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February 16, 2007 at 3:02 am #21179
Alexander Alexis
ParticipantThis moderately long but very rich piece is from sound healer and channel Tom Kenyon (The Hathors). It is not a channeling but and essay. He has some strong daoist references in here and tuning into what he says had a powerful effect on me. Hope you enjoy it too.
Explorations in Self-healing and Transformation
Tom Kenyon, published 2006
http://tomkenyon.com/articles/immunity.htmlThe Story
The whole affair began in a most unexpected manner. I was answering questions toward the end of a Sound Healers Training in Seattle, Washington this last September (2005). A woman raised her hand and said that she worked with AIDS and HIV patients in Africa through a non-profit organization. She asked if I had any recordings or sound patterns that would help, as the situation was getting quite dire throughout that part of the world. I replied that I did not have anything substantive to offer, as my psycho-immunological work up to that time had been centered on general immunity and nothing that specific.
She then said that she had a request, a challenge actually. I recall the moment clearly as the room suddenly filled with a spiritual presence when she spoke. I have a favor to ask of you. I know you are very busy, but Africa is in distress and I know you can help.
The thought of adding one more thing to the list of growing projects I had committed myself to boggled my mind. I was about to stammer out something to this effect when I clairvoyantly noticed a being standing off to my right. He was an African shaman who was adding his weight to the request. And then all my guides came to me, and the stage was suddenly very full. I heard myself sayI will find a way to create the time to do this.
Mind you, I had no idea how I would ever pull this off, given the fact that I was easily working fourteen to sixteen hours a day on other recording and writing projects. I was running on empty as the saying goes, plus Judi and I were in the midst of packing for another world teaching tour.
About four days after this encounter, I was awakened at three in the morning, by my group of thirteen Hathors. They said that now was the time to begin working on the Immunity program. They said it would be pure vocal sound, without the use of any electronic frequencies, and would be channeled with the assistance of spiritual healers from many diverse realms of consciousness. They also informed me that most of the recording would usually take place around 3AM since this was the time of least interference from collective thought formsincluding my own. They put me on notice, in other words, that I would not be getting much sleep for the next few weeks.
In fact, it took four weeks to record all thirty-two tracks, each of them consisting of a different being channeling his or her spiritual light into audible sound. It was an exhilarating and mind-expanding experience that kept pushing the edges of my own personal paradigms and beliefs. The first two tracks were laid down by the Hathors. These tracks, I was told, would be of assistance with many types of cancer in addition to HIV/AIDS and other immunological problems. I was also told that the final recording would address Immunity on many levelsnot just physical, but emotional and spiritual as well. How it would accomplish this feat was not clear to me at the beginning, but as the recording process unfolded I began to see the larger picture. Immunity is not just the physical response of our immune systems to immunological threats. It is both the biological sense of self and the spiritual sense of self-identity.
After the first two tracks, the vibrational energy of the spirit healers changed considerably. An African shaman appeared to me clairvoyantly and indicated that he wished to offer the assistance of plant spirit medicine, meaning that he called upon the spirits of specific plants to help alleviate physical and spiritual illness. I knew about this type of healing and had experienced it myself on two separate occasions from two different practitioners. This way of working with plant spirits seems to have long traditions throughout much of North and South America, as well as Africa. This form of medicine may have traditions in other parts of the world as wellits just that I am not familiar with them.
What struck me about this shaman/healer was that he had obviously not been in a body on Earth for a long time since many of the plants he used for healing were no longer physically present in Africa. They had long ago become extinct. For a moment he seemed to be in grief and disbelief. And then I watched him traverse the stars and the spirit worlds to find his spirit brothers and sisters (his plant medicine) in other realms of consciousness. He then called upon them and brought their spirit medicine back to Earth in the sounds that he sang through my voice. When I finished that sequence, I was sobbing from the power of the energies and from the pathos of what I had just witnessed. I stepped out of the recording booth to find a large African male standing etherically in the studio. I recognized him as a Masai warrior. He bowed and we communed for a few moments in silencehim thanking me for keeping my promise, and me thanking him for his visitation.
