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February 4, 2010 at 1:09 pm #33176
(Nick Douglas, Sexual secrets)
Expanded Quote with this quote in uppercase is bellow after a short numbered meditation on rape.1.aggresive homosexual males violent rulers (explains kumar lineage frustration)
3.aggresive homosexual males rape
4.aggresive homosexual males downward flow
5.aggresive homosexual males outward flow (trasmits karma)
6.aggresive homosexual males open central channel
7.aggresive homosexual males were passive males that were cultivated through hoarding sementhat is short summary for contemplation from douglas sexual secrets p.266-275:
brotherhood of man
There is a natural feeling of brotherhood between men. Authentic commitment and love can exist between men without any need for sexual contact. Tantra tells of the need for feelings of brotherhood, as such feelings help men to share their problems and shared experiences lead to understanding.
Nothing binds men more effectively than shared participation in dynamic, fiery types of activity. In the past, men hunted, worked, and made war together and many brotherhoods were created as part of these activities. Nowadays there is a decreasing emphasis on physical activity, though men still participate in aggressive sports and cooperate in business activities. However, it seems that there are fewer opportunities for a man to externalize or transform sexual energy on a physical level.
Freud’s term libido refers to emotional cravings that prompt any specific human (and especially sexual) activity. The libido is the sex drive, the “fire coursing through the blood.” Throughout history it has had the power to bind men. When the potent fire of Kundalini-energy is untransmuted, it is externalized as aggression. Sex and aggression often manifest themselves in the formation of brotherhoods between men. Many primitive people use sexual bonds between men to establish commi tmen t and reinforce reliability. This is done through rites of in iti ation, sometimes centered around group or selective homosexual activity. Among the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, for example, initiation rites revolve around masturbation of a single selected male who is held in great honor. Circumcision rites of
some African tribes are closely linked to concepts of brotherhood.
The result of strenuous physical exertion is always watery; perspiration pours from all parts of the body. Love-making also produces watery secretions. The symbolism offire and water permeates occult traditions and is an integral part of rites of initiation leading to the establishment of brotherhoods. Even war has the potential for the exchange offire and water: fiery aggression creates sweat, blood, and, often enough, tears. Wars often evolve from the need to express aggression externally. When the libido of men is high and is not channeled through transcendental sex practices, men create excuses to go to war. Emotional cravings have to be expressed; they cannot be bottled up forever. In the past, many brotherhoods were formed around shared participation in battle, the real causes of which were often forgotten. Islam is one of the more recent cultures that revolves around the desire to externalize sexual energy. The brotherhood of Islam lost track of the original emotional, mystic craving of its principal prophet, Muhammad. Over the course of history its women came to bear the burden. Though the brotherhood created by Islam transformed the face of the globe, it is still unable to recognize the sexual basis of its own phenomenon. Islam can only cease to be a religion of force and evolve into a truly transcendental experience if it breaks away from its long-established custom of relegating women to a subservient role.
Tantric brotherhood implies shared beliefs and shared emotional longings. The desire to be liberated from the endless round of births and deaths, to be freed from suffering and the fear of death, is the germinal requirement for true Tantric brotherhood in this Dark Age of materialism. Shared participation in Hatha Yoga, Tantric meditation, and ritual can lay the ground for a Tantric brotherhood, working as an all-powerful transformative energy in the New Age.
There is a brotherhood ofTantrics waiting to be brought to life. This brotherhood will awaken as the end of the Kali Age approaches. Recognizing the potent Female Principle of life, the Brotherhood ofTantra will transform this polluted world. Then at the ecstatic moment when one Age transforms into the next, those faithful followers of the selfless path will reach their goal.
266 Vishnu the Preservermale homosexuality
Some prehistoric cave paintings depict men engaged in what appears to be ritual homosexuality, wearing masks of animal heads. The mimicry of animals in order to gain magical power over them is a common practice of primitive peoples. It seems very likely that male homosexuality first developed among groups of hunters who copied and ritualized animal copulation (mounting from behind). Such acts were considered the essential ingredient for assuring a successful hunt.
The Prairie Indians of North America practiced male homosexual rituals during their Bison Dance, the purpose of which was to empower the hunt by a process ofimitative magic. The Indians believed this process was necessary before their ancestral protective Spirit would send bison into their territory. In this ritual, the shaman played out the role of a demon who first had to fail in his attacks on the women of the tribe and then was overcome and homosexually raped by male dancers disguised as bison.
Male homosexuality was condemned in ancient Egypt, although there are some indications that it was practiced by the military as a ritual for ensuring the subjugation of prisoners. It began to appear more frequently with the breakdown of the priesthood and was blamed for the weakening of their occult power. Cults that promoted male homosexuality as a secret rite of high magic then developed. Homosexual practices were also promoted among the Babylonian priesthood but they were then also blamed for their loss of magical power.
In ancient Greece, male homosexuality was elevated almost to the status of an institution. A kind of military pederasty existed in Greece from ancient times, linked to warlike activities. In Sparta, it was considered part of the educational system and an essential initiation into soldiery. In Crete, the law protected male homosexuals, even outlining procedures for “correct abduction of young boys.” In Athens, homosexuality was reserved for free men and forbidden to slaves. Though the Greek philosophers attempted
to promote the sublimation of male homosexuality, it developed into magic cults based on interpretations of the Egyptian mystery rites.
Male homosexuality is only rarely mentioned in the archaic periods of Chinese history. During the Ch’in and early Han dynasty (221 B.C.-AD. 24), there was a series ofhomosexual princes and emperors who were recorded in Chinese history as being exceedingly sadistic and who actively promoted male homosexuality. The last emperors of the early Han dynasty lost both political and social power. Eunuchs gained control and the people were heavily taxed. A disastrous epidemic ravaged China and it is recorded that an unusually high proportion of children with homosexual characteristics were born. The people revolted under a powerful Taoist leader and the dynasty fell. From this time until the advent of Moslem influence much later, male homosexuality was viewed with suspicion. It was only condoned when associated wi th the production of especially sensitive art works.
Homosexual freedom has been also associated with the decline of Greece in some historic accounts. Similarly the decline of the Roman Empire is often viewed in connection with the abundance of homosexuality and the extraordinary extent of male prostitution.
