Spring & Summer 2025
– Live Tao Events
Asheville is post-Huricane Helene – SAFE to book BnB, restaurants are open. Clean water, power.
Summer Retreats – scroll down
To register: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net
or call (828) 808-8100 Geoffrey Bernard, office manager
1) March 21, 2025 Friday 7:15 – 10 pm
Spring Equinox
Green Dragon of East Ceremony
& Crystal Bowl Sound Alchemy Concert
by Michael Winn
• Exact Equinox: is late evening of March 20. 2024
A very powerful Equinox to supercharge whatever you want to GROW.
– One hour sitting meditation
– Location Michael Winn’s home.
– RSVP Required: info.healingtaoUSA@earthlink. net
Driving directions will be sent.
Wear Green clothing item.
Create INTENT (affirmation + strong feeling) what you want to GROW.
Bring a healthy refreshment.
2. March 29-30, 2025 (Sat/Sun 9 – 6 pm)
Fusion of Five Elements 1
Emotional Alchemy
This weekend is a NEW MOON = great time to rebirth yourself!
Dissolve Negativity & Cultivate Original Feeling of Self-Love. Create an Elixir-Pearl to Store Spiritual Essences

Practical Emotional Inner Alchemy methods for managing the feeling layer of the personal Energy Body. This is part of One Cloud’s foundational Inner Alchemy Formula.
It integrates 5 phase Qi cycles in your emotions with your
biological and spiritual life. I have evolved this material to include “Taoist Depth Psychology” more suitabel
for Westerners.
Learn to control your inner psychic weather, nurture your inner powers and natural virtues, andespecially how to “eat” or dissolve negative emotion and egoic reactivity. Find out where your feelings
originate and their true purpose.
Learn to reverse the loss of Qi flowing out thru your senses, how to alchemically gather an Inner Pearl, the
essence of your original self. Very powerful tools for working on yourself, and centering the energy body.
Course is mostly meditation, plus “Nourish the Five Shen” Qigong for emotional body. Pre-req: Fundamentals 1 & 2, live or audio-video. Good to have Fundamentals 3 & 4 if possible, the rooting is key to managing emotions. But it’s not a pre-requisite.
I strongly recommend adepts learn Fusion 1 before diving deep into sexual energy cultivation practices. if you don’t learn to manage your emotions, sexual energy can amplify buried chronic stuck or trauma patterns and amplify them – a very uncomfortable process.
Contact: info.healingtaousa@earthlink.net or call (828) 808-8100office manager
Location: Michael Winn’s home in Asheville, N.C. Quiet, secluded, with a Crystal Stone Circle & spectacular views of Blue Ridge Mountains.
After you register, directions will be sent to you. If you plan to rent an Air B&B for the weekend, there are many within short distance.
Cost: $144.
Price not raised in 30 years. Based on Sacred Number: 9 spiral alchemy + I Ching 4 Yin and 4 Yang Trigrams (“Cosmic Winds of Change”) + Great Oneness / Mother of All Things.
Can’t make it to a live workshop? Get the home study course. It’s cheapest to get the entire Fusion1-2-3 audio-dvd package:
Fusion 1 Audio only, hard-shipped, refundable. This page has the fullest description of course details:
https://healingtaousa.com/ product/fusion-of-five- elements-1-emotional- alchemyaudio-cds/
Refundable hard shipped package: Fusion 1-2-3:
https://healingtaousa.com/ product/fusion-of-the-five- elements-1-2-3-digital- packageemotional-psychic- alchemyaudio-cds-8-extra- vessels-qigong-dvd/
Non-refundable instant download Fusion 1-2-3: https://healingtaousa.com/ product/fusion-of-five- elements-1-2-3-download- package/
3. May 24 – 25, 2025: Sat/Sun, 9 am – 6 pm
Fusion of Five Elements 2 & 3
Psychic & Soul Alchemy
Open Macro Orbit – The 8 Extraordinary Vessels linked into a single flow of Soul Qi
Internal bagua (octagonal energy shape) stabilizes the 8 Extraordinary Vessels
Secrets of growing a powerful Energy Body[br]• Supercharge spine in spirals of golden light
• Open thrusting, belt, arm & leg channels
• Heal chronic illness & deep pre-natal trauma
• 8 Extraordinary Vessels Qigong (on DVD)
• Pangu Mystical Qigong (on DVD)
Full description of 9 Major Benefits of Fusion 2 & 3:
https://healingtaousa.com/ fusion2.html
The 8 Extra Vessels connect the inner and outer Qi field, and allow you to “dance” between your inner soul and outer personality’s life. The Wudang Mountain version of the macro-cosmic orbit is the most powerful internal method
I’ve found for integrating 8 Extra Vessels into a continuous flowing circuit.
