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- This topic has 15 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
February 9, 2016 at 7:29 pm #45939
Michael Winn
KeymasterThis lucid scholar’s diagnosis of western yoga is pretty much along the lines of what I’ve been teaching for a long time…western appropriation of chakra system to fit their own psychological needs. It happens with Taoism as well; culture and language are inevitable filters.
In kriya yoga I learned the original system of toning the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet on the petals of the chakras.
February 11, 2016 at 9:39 pm #45940c_howdy
ParticipantIn physics, interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater or lower amplitude. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are correlated or coherent with each other, either because they come from the same source or because they have the same or nearly the same frequency. Interference effects can be observed with all types of waves, for example, light, radio, acoustic, surface water waves or matter waves.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interference_(wave_propagation)According to drummer and lyricist Neil Peart, inspiration for the title of the album was conceived after considerable research from several sources; the 2000-year-old Buddhist game called “Leela, the Game of Self-Knowledge,” the related children’s game Snakes and Ladders (also known as Chutes and Ladders), and Hamlet’s quote “slings and arrows.” This information helped convince bassist Geddy Lee and guitarist Alex Lifeson to adopt the original painting of the age old game board as the cover for the new album.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snakes_%26_ArrowsSorry for my broken English.
In my opinion there have been published rather good books about chakras in English also.
For example Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati has quite rare material in his book.
There are for instance practices where one learns not only to create simple oscillatory movements but also growingly complicated crosscurrents in the energy body. I also has interesting introduction to bhutashuddhi.
Harish Johari’s book is nice introduction to chakra symbols.
February 12, 2016 at 2:43 am #45942c_howdy
ParticipantAnahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत, IAST: Anāhata, English: “unstruck”) or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra, according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”. Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm). Anahata is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anahata2. THE CHAKRA SYSTEMS ARE PRESCRIPTIVE, NOT DESCRIPTIVE.
This might be the most important point. English sources tend to present the chakra system as an existential fact, using descriptive language (like the mūlādhāra chakra is at the base of the spine. it has four petals, and so on). But in most of the original Sanskrit sources, we are not being taught about the way things are, we are being given a specific yogic practice: we are to visualize a subtle object made of colored light, shaped like a lotus or a spinning wheel, at a specific point in the body, and then activate mantric syllables in it, for a specific purpose. When you understand this, point #1 above makes more sense. The texts are prescriptive they tell what you ought to do to achieve a specific goal by mystical means…
As far as the original authors were concerned, the main purpose of any chakra system was to function as a template for nyāsa, which means the installation of mantras and deity-energies at specific points of the subtle body…
This is simpler than it sounds. Youve been told that the seed-mantra (bīja or single-syllable mantra) of the mūlādhāra chakra is LAM. Its not. Not in any Sanskrit source, not even Pūrṇānandas somewhat garbled syncretic account. And the mantra of svādhiṣṭhāna chakra is not VAM. Wait, what? Its simple: LAM (rhymes with ‘thumb’) is the seed-mantra of the Earth element, which in most chakra visualization practices is installed in the mūlādhāra. VAM is the seed-mantra of the water element, which is installed in svādhiṣṭhāna (at least, in the seven-chakra system you know about). And so on: RAM is the syllable for Fire, YAM for Wind, and HAM for Space. (All these bījas rhyme with ‘thumb’; though I should note in passing that in esoteric Tantrik Yoga, the elemental bījas actually have different vowel sounds which are thought to be much more powerful.)
-http://www.tantrikstudies.org/blog/2016/2/5/the-real-story-on-the-chakrasSorry for my broken English.
If one very quickly looks at some of these remarks more practically, it’s good to notice for example how these 5 tattwas can be used different ways.
So chakras supposedly shouldn’t be fixed with tattwas.
The simplest way to use them alchemically is to discriminate between tattwa in it’s 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional form.
This is already very very advanced practice, also maybe dangerous.
One would need to experience one’s body like it would be empty.
If one can safely also hold one’s breath, one would now have roughly two different ways to practice.
When the breath is flowing one would use SMALL tattwas so that one would send them circling inside the body according to certain system.
Initially in this 2-dimensional tattwas are used.
3-dimensional tattwas are used for kumbhaka.
Important here is that these are LARGE and fixed this or that way depending of the alchemical process.