Early Christianity took a strong antihomosexual position, using Rome as an example of the effect oflicensed homosexuality on a nation. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is described in identical terms in the Bible and the Koran. Though the Koran specifically condemns male homosexuality, it became firmly entrenched in Moslem culture. Practically all Turkish, Arab, or Persian poetry is tinged with male homosexual themes. Arab conquests were always associated with the forceful rape of women and the abduction of young boys. Saladin, the adversary of Richard Coeur de Lion in a Crusade for the Holy Land, was a known homosexual. The Islamic brotherhood spread widely through the power of the sword. In so dominantly a patriarchal society, the creative Female Principle was relegated to a lowly status. Tantric esoteric teachings declare that if a woman is treated very aggressively and degraded during sexual union, then any male child produced will have strong homosexual tendencies. Anal intercourse
Rockcarving showing a male mounting an animal. From a prehistoric cave, Val Camonica, Italy.
Vishnu the Preserver 267Angry form of Mahakala, the Protector of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. The wrathful
outer form, conceived of as dark and fearful as outer space, conceals a deep transcendent essence that rests on the tranquil ground of compassion. From a contemporary sculpture in the Rumtek
monastery, Sikkim.
268 Vishnu the Preserver
with a woman, followed by vaginal intercourse, is said to be one of the ways in which homosexual males are conceived.
The Freudian theory hypothesizes that male homosexuality results from the combination ofa dominant, overprotective mother and a weak, uninterested father. The child is thus deprived ofa masculine role-model and both overwhelmed and frightened by the company of women. Though it may be that early traumatic experiences with women can create homosexual tendencies in a man, rarely is this a sufficient cause. These tendencies seem to be largely determined by a decreased level of male sex hormones in the body. Sex hormones are secreted by various glands in the body, by the gonads or sex glands in particular. Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland, which is situated in the head. All hormones exist in both sexes, in varying proportions. Levels of the male sex hormone are increased with exposure to sexual stimuli. Fear, stress, and anxiety cause the testosterone hormone level to diminish. The cause of this biochemical reduction may
originate in the unconscious, but the resulting biological effect is a powerful reinforcement. Studies of homosexual men suggest that they are, in fact, “MEN WITH THE HORMONAL CHEMISTRY AND MINDS OF WOMEN.” GENERALLY THEY HAVE A LOW SPERM COUNT AND LOW LEVELS OF THE MALE SEX HORMONE IN THEIR BODY, THOUGH DOMINANT AND HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE MALE HOMOSEXUALS HAVE EXCESSIVELY HIGH LEVELS OF THESE. When testosterone is produced in excess, it triggers aggressive sexual urges. It has been noted that violent criminals produce much higher levels of this substance than do nonviolent ones.
It would appear that the aggressive male homosexual, who usually has a passive lover, is trying to balance out and “externalize” the consuming inner fire of Kundalini-energy. When the Kundalini-fire is untransmuted, it usually is expressed as worldly aggression. This is an intriguing clue to the relationship between sex and aggression, and it explains why aggressive male homosexuality is often linked with military conquest.
If aggression is carried to the extreme, it creates hormonal imbalance, which in turn influences one’s sexual desires. A man should reserve real aggression for physical work, sports, business, and, ideally, Yogic transformation. Eastern teachings offer practical techniques to help balance imbalances in the subtle and physical body: Yoga postures, breathing practices, and visualization and meditation techniques. Aggressive energy can be used to transform the psyche, even to the extent of transforming sexual polarity. The Tantric texts outline many visualizations of violent, wrathful entities whose inner natures are always conceived of as compassionate and loving. This symbolizes the way in which the raw Kundalini-energy can be tamed by psychological and physiological processes.
According to recent biological theories, all fetuses are female internally, even if they have male sex organs partly or completely formed. It is believed that they are female until and unless the sex glands release hormonal instructions to the contrary. Though this is not exactly in accordance with the Eastern teachings on this subject, there is an interesting similarity that will help explain some of the factors determining male homosexuality. In an important Tibetan medical work, the Gyudzhi, the following illuminating account of the conception process occurs:Multi-armed angry form of Mahakala, the embodiment of timeless transcendence achieved through the creative channeling and transformation of aggression. Tibetan Thanka painting on cloth, circa eighteenth century.
Vishnu the Preserver 269Three things are needed for the formation of a body. These are potent male semen, a fertile female egg, and the mind of a being already existing in the Intermediate State between death and birth, impelled by the right Karma. It depends on the predilection of the being, whether its body is going to become male or female. If it identifies with the semen and is attracted by the mother, at the same time disliking the father, then it will be born a boy. If it identifies itself with the sexual secretions of the mother, but feels anger toward her, then a girl-child will be born.
This shows a remarkable correlation to Freud’s Oedipal theory.
The same text goes on to state that” During the third week after conception, it is still possible to influence the sex of the future child. In general, births and subsequent fates are dependent on Karma, but sometimes one can influence this by adding an additional cause. If someone wishes for a son, then during the third or fourth week the method known as Changing the Center can be practiced. It can only be done before the sex organs of the fetus have formed completely.” The method referred to involves ingestion by the pregnant woman of specially prepared products that have high male hormone content. Among those listed are the milk from a cow that has had male calves, menstrual blood from a young girl mixed with semen from a virile boy, a special preparation of purified mercury, and other substances that must be prepared in a ritual way and according to astrological requirements.
Yogic teachings state that the movement of the breath in the body is a primary determining factor of gender in children. When there is no harmonization of mood before and during love-making, the breath of the couple may become locked and dominant to the same side of their body. Tantra teaches that this can cause the birth of homosexual children. Eastern teachings emphasize the use of postures to control and harmonize the flow of breath; it is taught that gender of offspring can be predetermined by such techniques. Recent scientific research into the ancient Hebrew tradition of using particular postures to control the sex of offspring isjust one indication of the validity in these practices.
Negative aggressive fantasy while having sexual union is another way that sexual preferences may develop in offspring. Parents cre-
270 Vishnu the Preserver
ate Karma, which their children must take into their identity. In turn, children “bring Karma to their parents.” The intertwinings of destinies passed on from life to life is the basis of continuity between this world and the next.
Kinsey, in his famous report on Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, found that about four percent of all men are exclusively homosexual throughout their lives. He also noted that about twenty-five percent of his cross section ofthe male population had had more than incidental homosexual experiences, thirty-seven percent had had some kind of homosexual experience leading to orgasm, and that this figure became as high as fifty percent among those who had remained unmarried until the age of thirty-five.