Over the years, I have become quite used to channeling many different types of spiritual energies and beings in the course of my work. But I had never channeled so many diverse types of energies in such a short space of time, and the experience was deeply altering to my perceptions of the spirit worlds.
Some of the beings who sang their healing from the realms of light into the world of sound were recognizable to melamas from Tibet, healers from ancient Egypt, India and Persia. Some of them were alchemists of the highest order, and some of them were creator gods and goddesses from ancient times and places we have no names for.
About a third of the way into the recording process a group of angels began to download their healing codes. Each of these codes had specific geometries of light associated with them, and as each angel sang through me, I was elevated to such heights that I would literally stagger out of the recording booth when I was done with his or her sequence. Some of these angelic beings I recognized from Christian and Islamic traditions. But some of them were unknown to me. My only sense of them, besides their majesty and power was that they had been sent forth from the heart of the Divine to aid in the immense task of planetary healing.
I will never forget one session, about half way through the recording, in which I witnessed the Tao sending forth a form of pure chi (or life force) from the Formless Heaven into a sound pattern. The sound seemed to be not of this world, but at the same time, deeply healing. Every cell in my body was both comforted and nourished by these primordial sounds.
During one session, I watched as the Blue Medicine Buddha called forth an exquisite form of healing light from the Sambhogaya (the Tibetan realm of pure light and sound). I watched as he wove the light together and lowered its vibrational frequencies from that of spiritual light into spiritual sound.
In one session, a Mongolian shaman called upon the horse-headed god of healing known as Hevajra by Tibetans. As I saw Hevajra manifest within the realms of light, I saw thousands of wild horses running across the plains of Mongoliaa potent symbol of the primal healing power that was being released through these sounds.
In other sessions, Native American shamans and healers would sing and call forth healing powers through their intention. One in particular affected me deeplyBuffalo Calf Womana legendary figure of immense healing power. Her tones shook with a potency that left me in both amazement and appreciation of the feminine power to heal.
For twenty-eight days, in the early hours of the morning, these extraordinary and diverse beings joined together in one common purposeto release to the world a form of healing and potential at a time of desperate need. Spiritual lineages that rarely meet and were often in conflict in this world were joining together to create a healing power that left me stunned and speechless. Toward the end of the recording process, both Magdalen and Yeshua added their voices to the healing choir, and for me, this was both calming and integrative in its effects.
Throughout the recording, I would listen to each new voice as it was added to the previous ones. There were a few times when the sounds were too catalytic, too strong and volatile. They left me, and those listening shaking from the release of too much personal negativity. With the addition of Magdalen and Yeshua, the release of negativity was still present, but with a sense of comfort and stability. A fertile ground for healing was completed. All that was required were the seeds of intention that each listener will sow as he or she listens to the codes. It is now quite clear to me that this unique psycho-acoustic program is a co-creative matrix. It is an auditory trail of spiritual light whereby the healing intentions and energies of these spirit healers can be joined with the intentions of those listening.
Thoughts on Immunity, Belief and HealingI have come to see Immunity in a much larger context than just our physical immune response to pathogens. From a biological perspective, our immune systems are a way to determine self from non-self. If something invades our bodies (say a bacteria or a virus) our immune systems quickly ascertain if they are a part of us or not. If they are not recognized as a part of our personal biology, then our immune systems mobilize their resources to destroy the toxic invaders.
Physical immune response is a very complex affaira combination of many factors including genetics, nutrition, environmental factors, personal vitality as well as mental/emotional patterns. This last aspect of immunity is often referred to as psycho-immunology or psychoneuroimmunology. This field of research looks at how our thoughts and especially emotions affect our immune systems. And while such ephemeral things as thought and feeling are only one small part of the immune puzzle, they are an intriguing and important aspect.
On a practical level, if you wish to enhance your immune function, you need to be conscious of and improve the quality of, your air, water and especially nutritionthe food you eat. Regular periods of rest have also been found to be important for good immune function. These periods of health-inducing rest are characterized by increases in alpha and theta brain wave activity. Certain types of meditation are ideal for generating these kinds of stress reducing brain states. Research has shown that those who meditate twenty minutes, once or twice a day tend to have better immune function and wellness than those who dont. You can read information about an easy form of meditation that works for virtually everyone by going to our websitewww.tomkenyon.com. Click on the article section and go to Taoist meditation.