So whole body should be bathed in these lights.
Bija mantras are used for example to count beat, quickly to command verbally some elemental rhythms etc.
This is very healthy notice, because one can do various things in this direction and then notice that one has done something stupid and it’s very difficult to cure.
Generally it’s similar situation like it’s said in M. Chia’s Fusion book that one must consider what kind of symbols one uses.
For example these Indian ones are very alien for many westerners.
But still in my opinion these are anyway advanced practices and having strong healthy body is first of all important.
Ps. I put that NADI VIJNANA book link to that earlier message, because it’s very important to develop sensitivity to various circulatory systems in one’s system before doing this type of dangerous practices. Here is an other:
February 12, 2016 at 6:44 am #45944RichieRich
ParticipantI found this article by Christopher Wallis fascinating.
In the comments beneath the article, mention is made of a reply to the article by Anodea Judith. Wallis, in turn, responds to Judith.
However, interestingly, as an example of innovation, Judith says: no modern or ancient text has suggested that we use the downward route through the chakras as a way to manifest heaven on earth, [a strategy] that I put forth in my book In fact, in classical Tantra we do indeed find the doctrine of downward-moving Kundalinī which will be discussed in my forthcoming book, The Recognition Sutras.
February 14, 2016 at 6:33 am #45946c_howdy
ParticipantNahem: So through that alchemical text you became interested in yoga. Youve said that you did practice yoga for some time?
White: When I was in India doing research on the alchemy book I wanted to have bodily experience of the traditions I was writing about, alchemy and hatha yoga, and so I asked a professor at Benaras Hindu University for a recommendation and he sent me to this young fellow named Sujit Pal who had won the Yoga Olympics previously, maybe the year before, a young Bengali. He was living in the family compound of a fellow by the name of Satya Charan Lahiri who was in a lineage going directly back to Lahiri Mahasaya, one of the gurus of Yogananda. I was in the courtyard waiting for my teacher to come down from wherever he was in the house and there was a life-size sculpture of Lahiri Mahasaya, taken from that photograph of him in Autobiography of a Yogi, and his disciples disciple was the guru in the house that my teacher Sujit Pal, lived in. In any case he was unbelievable, the things he could do. We just did postures, we didnt do pranayama, I just wanted to learn the postures. If you look at my web page I can still do a raised Padmasana . I mean, Im still very flexible.
Nahem: Do you still practice?
White: I havent for a long time. I practiced with him and then when I lived in Charlottesville I had a good teacher for a number of years and then when I came out here I did do some yoga, but you know the sun shines all year round, I swim in outdoor pools and that gives me that same kind of endorphin rush, and its good for your body too.
-http://www.yogateachermagazine.com/content/david-gordon-whiteThis is also discussed by other scholars, for example David Gordon White in his Alchemical Body, which is interesting to study if one is already practitioner and maybe looks additional material to comprehend.
White is in his own words textualist, but it doesn’t necessarily matter because at least I’m personally motivated to spend some time studying textual relics.
These Indian alchemists have seemingly been very this worldly.
February 14, 2016 at 7:08 am #45948c_howdy
ParticipantThe term “bhāva” (Skt. भाव, ‘status of being, a subjective becoming, states of mind’, from भू bhū, ‘to become’) is often translated as ‘feeling, emotion, mood, devotional state of mind’.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BhavaTheres only one exception Im aware of, and that is the 10-chakra system for yogi-musicians that Ive done a blog post on. But in that 13th-century system, we do not find each chakra associated with a specific emotion or psychological state; rather, each petal of each lotus-chakra is associated with a distinct emotion or state, and there seems to be no pattern by which we could create a label for the chakra as a whole.
-http://www.tantrikstudies.org/blog/2016/2/5/the-real-story-on-the-chakrasNone of the bhāvas (mental-emotional states) of cakras #1-3 are to be cultivated by the yogī-musician. However, in cakra #4, the musician should cultivate the qualities of petals #1, 8, 11, and 12. Singers who abide in the qualities of petals #4, 6, or 10 will destroy their natural ability, we are told.
-http://www.tantrikstudies.org/blog/2015/6/14/10-cakra-system-for-musiciansFor example Ananda marga guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti taught system where each chakra petal was associated with some quality.
