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June 30, 2008 at 8:04 am #28620
Participantswann wrote a very wordflow analysis relating to sex analysis. he recognized some that are not as emphasized in ht microcosmic orbit point work.
his analysis of sex economy is not necessary correct. he belives materialists are dull. however, if top materialists in behavioral sciences engage in hypnotic somnabulistic clairvoyance, they are not as much dull as they strive to control exert control over the ‘lesser’ vehicle under any condition of intrinsic greater vehicle.
example of such practice is referenced here: http://forum.healingdao.com/philosophy/message/11449/
perhaps a correct term would be collective’s control over individual body units.his ‘million dollar’ points for woman identification are original: not hui yin, but a secondary location of clitoris or point between clitoris and vagina.
this is also in allignment to glenn morris suggesting woman the siddha heel press on clitoris. heel beeing large covers both areas. siddhas were selfrestricting their selves to male order (eg. http://www.geocities.com/kriyadc/hatha_yoga_pradipika.html )swann analysis source:
psychic sexuality, ingo swann:CHAKRA
The term CHAKRA is lifted directly into Western languages from the Sanskrit of ancient India.
In its original meaning it signified wheel, but more precisely the turning of anything that turns or revolves. Thus, in ancient India, it also signified a cycle, a period of duration, in which the wheel of time turns once. It also referred to horizon, as being circular or of a wheel- form.
CHAKRA also refers to certain centers of the body having to do with energy, which are said to collect streams of energy of different kinds.
In ancient India, the energy was referred to as PRANA. That term is derived from the Sanskrit PRA, a prefix meaning before, and AN, a verb meaning to breathe, to blow, and to live.
PRANA is therefore usually translated as life, or as the Life Principle, but it has a more technical description as the psycho-electrical veil or psycho-electrical field manifesting in the individual as vitality.
As to the numbers and different kinds of pranic energy, various Asian sages have indicated them as three, others as five, some as seven or twelve, and one writer gave the number as thirteen.
The most important distinction regarding the pranic energies is that they do not entirely originate or belong to the biological body or t its own energetic fields, but belong more to the natural pranic energy reservoirs of the planet (or as some indicate, of the cosmos.)
However, the pranic energies are breathed in as life-currents, or vital fluids, to the body systems via energetic apertures in the bodys energetic aura, and, according to clairvoyant sensing, are perceived as a turning wheels, i.e., as the CHAKRAS.
In the largest sense probable, CHAKRA could refer to any turning that collects energy or into which or through which energy flows to or out of. So it could include such objects as galaxies, black hole, and the little whirlpools one sees as water goes into a drain. It is the flowing of the energy that sets up the turning.
However, in its most Westernized sense, chakra refers to certain major energy centers of the human body, of which seven are commonly enumerated, although there are many more lesser, but equally important ones.
In any event, chakras are etheric energetic functions that work in accord with collecting and distributing the number of vital fluids inflowing and exhaling with regard to the Life Principle manifesting as a physical-electric body.
Although achieved clairvoyants sometimes specify ten major chakras, three of these are usually avoided, leaving seven that are usually referred to.
The seven are positioned in the bio-body energy fields at the crown of the head, between the eyebrows, at the throat, the heart, the spleen, the solar plexus, the base of the spine.
As might be suspected by now, the three chakras usually avoided have intense sexual implications.
Thus, most sources indicate that The three remaining chakras are situated in the lower part of the pelvis and normally are not used for the reason that these are connected to the astral world of sexual magic into which it is better not to make treks and fool around.
In the larger picture, all of the usually avoided chakras are directly associated to Kundalini energy.
This is defined as a cosmic energy latent in the human organ ism responsible for sexual activity and also conditions of higher consciousness. And so here FINALLY is a traditional link between for mats of sexual energy and formats of higher consciousness.
The difficulty in integrating all of the above factors is that if one wishes to obtain higher consciousness, then it would seem that ALL of the chakras have to become activatedincluding the three avoided ones.
While it is true that higher intelligence can be obtained by working with only the seven best known chakras, obtaining higher consciousness as distinct from mere higher intelligence is another matter. Higher consciousness, it is said, is achieved only via some kind of Kundalini awakening.
The locations of the three avoided chakras are not merely in the pelvic region.
In both males and females, one of them is directly on the pubic mound, the second is in the cleft between the physical sex apparatus and the anus.
The third avoided chakra is admitted as existing in some sources, but without specification as to where it is located.