But the type of immunity of which I speak is not just confined to the physical response of our immunological systems. This larger context for immunity is an expression of what I call our vibrational signature.
Our vibrational signature (or tonality) is related to our emotional lifespecifically what we are feeling at any given moment, and especially habitual emotions that are an everyday component of our own personal thinking and feeling habits.
Conceptually, I place various feeling states into one of two categoriescoherent emotions or incoherent emotions. Coherent emotions are feelings like love, appreciation, peace of mind, gratitude, etc. Incoherent emotions, on the other hand, are feelings like hate, jealousy, a sense of lack, mental agitation, etc. Most people generally prefer to experience coherent emotions because they have a coherent effect on their bodies and minds. Incoherent emotions make us feel uncomfortable because at a subtle energy level, they are disruptive.
There are some fascinating studies that show how incoherent emotions (like hostility, for one) can negatively affect our physical immune response and even heart rhythms. But the jury is hardly inscientifically speakingwhen it comes to how and to what extent our health is affected by our emotional lives. So I do not wish, at this time, to get into a discussion about the psychological and physiological mechanisms of physical immunity.
The type of Immunity I want to focus on, at this moment, is the larger context I mentioned earlier. From this metaphysical perspective, we are being bombarded every day by all types of toxins and pathogens. But these toxins are not confined merely to the physical realm, where science, by necessity is focused. This type of contamination also includes what I call mental, emotional and even spiritual toxicity.
When we are lied to by someone, by a group, or by a societythis is a type of mental, emotional or spiritual toxin. These forms of misinformation have a long history and tradition including the types of misinformation that exist within family systems, societies, cultural and religious dogma, not to mention misinformation disseminated by governments and corporations. The whole idea is rather mind-boggling so I will do my best to simplify some of the basic concepts.
Lets take families, to start off with. In an ideal family, which by the way does not exist, the relationship between the parents is balanced and their children incorporate this balance within their own psychological makeup through the process of growing up and interacting with these two ideal parental figures. But in real life, there is rarely a balance of power. One usually has the upper hand and wields it over everyone else. In the fascinating kaleidoscope that is human experience, the domineering parent might be direct or passive in his or her manipulation of power. One might be a raging bull when he or she does not get his or her way, scaring the you-know-what out of everyone in the family. Or he or she might be what some have referred to as a subtle tyrant to get his or her way. Subtle tyrants are passive aggressive and never meet a situation head on with honesty and directness. Their bids for power are executed in the shadows (meaning the unconsciouseither their own unconsciousness and/or the unconsciousness of those around them) and often with an overlay of helplessness and guilt. Some use illness, for example, or the threat of illness as a means to get what they want.
As children growing up in a family system, we unconsciously metabolize and accept the underlying beliefs (thought forms) about life, relationships and the worldas well as our place or lack of place in it. The emotional patterns we see depicted before us as children also become incorporated as part of our being. Usually we incorporate such emotional and thought patterns as our own, or in some cases we rebel against those patterns and beliefs. Such a person often runs the risk of being perceived by family members as a black sheepthe one who refuses to conform to the familys beliefs and expectations.
If a belief or power manipulation in the family runs counter to the authentic nature of one of its members, this creates immense psychological and even physiological conflict in the one who is out of step or not with the program. In some families, mild rebellion is toleratedup to a point. In some families, however, everyone has to hold to a very rigid standard of mental and emotional life. For instance, cutting or not cutting ones hair can be a big issue in some families. Dating or even having friends with someone from another religion, cultural group or race can be met with hostility in others. And some children have found themselves disowned because they chose a different career than what was expected of them.
My point in all of this is that our beliefs (thought forms) and emotions become a part of us through a process of mental and emotive metabolization. In other words, our thoughts and emotions become part of our very flesh. The constitution of our bodies is not just formed from the food we eat and what we drinkbut also through what we think and feel.
The coercion to make us think or feel in certain ways is, I believe, one of the greatest detriments to our spiritual, mental and cultural evolution. Whether it shows up in our families, with friends, at work, in our places of worship, in how we contemplate or hold the divine within our minds, or in our political institutions, the mechanism of toxicity is the same.