Maybe consciously cultivating those forbidden bhāvas destroys some inherent qualities for vimala bhakti.
February 24, 2016 at 8:54 am #45950RichieRich
ParticipantFrom the same website comes this article, What is Tantra?: Setting the record straight. Very interesting.
This para might be of interest to Taoists.
So Tantra is a spiritual movement that influenced the development of most Asian religions. But what is the essence of Tantra, you might ask? How do I know it when I see it? Scholars have debated that question and settled on a list of features (which you can see on p. 33 of my book) rather than a single essence. However, I want to single out one of those features for special mention, since it is this feature that makes Tantra different from all other yogic paths: it is fundamentally world-embracing rather than world-denying, focused on the immanent rather than the transcendent, integrated with everyday life rather than renouncing it . . . in other words life-affirming rather than life-negating. All other forms of yoga are transcendentalist and renunciatory in character, except where they are influenced by Tantra itself. “Transcendentalist” means holding the view that the Divine is beyond what we can contact with our senses, and that therefore one must achieve “higher states of consciousness” to unite with Divine essence. By contrast, nondual Tantra teaches that though the Divine is more than meets the eye, it is also everything the eye can meet (or the ear can hear, etc.). Therefore we don’t seek “higher” states of consciousness, but a more complete awareness of the totality of Being here and now, a deeper sense of the miracle of life revealed in every form, feeling, and creature.
February 27, 2016 at 5:57 am #45952c_howdy
ParticipantThe death of Bhaktivinoda and Gaurakishora Dasa Babaji left Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati with the burden of responsibility for their mission of reviving and safeguarding the Chaitanya tradition as they envisioned it. An uncompromising and even belligerent advocate of his spiritual predecessors’ teachings, Bhaktisiddhanta saw battles to be fought on many fronts: the smarta-brahmanas with their claims of exclusive hereditary eligibility as priests and gurus; the advaitins dismissing the form and personhood of God as material and external to the essence of the divine; professional Bhagavatam reciters exploiting the text sacred to Gaudiya Vaishnavas as a family business; the pseudo-Vaishnava sahajiyas and other Gaudiya spin-offs with their sensualised, profaned imitations of bhakti; and babajis professing to be ascetic renunciates but secretly indulging in erotic pleasures. Relentless and uncompromising oratory and written critique of what, in Bhaktisiddhanta’s words, was a contemporary religious “society of cheaters and the cheated” became the underlying tone of his missionary efforts, not only earning him the title “acharya-keshari” (“lion guru”), but also awakening suspicion, fear, and at times hate among his opponents.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaktisiddhanta_Sarasvati#Later_period_.281918.E2.80.931937.29:_Missionary…the pseudo-Vaishnava sahajiyas and other Gaudiya spin-offs with their sensualised, profaned imitations of bhakti; and babajis professing to be ascetic renunciates but secretly indulging in erotic pleasures…
It’s of course quite strange how common this kind of double-facedness seems to be.
Otherwise this scholar would seem to be himself too serious.
One can use that kind of ancient books which he promotes, but then in the end the guru would be even more important.
February 27, 2016 at 6:20 am #45954c_howdy
ParticipantAccording to the Mahabharata, after one hundred years of austerity by Vyasa, Shuka was churned out of a stick of fire, born with ascetic power and with the Vedas dwelling inside him, just like his father.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShukaPseudo-vaishnava-dharma: sahajiyas, baulas, sanis, nedas, daravesas, karttabhajas, ativadis
Why do many people call pseudo-vaishnava-dharma pure vaishnava-dharma?
Due to the influence of Kali many people, not understanding the principle of pure Vaishnava-Dharma, call pseudo-vaishnava-dharma pure vaishnava-dharma. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 4)
By accepting any philosophy as Mahaprabhus philosophy can one obtain the teachings of the Lord?
Many times, because of bad karma, miscreants of various unauthorized cults, such as pseudo-religion and irreligion, say that they preach the teachings of Sri Caitanyadeva. Being absorbed in material enjoyment and not having the ability to discriminate, many people accept those unauthorized cults as the line of Mahaprabhu, and thus they are cheated from receiving the actual instructions of the Lord. (Caitanya-siksamrta)
Is the baula philosophy similar to the Vaishnava philosophy?