This Wudang Mountain version of the macro-orbit lays a foundation for opening Qi flow between the 8 Original Forces of Universe (I Ching 8 trigram – 8 tones or “8 cosmic winds”). A powerful “8 Extra Vessels” qigong form makes this practice simple to remember. It heals deep psychic imbalances not reached by acupuncture.
Many mysterious chronic illnesses can be healed at this deep channel level, much faster than using acupuncture or herbs working on the 12 regular meridians.
This opening of Qi flow in the Eight Extra channels links your pre-natal and post-natal energy bodies, i.e. the deep structure of how you birth yourself each moment. This is why the training also opens up psychic abilities.
These abilities are simply the result of having clear channels for communication between the soul and the
We’ll learn to purify our aura & regulate our Energy Body with belt & thrusting channels.
We’ll give and Receive Qi from the environment with Positive & Negative Arm & Leg channels.
Another practice taught is my “9 Spirals of the Energy Body” in the four directions to integrate he Five Shen with the Five Directional Dragons. This practice connects the internal flow of your macro-cosmic orbit out to the edge of the universe and back! A wonderfully empowering and healing journey.
This course lays a strong foundation for Healing Love and Water & Fire (Kan & Li) Inner Sexual Alchemy.
$144. for weekend, $90. reviewers.
Pre-req: Microcosmic Orbit & 6 Healing Sounds (Qigong Fundamentals 1 & 2), live or by home study. You can learn the energy channel work of Fusion 2/3 without doing the emotional body/inner pearl work of Fusion 1. But it is optimal to first learn Fusion 1.
Contact: (828) 808-8100, office manager
email: info.healingtaousa@ earthlink.net
Location: Michael Winn’s home in Asheville, N.C.
Quiet, secluded, with a Crystal Stone Circle & spectacular views of Blue Ridge Mountains .
After you register, directions will be sent to you.
If you plan to rent an Air B&B for the weekend, there are many within short distance.
Summer 2025 Tao Retreats
Healing Tao University, Asheville N.C.
Geoffrey Bernard Registrar
(828) 808-8100
- Weekly Tuition only $595. – an incredible value!
- Discounts for multiple retreats, Jr/Sr., foreigner, instructor
- Book your own housing (Air B&B) & meals (address given when you register)
- Plan to arrive Friday afternoon in Asheville, meet 7 pm Friday to start retreat. End following Wednesday at noon.
Week 1: June 20 – 25, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
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Week 2: June 27 – July 2, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
Week 3: July 4 – 9, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
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Week 4: July 11 – 16, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
![]() by Michael Winn |
Week 5: July 18 – 23, 2025 (Fri-Wed)
![]() Marriage of Form & Formless, Invoke 3 Pure Ones, Return to Origin (Great Oneness), Art of Combusting Creation in our Personal Life. by Michael Winn
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About Michael Winn
Michael Winn has decades of international teaching experience in Tao medical, martial, & spiritual arts. He’s been to China 21 times, has studied over 100 qigong & tai chi forms with dozens of masters.
He has cherry-picked the best Qi forms or created his own to empower the most Effortless Way for his students.
Winn was a founder and two-term President, National Qigong Association; founded Healing Tao University, the largest USA Tao arts summer program, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.
He is president of the non-profit Dao Alchemy Research Institute, was founder and 9 years Chairman of the Healing Tao Instructor’s Association, and co-founder of the Council of 9 of the Universal Healing Tao (abroad).
He has taught internationally on five continents and at Omega’s Super Qi Summits. He regularly speaks at international conferences of Taoist/Daoist scholars and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Daoist Studies.
Winn has authored ten Tao home study video-audio courses, written dozens of articles and book chapters. He is co-author or actual writer of Mantak Chia’s first 7 books, including the classic Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.
His eBooks include Way of the Inner Smile, Five Animals Qigong, and Primordial Tai Chi & Tao Inner Alchemy: Way of Enlightened Whole-Body Self-Love(forthcoming in a 7-volume “Bamboo Scrolls” ebook sereis.
