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May 12, 2015 at 11:04 am #44380
Michael Winn
KeymasterNote: This is one of Tom’s (or the Hathors) best discussions of multi-dimensionality. Nothing really new for advanced Kan & Li students, but still a very concise summary of the broad issues involved in shifting dimensions. Kan & Li gives us grounding and continuity as we shift dimensions with each formula. I consider the Hathors to be speaking from the oversoul level (Da Shen in Taoist terms). – Michael
A Hathor Planetary Message
Through Tom KenyonThe Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time
Entering into higher dimensions of consciousness requires a fundamental shift in perceived time and space.
This is a crucial shift in perception that we wish to address using a theoretical perspective and a practical technique, which includes the use of a sound meditation we have created for this purpose.
The Theory
There are many ways to view higher dimensions. What we wish to share is a basic schematic of how we view dimensions and the challenges you face as you transit into higher dimensional reality.
Your embodied biological reality (i.e., your physical body) is anchored in the third and fourth dimensions of consciousness as we view it.
You are quite familiar with the third dimensionality of your world. Your nervous system is keenly tuned to this reality. Your brain/mind/body complex is synchronized to the physical reality of your world. Your very biological survival depends upon your navigation of the space around you. Furthermore your body, mind and consciousness are anchored in your perception of time.
Your higher dimensional levels of consciousness, however, are not bound by these constraints. They are free of spatial and time-oriented restrictions. This is due to the fact that your higher dimensional bodies have no mass or physicality and are thus unaffected by gravitational fields.
Time is greatly affected by gravitational fields. Furthermore, your perception of time is affected by conditioning. The combination of gravitational fields and social conditioning has resulted in most human beings finding themselves marooned in the constraints of space and time.
Pragmatically speaking, your experience of reality is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more fluid reality.
When you identify solely with your biological reality you are, for all intents and purposes, trapped in space and time.
In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).
But before imparting this method we need to delve into the theory a little bit further.
As we view it, time is the fourth dimension. For us space and time are intimately related. Your scientists have confirmed Einsteins theory that large objects with mass generate gravitational fields, which alter both space and time.
For us the fifth dimension is the first dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (i.e., the third and fourth dimensions.) And beings in the fifth dimension have no mass and are therefore not subject to the effects of gravitational fields.
While the fifth dimension has no physicality per se, it does have form, or objects. But from your perspective, forms in the fifth dimension seem ephemeralhaving no substance or reality.
When you enter the fifth dimension you will still experience yourself as having a form (i.e., a body). And things in the fifth dimension will appear to you as solid as the forms you experience in your current reality. But your experience of space will be much more fluid, and time as a reference point will not exist.
There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just that the challenges are different. The opportunities are also different, because you are not confined by the limitations of space and time as you experience them in your current embodied reality. This gives you greater opportunities for creativity and what we call dimensional evolution.
Dimensional evolution is the development of the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously. The journey to this state of mastery can indeed be a long and convoluted one, because it involves living in a specific dimensional reality through direct experience. For instance, your current embodied life isfrom the standpoint of dimensional evolutionan opportunity to master the third and fourth dimensions. It is also an opportunity to experience higher dimensions while simultaneously living an embodied existence. A life lived in this manner rapidly accelerates dimensional evolution, and this message is coded with multiple levels of information for those of you that have entered this radical way of being.
From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.
When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres. We are not the spheres that show up in photographs that some people refer to as orbs. True orbs, as opposed to photographic artifacts or hoaxes, are interdimensional beings that have spherical geometry. And if you look more closely these spheres will reveal complex labyrinths inside. The spherical nature of interdimensional beings is a commonality, and many different types of beings have this geometric form.
When we enter the tenth dimension some of us become what we call the Aethos, which we have discussed in other messages.
But let us turn our attention back to you. Collectively humanity is being rapidly drawn into the fifth dimension. This is an inevitable evolutionary shift, one fraught with both danger and opportunity, and we wish now to discuss a few of the challenges facing you as you make this transition.
For the purposes of this discussion we would like to divide these challenges into three broad categories: 1) naturally occurring challenges to transitions in consciousness, 2) manmade influences and 3) alien interference.