There are four distinct types of physical exchange between men: mutual caressing without orgasm, masturbation with orgasm, oral sex, and anal sex. The Eastern view is that the first two categories are not necessarily to be viewed as homosexuality, and a man who has had such experiences should not view himself as a homosexual. Oral sex between men is taboo according to Hindu and Buddhist law, though there are references to masseurs in ancient India sometimes relieving their customers in this way and the Kama Sutra does list ways for oral sex between men. The Hindu lawbooks condemn a man who swallows the semen of another. Anal sex between men was unheard of in India until the Moslem invasions and is not a traditional sexual practice of the Chinese or Japanese. The Taoist and Tantric texts unilaterally condemn anal sex between men.
Male homosexuality in the West normally features oral-genital sex, including absorption by the partner of the ejaculated semen. According to Taoism, this causes the Yangessence to be transformed into “male- Yinessence.” Though an exact translation of this process into modern scientific terminology would be difficult, the idea may shed some light on the paradoxes of male homosexuality. Semen contains hormones that, when ingested, undoubtedly help to transform the passive partner into an active one. Anal sex involves the absorption of male hormones through the rectum.
An active, aggressive male homosexual is in a great position of responsibility. By practicing oral or anal sex with his male lover, he “transmits” his Karma as well as his hormonesand vitality. The links in a chain of destiny are established and invariably passed on to others. The Chain of Karma exists on physiological and metaphysical levels simultaneously. We should not consider one aspect without duly taking note of the other. Homosexual men transform one another physically but pay the price of complex metaphysical entanglement.
It is completely natural for young men to explore their own or other young men’s bodies, and this should not be confused with ho-
anal sex
The anus has a beauty and sensitivity of its own. No part of the human body should be considered unclean. It is an Eastern custom to wash the anus with cold water as part of the daily ablutions. Tantra teaches control of the anal sphincter muscles, indicating that sexual energy can be conserved in this way. When this muscle is contracted, the sexual center is stimulated and the sex glands produce hormones. Anal intercourse is not recommended by Tantric teachers because, among other things, it tends to stretch and weaken the sphincter muscles, producing energy loss.
Anal penetration disturbs the balance of vital forces in the body. The downwardmoving vital principle, one ofthe five Prana vitalities, is reversed. This can create digestive problems, leading to constipation, irregularity, and, ultimately, cancer of the rectum.
As an organ of excretion, the anus and rectal passage always contain traces of bacterial waste. A person is in danger of infection through anal insertion and can also suffer severe tissue damage or soreness. Ifnormal sex is engaged in afterward, the dangerous possibility exists that bacteria will be transferred from the anus to the innermost parts of the Yoni of woman.
In ancient India, anal sex with a woman was called lower union. It was not considered normal. Some medical works mention it briefly, claiming it sometimes has the effect of an enema and at other times causes
mosexuality. Science has recorded numerous instances of exploratory “homosexual” advances between animals such as rats, mice, bats, hedgehogs, dogs, goats, pigs, sheep, horses, lions, and monkeys. If aggressive male animals are kept together for long periods without the company of females, a certain proportion will become actively homosexual. This does not suggest that male homosexuality is either natural or unnatural, but indicates the multifarious aspects of humanity to be found in Nature.
constipation. The Chinese tradition takes a similar position, and though anal sex with women was practiced on occasion, it was uncommon until the period of Moslem influence.
Anal sex with another man, or sodomy, has already been dealt wi th in the section on homosexuality. It was an essential ingredient of Moslem culture, despite the fact that Muhammad condemned the practice. Christianity always linked the Devil to anality, and he was commonly depicted as showing his behind. One of the accusations leveled by the Church against the Knights Templar was that they had “anal knowledge of each other.”
Arabian couple practicing anal sex in imitation of animals. From a Persian miniature painting of the nineteenth century.
Vishnu the Preserver 271During a public inquiry into the un-Christian activities of the Templars, it was asserted that a member of the mystic society, after having been made a prisoner by the Turks, had introduced anal-oriented practices into the cult.
Anal sex is increasingly common today, partly because of the lack of understanding of its ramifications and partly because of the contemporary tendency to do everything that was once considered taboo. It is natural for someone who desires to become sexually liberated to explore the possibilities of new types of experience. A definite “no” is a closed door, which can block the inner potential for self-knowledge. If anal sex is considered relevant to a heterosexual relationship, it is the responsibility of the man to understand the physiological and psychological nature of this practice. A man should never demand this kind of surrendering from a woman.
A premeditated act and a spontaneous one have very different psychic effects and penetration can happen in a totally organic way, almost by mistake. In such circumstances, pleasure can be experienced by both partners because of mutual openness.
At the location similar to the prostate gland in men, women have a similar but smaller gland, the cervix, the “flower” of the uterus. A thin membrane separates it from the anal passage. Conceivably an unusual placement of the cervix may be a physiological reason why certain women prefer anal to vaginal sex. We mention here an interesting extract from a Ming dynasty erotic novel, which introduces this aspect of heterosexual sex rather beautifully:
Porphyry loved one form of sport above all others. Afterjoining with the man in various modes of love-making, she desired him to pluck the flower of her bottom, while she herself touched the innermost flower of her womb with her delicate fingers. He told her, therefore, to raise herself on hands and legs, like a horse, and then he thrust himself into the
flower of her posterior. She, reaching down with her hands, played with the heart of her other flower.
Some women find it necessary to offer every bodily orifice to their lovers as a symbol of their complete surrender and commitment. This desire, however, should not be exploited by a man. A preference for regular practice of anal intercourse indicates the desire for domination and power over the partner and perhaps the inability to love. According to the Yogic medical viewpoint, the body of woman has three main openings: the mouth, the anus, and the Yoni. Among these, the mouth is created for things to enter in and for sounds to come out, the anus is for excretions to come out.