Depending on the degree or level of ones clairvoyance or lucidity, different layers or dimensions of the entangled manifestation become apparent. Different aspects of the aura or energy field become visible, and a large variety of different kinds and sizes of chakras become exposed.
It would seem, then, that the existence of the seven chakras is more easily perceived by a form of clairvoyance that is turned on more easily than other more complex clairvoyant formats.
However, this does not at all detract from the considerable importance of the seven chakras most usually perceived. The only meaning here is that they are most easily seen, and thus most frequently reported.
If the aura or energy field is a multidimensional affair, then it is reasonable to expect that there are different dimensional forms of clairvoyance and/or lucidity. However, if lucidity is taken as a super form of clairvoyance, then perceptual elaboration would be greater in the lucidity state.
As to written sources concerning the aura and the chakras, there is no getting around the fact that the indomitable and quite prolific Elder Brother of Theosophy, Charles Webster Leadbeater, put his descriptive stamp on them quite vividly.
Between 1895 and 1925, he published at least six other books along these lines, each addressing different and more complex issues
Then, in 1927, he published THE CHAKRAS: A RECORD OF CLAIRVOYANT OBSERVATIONS–and which has been reprinted about every eight years since.
This is a quite wonderful and vibrant book, and the seven major chakras are colorfully illustrated, albeit in idealized ways.
It should be noted that the major seven can look quite differ from individual to individual.
Leadbeater first indicates that ordinary men have to confine their attention to that part of the body which is dense enough to be visible to the eye. Therefore, most of them are probably unaware of the existence of a type of matter which is invisible, though still physical.
In quite straightforward English, Leadbeater indicates that the invisible parts constitute the vehicle through which flow the streams of vitality which keep the body alive, and without them the ego, among other misfortunes, could make no use of the cells of his brain.
As to the chakras, or force centers as he also calls them, these are points of connection via which vitality energy from different planes flows from one vehicle of man to another.
Anyone, says Leadbeater, who possesses a slight degree of clairvoyance may easily see them in the etheric double, where they show themselves as saucer-like depressions or vortices in its surface.
He goes on to describe that when the force centers are quite undeveloped, they appear as small circles, perhaps two inches in diameter glowing dully in the ordinary man.
If awakened, vivified and developed, they are seen as blazing, coruscating whirlpools, much increased in size, and resembling miniature suns.
All of these wheels are perpetually rotating, and into the hub or open mouth of each a force from the higher world is always flowing- a manifestation of the life-stream issuing from … what we call the primary source.
Leadbeater ALSO addresses such issues as the arousing of Kundalini, the awakening of the etheric chakras, various kinds of Yoga, a topic entitled casual clairvoyance, dangers of premature awakenning, and spontaneous awakening of Kundalini.
All sources considered, Leadbeaters book on the chakras is quite concise, and exemplary of invisible consistencies with earlier Eastern sources.
It does NOT, however, include discussions of the three pelvicchakras.XXXXXXX
Chapter 23
As agreed by everyone, the strictly material aspects of the bio both are composed of inorganic substances in the form of atoms, elements and chemicals coming together to form biological molecules.
However, as discussed earlier, the question remains as to how the inorganic substances end up as constituting the organic and energetic bio-bodythis in the face of the fact that the inorganic substances by themselves cannot achieve this kind of feat or functioning.
Indeed the existence of some kind of well designed energetic masterplan is required which aligns the inorganic substances, and results in the form and structure (morphology) of the biological anatomy.
Thereafter, the morphology is dynamically ACTIVE, resulting in what is referred to as a life organism or life entity.
There is an important characteristic of the life entity Ive not yet found distinguished anywhere. This has to do with motion.
If we consider sand on a beach, for example, we know it to be composed of inorganic substances broken down into small particles, or sand grains.
We know that the sand particles get pushed around by the motions of water, wind, and so forth. In this sense, the sand is formatted by motions and influences external to itin that the sand particles by themselves cannot and do not resist the external motions and influences.
All life forms or life entities, however, are equipped in different degrees to resist various external motions and influences. In this sense, the life entity more or less stakes a claim to existing within external motion and influences.
This can only mean that the life entity must have energies to counterbalance the external motions and influences.
The central idea is that MOTION of any kind requires ENERGY of some kind.
Furthermore, in the case of animated (motion life forms, the energy cannot be just diffuse potential, but must itself have rather precise form and structure (morphology).
