diogowatson replied to the topic Microcosmic orbit – how to approach and what to expect in the forum Practice 8 years, 9 months ago
I would say the orbit is the quickest way to balance and clean your qi and clear the energetic pathway between heaven and earth. The wun dang method Michael teach is quite bit different then the method that Matak uses. In my humble and limited experience I would say is good to learn both. Matak’s is to me a great way to circulate earth qi. But…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Serious reply to Michael Winn and "Ride Forever" in the forum General 9 years ago
Steve, the “daddy issues” pattern is about power. About getting back the power, the force someone believe was stolen from them. This person is ultimately their fathers.
Michael is for them in a position of power. They are not jealous of him but of the power they believe he has. Like you said, is a matter of being the bad son or the good one.…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic The (meaning of the) cauldron in Primordial Qigong in the forum Practice 9 years, 6 months ago
I think my head started to spin just reading this text…
But let me try to add my two cents to the discussion.
I think you are experiencing is simple a resistance from the mind. This happen with me a lot too. The best strategy to me is to keep simple. In other words, set up a simple intention and do the the practice just doing the…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Breaking Agreements with Karmic Lords of Dark Side in the forum Philosophy 9 years, 6 months ago
Thank’s Steve for the great answer!
Like I said before, I dig his firt text “Why I stopped being a light worker”. I was in a very similar point years ago when I started my Kan&LI practice.
I agree in your observations about people being ungrounded. This movements generally start in the social networks.
About “dark force” I will add that…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Breaking Agreements with Karmic Lords of Dark Side in the forum Philosophy 9 years, 6 months ago
Thank’s Steve for the great answer!
Like I said before, I dig his firt text “Why I stopped being a light worker”. I was in a very similar point years ago when I started my Kan&LI practice.
I agree in your observations about people being ungrounded. This movements generally start in the social networks.
About “dark force” I will add that…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Breaking Agreements with Karmic Lords of Dark Side in the forum Philosophy 9 years, 7 months ago
I think the original one is better :http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/
But lacks, like you said Steve, concepts of true ying/yang.In this second he seems a little too obsessed in get free. Wich makes him not free…But I think what he call “lors of karma” has nothing to do with ouversouls but to…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Sea salt baths in the forum Practice 9 years, 9 months ago
Sea salt baths are very well know and used here in Brazil to “clean evil energy’s”. To me is pure superstition. But the intention of cleaning in that believe can be powerful.
Here this idea comes with the cult of Iemanja, one african deity of water. People took sea bath to take away the evil spirits. later people started reproducing that in…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Bigu: Fillm on Indian yogi- didn't eat for 64 years in the forum Practice 9 years, 10 months ago
Being married to a vegan I really know what that means. I can’t remember how many times my refrigerator was called a “vault of death”.
diogowatson replied to the topic Aggressive martial arts and chi/ki. in the forum General 9 years, 10 months ago
My old Karate teacher used to say that he saw more people get injured playing soccer in the weekend than training Martial arts. Of course, you will get some minor injure once in a while but still considerable lesser than other non martial sports.
I agree with Steve in all he said and have to add that martial arts can give you a excellent mind…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Do you also have downloads of your DVD's and cd's? in the forum General 10 years, 1 month ago
I’m glad to hear that. Last time I bought a cd set It got stuck the border for more than 3 months. And I had to pay extra taxes for that too…
And I don’t have a cd player anymore. I have to convert the cd’s to mp3 to listening to them.
diogowatson replied to the topic organic Goji Berry in the forum Practice 10 years, 1 month ago
I’m from Rio de janeiro, but I live in Porto Alegre.
In the last two years becomes harder to import things. Before last year I was never taxed before. Now everything I buy is taxed.
For some reason, the goji you buy in Florianópolis is a little cheaper and tastes much better than the ones we have here. I know because I was there in the new…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic organic Goji Berry in the forum Practice 10 years, 1 month ago
Yes, that happend in Rio last year. But açai here is a HUGE market and bery easy to get the pasteurized version. Were I live is very rare to see açai on his fruit form. I never see it myself.
diogowatson replied to the topic organic Goji Berry in the forum Practice 10 years, 1 month ago
Hi nomad. Nice to know others brazilians in this forum. Were are you from?
Our customs are a piece of work, as you should know. But I never got any problems with suplements and vitamins. My girlfriend buys stuff from the e-vitamins all the time. I have to check this new law.
There other fitoterpic stuff you can use to build the kidneys…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Honest, Critical Review of M. Winn's "Star Alchemy" CD in the forum General 10 years, 8 months ago
A few months after finishing my Greatest Kan&Li audio course I started the Star Alchemy set. I had a similar feeling to ribosome. I can’t get it only by the audio. What I did? Travelled to USA and learn the course live. And It was Amazing.
But I talked to people who only did the course by audio and felt fine about it.
This is a esoteric…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Short Fasts: new evidence it helps immune system in the forum Practice 10 years, 8 months ago
There’a documentary film on the subject: eat, fast and live longer.
worth seeing
diogowatson replied to the topic Microcosmic orbit help in the forum Practice 10 years, 10 months ago
Are you using Mantak Chia’s method or Michael’s Wudang orbit? I suggest using the Wudang method because can open your orbit in a much deeper way. Especially the dragon orbit.
I would have caution in circulating charged sexual energy if you have blocks in the front channel. Especially around the breast area. that’s the heart. The energy can…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Recapitulation & taoist meditation in the forum Practice 11 years ago
It’s very common to me “return” to traumatic or stressed experience and clean it with the HT pratices. I think is a precious tool.
But I don’t do recapitulation in the way Carlos Castaneda (who create the term As far as I know) did in his books. With lists and everything.
But I think some of the objectives are the same. Release or transform…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Daoism in the Twentieth Century in the forum General 11 years ago
I dont see a so positive analyses…the author seems to be questioning if the Healing Tai is not a church-like new age group for consumers. He makes a interesting analysis in a outside point of view. But he seem to lack the practice or experience on what he analyses. So it all seems only as something “subjective”.
diogowatson replied to the topic 10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases (article) in the forum Philosophy 11 years, 8 months ago
Great! But I would change n.5 for Espiritualized narcissist structure.
They seen to simpatize with spiritual traditions that everything ego is “bad”. But they don’t explain what they understand of “ego”.
The need to wipe out the Ego would be disease 11 for me. And I put in the package the wrong notion that everyone knows the meaning of the…[Read more]
diogowatson replied to the topic Deep Healing QiGong Effects in the forum Practice 11 years, 8 months ago
-Firt post in the forum-
About one and a half years ago my mother had a very strange sicknees while she was on vacation. Stayed with her for more than a month. When she get home I did a Deep Healing Qigong pratice with her. She starts to sweat like I never see before. Like all the sickness were coming out of her. After 3 practices (in which one…[Read more]