The philosophies of the baulas, sanis, nedas, daravesas, karttabhajas, and ativadis are those of nondevotees. Their instructions and activities are most incoherent. Many people lose respect in Vaishnava-Dharma by discussing these philosophies. (Prema-pradipa Chapter 6)
Was the baula philosophy propounded by Sri Sanatana Goswami or Sri Viracandra Goswami?
The form in which the baula philosophy is seen at present is totally opposed to Sastras. There are two types of instructions on devotional service that are found in the sastras: vaidhi and raganuga. The baulas do not follow any limbs of vaidhi-bhakti; they engage in various improper activities on the pretext of raganuga-bhakti.
It is very hard to say who started the baula philosophy. Sometimes the baulas claim Sri Sanatana Goswami and sometimes Sri Viracandra Goswami as their propounder. Actually neither Sri Sanatana Goswami nor Viracandra Goswami ever thought of the sinful path of the baulas. (Sajjana-toshani 4/4)
Do the baulas belong to the disciplic succession of Sri Caitanyas followers?
The baulas can never be identified as Vaishnavas belonging to the line of Sri Caitanyas followers. (Sajjana-toshani 2/7)
Do the groups, like sani and daravesa, belong to the line of Sri Caitanyas followers? If not, then who are they?
Since Sanatana was dressed as a fakir when he came to Sri Caitanya, persons who belong to various unauthorized groups, such as sani, daravesa, caranapali, and dulalcandi, dress themselves as dervishes and often act like them. In this way, they claim to be Vaishnavas belonging to the line of Sri Caitanya. If someone asks them, “Why do you dress and almost behave like dervishes but identify yourselves as Vaishnavas belonging to Sri Caitanya-sampradaya?”
In answer, they say, “Sanatana Goswami was a dervish.” But when Mahaprabhu had Sanatana shave his moustache and beard, and ordered him to dress as a Vaishnava, the authenticity of the sani, daravesa, caranapali, and dulalcandi was put to an end. For this reason the followers of sani and daravesa can never become Vaishnava followers of Sri Caitanya; rather they should be known as belonging to the Mohammedan religion. (Sajjana-toshani 2/7)
Is the sahajiya religion a Vaishnava religion?
An abominable sect known as sahajiya is secretly being followed in many parts of Bengal. The activities of this cult are extremely sinful. They do not follow sahajiya-dharma or spontaneous duties that are mentioned in the sastras. The spontaneous duties of the pure spirit soul are to engage in the transcendental service of Krsna. These duties are spontaneous for the soul, and they manifested at the same time as the soul, but they are not spontaneous when the soul is materially conditioned.
The cheaters and the cheated have turned their pure love of Krsna into mundane spontaneous activities by the meeting of man and woman. Actually pure love is not like that. For a soul in its constitutional position, the contact of a material male and female body is extremely abominable and improper. The cult that is being advertised at present as sahajiya-dharma is against all Sastras. (Sajjana-toshani 4/6)
Is the endeavor of the sinful living entities against the system of varnasrama beneficial?
To preach religious principles without respecting the varnasrama system or the sannyasis engaged in devotional service is extremely harmful. The endeavors against the varnasrama system by impersonalists, whimsical devotees, and various unauthorized sampradayas, such as neda, baula, karttabhaja, daravesa, kumbhapaiya, ativadi, are also extremely harmful. (Caitanya-siksamrta)
What is the harm if persons who follow pseudo-religion identify themselves as brahmacaris, sannyasis, and paramahamsas?
Nowadays, being involved in various pseudo-religion s, many people identify themselves as brahmacaris, sannyasis, and paramahamsas, and thus they destroy the religious principles of the Aryans. (Sajjana-toshani 10/7)
Is it correct to differentiate between Krsna and Gauranga?
One can worship Krsna with the Gaura mantra and Gaura with the Krsna mantra. They are all one. Anyone who differentiates between Them is extremely ignorant and a servant of Kali. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 14)
What is the history of the ativadi-sampradaya and Visa Kisana?
Jagannatha dasa had a group of followers in Orissa. They were known as ativadis. By the order of Mahaprabhu, Jagannatha dasa became a follower of Haridasa Thakura. Later, when he gave up pure devotional service and took shelter of Mayavada philosophy, Mahaprabhu rejected him, saying he was an ativadi.