Anal sex can be frightening, painful, and degrading for a woman. The “surrendering” aspect and the fear factor are intimately linked. Surrendering induces a sense of timelessness and fear releases strong emotional feelings. These factors together produce psychological and physiological changes; fear releases particular body secretions, can “put the ego in its place,” and can even induce the Kundalini-energy to enter and rise up the Central Pathway. But putting another person in a state of fear is a grave Karmic responsibility and not something to be taken lightly. Though no act is inherently “right” or “wrong,” the mental attitude and quality of consciousness must be considered before endorsing anal sex as a new variation of lovemaking. The majority of women do not enjoy this practice, and those who are addicted to it may well have cause for regret later on in life. Enjoyment of anal sex may be brief, but the effects are lasting. Rather than turning to anal sex to add variation to one’s love life, it is far better to perfect the techniques of transcendence. Tantra offers numerous exciting ways to stimulate and explore sexuality wi thou t the need for anal sex. The Y oni offers every facility for self-liberation.
Away with sodomy, and all will perfect be; For making-love, use a woman’s parts,
By far they are the best.
Two males beneath the clothes,
Are greater trouble than they’re worth.
272 Vishnu the Preserverreverse kundalini
Ancient Chinese erotic texts refer to heterosexual love-making as the “Union of the Clouds and Rain” (yun-yu). Male homosexuality is commonly referred to as “Reverse Clouds and Inverted Rain” (fan-yunju-yu), particularly when anal intercourse is implied. In the Tantric tradition of India, male homosexuality is called Reverse Kundalini, a term that is also used to describe retro gressive, degenerate, or perverse sexual practices.
Reverse Kundalini, as the name suggests, refers to any sexual practice that reverses the natural upward flow of sexual energy. Anal sex invariably reverses the flow of sexual energy in the passive partner. Many ancient texts warn against anal sex or Reverse Kundalini, and state that the sensation accompanying this practice is a tingling chill that is both terrifying and exciting. Eastern traditions declare that the experience of Reverse Kundalini is psychically damaging and physically debilitating.
In order to understand Reverse Kundalini, it is necessary to take a look at traditional Yogic anatomy and then compare it with modern Western anatomy. The Yogic text Goraksashatakam refers to the existence of a special sexual gland:
Above the Lingam and below the navel there is a bulbous-like root [Sanskrit:
Kanda], rather similar to the egg of a bird. It is the source of seventy-two thousand subtle life-carrying nerves. Over this “root” lies the all-powerful Kundalini, folded eight times and always closing the entrance to the Central Nerve with her “mouth.” When awakened by the Inner Fire and consciously fanned by the Vital Breath, the Kundalini rises up the Central Nerve [Sanskrit: Sushumna], taking the Life Force with her as if it were a thread of light.
Gray’s Anatomy, a standard Western medical work, describes an important sexual gland, the prostate, in the following way:
The prostate gland resembles a chestnut in size and shape. It is placed in the pelvic cavity and rests upon the rectum, through which it may be distinctly felt,
especially when enlarged. Its base is directed upward and is situated immediately below the neck of the bladder. Its apex is directed downward to the deep layer ofthe triangular ligament, which it touches. The prostate consists of two laterallobes and a middle lobe and is perforated by the urethra and the ejaculatory ducts. It is immediately enveloped by a thin but firm fibrous capsule, distinct from that derived from the rectovesical fascia, and separated from it by a plexus of veins.
Anal sex between men can stimulate the prostate gland through the rectal wall producing spontaneous ejaculation of semen. Tantric teachers view such activity in the following way: The natural ascent of the Kundalini, awakened by sexual excitement, becomes blocked; the pressure created then causes the Kundalini-energy to turn back on itself and move in a downward direction. The only subtle nerves that the sexual energy can enter are those leading to the lower part of the body. The long-term effect of Reverse Kundalini is a devitalizing of the upper part ofthe body, a morbidity and heaviness in the lower body and limbs, and psycho-spiritual lethargy throughout the whole organism.
Anal sex is not the only cause of Reverse Kundalini. Fear can induce it, by causing the body to constrict itself, cool down, and drain vitality from the upper regions. Reverse Kundalini can also occur through strenuous physical exertion, sudden shock, or a neurotic obsession, which can create separation
Diagram showing position of prostate gland.
Coccyx Rectum
Anal sphincter muscles Vas deferens
Seminal vesicules
Spongy tissue Urethra
Vishnu the Preserver 273Arabian couple practicing anal sex. From a Persian miniature painting, early nineteenth century.
The Great Goddess Kundalini, the Pure Energy of the Self, sleeps close to the rectum in the region known as Muladhara; she has the
form of a serpent having three and a half coils. So long as she is
asleep in the body, the Soul is a mere animal and true knowledge does not arise. Contract and dilate the anal sphincter again and again. This is called Asvini Mudra and is the most effective way of awakening the Shakti within.
274 Vishnu the Preserver
and imbalance in the flow of life energy through the body. One of the most common causes of Reverse Kundalini in a sexual context is when a man and woman indulge in strenuous love-making on a full stomach. The vital fires of the body become concentrated on the digestion of food in the stomach and intestines, inhibiting and blocking the free flow of energy, and therefore causing drowsiness and heaviness, feelings that are the antithesis of the uplifting experience of union. The symptoms of Reverse Kundalini are a sense of separation from the Higher Self, fixation on morbid fantasy, sadomasochistic obsession, hot and cold chills, shortness of breath, and weakness in the limbs. Reverse Kundalini can be counteracted by living a natural life, by deep breathing (which will help reverse the downward flow of energy) and healthy sexual practices. A Yogic exercise that also helps is kno wn as Mula Bandha, the rhythmic contraction of the anal sphincter muscles, which should be accompanied by visualizing sexual energy rising upward, invigorating and vitalizing the whole organism.
According to Shaykh Nafzawi, the Moslem author of The Perfumed Garden and a wellknown sexologist of the early medieval period:
All authorities on religious law are agreed that a man may use any part of a woman’s body for sexual gratification, the rectum excepted. Anal sexuality is a matter on
which there is no complete agreement. Most exclude it on the grounds that it is forbidden by certain traditions of the Prophet, but quite a large body of opinion allows it. In his writings Ibn Sha’ban attributes the permissibility of the practice of anal sex to the Prophet’s Companions and Successors. It is, however, a wellknown fact that in Muhammad’s community anal sex was considered unlawful.
The base or sexual center is complex and all its elements are interconnected. The Western anatomical view is interesting since it tends to support many of the ancient Yogic descriptions of this center and how it functions. There are remnants of glandular structures around the base of the spine, in the region of the coccyx, a bone-like structure formed from four coccygeal elements and coccygeal horns, which articulate with the “horns” ofthe sacrum (a composite triangular bone forming the back of the pelvis). This whole area is believed by some to be the remnants of an animal-like tail, which became atrophied during the process of evolution.
