ChiFiend replied to the topic The Paleo Diet – eating like our ancestors? in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
It’s difficult for me to give any honest before and after personal benefits from coconut oil because I have never tried to isolate it’s consumption for testing. I started consuming coconut oil on a consistent basis around the same time that I quit eating grains and potatoes and I started including raw meats and raw eggs and raw dairy on a regular…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic The Paleo Diet – eating like our ancestors? in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
It’s too bad that your body cannot process oils. Virgin coconut oil is so amazing. If you have never tried it, you might try it a little at a time with meat or cheese or some other proteins or fats. Start with just a teaspoon at a time. This is the one oil that your body just might be able to digest very easily. The other thing to be mindful…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic 40 Studies: Movement/Exercise is Key to Good Health in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
Thanks. It doesn’t look like there is any way to leave a private message through this system, however. Are you on skype by any chance?
ChiFiend replied to the topic 40 Studies: Movement/Exercise is Key to Good Health in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
Really? Wow! That’s so great! It doesn’t surprise me that you have had such miraculous benefits. I am totally addicted to it already.
Nice to hear from someone who has been practicing this. Do you mind if I PM or e-mail you? I’d like to compare notes with you.
ChiFiend replied to the topic 40 Studies: Movement/Exercise is Key to Good Health in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
For about 2 months or so now, I have been doing this peak 8 cardio, recommended by Dr. Mercola on his website and I love it.
According to Mercola, “Peak fitness exercises, … can actually cause your growth hormone to increase naturally, without any of the expense or side effects [from injecting HGH].”
I absolutely love this approach to…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic The Paleo Diet – eating like our ancestors? in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
Yes, I agree. Consuming oils every day is very helpful.
In my opinion, virgin organic coconut oil is one of the best oils to consume because it is composed primarily of medium-chain triglycerides, which are so much easier for the human body to digest.…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic The Paleo Diet – eating like our ancestors? in the forum Practice 14 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for posting this, Michael. It makes so much sense.
I have been off of grains, cooked and/or processed foods and all pasteurized dairy products for eight years now and my health has improved immensely. Previously, I had frequent colds and flu, but I completely stopped getting sick when I changed my diet.
Another indicator that…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Male vs. Female Brain Differences (good interview) in the forum Practice 14 years, 5 months ago
This really is a good interview. It makes a lot of sense.
What surprises me is that it was written by a psychiatrist.
ChiFiend replied to the topic Conspiracy theories supported by logical fallacies in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
Okay, well I now feel that I have posited sufficient dots out there. Anyone who chooses to should be able to connect them without too much effort.
In the meantime, as Steven says, it’s best not to get too caught up in trying to prove or disprove these various complex issues. One’s time would be better spent performing Taoist practices.…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Conspiracy theories supported by logical fallacies in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
Once again you shoot the messenger because you don’t like the message.
I am not a hateful or fearful or evil person. Thank you very much.
By the way, you are starting to sound like Bush, Jr. with that axis of evil stuff.
At one of my most recent contracts in the USA, there were many nice people that I worked with. My very best…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Conspiracy theories supported by logical fallacies in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
I realize that I am pissing on something which is a sacred cow for many people. I fully support that all people should have equal rights under the law, regardless of race, color, creed, gender or neurotic type (homosexual or whatever). The problem with the feminist movement is that it used the subject of rights as a cozy buzzword in order to…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Wierd Sex Lives of Creatures (article that will challenge your notion of sex identity) in the forum Philosophy 14 years, 7 months ago
Speaking of weird sex lives of animals, here’s an interesting article . . . .
Interesting article -
ChiFiend replied to the topic semen retention and multiple partners in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
This is a very interesting question for me.
Since starting to practice with healing love techniques (HLT), my viewpoints about sex have changed dramatically. I personally try to avoid one night stands anymore.
My whole perspective is very different now because the goal of sex is so profoundly altered. Before HLT, I wanted to ejaculate at…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 7 months ago
First of all, let me say that I am happy that you, Steven, are not worried and it is not my intention to make people worry about anything.
My goal is only to expose the global conspiracy to the light of day for, given sufficient exposure, it will wilt and shrivel up and blow away with the wind. What I may be hearing from you, Steven, is that…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
I can see why anyone might not be able to relate to Dr. Makow’s article which I posted.
My bad. Dr. Makow’s articles should not be read out of context. Dr. Makow (and I, myself also, in fact) is outside of the matrix. As the movie by that name depicts, we are living in a fabricated reality. To understand that, one must take a step back…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Simplifying Your Life by Letting Go of Stuff (article) in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for sharing this, Michael. I like this article.
Two years ago I moved from the USA to Asia. I got rid of all of my stuff, except for a couple of trunks which I brought over here with me. It was very liberating to be so mobile and unencumbered.
Now, I have bought a few things, but I spend a lot more wisely than before. For…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Retention Revisited in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
Well, Steven, as always you have given me much to ponder.
With regard to breathing in earth qi while having sex, this was a little puzzling when I first began to think about it. My first thought was, why in the hell would I breathe in earth qi when having sex with a female? The female is yin and the earth is yin. Why wouldn’t I just focus…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic specifik kidney program in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
Hello SD,
What you have to say here is very interesting. From my perspective, I wholeheartedly agree that arousing yourself too much is not a good idea in a retention practice. I have added a link to some interesting observations about porn from Dr. Makow.
I have only been practicing retention for about seven months. My first trial was…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Retention Revisited in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
Wow! Fascinating! Thanks for this, Steven. Very inspiring and enlightening as usual.
I imagine many people who read your post would think that the idea of this kind of hermitage would be repulsive and certainly not something to look forward to and yet you spend probably most of the “vacation” time that you have all year in this kind of…[Read more]
ChiFiend replied to the topic Retention Revisited in the forum Practice 14 years, 8 months ago
Hi Steven,
Well, as usual, you have given much food for thought. Some of the practices you are doing, I have not even heard of. ๐
>>>This major focus on grounding and connecting with mother Earth cools the sexual
>>>energy greatly and moderates it to more of a feel good feeling rather than a horny
>>>feeling. The orbit then circulates…[Read more] - Load More