The sect of ativadi was expanded like the baulas of Bengal. The ativadis have some false literature, which states that Lord Caitanya will manifest again. On this pretext, a few wicked persons began to pose themselves as Caitanya, Brahma, Baladeva, Krsna, and so on.
Having obtained some mystic power, an imposter named Visa Kisana began to promote himself as Maha-Vishnu. He and his followers constructed a temple in the jungle, 2 miles from Sardaipur. It was written on the beads of the followers of ativadi that “Maha-Vishnu” Visa Kisana remains incognito and on 14 March, he will manifest himself and display his 4 arms of Maha-Vishnu. As soon as this news spread, many brahmana women began to serve him, neglecting the prohibition of their husbands.
When some illicit affairs between Visa Kisana and the wives of the Choudharys of Bhrangarapura surfaced, then the people of Bhrangarapura reported this to the Revered Walten Sahib, who was the commissioner of Bhrangarapura. He advised me to go to the jungle and investigate the matter.
I went there at night and after a long conversation with that “Maha-Vishnu,” I concluded that he was determined to destroy the British Rule. After returning to Puri, the trial of “Maha-Vishnu” began in my court. After a long trial and hearing, I awarded him the punishment of one and half years in prison. When his matted hair was cut, his worshipers and followers abandoned him as a cheater. (Svalikhita Jivani)
February 27, 2016 at 6:48 am #45956c_howdy
ParticipantSince Sanatana was dressed as a fakir when he came to Sri Caitanya, persons who belong to various unauthorized groups, such as sani, daravesa, caranapali, and dulalcandi, dress themselves as dervishes and often act like them. In this way, they claim to be Vaishnavas belonging to the line of Sri Caitanya. If someone asks them, “Why do you dress and almost behave like dervishes but identify yourselves as Vaishnavas belonging to Sri Caitanya-sampradaya?”
-http://bhaktivinoda.com/pseudo-vaishnava-dharma-sahajiyas-baulas-sanis-nedas-daravesas-karttabhajas-ativadis/The Vaishnava-Sahajiya sought religious experience through the five senses which included human coupling and sexual love. Sahaja (Sanskrit: easy or natural) as a system of worship was prevalent in the Tantric traditions common to both Hinduism and Buddhism in Bengal as early as the 8th9th centuries. “Sahaja” was evident in the teachings and poetry of Mahasiddha Saraha (c.8th century CE, Bengal, Nalanda).
The tradition used the romance between Krishna and Radha as a metaphor for union with God, and sought to experience that union through its physical reenactment. It teaches that the ideal way to understand the union of humanity is to transcend the profane aspects of sexual intercourse and experience it as a divine act.
The Vaisnava-Sahajiya creed is a synthesis of these various traditions. The Vaisnava-Sahajiyas operated in secrecy because their sexual tantric practices were viewed with marked disdain by other religious communities. In their literature they adopted an enigmatic style employing substitutions and correspondences that has come to be known as twilight language (Sanskrit: saṃdhyâ-bhâṣâ). Little is known about their prevalence or practices.
The cult was centered in Bengal. It began in the 16th century, although predecessors existed as early as the 8th century in the same city. The founder is generally thought to be Baru Chandidas, who lived in the 14th century. In order to avoid unwanted attention, the group spoke of its activities in cryptic language.
Members of this lineage enacted the ‘group in a round’ Ganachakra (Sanskrit) or circle dance now known as the Rasa-lila of Krishna. It is a mystery religion rite, wherein the followers participated in a rite of communion, trance possession, and nondifference or nonduality with ‘deity’ (Sanskrit: ishtadevata).
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaishnava-Sahajiya#DetailThe celebration is marked by ritualistic respect to the guru, Guru Puja. The Guru Principle is said to be a thousand times more active on the day of Gurupurnima than on any other day.[2] The word guru is derived from two words, gu and ru. The Sanskrit root gu means darkness or ignorance, and ru denotes the remover of that darkness. Therefore, a guru is one who removes the darkness of our ignorance. Gurus are believed by many to be the most necessary part of life. On this day, disciples offer puja (worship) or pay respect to their guru (spiritual guide). In addition to having religious importance, this festival has great importance for Indian academics and scholars. Indian academics celebrate this day by thanking their teachers as well as remembering past teachers and scholars.