The existence of energetic masterplan (a.k.a,, energetic blueprints) remains problematical in the modern West because its philosophers and scientists are somewhat stubbornly opposed to admitting the actual existence of such an ephemeral masterplan.
However, this stubbornness is beginning to wear down-in that advances in genetic research have begun to suggest that DNA molecules are resonating to something other than pure matter. Additionally bio-energetics research has quite firmly established the existence of complex energetic fields almost completely denied forty years ago.
The confusions of the Western situation in this regard have never been problematical within the larger scopes o many pre-modern Far Eastern thought systems.
In those systems, what we refer to as the physical body was simply referred to as the Lesser Vehicle.
With equal simplicity, the combined vital energy masterplan was referred to, usually with considerable reverence, as the Greater Vehicleand which interacted and resonated with the even far greater vehicle of cosmic energetics.
There is a major and ongoing two-fold point of contention between modern Western and ancient Eastern thinking along these lines, having to do with the matter of clairvoyance.
The Western sciences held that the energetic masterplan did not exist, and that clairvoyance didnt either.
Eastern thinking held that the Greater Vehicle did exist, and 50 did clairvoyance.
Some recent Eastern thinkers have sardonically observed that since clairvoyance belongs to the Greater Vehicle, the Western scientists examining only within the limitations of the Lesser Vehicle were unlikely to run across it. And unlikely as well to run across any number of masterplan phenomena and implications.
Since Eastern thinking holds that clairvoyance exists, it also holds that formats and activity of the energetic masterplan systems be perceived.
The Eastern concepts also hold that different kinds of clairvoyance innate within the Greater Vehicle can be activated, and that some of the kinds of clairvoyance perceive more than others.
One way of identifying these different kinds of clairvoyance is that they are ORDERED along a spectrum of lowest to higher vibrations or frequencies.
In terms of Vital Life, the very lowest of these pertain to vibrations whose nature is destructive and self-collapsing ultimately even as regards self-tearing down of the two Vehicles themselves.
The higher of the Vital Life vibrations or frequencies ascend along a scale, from gross to more and more refined mentationand which is inclusive of different strata of consciousness and awareness intimately coupled with sensitivity, perception, quality and scope.
Along this spectrum of formatted energies, sexual ones are well into the ascending higher scale, their obvious main purpose being the creative proliferation of Lesser Vehicles.
And, as earlier suggested, their activation will also serve as energetic launch pads into other forms of creativity. The concept of sexual energies as being of low and base order is thus the result only of con fused societal attitudes
Most schools of Eastern thinking hold that various aspects of this spectrum can be active or inactive, sometimes distorted or honed, tattered or well-defined, well-greased or rusty, and can have different quotiens or caliber of vital energies in terms of weak to strong.
That all of the energies involved have shapes and forms clearly indicated in all studies of such energies, even those that are Western in origin. These shapes and forms can be clairvoyantly seen as they are, but something here depends on which dimensional strata of clairvoyance is active.
If not seen directly, the energies can still be sensed non-visually by ones vital energy systems whether the physical awareness of the Lesser Vehicle is aware of it or not.
And they can be given familiar image, literary and even mathematical personifications by various anthropomorphic processes. The well-known artistic presentations of William Blake are but one example of personification of Greater Vehicle energies.
As another example, the female or male sexual energies can be portrayed as Venus or Mars, Yin or Yang, etc. In the West androgynous sexual energies are usually symbolized by Mercury or visually portrayed as half Venus and half Mars.
The late, great Marilyn Monroe was broadly accepted as Venus incarnate, and the once famous Rudolph Valentino was broadly accepted as Mars incarnate.
That the vital energies of the Greater Vehicle have what amount to anatomical shape and form can be established, for example, by the graphic illustrations of the chakras.
But many other sources ancient or recent also illustrate beams, undulations, rays, tubes, radiations, globules, energies coming and going, appearing and vanishing, changing shape, changing into different forms, etc.
As I chanced to perceive them via my encounter with clairvoyant-lucidity (as I suppose it might be put), the sexual energies of the Greater Vehicle interacting with the physical phenomena of the Lesser Vehicle were quite complicated.
I have not been able to find too much descriptive precedent for these complicated energetic phenomena.
It is true that the all-important pubic chakra was sometimes illustrated as a blob of light over the male or female genitalia- this rather too neatly covering the genitalia with what amounts to nothing more than a glowing fig leaf.