Naturally Occurring Challenges
Transitions into higher dimensions are problematic due to radical differences in perception between beings that are gravity bound and those that are not. In other words, at the threshold between your third and fourth dimensional reality and your fifth dimensional reality you are faced with a wall of perceptual differences.
Indeed some individuals who experience fifth dimensional reality think they are losing their minds. This is because perceived space and time are temporarily suspended. Perception is more fluid in the higher dimensions, and when you enter these dimensions you stand outside of your own life. Its as if you are disconnected from the realities and demands of your earthly existence, which can create immense relief or immense distress depending upon your personal psychology.
When your consciousness shifts into the fifth dimension your personal identity changes. You simply cannot identify with your earthly existence in the ways you are used to. This challenge, from our perspective, is actually the most difficult when you first enter the fifth dimension. Transiting from the fifth into higher dimensions is inherently easier because you are already used to the disappearance of space and time as limitations.
Transiting into the fifth dimension (and higher) requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality.
One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensionsmeaning space and time as you currently know themwhile simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints.
This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities, but as with most progressions this is a bell-curve. And most likely many of you reading this message are further ahead in this transition than the bulk of humanity. This may leave you feeling like a stranger living in a strange land.
Manmade Influences
Your transition from third and fourth dimensional reality into the fifth and higher is made all the more difficult by manmade or cultural influences.
From the standpoint of dimensional evolution the edifice of your entire civilization is founded upon an illusion. The illusion is that your world is solid and that space and time are unyielding realities that cannot be affected by your consciousness.
While you are biologically compelled to attend to the demands of the third and forth dimensions in your everyday life, paying attention to perceived space and time is different from believing that they are the only reality.
Your territorial-based philosophical, religious and political systems thrive upon and depend upon the perpetuation of this illusion. But in our opinion, the house of cards that you call human civilization will eventually collapse and radically evolve as more and more individuals free themselves from living confined lives that are solely oriented to lower dimensional realities.
Let us turn our attention now to other influences that can, and are, negatively impacting your transition into higher dimensional realities.
Your eco-system is in a downward spiral making it more and more challenging for biological organisms to survive. This is creating immense stress for all animal and plant life including humans. Some of the threats to your ecosystem are cosmic in nature such as solar activity as well as gamma and other forms of radiation from deep space. Some of the threats come from changes in the Earth itself, but much of the degradation of your ecosystem is manmade, includingbut certainly not limited tocarbon emissions and the acidification of your oceans.
We will not take the time or space (a private joke) to discuss this further as it is very complex. But anyone who believes that everything is fine with the ecological reality of your planet is in denial.
This leads us to the power brokers, those who empower themselves by disempowering others. We are referring, in this instance, to corporate entities that disseminate misinformation about the ecosystem so that they can perpetuate their income at the expense of your planets life forms.
This is an intelligence test for humanity, and if you do not collectively wake up and see that you have been manipulated and taken advantage of by the power brokersboth seen and unseenyour ecosystem will continue to degrade, and you will be confronted with a future not worth living.
Alien Interference
Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be divine beings.
Early humans perceived the Annunaki (and many other galactic and intergalactic travelers) as gods, but these beings were simply so technologically advanced their mere presence and actions seemed like magic to less evolved minds.
The transition point from the constraints of third and fourth dimensional existence into the greater freedom of the fifth dimension and beyond can create an emotional challenge. This is due to the fact that the immense freedom experienced in higher dimensional reality can be temporarily disorienting. This type of disorientation is caused by two factors 1) the disappearance of perceived space and time as reference points and 2) the Annunaki manipulation.
If you have not freed yourself from the Annunaki genetic template of subservience and worship, your experience of the higher dimensions can be contaminated.
This is due to the simple truth that there are a multitude of interdimensional beings, alien and otherwise, who will be happy to fill in the gapwho will feed on your subservience to their will and glory in your worship.
If this is your choice then this will be your reality. We have no judgment as to whether you choose this or not, but we do think that such a choice would be unfortunate.
The nexus of our message is one of personal empowerment and freedom, so we caution you as you enter into the fifth and higher dimensional realities to avoid alien implanted delusions that there are other beings you should bow down to. Honor them if they are honorable, yes. Bow down to anyone? Never!
