, we can expect to see increased challenges to our cognitive and memory functions in the future as we adjustor fail to adjustto new levels of planetary and cosmic energetics.
The topic of cognitive functioning and memory is a very complex one, and I think it wise to mention that the Hathors are solely addressing those challenges to cognitive function and memory that are related to changes in the Earths and the Suns magnetic fields.
If you are experiencing dramatic deficits in your cognitive abilities and memory that negatively affect your ability to function normally in your day-to-day lifebeyond the temporary challenges that the Hathors are talking aboutI would think it wise to consult with a medical professional. This is because some of the challenges in mental sequencing and memory that the Hathors discuss can also be the signs of an underlying neurological problem.
The catalyst for this particular message was actually a question I posed to them (the Hathors) about a month ago. I was personally experiencing a temporary and strange downgrading of my usual level of cognitive functioningso much so that I asked them what was going on. Their response was the essence of this message.
Since receiving the technique, I have tried it in multiple situations and contexts. I imagine that each of us will find our own right timing with this methodmeaning how long to wait before drawing the next in-flow of subtle energies into the pranic tube. I have personally found it best to not rush things and to allow a few moments for sensing the energetics that have been released by the octahedron. On some occasions I have noticed multiple octahedrons, all of them spinning in different directions. When I asked the Hathors about this, they said that the arising of multiple octahedrons was an expression of interdimensionality and could occur for some people. The important thing, according to them, is to allow the octahedrons to spin in whatever ways they wish, but be sure to keep them always localized in the center of the head.
I find that it is better to do the technique in short sessions throughout the day than in longer sessions, which I have tested on a few occasions. In retrospect, I think three minutes is an ideal time to engage this method. When I experimented with much longer sessions, I sometimes got too amped up, meaning that there was too much energy flowing into my nervous system for my comfort zone. The goal of this method is to insert short bursts of coherent energies into the nervous system periodically throughout the day for the purpose of balance. One thing I like about this method is that it is highly practical. It can be done pretty much anywhere and anytime when you are not engaged in something requiring your attention.
The Hathors view the current Chaotic Node referred to in this message as a growing tsunami-like energetic of immense proportions that is, and will continue to, affect many levels of our day-to-day life. In other words, as my seventh grade Algebra teacher used to sayIts going to get worse before it gets better.
The Hathors have always held the position that the journey of an Initiate(meaning those of us striving to move up in consciousness regardless of the spiritual traditions we might follow) is more about what happens within us than it is about what happens around us. This does not mean that we cannot or should not affect the world around us, but it does mean that the treasure of life (i.e., the spiritual gold of self-illumination) is found within.
As we enter more deeply into this current Chaotic Node, which is truly a whopper as well as the ones to follow, I think we will all have to find our personal path to inner balance in a world that seems to be going ever more crazy by the day.
For me, inner balance is not the goal, but it is definitely a key ally. Without a sense of inner balance it is difficult to find the treasure within usthe spiritual gold I mentioned earlier.
It is my hope that you will find this simple technique for regaining a sense of cognitive balance to be of benefit in these trying times. Whether you use this technique or not, however, is immaterial. But finding a way to attain a sense of balance in the midst of growing chaos is, in my opinion, a vitally important skillset for all of us.
Although they did not mention two methods for attaining a sense of emotional balance that they gave in previous messages, I would also refer you to the Holon of Balance as well as the Aethos (a profound sound meditation that the Hathors gave to enter non-dual states of consciousness). Both of these can be found, free of charge, in the Hathor section of the website.
©2013 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved http://www.tomkenyon.com
November 18, 2013 at 11:19 pm #41542Steven
ModeratorI don’t usually try meditations outside the Healing Tao, but for some reason this meditation called to me, as if maybe advanced K&L adepts could appropriate this for their own use. Had an interest to explore it anyway . . .
So I gave it a whirl, and here are my results:
When I did it at the head, I felt absolutely nothing in my body, very hollow.