The perineal body is a complex structure between the anus and sexual organ made up of four interrelated parts, known in medical terminology as the bulbocavernosus muscle (in the front), the sphincter ani externus muscle (behind), and the two superficial perineal muscles (at the sides). The first of these expels the last of the urine and alsoserves as “an accessory muscle of erection for the penis,” helping to ejaculate the semen. In a woman, this muscle constricts the vaginal orifice. Conscious control of this muscle is a goal of considerable importance in the Tantric tradition.
The pudendal nerve is the main neural connection with the muscles of the perineal body. Control of this nerve gives absolute control over erection and ejaculation in the man, and over Yoni contractions in the woman. Its three branches arise in the pelvis by roots from the sacral nerves and eventually connect with the sciatic nerve. The pudendal nerve finally emerges out of the perineal body as the dorsal nerve of the Lingam or Yoni.
The equivalent Tantric description tells of a fourfold lotus within which is a second fourfold “base” ruled over by an elephantheaded deity (Ganesha), above which is an inverted triangle containing a Lingam shape (the prostate) enveloped by the Kundalini. A central duct rises upward from it, to the other Subtle Centers.
In the prostate gland of the male are located the seminal vesicles, sometimes referred to as “blind pouches” or prostatic utricles. Each is roughly the size and shape of a small finger. The seminal vesicles are directed backward and upward into the prostate and are believed by Western medicine to be the “male homologue of the female uterus and vagina.” They secrete an alkaline constituent ofthe seminal fluid, analogous to the secretions produced in the Y oni of a sexually excited woman. In this area is the ejaculatory duct, which leads from the region of the prostate and directly adjoins the rectum.
At a location similar to the prostate in men, women have a cervix, the “flower” of the uterus. A thin membrane separates it from the anal passage. Conceivably, an unusual
placement of the cervix and mou th of the womb may be a physiological reason why some women enjoy anal sex.
The blocking of the prostate gland in men, and pressure on the cervix through the inner rectum in women, can cause an unnatural current of sexual energy to build up and be released in a downward-moving direction. Such Reverse Kundalini commonly leads to neurosis and personality problems, and sensitivity to humor becomes replaced by cynicism. The physical symptoms are a sudden thickening in the lower part of the body: the waist, hips, and legs become heavier, wi thou t any appreciable change in dietary habits. Similar symptoms often occur during the “male menopause” and are especially associated with the surgical removal of the prostate gland. A healthful diet, lifestyle, and sex habits all contribute to overcoming problems of Reverse Kundalini. When sexual energy is directed upward and circulated throughout the whole body, psychophysical morbidity is replaced by transcendental spiritual radiance and well-being.
Close the anal orifice by the heel of the left foot, press that heel with the right
foot carefully, move the muscles of the rectum slowly, and gradually contract the muscles of the Yoni or perineum [the space between anus and scrotum]. Restrain the breath by using the falandhara Bandha [pressing the chin into the chest and contracting the throat]. This is called Mahabandha and is effective in destroying decay and death. When a person knows how to use it correctly, it helps that person accomplish all desires.
The Base or Sexual Chakra as described in recent Hindu Tantric works. The Kundalini is shown coiled around the Lingamshaped prostate. The elephant with multiple trunks symbolizes the many different paths through which sexual energy can flow.
Vishnu the Preserver 275February 4, 2010 at 1:13 pm #33177blue
Very weird gate.
All martial arts has.
Alas as osho said: it is repressed male sexuality.
And if sexuality is involved is it not somewhat gay.
Even glenn morris chose for the cover of his third book the angry god.
Guess if it is pent up sexuality.Can you imagine consentual benevolent rape?
Remember zeus?
well did bull as zeus rape a cow that was hottie
when he mounted her
it got him in trouble, but with wife.fear conditioning and body destruction exists,
and one study it on one’s own.
here is benevolent rape.0.
sex is a form of dealing with male and female madness.
where one can be mad and still civil.
here is a short presentation of male madness.
Understand female madness on your own.
Like read e.g. the pimp game by mickey royal for some illustration into yin hell.
Or envision what becomes in society where females consistently mate with betas.1.
wife emotionally frustrated and illed
german new medicine correlates this with unresolved issues regarding children among other things
wanting children and frustrating this goal
by integrating this frustration one can use attracted energy also productively
this means gooing to root of sin. Moment of reaction and selflimiting choice. And integrating that which was locked in what is now. Without blocking being hit by the tail of that selflimitng choice.2.
some want children
such goal definition is sufficient if one is sufficiently possessed by ancestors
in modern times civilization seems quite competitive with ancestors and certainly does not mind feeding on its children
as do ancestors (per celestial prophecy, book 2, imho)
passive sex magic
however is possession is weak then mortal sex is akin to gutwrenching harakiri3.
sex magic has active component
goal definition
and off-spring is not the goal,
it is the means
a physical means
as are other less physical aspects
accompanying the copulation,
all of them are aspects working for the work they were created formationon the other side a child per se cannot be a goal for it’s yuan chi
which makes him free human with a destinye.g.
1.goal: merging chia and kumar techniques : good goal definition
2.goal: merging western and chinese taoist tradition: good goal definition
3.goal: make a child: this is bad goal definition. Child is immortal pil since it has yuan ching. This is like with money (yuan). It is not the goal, it is the means. Destiny is the goal. And it works through structure (easiest through fractal,selfrepeating structures). So goal should be structure and not process oriented.
All previous goals also include its relationship with previous structures, like in:
we all stand on the shoulder of those before.so define goal
which also names the participating woman
like money woman, benevolence woman, training woman
or more slang versions of name labels4.
sex magic has passive component
in taoist wordspeak that are virtues
of which goals are only manifestation, concretizationsafter contemplation of one own virtues, hopes and other unutterances,
contemplated your female’s virtues
(which are her gravity)
virtues are recognized through action
that she will retract to during copulation.If she/her lineages hold sins one can command them,
not just accept,
to work them for the goal:
by understanding the reason for the sin
while being fully alligned with the goal
the energy stuck in sin is released in nurturing the goal structureMale and female operators have both this gravity component.