February 27, 2016 at 9:33 am #45958c_howdy
ParticipantDr. Sumitra Mangesh Katre (Prof. S. M. Katre) (11 April 1906 21 October 1998) a lexicographer, Indo Aryan and Paninian Linguist, was born at Honnavar, Karnataka, and died in San Jose, California, USA. Prof. Katre has made the initiation of the gigantic Sanskrit Dictionary Project, Encyclopedic of Sanskrit on Historical Principles, with its 11 million slips preserved in the scriptorium.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumitra_Mangesh_KatreBuddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (BHS) is a modern linguistic category applied to the language used in a class of Indian Buddhist texts, such as the Perfection of Wisdom sutras. BHS is classified as a Middle Indo-Aryan language. It is sometimes called “Buddhist Sanskrit” or “Mixed Sanskrit”.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_Hybrid_SanskritAs the title says, if you are thinking of buying this translation you would be better served to reach into your waste basket and recover a few blank pages from it.
There are two problems with this translation. An annoyance and an abomination.
The annoyance is that the promise of a trilingual text is false. The advertizing for the translation claims the original Tibetan and Sanskrit versions are included. This is true. However, both are romanized. Making them (and thus half the book) unreadable for the people who actually understand the languages. Over half the book is waste paper.
The abomination . . . well, I’ll just quote from the preface. “Occasional abbreviations in the English text were induced on account of personal distaste or possibly from fear of scandalizing the members of the editorial board” He continues on to attack the authors of the original text for writing about sexual matters and boasting that he has improved the original text by censoring and sanitizing it, giving many examples.
In other words, the translator has greatly censored his own translation. The text has been butchered. And as romanized Tibetan and Sanskrit are unreadable to everyone except for ‘scholars’ like the translator, the paper this book was printed on is more valuable than the words printed on it.
Avoid this translation like you would avoid the Bubonic plague.
-http://www.amazon.com/The-Hevajra-Tantra-Critical-Study/dp/9745241288Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be divine beings.
-http://forum.healingdao.com/philosophy/message/25519/Sorry for my broken English.
This is actually a root tantra which is worth checking.
It should be easily to be found from the local university library if there is anything about Indian religions.
What is said in the review above is worth considering.
This need to censor for example this tantra is understandable.
All these stories about ritual torture and murder, cannibalism etc.?
And what about sex with one’s mother, grandmother etc.?
Ps. There shouldn’t be any problem with the Roman transliteration because if also guy like Sumitra Mangesh Katre thinks that Roman letters are better than any Indian script, it really might be so.
February 27, 2016 at 1:42 pm #45960c_howdy
ParticipantI love the night
I like it spooky
Werewolves and their bites
I like it spooky
Skeletons laughing at your fright
I like it spooky
A black witch in green light
I like it spooky
-http://lyrics.wikia.com/wiki/God_Module:SpookyAs fragmented souls become more stressed out and engage in more negative behavior, at a certain point the bodys aura will include more percentage of that possessed dark energy. If a person is 49% light and 51% dark, that person will be sucked like a vacuum. A person that is primarily in fear or sick, they will get sucked down like a magnetic pull and it will cause that person to fragment. Their soul and seed atom will shatter. This is the metatronic black heart, which is essentially a reversal monad pulled down into a phantom system. The controllers want to destroy the actual crystal seed atom and have it be disconnected from the body. By doing this, they create an automaton, which is a body that is human but is not animated by any kind of soul , only a finite life force.
-http://forum.healingdao.com/philosophy/message/26336/Sorry for my broken English.
Whatabout other way around?
If there would be good enough necromancer; would it be possible?
February 27, 2016 at 2:08 pm #45962RichieRich
ParticipantFebruary 28, 2016 at 1:59 am #45964Steven
ModeratorFebruary 28, 2016 at 2:51 am #45966c_howdy
ParticipantRichard “Richie” Rich Jr. (Macaulay Culkin) is the world’s wealthiest kid, the son of billionaire businessman and philanthropist Richard Rich, Sr. (Edward Herrmann). Richie has been raised with the best of everything money can buy, but with only his loyal butler Herbert Cadbury (Jonathan Hyde) as a companion, he lacks any friends his own age.