When we are forced or expected to think and feel in certain waysagainst our nature and our own best interestthis can become a form of mental or emotional toxicity. For some of us such toxicity can be worked out, but for others it festers and creates either physical illness, or in some cases what I call spiritual illness (meaning that the vitality of our spirit has been dampened, suppressed or depleted).
I believe that in the next few decades science will have a lot to say about this process of mental emotive metabolizationor how our thoughts and feelings become physicalbut for now such concepts are on the fringeto be sure. But then, to be frank, so is this entire Immunity recording.
For some, the idea that spirit beings could come through someones voice and sing healing codes that will actually help a person must seem preposterous. For others it just makes sense. It all depends on where you are coming from in terms of your own beliefs about reality and what is possiblenot to mention your own life experience.
I had to continually expand my own perceptual box while working with these spirit healers because, quite frankly, my perception of reality was violated on several occasions. But what I was left with more often than not was a deep sense of gratitude at what they were orchestrating on our (humanitys) behalf. I was also deeply impressed by the vibrational quality of each of them. After listening I was almost always left with deeply coherent emotionsfeelings like love, gratitude and a deep sense of inner peace and healing. On every occasion after recording them, I was touched and moved by the upliftment and the power that was communicated through their voices.
But it also became clear to me that their high spiritual vibrations were having a catalytic effect on me, as well. One of the principles of vibrational healing is that a higher vibration will either drive out or transform a lower vibration. Thus after listening to the recordings of these beings, I would often become aware of my own lower thought forms (meaning thought forms that limit freedom of expression and evolution). Sometimes I would actually recall incidents from my past that were responsible for these thoughts and beliefs, while other times I simply felt them leaving me without any content or memory.
Thus, I have come to think of this recording as a potent form of spiritual purification. And that may actually be the main source of its power. Through their singing to us, these spirit healers have managed to bring spiritual light into audible sound. And these sounds act as a kind of spiritual transformer. They draw out mental, emotional and spiritual negativity (toxicity) and create a space within us for our own innate spiritual light to anchor more deeply and to manifest more clearly. Through this process I believe, our inherent self-healing abilities may also be enhanced.
The World Immunity ProjectBecause the request for this Immunity recording came out of Africa, we have decided to honor this by creating a Program whereby you can donate money to pay for CDs to be directly shipped, at low cost, to this part of the world through non-profit organizations and individuals. We have conceptually expanded the program to include other economically disadvantaged countries as well.
The Program will be administered by the Sound Healing Foundation (see page for an update on the Foundations activities). If you would like to make a donation to this fund, you can go to the Foundations website, http://www.soundhealingfoundation.org and make your donation on-line, or you can send a check payable to the Sound Healing Foundation with World Immunity Project written on the subject line, mailed to PO Box 220, Orcas, WA 98280. Due to administrative and book keeping charges on checks, the minimum contribution needs to be $100. Please note on your check that your donation is for the Immunity Project.
February 16, 2007 at 3:07 am #21180Alexander Alexis
ParticipantThis is a potentially very valuable channeling from the Hathors followed by comments from Tom Kenyon. -A
Managing Subtle Energy
During Earth Changes
http://tomkenyon.com/hathors/hathors8.htmlReceived by Tom Kenyon
February 3, 2007In this communication we wish to offer some suggestions for the management of your own subtle energies prior to, during, and after earth activity, such as earthquakes and volcanoes.
Due to the energetic patterns of earth itself and the increasing volatility of earth changes that are upon you, all manner of people are susceptible to the subtle energetic effects of earth changes that occur on the other side of the globe. Indeed, proximity to an earthquake is not the main factor when it comes to subtle energy. This communication is primarily for those who have sensitive natures. These would include spiritually advanced individuals, those in the conscious process of evolution, and this would also include children and animals whom we call “the innocents.”