Her wins.5.
after contemplative preparation
you benevolently rape her(things should be simple: after all preparation one should just let the heaven and earth do its thingie, do the work, while human players engage in nonintellectual activity)
(well it is rape if she refuses to yield her goal structure to yours.
But if supllicated in asking permission the sex initiation is castrated.
Like Puskhin said in his secret diary: choice of the woman in not where the relationship goes, but rather if she is in it.
Unless she is the man 🙂 )(However male have overabundance of heaven connection-male goal structure winns.
As do her virtues on the yin-earth pole.
She swallows him him with her earth.
If he neglected to choose, or has just lost the battle)(before the advent of the phase of feminism rape was impossible within marriage,
and if outside the marriage it was a crime, but not because her I conscience resisted,
but because she mated in a way that was outside of the clan that she belonged to thus weakening the clan
Plus do not forget selfdefense: do you want to mate with viper cobra tiger in fighting mode,
or get the hammer stuck in the wrench?)(now in the time of consentual sex such supplication is very castrating to the ability to dominate)
absolute responsibility
benevolent rape is only possible with imbalance of male ‘hormones’ in male.
it is manifestation of aggressiveness.
Lets observe left-right hand cultivation examplesbitch is term for female dogs
male bitch is used for shorthand for male humans that are female humans in internal make-up: male female humans, but since this is name-confusing, just male bitchexample of left hand path
.male bitch wills a chastity
.male bitch releases all means of external expression of male urges (mahamudra)(including all kinds of internal projections, including in the head, and keeps shit where it is: in gut/soil/earth)
.when all means of male expression are not fed, the yin gate (perineum point: bui hui or hui yin ?) opens (by itself during meditation, or dream state or accupresure)
.chastity by means of cycles of days and moons starts feeding internal channels restimulating all stagnations and stuff, which when transformed-integrated forms central channel
.male bitch’s central channel grows and stabilizes, including its connection to heaven
.his central channels starts working as antenna
.he is able to start downloading shit and projecting it with all appendages, including tripod’sexample of right hand path
.male bitch kowtows to the master
.the master opens the central channel (need a visual image?) of the male bitch and continues pumping it/filling it with juice in time
.male bitch grows a beard as he ages
.now older and matured, male bitch makes/takes a bitchleft hand, right hand: in both examples results are the same.
Both paths show how male beard is internally gestated and manifested.7.
rape is of course the heavens’ actor view. With great struggle and low strategy there is suffering.
Less struggle and more strategy resistance lower.
(and no tension=no battery charge=no creation=no wheel)
Hence benevolent rape.
It is the way of creation.
It creates what heaven and earth want.
It is creating the world anew.
The new world.
That is then manifested in work, projects, all else.
And birthing mortals.
If nothing is blocked then all results are fine.
For all that is manifestation of internal pulse or struggle.
Which is also a way how woman lives with and without children.
My children…
My precious…
All is there.8.
just to not forget: absolute responsibility
Short commentary on a tantric book.
As tantric it is hot on upward flow from perineum point up,
extremely for from head up,
and very against downward flow from perineum point down.
It does not discuss downward flow from heaven to perineum.
Just remember that bitch-slapping is not hard.
Braveheart is hard.
Hard enough to appreciate feminine.
You choose what was kings’ education or monks’ education.:
February 4, 2010 at 11:26 pm #33179Steven
ModeratorThank you for posting the article.
It will help me to recognize yet another author
whose opinions I will avoid in the future.With the exception of rape (which is about aggression and having
power over the victim–in either the heterosexual or the homosexual
case), homosexuality has nothing to do with aggression or lack of
aggression external or internal. I think most of the author’s
interpretations and summarizations include a lot of backward
repressed thinking and misunderstanding of history.Historically, much of the secret groups and/or rituals/rites of
passage that used homosexuality, were really about trying to
find some bullshit rationale for engaging in their souls’ desires
while surrounded by cultures and societal beliefs that did
not or would not accept homosexuality otherwise.Nothing will make a person more or less homosexual. Period.
If a person is *truly* heterosexual, and they go to prison,
they will not engage in homosexual behavior no matter how
horny they are. A “heterosexual” who goes to prison and then
due to “horniness” has same-sex relations is just using the
prison as an excuse; the real reason is that in prison, there
is no reason any longer to put up a false face–the imagined
external disapproval no longer matters, releasing repression.
Good for them, but unfortunate they have to fall back on
using “prison” as an excuse.Too many thousands of years of ignorant idiots trying to come
up with ridiculous rationale for what they’ve already decided
and *judged* in their minds as “deviant behavior”. Judging others
using “esoteric theories” does not make their judgements and
self-importances any more OK. People need to stop trying
to categorize others and spend more time looking at themselves.
People who promote sexual judgement and/or ridicule others–either
externally or silently internally, just demonstrate
Is it any wonder why people feel such shame when connected
with sexual desire and impulse, be it heterosexual or homosexual?
It’s the result of millennia of traumatic judgmental ancestral
memories that we are all carrying in our blood. And it gets
passed from generation to generation. How tragic.S
February 7, 2010 at 5:45 pm #33181zoose
ParticipantI’m not gay but i know a few gay people and i must admit they are the least agressive people i know. I think it’s normally the others that are aggressive to the gay people.
I remember hearing something like 2% of every animal species has some gay tendencies.
February 8, 2010 at 12:46 am #33183Steven
Moderator>>>I’m not gay but i know a few gay people
>>>and i must admit they are the least
>>>agressive people i know.The small sample size of “a few people I know”
doesn’t mean much. That’s not a very big sample size.
The “few people I know” all have advanced degrees in math,
which is hardly representative of the population!First the article talks about some gay males having less
male sex hormone, then also talks about “aggressive”
gay males having too much male sex hormone. What does
this mean? It means that male sex hormone and aggression
has nothing to do whatsoever with homosexuality. It’s
trying to attribute a pattern to something that has no
pattern. There’s inherent variability between and across
the board, just as there is inherent variability between
all people. Saying anything else is just an attempt
to stereotype, classify, and judge others as a group, rather
than treat people as individuals. To my ears, hearing
what the author said sounds as reasonable as hearing someone
tell me that “black people like chicken and watermelon”, i.e.
an opinion coming from ignorance.I’ve taught university classes for over 10 years now, and
the one thing I’ve discovered is, is that no one is a
stereotype, no one fits “a pattern”, no one tends to
be “this way, or that way” because of some label put on
them. Everyone is a UNIQUE individual. Any other approach
is not a heart-centered approach.>>>I think it’s normally the others that are
>>>aggressive to the gay people.Again, a stereotype.