Winn lives with his young son in a simple log home in the mountains near Asheville, N.C. He has a private qigong & shengong therapy practice (skype/phone or live)..
Michael Winn’s ebook, Way of the Inner Smile, a $20. value, is available FREE (subscribe to newsletter on homepage of http://www.HealingTaoUSA.com).
To read short or long bio: Who is Michael Winn?
Scroll down for Weekend Workshop Lodging, Cancel Policy Information.
Can’t Attend a LIVE course?
Instantly DOWNLOAD my DVDs and Audio courses.
• Download DVDs: https://healingtaousa.com/
• Download AUDIO:https://healingtaousa. com/downloadable-audio/
• Access these links under PRODUCT MENU on my homepage.
If you don’t see what you are seeking, contact info.healingtaousa@earthlink. net.
For all Workshops, Retraets, and PRODUCT (DVD/audio) questions & ASHEVILLE WORKSHOP or RETREAT registration:
email: “info.healingtaousa@ earthlink.net“
or (828) 808-8100 to speak with Geoffrey Bernard, office manager
In Memoriam: Joyce Gayheart was Michael’s wife and co-cultivator of many years, who ascended in 2008. Her site has great products & her amazing life story, with description of our post-death heart transplant and spiritual marriage, with years of inter-dimensional communications. This “After-life Spirit Marriage” had a huge influence in accelerating Michael’s spiritual evolution and understanding of Cosmology.
Asheville Weekend Workshop Registration & Lodging Information
• Time: all 2 day Asheville workshops: Sat 9-6; Sun 9:30-6 pm.
Location: directions to Michael Winn’s home will be sent upon paying course deposit.
Cost: most still cost only $144. (not increased in 30 years – based on Sacred Number, not value!)
Sat. only: $90. IF space is available.
Review both days (taken within previous 3 years): $90. If taking a course for certification, review prices do NOT apply.
Cost is different for Primordial Tai Chi workshop, due to space limitations. $195. full. $150. review w/i last 3 years
Deposit: $72 for most. $125 for Primordial. Payable by credit card or PayPal. Contact Registrar.
If cancel one week prior (by Friday midnight) to workshop, deposit is 100% refundable. After that , no refund.
- Home Study Option: while Live transmission at workshops is be If you cannot attend live, you can still receive an “oral transmission” via my ten Tao Home Study Audio-Video courses on my website. Home study courses are ACCEPTED as PRE-REQ’S for the next level course.
If you are seeking Associate Instructor certification, up to 35 hours home study may be used IF you live more than two hours drive from nearest Healing Tao instructor. All weekend courses are now available in CD format or downloadable audio/DVD (see PRODUCTS menu on homepage).
- Product Discounts: Live workshop attendees may buy AT the workshop the video-audio as review material – about 50% discount off retail.
- Summer Retreat Rebate on products:
- If you buy a Home Study Course in advance of taking the SAME FULL WEEK-LONG summer retreat within one year, you receive nearly 50% credit back on the product after you arrive at the summer retreat. Just email Geoffrey our Office Manager to request the credit. (Does NOT apply to Asheville weekend seminars).
Example: Buy a $99. DVD-CD package now, you get $50. back when you take the same summer
retreat. For more details, see: http://www.healingdao.com/ckf2.html#order
Instructor Certification: Asheville workshops count toward certification as Healing Tao USA instructor, and also meet all UHT and HTIA requirements. For certification requirements: https://healingtaousa.com/
workshops/become-a-certified- instructor/ -
Assistant Instructor Certification Summary:
Associate Instructors need 70 hours prerequisite core curriculum (3 weekend courses = 78 credit hrs) with Michael , OR two week-long summer retreats (70 hrs).
Final certification (re-take either his week-long Qigong Fundamentals 1-4 at summer retreat, OR repeat threeweekend courses in Asheville. Plus interview required. May get 35 hours credit via two homestudy weekend workshops or one usmmer retrat uadio-video package.
WHERE TO STAY in Asheville?
Note: PRICES have NOT been updated, and are subject to change, vary widely by hi/low season and corporate/senior discounts offered. Check for listings in Asheville or Black Mountain B&B rentals. To geo-locate, use retreat teaching space address: 19 Merrills Ridge Rd, Asheville NC 28803.
Black Mountain Blue Ridge Assembly YMCA retreat center (828) 669-8422.