Prior to a seismic event there are pressure waves emitted from the center point of that activity and along the corresponding fault lines. These pressure waves literally create changes in the subtle energy of the earth, and depending upon the strength of the seismic event, individuals thousands of miles away can be affected. As we look at the earth grid and the fault lines running through the Ring of Firewhich extends from the northeastern coast of Russia, the coast of China and into Japan, down into Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand up into the west coast of South America, Central America and North America ending off the coast of Alaska, not very far from it’s origins off the coast of Russiawe see a tremendous increase in tectonic pressures. We also see an increase of seismic pressures in what is called the Yellowstone area of the United States. As we look at earth fault line activities we see the possibility for unexpected earth activity on the east coast of the US and Canada. We choose not to go into a detailed description of possibilities, for one, they are virtually meaningless given how quickly the state of things changes.
There are complex grid relationships between the Ring of Fire and other fault lines. These include apparently unconnected lines that run through parts of China, India, Pakistan, and into Turkey, Greece and Italy. Your geological science has not found a direct relationship between these, but in our way of viewing earth energies, we see a direct relationship, not so much through the classical fault line structures but through harmonic relationships between the various levels of the earth, such as its crust, and the lower levels extending to the mantle. These harmonic relationships are driven, not just by the tectonic plate movements, but also by solar activity. This is an energetic phenomenon and the sun is in an increased period of activity which we see continuing for several years, at least.
We have said previously that energy waves from deep space, related to consciousness itself, were striking your sun and from there into the mantle of your earth. Human consciousness has the potential to mitigate or transform much of these harmonics but it has failed to live up to its potential.
As we look at the probabilities we can say that you are, as the saying goes, in for a bumpy ride. There is not much that can be done to mitigate or change earth activities in this regard. The earth is on the brink of a self-cleansing action. What we wish to discuss here are the subtle energetics that you can affect.
First of all, as these seismic activities increase there is a tendency for agitation, erratic emotional feelings, disturbed thought patterns, short term memory difficulties, irritation, irrationality, a feeling of being in a vise, or a feeling of being trapped. Sleep disturbances are often a part of this, as is a general feeling of depression, despair or malaise, and sudden feelings of being drained. Generally speaking, these symptoms will be strongest for those closest to the affected fault lines, but sensitive individuals can be affected at great distances.
Along the fault lines that are affected, there are multiple frequencies generated. Some of these are ELFs, extremely low frequencies, that travel in a slow wave pattern and can move through the earth for thousands of miles. Other frequencies are in the high range and cannot be heard by the human ear, but some animals are capable of hearing them. However, just because one does not hear a frequency does not mean it is not affecting you. Indeed, these ultra high frequencies emitted from fault line activities are very disturbing to the subtle energy fields of humans and animals, as are many of the ELFs. During such seismic activities sudden unexplained headaches can appear and then pass for no apparent reason. As one moves into the actual seismic event, the pressure waves become translated into physical earth movement. There is no guess work here. It is quite apparent when you are in the midst of an earthquake. After a seismic event, there are all manner of complications harmonically speaking. Aftershocks are a part of this at the physical level. Another aspect, however, are complex frequencies generated from the fault line as it settles into its new configuration. Again, some of these frequencies are ELFs, and can be sensed thousands of miles away. Others are in the ultra high range and both will continue to affect animals and humans negatively.
On a gross physical level we have suggested that those living in possibly affected areas have food and water for such an eventuality, but these are practical matters, and it makes sense for anyone at any location upon the earth to have such things for volatile weather patterns will affect parts of the earth not touched by earthquakes.
What we wish to turn our attention to would best be described as hyperphysics, and the management of your subtle energies should you find yourself in or affected by a seismic event. We have given, on previous occasions, several descriptions of the Holon of Balance, the octahedron. It is simple but highly effective at balancing subtle energies. However there is another attribute to this geometry. It can protect you in moments of extreme earth change, but you will have to have mastered the ability to create it at will so that in such an earth event you can bypass your fear and go to the Holon. What we are about to describe is extremely complex, but we will endeavor to make it simple.
Your earth, as we see it, is evolving to another energy state. In moments of extreme earth activity the area surrounding the fault line becomes like a superconductor. If you have created the Holon of Balance, the octahedron, around yourself, there is a tendency to move through the superconductive state intact. This geometry also gives you greater access to the aspect of your being that is outside time and space and allows you to intuitively move physically to the most appropriate location.