But if you want to talk about those that *are* aggressive
to gay people, then the reason for this is because
of their OWN INSECURITY and because they see something
in someone else they are afraid to acknowledge in themselves.
Those who are secure in themselves do not feel the need
to subdue others.This was the source of my comment that those who
promote sexual judgements are lacking in spiritual
maturity. Spiritually mature people have very little
to be insecure about, having left that behind for trust and love.S
February 8, 2010 at 12:54 am #33185Steven
Moderator>>>I remember hearing something like 2% of
>>>every animal species has some gay tendencies.Let’s get some actual data, rather than speculate.
I did a web search to get some facts.For humans, people who are exclusively homosexual is around 8 %
on average. For men, the average is slightly higher than 8%,
and for women, the average is slightly lower. This only counts
exclusive homosexuality though. If you include bisexuality
and/or ranges in between, then the figure goes much higher.For other animals, what I found was that it varies
greatly from species to species. Some species
it is rare, whereas others (such as giraffes)
could be interpreted as high as 90%!!At the end of this post, I’ve attached one of many reference
articles about homosexuality in the animal kingdom I found
linked off of Wikipedia.S
1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
from http://www.news-medical.net
23. October 2006 16:28
Homosexuality is quite common in the animal kingdom, especially among herding animals. Many animals solve conflicts by practicing same gender sex.From the middle of October until next summer the Norwegian Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo will host the first exhibition that focuses on homosexuality in the animal kingdom.
“One fundamental premise in social debates has been that homosexuality is unnatural. This premise is wrong. Homosexuality is both common and highly essential in the lives of a number of species,” explains Petter Boeckman, who is the academic advisor for the “Against Nature’s Order?” exhibition.
The most well-known homosexual animal is the dwarf chimpanzee, one of humanity’s closes relatives. The entire species is bisexual. Sex plays an conspicuous role in all their activities and takes the focus away from violence, which is the most typical method of solving conflicts among primates and many other animals.
“Sex among dwarf chimpanzees is in fact the business of the whole family, and the cute little ones often lend a helping hand when they engage in oral sex with each other.”
Lions are also homosexual. Male lions often band together with their brothers to lead the pride. To ensure loyalty, they strengthen the bonds by often having sex with each other.
Homosexuality is also quite common among dolphins and killer whales. The pairing of males and females is fleeting, while between males, a pair can stay together for years. Homosexual sex between different species is not unusual either. Meetings between different dolphin species can be quite violent, but the tension is often broken by a “sex orgy”.
Homosexuality is a social phenomenon and is most widespread among animals with a complex herd life.
Among the apes it is the females that create the continuity within the group. The social network is maintained not only by sharing food and the child rearing, but also by having sex. Among many of the female apes the sex organs swell up. So they rub their abdomens against each other,” explains Petter Bockman and points out that animals have sex because they have the desire to, just like we humans.
Homosexual behaviour has been observed in 1,500 animal species.
“We’re talking about everything from mammals to crabs and worms. The actual number is of course much higher. Among some animals homosexual behaviour is rare, some having sex with the same gender only a part of their life, while other animals, such as the dwarf chimpanzee, homosexuality is practiced throughout their lives.”
Animals that live a completely homosexual life can also be found. This occurs especially among birds that will pair with one partner for life, which is the case with geese and ducks. Four to five percent of the couples are homosexual. Single females will lay eggs in a homosexual pair’s nest. It has been observced that the homosexual couple are often better at raising the young than heterosexual couples.
When you see a colony of black-headed gulls, you can be sure that almost every tenth pair is lesbian. The females have no problems with being impregnated, although, according to Petter Boeckman they cannot be defined as bisexual.
“If a female has sex with a male one time, but thousands of times with another female, is she bisexual or homosexual? This is the same way to have children is not unknown among homosexual people.”
Indeed, there is a number of animals in which homosexual behaviour has never been observed, such as many insects, passerine birds and small mammals.
“To turn the approach on its head: No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.”
Petter Bockman regrets that there is too little research about homosexuality among animals.
“The theme has long been taboo. The problem is that researchers have not seen for themselves that the phenomenon exists or they have been confused when observing homosexual behaviour or that they are fearful of being ridiculed by their colleagues. Many therefore overlook the abundance of material that is found. Many researchers have described homosexuality as something altogether different from sex. They must realise that animals can have sex with who they will, when they will and without consideration to a researcher’s ethical principles.”
One example of overlooking behaviour noted by Petter Bockman is a description of mating among giraffes, when nine out of ten pairings occur between males.
“Every male that sniffed a female was reported as sex, while anal intercourse with orgasm between males was only “revolving around” dominance, competition or greetings.
Masturbation is common in the animal kingdom.
“Masturbation is the simplest method of self pleasure. We have a Darwinist mentality that all animals only have sex to procreate. But there are plenty of animals who will masturbate when they have nothing better to do. Masturbation has been observed among primates, deer, killer whales and penguins, and we’re talking about both males and females. They rub themselves against stones and roots. Orangutans are especially inventive. They make dildos of wood and bark,” says Petter Boeckman of the Norwegian Natural History Museum.
February 8, 2010 at 4:13 pm #33187Michael Winn
KeymasterFebruary 8, 2010 at 4:13 pm #33189Michael Winn
KeymasterFebruary 8, 2010 at 4:16 pm #33191Michael Winn
KeymasterI know Nik Douglas well. His quotes on “downward flow of kundalini” reversing one’s psychic development do not apply to Taoists who run the chi in reverse orbit. Because the orbit is neither down nor up, it is a continuous flow, not linear like many tantric writers visualize it only vertically up or vertically down.
just an fyi.
MichaelFebruary 8, 2010 at 7:35 pm #33193Steven
Moderator>>>I know Nik Douglas well. His quotes on
>>>”downward flow of kundalini” reversing
>>>one’s psychic development do not apply
>>>to Taoists who run the chi in reverse orbit.
>>>Because the orbit is neither down nor up,
>>>it is a continuous flow, not linear like many
>>>tantric writers visualize it only vertically up or vertically down.
>>>just an fyi.