Asheville Downtown nn 120 Patton Ave: close to restaurants. Corporate rate as low as $65, much higher in leaf season.[br]
Asheville Graceland Art Hostel at http://aahostel.com/. Inexpensive, clean.
Reserve in advance: no walk-ins. avlbooking@gmail.com 828-225-3278. Single rooms are $35-40., add $10.+ per
Best Western on I-40 has a sauna/pool atrium, 15 minute drive, exit 44 off I-40. (828-667-4501). $89.+
Howard Johnson
Inn (5 min. drive to workshop, near Biltmore Estate) Older, but spacious rooms. 828-274-2300.
Hampton Inn (828 687-0806). $99-129. Closest airport hotel (useful if you’re arriving late at
night or have tight departure)
Enka Budget Motel (828-665-2100) $56-75. 15 minutes.
Super 8 Motel (828-505-4648) $69-89. in low season, on Tunnel Rd.
Extended Stay America on Tunnel Road (828 253-3483. For apartment with kitchen
Ramada Inn downtown (pricey). but central location.
Mountain Light
Sanctuary. For wilderness retreat experience, rooms with one wall open to a fairy forest.. Barnardsville, 35 minutes. http://mtnlightsanctuary.com/
1. Biltmore Estate (275 room chateau, America’s largest residence). $60/day ticket.
2. Blue Ridge
Parkway – beautiful curvy drive with scenic overlooks, with access to hiking the Appalachian Trail. 7 of 10 highest peaks on East Coast are within 2 hours of Asheville along the Parkway.
3. River Rafting on French Broad and Nantahala rivers near Asheville.
4. Hot Springs, N.C. Thermal baths (private tubs, open air). 45 mins from Asehville
5. Asheville downtown and a River Arts
District has dozens of galleries, upscale restaurants,, lots of music and dance events, and 20 microbreweries (voted #1 micro brewery town in USA)
FALL 2025
Sept. XX, 2025 Sat. 7 – 10 pm Asheville, N.C.
FREE EVENT – RSVP only. Space is limited.
8 nodal seasonal points open a portal for higher cosmic Qi download.
White Dragon of the West:
Fall Equinox Ceremony
Crystal Bowl Sound Alchemy
+ White Dragon Qigong Ceremony
by Michael Winn – Open to All
This powerful Equinox Ceremony aligns our authentic personal self with the holy cycle of Nature.
It cultivates and captures the Yuan Qi (Original Breath)
or neutral force that forms between yin-yang at moment of equal day and night.
— Fall Equinox is a big three-day event, we are celebrating it on the exact date this year.
— Seasonal Qigong & Silent Meditation (chairs available)
— Wear item of White clothing to attune with Metal Qi frequency
— Prepare an INTENT (affirmation + STRONG FEELING) on what you Want to RELEASE in your life.
Metal phase is a great time to cut through resistance.
Example: “I release my resistance to receiving abundance, new partner, perfect health, etc.”
— Refreshments served afterward. Bring healthy food or drink to share.
— RSVP required: HIT REPLY or info.healingtaousa@earthlink. net. Directions will be sent.
Oct. xxx, 2025 Sat/Sun 9-6 pm.

Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4
Taoist Internal Qi Breathing (3 methods), Bone Breathing and Rooting.
Heals a wide range of chronic illness. Dissolves deep Ancestral issues.
Super grounding standing practice (aka Iron Shirt Qigong).
Location: Michael Winn’s home in Asheville, atop Blue Ridge Mountain.
Cost: $144.
Price not raised in 30 years. Based on Sacred Number: 9 spiral alchemy: I Ching 4 Yin and 4 Yang Trigrams (“Cosmic Winds”) + Great Oneness / Mother of All Things.
Full Course Description or to order download
Nov. xxx, 2025

Primordial Tai Chi for Whole-Body Enlightened Self-Love
(aka Wuji Gong, Primordial Qigong)
• Doubles as Certification Training (Certificate no extra cost).
Accept adepts who practiced extensively from DVD.
• Feldenkrais super-learning included: exercises lying on ground.
• Location: Michael Winn’s Qi-infused home in Asheville, atop a Blue Ridge mountain.
• Cost: $195. Space is Limited, sign up early!
full description or order download
Dec, 6 – 7
Medical & Spiritual Qigong Fundamentals 3 & 4