Death and the Fifth Dimension
When you shift your identify into the fifth dimension your personal history in this life seems like a dream. This is because you have transcended the sensory anchors of your embodied life, and all of your history and all the histories of this universe are experienced as dream-like.
During certain states of profoundly expanded consciousness, this dream-like nature of life can be experienced directly. But for most human beings this experience only emerges through the passage you call death.
There are two types of death we wish to discuss. The first type of death is the psychological and spiritual metamorphosis that occurs when you shift into fifth dimensional reality. This can often feel like a type of death because your habitual orientation to the sensory-based realities of your life disappears. Who are you? What is the meaning of your life? These fundamental existential questions are profoundly affected by transitions into fifth and higher dimensional realities.
And so for those of you reading this who are transiting into the fifth dimensionor higherwe say to you, do not be dismayed by the feelings of your demise. Your feelings of your impending death may be arising within you as a result of your transition into higher dimensional reality and not a harbinger of your physical death.
The second type of death we wish to discuss is the death of your biological reality (i.e., your physical body). At the final completion of the death process you will no longer receive sensory input from your external world, and your experience of space and time (as you currently experience them) will be obliterated. This can be quite disorienting if you are not prepared. It can also be quite exhilarating if you understand the nature of what is happening.
If you fully and completely identify yourself solely as a biological organism the moment of your death can be frightening. If, however, you have already tasted the freedom of fifth dimensional reality or higher your transition through death will be easier.
At the completion of your biological death, from our experience and perspective, you will be confronted with three portals. The first is a tunnel of light. The second is a portal opened through the energetics of a guru or savior. And the third is a portal, or tunnel, that leads into darkness.
The tunnel of light is generated from the pranic tube that runs through the center of your body, which runs from your perineum to your crown, and it is a tunnel-like or tube-like channel. At the moment of death, your consciousness moves upward through this tunnel that opens into another dimension of consciousness through your crown chakra.
On the other side of this tunnel is a bright light, and you may find yourself sensing that you are on a bridge crossing over a stream or a river. On the other side of the bridge will be those persons of your previous life, the lifetime you have just ended. You may sense those who have died before you, including pets you have had, because the animal spirits also dwell in this realm. If there are incomplete relationships or issues still to be resolved with these persons or beings, you may feel a yearning to enter this light, and by doing so you re-enter the wheel of birth and death, and you will reincarnatemost likely on Earth.
The second portal is created by the personal will of a guru or savior. Entering this portal will lead you into the vibratory field of the guru or savior that you have a deep personal connection to. And for those of you on this path, entering this dimension of consciousness will be the completion of a profound desire to be with this being. Our caution here is that you will be entering a realm defined not only by the evolutionary attainment of your guru or savior but also by his or her limitations.
The third portal opens into darkness. And entering this portal leads you into the Void, the creatrix from which all things arise. If you choose this portal and have prepared yourself to deal with this level of freedom you will be freed to explore other dimensions of this cosmos and beyond, meaning states of being that transcend all physical phenomena. In this realm of existence you can become an explorer of other realities as you so choose.
Some individuals swoon when confronted with the vastness of the Void. They rush into choosing a new reality rather than taking their time to rest in the potential of all things. We have addressed this in a previous message called Transition States.
We have no judgment as to which portal you enter through the dimensional shift you call death. But we think it is beneficial for you to know what awaits you beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the choices that you will be compelled to make on the other side of your earthly experience.
Death is not an ending. It is merely the completion of one journey through space and time. Death is a harbinger of new potential realities, and you will create these realities through the choices you made during your life as well as through the choices you make at the moment of your death.
We will now turn our attention to a simple method for training your consciousness to enter higher dimensions and to enter the freedom of your transcendent realityunconstrained by the limitations of perceived space and time. This method is based on the use of a simple sound meditation to explore the freedom of consciousness that arises when you shift your self-identity to higher dimensions.
As you experiment with this threshold of consciousness, which we call the Fifth Perspective, we caution you to avoid the temptation of escapism. We are offering this method, not as a means to escape the realities of your embodied existence, rather we are offering it as a means to enhance and enrich your experience of life by giving you access to the fifth dimension and beyond.