For those who are located at a great distance from a major seismic event, some of the same principles apply, Although your physical body may not be affected by the earth activity, your subtle energy bodies may, and this will especially be true if you are of a sensitive nature. When you feel a disturbance, as we have suggested before, it is good to create the Holon of Balance in the moment, almost as a reflex. This will allow you to mitigate some of the negative effects for yourself.
For those who find themselves in extremely volatile weather conditions, this same Holon can have a protective effect. In such instances this superconductive state does not exist, since this type of state is created by fault line activity at the epicenter, but connecting you to your aspect outside of time and space, allows you to act more intuitively and in a balanced manner.
As we mentioned, in an extreme seismic event, the area around the epicenter tends to be superconductive. From our perspective, these superconductive states have geometries and can be viewed like flowers or snowflakes. Certainly they are highly destructive for those in physical matter on earth in their vicinity, but from space and from the perspective of interdimensionality, the complex geometries of these superconductive fields are beautiful, and we see a direct relationship between them and crop circles. Crop circles are a form of information, yet to be deciphered. Superconductive fields around epicenters of earthquake activity are also forms of information. They are not haphazard effects of tectonic plates smashing into each other. That is only one small piece of the puzzle. It is true that tectonic friction is a big part of it at the third dimensional level, but in other dimensions, other things are going on.
From our perspective superconductive fields related to the earth will be on the increase, whether they be seismic activity, crop circles, or electromagnetic anomalies. From our perspective these phenomena are communications from earth herself. The majority of the crop circles that are actually crop circles and not some kind of hoax, are interdimensional communications from earth. Some of these communications are actually interdimensional beings interacting with earth. These types of crop circles are signatures, a living record of an interdimensional conversation between earth and interdimensional visitors.
Earth, as a conscious being, is not only part of its solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, but also deepest space in ways your physics does not yet understand. Earth is moving upwards in conscious awareness. She is like a serpent, a snake, shedding an old skin. Whether humanity will be a part of the new earth or not, is not yet clear. What is clear is that the earth is moving. For spiritually evolving individuals this is not something to be frightened of. It is an extraordinary opportunity to experience hyperdimensional physics in action, for as the superconductive fields increase on the earth in their various forms, you can ride these states of energy into higher and more exquisite states of consciousness. They are, in some very real ways, like doorways into the higher dimensions of earth. They are an invitation to leave your attachment to surface awareness, literally and figuratively, and to enter into the extraordinary mystery and the exquisite birth of a new earth.
At the moment of your own physical birth into this life, you did not know what was happeningonly that a great pressure was upon you and a movement you could not stop. This is, in many ways, a similar event for the earth herself. There are new worlds emerging in the midst of the world that is right before your eyes.
The reason you are here is upon you.
The Hathors
Thoughts on this Hathor Message
Tom KenyonThere are several things that come to mind as I look at the Hathors’ most recent message. First of all, this is the most sobering message they have given about earth changes. They never give predictions about anything, preferring to speak in probabilities. They have told me time and time again that a situation can be changed or averted through the power of choice. And this certainly applies to what they are saying now. But the tone of this message is different, and it is highly unusual that they have given two planetary messages within about two weeks of each other, i.e. they have never done this before.
For some time now, the Hathors have been saying that we are in the beginning of the earth changes. And the recent increases in the severity of storms and the changing weather patterns worldwide would seem to point to this. Since the Hathors first started giving me planetary information to be shared with others, they have always held the contention that human consciousness creatively interacts with the subtle energies of the planet, and that these interactions to some extent affect earthquake activity and even weather patterns. This concept is very outside the views of modern science, and yet something about it feels right to me.
Since the Hathors seem to be keen on imparting the Holon of Balance, I thought it would be helpful to discuss this geometry a little further. We have gotten several emails from people around the world asking for clarification. Here is what the Hathors said about the Holon of Balance in their previous message, which came only two weeks or so before the current one.
“We suggest you experiment with this; play with this, and master this very simple geometry. Carry it with you in your conscious awareness at all times so that you may create it at will, as needed, both for yourself and those you are connected to.