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richie_Rich_(film)Daozang (Chinese: 道藏; pinyin: Dàozàng; Wade-Giles: Tao Tsang), meaning “Taoist Canon”, consists of around 1,400 texts that were collected c. 400 (after the Dao De Jing and Zhuang Zi which are the core Taoist texts). They were collected by Taoist monks of the period in an attempt to bring together all of the teachings of Taoism, including all the commentaries and expositions of the various masters from the original teachings found in the Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi. It was split into Three Grottoes, which mirrors the Buddhist Tripitaka (three baskets) division. These three divisions were based on the main focus of Taoism in Southern China during the time it was made, namely; meditation, ritual, and exorcism.
-http://forum.healingdao.com/general/message/26299/A comprehensive reference guide to the foundational Taoist practices taught by Master Mantak Chia: organized by level and chi kung system for quick reference during practice or teaching; includes 220 exercises from more than 20 of Master Chias practice systems, including the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic Orbit, Chi Self-Massage, Cosmic Detox, and Iron Shirt Chi Kung
; covers all of the basic exercises in the Universal Taos first 6 levels of instruction.
Organized progressively by level and system for quick reference during practice or teaching, this illustrated guide covers all of the foundational exercises in the Universal Healing Taos first 6 levels of instruction. Keyed to the corresponding book for each complete practice, such as Healing Light of the Tao and Chi Self-Massage, this guide includes 220 exercises from more than 20 of Master Mantak Chias practice systems, including the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic Orbit, Iron Shirt Chi Kung, Wisdom Chi Kung, Tao Yin, Chi Nei Tsang, Cosmic Detox, Bone Marrow Nei Kung, Cosmic Healing, Tendon Nei Kung, and Karsai Nei Kung. Offering a comprehensive reference to the beginning and intermediate practices of the Universal Healing Tao, this book allows you to build a regular Taoist practice combining internal and external chi and sexual energy exercises from the full range of Master Chias teachings, enabling you to purify, transform, regenerate, and transcend not only your own energy but the energy around you as well.
http://forum.healingdao.com/general/message/25586/Macaulay Carson Culkin, one of the most famous American child stars, was born on August 26, 1980 in New York City, New York, USA, as the third of seven children of his father Christopher Culkin (a former stage and child actor and also Macaulay’s former manager) and mother Patricia Brentrup.
-http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000346/Your brand of communication is to flood the forum with a ton of posts of the format… acting as angry inquisitor toward anybody who posts…do you even know what the cosmology of Healing Tao as promoted by Michael Winn or Mantak Chia is…if you do not believe in the cosmology, then there are plenty of other forums out there for people who follow your path. And if you can not find one, go start one…
-http://forum.healingdao.com/general/message/25634/Sorry for my inferior posting format and broken English.
I have no need to be any kind of inquisitor so this is total misunderstanding.
My suggestion is to check quickly for example those two quite recent HT general forum postings (26299/25586).
In Finland university studies are practically free for European Community citizens.
So although I am not at all language and cultural studies type of person I could have or could study these things (East or South Asian Studies etc.) also in the scholarly way in the University of Helsinki.
…do you even know what the cosmology of Healing Tao as promoted by Michael Winn or Mantak Chia is…
Yes I know quite well, but I admit that with my present accomplishments, specially interesting from these Chinese practices, are those internal coiling and steaming for example.
…what is Tantra?: Setting the record straight…
Those five postings from yesterday which are above; their simplest motivation is to warn.
To be really some kind of tantrika in these kind of conditions, one would need to be simply crazy.
To have been a tantrik, even quite very long time ago, have been matter even of so called capital punishment in some parts of Indian subcontinent; from there comes this need for secrecy.
For checking this my suggestion is to look for instance John Myrdhin Reynolds’ books.
Or Gregorian Bivolaru/Magnus Aurolsson case.
…if you do not believe in the cosmology, then there are plenty of other forums out there for people who follow your path…
I have followed this HT forum to be informed and still not only to be receiving one.
But also not to seriously disturb.
So, yes I have considered this quite long time that I should not only stop posting but also otherwise keep following because I think I have received my lesson.
…and if you can not find one, go start one…
I prefer secrecy so I won’t start any public forums.
Ps. Sorry for my broken English.
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