At the same time, it felt like my mental body was being given an intense booster of superhuman IQ. I had a feeling like my mental body was trying to open doorways to new dimensions. I felt like if one did this meditation repetitively in excess, that it could open up new powers of the mind, e.g. mental telepathy, telekinesis, mental awareness of higher dimensions, etc. But it also felt very “alien” in contrast to the Daoist practices I’ve done so far. I didn’t feel anything in my actual body, and this gave me a little concern.So as an experiment, I moved it down to the heart, based on Michael’s comment.
At the heart, it definitely felt more body-centered/Daoist, it felt more like practices I’ve done in the Healing Tao. I could feel the qi, and I could digest it. The only problem was that the amount of energy I was getting from this nuclear reaction felt a little too strong for me to handle at the heart. Consequently, I moved the octahedron down to the solar plexus, where I felt I was able to digest the energy a little better and not have the heart feel overwhelmed.At the center of the body, I felt like I was being transformed by the meditation, and the meditation had more of a Daoist-flavor. At the head, I felt like it was supercharging my mental body, almost turning me into something else that I couldn’t quite identify, like an alien version of me. The egoic dark part of me that gets “turned on” by the idea of developing advanced mental powers doesn’t care about the consequences, but the more core aspect of self doesn’t like the idea of turning into some other unidentifiable thing. It brought up some fear issues, as in “if this continued practice of this meditation turns me into something else, what will I be then?”. I don’t know if I’m explaining myself very well; it’s hard to put into words.
After doing this meditation, I feel the need to do some body-oriented practices, such as Tai Chi. I want to feel more like me.
StevenNovember 19, 2013 at 5:43 am #41544Michael Winn
KeymasterThanks for sharing your experiment – it rings true with me. Atlantis was destroyed because of too much energy in the head (the princes put crystals on the head to supercharge themselves). They grew arrogant and disconnected from the earth. That led to errors in calculating the effects of their energetic manipulations, which ultimately led to destruction of their culture.
So all of this is held in collective memory, and is a genuine cause for concern when structuring one’s practice….
Grounding, grounding, grounding.
That implies respect for our roots in Earth.
November 20, 2013 at 2:45 pm #41546sourcexc
ParticipantIs it octahedron something like pakua?
Best, Jox
November 20, 2013 at 3:32 pm #41548c_howdy
ParticipantA woman in her twenties, who had been addicted to cocaine for 8 months and was spending over $500 a day to support her habit, decided to use a self-hypnosis tape to her break free from this addiction. The self-hypnosis tape was actually designed for weight-loss, however she mentally substituted the word “coke” and listened to it three times a day for four months, by which point she had freed herself from her addiction. She was still drug free nine years later when this report was made. The authors found this case very interesting because she did not use any other technique and did not have any social support to help her.
-http://www.gurdjieff-house.com/scientificresearch.htmShe explained that a recapitulation is the forte of stalkers just as the dreaming body is the forte of dreamers. The recapitulation consisted of recollecting one’s life down to the most insignificant detail. Thus her benefactor had given her that crate as a tool and a symbol. It was a tool that would permit her to learn concentration, because she would have to sit in there for years until all of
her life had passed in front of her eyes. And it was a symbol of the narrow boundaries of our person. Her benefactor told her that whenever she had finished her recapitulation, she would break the crate to symbolize that she no longer abided by the limitations of her person. She said that stalkers use crates or earth coffins in order to seal themselves in while they are reliving, more than merely recollecting, every moment of their lives. The reason why stalkers must recapitulate their lives in such a thorough manner is that the Eagle’s gift to man includes its willingness to accept a surrogate instead of genuine awareness- if such a surrogate be a perfect replica. Florinda explained that since awareness is the Eagle’s food, the Eagle can be satisfied with a perfect recapitulation in place of consciousness.