It is called a Holon, and the specific one we refer to is the Octahedron, or the Holon of Balance. Imagine yourself surrounded by a pyramid of light that extends above you and a matching pyramid below you. These are square-based pyramids, one pointing up, and one pointing down. You are in the center of this. If you are lying down, you are on the square, where the two halves of pyramids touch, and the pyramid above you matches the pyramid below you. You make this as large or as small as you wish, so long as you are completely enclosed within it.
If you are standing or sitting, the axis of the octahedron extends through the center of your body, so that if you were to draw a line through the apex of the pyramid through the center down to the apex of the opposite pyramid, this line would pass through the center of your body. This octahedron balances energy. It is the balancing of the male and female aspect of consciousness. Do not let its simplicity fool you. It is a powerful tool for balancing subtle energies.”
The octahedron is one of five three-dimensional geometric shapes known collectively as the Platonic Solids. The octahedron has a total of eight sides, thus the root octa, meaning eight. The top pyramid has four sides and the bottom pyramid has four sides, and the bases of both pyramids meet to form a square. The Platonic Solids can be found occurring naturally in nature, especially in the form of crystalline structures, as well as atomic and molecular configurations. Esoterically speaking, each of the Platonic Solids has specific energetic effects. Some people have emailed us and asked if the octahedron is the same as the star tetrahedron, and no, it is not. The star tetrahedron consists of two triangular based pyramids, and they are not joined at the base. They merge into each other. The star tetrahedron also has different energetic effects from the octahedron.
There are probably several geometric patterns that the Hathors could have chosen to use, but I suspect one reason for choosing the octahedron is that they are pragmatists. The octahedron is easier to create in the imagination for most people than some of the more complicated geometries.
When I first received information about the Holon of Balance from the Hathors, I thought it was pretty simplistic. But sometimes the simple things are the best. There is no doubt in my mind that this Holon imparts a feeling of balance when it is engaged. In the previous Hathor message, I particularly found their comments about sending Holons to areas on the Earth, and/or to persons in distress most interesting.
But in this latest message, the Hathors are emphatic that we would do well to learn how to create these Holons in a moment’s notice, like a reflex. If they are right about what’s coming, then this is probably good advice.
In addition to their comments about earth changes escalating, I found one piece of information both interesting and problematic, namely that the fault lines of earthquakes produce superconductive states. Now I am not a physicist so I am at a quandary here, but as I understand it, superconductive states have to do with the conduction of electricity through metals. Normally, there is resistance to the flow of electricity in metals. But when metals are super-cooled, the resistance to electricity drops. In mercury, for instance, there is no resistance to the flow of electricity at absolute zero. Under certain conditions, superconductive states are associated with anti-gravity. Here’s the problem. Earthquakes are caused, at a physical level, by friction, the friction between tectonic plates to be exact. And friction creates heat, not cold.
Presumably at the epicenter of a quake, the heat would be very high indeed. So how could a superconductor state exist?
I went to the Hathors with this quandary, and they said that yes, heat is present as a result of friction. But there is a moment during a seismic event when the underlying interdimensional nature of an earthquake affects the electromagnetics in an unusual manner. The effect of shifting dimensions creates a kind of donut-shaped dimensional bubble that, for an instant, produces a very high superconductive state. In other words in the midst of high heat produced by rock grinding against rock, there is a short-lived moment by which interdimensional physics produces a superconductive state. And they, the Hathors, are saying that the Holon of Balance interacts with these types of superconductive states in a positive manner.
Finally, I was struck by their last linethe reason why you are here is now upon you. I wish you and your loved ones as gracious a passage through this eye of the needle as is possible. And let us remember, when the earth moves under our feet, either literally or figuratively, to seize the moment and ride the wave into the ecstasy and the grandeur that is always just behind every moment of our lives.
February 16, 2007 at 7:00 am #21182snowlion
ParticipantHis book The Magdalen Manuscript is very good also, essentially a spiritual alchemical text I found it to be a very good read compares asian & other alchemy practices.