Higher dimensional realities, unconfined by the constraints of perceived space and time, conjoined with the realities of your biological existence creates a potent catalyst for dimensional evolution, and in our opinion this is to be celebrated rather than avoided.
For those of you reading this who are, in fact, at the brink of your physical death this sound meditation can assist you to enter a more gracious passage.
The Fifth Perspective
The Fifth Perspective is quite simply the recognition that you are unconstrained by space or time. It is a foyer or an entrance into the fifth dimension and from there into higher dimensions as well.
It is a direct perception, not just a thought or an idea. It is a visceral experience generated through the activation of your right cerebral hemispheres ability for spatial mastery.
When you enter into an expanded sense of spaciousness through direct experience, a shift in consciousness occurs. You become a witness to the dream-like nature of your life, your history and all phenomena around you. This sense of freedom, this transcendence of perceived space and time, can allow you to deal with the realities of your embodied existence in more creative and resourceful ways, and this is why we are imparting this method.
As we cautioned you earlier, this is not meant to be a form of escapism. But there is indeed a temptation in the Fifth Perspective we need to address more clearly before proceeding.
When you enter the Fifth Perspective, which is the transcendence of perceived space and time, everything about your life and the world around you seems dream-like. You are detached from it all, and it may seem to you as if your day-to-day life is like a dance in which you have no interest.
If you remain in the Fifth Perspective without engaging the realities of your embodied life you will enter a bubble, but in terms of dimensional evolution you will not be benefitted by such an escape.
We can imagine that remaining in the bubble of the Fifth Perspective would be the best choice for some individuals in very rare instances. But for most persons the Fifth Perspective is best used as a springboard into deeper insight and creativity.
When you work with the sound meditation, you will be training your brain/mind to enter the Fifth Perspective. The spatial nature of the sound patterns will create a response in your brain/mind/body that opens a doorway into the Fifth Perspective, and eventually you will find yourself in an expanded state of awareness. The more you work with the sound meditation the stronger this ability becomes. Ultimately you graduate to a place where you can enter the Fifth Perspective in the midst of your daily activitiesand this is the goal.
When you are confronted by a difficult situation in your life and are able to simultaneously reside in the Fifth Perspective, the pressure of the situation decreases. This is due to the fact that your consciousness is less bound by the circumstances. You have a little wiggle room, so to speak, and within that inner freedom new creative insights and problem solving abilities will spontaneously arise within you.
The Meditation
We call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective.
We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment.
As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brains right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space.
If you are an advanced explorer of consciousness you can deepen the experience by sensing that there is no barrier between the external space around you and the internal space of your body. In other words, the boundary of your body temporarily disappears, and there is nothing but space. You simply hold this state of mind as you listen to the sound meditation. When your mind wanders you bring it back to an awareness of space and the sounds you are hearing. When the meditation is complete we suggest you take a few moments to sense what is happening within you.
When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.
The Hathors
April 20, 2015To listen to his sound meditation, go to Tom’s website.
©2015 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved http://www.tomkenyon.com
You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way and include this complete Copyright notice. Do note that the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, including all audio files in the Listening section are for your personal use only. They may not be posted on any website or used for any purpose without the authors written permission.May 12, 2015 at 11:46 am #44381c_howdy
I would be very careful.
It’s too New Age to start to mix seriously with Taoist and Egyptian.
Ps. Sorry for my broken English.
May 28, 2015 at 9:47 am #44383c_howdy
ParticipantA paracusia, or auditory hallucination, is a form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus. Auditory hallucinations need to be distinguished from endaural phenomena in which sounds are heard without any external acoustic stimulation but arise from disorders of the ear or auditory system. A common form of auditory hallucination involves hearing one or more talking voices. This may be associated with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or mania, and holds special significance in diagnosing these conditions. However, individuals may hear voices without suffering from diagnosable mental illness.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_hallucinationThe name is variously written “da-nuna”, “da-nuna-ke4-ne”, or “da-nun-na”, meaning “princely offspring” or “offspring of Anu”. According to The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, the Anunnaki: “…are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; they are chthonic deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god An (Anu).”
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AnunnakiVimâna is a mythological flying palace or chariot described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics. The Pushpaka Vimana of the demon king Ravana is the most quoted example of a vimana.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VimanaSorry for my broken English.