-CARLOS CASTANEDA, The Eagles GiftThis practice is quite much like certain completion stage practices of Vajra Yogini which is part of Heruka Tantra, but there double tetrahedron is used instead. It’s all much more complicated, but immediately in the Buddhist version during the generation stage this geometrical object is developed in gross form so that Vajra Yogini is the central deity with various other details like lotus flower with sun or moon disk as a base, vibrating vajra tent made of extremely tiny vajras with rainbow colours etc.; Vajra Yogini is herself carrying various instruments like flaying knife, skulcup, khatvanga, bone ornaments and stepping on Rudra and Cupid etc. There is for all these visualized things symbolic meaning, so they are not only there as meaningless decorative emblems. During the completion stage practice when other kinds of channel meditations have been developed, these are combined with earlier described mandala which is now reduced in size into tiny drop. Normally these are meant to only hint to more complicated practices where for example instead of one tiny geometrical object one has numerous tiny geometrical objects spinning and travelling in the channels etc.
Sorry, but these are all good practices, but one shouldn’t forget what is the most important beginning practice and also most important daily companion. So here working directly with memory is still more important.
Ps. Cogito ergo sum!
November 20, 2013 at 3:55 pm #41550Steven
ModeratorAn octahedron is an 8-sided 3-D geometric shape, see below:
An octagon is an 8-sided 2-D geometric shape, see below:
Other than both having 8-sides, they are relatively unrelated.
Now for further discussion:
A bagua (pakua) is an arrangement of the 8-trigrams in the shape of an octagon.Bagua:
An octagon bounds the 2-D projection of a 4-D hypercube, which could be thought of as the “cube” of Minkowski space-time.
4-D hypercube:The octagon is NOT a 2-D projection of any 3-D platonic solid, but since the cube has 8-corners, we can make a correspondence between corners and sides in the following way to form a “3-D bagua”:
In summary:
(3-D) cube has 8 corners.
(2-D) octagon has 8 edges.
(3-D) octahedron has 8 faces.
(2-D) octagon is the projection onto the plane of the 4-D hypercube.Qi,
StevenNovember 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm #41552c_howdy
ParticipantToms life studies and many lifetimes of remembrances, complete with background knowledge and experience allow him to move with equal facility between Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian High Alchemy, Taoism and Hinduism and the sciences relative to each. A workshop or teaching experience with him leaves you empowered with a vast body of knowledge suffused with tones that awaken all the physical centers, thus allowing for greater understanding of the words and Spirit imparted.
-http://tomkenyon.com/Please Note: Hypnosis carries the risk of recalling unpleasant memories and these memories may cause you to feel emotional pain. This is an extremely positive event because sometimes the only way to break free from suffering is to push through it. Fortunately we are trained to deal with such incidents.
-http://www.gurdjieff-house.com/whatishypnosis.htmTom Kenyon says up there somethings about memory and he has clearly been also influenced by Buddha Dharma.
In Buddhist tantric practice reason not only to use more abstract meditations is that in the beginning it’s important to become arhat (<=foe destroyer). What must be tamed or destroyed are various desires, envy, any harmful mental states. For these various strange symbolic representations and formulas have been designed. Historically this seemingly haven't worked always very well, at least in India.
Anyway other reason to use sexual and wrathfull imagery is to attract and later to entrap and tame certain type of demonic entities.
Some western Buddhist scholars have been righfully able to see there some similarities what Satanism or black magic archetypally should be about.
November 21, 2013 at 4:57 pm #41554sourcexc
ParticipantThanks for your post … 🙂
I firstly thought about the function and not the shape … as octahedron collect / draw in the energy in same way as bagua …
November 21, 2013 at 6:46 pm #41556Steven
Since an octahedron has 8 faces, you can make an assignment of trigrams to faces, just like for the cube it was trigrams to corners.
Here is an example, splayed out with the folding lines.
So this could be some kind of 3-D bagua, just like the cube.
With its boundary defined by the trigrams, it bounds the geometric shape with the 8-cosmic forces, and upon spinning it, would focalize the energy toward the center.
So even though it is a completely different shape than the octagon-shape of a bagua, I could see how it could be used in a similar fashion.
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