February 16, 2007 at 7:03 am #21184snowlion
ParticipantFebruary 16, 2007 at 10:07 am #21186wendy
ParticipantThe story would take too long to explain but
some years ago, around 2001 or 2002 (forgot – time is a difficult matter for me) I was urged to ‘go’ to the pyramids of Gizeh. As I did not succeed moving my physical body to Egypt, I asked for assistance, the pyramids moved towards me and I confirm that the pyramids created a safe space which I carry in my heart/thymus center, in the same place as the protection symbol that is passed through in my thymus by the immortal. As well he has put protection symbols all over my body, painted with a brush and black ink.As he assured me it was a protection symbol. At that time I had no clue why I had to protect me from what… today I am clear what he offered!
and just very recently it reveiled some of it, as I will ‘translate’ it as I remember, as the message was given during night time in an awaken dream state:
‘when snow starts to blossom on the high mountain’ I think that is pretty clear…He assured me then that time would reveil its full message, patience I had to endure and believe I had to install.
I am no longer in fear nor in doubt to talk about these things as time is shortening. We are getting prepared. All my past experiences start to mingle in one big understanding why these things happened, its purpose.
I had no clue where all these experiences were heading for, it was just a mystery why it happened, I saw them as isolated events, while I see now that it was a chain of preparation.
As my oldest daughter asked me a few weeks ago, out of the blue when I was ready to start a New Atlantis. And I looked at her like being shaken. How could she possible know ! because I never talk about these things.
This is not about a physical Atlantis but it is about a mind set, a vision, a creation which always starts in the astral.that is why time had come for my ‘divorce’… timing is perfect. Like the universe is waiting for us to respond, it created a great possibility in time and space for both of us. He is going to move to the other side of the country, having a great job, very well paid, while he will be in our house during the weekend. And we reconsider the full divorce, because from my part I just want space because he is occupying a lot of ‘energy’. He is a very yang type, splashing his energy everywhere, while mine needs a different setting to blossom.
So we create a middle path were we both look forward to this new life, this new space and without doubt possibilities waiting for us to harvest.February 16, 2007 at 1:16 pm #21188Beginner
February 16, 2007 at 4:36 pm #21190digdug
ParticipantFebruary 17, 2007 at 8:04 am #21192wendy
ParticipantLast lines before leaving…
Last night again another very vivid dream about a tsunami/flood. Since years this is my ultimate horror. Since the tsunami in Asia I was released from this burden but helas there it is again…more vivid than before.
Last night I managed to control my fear and started to talk with it, asked questions.
No longer fear but a conversation from energy (water) to energy (human).The tsunami looks so gigantic I wondered in my dream if there was enough water in the North Sea to cause such a dramatic flood or if it was flooding OVER the UK to reach the main land of Europe.
Now that I reached a point of understanding how to communicate I can go deeper in this matter…
So Barry keep eyes and ears open…
:))))))February 17, 2007 at 2:56 pm #21194singing ocean
Participantmaybe it is a flood of consciousness over the earth?
February 18, 2007 at 3:26 am #21196Beginner
ParticipantDivorce was my tsunami. Waters of the unconscious are swallowing up old patterns and is forcing me to higher ground. It is the best preparation for anything external anyway…Barry
February 18, 2007 at 4:43 pm #21198voice
ParticipantPerhaps your impending trip to Istanbul brought you memories of the great flood that occurred their 7600 years ago. Prior to that time, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean were separated by land. Around 7600 year ago, the water level in the Mediterranean got high enough that it started flowing into the Black Sea through the Bosporus, at a rate of about 20 times the amount of water going over Niagara Falls. As a result of this, the Black Sea is now 300 feet deeper than it was 7600 years ago.
This flooded out settlements along the Black Sea, and it is hypothesized by some that this lead to the Noah story.
More information, including some scientific controversy, can be found at the Wikipedia entry on this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sea_deluge_theory
This other site suggests where it thinks Atlantis was next to the Black Sea and how it was flooded 11600 years ago. http://atlantis-today.com/Great_Atlantis_Flood.htm
But, I haven’t seen any scientific literature about flooding in that area (not that there isn’t literature on it — I just haven’t seen or looked for it), and I don’t know if that is where you believe Atlantis was.
How was Istanbul? More flooding dreams there?
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