From what I could perceive of the SEXUALIZING energies most of them involved formats seemingly consistent among everyone. At one level, these seemed to be closely affiliated with the basic biological body itselfsuch as the skeletal, neural, acupuncture and other networks, and the organs, including the muscles and skin.
These energies then could extend outward from the physical into the local surrounding energy fields, and then into quite some astonishing distances beyond.
However, the sexualizing energies could be perceived in two general categories or states:
1 there, but not all that active
2 aroused, and during which the energetic sexualizing anatomy intensifies and changes dramatically
In searching my trusty dictionary for appropriate nomenclature (I dont like neologisms), I decided to utilize two familiar terms and which have the advantage of being carried over into other books dealing with the energetic aspects of creativity and power.
PARAPHERNALIA refers to personal possessions, furnishings, or apparatus. This is normally taken to refer to objects we accumulate or own.
But it is also entirely applicable to matters of sexuality and sexualizing. For example, our genitals are paraphernaliawhile our paraphernalia can include the whole of our bio-bodies.
REGALIA refers to special finery, usually having to do with outstanding and spectacular costume indicative of office, function, status, and special categories of highly visible ceremonial activity.Chapter 24
As we have seen, the topic of aura energy fields is rather complicated. So, as with anything complex, the topic is accompanied by a fair share of misunderstandings, confusions, and simple misinformation. And, indeed, it may be that the information in this book has not escaped all of them.
But reasons can be identified for at least some of the confusions. So, before going on with descriptions of sexualizing energetics it is useful to clarify two of them, because they have direct relevance to ward any fuller comprehension of aura energy fields.
One confusing aspect has to do with how and why the aura energy field exists.
An assumption broadly shared has it that the aura energy fields are being produced by the material aspects of the biological body. In this case, the aura belongs to the physical body.
Contemporary energetic research identifies these as the physical fields of the biological body.
However, although the material aspects of the body might be thought of as producing subtle energetic emanations, it is far more likely that the emanations are a by-product of the various energies flowing and circulating within it.
The confusion here is that the there are two concepts about the aura: that it belongs to the physical body, and that it does not belong to physical body. Evidence supporting both concepts is offered in many sources.
However, behind this double confusion lurks an idea that obliterates additional
ideas that are needed to more fully explain the human entity both as a being and as an organism.
The basic doctrines of materialism that came to characterize the earlier modern sciences held that only matter existed. Thus, the bio-body was composed only of matter.
But there have always been two glitches in this concept, both of which were frequently pointed up by researchers who were antagonistic to the philosophy of materialism.
The first glitch consisted of the fact that even if the body was entirely physical, it still needed bio-dynamic energy to function. It was clear enough that the bio-body ate food, and that the food was convened into the necessary energy that permitted bio-dynamic function.
Thus, the physical body absolutely needed not a continuous sup ply of food, but rather the energy it could be converted into. In this sense, the human organism was composed of two interacting systems unified as a matter-energy system. The theory of materialism-only was therefore incomplete.
The second glitch, somewhat more serious and fraught with important implications, had to do with how and why the physical-mater elements of the human became ANIMATED in the first place.
This question was a volcanic issue between the exponents of MATERIALISM and VITALISM during the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth, and resulted in stupendous conflicts now largely forgotten.
The vitalists held that the materialists were studying the human body only AFTER it had become animated, and that such after the-fact studies could not explain the major issue regarding the how and why of essential life animating energies.
And indeed, it is quite fair to point up that how animation of inert physical matter takes place is a question remaining not only unanswered, but mysteriously unexamined.
The term VITALISM is taken from VITALITY, defined as the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving, the living having power of enduring and continuing.
The vitalists held:
1 that explanations of the animating functions of a living organism require a vital energetic principle that is distinct from physico-chemical forces; and
2 that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry alone, and that life is in some part self-deter mining outside of those laws.
The exponents of both vitalism and materialism recognized that if a vital energetic principle did exist, it would equate to an energetic master plan, or blueprint, that existed independently of the matter- body, and which activated and energized it as an animated organism.
This not only more than hinted at the existence of an energetic life entity, but that it would logically be independent of and external to the laws of physics and chemistry.
If the existence of the vital life principle was admitted into even a minimum of scientific authenticity, then the dynamic domains of materialistic physics and chemistry were not all they were cracked up to be.
This volcanic issue was finally settled in about 1919, when the materialists totaled the vitalists by denying them any possibility of scientific acceptance.
Together with the issue of life-animating factors, the term VITALISM was shortly expunged and omitted from approved mainstream sources.