>>>MichaelDidn’t you say once that the person who taught you the
secret Wudang method came from a tradition where they PREFERRED
the reverse orbit? I suppose that since the orbit is a loop,
it’s only on the local level where it matters which direction
you run it as globally everything ends up being connected.Caveats regarding Nick’s comments for Taoists aside though,
I personally can’t trust anything he has to say. He clearly
has a negative bias against homosexuality . . . something
not unnatural–seen throughout the animal kingdom, another
natural expression of the lifeforce. Some of my friends
who are homosexual are healthier and more well-grounded than
some of my friends who aren’t. In fact, I know some
Healing Tao instructors that fit into that former category . . .Strangely enough, fully half of my female friends have
turned out to be lesbian–oftentimes discovering this fact
after a failed romance attempt–then becoming friends afterward.
One of my lesbian friends jokes that I’m a “lesbian-magnet”,
but a good number of these women you wouldn’t be able to tell
unless they told you, since some of them are quite “girly”,
not butch/tomboy type. Makes for interesting discussions
with a close friend of mine when we both talk to each other
about how “hot” certain women are, when referring to certain
TV shows we watch in common.At any rate, homosexuality etc. is much more common than
a lot of people realize–as many are only “out” to trusting
people in a close circle.Nick’s viewpoints of the “unhealthiness” of homosexual
activity is so clearly biased and wrong, it’s not funny.
It therefore casts everything he has to say in doubt,
and therefore I can’t take his “secrets” for heterosexual
behavior seriously either. His opinions don’t flow from the heart.To be honest, I think he has a lot to learn about sexuality.
February 17, 2010 at 6:10 am #33195zoose
ParticipantI disagree. I belive stereotypes are useful. They’re not 100% right but they can help you to have some type of picture about someone you know nothing about. You may be wrong but you will ‘generally’ be more right than wrong. Therefore they are useful. Learning things is not useless. We just need to be able to turn our ‘learnt’ filters on and off. I’ve been a teacher myself for 6 years for both adults and children. For children it is especially useful. The fact that different races have different cultures and different believes is an excellent example of how stereotyping is useful and works. Girls and boys are different too and so stereotypes are useful.
Here are some stereotypes that hold true.
Chinese people like vegetables more than meat.
Australians like more meat than Chinese.
Chinese will only drink alcohol with a meal.
Boys are more adventurous and daring physically than women.
Boys do naughty things to get attention more than girls.There are many more but this gives you some idea.
Yes everyone is unique but you can used your trained logical mind to bring some insight into a situation where you have none. The idea that stereotyping is wrong is rediculous in my idea1
February 17, 2010 at 11:50 am #33197Steven
ModeratorCreating a stereotype creates a judgemental thoughtform
which poisons the field.There’s a common stereotype that “boys are better at math
and science than girls”. This is BS. From my experience,
girls and boys are just as good at it–it’s just that the
boys get the encouragement, whereas the girls are expected
to not do as well. Then the girls end up believing it
themselves and it starts to come true.Stereotypes are a negative judgemental poison.
The same thing can be said of racial issues. In the
math classes that I teach, 75% of the class or more
would be classified by others as racial minorities. I’ve
discovered over the years that each individual is different
and there is a wide spectrum as to what cultural
attitudes they adopt. I’ve seen many such students
suddenly start to excel once they realize that I haven’t
“pre-judged” them or had any prior expectations of
their behavior.Again, further demonstration that stereotypes are a negative
judgemental poison.You say “They can help you to have some type of picture
about someone you know nothing about.”, but my question
Is it so difficult for you to act and live in the present
moment and react spontaneously in a Wu-wei fashion?Why not let each individual teach you on a one-on-one level
what they are all about and respond accordingly?Imagining that certain people fit into a certain shoebox before
you’ve even learned who they are as individuals is not an
open, heart-centered, loving approach. It is one of arrogance,
judgement, and presumption.Give up your desire to categorize and classify; and if you
do anyway, resist your temptation to apply these “findings”
to new situations. Treat each situation as unique and
with an open heart. Look at the world through the eyes
of a child, unfettered by preconceptions. Trust that
your heart-mind will make the right decision in any present
moment. With such trust, it will.S
February 21, 2010 at 8:24 am #33199zoose
ParticipantIt’s useful if you want to make some progress, be better faster or stronger or gain some advantage. If you only live in the wu wei then you get left behind. Although living in the wu wei is great and all you still need to have some judgements. You need to use both sides of your brain. I want to eat. I want to provide a healthy environment for my family. I want to live in society. I want to survive. It takes money.
To be overly strict in your stereotyping of course is silly. But it works great for me.
Although it’s great to deal with each individual thing some times time does not allow when there are deadlines. Although time may stop for me in my meditative state everybody else around me is still subject to it and i need to keep up with them. Not all the time but sometimes. At these times i feel stereotyping becomes useful. Automatically stereotype without meaning to though of course does sometimes happen. But what does it matter? No need to stress over it. Just need to keep it in balance. Losing the ability to stereotype would be unadvantagous, as would having everything subject to my stereotyping. Need some balance.
February 21, 2010 at 11:37 am #33201Steven
Moderator>>>Although living in the wu wei is great
>>>and all you still need to have some judgements.
>>>You need to use both sides of your brain.
>>>I want to eat. I want to provide a healthy environment
>>>for my family. I want to live in society.
>>>I want to survive. It takes money.I do the things you mention, without the need to stereotype.
You can always make a judgement in the moment
based on the unique circumstances, not on presumption.>>>It’s useful if you want to make some progress,
>>>be better faster or stronger or gain some advantage.Gaining an advantage means putting someone at a disadvantage.
You can make personal progress without such things.>>>If you only live in the wu wei then you get left behind.
As determined by who?
>>>Although it’s great to deal with each individual thing
>>>some times time does not allow when there are deadlines.Have you ever examined the word DEADline?
Let me offer you a lifeline instead.
Nothing is so important that it has to be done by some
artificial time marker.>>>Although time may stop for me in my meditative state
>>>everybody else around me is still subject to it
>>>and i need to keep up with them.They don’t call it a RAT RACE for no reason.
Life is not a race.
If life were a race, the finish line would be death.
And are you in such a hurry to be dead?
Stop thinking about a finish line, and instead enjoy the process.
Keeping up with the Joneses never makes anyone truly happy.
Or do you enjoy letting others run your life and enjoy feeling pressure? -
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