I must admit that I almost bought Tom Kenyon’s ‘The Hathor Material’, but then when I had been reading it something like 20 minutes in the local New Age bookshop, I came to conclusion that although it seemed interesting and the message was postive, it was anyway quite superficial.
And I decided that before I will buy it, I will read more thoroughly both John Major Jenkin’s ‘Maya cosmogenesis 2012′ and Gavin Menzies’ ‘1421: The Year China Discovered America’.
Both are as reliable immediately practically as Kenyon’s Hathot material in my opinion.
…we call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective. We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment. As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brains right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space…
Personally I wouldn’t call this kind of listening, whatever mental activity is associated with it, meditation.
Other thing about which I’m quite worried about is, if one really engages with this listening meditation, where it will lead.
Is for example this channeling involuntary or voluntary process?
But those who want to to try to become contacted with those Hathors it might be interesting.
Ps. Sorry but I don’t promote anyway the Bihar School of Yoga, because first of all I don’t have anything to do with them. But if one wants to study good non-Taoist meditation handbook, I suggest to get SWAMI NIRANJANANANDA SARASWATI’s Dharana Darshan. Whatever the name says, it’s in Patanjali’s system belonging to pratyahara/dharana phase.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzADKnnXrHk (annunaki_vimana)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjpXyV14hRE (zungguzunggureggaedisco)November 4, 2015 at 10:36 am #44385rideforever
ParticipantEntering into higher dimensions of consciousness requires a fundamental shift in perceived time and space.
> No, not in perception. YOU have to change not your perception.
Your embodied biological reality (i.e., your physical body) is anchored in the third and fourth dimensions of consciousness as we view it.
> No, it is simply part of the physical world, it is made of the matter of the physical world.
Your higher dimensional levels of consciousness, however, are not bound by these constraints.
> These higher levels do not exist or you would know already. You must gain them.
They are free of spatial and time-oriented restrictions. This is due to the fact that your higher dimensional bodies have no mass or physicality and are thus unaffected by gravitational fields.
> No, it is due to the fact that they exist in a different dimension which does not include time and gravitation. And although they are free of the restrictions of space-time, but their dimension has different restrictions.
The combination of gravitational fields and social conditioning has resulted in most human beings finding themselves marooned in the constraints of space and time.
> No, man is not marooned here. He exists in exactly the right place for him, the coarseness of this dimension exactly reflects his own low level of development. However he has lost the knowledge to work towards the next dimension, and most humans from babies to new age gurus are waiting for handouts. The pollution of this dimension is that he has ceased to work for his freedom and imagines himself to be free, like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
Pragmatically speaking, your experience of reality is a result of the vibratory level you identify with.
> No, it is a result of your state of consciousness. You can only “identity” if your consciousness is at a high enough level. The illusion that you are already free is the reason that humans do not work for their freedom. What is already here is the possibility to work to be free. That is different.
For us space and time are intimately related. Your scientists have confirmed Einsteins theory that large objects with mass generate gravitational fields, which alter both space and time.
> No, space-time is one thing. Like yin-yang. There is no space and then time. There is no yin and then yang. They is space-time and there is yin-yang.
There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions.
> To even imagine that a species that after tens of thousands of years of reciprocal murder (war) that is destroying his habitatt and who’s current solution for life is to take smile-drugs (prozac) … is going to enter the 5th dimension, is itself the idea of being magically saved.
From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.
> You can forget about that. Do you even know what your body feels like or do you live in your head ? Do you even know ? And your heart, when was the last time you felt it ? Last week ? Last year ? When you were young ? If you cannot even feel your body what hope do you have of being alive in this dimension let alone the 9th !
When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres.
> Stop smoking the crack.
But let us turn our attention back to you. Collectively humanity is being rapidly drawn into the fifth dimension. This is an inevitable evolutionary shift, one fraught with both danger and opportunity, and we wish now to discuss a few of the challenges facing you as you make this transition.
> Every human empire had its concept that everything was going to magically change for the better. Sumerian, Greek, Persian, German. All the same. Everything was going to magically change, just around the corner is the 2nd coming. Didn’t happen. Learn well.
The Meditation
> Sounds like the latest Enya album.
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