It is ironic that todays physicists and those researching morphogenetic fields, morphic resonance, and causative formation are, in fact, various kinds of NEO-VITALISTSalbeit that condemned word probably will not be resurrected.
In an earlier chapter, the ancient Eastern concept of the LESSER and the GREATER VEHICLE was briefly discussed.
The Lesser Vehicle largely corresponds to the animated material body composed of matter and energy.
The Greater Vehicle is exclusively of energy, plus whatever else, and it is this Greater Vehicle that animates the Lesser.
Thus, the materialists have been exponents of the Lesser Vehicle, while the vitalists were exponents of the Greater Vehicle.
It is now possible to state the main point of the above discussion. The Lesser Vehicle would obviously have its particular aura energy fields, while the Greater Vehicle overshadowing the Lesser would have its own dynamic aura-energetic aspects.
To a very large degree, the aura energy fields of both would interpenetrate each other but in some quite important sense, the energetics of the Greater Vehicle could clairvoyantly become hyper-visible especially if the double vital energy system became super-energized.
As we have already examined in the case of mesmeric, odic, psychic force and orgone energies, if the animating energies chance to become super-energized then appearance of extraordinary sexualizing phenomena takes place.
This can lead, tentatively, to the surprising observation that the sexualizing energies belong more to the Greater Vehicle than to the Lesser. This is somewhat opposite of what is generally assumed to be the case.
Regarding the phenomena of the sexualizing energy paraphernalia of humans, it first needs to be tacitly understood that the phenomena, as I perceived them, apparently DO NOT belong to the physical components of the biological body.
While it is true that the physical components do respond to them, if the sexualizing energy is not present, they dont respond.
Rather, they appear to belong to an extremely complex, highly structured, energy network within which the matter of the physical components is enfolded.
This is to say that the physical body is NOT producing the energy structures, as might be commonly assumed at first. It is more likely that aggregates of arousal energy are flowing into the energy network of the Greater Vehicle.
That energy network is a highly formatted, energy distribution super grid WITHIN which the physical body is brought into existence.
Elements of this super grid penetrate into the bio-body, but its structural elements are just at the surface of the skin, or just outside of it.
Both the male and female versions usually are seen as having three important chakras which, to my knowledge, have not been identified or discussed.
We have already referred to the famous pubic chakra, although Leadbeater and most other sources omitted all but passing reference to it.
In past conventional illustrations, only one sexual chakra is seen, usually placed just in front (hence covering) the vagina or penis, chastely blotting out both.
In fact, though, less prudish Eastern sources place the sex chakra where it is actually to be found: in the crevice between the legs.
In the male it is found behind the scrotum and in front of the anus. In the female it is found between the vagina and anus.
It is almost always reddish in color, even if not active or aroused. If it is any other color, then health or emotional troubles are brewing.
Here, it must be emphasized that this particular chakra has several important implications beyond the sexualizing ones.
It is connected, by a thread-like whorling, up into the body into the body interior. At a certain point, this whorling thread than diverges to connect both to the spinal column and to the esophagus where the whorling then seems to disappear or merge into other energy networks.
It is identically found in all human bodies from birth onward. If this charka doesnt exist at birth, the infant will not live. A type of this chakra is also found on most mammals.
For lack of a better term, I refer to it as the crotch chakra, since there are at least two other sex chakras.
As everyone usually discovers, the crotch chakra is exceedingly responsive to any kind of manipulations, and responds to the rays emanating from the fingertips, if those rays are pink.
It is especially responsive to licking by the tongue, which itself emits a kind of electrostatic aura which is densely and somewhat damply many-colored.
The crotch chakra is also sensitive to sunlight, and many nude sun-bathers have discovered this.
As in other mammals, licking of the crotch chakra especially will render a slightly hypnotic effect, while the eyes will float upward beneath the upper eye-lid.
This particular chakra is accurately identified in some texts. Otherwise, it constitutes one of the most forbidden zones of the entire human body. For reasons of propriety, the location of this chakra is translated up to the pubic mound. There is another chakra on the pubic mound, but its energies are apparently composed of something else as we will see.
In actuality, all orifices of the bio-body are kinds of chakras. The crotch chakra is easily distinguishable from the anal chakra, which is usually seen as a transparent darker red color, and which itself will intensify by finger manipulation and licking.
Indeed, a little-known researcher interested in the responsive phenomena of licking has pointed up that among all the mammals, the human species is the only one which does not lick the anus, and in fact can not because of our up-right standing anatomy. But in fact, the en tire bio-psychic anatomy and all of the chakras will respond favorably to the tongue.
The anus chakra sometimes exhibits opaque colors, such as dark red, blue or dull black. These colors seem to indicate some kind of disease of viruses, protozoa, bacteria, or parasites whose own energies cloud up the anal aura.
Beyond the crotch and anal chakras, the energy anatomy of the male and female versions now begins to differ.
In males, the next sexualizing paraphernalia which seems important is a small chakra about an inch in dimension which is usually deep purple in color.
It is found about half-way between the tail of the spine and the anus, the point being just inside the cleft between the buttocks. The skin covering at this point is very thin and fragile, and so rough treatment is not advised.
When this chakra is lightly massaged or tongued, the male will usually undergo a definite hypnotic relaxation. But conversely, most of his other sexualizing energies will become aroused, and the male will be unable to resist other more strenuous sexual manipulations.
The equivalent chakra to this is found in females not between the buttocks to the rear, but to the front just between the top of the vaginal cleft and the clitoris. It can be seen as being of deep purple, but more usually a dark liquid blue-green.
Massaging or tonguing of this chakra will produce hypnotic and other effects similar to the male responses. However, the female may begin to undergo orgasmic convulsions, while the male usually does not.
When male and female together are achieving coitus, there can be perceived electric-like, lavender-colored discharges taking place between these two particular chakras.
These discharges appear to increase the pumping strength of the male pelvis and thighs, and increase the orgasmic tension of the female pelvic area. These discharges also appear to tighten the muscles of the vaginal area, and increase the penetrating hardness of the penis.
Beyond this, from these two chakras can now be seen passing between each other what can only be described as electrical discharges which fan out to incorporate the two bodies entire.
These discharges are very pleasurable, not only galvanizing the entire bodies, but intercommunicating in such a way that a melding effect transpires, and the copulating couple feel like they have melted or merged into one.
In the sexology literature, this is often referred to as the ecstatic union, which it surely is.
The clairvoyant color of these discharges is usually brilliant pink, but also can be experienced as blinding white.
Images or photographs of copulating couples produce stimulations of these two chakras in their viewers, and even some discharges from them, and which is a type of erotic ecstasy in its own right.
And here we have our first hint of erotic objects, for a picture of a copulating couple is an inanimate object which none the less energetically stimulates both of these two vital chakras. As an aside here, many pre-modern societies worshipped images of copulation and even kept them on altars in their bed chambers. I often wonder why.
But as a result of clairvoyance, although I cant prove it, the ecstatic discharges between these two chakras may have something to do with how the sperm and eggs agree to interact. In other words, there may be an electrical factor here. If the chakras are sluggish or damaged, an electrical environment may not build up and conception might not occur, or occur only with extreme difficulty.
Erotic objects indeed help build up the charges in these two apparently vital chakras.
In two cases in which I was asked to clairvoyantly examine two males, I espied that in both of them the purple chakras were dead.
Both then admitted that even though they produced healthy spermatozoa, their wives had never conceived. They also admitted, with my prodding, that while they did ejaculate easily they did not seem to experience anything near what was described in the literature as ecstatic union. All this for what its worth.
The next of the sexualizing chakras in importance are found at the tip of the penis and at the tip of the clitoris. These are very tiny to be sure.
In males, this tiny chakra is usually blood red and resembles glowing ruby. In females it is usually deep green in color and resembles a glowing emerald. If highly energy sexualized, both emit gem-like rays and sparkles.
That these two gemstones became, at least in many pre-modern societies, associated with males and females can hardly be by chance.
In size, these two chakras are about 1/16 of an inch in dimension and can easily be missed in clairvoyance.
However, these two points are also deeply embraced by concentrations of the networks earlier described, and they are part of the larger, neural, acupuncture, lymphatic, and other nets of the psychic organism.
Entirely sensitive minute filaments of the major neural net works are especially and densely concentrated in the head of the penis and in the clitoris. Both, then, are very sensitive to pain, even of the most minute kind.
However, when these two tiny chakras are energized or stimulated, they can increase in size to 2-4 inches, and emit beams which extend much further.
In their excited state, the glands of the penis and the clitoris, otherwise exceedingly sensitive to pain, can now undergo very rough treatment, including hard biting and chewing, and all of which will now be experienced not as pain but as highest of ecstatic pleasures. -
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